
    385: The Code of Combat: Moral, Ethical, and Legal Leadership and Conduct in War.

    enMay 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • American military's ethical and moral standardsDespite media portrayal, most American soldiers adhere to strict ethical codes and follow military values such as honor, courage, and commitment.

      The media often portrays the military and its leaders in a negative light, giving a distorted impression of the ethical and moral standards of the American military. However, the reality is that the vast majority of American servicemen and women adhere to strict codes of conduct and follow ethical guidelines on the battlefield. These codes include the Uniform Code of Military Justice and military values such as honor, courage, and commitment. Disregard for these codes results in severe punishment. It's essential to understand that the negative stories that get the most attention in the media are not representative of the typical experiences and actions of American military personnel. The importance of taking the high ground, both literally and figuratively, in ethical and moral situations cannot be overstated.

    • Minimizing Collateral Damage and Upholding Ethical StandardsThe US military prioritizes safety and ethical conduct on the battlefield through rules of engagement, positive identification, and graduated measures of force, despite occasional tragic outcomes.

      The US military goes to great lengths to minimize collateral damage and maintain ethical standards on the battlefield. Rules of engagement, which apply to every coalition force member, are designed to allow necessary and proportional force to defend oneself, with a focus on positive identification and graduated measures of force. While these rules may not always prevent tragic outcomes, they generally provide soldiers with the necessary leeway to make decisions and prioritize safety. The speaker emphasizes that most instances of perceived rules of engagement constraints are actually leadership issues, where commanders fail to take calculated risks to protect their troops. Overall, the US military's commitment to upholding moral and ethical standards, even in the heat of combat, sets it apart from other militaries throughout history.

    • Rules for Engagement in Iraq: Protecting Civilians and InfrastructureMilitary personnel in Iraq must follow strict rules to avoid harming civilians and damaging infrastructure, including avoiding non-combatant targets, minimizing collateral damage, and respecting civilian property.

      Military personnel are strictly bound by rules of engagement to avoid targeting or striking non-combatants, civilian populated areas, hospitals, religious sites, schools, and historical sites, unless necessary for self-defense or military purposes. Additionally, they are prohibited from damaging Iraqi infrastructure unless it poses a threat, and must always minimize collateral damage. The use of force, including deadly force, is authorized to protect personnel, detainees, and civilians from imminent danger, but warning shots are only authorized in certain situations. Civilians and their property must be treated with respect, and detainees must be protected. Looting and taking war trophies are prohibited. These rules aim to protect both military personnel and civilians, and ensure that military actions do not cause unnecessary harm or damage to infrastructure.

    • Rules of engagement for military operationsStrictly following rules of engagement is crucial for protecting troops, civilians, and infrastructure during military operations, ensuring the safety of all involved, and building relationships with the populace.

      Effective rules of engagement are essential for military operations to protect troops, civilians, and infrastructure. These rules are not just legally and ethically necessary, but also strategically important for securing the populace and stabilizing the area. It's crucial for military personnel to understand their mission: to secure the civilian population and lower the level of violence, even if it means engaging the enemy. The rules of engagement provide clarity and support for making decisions on the battlefield. They should be followed strictly and comprehensively to ensure the safety of all involved. It's a leadership problem if the rules are perceived as too restrictive, and it's important to remember that the ultimate goal is to protect civilians and build relationships with them.

    • Background in English and diverse experiences enhance leadership skillsA strong educational foundation and diverse experiences can improve communication, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities in leadership roles, especially in complex environments.

      Having a strong educational foundation and diverse experiences can make a significant difference in leadership roles, particularly in complex and challenging environments. The speaker, who had studied English in college and gained experience in direct action missions, was able to effectively understand and communicate the rules of engagement to troops during a deployment to Ramadi. He also recognized the need to expand beyond traditional mission types and explore other ways to help the local population. The importance of clear communication and adaptability cannot be overstated in military contexts, and the speaker's background in English and previous experiences enabled him to excel in these areas. Additionally, having a strong foundation in education and a diverse range of experiences can provide valuable perspective and problem-solving abilities in various situations.

