
    289: When The Call Comes, It's Time To GO. Seawolf Pilots, John Farr and Carl Nelson

    enJuly 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Story of Lt. JG Tom Richards and His Bravery During the Zulu MissionCourage and leadership can save lives and inspire others. Tom Richards' heroic actions during the Zulu mission are a testament to this.

      Courage and leadership, even in the face of intense danger, can make a significant difference in the outcome of a mission. The story of Lieutenant JG Tom Richards and his actions during the Zulu mission in 1971 is a prime example of this. Despite being wounded himself, Richards bravely dragged his fellow SEALs to safety and ensured their extraction, saving their lives. His heroism was remembered vividly by those who witnessed it and continued to inspire others, including a young SEAL at SEAL Team 1 in 1991 who encountered the legendary Captain Richards in the gym. The account of this event serves as a reminder of the importance of courage and leadership in the military and beyond.

    • The Unforgettable Bond Between SEAL Teams and Helicopter CrewsJohn Farr's interaction with a legendary SEAL led to his recommendation to become a SEAL officer, highlighting the crucial role helicopter crews played in supporting SEAL missions during the Vietnam War.

      The relationship between SEAL teams and helicopter crews, specifically the US Navy helicopter attack squadron 3, also known as the Seawolves, during the Vietnam War was crucial and unforgettable. John Farr, one of our guests today, shared his personal experience of encountering the Hulk, a renowned SEAL, in a gym and respectfully obeying his request to turn up the music. Years later, Farr's interaction with the Hulk led to a recommendation from Admiral Tom Richards, enabling him to become a SEAL officer. The Seawolves, a highly decorated unit, risked their lives to extract SEALs from dangerous situations, and their bravery is still honored. Farr grew up in the Chicago area and, during his senior year in college, a navy recruiter visited looking for candidates for the navy flight program. With the draft lottery looming, Farr was determined to join the navy and started working for Burroughs Corporation while waiting for his call-up. Burroughs never asked about his draft status, allowing him to join their team and eventually pursue his military career.

    • Unexpected opportunities lead to growthPersonal experiences, even disruptive ones, can lead to significant growth and unexpected benefits. Valuing integrity, honesty, and reputation, as well as resilience and hard work, are essential for success.

      Personal opportunities and experiences, even those that seem disruptive, can lead to significant growth and unexpected benefits. The speaker shares his story of being recruited for the navy flight program while working for Burroughs Corporation, ultimately leading him to a fulfilling career in the military. He also reflects on his father's once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to serve on Dwight D. Eisenhower's staff during World War II. Despite the challenges and hardships they faced, both the speaker and his father valued these experiences and the lessons they taught them. Additionally, the importance of integrity, honesty, and reputation, as demonstrated by Eisenhower, is emphasized as a valuable trait that is not as common today. The speaker's upbringing as a child of sharecroppers in Texas also highlights the importance of resilience and hard work, as well as the value of education and being the first in his family to graduate from high school.

    • From poverty to helicopter pilot: Overcoming challengesDetermination, resilience, and a skilled copilot led a man from poverty to becoming a helicopter pilot in the Navy.

      The speaker's upbringing shaped his determination and resilience, leading him to pursue unconventional paths. Raised in poverty and working long hours, he dreamed of becoming a high school football coach. However, when faced with the reality of his brother serving in the Vietnam War, he made the difficult decision to join instead. His chemistry teacher, a naval aviator, encouraged him to fly and eventually led him to the Navy, where he became a helicopter pilot. The importance of having a skilled copilot was emphasized, as they flew together in Vietnam and relied on each other's expertise to ensure their safety. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences instilled in him a strong work ethic and the ability to adapt to challenging situations.

