
    337: When You Think You've "Made it", You Can Still Do More. W/ SEAL Officer, Mike Hayes

    enJune 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Trusting instincts saves livesBeing alert and trusting instincts can prevent harm in uncertain situations, even if the potential threat turns out to be a high-ranking enemy.

      Instincts and quick decision-making can save lives in high-pressure situations. Jocko Willink shares a story from his time as a SEAL team member, where he used his instincts to prevent a potential threat from harming his team. The father of a family, who was reaching for a weapon, was quickly subdued by Jocko before he could cause any harm. It turned out that the man was the number 2 most wanted enemy in Western Iraq at the time. This incident highlights the importance of being alert and trusting your instincts, even in uncertain situations. Mike Hayes, the retired SEAL officer who wrote about this experience in his book "Never Enough," emphasizes the importance of being prepared and aware in order to make quick and effective decisions.

    • A grandfather's military journey shapes a grandson's valuesGrowing up without modern amenities in Guam and learning from a selfless, inspiring grandfather who had an extraordinary military career instilled values of service and perseverance.

      Growing up in Guam during the early 1990s, before the Internet era, provided a simple yet educational experience, but came with the sacrifice of modern amenities. Another significant influence was the story of the speaker's grandfather, a Naval Academy graduate who survived the Pearl Harbor attack and went on to have an extraordinary military career, inspiring his grandson with lessons about selflessness, service, and perseverance. Despite not writing a book himself, the grandfather's larger-than-life experiences left an indelible mark on his grandson, shaping his values and motivations. The grandfather's military journey included serving as a pilot in World War II, commanding a bombing squadron, and becoming the Navy's first helicopter squadron commander during the Korean War. His legacy taught the importance of putting country before self and striving for personal growth.

    • Importance of courage and calmness during dangerous situationsCourage and calmness under pressure are vital qualities, illustrated by a grandfather's experience in Korea and a grandson's encounter in Iraq. Family history and education can shape one's future, as seen in the speaker's journey to Holy Cross University.

      Courage and calmness under pressure are essential qualities, especially during times of war. The story shared about a grandfather's experience in Korea and the grandson's encounter with an ambush in Iraq illustrates this concept. Both individuals remained calm and focused on their missions despite facing dangerous situations. Additionally, the importance of family history and influence in shaping one's future was highlighted. The speaker grew up in Rhode Island, an average athlete, and listened to 80s rock music. However, his family's connection to Holy Cross University led him to attend the institution on a ROTC scholarship, which ultimately paid for his college education and provided valuable leadership experience. This experience prepared him for the unexpected invasion of Panama, where he served alongside a fellow Holy Cross ROTC graduate who was tragically killed in action. Overall, the stories shared emphasize the importance of staying calm under pressure, the influence of family history, and the value of education and leadership experience.

    • Young experiences sparked interest in SEAL teamsPersonal motivation, exposure, and a desire for challenge led the speaker to pursue a career in the SEAL teams.

      The speaker's interest in joining the SEAL teams was sparked at a young age through various experiences, including a memorial service for a fallen SEAL and the events of the Gulf War. He explored different career paths in the Navy through ROTC summer cruises, eventually deciding to pursue SEAL training after a taste of it through the Mini Buds program during college. The speaker's experiences at Holy Cross College, where he attended, also influenced his decision-making, as the strict environment and strong relationship between students and faculty provided a sense of discipline and community. Overall, the speaker's determination to join the SEAL teams was a result of a combination of personal motivation, exposure to the community, and a desire for challenge and discipline.

    • The SEAL training program in the 1990s was incredibly competitive and challengingDespite physical limitations, determination and preparation helped a Holy Cross graduate complete SEAL training, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and mental toughness.

      The SEAL training program, even back in the 1990s, was incredibly competitive and challenging. The speaker, who attended BUDS in 1993 after graduating from Holy Cross, recalled that only 19 out of the initial 120 trainees graduated. He admitted that he was not the strongest physically, but his determination and preparation helped him overcome his struggles with pull-ups and other aspects of the training. The speaker emphasized the importance of going for what one wants in life, even if it means taking risks and making sacrifices. He also noted that while pull-ups were a challenge for him, they didn't ultimately prevent him from succeeding in the program. The speaker's experience highlights the mental and physical toughness required to complete SEAL training and the importance of perseverance and preparation.

