
    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Perseverance and Self-BeliefJames Dyson's 14-year journey to create a successful vacuum cleaner, inspired by Isambard Kingdom Brunel's innovative spirit, highlights the importance of unwavering determination and good ideas in overcoming obstacles.

      Perseverance and self-belief are crucial for success, as illustrated in James Dyson's autobiography "Against the Odds." Dyson, who took 14 years and created 5,127 prototypes before producing a high-quality product, looked to the example of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who worked a century earlier, for inspiration during difficult times. Brunel's fearlessness in pursuing innovative ideas despite resistance and adversity served as a model for Dyson, who also faced skepticism and financial struggles. Both men's stories demonstrate the timeless value of good ideas and the importance of unwavering determination in the face of obstacles. Dyson's book is a testament to the power of perseverance and a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and inventors.

    • Revolutionizing the vacuum cleaner industry with perseveranceSuccess comes from questioning conventions, continuous learning, and focusing on improving everyday products

      James Dyson, despite having a net worth of around $15 trillion today, started out with a simple idea and persevered through years of struggle to revolutionize the vacuum cleaner industry. His philosophy, which he shares in his book, encourages individuals to question conventional methods and pursue their ideas, no matter their background or qualifications. Dyson emphasizes that success doesn't come overnight and that it's the continuous learners in free markets who create the best jobs and make a difference. He believes that the look and function of a product are equally important and encourages staying close to the pure function of the object to achieve beauty. Dyson didn't aim to create a new market but instead focused on improving everyday products. His story serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to make a difference by acting on their ideas.

    • Emphasizing the importance of improving existing productsJames Dyson's philosophy encourages making small changes, testing results, and long-term investment for high sales volume, good margins, and differentiation products.

      Successful innovation often comes from observing and improving existing products, rather than inventing new ones from scratch. James Dyson, the inventor of the bagless vacuum cleaner, emphasizes the importance of bilateral thinking, or the Edisonian approach, which involves making small changes, testing results, and repeating the process. Dyson believes that businesses with the potential for high sales volume, good margins, and differentiation are the best to build, as they require long-term investment and a focus on improvement. His philosophy, summarized as "difference and retention of total control," encourages individuality and innovation, even if it means going against the norm. Dyson's biography is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of maintaining control over one's ideas and creations.

    • Overcoming adversity and finding one's own pathDetermination, competitiveness, and critical thinking can lead to great success. Learn from the best, differentiate yourself, and strive for uniqueness.

      Overcoming adversity and finding one's own path can lead to great success. James Ranahan's father died when he was young, leaving him feeling like an underdog and forcing him to figure things out on his own. This experience instilled a strong sense of determination and competitiveness in him. James also learned from Herb Elliott, a great runner, that one should learn from the best and differentiate oneself to win. James applied this lesson to his own life by training tirelessly on sand dunes, believing that he could do something better than anyone else. This mindset helped him succeed in various endeavors, including the vacuum cleaning business, where he compared and contrasted his methods to his competitors. Ultimately, the importance of thinking critically about one's actions and striving for uniqueness is a valuable lesson for us all.

    • Embrace new ideas, persevere through challenges, and stay intellectually open-mindedSuccess requires embracing new ideas, persevering through challenges, and staying open to diverse sources of inspiration

      Success in business and life comes from embracing new ideas, persevering through challenges, and maintaining an intellectually open-minded approach. James Dyson's experiences in running and his admiration for Renaissance thinkers like Leonardo da Vinci taught him the importance of these qualities. He emphasizes the value of not being afraid to fail and the need to constantly learn from various disciplines. Dyson's success in inventing the bagless vacuum cleaner was a result of his unwillingness to quit and his ability to combine design and engineering. He encourages us to draw inspiration from diverse sources and to not blindly accept dogma. In essence, the lessons James Dyson learned from his personal experiences and the figures he admired have shaped his approach to innovation and entrepreneurship.

    • Determination and lack of technical training in inventorsBe determined, persistent, and offer unique solutions to create a successful invention and business.

      Determination and a lack of technical training were common traits among inventors, as exemplified by Buckminster Fuller and Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Fuller, despite having no technical education, made significant advancements through osmosis and single-minded determination, while Brunel's influence was immense in engineering and design. James Dyson was inspired by these inventors and learned that being a designer alone was not enough; one must also possess engineering knowledge. James also emphasized the importance of stubbornness and offering something entirely new to the market to create a monopoly business and capture significant value. He learned this lesson early on when attempting to sell imported wine and later applied it to his invention of the bagless vacuum cleaner. To follow in the footsteps of these inventors, one must be determined, persistent, and offer unique solutions to problems.

    • Mentorship from an unconventional entrepreneurJames Dyson's encounter with Jeremy Fry, an unconventional entrepreneur, taught him that intelligence, enthusiasm, and taking action are more important than expertise. Fry's approach to work and engineering encouraged Dyson to build and experiment rather than rely on calculations and expert advice.

      Action is key to success. James Dyson's encounter with Jeremy Fry, an entrepreneur and mentor, changed his perspective on business and innovation. Fry, who operated empirically and was self-taught, took a chance on the young Dyson and put him in charge of a business venture. This experience taught Dyson valuable lessons and instilled in him the belief that intelligence and enthusiasm are more important than expertise. Fry's approach to work and employment was unconventional – he didn't believe in sitting in meetings or writing memos, but rather in getting things done. This attitude to employment extended to Fry's thinking in engineering, and he encouraged Dyson to build and experiment rather than relying on calculations and expert advice. This approach, which Dyson references as the Edisonian principle, was a game-changer for him and shaped his career at Dyson. In essence, Fry's mentorship taught Dyson that the best way to learn and succeed is to take action and learn from experience.

    • Emphasizing uniqueness and control for business successDyson's success came from focusing on unique, high-tech solutions and retaining control, despite challenges and advice against it.

      That following your unique way and offering high-tech specificity are key to business success, as demonstrated by James Dyson's experiences with the SeaTruck and later with his vacuum cleaner. Dyson, inspired by the Edisonian principle, emphasized the importance of doing things differently and retaining total control, even if it meant going against the advice of investors and boards. He learned the hard way that trying to sell a half-finished product and catering to all possible uses and needs would not lead to sales success. Instead, focusing on one main benefit and offering a specific, high-tech solution was the recipe for success. Dyson's determination and willingness to work harder than others, as well as his unique approach, set him apart and ultimately led to his business achievements.

    • Belief in product leads to successful sellingBelieving in the value and improvement potential of your product is crucial for successful selling. Passion and ownership are essential components for selling effectively.

      Having a deep belief and connection to what you're selling makes the selling process easier. This was a lesson learned by both James Dyson and Phil Knight. Dyson, despite struggling to sell encyclopedias and mutual funds, found success selling his ballbarrow and later, his vacuum cleaners, because he believed in the value and improvement potential of his inventions. Similarly, Knight, the founder of Nike, discovered that his passion for running made selling running shoes a natural fit. Ownership and belief in one's product are essential components for successful selling. As Dennis, the author of "How to Get Rich," emphasized, "ownership is power" and "doing an outstanding job" are the keys to success. Dyson's journey from designing and improving his inventions to selling them demonstrates the importance of this lesson. It's not just about selling, but understanding the customer's needs and satisfying them with your product.

    • Direct sales vs retailersDirect sales can be more effective than selling through retailers, especially for unique or innovative products. Stick with successful models and value editorial coverage.

      Direct sales to customers can be more effective than trying to sell through intermediaries or retailers, especially when dealing with innovative or unusual products. Felix Dennis, the founder of Maxim Magazine, learned this lesson the hard way when he struggled to sell his unique ballbarrow to retailers. They didn't understand the value of his product and rejected it. However, when he started advertising directly to consumers through newspapers, the sales began to roll in. The power of editorial coverage also played a significant role in increasing sales, with one decent editorial counting for a thousand advertisements. However, as the business grew, the board brought in outside investors and business people who didn't understand the product or the importance of direct sales. They made the mistake of trying to sell to retailers and wholesalers instead, and the business began to lose money. This expansion only made the problem bigger. The lesson here is that when you have a successful direct sales model, it's crucial to stick with it and not let outside influences lead you astray. Additionally, the importance of editorial coverage should not be underestimated in helping to convince the public about the value of a product.

    • The importance of customer connection and product knowledgeMaintaining control and deep understanding of product leads to business success, while losing touch with customers and selling to wholesalers can result in financial struggles.

      Maintaining a strong connection with customers and having intimate knowledge of a product are key to business success. The text discusses a businessman who, in an attempt to expand and make more money, abandoned his direct sales approach and started selling to wholesalers. This led to a loss of contact with customers, less profit per sale, and eventual financial struggles. The businessman eventually realized the importance of maintaining control and having a deep understanding of his product, leading him to invent a solution to a production problem and create a successful new product. Additionally, the text highlights the importance of personal experiences and the human element in business and life, as the businessman's struggles were put into perspective after the death of his mother.