    • Determined to serve in Vietnam, speaker joins military and transfers to helicopter training with help from instructor Johnny HenkelSpeaker's military service motivation was duty and urgency, transferring to helicopter training due to instructor's help, reflecting on 'World War 2 type flying' focus on mission completion

      The speaker's experience in helicopter flight training during the Vietnam War era was driven by a sense of duty and urgency, rather than a specific career goal. He joined the military to serve in Vietnam after his brother was killed in action, and was determined to get there as quickly as possible. When faced with the possibility of extended training due to a flight pool, he sought help from his instructor, Johnny Henkel, who ultimately arranged for him to transfer to helicopter training. The speaker reflects on this experience as the last of the "World War 2 type flying," where the focus was on completing the mission at all costs. He expresses gratitude to Henkel for helping him achieve his goal and for their recent reconnection after over five decades.

    • Joining and serving in Helo Air Squadron Three during the Vietnam WarA veteran shares his life-changing experience joining and serving in Helo Air Squadron Three during the Vietnam War, including secretly securing the job, gunnery training, escape and evasion school, unique missions, and lifelong friendships.

      The speaker's experience in joining and serving in Helo Air Squadron Three (HAL 3) during the Vietnam War was a life-changing and incredible experience. He first heard about HAL 3 from Henkel at VT 1 and kept it a secret to secure the job. After gunnery training and escape and evasion school, he was commissioned and decommissioned in Vietnam with no headquarters or presence in America. His first combat mission was to deliver a 3-holer (outhouse) to DECT 6, and later, he was part of a mission where a helo was shot down at BC Lake. The speaker emphasized the importance and uniqueness of this mission and the incredible guys he flew with. He also shared a memorable moment of having the best cheeseburger after a long field training. Despite one of his door gunners being in prison, he still visits Louisiana annually to honor the squadron's history and meet veterans like retired Navy Captain Robert Spencer, the first commanding officer of HAL 3.

    • John Farr's First Combat Experience in VietnamDespite facing mortar attacks and losing comrades, helicopter pilots in Vietnam remained focused on their mission and never let fear take over due to extensive training and preparation.

      During the Vietnam War, John Farr, a helicopter pilot, experienced his first combat on September 15th, 1967, when he was part of a rescue mission to extract people from a downed helicopter in a swamp area. The mission resulted in the loss of four Seawolves from DECT 6. Two weeks later, Farr was assigned to DAT 6 as a replacement pilot. During his service, he survived a mortar attack on October 20th, 1967, which was the first time a helicopter detachment took off during such an attack and made it. Despite the close calls and the deaths of his comrades, Farr and his colleagues remained focused on their mission and never let fear or negative thoughts consume them. They were highly trained and had undergone extensive preparation for combat situations. The intensity of the real-life experiences made their training seem like mere practice.

    • Navy's extensive pilot training for military operationsThe Navy's rigorous pilot training and real-world experience prepared them for challenging conditions, enabling effective support for military missions through advanced tactical bases and helicopter landings on LSTs.

      The Navy's rigorous training of their pilots, including extensive instrument training and nighttime flying experience, prepared them well for challenging conditions during military operations. The speaker's experience in the Mekong Delta involved frequent use of advanced tactical support bases and helicopter landings on LSTs, with new pilots starting off as copilots and gradually gaining experience to become aircraft commanders and fire team leaders. The speaker also shared that they were unaware of SEAL teams before their deployment and learned about their crucial role in military operations. Overall, the Navy's comprehensive training and on-the-job experience enabled pilots to effectively support various military missions.

    • SEALs and Swift Boats: A Legendary PartnershipDuring the Vietnam War, SEALs and Swift Boats formed a close partnership, with SEALs providing close air support for Swift Boats and vice versa, resulting in successful nighttime raids and mutual respect.

      During the Vietnam War, SEAL teams and Swift Boats worked closely together, with SEALs serving as close air support for Swift Boats during their missions. SEALs would coordinate their operations and communicate with Swift Boats, often conducting nighttime raids with the help of Kit Carson Scouts. One notable example is the operation led by John Sandoz, a heavy-operating SEAL officer, who successfully defended himself against enemy forces while communicating with Swift Boats for air support. The missions were often conducted in complete darkness, requiring pilots to fly solely based on instruments. The cooperation between SEALs and Swift Boats was legendary, and their mutual respect for each other was significant.

