
    254: Discipline is The Supreme Thing That All Victory is Built on. Guidelines for the Leader and Commander pt. 4

    enNovember 04, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding mission is crucial for successHaving a clear mission statement prevents misunderstandings, keeps focus, and avoids costly mistakes.

      Having a clear mission statement is crucial for both organizations and individuals to avoid drifting off course and making costly mistakes. The US military's mission to deter communist aggression and ensure readiness for combat operations sets the foundation for all training objectives in overseas areas. Similarly, understanding and remembering the purpose of one's own mission can prevent misunderstandings and unfortunate incidents. The discussion also emphasized the importance of staying focused on the mission and being aware of one's surroundings to avoid being blown off course, even in seemingly open and featureless environments. The consequences of losing sight of the mission can be disastrous, as illustrated by the example of friendly forces engaging each other in the open desert during the Gulf War.

    • Maintaining Military Readiness through Effective TrainingEffective training is crucial for military readiness, focusing on individual soldier proficiency, command development, new weapon integration, team building, and branch/service collaboration.

      Effective training is essential for military readiness, and it's not just about training the frontline soldiers, but also the support and administrative units. The US military overseas aims to maintain all units and headquarters in a state of combat readiness through specific training objectives. These objectives include maintaining individual soldier proficiency, developing resourcefulness and responsibility in commanders, integrating new weapons and equipment, creating effective fighting teams, and maintaining an integrated team of branches and services. The importance of teamwork and integration cannot be overstated, as different branches and services must work together to create a problem for the enemy that they cannot handle, a concept known as the combined arms dilemma. Ultimately, the goal is to have well-trained men with properly maintained equipment in an organized unit, prioritized above all other tasks for commanders overseas.

    • Continuous focus on training and teamwork in organizations with high personnel turnoverThe army's priority on readiness training showcases the importance of effective teamwork and continuous individual development in organizations with high personnel turnover.

      Effective training and teamwork are crucial for any organization, especially those with high personnel turnover. The army, for instance, must prioritize readiness training to ensure its soldiers are prepared to carry out their missions, despite losing approximately 50% of personnel annually. This requires a continuous focus on training individuals, teams, and integrating them with other units. Clear communication and a well-defined mission statement are essential to align everyone's roles towards the common goal. The challenge lies in maintaining a high level of proficiency and readiness while dealing with the constant turnover of personnel.

    • Balancing Competing DemandsEffective organizations prioritize and execute, recognizing the importance of balancing competing demands such as training, supply, maintenance, discipline, community relations, and morale.

      In any organization, it's essential to prioritize and balance competing demands. The commander in the military example discussed the importance of training for combat readiness, but also highlighted the need to address other functions such as supply, maintenance, discipline, community relations, and morale. Neglecting these functions can lead to a prevailing mode of operating that prioritizes them over combat readiness. It's crucial to recognize that resources are limited, and prioritizing is necessary. The same concept applies to individuals, such as when deciding between working out and resting. The key is to ensure that rest and recovery don't become the prevailing mode of operating, and that the primary focus remains on the most important goals. Additionally, every organization, regardless of size or resources, faces limitations, and prioritizing and executing accordingly is the only way to effectively manage competing demands.

    • Investing in people's well-being is crucial for optimal performancePrioritize resources for individuals' morale, welfare, and rest. Approach challenges with clear data and a solution-oriented mindset.

      Investing in the well-being of individuals and teams, whether it's morale, welfare, or rest and recovery, is crucial for their ability to perform optimally during high-stress or extended periods. A commander must prioritize and allocate resources accordingly to ensure a balanced distribution of efforts towards mission accomplishment. By doing so, individuals will be better equipped to handle the demands of their tasks and adapt to unexpected challenges. Furthermore, it's essential to approach problems with clear data and a solution-oriented mindset. When faced with resource constraints, it's important to identify the specific manpower and time requirements to address the issue and present it to the higher command for assistance if necessary. Complaining without concrete data and a proposed solution is not productive. In essence, understanding the importance of investing in people and their well-being, as well as approaching challenges with a data-driven and solution-oriented mindset, will help individuals and teams thrive during demanding situations and ultimately contribute to mission success.

    • Understanding the true scope of tasksAdopt a thorough approach to break down big tasks into manageable parts, recognizing their true scope and finite end, to tackle challenges effectively and increase chances of success.

      We often underestimate the size and complexity of tasks or goals, leading us to feel overwhelmed and disengaged. However, by adopting a more thorough and analytical approach, we can break down these seemingly insurmountable challenges into manageable parts. The speaker acknowledges his tendency to avoid big tasks due to their perceived size, but emphasizes the importance of diving deeper to understand the true scope of the project. By recognizing that most tasks are finite and have a definite end, we can approach them with renewed determination and focus. This shift in mindset allows us to tackle challenges more effectively and increase our chances of success.