    • Effective communication and understanding of rules crucial for military successClear communication, understanding of rules, decentralized command, strategic vision, and experience led to successful military operations in Iraq.

      Effective communication and understanding of rules of engagement (ROE) played a crucial role in the success of military operations in Iraq. The speaker emphasized the importance of decentralized command, where troops at all levels could understand the rules and execute their jobs without hesitation. They praised the role of their JAG officer who helped translate complex legal jargon into understandable terms. The speaker's strategic vision and experience from previous deployments also influenced their approach to counterinsurgency tactics, leading to a shift in focus from capture-kill raids to securing the populace. Additionally, the speaker's background as an enlisted SEAL and instructor contributed to their effectiveness in teaching and executing various operations. Overall, clear and effective communication, understanding of rules, and strategic thinking were essential factors in the success of military operations in Iraq.

    • Learning from experience in high-pressure situationsExtensive training and real-world experience are essential for success in high-stress environments. Valuable lessons are learned from mistakes and observing others, while serving in leadership roles enhances understanding of pressures and consequences.

      Extensive training and real-world experience are crucial for success in high-pressure situations. The speaker, who had a wealth of experience as an E5 in SEAL Team 1, was able to create standard operating procedures and improve efficiency during his time as a platoon commander. He also learned valuable lessons from mistakes made by others and the importance of treating prisoners professionally, even in the heat of battle. Additionally, serving as the admiral's aide gave him a unique perspective on the pressures and consequences of leadership in the SEAL teams. Overall, the combination of extensive training and real-world experience allowed him to lead effectively and make a positive impact.

    • Unprofessional actions by military personnel have severe consequencesUnprofessional behavior, such as taking degrading photos or covering up justified shootings, can lead to negative impacts on wars, America's image, and insurgent recruitment.

      Unprofessional behavior by military personnel, even if it doesn't involve torture, can have significant negative consequences. The Abu Ghraib scandal is a prime example, where soldiers taking degrading photos and engaging in unprofessional actions led to a massive negative impact on the war, America's image, and the recruitment of new insurgents. The speaker learned this firsthand while working for an admiral during the scandal and witnessing the scrutiny and consequences that ensued. Another instance involved a sergeant who covered up a justified shooting by planting a pistol on the deceased, leading to his own legal troubles. These incidents highlight the importance of maintaining professionalism and the far-reaching impacts of failing to do so.

    • Lessons learned from a cover-up in RamadiThough the cover-up of an illegal act was damaging, acknowledging the reality of the situation and refocusing efforts led to success in Ramadi's counterinsurgency fight.

      While the cover-up of an incident involving the killing of an Iraqi man was illegal, the actual act was justified due to the man's attempt to attack an American soldier. However, the cover-up negatively impacted the SEAL community, America, and the strategic possibilities of winning the war. The speaker, having a better understanding of professionalism and legal concerns from his previous experiences, learned valuable lessons and helped refocus the mission towards securing the populace and stabilizing the city, ultimately lowering the level of violence. This strategic perspective led to the realization that US forces weren't winning in Ramadi and that nonkinetic operations, such as building wells and constructing buildings, were necessary to win the counterinsurgency fight. It was important to acknowledge that the situation wasn't improving and to take corrective action to win, rather than being in denial or accepting that they weren't losing. The way wars are fought now, with replacements, requires acknowledging the reality of the situation to effectively address the problem.

    • Effective Counterinsurgency Operations Require Continuity and StabilitySending entire units instead of individuals, securing the populace, building relationships, and employing effective tactics contribute to successful counterinsurgency operations through continuity and stability.

      Continuity and stability are crucial for effective counterinsurgency operations. The constant rotation of soldiers led to a lack of familiarity with the local population and a disconnect from the mission's progress. This issue was addressed by sending entire units instead of individual soldiers, allowing for better communication and understanding between commanders and their successors. Additionally, the importance of securing the populace and building relationships with them was emphasized, requiring soldiers to engage directly with the community and live among them to truly make a difference. Effective tactics, such as setting up overwatch positions and attending memorial services, were also key to supporting the troops and ensuring their success. Ultimately, the success of the mission depended on a long-term commitment to understanding and addressing the unique challenges of counterinsurgency warfare.