    • Dogged Persistence Leads to SuccessSuccess comes from consistent effort and refusal to give up, even when faced with setbacks and financial struggles.

      Determination and persistence are key to achieving success, even when faced with setbacks and financial struggles. James Dyson's journey to invent the dual cyclone vacuum cleaner involved building thousands of prototypes in an old carriage house, borrowing money against his house, and enduring years of toiling with little to show for it. Despite the challenges, Dyson's doggedness paid off, leading to a patent for his innovative technology and eventually, the creation of the Dyson vacuum cleaner company. As Dyson himself noted, "There is no such thing as a quantum leap. There is only dogged persistence. And in the end, you make it look like a quantum leap." This idea, that success comes from consistent effort and refusal to give up, is a valuable lesson for anyone striving to achieve their goals.

    • Entrepreneurs must believe in their ideas and persist, but be prepared to take controlEntrepreneurs should believe in their ideas and persist, but avoid wasting time on deals with large companies that may never say yes. Be prepared to take control and build your business yourself.

      Persistence and self-belief are crucial for entrepreneurs, but chasing deals with large companies can be a time-wasting and frustrating experience. James Dyson's 2-year long attempt to license his bagless vacuum technology to manufacturers resulted in numerous rejections and missed opportunities. He learned that large companies often move slowly and are hesitant to take risks on new innovations. Mark Andreessen, in his blog, also advises startups to avoid wasting time on deals with large companies that may never say yes. Instead, Dyson eventually decided to manufacture and sell the vacuum cleaner himself, keeping complete control over his invention and avoiding the distractions and potential legal issues that came with licensing. The key lesson here is that entrepreneurs must be persistent and believe in their ideas, but also be prepared to take control and build their businesses themselves if necessary.

    • Journey of James Dyson: Perseverance and Continuous ImprovementPerseverance, continuous improvement, and self-belief are crucial in overcoming adversity and achieving success.

      James Dyson's journey to build his vacuum cleaner company was a long and iterative process filled with setbacks and challenges. He learned from the Japanese industrial mindset of continuous improvement and progress by stages, even when faced with difficulties in licensing and partnerships. Despite numerous obstacles, including lawsuits and unproductive partnerships, Dyson persisted and eventually found success by taking back control and manufacturing the vacuum cleaners himself. His determination and resilience paid off, leading to the creation of a hugely successful company worth billions. The lessons from Dyson's story emphasize the importance of perseverance, continuous improvement, and self-belief in the face of adversity.

    • James Dyson's journey to business success with passion and perseveranceBelieving in a product's ability to improve lives and persevering despite setbacks can lead to business success, even without extensive business or marketing knowledge.

      Passion and perseverance can lead to business success, even without extensive business or marketing knowledge. James Dyson's experience shows that if you believe in your product's ability to improve people's lives, you can learn how to build a business around it. Dyson's early days at his vacuum cleaner company were marked by a team of engineers and designers working together in an environment free from interference. He emphasized the importance of showing potential customers the benefits of his product quickly, such as keeping the dust bin clear and transparent. Dyson's determination to follow his dream and create a successful business despite setbacks is exemplified by his motto, "By endurance, we conquer." Naming the company after himself was a strategic move that allowed him to maintain control and focus on his vision. These ideas, along with Dyson's doggedness and belief in his product, ultimately led to the creation of the Dyson dual cyclone vacuum cleaner.

    • Emphasizing accountability, quality, and education for business successJames Dyson's success story highlights the importance of taking risks, providing high-quality products, and educating customers for business success. Inspired by Yvon Chouinard and early advertising pioneers, Dyson's innovative advertising strategy for his vacuum cleaner resonated with consumers and helped him stand out in the market.

      Accountability, quality, and education are key elements for business success. James Dyson emphasizes the importance of taking risks under your own name and providing high-quality products. He drew inspiration from Yvon Chouinard's experience with Patagonia, who also focused on offering superior quality and educating customers about the benefits of his products. Dyson's successful advertising strategy for his vacuum cleaner involved educating customers about the problems with traditional bags and highlighting the advantages of his bagless design. This approach resonated with consumers and helped Dyson stand out in the market. The idea of focusing on accountability, quality, and education can be traced back to early advertising pioneers like David Ogilvy and Claude Hopkins. Additionally, being inspired by legendary figures like Ranulf Fiennes, who sent Dyson a book with an inscription, demonstrates the importance of continuous learning and seeking inspiration from various sources.

    • The Power of Persistence and Unconventional ThinkingJames Dyson's success story highlights the importance of determination, hard work, and unconventional thinking in business. Despite facing numerous challenges, Dyson's unwavering vision and unique approach to problem-solving led to the creation of a revolutionary vacuum cleaner and a successful business empire.

      Determination and hard work, rather than brilliance, can lead to success. James Dyson's story illustrates this idea through his creation of the Dyson vacuum cleaner. Despite facing numerous challenges, including skepticism from retailers and competitors, Dyson persisted in his vision and eventually found success. His approach to business, which emphasized the importance of storytelling and taking risks, resonated with entrepreneurs like Ranjan Anandan. Another key takeaway is the importance of being unconventional and determined in problem-solving. Dyson's "anti-brilliance" campaign encouraged his team to think outside the box and challenge conventional wisdom. Additionally, Dyson's hiring practices prioritized enthusiasm and inexperience over experience, allowing him to instill his unique approach to business in his employees from the ground up. Overall, Dyson's story is a reminder that persistence, hard work, and a willingness to be unconventional can lead to remarkable achievements.

    • James Dyson's Inspirations and Importance of InventionJames Dyson's invention journey was driven by curiosity, frustration, and desire to improve. Invention builds on past knowledge, with patents ensuring fair reward. Practical application and production are keys to success.

      Innovation and invention are driven by a combination of curiosity, frustration, and the desire to improve upon what already exists. James Dyson's story is a prime example of this, as he was inspired by the opportunities given to him and the sense of responsibility and ownership he felt for his product. He emphasized the importance of iterative development, taking complaints seriously, and maintaining an obsession with improving the product. Invention also builds upon the accumulated knowledge of the past, with key intellectual breakthroughs like the recognition of universal laws of science and the scientific method playing crucial roles. Patents help ensure that inventors are fairly rewarded for their creativity and hard work. Ultimately, the key to a successful invention is its practical application and ability to be put into production. Invention is a human endeavor that has led to countless acts of creation and advancements throughout history.

    • From idea to reality: The journey of inventorsInventing requires focus, determination, and the ability to overcome skepticism and obstacles. Historical knowledge and learning from past inventors can inspire and guide us.

      The process of creating great inventions involves both inspiration and perspiration. While having a brilliant idea is essential, it is only the beginning. The journey to making a successful invention often requires focus, determination, and the ability to overcome skepticism and obstacles. Throughout history, inventors like Marc Brunel, Thomas Edison, and the Wright brothers have demonstrated the importance of staying focused and pushing forward despite the doubts of experts. Mass production methods, such as those developed by Marc Brunel and Henry Ford, have revolutionized industries, while inventions like electric lighting and heavier-than-air flight were once considered impossible. James Dyson, in his book "The History of Great Inventions," emphasizes the importance of historical knowledge and the value of learning from the experiences of those who came before us. Ultimately, the drive to create and improve is a fundamental human trait, and the potential for invention is within everyone's reach.

    • Ideas with lasting impactThroughout history, ideas like shoes, catapults, and wheelbarrows have continued to evolve and make a significant impact, showing that there is always room for innovation and improvement.

      That great ideas, no matter how old, have the potential to continue evolving and making a significant impact. From the invention of shoes in ancient Egypt to the creation of the catapult in Greece and the wheelbarrow in China, the importance of comfort, energy storage, and efficient transportation have remained relevant throughout history. Bill Bowerman's innovation with the waffle iron sole and the subsequent founding of Nike are testament to this, as the trainer has transformed from a simple sports shoe into a high-tech piece of footwear. The catapult, originally developed in 400 BC, found new life in the 20th century with the use of its elastic energy principles in hurling fighter jets from carriers. The wheelbarrow, a design over 2000 years old, continues to inspire improvements even today. These examples demonstrate that there is always room for innovation and improvement, no matter the age of an idea.

    • From Ballbarrows to Prosthetics: The Power of Human IngenuityThroughout history, individuals have improved common tools and inventions, leading to significant advancements despite resistance. Human ingenuity and determination have transformed daily life, from water power in the Middle Ages to advanced prosthetics in the modern era.