    • Understanding the end goal and finiteness of a task can motivate us to complete itRecognizing the power to start and end tasks can help us focus, view challenges as temporary, and be productive and successful.

      Having a clear understanding of the end goal and the finiteness of a task can be a powerful motivator to push through and complete it, even when we don't feel like it. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, such as working out or completing a project. By acknowledging that the task has an end and that our behavior can change our perception of it, we can make progress and overcome the reluctance to start. This mindset helps us focus on what needs to be done and view the challenging parts as temporary, making the task seem more manageable and achievable. Ultimately, recognizing that we have the power to start and end a task can be a powerful motivator and a key to productivity and success. Additionally, understanding that time is a valuable resource and once lost, cannot be regained, emphasizes the importance of making the most of it and being efficient in our training programs.

    • Preparation and training are essential for effective learningEffective preparation and training save time, resources, and produce competent individuals by maximizing learning and minimizing unnecessary instructions

      Effective preparation and training are crucial for both military commanders and instructors in order to maximize the value of training hours and ensure that soldiers are engaged and learning effectively. Wasting time with poorly prepared or unnecessary instructions not only results in bored and ineffective soldiers but also sets a disrespectful tone. Prior preparation, effective supervision, and training under realistic conditions are essential for developing valuable skills and combat-ready habits. In the military context, this translates to setting up tactical hide sites during range training and ensuring that all unit commanders prioritize safety. In the business world, this means training people in the most realistic and effective ways possible. Overall, investing time in preparation and training pays off in the long run by saving time and resources and producing competent and confident individuals.

    • Effective preparation and training are crucialCrucial to succeed in combat and leadership, training instills discipline and self-discipline, leading to success and survival.

      Effective preparation and training are crucial for success in both combat situations and leadership roles. Waiting until a crisis occurs to learn necessary skills or assume that others will automatically know how to handle situations is a recipe for failure. Habits and discipline instilled through training are of supreme importance, as men will instinctively revert to what they have been trained to do. Discipline should be understood as self-discipline, encouraging effective and combat-ready soldiers with a keen sense of duty and obligation. Hard training, despite any initial discomfort, is what soldiers and leaders desire, as it ultimately leads to success and survival in challenging situations.

    • Effective training instills discipline and morale in troopsClear communication, proper attitude, decentralization of responsibility, and effective training foster discipline, morale, pride, confidence, and a willingness to make sacrifices in troops

      Effective training is the key to instilling discipline and morale in troops. It goes beyond just teaching skills, as it also fosters intangible qualities like pride, confidence, and a willingness to make sacrifices. Clear communication and instruction are essential, as is developing the proper attitude towards training. Once goals are set and training is in motion, decentralization of responsibility and delegation of authority are crucial for fostering initiative and development in subordinates. The ultimate goal is to create obedience as a natural response, rather than a forced one, allowing commanders to focus on providing better training and development opportunities.

    • Empowering Subordinates for Effective Decentralized CommandEmpower subordinates with responsibility and authority, encourage initiative, underwrite mistakes, and focus on efficient decision-making to foster better units and effective individuals.

      Effective leadership in decentralized command involves giving responsibility and authority to subordinates, encouraging initiative, and underwriting their honest mistakes. This approach fosters the development of effective individuals and better units. However, it's crucial that subordinates use this authority wisely and make decisions effectively to avoid wasting time and resources. Effective training methods, such as practical application and a combination of unit and committee methods, also contribute to producing better soldiers in less time. Ultimately, leaders should avoid micromanagement and instead focus on not wasting their people's time by allowing them to make decisions and solve problems on their own. As Sun Tzu said, "The art of war is simple enough. Its simplest expression is: 'Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.'"

    • Trusting team members to take ownership saves time and fosters developmentEffective leaders delegate tasks, trust team members, and foster growth through mistakes, while recognizing the importance of continuous improvement and being open to new ideas.

      Effective leadership involves delegating tasks and trusting team members to take ownership, even if they make mistakes. This not only saves time but also fosters their development. Universal principles of leadership, such as continuous improvement and research, apply across industries and organizations. First experiences and training shape individuals' perspectives and habits, which can sometimes be hard to change. It's crucial to recognize that not everything learned in the past is right and to be open to new ideas and methods. The culture and mindset of a team or organization can be just as important as tactics and weapons in achieving success.

    • Impact of Leadership on New Team MembersRecognizing good and bad leadership early on is crucial for new team members, even if it's challenging. Strong leadership fosters a cohesive and effective team.