    • Supporting soldiers and marines in dangerous areas, SEAL snipers establish overwatch positions and impact counterinsurgency fightSEAL snipers' presence in dangerous neighborhoods enabled proactive offense against insurgents, significantly impacting the counterinsurgency fight by securing the populace and stabilizing the city.

      During the Ramadi mission, the SEAL team's primary goal was to support soldiers and marines in dangerous areas where coalition forces had no presence. They established sniper overwatch positions in these neighborhoods, which were controlled by insurgents and had numerous IEDs. These sniper teams, often accompanied by Iraqi and US soldiers, were larger than typical teams, consisting of 8 to 14 SEALs. Their presence allowed for proactive offense against the insurgents and significantly impacted the counterinsurgency fight. One notable instance was when BTF Tony's sniper team killed multiple IEDs in place after a mass casualty event, leading to an immediate request for more snipers in the area. The extreme danger of these neighborhoods, where even recovering dead bodies was difficult, made the SEALs' contributions crucial in securing the populace and stabilizing the city.

    • Establishing Overwatch Positions in Enemy TerritorySoldiers and marines carried heavy firepower and patrolled under cover of darkness to avoid enemy attacks. They established overwatch positions to support larger US operations and waited for nightfall to extract safely. Clear marking of positions was crucial to prevent friendly fire.

      During military operations in enemy territory, soldiers and marines had to carry heavy firepower and patrol under cover of darkness due to the constant threat of attacks. They would establish overwatch positions in enemy territory to support larger US operations, and hold their ground during daytime attacks, waiting for nightfall to extract more safely. The use of overt fighting positions was a learned tactic, as extracting during daytime would leave them vulnerable to enemy ambushes. However, the threat of friendly fire was also significant, particularly when US forces were advancing, making it essential to clearly mark their positions.

    • Signaling Location in Iraq OperationsDuring military operations in Iraq, teams used overt signals to indicate location, risking attacks, but preferred this over potential confrontations at night due to US night vision technology.

      During military operations in Iraq, the threat of engagement from US forces and insurgents was high, leading teams to use overt signals like blaze orange signal panels and the American flag to indicate their location. This strategy, while risky, was preferred over potential attacks on patrols. At night, the enemy avoided confrontations due to the advantage of US night vision and technology. Marine corps circ boats provided essential support by transporting teams into dangerous areas quietly and effectively. Discrimination was crucial in identifying friend from foe, as insurgents often wore matching uniforms and captured American gear. The discipline and focus of snipers and machine gunners were essential in such complex and high-risk situations.

    • Building relationships and training locals during the Iraq WarDuring the Iraq War, SEAL teams focused on counterinsurgency efforts by building relationships with locals and training Iraqi soldiers, employing tactics like daytime presence patrols, sniper overwatch, and deconfliction with other US military units, to mitigate risks and support the hearts and minds campaign.

      During the Iraq War, the SEAL team's mission went beyond combat operations. They focused on building relationships with locals and training Iraqi soldiers to engage with the populace, which was crucial for counterinsurgency efforts. Positive identification was a critical component to ensure safety for both American and Iraqi forces, as well as civilians. The team employed various tactics such as daytime presence patrols, sniper overwatch, and deconfliction with other US military units. These efforts not only mitigated risks but also supported the hearts and minds campaign, which was an essential part of the counterinsurgency strategy.

    • Rules of engagement minimize collateral damage and ensure safetyEffective rules of engagement help distinguish threats from civilians, reducing harm to innocent populations and keeping troops safe.

      Effective rules of engagement are crucial for minimizing collateral damage and ensuring the safety of innocent civilians during military operations. In the context of the discussion, the use of rules of engagement allowed US forces to identify potential threats and respond accordingly, while also minimizing the risk of harming innocent individuals. The absence of cell phones and the use of radios by militants for coordinating attacks made it easier for forces to distinguish between potential threats and innocent civilians. The ultimate goal was to keep US troops out of harm's way while also protecting the local population.