      Throughout history, ordinary people have recognized the potential for improving common tools and inventions, leading to significant advancements. From the ballbarrow in the 13th century to the false limbs in the 16th century, the drive to find a better way has often been met with resistance but eventually led to substantial progress. Dyson's story serves as an inspiration to question the status quo and pursue innovation, no matter the era or technology involved. In the ancient world, people endured drudgery and physically demanding tasks, but it wasn't until around 1200 years later that water power was harnessed to drive complex machines. A French doctor named Ambroise in the 1500s took compassionate action, focusing on minimizing harm and designing artificial limbs with individual finger movement, paving the way for future advancements in prosthetics. These examples demonstrate that the power to innovate lies within us all, and that determination and ingenuity can lead to transformative improvements in our daily lives.

    • From vices to innovations: Unexpected transformationsInnovations can lead to unexpected transformations, turning simple tools or concepts into game-changing inventions.

      Throughout history, innovations and ideas have evolved and transformed, often in unexpected ways. For instance, the concept of a vice, which has remained a constant tool for over 400 years, was revolutionized by Ron Hickman's portable Workmate in 1971. Similarly, the guillotine, originally a simple blade used for beheadings, led to the development of more efficient paper and cloth cutters and eventually the lawnmower. Additionally, individuals like Benjamin Franklin have left indelible marks on history through their inventions and contributions to various fields, from electricity to diplomacy. These examples demonstrate the power of innovation and the potential for continuous improvement, even on seemingly unchanging tools and concepts.

    • Learning from history inspires groundbreaking discoveriesReading biographies and learning from historical figures can lead to innovative discoveries, as demonstrated by Edward Jenner's development of the first vaccine and Francis Smith's founding of The Propeller.

      The stories of influential figures from the past can provide valuable inspiration and motivation for entrepreneurs and innovators. Edward Jenner's discovery of the first vaccine, which he named after the Latin word for cow, is an example of how reading biographies and learning from history can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. Jenner's experiment with vaccination saved countless lives and remains the primary defense against infectious diseases. Similarly, Francis Smith, the founder of The Propeller, was inspired by the life stories of figures like Isambard Kingdom Brunel and used their lessons to persevere through difficult times. These examples illustrate the importance of learning from history and the countless opportunities that may be overlooked by those who fail to act.

    • Ideas and inventions evolve and transform over timeFrom the water raising screw to the propeller, and rubber's discovery to its vulcanization, ideas and inventions evolve and transform, bringing new possibilities and challenges.

      Ideas and inventions can evolve and be applied in new ways by different people over time. The example of the water raising screw and its development into the propeller illustrates this concept. Another example is the discovery and vulcanization of rubber, which transformed a tricky material into a versatile one with numerous applications. However, even with inventions, there are limitations and challenges that need to be addressed. For instance, the use of rubber requires careful consideration, as seen in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. Additionally, resistance to new ideas and inventions, such as antiseptics, is a recurring theme in history. These stories highlight the importance of persistence, innovation, and the willingness to adapt and learn from the past.

    • Challenging the Status Quo: Semmelweis and StanfordDiscoveries that challenge established beliefs can have profound impacts, but their acceptance depends on open-mindedness and persistence.

      Both Ignaz Semmelweis and Leland Stanford made groundbreaking discoveries that challenged established beliefs, but they faced different outcomes. Semmelweis discovered that washing hands could prevent the spread of deadly bacteria in hospitals, reducing deaths by 20-fold, but was dismissed and ultimately fired. On the other hand, Stanford's bet about horses led to the discovery that they do indeed lift all four hooves off the ground, which was proven through photography. This discovery revolutionized the way we understand animal movement and later paved the way for the invention of moving pictures. The contrasting fates of these two men highlight the importance of being open to new ideas and the potential consequences of dismissing them. Semmelweis' discovery, though initially ignored, ultimately saved countless lives through the adoption of antiseptics in surgery. Meanwhile, Stanford's discovery led to the development of the motion picture industry. The stories of these two men remind us of the significance of challenging the status quo and the importance of persistence in the face of skepticism.

    • Building on the work of others and incremental improvementsPersistence, curiosity, and the willingness to learn from failures are key to innovation. Ideas often build upon previous work and incremental improvements can lead to groundbreaking discoveries.

      The importance of building on the work of others and the power of innovation through incremental improvements. From Leland Stanford's desire to prove horses could fly, leading to the first motion picture, to King Camp Gillette's disposable razor, and the Wright Brothers' invention of the airplane, the history of innovation showcases how ideas are built upon previous work. Additionally, the story of the Post-it note demonstrates how seemingly failed experiments can lead to successful innovations. Art Fry's frustration with traditional adhesives and his discovery of a weak glue led to the creation of the Post-it note. These examples illustrate the importance of persistence, curiosity, and the willingness to learn from failures.

    • Apple's missed opportunity to dominate computingApple's failure to capitalize on groundbreaking technology from Xerox PARC led to Microsoft dictating computer interaction, while Sir James Dyson encourages simpler technology for easier use

      The failure of Apple's user-friendly approach to dominate the computer industry is a major technological tragedy. This was evident in the early days of computing when Apple, having acquired groundbreaking technology from Xerox PARC, failed to capitalize on it, allowing Microsoft to dictate the way most people interact with their computers through its less intuitive software. Sir James Dyson, in his book, laments this missed opportunity and encourages the industry to focus more on making technology easier to use instead of adding unnecessary features. The book, while informative, is more of a reference than a traditional read, and I encourage listeners to use it as such. The discussion also touched upon the early challenges of making 3M's Post-it Notes stick permanently to message paper but not to other surfaces, and Dyson's philosophy of simplifying products to make them easier to use.

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    (2:00) My father was a self-made man who had known extreme poverty in his youth and had a practically limitless capacity for hard work.

    (6:00) I acted as my own geologist, legal advisor, drilling superintendent, explosives expert, roughneck and roustabout.

    (8:00) Michael Jordan: The Life by Roland Lazenby. (Founders #212) 

    (12:00) Control as much of your business as possible. You don’t want to have to worry about what is going on in the other guy’s shop.

    (20:00) Optimism is a moral duty. Pessimism aborts opportunity.

    (21:00) I studied the lives of great men and women. And I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm and hard work.

    (22:00) 98 percent of our attention was devoted to the task at hand. We are believers in Carlyle's Prescription, that the job a man is to do is the job at hand and not see what lies dimly in the distance. — Charlie Munger

    (27:00) Entrepreneurs want to create their own security.

    (34:00) Example is the best means to instruct or inspire others.

    (37:00) Long orders, which require much time to prepare, to read and to understand are the enemies of speed. Napoleon could issue orders of few sentences which clearly expressed his intentions and required little time to issue and to understand.

    (38:00) A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers From Warren Buffett by Warren Buffett and Peter Bevelin. (Founders #202) 

    (41:00) Two principles he repeats:

    Be where the work is happening.

    Get rid of bureaucracy.

    (43:00) Years ago, businessmen automatically kept administrative overhead to an absolute minimum. The present day trend is in exactly the opposite direction. The modern business mania is to build greater and ever greater paper shuffling empires.

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    (50:00) the truly great leader views reverses, calmly and coolly. He is fully aware that they are bound to occur occasionally and he refuses to be unnerved by them.

    (51:00) There is always something wrong everywhere.

    (51:00) Don't interrupt the compounding. It’s all about the long term. You should keep a fortress of cash, reinvest in your business, and use debt sparingly. Doing so will help you survive to reap the long-term benefits of your business.

    (54:00) You’ll go much farther if you stop trying to look and act and think like everyone else.

    (55:00) The line that divides majority opinion from mass hysteria is often so fine as to be virtually invisible.


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    "Learning from history is a form of leverage." — Charlie Munger. 

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     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (2:00) Vice President Nelson Rockefeller did me the honor of saying that my entrepreneurial success in the oil business put me on a par with his grandfather, John D. Rockefeller Sr. My comment was that comparing me to John D. Sr. was like comparing a sparrow to an eagle. My words were not inspired by modesty, but by facts.

    (8:00) On his dad sending him to military school: The strict, regimented environment was good for me.

    (20:00) Entrepreneurs are people whose mind and energies are constantly being used at peak capacity.

    (28:00) Advice for fellow entrepreneurs: Don’t be like William Randolph Hearst. Reinvest in your business. Keep a fortress of cash. Use debt sparingly.

    (30:00) The great entrepreneurs I know have these traits:

    -Devoted their minds and energy to building productive enterprises (over the long term)

    -They concentrated on expanding

    -They concentrated on making their companies more efficient 

    -They reinvest heavily in to their business (which can help efficiency and expansion )

    -Always personally involved in their business

    -They know their business down to the ground

    -They have an innate capacity to think on a large scale

    (34:00) Five wives can't all be wrong. As one of them told me after our divorce: "You're a great friend, Paul—but as a husband, you're impossible.”