      The quality of leadership significantly impacts the acclimation and performance of new team members. The speaker shared his experience in the military, where the contrast between effective and ineffective leadership became clearer as he grew older and gained more experience. In the early 1990s, after a period of minimal military action, expectations for readiness and teamwork were not as clear as they had been in previous decades. New team members formed opinions quickly about the leadership they encountered and aligned themselves accordingly. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing good and bad leadership early on, even if it's challenging for young team members to diagnose. He also highlighted the significance of having experienced mentors to guide and hold the team accountable during this formative period. Overall, the speaker's reflections underscore the importance of strong leadership in fostering a cohesive and effective team.

    • Transforming civilians into soldiers through effective training and leadershipEffective training and leadership are essential for developing essential skills, discipline, and camaraderie in new recruits. Neglecting this process can lead to issues and inefficiencies.

      Effective training and leadership are crucial in transforming civilians into soldiers. The experiences shared highlight the importance of investing in competent instructors and providing proper training to new recruits. The training period is a critical time for soldiers to learn essential skills and habits, as well as develop discipline and camaraderie. Neglecting this process can lead to issues down the line. The training establishment plays a vital role in shaping soldiers, and it's essential to give it the necessary resources and attention. In business, this concept can be applied to onboarding new employees. Companies should invest time and resources into proper training and indoctrination programs to help new hires adapt and thrive in their roles. Neglecting this process can lead to inefficiencies, misunderstandings, and poor performance. Ultimately, the success of any organization depends on the quality of its people and the investment in their development.

    • The importance of effective training and disciplineEffective training and discipline build a team that shares a sense of obligation and is prepared for serious endeavors, maintaining focus and morale through rigorous training and understanding human nature.

      Effective training and discipline are essential for success, whether in the military or in the private sector. The attitude of a trainer or commander towards their trainees or team members should be one of investment and a willingness to go to war with them. Discipline is crucial for maintaining focus and morale, and it can be instilled through rigorous training. Commanders must also understand human nature and psychology to effectively motivate their team and keep them combat-ready. The transformation to a new environment requires adjustment and a renewed sense of duty and obligation to the unit. Only perfect discipline is acceptable, and failure to insist on it from the start can lead to poor performance and resentment. Ultimately, the goal is to create a team that shares a sense of obligation and is prepared for serious endeavors when called upon.

    • Understanding the purpose and utilizing skillsMotivation for soldiers comes from understanding tasks' reasons and applying learned skills, leading to a sense of accomplishment and positive reinforcement.

      Proper motivation is crucial for the efficient performance of soldiers. Motivation stems from understanding the reason behind their tasks and feeling a sense of belonging and recognition. A new perspective shared in the discussion was the importance of applying skills learned through training in their jobs, leading to a sense of accomplishment and positive reinforcement. The speaker, Dave, shared a personal experience of feeling highly motivated when he was the first to drop a JDAM bomb from an F-18 in 2000, which was a significant moment in his military career. Overall, motivation is essential for soldiers to feel useful and engaged in their roles, and it is best achieved when they understand the purpose of their tasks and are given opportunities to utilize their skills.

    • First use of GPS-guided munition in military operationsIn 2000, Colonel Dave Burke made history by using the first GPS-guided munition during Operation Southern Watch, marking a significant turning point in military operations.

      Colonel Dave Burke dropped the first-ever GPS guided munition, a JDAM, during Operation Southern Watch in 2000. This event took place when Saddam Hussein moved a SAM site south of the designated no-fly zone, triggering a response option. Although Burke was a new pilot on his first deployment, he was scheduled for a mission that required a GPS-guided weapon. Despite debates about whether to let the new guy go on the mission, Burke ended up launching and joining the wing of other squadron aircraft to blow up the target. The mission was significant because the aircraft and bomb were pre-programmed with the precise latitude and longitude, making it a relatively easy task for Burke. This historical event marked a turning point in the use of GPS-guided weapons in military operations.

    • Understanding the importance of every taskEffective communication of mission connection prevents disconnection and boosts morale, even for seemingly insignificant tasks.

      During the early 2000s, the role and impact of SEAL teams were different from what they are today. A SEAL platoon's most visible achievement during that time was a maintenance dive on their own ship, while other platoons handled more high-profile missions. However, understanding the reasons for performing tasks is crucial for motivation and morale. Leaders must effectively communicate the connection between their troops' roles and the larger mission to prevent a narrow perspective and feelings of disconnection. The speaker's personal experience of contributing to a seemingly insignificant mission during that time made him feel he had finally done his job, but he later realized that there was much more to come.

    • The importance of community, recognition, fitness, and trainingRecognizing team members, fostering a sense of belonging, maintaining physical fitness, and continuous training are essential for combat readiness and effective teamwork.

