
    #27: Understanding customers during times of uncertainty

    enApril 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective Marketing in Uncertain Times: Understanding ConsumersDirect response marketing, like podcasts 'd to c', can provide insights into consumer behavior. HubSpot's Service Hub offers AI-powered tools to connect and keep customers happy.

      Understanding your consumers is crucial for effective marketing, especially during uncertain times. Joel Cleggt, a successful copywriter and founder of Business Casual Copywriting, emphasizes the importance of this principle and shares his tactics for better consumer understanding. He fell in love with direct response marketing, often misunderstood as junk mail and cold calling, and recommends the "d to c pod" podcast for those interested in the subject. Many businesses struggle to connect with customers and keep them happy, but HubSpot's new Service Hub offers a solution with AI-powered tools and a customer success workspace. Joel shares his unexpected career journey, from content creation to direct response copywriting. Despite initially dismissing writing as a viable career and never anticipating his job roles, he found success in following his passions. To learn more about HubSpot's Service Hub and improve your customer connections, visit visithubspot.com/service.

    • Understanding customer journey and empathy in copywritingEffective copywriting involves empathy, clear communication, and understanding the entire customer journey to help people make better decisions, not just push them into conversions.

      Direct response and conversion copywriting is not just about manipulation and pushing people into making decisions, but rather about helping them make better ones through empathy and understanding. It's about seeing the entire customer journey and understanding how people interact with sites, rather than just looking at direct conversions. Additionally, the importance of clear communication and justifying the why behind the work cannot be overstated. Copywriting is not just about writing, but also about research, talking to people, and surveying customers. By keeping these principles in mind, one can effectively apply nudge principles to marketing and find satisfaction in converting emails or creating high-converting web pages. However, it's important to remember that results may not always be immediate and that looking at the entire customer journey is crucial to understanding the bigger picture.

    • Explain the importance of providing context and rationale when implementing behavioral science findingsProvide context and rationale when implementing behavioral science findings to align team and ensure everyone focuses on the same goal. Use customer feedback and data to make informed decisions.

      When implementing behavioral science findings in your work, it's crucial to provide context and explain the rationale behind your decisions to your team. This helps prevent teammates from focusing on minor details and instead aligns everyone towards the same goal. Joel, a behavioral science expert, emphasizes this point and shares an example of his work with HubSpot. When working on HubSpot's website redesign under tight deadlines, Joel and his team prioritized research to understand what was working and what wasn't, even with limited time. They used customer surveys to gather feedback in the customers' own language at scale, which helped quantify trends and themes and make data-driven decisions. Overall, being ruthless about the research process and understanding the customer perspective are essential for successful implementation of behavioral science findings.

    • Understanding customer journey and needsEffectively communicating product/service synergy with customer needs leads to business growth. Understand customer journey to adapt messaging.

      Understanding the customer journey and their evolving needs is crucial for effective marketing and business success. This was demonstrated in the case of HubSpot, where a simple yet impactful line of copy "HubSpot offers a suite of tools that are powerful alone, but better together" led to increased conversions, sales, and even fewer support tickets. This idea was only suggested because Joel made an effort to understand the customer journey through a BDA survey format. Today, with the changing needs of customers due to various factors like the ongoing pandemic, it's more important than ever to test and trial new messaging that addresses their concerns. For instance, a mattress company like Casper, instead of focusing solely on their product, clearly communicates their response to COVID-19 on their homepage, addressing customers' current concerns about contactless delivery, shipping times, and return policies. In the end, the ability to effectively communicate how your product or service synergizes with the customer's needs can lead to significant business growth. So, take the time to understand your customer's journey and adapt your messaging accordingly.

    • Rankings.io targets high-budget personal injury law firmsDisplaying a high price can increase perceived quality and decrease perceived risk, leading to larger deal sizes

      Rankings.io, a SEO firm, has shifted its focus to exclusively serving personal injury law firms with substantial budgets for SEO. To determine if a firm is a good fit, rankings.io evaluates their ability to handle an influx of clients, their desire for a full-service SEO partner, and their financial capability to invest $15,000 per month. This unconventional approach, as suggested by Joel, includes openly displaying the high price point on the website. Contrary to popular belief, this high price can actually increase perceived quality and decrease perceived risk, leading to increased consumer commitment and larger deal sizes. This strategy, which goes against the norm of hiding prices, was successful for rankings.io, resulting in an average deal size that was doubled. This phenomenon was also observed in the late 1990s when Procter & Gamble introduced Olay Total FX, which saw increased sales when priced higher than competitors.

    • Understanding consumer motivations and price sensitivity is crucial for effective communication of value and pricing.Businesses must tailor their pricing and communication strategies based on their target audience's motivations and price sensitivity to maximize conversions.

      The perception of value and price sensitivity varies greatly between different industries and consumer needs. In the case of an SEO agency, highlighting a high price can actually increase conversions due to the perceived quality and potential return on investment. However, for a divorce law firm, revealing high prices can be a deterrent, as consumers in that market are primarily focused on minimizing losses rather than gaining additional value. A subtle change, such as removing a court fee calculator, can significantly improve conversion rates for the divorce law firm. Ultimately, businesses must understand their target audience's motivations and price sensitivity to effectively communicate value and pricing.

    • Understanding Consumer Behavior with Pricing StrategiesCompanies can leverage consumer behavior like hyperbolic discounting to offer pricing strategies that cater to immediate rewards, potentially leading to long-term customer loyalty. Adapt messaging and services based on customer insights and market trends to stay competitive.

      Businesses use pricing strategies like charging more for monthly plans instead of annual ones due to consumer behavior known as hyperbolic discounting. This phenomenon refers to people's tendency to prefer smaller, immediate rewards over larger, later ones. While consumers may initially choose the more expensive monthly plan for the short-term savings, they often end up staying with it for longer periods. As marketers, it's crucial to understand our customers' current needs and concerns and adapt messaging and services accordingly. This can be achieved through testing different options, gathering consumer insights from sales teams, and staying informed about changing consumer preferences. Ultimately, companies that are quick to respond to these shifts will be more likely to resonate with consumers and thrive in today's market.

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    Book- The Standout Breakout Formula. Available on Amazon. Click here.