    (36:00) My business interests created problems [in my marriages]. I was drilling several wells and it was by no means uncommon for me to stay on the sites overnight or even for two days or more.

    (38:00) A hatred of failure has always been part of my nature and one of the more pronounced motivating forces in my life.  Once I have committed myself to any undertaking, a powerful inner drive cuts in and I become intent on seeing it through to a satisfactory conclusion.

    (38:00) My own nature is such that I am able to concentrate on whatever is before me and am not easily distracted from it.

    (42:00) There are times when certain cards sit unclaimed in the common pile, when certain properties become available that will never be available again. A good businessman feels these moments like a fall in the barometric pressure. A great businessman is dumb enough to act on them even when he cannot afford to. — The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King by Rich Cohen. (Founders #255)

    (47:00) [On transforming his company for the Saudi Arabia deal] The list of things to be done was awesome, but those things were done.

    (53:00) Churchill to his son: Your idle and lazy life is very offensive to me. You appear to be leading a perfectly useless existence.

    (54:00) My father's influence and example where the principle forces that formed my nature and character.


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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

    Get access to Founders Notes here


    (0:01) At the age of twelve I was an orphan.

    (1:00) My uncles made me become self-reliant very early in life. Looking back, I believe that it is to this, that much of my success is due.

    (9:00) The idea of wearing a watch on one's wrist was thought to be contrary to the conception of masculinity.

    (10:00) Prior to World War 1 wristwatches for men did not exist.

    (11:00) Business is problems. The best companies are just effective problem solving machines.

    (12:00) My personal opinion is that pocket watches will almost completely disappear and that wrist watches will replace them definitively! I am not mistaken in this opinion and you will see that I am right." —Hans Wilsdorf, 1914

    (14:00) The highest order bit is belief: I had very early realized the manifold possibilities of the wristlet watch and, feeling sure that they would materialize in time, I resolutely went on my way. Rolex was thus able to get several years ahead of other watch manufacturers who persisted in clinging to the pocket watch as their chief product.

    (16:00) Clearly, the companies for whom the economics of twenty-four-hour news would have made the most sense were the Big Three broadcasters. They already had most of what was needed— studios, bureaus, reporters, anchors almost everything but a belief in cable.   —  Ted Turner's Autobiography (Founders #327)

    (20:00) Business Breakdowns #65 Rolex: Timeless Excellence

    (27:00)   Rolex was effectively the first watch brand to have real marketing dollars put behind a watch. Rolex did this in a concentrated way and they've continued to do it in a way that is simply just unmatched by others in their industry.

    (28:00) It's tempting during recession to cut back on consumer advertising. At the start of each of the last three recessions, the growth of spending on such advertising had slowed by an average of 27 percent. But consumer studies of those recessions had showed that companies that didn't cut their ads had, in the recovery, captured the most market share. So we didn't cut our ad budget. In fact, we raised it to gain brand recognition, which continued advertising sustains. — Four Seasons: The Story of a Business Philosophy by Isadore Sharp. (Founders #184)

    (32:00) Social proof is a form of leverage. — Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charlie Munger. (Founders #329)

    (34:00) What really matters is Hans understood the opportunity better than anybody else, and invested heavily in developing the technology to bring his ideas to fruition.

    (35:00) On keeping the main thing the main thing for decades: In developing and extending my business, I have always had certain aims in mind, a course from which I never deviated.

    (41:00) Rolex wanted to only be associated with the best. They ran an ad with the headline: Men who guide the destinies of the world, where Rolex watches.

    (43:00) Opportunity creates more opportunites. The Oyster unlocked the opportunity for the Perpetual.

    (44:00) The easier you make something for the customer, the larger the market gets: “My vision was to create the first fully packaged computer. We were no longer aiming for the handful of hobbyists who liked to assemble their own computers, who knew how to buy transformers and keyboards. For every one of them there were a thousand people who would want the machine to be ready to run.” — Steve Jobs

    (48:00) More sources:

    Rolex Jubilee: Vade Mecum by Hans Wilsdorf

    Rolex Magazine: The Hans Wilsdorf Years

    Hodinkee: Inside the Manufacture. Going Where Few Have Gone Before -- Inside All Four Rolex Manufacturing Facilities 

    Vintage Watchstraps Blog: Hans Wilsdorf and Rolex

    Business Breakdowns #65 Rolex: Timeless Excellence

    Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands by Jean Noel Kapferer and Vincent Bastien 


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #350 How To Sell Like Steve Jobs

    #350 How To Sell Like Steve Jobs

    What I learned from reading The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience by Carmine Gallo 


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    Learning from history is a form of leverage. —Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the super power to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (1:00) You've got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology—not the other way around.  —Steve Jobs in 1997

    (6:00) Why should I care = What does this do for me?

    (6:00) The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century of Wall Street Scandals by Frank Partnoy.  (Founders #348)

    (7:00) Easy to understand, easy to spread.

    (8:00) An American Saga: Juan Trippe and His Pan Am Empire by Robert Daley 

    (8:00) The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King by Rich Cohen. (Founders #255)

    (9:00)  love how crystal clear this value proposition is. Instead of 3 days driving on dangerous road, it’s 1.5 hours by air. That’s a 48x improvement in time savings. This allows the company to work so much faster. The best B2B companies save businesses time.

    (10:00) Great Advertising Founders Episodes:

    Albert Lasker (Founders #206)

    Claude Hopkins (Founders #170 and #207)

    David Ogilvy (Founders #82, 89, 169, 189, 306, 343) 

    (12:00) Advertising which promises no benefit to the consumer does not sell, yet the majority of campaigns contain no promise whatever. (That is the most important sentence in this book. Read it again.) — Ogilvy on Advertising 

    (13:00) Repeat, repeat, repeat. Human nature has a flaw. We forget that we forget.

    (19:00) Start with the problem. Do not start talking about your product before you describe the problem your product solves.

    (23:00) The Invisible Billionaire: Daniel Ludwig by Jerry Shields. (Founders #292)

    (27:00) Being so well known has advantages of scale—what you might call an informational advantage.

    Psychologists use the term social proof. We are all influenced-subconsciously and, to some extent, consciously-by what we see others do and approve.

    Therefore, if everybody's buying something, we think it's better.

    We don't like to be the one guy who's out of step.

    The social proof phenomenon, which comes right out of psychology, gives huge advantages to scale.

    —  the NEW Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charlie Munger (Founders #329)

    (29:00) Marketing is theatre.

    (32:00) Belief is irresistible. — Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight.  (Founders #186)

    (35:00) I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we’re tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. And, humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing, about a third of the way down the list. It was not too proud a showing for the crown of creation. So, that didn’t look so good. But, then somebody at Scientific American had the insight to test the efficiency of locomotion for a man on a bicycle. And, a man on a bicycle, a human on a bicycle, blew the condor away, completely off the top of the charts.

    And that’s what a computer is to me. What a computer is to me is it’s the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with, it’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.


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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #349 How Steve Jobs Kept Things Simple

    #349 How Steve Jobs Kept Things Simple

    What I learned from reading Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success by Ken Segall. 


    Come build relationships at the Founders Conference on July 29th-July 31st in Scotts Valley, California 


    Learning from history is a form of leverage. —Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the super power to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (1:30) Steve wanted Apple to make a product that was simply amazing and amazingly simple.

    (3:00) If you don’t zero in on your bureaucracy every so often, you will naturally build in layers. You never set out to add bureaucracy. You just get it. Period. Without even knowing it. So you always have to be looking to eliminate it.  — Sam Walton: Made In America by Sam Walton. (Founders #234)

    (5:00) Steve was always easy to understand. He would either approve a demo, or he would request to see something different next time. Whenever Steve reviewed a demo, he would say, often with highly detailed specificity, what he wanted to happen next.  — Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs by Ken Kocienda. (Founders #281)

    (7:00) Watch this video. Andy Miller tells GREAT Steve Jobs stories

    (10:00) Many are familiar with the re-emergence of Apple. They may not be as familiar with the fact that it has few, if any parallels.
    When did a founder ever return to the company from which he had been rudely rejected to engineer a turnaround as complete and spectacular as Apple's? While turnarounds are difficult in any circumstances they are doubly difficult in a technology company. It is not too much of a stretch to say that Steve founded Apple not once but twice. And the second time he was alone. 

    —  Return to the Little Kingdom: Steve Jobs and the Creation of Appleby Michael Moritz.

    (15:00) If the ultimate decision maker is involved every step of the way the quality of the work increases.

    (20:00) "You asked the question, What was your process like?' I kind of laugh because process is an organized way of doing things. I have to remind you, during the 'Walt Period' of designing Disneyland, we didn't have processes. We just did the work. Processes came later. All of these things had never been done before. Walt had gathered up all these people who had never designed a theme park, a Disneyland. So we're in the same boat at one time, and we figure out what to do and how to do it on the fly as we go along with it and not even discuss plans, timing, or anything. We just worked and Walt just walked around and had suggestions." — Disney's Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World by Richard Snow. (Founders #347)

    (23:00) The further you get away from 1 the more complexity you invite in.