    • Importance of effective teamwork and communication in high-pressure missionsSkilled copilots navigate while pilots fly, all crew members have distinct roles, mentality focused on mission completion, swift boat operations intense with constant support, and teams work together in a coordinated effort to complete long and demanding missions effectively.

      Effective teamwork and communication are essential for successful missions, especially in high-pressure environments. The discussion highlighted the importance of having a skilled copilot who can navigate while the pilot focuses on flying. The crew members, including gunners and maintenance personnel, all had distinct roles and worked together as a cohesive unit. The mentality during this time was focused on completing the mission, despite any rules or challenges. The swift boat operations were intense, with constant support provided to the troops on the ground. The team worked together in a coordinated effort, with everyone knowing their role and supporting each other. The missions were often long and demanding, with crews working in shifts around the clock. Despite the danger and intensity, the team's focus remained on completing their mission effectively.

    • Forming Strong Bonds in the NavyThe shared experiences of combat and the trust and reliance on one another created lifelong friendships among Navy JGs

      During their time in the Navy, these individuals formed incredibly strong bonds through their shared experiences in combat. They were responsible for making life-or-death decisions every day and had a great deal of authority and responsibility as JGs, making their time in the Navy the best period of their lives. The friendships they formed during this time were closer than any other and remained strong even decades later. When they reunited, it was as if they had seen each other only recently, despite some not having seen each other in 40 years. The common denominator was their shared experiences in Vietnam. The intensity of their experiences and the trust and reliance on one another created a unique camaraderie that lasted a lifetime.

    • Valuing Intelligence and Expertise Over Rank in the NavyIn the Navy, leadership and expertise are not determined by rank during critical missions. Intelligence, knowledge, and quick thinking are valued above seniority.

      Rank doesn't determine leadership or expertise in the Navy, especially during critical missions. During a mission to recover a downed helicopter, a junior pilot, despite being the lowest in rank, took charge due to his knowledge and experience. The army captain present tried to assert his authority but was rebuffed by the senior naval officer. The aircraft commander holds ultimate authority, acting like a ship's captain, and must make the right decisions. The incident demonstrates that the Navy values intelligence, expertise, and quick thinking over rank.

    • Military encounters with enemy forces: unexpected casualties and damageDuring military operations, unexpected encounters with enemy forces can lead to casualties and damage to aircraft. Teams must remain focused and coordinated to successfully extract bodies and continue missions, despite the constant threat of enemy fire.

      During military operations, encounters with enemy forces can result in unexpected circumstances and casualties. In this specific instance, a team was attempting to extract bodies from a downed helicopter when they came under fire. Only one body was successfully retrieved before reinforcements arrived. Two other team members from a different helicopter were also shot down in an ambush-like situation. The constant threat of enemy fire resulted in frequent aircraft damage, with most hits occurring towards the tail section. Despite the danger, the team continued their missions, sometimes receiving intel from the SEALs that helped the enemy target their aircraft. The speaker, Carl, shared his experience of being shot down and hit in the foot during a mission. He emphasized that these injuries, while not necessarily heroic, were a part of the job. Carl also discussed his current advice for forming a three-plane formation when resources were limited and the importance of coordinated fire support during strikes.

    • Friendship and camaraderie in the midst of combatEven in intense combat situations, teamwork, friendship, and resilience can help camaraderie prevail.

      Even in the midst of intense combat situations, camaraderie and friendship among team members can prevail. The speaker shares an anecdote from his time as a SEAL, where a team member was wounded during a mission but continued to fight and even smile, while the speaker was relatively unharmed. Despite the argument over who was in the wrong position during the incident, they remained the best of friends. This incident was a part of their regular maneuvers, with one person shooting while another covered them in a racetrack pattern. The speaker was surprised to find that his team member's injury was just a bullet to the big toe, and he was moaning more than necessary. The incident resulted in a tradition where the CO bought the first person shot a bottle of scotch. The speaker also shared that he still has the round that went through his foot and the boot he was wearing during the incident. The discussion also touched upon another team member, Carl, who was injured during a patrol when they weren't even putting in a strike, and took a round through the cockpit. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of teamwork, friendship, and resilience in the face of danger.