    • Choosing the hard path leads to great rewardsPerseverance and pushing through challenges can lead to lifelong friendships and personal growth. However, it's important to understand the difference between doing the hard thing and taking unnecessary risks.

      Pushing through challenges and choosing the hard path, even when it seems daunting, can lead to great rewards. The speaker shared his experience at BUDs training, where he formed a lifelong friendship with his swim buddy, Chris Cassidy. They faced numerous challenges together, including grueling swims and intense competition. Despite the difficulties, neither of them considered quitting. Later, when the speaker was assigned to Team 4 due to his Spanish language skills, he faced a new challenge – navigating harsh conditions during a swim exercise. Despite losing his team and being lost at sea for hours, he refused to give up and eventually made it back to the boat. This story illustrates the importance of perseverance and the mindset that no matter how difficult the situation may seem, it's important to keep pushing forward. The speaker's book is filled with similar stories and lessons on overcoming challenges and choosing the hard path. However, it's also important to note that taking unnecessary risks, like the speaker did during the swim exercise, can be dangerous and counterproductive. It's essential to understand the difference between doing the hard thing and doing the right thing.

    • Fear of failure can be as debilitating as external threatsRecognize when a strategy isn't working and adjust accordingly to save lives and resources in leadership and success

      Even in the most challenging and dangerous situations, the fear of appearing as a failure or letting down one's team can be just as debilitating as any external threat. This was exemplified in a story shared about trying to navigate at sea, where the speaker's primary concern was not his own safety but rather the perception of his teammates. The importance of adaptability and reassessing risks in light of new information was also emphasized, drawing parallels between military operations and business decisions. The ability to recognize when a strategy is not working and adjust accordingly, rather than pushing forward regardless, can save lives and resources. This lesson, while difficult to learn, is crucial for effective leadership and success in any field.

    • Adaptability in Business and Military OperationsBe willing to pivot and try new strategies when current ones aren't effective, learn from mistakes, and find balance between leading and being humble.

      In both business and military operations, it's crucial to be adaptable and willing to pivot when things aren't working out as planned. Sunk costs are sunk, and continuing to invest in a failing strategy is not an effective solution. Instead, it's important to make a decision, learn from past mistakes, and try something new. This was evident during the speaker's time in the Navy SEALs, where they were exposed to real-life situations that taught them valuable lessons. In the business world, this could mean reassessing marketing campaigns or other initiatives that aren't yielding the desired results. Additionally, as a new officer, it's important to find the right balance between leading and being humble, recognizing that others may have valuable insights and experience to contribute.

    • Empowering team members to leadSuccessful leadership involves trusting team members, allowing them to make decisions, and learning from mistakes. This balance of confidence, trust, and effective decision-making leads to a collaborative and efficient team environment.

      Effective leadership involves knowing when to step back and let others lead. SEAL teams, like businesses, benefit from succession planning and allowing team members to make decisions and learn from their mistakes. Leaders should trust their team and focus on ensuring the decision-making process is sound. As a leader, it's important to have confidence in your abilities and not feel the need to constantly prove yourself. This allows for a more collaborative and efficient team environment. An example of this can be seen in a scenario where a team member calmly identified a potential danger, and the leader, trusting their judgement, was able to react appropriately. Ultimately, successful leadership requires a balance of confidence, trust, and effective decision-making.

    • Staying Calm and Reacting Quickly: A Crucial Leadership SkillEffective leaders can assess and respond quickly to unexpected situations, making them valuable in high-pressure environments. This skill can be learned and developed through training and experience, such as in combat situations.

      The ability to remain calm and react quickly to unexpected situations is crucial for effective leadership. The author uses the example of encountering a baby alligator to illustrate this point. While some individuals may have greater raw intelligence, those who can assess and respond effectively to challenges are more valuable. The author emphasizes the importance of learning and training this skill, as it can make a significant difference in high-pressure situations. The author also mentions that combat can serve as an intense leadership laboratory, allowing individuals to learn and improve their reactions under extreme conditions. Overall, the ability to stay calm and react quickly is a valuable trait that can be learned and developed over time.

    • Recognize and leverage team strengths and weaknessesEffective leaders build strong teams by recognizing team members' unique abilities and delegating responsibilities accordingly.