    (25:00) Your goal: A single idea expressed clearly.

    (26:00) Jony Ive: Steve was the most focused person I’ve met in my life

    (28:00) Editing your thinking is an act of service.


    Learning from history is a form of leverage. —Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the super power to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    Michael Jordan In His Own Words

    Michael Jordan In His Own Words

    What I learned from reading Driven From Within by Michael Jordan and Mark Vancil. 


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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    Episode Outline: 

    Players who practice hard when no one is paying attention play well when everyone is watching.

    It's hard, but it's fair. I live by those words. 

    To this day, I don't enjoy working. I enjoy playing, and figuring out how to connect playing with business. To me, that's my niche. People talk about my work ethic as a player, but they don't understand. What appeared to be hard work to others was simply playing for me.

    You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared. 

    Look around, just about any person or entity achieving at a high level has the same focus. The morning after Tiger Woods rallied to beat Phil Mickelson at the Ford Championship in 2005, he was in the gym by 6:30 to work out. No lights. No cameras. No glitz or glamour. Uncompromised. 

    I knew going against the grain was just part of the process.

    The mind will play tricks on you. The mind was telling you that you couldn't go any further. The mind was telling you how much it hurt. The mind was telling you these things to keep you from reaching your goal. But you have to see past that, turn it all off if you are going to get where you want to be.

    I would wake up in the morning thinking: How am I going to attack today?

    I’m not so dominant that I can’t listen to creative ideas coming from other people. Successful people listen. Those who don’t listen, don’t survive long.

    In all honesty, I don't know what's ahead. If you ask me what I'm going to do in five years, I can't tell you. This moment? Now that's a different story. I know what I'm doing moment to moment, but I have no idea what's ahead. I'm so connected to this moment that I don't make assumptions about what might come next, because I don't want to lose touch with the present. Once you make assumptions about something that might happen, or might not happen, you start limiting the potential outcomes. 


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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    en-usMay 12, 2024

    #348 The Financial Genius Behind A Century of Wall Street Scandals: Ivar Kreuger

    #348 The Financial Genius Behind A Century of Wall Street Scandals: Ivar Kreuger

    What I learned from reading The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century of Wall Street Scandals by Frank Partnoy. 


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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    Episode Outline: 

    1. Ivar was charismatic. His charisma was not natural. Ivar spent hours every day just preparing to talk. He practiced his lines for hours like great actors do.

    2. Ivar’s first pitch was simple, easy to understand, and legitimate: By investing in Swedish Match, Americans could earn profits from a monopoly abroad.

    3. Joseph Duveen noticed that Europe had plenty of art and America had plenty of money, and his entire astonishing career was the product of that simple observation. — The Days of Duveen by S.N. Behrman.  (Founders #339 Joseph Duveen: Robber Baron Art Dealer)

    4. Ivar studied Rockefeller and Carnegie: Ivar's plan was to limit competition and increase profits by securing a monopoly on match sales throughout the world, mimicking the nineteenth century oil, sugar, and steel trusts.

    5. When investors were manic, they would purchase just about anything. But during the panic that inevitably followed mania, the opposite was true. No one would buy.

    6. The problem isn’t getting rich. The problem is staying sane. — Charlie Munger

    7. Ivar understood human psychology. If something is limited and hard to get to that increases desire. This works for both products (like a Ferrari) and people (celebrities). Ivar was becoming a business celebrity.

    8.  I’ve never believed in risking what my family and friends have and need in order to pursue what they don't have and don't need. — The Essays of Warren Buffett by Warren Buffett and Lawrence Cunningham. (Founders #227)

    9. Great ideas are simple ideas: Ivar hooked Durant with his simple, brilliant idea: government loans in exchange for match monopolies.

    10. Ivar wrote to his parents, "I cannot believe that I am intended to spend my life making money for second-rate people. I shall bring American methods back home. Wait and see - I shall do great things. I'm bursting with ideas. I am only wondering which to carry out first."

    11. Ivar’s network of companies was far too complex for anyone to understand: It was like a corporate family tree from hell, and it extended into obscurity.

    12. “Victory in our industry is spelled survival.”   —Steve Jobs

    13. Ivar's financial statements were sloppy and incomplete. Yet investors nevertheless clamored to buy his securities.

    14. As more cash flowed in the questions went away. This is why Ponzi like schemes can last so long. People don’t want to believe. They don’t want the cash to stop.

    15. A Man for All Markets: From Las Vegas to Wall Street, How I Beat the Dealer and the Market by Ed Thorp. (Founders #222)

    16.  A summary of Charlie Munger on incentives:

    1. We all underestimate the power of incentives.
    2. Never, ever think about anything else before the power of incentives.
    3. The most important rule: get the incentives right.

    17. This is nuts! Fake phones and hired actors!

    Next to the desk was a table with three telephones. The middle phone was a dummy, a non-working phone that Ivar could cause to ring by stepping on a button under the desk. That button was a way to speed the exit of talkative visitors who were staying too long. Ivar also used the middle phone to impress his supporters. When Percy Rockefeller visited Ivar pretended to receive calls from various European government officials, including Mussolini and Stalin. That evening, Ivar threw a lavish party and introduced Rockefeller to numerous "ambassadors" from various countries, who actually were movie extras he had hired for the night.


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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #347 How Walt Disney Built His Greatest Creation: Disneyland

    #347 How Walt Disney Built His Greatest Creation: Disneyland

    What I learned from reading Disney's Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World by Richard Snow. 


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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (8:00) When in 1955 we heard that Disney had opened an amusement park under his own name, it appeared certain that we could not look forward to anything new from Mr. Disney.

    We were quite wrong.

    He had, instead, created his masterpiece.

    (13:00) This may be the greatest product launch of all time: He had run eight months of his television program. He hadn't named his new show Walt Disney Presents or The Wonderful World of Walt Disney.

    It was called simply Disneyland, and every weekly episode was an advertisement for the still unborn park.

    (15:00) Disneyland is the extension of the powerful personality of one man.

    (15:00) The creation of Disneyland was Walt Disney’s personal taste in physical form.

    (24:00) How strange that the boss would just drop it. Walt doesn’t give up. So he must have something else in mind.

    (26:00) Their mediocrity is my opportunity. It is an opportunity because there is so much room for improvement.

    (36:00) Roy Disney never lost his calm understanding that the company's prosperity rested not on the rock of conventional business practices, but on the churning, extravagant, perfectionist imagination of his younger brother.

    (41:00) Walt Disney’s decision to not relinquish his TV rights to United Artists was made in 1936. This decision paid dividends 20 years later. Hold on. Technology -- developed by other people -- constantly benefited Disney's business. Many such cases in the history of entrepreneurship.

    (43:00) Walt Disney did not look around. He looked in. He looked in to his personal taste and built a business that was authentic to himself.

    (54:00) "You asked the question, What was your process like?' I kind of laugh because process is an organized way of doing things. I have to remind you, during the 'Walt Period' of designing Disneyland, we didn't have processes.

    We just did the work. Processes came later. All of these things had never been done before.

    Walt had gathered up all these people who had never designed a theme park, a Disneyland.

    So we're in the same boat at one time, and we figure out what to do and how to do it on the fly as we go along with it and not even discuss plans, timing, or anything.

    We just worked and Walt just walked around and had suggestions."


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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #346 How Walt Disney Built Himself

    #346 How Walt Disney Built Himself

    What I learned from rereading Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination by Neal Gabler. 


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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (2:00) Disney’s key traits were raw ingenuity combined with sadistic determination.

    (3:00) I had spent a lifetime with a frustrated, and often unemployed man, who hated anybody who was successful. 

    Francis Ford Coppola: A Filmmaker's Life by Michael Schumacher. (Founders #242)

    (6:00) Disney put excelence before any other consideration.

    (11:00) Maybe the most important thing anyone ever said to him: You’re crazy to be a professor she told Ted. What you really want to do is draw. Ted’s notebooks were always filled with these fabulous animals. So I set to work diverting him. Here was a man who could draw such pictures. He should earn a living doing that. 

    Becoming Dr. Seuss: Theodor Geisel and the Making of an American Imagination by Brian Jay Jones. (Founders #161)

    (14:00) A quote about Edwin Land that would apply to Walt Disney too:

    Land had learned early on that total engrossment was the best way for him to work. He strongly believed that this kind of concentrated focus could also produce extraordinary results for others. Late in his career, Land recalled that his “whole life has been spent trying to teach people that intense concentration for hour after hour can bring out in people resources they didn’t know they had.”  A Triumph of Genius: Edwin Land, Polaroid, and the Kodak Patent War by Ronald Fierstein. (Founders #134)

    (15:00) My parents objected strenuously, but I finally talked them into letting me join up as a Red Cross ambulance driver. I had to lie about my age, of course. 