    • Preventing team members from getting into troubleClear communication of rules and consequences, providing resources and support, and creating a culture of accountability can prevent team members from making negative strategic steps and facing legal consequences.

      As leaders, it's our responsibility to prevent our team members from getting into trouble rather than covering up for them after the fact. This means clearly communicating rules and consequences, ensuring they have the necessary resources and support, and creating a culture of accountability. Failure to do so can result in negative strategic steps, damage to the war effort, and even legal consequences. The environment in which we lead is not isolated, but rather filled with civilians, authorities, and constant scrutiny. Therefore, it's crucial that our team members understand the potential consequences of their actions and the impact they have on those around them. Ultimately, taking care of our people involves setting clear expectations and empowering them to make informed decisions.

    • Leading with mission in mindLeaders prioritize the mission over individual desires, ensuring team members act legally, morally, and ethically to protect the team and the mission's reputation.

      As a leader, taking care of your people goes beyond just being liked or covering up for their mistakes. Instead, it means ensuring they follow rules of engagement, act legally, morally, and ethically, and don't harm the mission or the team's reputation. The leader's job is to protect their people from harm and make decisions that benefit both the individuals and the mission in the long term. This perspective, which was emphasized during the speaker's time in the SEAL teams, prioritizes the mission as the ultimate goal, with all actions taken supporting its effective execution. When faced with team members pushing for decisions that could hinder the mission, reminding them of the importance of the mission is an effective argument.

    • Prioritizing the mission over personal issues or risksFocusing on the mission and minimizing unnecessary risks builds trust, fosters effective collaboration, and ultimately achieves goals.

      In high-pressure situations, it's crucial to prioritize the mission over personal issues or risks. The speaker's experience in Ramadi, Iraq, emphasizes this idea. The presence of a government bureaucracy meant that every civilian casualty was addressed and resolved through meetings, reparations, and investigations. This process demonstrated that civilian lives mattered and that every death was a significant issue. Therefore, it's essential to ensure that every decision made, especially those involving the use of force, is justified and necessary to accomplish the mission. The speaker's insistence on this principle was instrumental in maintaining order and trust between the coalition forces and the local population. In our context, this lesson applies to any team or organization where individuals must make critical decisions that can impact others. By focusing on the mission and minimizing unnecessary risks, we can build trust, foster effective collaboration, and ultimately, achieve our goals.

    • Protecting civilians is important in military operationsConsidering potential consequences and prioritizing civilian safety contributes to mission success

      Prioritizing the safety of civilians and minimizing collateral damage is crucial in military operations, even if it means taking more risk to ourselves. This was emphasized during a discussion about the use of explosive breaching charges, which could potentially cause harm to civilians and be used as propaganda by the enemy. Despite initial resistance, the importance of this principle was emphasized, as it ultimately protects the civilian population and contributes to the success of the mission. The speaker shared a personal experience where making the decision to manually breach a door instead of using explosives saved innocent lives, despite the higher risk to the troops. This incident underscores the importance of considering the potential consequences of our actions and making informed decisions based on the specific situation at hand.

    • Empowering decisions and taking ownershipEffective leadership involves giving team members the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of their actions, fostering clear communication and trust, and leading to efficient and effective operations.

      Effective decision-making and ownership of actions are crucial for success in leadership roles. The speaker shares an experience from their military career where they were given leeway to make decisions, as they understood that the consequences would be theirs to bear. In a high-pressure situation involving a dangerous suspect, the speaker made a call to breach a building, not knowing if civilians were present. Though damage was caused, the family was grateful for the removal of the threat. This incident underscores the importance of clear communication and trust up and down the chain of command, as everyone took ownership of their actions and decisions. In a platoon setting, the leader empowered their team to make critical decisions, such as taking shots at hostile individuals, without needing approval. This ownership and accountability led to efficient and effective operations.