      Effective leadership involves recognizing and leveraging the strengths and weaknesses of your team. A leader may not be able to excel at everything, but by surrounding themselves with individuals who complement their abilities, they can build a strong and functional team. For instance, a task unit commander with a soft-spoken voice may struggle to communicate effectively with his troops, but by delegating this responsibility to a more articulate team member, he can ensure that important information is disseminated effectively. Similarly, some individuals may struggle with simplifying complex problems, and a leader can leverage the strengths of a team member who excels in this area. Furthermore, being calm and able to detach in high-pressure situations is a crucial skill for effective leadership. A leader's ability to remain calm and composed can help de-escalate tense situations and ensure the safety of their team. One real-life example of this was when the speaker and his team were held at gunpoint in Peru. Despite the danger, the speaker chose to remain calm and comply with the assailants, ultimately ensuring their safety. By recognizing the importance of different skills and delegating responsibilities accordingly, a leader can build a strong team and effectively lead in various situations.

    • Former Navy SEAL shares experience dealing with mistaken identity and staying calm under pressureAdaptability and staying calm under pressure are essential in unpredictable situations. Effective communication and understanding the situation from the other side can lead to positive outcomes.

      Adaptability and resilience are crucial in unpredictable situations. The speaker, a former Navy SEAL, shared his experience being mistaken for kidnappers in Lima, Peru, pre-9/11. Despite the tense situation, he remained calm and non-threatening, allowing the kidnappers to realize they were dealing with desk-working economists. However, the situation took a turn when they were brought out of the car at gunpoint. The SEAL and his colleague kept moving forward, trusting that a close shot might miss its mark. Eventually, they were not harmed. This experience taught the speaker valuable lessons about staying calm under pressure and the importance of effective communication and understanding the situation from the other side. After this deployment, he went to Germany for language training and later joined SEAL Team 2, where his experience and adaptability made him an asset. The speaker emphasized that his time in Germany helped him become a better platoon commander by exposing him to diverse leadership styles and challenging situations.

    • Understanding Different PerspectivesBroadening our perspectives can help us make unknowns known and adapt to new situations in life and business.

      Having a narrow perspective while being part of a team can limit our understanding of situations. The speaker shares an experience from his time in the Navy SEALs, where he was part of a platoon and had a limited view of the world outside of it. It was only when he saw the platoon from the outside that he realized the potential problems and the importance of understanding different perspectives. This lesson can be applied to various aspects of life, including business. To make unknowns known, it's essential to take a step back and see things from different angles. The speaker also mentions the importance of being adaptable and being able to adjust to new situations, as shown when he went from being a platoon member to a platoon commander. Overall, this discussion emphasizes the importance of broadening our perspectives and being aware of the potential limitations of our current viewpoints.

    • The importance of staying put in uncomfortable situationsPersevering through uncomfortable situations can lead to safety and success, even when easier options call out to us.

      Doing the uncomfortable and exhausting thing, even when the easier path calls out to us, can save us from danger and potential harm. This lesson was learned during a military operation where the team had to set up camp on a steeply angled slope instead of the more comfortable and visible flat ground below. The decision to stay put saved them from being discovered by an entire army. This experience was part of a six-month deployment in which the team also underwent winter warfare training, which paid off during operations in Kosovo where weather conditions were harsh. During one mission, the team observed an illegal weapons transfer and reported it up the chain of command, leading to a special forces group being sent to investigate. Despite the potential danger, the team continued their mission after consulting with their leaders, ultimately making the decision to trust their instincts and not make a big issue out of it. This story highlights the importance of perseverance and trusting one's judgment, even in the face of uncertainty and potential danger.

    • Staying calm and considering long-term consequences leads to positive outcomesIn high-pressure situations, staying calm and considering the long-term consequences can lead to better decisions and positive outcomes.

      Even in the face of danger and difficult decisions, staying calm and considering the long-term consequences can lead to positive outcomes. The speaker recounted a time during a pre-9/11 deployment when they and their team were discovered by armed individuals. Despite the urging to leave, they were told to stay and maintain observation. The team made a decision to not engage and instead retreat, which ultimately allowed them to regroup and safely exit the situation. The speaker also shared how a seemingly disappointing decision to stay at SEAL Team 8 instead of pursuing a spot in the development group ended up being fortuitous for his career. The events of 9/11 brought about new challenges and deployments for the teams, and the speaker's calm and thoughtful approach to decision-making proved valuable.