    In my company was another fellow who had lied about his age to get in. He was regarded as a strange duck, because whenever we had time off and went out on the town to chase girls, he stayed in camp drawing pictures.

    His name was Walt Disney.

    Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald's by Ray Kroc. (Founders #293)

    (20:00) Walt Disney had big dreams. He had outsized aspirations.

    (22:00) A quote from Edwin Land that would apply to Walt Disney too: My motto is very personal and may not fit anyone else or any other company. It is: Don't do anything that someone else can do.

    (24:00) Walt Disney seldom dabbled. Everyone who knew him remarked on his intensity; when something intrigued him, he focused himself entirely as if it were the only thing that mattered.

    (29:00) He had the drive and ambition of 10 million men.

    (29:00) I'm going to sit tight. I have the greatest opportunity I've ever had, and I'm in it for everything.

    (31:00) He seemed confident beyond any logical reason for him to be so. It appeared that nothing discouraged him.

    (31:00) You have to take the hard knocks with the good breaks in life.

    (32:00) Nothing wrong with my aim, just gotta change the target. — Jay Z

    (35:00) He sincerely wanted to be counted among the best in his craft.

    (43:00) He didn't want to just be another animation producer. He wanted to be the king of animation. Disney believed that quality was his only real advantage.

    (47:00) Walt Disney wanted domination. Domination that would make his position unassailable.

    (49:00) Disney was always trying to make something he could be proud of.

    (50:00) We have a habit of divine discontent with our performance. It is an antidote to smugness.

    Eternal Pursuit of Unhappiness: Being Very Good Is No Good,You Have to Be Very, Very, Very, Very, Very Good by David Ogilvy and Ogivly & Mather.  (Founders #343)

    (53:00) While it is easy, of course, for me to celebrate my doggedness now and say that it is all you need to succeed, the truth is that it demoralized me terribly. I would crawl into the house every night covered in dust after a long day, exhausted and depressed because that day's cyclone had not worked. There were times when I thought it would never work, that I would keep on making cyclone after cyclone, never going forwards, never going backwards, until I died.

    Against the Odds: An Autobiography by James Dyson (Founders #300)

    (56:00) He doesn't place a premium on collecting friends or socializing: "I don't believe in 50 friends. I believe in a smaller number. Nor do I care about society events. It's the most senseless use of time. When I do go out, from time to time, it's just to convince myself again that I'm not missing a lot."

    The Red Bull Story by Wolfgang Fürweger (Founders #333)

    (1:02:00) Steve was at the center of all the circles.

    He made all the important product decisions.

    From my standpoint, as an individual programmer, demoing to Steve was like visiting the Oracle of Delphi.

    The demo was my question. Steve's response was the answer.

    While the pronouncements from the Greek Oracle often came in the form of confusing riddles, that wasn't true with Steve.

    He was always easy to understand.

    He would either approve a demo, or he would request to see something different next time.

    Whenever Steve reviewed a demo, he would say, often with highly detailed specificity, what he wanted to happen next.

    He was always trying to ensure the products were as intuitive and straightforward as possible, and he was willing to invest his own time, effort, and influence to see that they were.

    Through looking at demos, asking for specific changes, then reviewing the changed work again later on and giving a final approval before we could ship, Steve could make a product turn out like he wanted.

    Much like the Greek Oracle, Steve foretold the future.

    Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs by Ken Kocienda. (Founders #281)

    (1:07:00) He griped that when he hired veteran animators he had to “put up with their Goddamn poor working habits from doing cheap pictures.” He believed it was easier to start from scratch with young art students and indoctrinate them in the Disney system.

    (1:15:00) I don’t want to be relagated to the cartoon medium. We have worlds to conquer here.

    (1:17:00) Advice Henry Ford gave Walt Disney about selling his company: If you sell any of it you should sell all of it.

    (1:23:00) He kept a slogan pasted inside of his hat: You can’t top pigs with pigs. (A reminder that we have to keep blazing new trails.)

    (1:25:00) Disney’s Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World by Richard Snow.

    (1:33:00) It is the detail. If we lose the detail, we lose it all.


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    Related Episodes

    #146 Milton Hershey (Chocolate)

    #146 Milton Hershey (Chocolate)

    What I learned from reading Hershey: Milton S. Hershey's Extraordinary Life of Wealth, Empire, and Utopian Dreams by Michael D'Antonio.


    Come see a live show with me and Patrick O'Shaughnessy from Invest Like The Best on October 19th in New York City. 

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    [0:01] Perhaps the only thing about Milton Hershey that is absolutely certain is that he believed in progress. He was always moving. 

    [2:51] This blew my mind. Only six universities held larger endowments. Which meant that the Milton Hershey School was richer than Cornell, Columbia, or the University of Pennsylvania.   

    [4:14] Milton’s father was unrealized ambition personified.  

    [5:44] One of the biggest things Milton learned from his father and something he avoided. His father had 1,000 schemes and never stuck to any of them. He didn’t know what perseverance meant. 

    [7:25] Rockefeller had arrived in Oil City in the same year as Hershey, 1860. But unlike Henry, he was possessed of extraordinary energy, remarkable financial savvy, and an uncanny ability to remain focused on his goals. 

    [8:00] Henry’s had a preference for talking about things rather than doing them. Even neighbors could see that the man was lazy. Milton was the direct opposite of these traits. 

    [8:37] This gives you an insight into why Milton would leave a large fortunes to orphans: Milton was denied the kind of stability children need to feel secure. He had been moved from place to place, and he listened to his parents argue with increasing frequency and anger. Milton went without proper shoes and the little family didn’t have enough to eat. 

    [9:14] He learned to channel all of his energy and passions into a single outlet: work.

    [10:47] The main takeaway from this book: Milton Hershey had perseverance in abundance. 

    [12:43] Hershey experiences multiple business failures before he founds his first successful company.  

    [14:34] Things start to go bad. He realizes he has another “me too” product. He faced intense competition from hundreds of other candy retailers and wholesalers in the city. He doesn’t find success unit he actually innovates. Milton finds a way to turn a luxury product — milk chocolate — into a mass produced, inexpensive product.  

    [16:37]  This is an important part. He is being squeezed by suppliers. Later on in life he realizes if something is important to your business you must control it. He starts his own sugar plantation. He does this for other ingredients he needs to make his product. 

    [19:08]  His simple idea: Caramel is really popular in Western states. The candy makers in Denver figured out how to make caramel that don’t go bad and taste very well. That was not happening where he was from. He decided to take that idea back east and build my own caramel empire. He sells that company for $1 million and uses that money to start Hershey Chocolate. 

    [22:34] Milton is doing exactly what you and I are doing right now. He is studying successful entrepreneurs.  

    [24:44] Bouncing back from defeat is essential for growth in any endeavor. 

    [25:00] Milton is at rock bottom. He is somewhat depressed and downtrodden. But there is something freeing about that. Because he realizes I can only go up from here. 

    [25:30] The main theme in the life of Milton Hershey is perseverance. He has been working in this industry for 14 years. He has had two gigantic business failures. He has borrowed money from everybody he possible can. He is tapped out. He is embarrassed. He is a failure. Yet he doesn’t quit. 

    [26:12] If failure is the best instructor he could argue that he had earned a doctorate. He intended to make candy no one else produced.  

    [29:48] This is the wild part. He had told me all. He did not conceal the bad part. He made no excuses for it. He was honest. I decided I would lend him the money. But I was afraid to present the bank that note with that story. To avoid the trouble I put my own name on the note. The banker takes out the loan for Milton —in his name! 

    [30:50] Milton tried to make small improvements over a long period of time.  

    [31:30] Small continuous improvements over many years produces miracles. 

    [31:54] No one alive visited more retail stores than Sam Walton. He was obsessed with studying and learning from other entrepreneurs. No one alive had gone into more confectionaries and candy shops than Milton Hershey.  

    [32:20] While visiting Europe he notices that companies were creating a big new industry serving low cost chocolate to the masses.  

    [33:54] He is constantly redesigning his manufacturing process, making it more efficient. It becomes so efficient no one else can compete with him. 

    [36:41]  Only the Swiss had figured out how to mass produce milk chocolate. They aren’t going to tell Milton how to do it. He must experiment on his own. . . To do this he sets up a milk chocolate skunkworks. 

    [38:13]  How many people are willing to put in this much work? Milton and about 18 workers would rise at 4:30a.m. to milk the herd of 78 cows. After breakfast they’d go to work. Sometimes they didn’t come out until the next morning. 