    • Understanding the ultimate responsibility as a leaderLeaders must trust their team, communicate clearly, and be prepared to make tough decisions to protect their team, even if it means bending or breaking rules

      When in a leadership role, it's essential to understand that the ultimate responsibility for decisions lies with you, regardless of who makes the call within your team or organization. Decentralized command requires trust and clear communication, and it's crucial to ensure everyone understands the reasoning behind decisions. The enemy in conflict zones, on the other hand, had no rules of engagement and used our own rules against us, making them a formidable adversary. They constantly probed for weaknesses and took advantage of the moral high ground and our adherence to the rules of engagement. As leaders, we must remain vigilant and adaptive in such situations, understanding that the enemy may use our own rules against us and that we must be prepared to make difficult decisions to protect our team.

    • Identifying Hostile Intent in Military OperationsDuring military operations, it's essential to distinguish between civilians and enemy combatants. Spotters can be actively participating in hostile acts, using decoys and provocations to lure troops into attacks. Strategic thinking and understanding enemy tactics are crucial to ensure troop safety and minimize collateral damage.

      During military operations, identifying hostile intent is crucial and can be a matter of life and death. Spotters coordinating attacks are not just gathering intelligence but are actively participating in hostile acts. Their actions are not casual or ambiguous, but obvious. Military personnel, even children, are used as decoys to lure troops into attacks. The rules of engagement dictate that not every civilian is a threat, and efforts are made to avoid engaging non-combatants. The enemy seeks to provoke reactions from troops, such as killing children or women, for propaganda purposes. Making informed decisions based on strategic thinking and understanding the enemy's tactics is essential to ensure the safety of troops and minimize collateral damage.

    • Military value of sparing potential threatsDuring military ops, sparing potential threats can be more strategic than immediate engagement, avoiding illegal, immoral, unethical actions and enemy propaganda. SEAL snipers demonstrated skill and discipline, minimizing harm to civilians and maximizing enemy kills.

      During military operations, the strategic value of letting potential threats live outweighs the tactical value of engaging them immediately, especially when dealing with human shields. This not only avoids illegal, immoral, or unethical actions, but also prevents the enemy from using such incidents for propaganda. In the discussed situation, SEAL snipers demonstrated remarkable skill and discipline by eliminating insurgent threats while minimizing harm to civilians, including children used as human shields. Additionally, the enemy's unexpected presence in civilian areas and their use of human shields created a target-rich environment, leading to high enemy kill counts and increased scrutiny from the chain of command. The military's open invitation for inspection and investigation demonstrated transparency and trust in their actions.

    • Importance of clear communication between team membersEffective communication and collaboration between team members, especially in complex and dynamic environments, is crucial for success.

      Effective communication and understanding between different roles in a team, even when operating in challenging and high-pressure situations, is crucial for success. In the discussed scenario, the tension between those on the ground and the military lawyers (JAGs) arose due to a lack of clear communication and understanding of the situation. The JAGs, who were not physically present, questioned the actions of the team, leading to frustration and defensiveness. However, once the team explained the context and reasoning behind their decisions, the JAGs understood their role in ensuring adherence to rules of engagement and appreciated the team's work. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication and collaboration between team members, especially in complex and dynamic environments.

    • Transparency and accountability crucial in military opsEmbracing transparency and accountability in military ops fosters trust, successful operations, and prevents severe consequences of cover-ups

      Transparency and accountability are crucial in military operations. During the Iraq War, there was a strong presence of Iraqi soldiers, interpreters, and civilians during US military operations. The killing of civilians was unacceptable to all parties involved, and any allegations of such incidents required thorough investigations. The US military embraced this culture of transparency, encouraging investigations and shooter statements to clarify any misunderstandings. Cover-ups were seen as futile, as the large civilian population, embedded reporters, and Iraqi soldiers made it impossible to hide wrongdoings. This openness not only ensured adherence to the rules of engagement but also fostered trust and stronger relationships with local populations, ultimately contributing to successful military operations. Additionally, the consequences of cover-ups were severe, including potential legal action and damage to morale and reputation. The importance of transparency and accountability in military operations was a valuable lesson learned and passed on to future generations of military leaders.