      Creating a sense of community and belonging among team members is crucial for motivation and unit effectiveness. This can be achieved through recognizing their contributions and using them in their trained roles. Physical fitness is also essential for combat readiness, and taking care of equipment is vital for success. Additionally, continuous testing and training are necessary to ensure soldiers are proficient in their jobs. Ultimately, fostering a culture of professionalism and teamwork can lead to better performance and morale. Pete's speech emphasizes the importance of these factors and provides practical ways to implement them. The quote "For want of a nail, the shoe was lost" serves as a reminder that even small things can have significant impacts on the outcome of a situation.

    • Setting high standards and striving for excellence as a teamProfessionalism involves mastering necessary operations, admitting weaknesses, and building a strong team to overcome challenges and succeed.

      Professionalism is a crucial aspect of building and maintaining a successful team or organization, particularly in the military. Seal Team 1, with its strict adherence to uniform inspections and haircut checks, represented a high standard of professionalism. In today's army, focusing on professionalism is essential to retaining valuable individuals and producing a combat-ready force. Professionalism for a career army officer involves mastering various necessary operations, such as raising, organizing, equipping, training, and leading an army. However, it's unrealistic to expect mastery in all areas, so humility and building a strong team are vital. By acknowledging weaknesses and surrounding oneself with experts, one can turn deficiencies into strengths and become a more effective professional. In summary, professionalism is about setting high standards, striving for excellence, and working together as a team to overcome challenges and achieve success.

    • Exploring New Additions to Your Fitness RoutineFocus on gains, maintain discipline, and don't dismiss new additions based on stereotypes, like Smashing Pumpkin Molk.

      During your fitness journey, it's essential to focus on your gains and maintain discipline. Jocko Fuel's Molk protein, especially in dessert form, is a valuable addition to your routine for muscle breakdown and recovery. A recent addition to their lineup is Smashing Pumpkin Molk, which defies the stereotype of pumpkin spice being a trendy, seasonal flavor. Contrary to its reputation, Pete, one of the podcast hosts, had not tried it before, but after trying it, he was impressed by its delicious taste, which goes beyond the typical pumpkin spice flavor. The debate over whether pumpkin spice is a fall or Halloween-specific flavor led to a discussion about pumpkin pie and its similarity to cinnamon added to it. In summary, the key takeaway is to prioritize gains, maintain discipline, and not dismiss new additions like Smashing Pumpkin Molk based on stereotypes.

    • Molk's popular seasonal and year-round productsMaintain a strong immune system with Molk's vitamin D and cold brew Jocco white tea. Find Molk's products at Wawa, Vitamin Shoppe, and online. Molk also offers American-made jeans and boots.

      While some products, like Molk's pumpkin spice milk, may be associated with certain seasons, they are still popular and available year-round due to their great taste. Another key takeaway is the importance of maintaining a strong immune system, especially during changing seasons when sun exposure is reduced. Molk's vitamin D and cold brew Jocco white tea are good options for this. Additionally, Molk is currently involved in a "war" in the canned drink world against a competitor, but customers can still find their products at Wawa, Vitamin Shoppe, and online. Molk also offers American-made jeans and boots on their website, including the recently restocked Delta 68 jeans.

    • Investing in functional fashion improves relationshipsFunctional fashion can lead to personal satisfaction and improved relationships. Check out Jocko's Store for functional fashion items and subscribe to Jocko Unraveling podcast for personal growth insights.

      Functional fashion can lead to both personal satisfaction and improved relationships. Pete, through several iterations, sent Echo a pair of Delta 60 eights jeans that exceeded his expectations, leading to a positive shift in their dynamic. Additionally, Pete's store, Jocko's Store, offers functional fashion items and serves as a platform for disciplined living. Echo encourages listeners to check it out for potential gifts and subscribe to various podcasts, including Jocko Unraveling, which was previously called The Thread. If you're already subscribed, you may need to resubscribe to ensure new episodes appear in your library. The podcasts cover a range of topics, from leadership and strategy to personal growth and overcoming challenges. Echo also mentioned their leadership consultancy, Echelon Front, and their online interactive training, EF Online. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of investing in functional fashion and personal development.

    • Learn from military leaders and experts at EF Overwatch's Muster eventAttend the Muster event for jiu jitsu philosophy instruction and executive leadership services, connect with military leaders and experts, and support military families through America's Mighty Warriors.

      Effective communication and leadership require training and discipline. To further your knowledge and ask questions, visit efonline.com for live Q&A sessions. The annual Muster event in Dallas, Texas, on December 3rd and 4th will feature jiu jitsu philosophy instruction and executive leadership services through EF Overwatch. For those looking to help military families, check out America's Mighty Warriors. Remember, discipline is the foundation for personal and organizational growth, as emphasized by General Bruce Clark. Connect with Jocko Willink, Echo Charles, and Dave Burke on social media for more insights. Thank you to the military, first responders, and others for keeping us safe.

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