    [40:05] What Milton Hershey did for the mass production of chocolate is the same thing that Henry Ford did for the mass production of automobiles and its the same thing the McDonald’s brothers did for the mass production of fast food. 

    [46:15] This one act would create something unique in both philanthropy and capitalism. It made the school, under its trustees, the majority owners of a national company that was poised to double in size, many times over, in the decades to come. 


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    #145 William Randolph Hearst

    #145 William Randolph Hearst

    What I learned from reading The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst by David Nasaw.


    Come see a live show with me and Patrick O'Shaughnessy from Invest Like The Best on October 19th in New York City. 

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    [0:20] There has never been —nor, most likely, will there ever again be — a publisher like William Randolph Hearst. 

    [0:26] Decades before synergy became a corporate cliche, Hearst put the concept into practice. His magazine editors were directed to buy only stories which could be rewritten into screenplays to be produced by his film studio and serialized, reviewed, and publicized in his newspapers and magazines. He broadcast the news from his papers over the radio and pictured it in his newsreels

    [1:42]  Winston Churchill on William Randolph Hearst: “Hearst was most interesting to meet,” Churchill wrote. “I got to like him — a grave, simple child — with no doubt a nasty temper — playing with the most costly toys. A vast income always over spent: ceaseless building and collecting . . .two magnificent establishments, two charming wives; complete indifference to public opinion, a 15 million daily circulation, and extreme personal courtesy.” 

    [4:42] If public schools are rough-and-tumble they will do him good. So is the world rough-and-tumble. Willie might as well learn to face it. —George Hearst, William’s father. 

    [8:45] He didn’t care what the world thought. . .He was rather indifferent to the thoughts and feelings of people outside of his immediate family. 

    [10:20] Warren Buffett had this great idea that he came up with by observing his parents. Do you have an outer scorecard or an inner scorecard? Warren says you are going to have a hard time living a happy life if you don’t have an inner scorecard. His mom had an outer scorecard. She was very worried about what the outside world thought. Warren Buffett most admired his father. His father had an inner scorecard. If he could look himself in the mirror at the end of the day and say I’m comfortable with doing then he would accept it regardless if the people around him didn’t understand it. I think William Randolph Hearst had an inner scorecard.

    [13:08]  Hearst believed you had to pay for talent: The paper must be built up and cheap labor has been entirely ineffectual. The paper requires a head that has ability, enterprise, and experience. Let one of these things be absent and the paper will be a failure. Naturally such a man commands a high salary and you must reconcile yourself, either to paying it or giving up the paper. 

    [14:00] His father thought he was a quitter: Tell him to stand in like a man and stick to his studies to the end. 

    [15:00] Joseph Pulitzer was William’s blueprint: His evenings were devoted to the studying of the newspaper industry in preparation to take over his father’s newspaper. He text was Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World. He was reading it daily, studying every element in its makeup, and comparing it daily with the Examiner

    [17:45] Will was determined to escape the fate of a rich man’s son born a generation too late. His father’s generation had settled the West, cleared the land, built the railroads, discovered and mined the precious metals, and make their oversized fortunes. 

    [19:55] No one owns ideas. You can do this too: He intended to work a revolution in the sleepy journalism of the Pacific slope by importing the journalistic techniques, strategies, and innovations that Pulitzer had pioneered in New York City. He is not saying he is innovating here. He doesn’t need to. He is saying I am taking Pulitzer’s playbook and I am going to run it. And I am going to run it better than he did.  

    [22:15] If we hesitate a moment or fall back a step we are lost. Delay is as fatal as neglect. —Willam Randolph Heart 

    [25:12] Smart way to expand his market: Because San Francisco — a city of no more than 350,000 — had three strong morning paper, Hearst recognized that he would have to expand the Examiner’s circulation base by delivering papers by railway north to Sacramento and south to Santa Cruz and San Jose. 

    [27:54] Improve the quality of the product, and the profits will follow: He said that the reason that the paper did not pay was because it was not the best paper in the country. He said that if he had it he would make it the best paper and that then it would pay. Now I don’t think there is a better paper in the country. It is now worth upwards of a million dollars. 

    [30:13] When Ross Perot finally leaves the board of NeXT he tells Steve Jobs that he didn’t help him by giving him $100 million dollars. The money I gave you made it easy for you to not have any sense of urgency to make a profit.  

    [34:07] Hearst was able to poach Pulitzer’s staff by offering them something Pulitzer wouldn’t, job security: Hearst had to offer more than big salaries. He had to guarantee security in the form of large multiyear contracts. In the newspaper industry this was unheard of. 

    [36:37] I feel like everybody beefs with Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy Roosevelt tried to have Pulitzer arrested, he hated Hearst, and goes to war with J.P. Morgan. Hearst felt Roosevelt was his competition. 

    [37:23] What Hearst says after one of his reporters is shot during the war between Spain and Cuba: “I’m sorry you’re hurt but wasn’t it a splendid fight? We must beat every paper in the world.” This guy is really dedicated to being the world’s best publisher. 

    [38:01] Something that I want to highlight for you that is very common — but very surprising to people who don’t read biographies — is that these people experience periods of intense doubt. We all do. Hearst did as well: I feel like hell. I sit all day in one place in half a trance. I guess I am a failure. 

    [42:08] Hearst is deep in debt for half a century: He is an able newspaper man but does not look ahead in financial matters 

    [42:30] He listened to no one, trusted no one. 

    [42:49]  Any kind of success arouses envy and hatred. The best punishment is to succeed more. —William Randolph Hearst 

    [43:05] When he saw an item he wanted, he bought it, regardless of whether he had the money to pay for it. His spending had always been extravagant but it ballooned out of all proportion to his income. 

    [46:14] Instead of retrenching until his newspapers began to earn money again, he had gone deeper into debt to finance his movie studio. The combination of debts made it impossible for him to seek further credit from the banks, which he required regularly to refinance his outstanding loans. 

    [50:46] The financial situation of your various companies is in an alarmingly serious condition. The Chief went blithely on, spending money like water

    [51:19] 70 years old, over leveraged, and going into the Great Depression: He was overextend with debt, bloated payrolls, real estate mortgages, construction and renovation costs, and huge bills to art dealers and auction houses on both sides of the Atlantic. 

    [55:37] The Chief had learned early that there was no shame in being in debt. Debt was, on the contrary, the magic ingredient that had made it possible to build his castles and buy his art collections. He didn’t believe in the Protestant ethic or trust in Poor Richard’s aphorisms. A penny saved might be a penny earned, but a penny borrowed was worth even more. The result of this: It had taken almost half a century, but his debts had finally grown to the point where no banker in his right mind would consider refinancing them

    [59:39] One of the great defenses against inflation is not to have a lot of silly needs in your life. You don’t need a lot of material goods. —Charlie Munger 

    [1:03:06]  A benefit of incorrigible optimism: Hearst never regarded himself as a failure, never recognized defeat, He did not, at the end of his life, run away from the world. 


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested, so my poor wallet suffers.”— Gareth

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    #194 Ernest Hemingway (Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy)

    #194 Ernest Hemingway (Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy)

    What I learned from reading Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway's Secret Adventures, 1935-1961 by Nicholas Reynolds. 


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    #255 Sam Zemurray (Banana King)

    #255 Sam Zemurray (Banana King)

    What I learned from rereading The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King by Rich Cohen.


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    [0:47] This story can shock and infuriate us, and it does. But I found it invigorating, too. It told me that the life of the nation was written not only by speech-making grandees in funny hats but also by street-corner boys, immigrant strivers, crazed and driven, some with one good idea, some with thousands, willing to go to the ends of the earth to make their vision real.

    [4:56] Tycoon's War: How Cornelius Vanderbilt Invaded a Country to Overthrow America's Most Famous Military Adventurer by Stephen Dando-Collins (Founders #55)

    [6:00] Unlike Vanderbilt's other adversaries William Walker was not afraid of Cornelius when he should have been.

    [8:21] The immigrants of that era could not afford to be children.

    [8:42] The Adventures of Herbie Cohen: World's Greatest Negotiator by Rich Cohen

    [8:54] He was driven by the same raw energy that has always attracted the most ambitious to America, then pushed them to the head of the crowd. Grasper, climber-nasty ways of describing this kid, who wants what you take for granted. From his first months in America, he was scheming, looking for a way to get ahead. You did not need to be a Rockefeller to know the basics of the dream: Start at the bottom, fight your way to the top.

    [10:01] There is no problem you can't solve if you understand your business from A to Z.

    [13:08]  Sam spotted an opportunity where others saw nothing.

    [14:17] As far as he was concerned, ripes were considered trash only because Boston Fruit and similar firms were too slow-footed to cover ground. It was a calculation based on arrogance. I can be fast where others have been slow. I can hustle where others have been satisfied with the easy pickings of the trade.