    • Overcoming Adversity and Leading EffectivelyThrough perseverance, teamwork, and dedication, individuals can overcome challenges and effectively lead their team to success, even in the face of adversity.

      Despite facing challenges and hardships in the military, including getting wounded and being demoted, Gerald Kerry and his team managed to overcome adversity and effectively support their colleagues by leading and working together. This experience taught them the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and dedication to their mission. Gerald went from being a demoted fireteam leader to leading a team of experienced aircraft commanders, transforming their unit into one that flew all day every day. The helicopters they flew were interchangeable, and the focus was on getting the job done rather than personal preferences or attachments to specific aircraft.

    • Finding joy in the small moments during challenging military missionsFocusing on the job and finding joy in small moments can lead to memorable experiences and accomplishments despite adversity

      Despite the challenging circumstances and the uncertainty of their missions during their time in the military, the individuals focused on their jobs and found joy in the small moments, even if it meant having their names on old, scrap planes or discovering hidden communication centers. They didn't let external factors, such as protests or controversy, distract them from their duties. The last days in the squadron were filled with excitement and camaraderie, with each person determined to make the most of their time before leaving the country. Overall, their experiences showed that even in the face of adversity, a positive attitude and a commitment to the mission could lead to memorable moments and accomplishments.

    • Experiencing Cultural Shock and Unexpected Camaraderie in VietnamDespite cultural differences and initial shock, military service in Vietnam led to camaraderie and positive experiences for soldiers. Effective leadership was crucial in engaging and including draftees.

      The speaker's experience in Vietnam was marked by cultural shock and the unexpected camaraderie between soldiers, regardless of their background or reasons for serving. He was surprised by the lack of uniformity among the Vietnamese people and felt offended by the portrayal of military officers in MASH. However, upon returning home, he was welcomed warmly and had no regrets about his service. He also noticed that good leaders in the military were able to effectively engage and include draftees, leading to positive experiences for both parties. The speaker did not notice a significant difference between draftees and volunteers in the Navy, as most volunteers were likely to have chosen that service deliberately. Overall, the speaker's time in Vietnam was formative and shaped his perspective on military service and the importance of effective leadership.

    • Reluctant Memorial Day Speech in Gridley, CaliforniaDespite initial reluctance, the speaker learned about the first sailor killed in Pearl Harbor and was moved by the bravery and dedication of military personnel, debunking stereotypes about drug use and the realities of military service during the Vietnam War.

      The speaker shared his experience of reluctantly giving a Memorial Day speech in Gridley, California, where he learned about the first sailor killed in the Pearl Harbor attack. He met the cemetery manager and was asked to be the speaker for Memorial Day. The speaker was surprised by the large turnout and the country's change since the Vietnam War. He emphasized that unlike the stereotypes, there was no drug use among the enlisted men during his time in Vietnam. The speaker also shared his memories of supporting a dramatic daylight operation with Zulu Platoon. The experience reminded him of the bravery and dedication of the military personnel, and how times have changed since then. The well-documented book "Stolen Valor" by BG Burkett that the speaker read provided insight into the realities of military service and debunked myths about the Vietnam War.

    • Communication and teamwork in high-risk operationsEffective communication and teamwork are essential for mission success, even in high-risk situations. Prioritize team safety over individual concerns.

      Effective communication and teamwork are crucial in high-risk operations. The speaker described a mission where they were to escort a helicopter carrying SEALs to a location to retrieve supplies. The team briefed the operation, but during the mission, their wingman went missing. The speaker tried to locate him while ensuring the safety of the SEALs on the ground and the other team members. Simultaneously, the SEALs were under heavy fire, and the speaker provided cover fire while trying to locate their missing wingman. Eventually, they lost contact with him, but they managed to complete their mission and extract the SEALs. The incident underscores the importance of clear communication, having a solid team, and prioritizing the safety of the team members over individual concerns.