    • Stay committed to your mission during challenging timesStay focused on your mission and continue training, even during unexpected deployments or when opportunities don't align with your initial plans. Be open to new experiences and use them to grow and improve.

      Even during times of war when you might feel like you're not making a direct impact, it's important to stay focused on your mission and continue training. As shared in the discussion, a SEAL commander described his experience during the early phases of the War on Terror when his unit was deployed to Europe instead of the intended theater. Despite the disappointment, he encouraged his team to keep training and preparing for future deployments. He eventually applied for and was accepted into a political military fellowship, which allowed him to pursue a master's degree during this time. When he returned to active duty, he took over as commander of SEAL Team 10 and implemented various psychological and spiritual support systems for his team in response to the challenges they faced. This experience underscores the importance of staying committed to your mission and being open to new opportunities, even when they don't align with your initial expectations.

    • Leading with compassion during challenging timesEffective leaders recognize their limitations and prioritize mental health support for their team, fostering open communication and reducing stigma, ultimately contributing to team resilience.

      Effective leadership involves recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses, and bringing in teammates who excel in areas where one may not. This was demonstrated during a challenging deployment in the military, where the leader prioritized mental health support for his team, encouraging open communication and reducing the stigma associated with seeking help. This approach set the foundation for the team to cope with the traumatic experiences they faced and ultimately contributed to their resilience. The leader's foresight and compassionate approach to leadership was admirable, as it went against the traditional military culture of "sucking it up" and "dealing with it." This experience shaped the leader's career, allowing him to continue serving in elite military units and making a positive impact on his team.

    • Effective teamwork and recognizing comparative advantagesFocus on doing things only you can do and delegate tasks to others for success in challenging environments

      Effective teamwork and recognizing comparative advantages are crucial for success, especially in challenging environments. The speaker shared a personal experience of serving with a command master chief named Mark during a deployment in 2007, where they went on operations together despite not being required to. Mark's suicide a few weeks ago was a shock to the speaker, as he was always known for his positivity and great attitude. During that deployment, they were working with Iraqis, and building their army was a significant challenge. The speaker recalled losing 35 marines in the first 30 days of the deployment due to the insurgency. The main lesson learned from that experience was the importance of efficiency and delegating tasks to those who are best suited for them. The speaker emphasized that leaders should focus on doing things that only they can do and let others handle the rest. This approach allows leaders to look up and out, focusing on the next horizon and potential opportunities, rather than being bogged down by doing the same tasks repeatedly.

    • Embracing ignorance and focusing on strengthsAdmitting what you don't know and emphasizing strengths can lead to unexpected opportunities. Authenticity, learning, and diverse perspectives are valuable.

      Admitting what you don't know and focusing on your strengths can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker, a former Navy SEAL, shared his experience of applying for the White House Fellowship despite not having extensive knowledge about nuclear treaties. Instead, he emphasized his ability to facilitate decision-making processes and bring people together to find the best solution. This approach landed him a role as the director for defense policy and strategy under President Bush, demonstrating that humility and confidence can be a powerful combination. The White House Fellowship program offers various opportunities for fellows to learn and contribute, and the speaker chose to immerse himself in the West Wing to tackle the nation's toughest problems. This story highlights the importance of being authentic, embracing learning, and trusting the value of diverse perspectives.

    • Effective and inclusive decision-making in governmentMaintaining a complex decision-making process ensures best outcomes, but breakdowns can lead to chaos and negative consequences

      The White House operates through a complex decision-making process where only the most challenging issues reach the highest levels of government. This process ensures that important decisions are made with input from all relevant stakeholders, but it can also lead to delays and inefficiencies. The speaker, who had a role in running these meetings, emphasized the importance of maintaining this process to ensure the best possible outcomes. He also highlighted that breakdowns in this process, such as during the withdrawal from Afghanistan, can lead to chaos and negative consequences. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of effective and inclusive decision-making in government.

    • Handling a Crisis: Lessons from a SEAL Team Leader and the White HousePreparation, clear communication, and efficient teamwork are essential in handling crises. Whether in the military or the White House, having a plan and executing it effectively can make all the difference.