    [14:42] The kid on the streets is getting a shot at a dream. He sees the guy who gets rich and thinks, yep, that'll be me. He ignores the other stories going around.  // There's no way to quantify all that on a spreadsheet, but it's that dream of being the exception, the one who gets rich and gets out before he gets got that's the key to a hustler's motivation. Decoded by Jay Z. (Founders #238)

    [22:36] He was pure hustle.

    [24:15] Preston later spoke of Zemurray with admiration. He said the kid from Russia was closer in spirit to the banana pioneers than anyone else working. "He's a risk taker," Preston explained, “he's a thinker, and he's a doer.”

    [26:33] They don't write books about people that stopped there.

    [28:48] Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller by Ron Chernow (Founders #248) and John D: The Founding Father of the Rockefellers by David Freeman Hawke. (#254)

    [30:22] He seemed to strive for the sake of striving.

    [30:44] If you're on a mans side you stay on that mans side or you're no better than a goddamn animal.

    [31:11] The world is a mere succession of fortunes made and lost, lessons learned and forgotten and learned again.

    [35:41] A man whose commitment could not be questioned, who fed his own brothers to the jungle.

    [36:00] The Forgotten Highlander: An Incredible WWII Story of Survival in the Pacificby Alistair Urquhart.

    [37:02] Why the Founders of United Fruit were the Rockefellers of bananas.

    [43:23] He kept quiet because talking only drives up the price.

    [44:19] There are times when certain cards sit unclaimed in the common pile, when certain properties become available that will never be available again. A good businessman feels these moments like a fall in the barometric pressure. A great businessman is dumb enough to act on them even when he cannot afford to.

    [49:30] He believed in the transcendent power of physical labor—that a man can free his soul only by exhausting his body.

    [58:04] He disdained bureaucracy and hated paperwork. So seldom did he dictate a letter that he requires no full-time secretary.

    [1:00:01] He was respected because he understood the trade. By the time he was 40 he had served in every position. There was not a job he could not do nor a task he could not accomplish. He considered it a secret of his success.

    [1:01:02] Rick Rubin: In the Studio by Jake Brown. (Founders #245)

    [1:04:00] Zemurray was the founder, forever on the attack, at work, in progress, growing by trial and error.

    [1:06:44] Here was a self-made man, filled with the most dangerous kind of confidence: he had done it before and believed he could do it again. This gave him the air of a berserker, who says, If you're going to fight me, you better kill me. If you’ve ever known such a person, you will recognize the type at once. If he does not say much, it's because he considers small talk a weakness. Wars are not won by running your mouth. I'm describing a once essential American type that has largely vanished. Men who channeled all their love and fear into the business, the factory, the plantation, the shop.

    [1:07:44] Founder Mentality vs Big Company Mentality: When this mess of deeds came to light, United Fruit did what big bureaucracy-heavy companies always do: hired lawyers and investigators to search every file for the identity of the true owner. This took months. In the meantime, Zemurray, meeting separately with each claimant, simply bought the land from them both. He bought it twice paid a little more, yes, but if you factor in the cost of all those lawyers, probably still spent less than United Fruit and came away with the prize.

    [1:09:04] His philosophy: Get up first, work harder, get your hands in the dirt and blood in your eyes.

    [1:13:02] For every move there is a counter move. For every disaster there is a recovery. He never lost faith in his own agency.

    [1:13:57] A man focused on the near horizon of costs can sometimes lose sight of the far horizon of potential windfall.

    [1:16:22] You gentlemen have been fucking up this business long enough. I'm going to straighten it out.

    [1:19:03] In a time of crisis the mere evidence of activity can be enough to get things moving.

    [1:19:42] Zemurray was never heard to bitch or justify. He was a member of a generation that lived by the maxim: Never complain, never explain.

    [1:23:08] The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations by Larry Tye

    [1:24:14] He should link his private interest to a public cause.

    [1:25:32] In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.

    [1:28:28] Sam's defining characteristic was his belief in his own agency, his refusal to despair. No story is without the possibility of redemption; with cleverness and hustle, the worst can be overcome. I can't help but feel that we would do well by emulating Sam Zemurray–not the brutality or the conquest, but the righteous anger that sent the striver into the boardroom of laughing elites, waving his proxies, shouting, "You gentlemen have been fucking up this business long enough. I'm going to straighten it out.


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    “I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested, so my poor wallet suffers. ”

    — Gareth

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    #247 Henry Flagler (Rockefeller's partner)

    #247 Henry Flagler (Rockefeller's partner)

    What I learned from reading Last Train to Paradise: Henry Flagler and the Spectacular Rise and Fall of the Railroad that Crossed an Ocean by Les Standiford.


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    [1:14] The building of the railroad across the ocean was a colossal piece of work born of the same impulse that made individuals believe that pyramids could be raised cathedrals, erected and continents Tamed the highway

    [1:31] All that remains of an error where men still lived, who believed that with enough will and energy and money that anything could be accomplished.

    [2:13] Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr by Ron Chernow (Founders #16)

    [2:35] Meet You in Hell: Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and the Bitter Partnership That Changed America by Les Standiford. (Founders #73)

    The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie by Andrew Carnegie (Founders #74)

    Henry Clay Frick: The Life of the Perfect Capitalist by Quentin Skrabec Jr. (Founders #75)

    [5:51] The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin (Founders #62)

    [6:24] Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson. (Founders #115) “This industry visible to our neighbors began to give us character and credit," Franklin noted. One of the town's prominent merchants told members of his club, "The industry of that Franklin is superior to anything I ever saw of the kind; I see him still at work when I go home from club, and he is at work again before his neighbors are out of bed." Franklin became an apostle of being-and, just as important, of appearing to be-industrious. Even after he became successful, he made a show of personally carting the rolls of paper he bought in a, wheelbarrow down the street to his shop, rather than having a hired hand do it.

    [8:54] Ogilvy on Advertising (Founders #82) Set yourself to becoming the best-informed person in the agency on the account to which you are assigned. If, for example, it is a gasoline account, read books on oil geology and the production of petroleum products. Read the trade journals in the field. Spend Saturday mornings in service stations, talking to motorists. Visit your client’s refineries and research laboratories. At the end of your first year, you will know more about the oil business than your boss, and be ready to succeed him.

    [10:50] The Essays of Warren Buffett by Warren Buffett and Lawrence Cunningham. (Founders #227) Over the years, a number of very smart people have learned the hard way that a long string of impressive numbers multiplied by a single zero always equals zero. That is not an equation whose effects I would like to experience personally.

    [13:20] Rockefeller did not believe in diversification. He said they had no outside interest. That it is an immense task building a successful company. It's silly to go out and diversify into other lines or to make other investments. Focus on your business!

    [13:53] Their chief binding passion: The desire to make large sums of money.

    [14:13] Random Reminiscences of Men and Events by John D. Rockefeller. (Founders #148)

    [19:44] Warren Buffett on MOATs: On a daily basis, the effects of our actions are imperceptible; cumulatively, though, their consequences are enormous. When our long-term competitive position improves as a result of these almost unnoticeable actions, we describe the phenomenon as "widening the moat." When short-term and long-term conflict, widening the moat must take precedence.

    [20:06] The way I define moat: Why are you difficult to compete with?

    [26:54] For the last 14 or 15 years I have devoted myself exclusively to my business.

    [28:00] He had become a creator instead of an accumulator and he had found much more satisfaction in such an accomplishment.

    [30:40] Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway's Secret Adventures, 1935-1961 by Nicholas Reynolds. (Founders #194)

    [35:54] You have to admire Julia Tuttle. She is relentlessly persistent.

    [36:27] Flagler likes to keep his options open and react to new information.

    [43:25] It was a time in history when men were tempted no longer to regard themselves as the mercy of the fates —but as masters of their environment.

    [46:08] A Man for All Markets: From Las Vegas to Wall Street, How I Beat the Dealer and the Market by Ed Thorp. (Founders #222 and #93)

    [46:29] Getting rich and staying rich are two separate skills.

    [49:11] It is well-documented that Flagler planned his actions carefully.

    [51:06] He is not at all interested in retiring and is in fact, choosing to run directly towards more difficulties.

    [51:51] Decoded by Jay Z. (Founders #238) Every hustler knows the value of a feint. It keeps you one step ahead of whoever's listening in.

    [52:57] During your attempt at doing something difficult you're going to have several points where all of the options in front of you would not be described as good options.

    [57:47] You realize that you were before a man who has suffered and has never wept, who has undergone intense pain and has never sobbed, who has never bent under stress.

    [58:12] The only excess I believe I have indulged in has been that of hard work.

    [58:58]  Hard work, energy, and accomplishment. For Flagler it seemed to be all he knew and all he needed to know.

    [1:07:16] A story about how not panicking can save your life.


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