    • SEAL team faces unexpected challenges and adapts to surviveEffective communication, teamwork, and quick decision-making are vital in high-pressure situations.

      During a dangerous SEAL mission, the team encountered heavy resistance and had to abort their initial approach. One team member was injured, and they returned to extract him before attempting the mission again. Despite common misconceptions, they did not initially reach their intended landing zone. The team's helicopter, heavily loaded with fuel and armament, faced significant challenges taking off, especially on a hot day. Thankfully, a skilled helicopter pilot, Ed, arrived to extract the team members, preventing a potentially disastrous situation. Tom Richards, who was not even part of the original mission, bravely joined the team for the second attempt. The team's ability to adapt and respond to unexpected challenges was crucial to their survival. Despite the lack of a formal debriefing, the team's experiences highlighted the importance of effective communication, teamwork, and quick decision-making in high-pressure situations.

    • Military camaraderie and teamwork in dangerous situationsDespite facing danger, military teams rely on each other to ensure survival. Teamwork and camaraderie are essential for success and can have a profound impact on individuals' lives.

      The camaraderie and teamwork among military personnel in the face of danger are invaluable. The speaker shares a story of a harrowing experience in which they and their crew came under fire, and while some were wounded, they managed to cover their extraction and ensure all survived. They also discuss a team member who abandoned them, but ultimately, everyone made it out. The speaker reflects on the importance of their teammates, some of whom have passed away, and the impact they had on their life. Another significant operation mentioned was when they came under attack at the base, and they had to quickly evacuate. The open area of the base made it necessary for everyone to get to helicopters or swift boats to leave, but they managed to do so and survive. The speaker emphasizes the importance of teamwork and the impact of their colleagues on their life.

    • Memorable Vietnam deployment for helicopter crewDespite challenges, helicopter crew completed missions and left lasting impact during their Vietnam deployment. Some continued navy careers related to experiences, while others moved on.

      During their deployment in Vietnam, the helicopter crew faced numerous challenges, including running out of fuel mid-flight and having to scramble for resources. Despite these challenges, they managed to complete their missions and support their team. After their deployment, they were advised that the rest of their navy career would not be as exciting or unrestricted as their time in Vietnam. Some chose to stay in the navy and pursue roles related to their experiences, such as the LAMPS program for anti-submarine warfare, while others were reassigned to different bases. The experience of being in a high-pressure, mission-focused environment left a lasting impact on the crew, making their time in Vietnam a memorable and formative experience.

    • Taking Initiative and Leading in Challenging SituationsInitiative and leadership can make a significant difference, even in challenging situations. Adaptability and following orders are also important for success.

      Taking initiative and stepping up to lead can make a significant difference, even in challenging situations. The speaker's experience in the military involved unexpected opportunities and long hours, but by taking charge and working with others, they were able to accomplish goals and succeed. Despite facing resentment from some colleagues, the speaker and his team from HC-3 stood out for their determination and ability to get things done. Additionally, the importance of adaptability and following orders was emphasized, as the speaker's unexpected transfer to Lakehurst led to new opportunities and experiences. Overall, the ability to take charge and work effectively in a team was crucial to the speaker's success in the military.

    • Memorable Mediterranean Sea tour with Russian shipsDespite encounters with challenges and adversaries, the speaker remained dedicated to his military duties and retired after 30 years of service, including winning the Bartol Trophy for excellence and helping turn around a struggling unit.

      The speaker experienced various challenges and adventures during his military career, including engine failures, encounters with enemy submarines, and leadership roles. A particularly memorable event was a tour across the Mediterranean Sea with Russian ships, where they engaged in a tense standoff. Despite these challenges, the speaker remained focused on his duties and eventually retired from the Navy after 30 years, having served both actively and in the reserves. During his time in Guam, he was part of a unit that won the Bartol Trophy for excellence and later returned to help turn the unit around. The speaker also shared that a former CO of his had been involved in the attempt to rescue hostages from Iran and wished they had had better helicopter pilots for the mission.