    • Maintaining transparency and accountability during military operationsEven in high-stress situations, being transparent and accountable is crucial for military operations. Leaders should encourage investigations and prioritize the welfare of their troops.

      Transparency and accountability are crucial during military operations, even in high-stress situations. The speaker shares an example of a situation where a civilian was shot, and instead of hiding the incident, they invited investigators to examine the situation. This approach not only protected the troops but also demonstrated adherence to rules of engagement. The incident involved a walk-in gate being overlooked during an operation in a dangerous compound, leading to the belief that an IED was being planted. The sniper made a split-second decision to engage the individual, but upon investigation, it turned out to be a false alarm. This incident underscores the importance of being vigilant and transparent, even when dealing with potential threats. The speaker emphasizes that as a leader, it's essential to put the welfare of the troops first and to encourage investigations when necessary.

    • Understanding the importance of following rules in high-pressure situationsHonesty and following rules of engagement are crucial in high-pressure situations, even if the outcome may seem unfavorable initially. Covering up or manipulating the situation can lead to severe consequences.

      In the heat of battle, making the right decision based on the rules of engagement is crucial. In this specific situation, a SEAL sniper shot and wounded an individual who was believed to be an insurgent, but later turned out to be an innocent civilian. The team brought him inside and tried to save his life, and both internal and external investigations cleared the SEAL sniper of any wrongdoing due to the reasonable certainty of hostile intent. However, covering up or trying to manipulate the situation would have led to serious consequences. It's important for leaders and troops to understand that honesty and following the rules of engagement are essential, and that the consequences of deceit can be severe. Additionally, leaders must make it clear to their troops that they will have their back if they act within the rules, but not if they engage in illegal, immoral, or unethical behavior. Trust and accountability are essential components of any effective team.

    • Setting Clear Boundaries and ConsequencesLeaders should establish clear boundaries and communicate the consequences of crossing them to build trust, accountability, and uphold organizational values.

      As a leader, it's crucial to establish clear boundaries and communicate the consequences of crossing them. This not only ensures the team understands the rules but also builds trust and accountability. Leaders who fail to clarify these lines risk compromising the mission and the honor of their team. By making it clear that there are red lines that, if crossed, mean they will no longer have your back, leaders empower their team to make ethical decisions and uphold the values of their organization. This clarity of expectations ultimately leads to better performance and stronger team dynamics.

    • Maintaining Control and Making Clear DecisionsLeaders must identify when their team is going in the wrong direction and take corrective action, set boundaries and enforce rules, admit mistakes, and maintain integrity to ensure mission success and build trust.

      As a leader, it's crucial to maintain control and make clear decisions, even when faced with group pressure or mob mentality. This means being able to identify when the team is going in the wrong direction and taking action to correct it. Leaders must also have the moral strength to set boundaries and enforce rules, even if it means going against the group. This clear leadership not only ensures mission success but also builds trust and reliability with other military forces and organizations. The ability to admit mistakes and take responsibility for them is also essential, as it fosters transparency and accountability. Overall, strong leadership involves standing apart from the group when necessary, making tough calls, and maintaining integrity.

    • Maintaining the moral high ground in leadershipEffective leaders prioritize ethical and lawful actions, own mistakes, and minimize collateral damage, learned from military experiences and essential for leadership success.

      Maintaining the moral high ground is crucial for effective leadership. This means taking preemptive ownership of actions, following the lawful and ethical rules, and minimizing collateral damage. The speaker, a former military leader, emphasizes the importance of this principle, which he learned through his experiences in the military. He shares stories of the sacrifices made by his comrades and expresses pride in their discipline and adherence to rules of engagement. He encourages current and future leaders to reflect on these lessons and prioritize them, as they can have a significant impact on their leadership journey. The speaker also mentions the pressures young leaders face and the importance of staying focused on these essential principles.

    • Leadership: Owning the Burden and Clear CommunicationEffective leaders take ownership of their team's actions and outcomes, communicate clearly, understand rules, and learn from experiences to grow and improve.