      Being prepared for the worst-case scenario and taking swift action when faced with a crisis are crucial skills, whether you're a SEAL team leader or working at the White House. The speaker shares a personal experience of receiving non-stop texts on his Blackberry during a hijacking incident, and how he used his experience and leadership skills to ensure the situation was handled effectively. He emphasizes the importance of clear communication and direction from higher-ups, as well as the importance of having a team that can execute plans efficiently. The speaker also reflects on the differences between working for George W. Bush and Barack Obama, emphasizing the importance of not believing everything you read or see in the media and the narrowing of opinions when dealing with sensitive national security information. Overall, the experience taught him the value of preparation, communication, and teamwork in the face of a crisis.

    • Transitioning from White House to SEAL Team 2Mike Pompeo shares his experience of leading SEAL Team 2, transitioning from the White House, and the impact of a unified team effort in Afghanistan despite the challenges of leadership changes.

      The stability and consistency of the government, despite the frequent changes in leadership, can be seen as an advantage. Mike Pompeo shares his experience of transitioning from the White House to leading SEAL Team 2, where he was able to deploy the entire team overseas for a unified effort in Afghanistan. This was a significant shift from the historical deployment of one or two platoons at a time. Pompeo expresses his gratitude for the visionary leaders who made this possible and acknowledges the hard decisions that had to be made during the workup process. While some aspects of preparation were minimized, the focus remained on the mission in Afghanistan. The experience of losing team members in a helicopter crash left a profound impact on Pompeo, underscoring the weight of responsibility as a team commander.

    • From second in command to overall leader brings unique challengesTransitioning to a leadership role requires making tough decisions and standing up for what's necessary, even against superior's orders, while dealing with military's rigid policies and lack of organizational flexibility.

      Leadership roles come with unique challenges and responsibilities that cannot be fully grasped until experienced firsthand. This was a lesson learned by a former SEAL team member when he transitioned from being second in command to taking overall charge. The harsh realities of war, such as the loss of team members and the potential for civilian casualties, became all too real for him. He found himself responsible not just for his team, but for the entire force, and learned the importance of making tough decisions and standing up for what was necessary, even if it meant going against the orders of a superior. The military's rigid policies and lack of organizational flexibility were also highlighted as obstacles to effective leadership and mission success.

    • Values-driven decision making saves livesAdhering to convictions and processes can result in life-saving outcomes, even in high-pressure combat situations. Listen to team members pushing back against orders as they may have valuable insights.

      Values-based decision making and adhering to process, even under immense pressure, can save lives. During a deployment, the speaker faced a difficult decision and refused to comply with an order that went against his beliefs. This decision ultimately saved the lives of several team members when an IED exploded, killing three soldiers. The experience left a profound impact on the speaker and reinforced the importance of standing firm in one's convictions. Additionally, in leadership positions, it's crucial to listen to those below you pushing back against orders, as they may be doing so for good reason. The weight of combat decisions can be overwhelming, and moments like these serve as reminders of the real-life impact of leadership choices. The deployment was a 10-month cycle, and the speaker had no personal rhythm due to the demanding nature of the mission. Decisions with life-and-death consequences are frequent in such environments, and maintaining confidence in one's judgments is essential.

    • Leading a SEAL team in a war zone: constant decision-making and multitaskingA SEAL team commander in a war zone made over 1100 air-to-ground drops without harming civilians, joined troops on operations to build trust, and demonstrated adaptability in mass casualty situations.

      Serving as a SEAL team commander in a war zone involved constant decision-making and multitasking in high-pressure situations. With multiple outstations and elements requesting air support, the commander made crucial decisions on when to drop bombs and approve operations, resulting in over 1100 air-to-ground drops over ten months without harming innocent civilians. Despite the demanding nature of the job, the commander also felt it was essential to join the troops on operations to maintain perspective and build trust. However, this came with the risk of leaving the headquarters unattended, which required confidence and trust in the team. The deployment was not without its challenges, including mass casualty situations where the commander had to step in and assist, demonstrating the importance of being hands-on and adaptable in the face of adversity.

    • The importance of supporting each other in times of struggleThe bond between teammates goes beyond trust, it's about being there for each other, especially during tough times, and recognizing the importance of addressing mental health in the military.