    • Naval officer John and tech executive Carl share their unexpected career journeysDespite facing unexpected challenges and twists in their careers, both John and Carl remained resilient and continued to advance in their respective industries

      Both John and Carl had significant experiences in different industries and sectors, including the Navy and technology companies, and faced various challenges throughout their careers. John shared his experience as a Navy officer, including his time at Glenview Naval Air Station during the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process, and how he felt he had convinced senators to keep the base open, only to find out later that they had to make a choice between Glenview and Great Lakes. Carl discussed his career in technology, from working at Burroughs to Sperry and eventually SAIC, and the mergers and acquisitions that shaped his professional journey. They both encountered unexpected twists and turns in their careers, but remained resilient and continued to advance.

    • The power of seizing opportunities and staying open to new experiencesUnexpected opportunities and changes can lead to positive outcomes, and networking and chance encounters play a crucial role in shaping one's career and personal life.

      Sometimes in life, unexpected opportunities and changes can lead to unexpected but positive outcomes. The speaker's story illustrates this idea perfectly. He met his future wife while on a cruise ship, got married soon after leaving the Navy, and had a successful career that took him from running a small muffin company to leading a large section of Kraft. He also started his own business and lived an adventurous life. Despite the rapid succession of major life changes, the speaker has no regrets and considers himself the luckiest man on the planet. Another interesting aspect of the story is the importance of networking and chance encounters in shaping one's career and personal life. The speaker met several influential people through chance encounters, including his future father-in-law and the man who hired him as his first CEO. Overall, the speaker's story is a testament to the power of seizing opportunities and staying open to new experiences.

    • A Navy Veteran's Journey with His Commander WifeJohn Farr shares his gratitude for his Navy experience, meeting his wife, and the importance of focusing on the good in America despite challenges.

      John Farr had a remarkable experience serving in the navy for six years, and he met an exceptional woman, Jean, during that time. Their journey together, filled with adventures and surprises, led them to travel across the country to visit their family members. Jean, a celebrated figure, holds the title of commander in her military ID, and they shared a nostalgic moment when they visited the original Jersey Mike's sub shop. John expressed his gratitude for his time in the navy and the positive impact it had on his life. He emphasized the importance of focusing on the good in America, despite the challenges and negativity portrayed in the media. John's brother's passing in 1968 was a moving experience for him, and he has since traveled extensively, meeting countless good people throughout his journeys. John expressed his appreciation for being part of this podcast and for the opportunity to share their story and pay tribute to the 44 members of the Seawolves who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

    • Staying Prepared: The Seawolfs' Journey to SuccessMaintain physical and mental fitness, build relationships, and find pleasure in the journey for success. Seawolfs embodied this, pushing through pain and suffering with energy drinks and supplements from Jocco Fuel.

      Staying prepared and capable, both physically and mentally, is essential for overcoming challenges and achieving success. The Seawolfs, a highly decorated naval air squadron with a history in Vietnam, embodied this mindset. They faced pain and suffering as part of their journey, but they continued to push forward by maintaining their physical fitness, reading, and building relationships. Jocco Fuel, with its beneficial energy drinks and supplements, can help individuals stay energized and focused on their path. The importance of enjoying the journey and finding pleasure in the small things, like a delicious protein shake (molk) that beats even the best desserts, was also emphasized. The creation of such delicious products requires hard work and dedication, but the rewards are worth it.

    • Balancing food production and customer valueJocko Fuel adjusts flavors and distribution for optimal customer value, while Origin USA provides American-made comfort with durable jeans.

      Creating a balanced and perfect blend in food production is a delicate process. Sometimes, adding more of a certain flavor or ingredient might not work as intended, and adjustments like adding sugar or being strategic with distribution are necessary. The goal is to provide equivalent value to customers, whether it's through free shipping with a subscription or high-quality American-made products. The Jocko Fuel team is working on expanding their distribution network while ensuring a solid base for logistics. Additionally, Origin USA offers a range of comfortable and durable American-made products, including jeans inspired by the SEALs in Vietnam.