      As a leader, you are ultimately responsible for the actions and outcomes of your team. You cannot shirk this responsibility or try to cover up mistakes. When something goes wrong, it's on you. This means taking ownership of the situation and taking control to make things right. This can be a heavy burden, but it's essential for effective leadership. Another point that was discussed was the importance of clear communication and understanding the rules. In the military context, taking war trophies may seem like a harmless tradition, but it can lead to a slippery slope of disregard for rules and potentially negative consequences. It's important to establish clear guidelines and expectations for your team and enforce them consistently. Additionally, the conversation touched on the idea that leadership is not always easy, especially in high-pressure situations. It requires courage, resilience, and the ability to make tough decisions. And sometimes, it means asking dumb questions to clarify your understanding. Lastly, the discussion highlighted the importance of learning from experiences and using them to grow and improve. Whether it's through listening to military leaders like Admiral McRaven or reflecting on your own experiences, there's always something new to learn.

    • Discussing the Pros and Cons of Allowing War Trophies for Frontline TroopsAllowing war trophies can foster a sense of heritage and preserve history, but without proper protocols, it can lead to ethical dilemmas and potential misuse. Leaders should consider implementing guidelines to balance the desire to preserve history with the potential risks.

      Allowing war trophies for frontline troops can foster a sense of heritage and preserve history. However, without proper protocols in place, it can lead to potential misuse and ethical dilemmas. The discussion revolves around the idea that allowing war trophies could incentivize troops to prioritize their personal gains over the mission objectives. The speaker shares personal experiences from SEAL Team 3 in Vietnam, where senior personnel were able to bring war trophies home, while frontline troops were not. He suggests that leaders should consider implementing protocols for handling war trophies, drawing parallels to the movie "3 Kings." The speaker also emphasizes the importance of balancing the desire to preserve history with the potential risks and ethical considerations. He concludes by sharing a personal perspective, highlighting the importance of taking care of the troops and creating a sense of camaraderie. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the need for thoughtful leadership and clear guidelines when it comes to handling war trophies.

    • Leaders should turn mistakes into opportunitiesLeaders should help team members learn from mistakes, build trust, and avoid repeating them, while handling serious misconduct effectively.

      Leaders should not ruin the careers of their team members for small mistakes, but instead use those moments as opportunities for growth and training. The leader's responsibility is to ensure their team members understand the consequences of their actions and help them avoid making the same mistake again. This approach builds trust and loyalty within the team. However, there are lines that should not be crossed, such as illegal, immoral, or unethical behaviors, which will result in severe consequences. The leader's role is to protect the reputation of the team and the nation by dealing with such transgressions effectively. In essence, leaders should be willing to handle disciplinary matters themselves and shield their team members from unnecessary scrutiny, fostering a culture of trust and growth.

    • Flexibility in Military Rules: Taking Trophies and PicturesRules in military operations are essential, but flexibility is needed in certain situations. Guidelines, such as one demilled weapon as a souvenir, can help control the taking of trophies. Ethical considerations, like taking pictures to remember fallen comrades, may justify breaking rules.

      Rules and protocols are important in military operations, but there are situations where they can be flexible. The discussion revolved around the topic of taking trophies or souvenirs from combat situations. It was mentioned that this practice wasn't a strict rule but could get out of hand, leading to the implementation of a no-trophy policy. However, the speaker argued that this could be controlled by setting guidelines, such as allowing one demilled weapon as a souvenir. The conversation also touched upon the importance of following rules, such as the prohibition of taking pictures during military operations. The speaker shared an experience where he initially followed the rule but later realized the importance of taking pictures to remember friends who might not make it back. He defended his decision to break the rule, stating that it was the ethical and moral thing to do. In summary, the discussion highlighted the significance of rules and protocols in military operations, but also emphasized the importance of flexibility and making decisions based on ethical considerations.

    • Jocko Fuel's product range and retailersJocko Fuel offers energy drinks, RTDs, joint and sleep supplements, available at Vitamin Shoppe, military commissaries, and working to expand to NEX and HEB. Origin USA provides a more formal look with their jeans.