      The dedication and resilience of those in the military is truly remarkable. Despite the harsh conditions and the constant danger, they continue to put their country and their teammates before themselves. However, even among the bravest and strongest, there can be hidden struggles and burdens. The loss of a close friend and former teammate, who took his own life after a deployment, was a shocking reminder of the weight of responsibility and the importance of supporting each other. It's not always possible to know what others are going through, but it's crucial to check in and be there for each other, both on and off the battlefield. The bond between teammates goes beyond trust, it's about wanting them to be there with you, sharing the trenches and the hardships. The loss of a friend was a painful reminder of the sacrifices made and the importance of addressing the mental health of those who serve.

    • The importance of checking on team members' well-beingBeing intrusive and asking 'have you ever considered harm to self?' can prevent tragic outcomes, despite initial discomfort. Creating a safe space for team members to share vulnerabilities is essential.

      Being intrusive and checking on the well-being of others, even if it feels uncomfortable or embarrassing, can prevent tragic outcomes. The speaker shares a personal experience from his military career where he failed to reach out to a team member, leading to the team member taking his own life. He now regrets not being more intrusive and encourages others to ask the tough question, "have you ever considered harm to self?" Despite the awkwardness, it's better to err on the side of caution and potentially save a life. Additionally, the pressure to avoid losses and the expectation of not losing anyone can contribute to a culture where team members feel they cannot express their struggles. It's crucial to create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their vulnerabilities and seeking help when needed.

    • Exemplifying the importance of serving othersTransitioning from military to civilian life requires finding a new mission and adapting to new challenges, as demonstrated by the speaker's experience and successful transition.

      Serving others and making a difference, whether in the military or in civilian life, carries great weight and importance. This was exemplified by the speaker's experience with a friend's family during a deployment, where children and spouses showed remarkable strength and resilience. The speaker himself felt the weight of continuing to serve and make a difference, leading him to retire and transition into the private sector with a new mission. The importance of finding a new mission after military service was emphasized, as the focus and skills developed over years of service may no longer apply in civilian life. The speaker's successful transition was a result of his prior exposure to various opportunities and mentors. Overall, the discussion highlighted the significance of serving others and adapting to new challenges in life.

    • Applying Decision-Making Skills Across IndustriesSuccessful leaders can adapt their decision-making skills to various industries, focusing on core principles rather than differences.

      The ability to adapt and apply one's decision-making process and skills to different high-stakes organizations and industries is crucial for career transitions. As shared in the conversation, Mike's experience transitioning from the military to government to the private sector involved applying his process and lessons learned to each new environment. He emphasized that while the details may differ, the core principles remain the same. Mike's successful career transitions include joining Bridgewater Associates and later Cognizant, and now leading global operations and transformation at VMware. His experiences demonstrate that strong leaders can adapt and succeed in various industries, making the challenge of transitioning between sectors less daunting when one focuses on the similarities rather than the differences.

    • Giving Back: Willink's Impact Beyond LeadershipFormer Navy SEAL commander Willink, now a business leader, uses book profits to pay off mortgages for Gold Star families and supports the National Medal of Honor Museum.

      Willink, a former Navy SEAL commander, is making a significant impact both in the military and civilian sectors through various means. He has been recognized for his leadership skills and is currently the Chief Digital Transformation Officer at a company. However, he is also giving back in a meaningful way by using the profits from his book, "Never Enough," to pay off mortgages for Gold Star families. This is an effort to provide them with peace of mind and security, allowing them to stay in their communities after experiencing the loss of a loved one. Additionally, Willink is involved with the National Medal of Honor Museum, serving on its board and helping to raise funds for its construction in Arlington, Texas. His dedication to giving back and making a difference in people's lives is truly inspiring.

    • Inspiring America through the stories of Medal of Honor recipientsA new museum is being built to share the inspiring stories of Medal of Honor recipients and encourage young people to make their communities stronger.

      A group of individuals, including a Medal of Honor recipient and a former Navy SEAL, are working on opening a museum to inspire America by sharing the stories and values of Medal of Honor recipients. The museum, which will open in about a year and a half, will be one of the premier museums in the nation and will feature the stories of approximately 135 Medal of Honor recipients. The ultimate goal is to inspire young people to step up and make their communities stronger, whether it's stopping bullying or preventing school shootings. The museum's CEO, Chris Cassidy, was recommended by the speaker, and construction has already begun. The speaker encourages people to follow him on social media, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, to stay updated on the museum's progress. He also mentioned that he was reluctant to join social media but has since come around due to encouragement from others.