    • Support the podcast with high-quality training gear from OriginUSA.com and JockoStore.comCheck out OriginUSA.com and JockoStore.com for essential training gear and support the podcast.

      The speakers highly recommend checking out OriginUSA.com and JockoStore.com for high-quality gi's, rash guards, shirts, hats, and other training gear. These brands are not only used by the speakers themselves, but they represent the better versions of the items they have used and trusted for a long time. Supporting the podcast through purchasing these items is a meaningful way to do so, as they are not arbitrary things, but rather essential tools for training. Additionally, Jocko's podcast, "Jocko Unraveling," is also worth checking out for insightful conversations on various topics.

    • The importance of having a backup plan and controlling one's contentIn the ever-changing digital landscape, having a contingency plan and maintaining control over one's content is crucial. Creativity, collaboration, and community are key to adapting and thriving in the face of potential challenges.

      Having a contingency plan and maintaining control over one's content is crucial in the ever-changing digital landscape. The speakers emphasized the importance of having their own platform, Jocko Underground, as a backup plan in case larger platforms make changes that could negatively impact their content. They also highlighted the importance of creativity and collaboration, as seen in their YouTube channel and the production of "psychological warfare" album. The speakers encouraged their audience to support them through various means, such as subscribing to their paid podcast or purchasing merchandise from Dakota Meyer's website. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of adaptability, resilience, and community in the face of potential challenges in the digital world.

    • Exploring Echelon Front's Leadership Development ResourcesEchelon Front, led by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, offers various resources for individuals and teams to enhance leadership skills through online courses, live events, and field training exercises. They also support America's Mighty Warriors charity.

      The team behind Echelon Front, including Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, offer various resources for individuals and teams to improve leadership skills. Their online platform, efonline.com, provides courses for alignment and problem-solving without requiring on-site presence. They also host live events, such as the 2-day Muster leadership seminar, and offer a field training exercise, FTX, for hands-on learning. Additionally, they support the charity organization America's Mighty Warriors, which helps cover medical expenses for service members not covered by the government. Connect with them on social media, and don't hesitate to make a difference in your own life and for those who serve our country.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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    Former Lieutenant Jason Redman spent eleven years as an enlisted Navy SEAL and ten years as a SEAL Officer. On September 13, 2007, outside of Fallujah, Iraq, LT Redman’s Assault Team came under heavy machine gun and small arms fire, and he was severely wounded in the ensuing firefight. While recovering at Bethesda Naval Medical Center, LT Redman wrote and hung a bright orange sign on his door, which became a statement and symbol for wounded warriors everywhere. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with Valor, the Purple Heart, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, two Combat Action Ribbons and the US Army Ranger tab along with numerous other personal and unit awards. LT Redman is the author of “The Trident: The Forging and Reforging of a Navy SEAL Leader,” which details lessons learned in leadership and overcoming adversity throughout his Navy SEAL career, his service in Afghanistan and Iraq and his personal journey with his wife Erica and their three children.

    Redman retired from the Navy in 2013, and founded Wounded Wear, a Non-Profit organization which supports combat wounded warriors and families of the fallen. In 2014, Redman founded SOF Spoken, a speaking company which focuses on leadership, teamwork, and overcoming adversity for businesses, first responders, sports teams, and government organizations.

    For more information on Jason Redman, you can follow him via the links below:

    Website: https://www.jasonredman.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasonredmanww/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasonredmanww/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JasonRedmanWW

    The D&D Fitness Radio podcast is available at the following locations for downloadable audio, including:

    iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d-d-fitness-radio-podcast/id1331724217


    Spreaker.com – https://www.spreaker.com/show/d-and-d-fitness-radios-show

    You can reach both Don and Derek at the following locations:

    Don Saladino:
    Twitter and Instagram - @DonSaladino
    YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/donsaladino

    Derek M. Hansen: http://www.SprintCoach.com
    Twitter and Instagram - @DerekMHansen
    YouTube - http://youtube.com/derekmhansen