      Jocko Fuel offers a variety of products beyond just energy drinks and RTDs, including joint and sleep supplements, which are available at various retailers like Vitamin Shoppe and military commissaries. The team is working to expand their presence in more stores, including NEX and HEB. Additionally, Origin USA, the company providing Jocko Fuel's jeans, is a suitable choice for more formal scenarios, as their darker jeans offer a more elevated look. Jocko Fuel and Origin USA can be found online at jockofuel.com and originusa.com, respectively. The discussion also touched on the importance of providing quality products to troops and the benefits of training in Origin jeans for combatives programs.

    • Training in martial arts reduces reaction time in dangerous situationsProper martial arts training minimizes reaction time delay, providing a crucial advantage in dangerous situations

      Training in martial arts like jiu jitsu or combatives can significantly reduce the time it takes to react in dangerous situations. Without training, there's a delay due to shock and panic, which could last from 3 to 10 seconds. However, with proper training, this reaction time can be minimized, giving you a crucial advantage. This applies not just to jiu jitsu, but also to weapons training. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the potential benefits of more mobile training gear, such as the delta 68 genes pants, which could provide improved flexibility without compromising the rules of traditional martial arts competitions. Overall, the importance of being prepared and trained in self-defense was emphasized.

    • Supporting American-made products benefits economy and national securityChoosing American-made products contributes to the economy and national security. Initiatives like OriginUSA.com prioritize US manufacturing, and subscribing to services and supporting creators can make a difference.

      Supporting American-made products is not only beneficial for the economy but also contributes to national security. The corporations' decision to move factories overseas and outsource jobs has led to a reliance on adversarial countries for essential items. However, consumers can make a difference by choosing to buy American-made products, from jeans to clothing, even if it may not seem like a significant contribution. This is why initiatives like OriginUSA.com are important, as they prioritize manufacturing from the cotton to the rivets in the USA. Furthermore, subscribing to services like Shirt Locker and supporting content creators like Jocko Willink can also make a difference. The high-level problems we face, such as dealing with everyday inconveniences, can be turned into opportunities for growth and improvement. So, let's all do our part by supporting American-made products and subscribing to the recommended resources.

    • Learning Effective Leadership from Combat-Tested PrinciplesEchelon Front, founded by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, offers leadership training based on combat-tested principles, emphasizing ownership, communication, and problem-solving. Their approach is practical and interactive, with events, online training, and a leadership academy.

      Effective leadership is a learnable skill, and it's essential for solving problems and improving performance in various industries, including construction. Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, founders of Echelon Front, have written books on leadership and run a consultancy that helps organizations apply combat-tested leadership principles to their businesses. Their approach emphasizes taking ownership, communication, and problem-solving. Echelon Front has worked with numerous companies and offers events, online training, and a leadership academy. One of their upcoming events, the FTX, offers a chance to learn these skills in simulated combat situations. The magic of leadership lies in its ability to help us interact effectively with other human beings, and Echelon Front teaches practical techniques for handling common leadership challenges. Additionally, they support charities for military families through Mama Lee's organization.

    • Supporting Veterans and Connecting with OthersEngage in activities to help veterans heal, be mindful of social media use, maintain the tactical and moral high ground, take ownership, do the right thing, and stay informed.

      There are numerous ways to support veterans and connect with others, such as visiting americasmightywarriors.org or heroesandhorses.org. Leif Babin encourages everyone to engage in activities that help veterans find themselves and heal. Additionally, Leif and Jocko discussed the importance of being mindful of social media use and maintaining both the tactical and moral high ground in life. They emphasized the significance of taking ownership, doing the right thing, and staying informed through various news feeds or timelines, but warned of the potential negative effects of excessive use. They expressed gratitude for military personnel, first responders, and all those who protect and serve our communities. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of giving back, staying engaged, and maintaining a strong moral compass.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Improving your position when an unexpected tragedy happens.

    Getting out of an environment that does not set you up for success.

    Not feeling like a man because he doesn't contribute financially to the household.

    In Jiu Jitsu, I might be a danger to myself and others.

    Getting a good routine when work hours are really odd.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jocko-podcast/exclusive-content

    Jocko Podcast
    enMay 28, 2024

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