    • Importance of following processes and adapting when necessaryFollowing processes saves lives and increases chances of success, but flexibility and creativity are also essential for optimal outcomes.

      Adhering to processes and procedures can save lives and increase chances of success, especially in high-pressure situations. However, it's essential to know when to deviate from the process to adapt to unique circumstances. The speaker shared his personal experience of the importance of sticking to processes in various aspects of life, including military service and professional roles. He emphasized that while processes provide a foundation for success, flexibility and creativity are also crucial in achieving optimal outcomes. The speaker's anecdotes from his experiences in jujitsu further illustrated the importance of staying focused on techniques and methods while also recognizing the need for spontaneous adjustments. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of maintaining a balance between following established procedures and being open to innovation to navigate complex and dynamic environments.

    • Trusting the Process in Martial Arts and LifeTrusting the process in martial arts and life leads to long-term success and improvement through staying focused, flexible, and open to new and improved versions.

      Trusting the process is crucial in various aspects of life, including martial arts like Jiu Jitsu. However, it's important to understand that creativity and flexibility can also be part of the process. Staying calm and focused can help one adhere to the process and avoid distractions or complacency. In life, sticking to certain processes, such as working out, eating well, and taking relevant supplements, can lead to significant benefits. The process of trusting and staying true to these habits can lead to long-term success and improvement. Additionally, new and improved versions of old processes, like Jocofuel's new drink flavors, can bring even greater benefits. Trusting the process means trusting in the journey and the evolution of the process itself.

    • Choosing ethical gear and clothesSupport companies with quality and ethical labor practices. Unique clothing can help individuals stand out and avoid drama.

      Making ethical choices matters, whether it's in the gear you use for your activities or the clothes you wear. The speaker emphasizes the importance of supporting companies that prioritize quality and ethical labor practices, such as Originusa.com. Additionally, having unique clothing items, like those offered through Jocko Store's shirt locker subscription, can help individuals stand out and avoid unwanted drama or comparisons. The speaker also shares an amusing anecdote about the origins of the term "tea" for drama, which adds a light-hearted tone to the conversation. Overall, the message is to make informed decisions and prioritize quality and individuality in your purchases.

    • Explore resources for learning from inspiring individualsEngage with experts like Jocko Willink, support Medal of Honor recipients, read books, attend leadership training, and help military families. Continuously learn and grow.

      There are numerous resources and opportunities to engage with, learn from, and support individuals who have made significant contributions to society, particularly in the areas of leadership, military service, and personal growth. Jocko Willink, a sociological expert and former Navy SEAL, encourages listeners to subscribe to his podcast, YouTube channel, and website for insights on camaraderie, psychological warfare, and leadership. Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer offers cool merchandise and conversations through his company, FlipsideCanvas.com. Mike Hayes' book "Never Enough" supports Gold Star Families and offers valuable lessons. Echelon Front provides leadership training, and America's Mighty Warriors and Heroes and Horses offer assistance to military members and veterans. Remember, it's never enough to rest on our laurels – we can always do more, learn more, and help more. So, take action, explore these resources, and continue growing.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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    #362 Cultivate a resilience mindset and thrive in the face of uncertainty, with Tony Robbins' fire captain Bill Keefe.

    Join me on an insightful journey with Bill Keefe, Fire Team Captain for the Tony Robbins Organisation and Co-General Manager of Namale Resort and Spa. Bill's story is an introspective look at how life can flourish when we take a bold step into the unknown. He shares his experience of relocating his family to the South Pacific, reveals the essence of family unity in decision-making, and offers a glimpse into the power of taking leaps of faith and the rewards that await.


    Our conversation delves into the mindset of resilience, drawing inspiration from the relentless spirit of the likes of David Goggins and the unique challenges of Tony Robbins' Fire Walk events. Discover how the collective mindset and camaraderie of a team can push you beyond your perceived limits, especially during the most challenging times. Bill and I reflect on the importance of commitment and the role it plays not only in enduring physical and mental fatigue, but also in overcoming adversity - a lesson that applies to all facets of life.


    Finally, we turn our attention to the principles of calmness and detachment, particularly in high-pressure situations. Using the metaphor of the 'rock in the river', Bill illustrates the importance of maintaining focus in the midst of chaos, and how leaders can benefit from remaining objective in their decisions. Tune in for an engaging discussion that's sure to leave you with a new perspective on life's possibilities.



    0:03:18 -Relocation to Fiji and Career Change

    0:07:48 -Overcoming Obstacles and Successful Business Transition

    0:12:10 - Fiji Factor and Fire Team Perseverance

    0:15:10 - Resilience and Perseverance

    0:19:07 - Testing Resilience and Overcoming Limits

    0:22:47 - "The Rock in the River

    0:28:52 - Metaphor of Rock in a River: Detachment and Focus in Chaotic Situations

    0:32:29 - Key Lessons Learned From Tony Robbins

    0:41:08 - Unleashing Potential Through Discomfort


    "Don't quit when you're tired, quit when you're done."



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

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    Listen to learn:


    1. How to cultivate resilience and perseverance: Learn about the importance of not giving up when faced with fatigue or adversity, but rather pushing through until the task is complete. Drawing inspiration from figures like David Goggins and the experience of fire walk events, the conversation delves into the mindset needed to exceed perceived limitations and the power of a supportive team in overcoming challenges.


    2. How to maintain composure in chaotic situations: The podcast highlights techniques for staying calm and focused amidst turmoil, using the metaphor of the 'rock in the river.' You can understand the value of breathing techniques, detachment, and global awareness in high-pressure environments, skills that are transferable to daily life and leadership roles.


    3. How to manage your state for personal growth: Through the insights shared about learning from Tony Robbins, you can discover the significance of managing one's state of mind to handle life's challenges effectively. The episode underscores the continuous journey of personal development, emphasising the need to reframe perceptions and beliefs to maintain a positive outlook and become the best version of oneself.



    The podcast episode featuring Bill Keefe is highly relevant to individuals who are facing uncertainty in their lives or seeking personal growth and resilience. The discussion revolves around how embracing life's unknowns can lead to transformative experiences and a deeper understanding of one's capabilities.


    For those dealing with current problems that involve making difficult decisions, venturing into new territories, or enduring challenging circumstances, Bill's insights offer guidance and inspiration. His journey from the Bahamas to Fiji, which led to unexpected personal and professional growth, exemplifies the potential rewards of taking risks and stepping out of one's comfort zone. This narrative can resonate with listeners who might be contemplating a significant life change or feeling stuck in their current situation.


    Furthermore, the episode delves into the importance of resilience and perseverance, drawing from the powerful messages of individuals like David Goggins. For the reader who is tired and close to giving up on a goal or project, the mantra "Don't quit when you're tired, quit when you're done" serves as a motivational reminder that endurance can lead to achieving one's objectives. This can be particularly relevant for those working on long-term goals that require sustained effort and commitment.


    The concept of being a 'rock in the river,' maintaining composure amidst chaos, is another key takeaway from the episode that addresses a common desire among many people: finding peace and focus during stressful situations. This skill is invaluable for listeners looking to manage their reactions to the fast-paced, often overwhelming demands of modern life.


    Lastly, the episode emphasizes continuous personal growth and the management of one's state of mind, as taught by Tony Robbins. Listeners interested in self-improvement and better handling life's challenges can gain from the discussion on the importance of reframing one's perception of events and maintaining a positive outlook.


    In summary, this podcast episode provides actionable insights for listeners seeking to navigate life's uncertainties with confidence, strengthen their resilience, and commit to a journey of personal development. It encourages listeners to push their boundaries and embrace the beauty of life's uncharted waters, offering advice and real-life examples that can lead to fulfilling outcomes.

    Vulnerability with Brigadier General Michael “Johnny Bravo” Drowley

    Vulnerability with Brigadier General Michael “Johnny Bravo” Drowley

    If you ask people in the military what makes them willing to sacrifice themselves for each other, the answer may surprise you. It’s not God or country… it's LOVE. In business we have colleagues and co-workers, in the military, they have brothers and sisters. Bonds like that inspire people to do remarkable things for each other. I sat down with Brigadier General Michael “Johnny Bravo” Drowley, to understand what it takes to build a bond of love on a team. This is… A Bit of Optimism.

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