
    398: Storming into Conflict Zones and Protecting People. W/ Former Navy Seal, Ephraim Mattos.

    enAugust 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating danger with courage and adaptabilityCourage and adaptability are crucial in dangerous situations. Trust, teamwork, quick thinking, decisive action, and the ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances are essential for success.

      Courage and adaptability are essential in the face of danger. The excerpt from Ephraim Matos' book, "City of Death," illustrates this as Jocko and Ephraim, both former SEAL team members, navigate a dangerous situation in Iraq. Despite Jocko's hesitation to enter a tunnel filled with potential threats, he follows his teammate into the unknown, demonstrating the importance of trust and teamwork. The situation required quick thinking, decisive action, and the ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances. This story highlights the bravery and resilience required in high-pressure environments and the importance of staying calm and focused under duress. Additionally, the background information shared by Ephraim about his upbringing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, emphasizes the importance of a strong foundation and the ability to bounce back from adversity.

    • A Military and Religious UpbringingThe speaker's unique identity as a fighter and humanitarian was shaped by his military father and religious mother's influences during his upbringing, providing him with discipline, diverse experiences, and a strong sense of purpose.

      The speaker's upbringing, shaped by his father's military service and his mother's devotion to their Baptist faith, significantly influenced his life. Growing up, the speaker's experiences ranged from the structured church environment to the inner city outreach programs. Despite the strict rules and discipline, the speaker expresses gratitude for his upbringing, acknowledging that it kept him from potential trouble and exposed him to diverse experiences. The combination of the military and religious influences instilled in him a unique identity as a fighter and a humanitarian. The speaker's life was far from ordinary, with no room for social media or school dances, but he values the lessons and experiences he gained from his upbringing.

    • Growing up with faith didn't limit explorationDespite adversity, rely on personal faith and question the world, leading to new interests and opportunities.

      Growing up in a religious community didn't limit the speaker's perspective or prevent them from questioning and exploring the world around them. When faced with adversity, such as financial hardship, they learned to rely on their own interpretations of faith and navigate their own path. This open-mindedness led them to discover new interests, like researching military units and eventually pursuing a career in the Navy SEALs, despite initial doubts. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences taught them to approach life with skepticism, respectfully disagree when necessary, and never give up on challenges.

    • The power of determinationDetermination and refusal to give up can help overcome adversity and achieve goals, even when faced with skepticism and doubts from others.

      Having the right mindset is crucial for achieving your goals, even when faced with adversity. The speaker shares his experience of wanting to become a Navy SEAL despite having little background in physical fitness and facing skepticism from his community. He adopted a determined attitude, refusing to quit even when he felt like an underdog. He trained diligently, following a fitness program and focusing on swimming and running. Despite his initial struggles, he persevered and eventually joined the Navy. The speaker emphasizes that his success came from his unwavering determination and refusal to give up, even when faced with obstacles and doubts from others.

    • The power of determination and self-relianceDetermination and self-reliance can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals, even when faced with adversity. Adaptability and a proactive approach are also essential for personal growth and career success.

      Determination and self-reliance can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals, even in the face of adversity. The speaker shares his experience of teaching himself during 11th grade while working at McDonald's and becoming a lifeguard to learn how to swim. Despite facing criticism and obstacles, he persevered and was eventually able to attend public school and join the Navy as a SEAL. The story illustrates the importance of staying focused on personal goals and not letting external pressures derail one's aspirations. Additionally, the speaker's willingness to adapt and consider different opportunities, such as the Seaman to Admiral program, demonstrates flexibility and a proactive approach to his career.

    • Mental maturity and age impact BUDS graduation rateThe low graduation rate from BUDS for trainees under 20 is due to mental immaturity and lack of fortitude. Physical training is challenging but manageable, while mental fortitude is crucial for success.

      The graduation rate from Basic Underwater Demolition School (BUDS) for trainees under 20 years old is less than 5%. This low rate is due to the lack of mental maturity and fortitude that comes with age. During boot camp, trainees are exposed to a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, which can be a shock. However, despite the challenges, many fond memories are made during this experience. After boot camp, trainees undergo BUDS prep for two months, where they focus on physical training. By the time they reach BUDS, almost everyone is physically capable of completing the program. The real challenge comes down to the mental aspect of the training. The first impression of a SEAL for many trainees is during their time in the 800 division, where they may meet a few SEALs who help prepare them for the rigors of BUDS. These encounters can be pivotal in their journey towards becoming a SEAL.

    • The value of teamwork and carrying one's own weight during BUDS trainingDuring challenging times, it's essential to carry your own weight and rely on your team for support, while pushing through illnesses rather than quitting.

      During Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUDS) training, the importance of teamwork and carrying one's own weight became apparent to the speaker. He shared an experience during the boats on heads evolution, where he was struggling to carry the boat due to the extra weight of a petty officer who had previously quit but was now back for another attempt at BUDS. The speaker realized that everyone in the team needed to carry their own weight and not rely on others. Additionally, the speaker encountered viral gastroenteritis (VGE) before hell week, which lasted for five days and made it difficult for him to keep food and fluids down. Despite feeling unwell, he chose to endure the condition rather than seek medical attention due to the fear of being booted from the training. This experience taught him the importance of pushing through challenges and the value of teamwork.

    • Enduring Extreme Challenges: A Vision of PerseveranceMental toughness and resilience are crucial during extreme challenges. Find motivation in your vision and push through adversity, even when it seems impossible.

      Enduring extreme challenges, such as Hell Week in BUD/S training, requires mental toughness and resilience. The speaker shares his experience of being sick during Hell Week and vomiting constantly, but also mentions how other sick trainees kept him going. Despite the physical and mental pain, he found the strength to continue and even had a vision that gave him motivation. The instructors showed no mercy, pushing trainees to their limits. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of pushing through adversity and not giving up, even when it seems impossible.

    • A transformative vision during military trainingDuring intense training, a vivid vision gave the speaker the mental fortitude to endure injuries and challenges, shaping him into a resilient individual for future combat situations

      During his intense military training at BUD/S, the speaker experienced a transformative moment where he felt mentally fortified and determined to push through despite the challenges. This moment came in the form of a vivid, unexplained vision that he was meant to succeed and that quitting was not an option. This vision gave him the strength to endure the remainder of his training, which included injuries, emergency procedures, and intense instruction from veteran instructors who were preparing him for future deployments. The experience instilled a sense of urgency and seriousness, as the speaker knew that his fellow trainees would be his future teammates in combat situations. Ultimately, the vision and the training helped shape the speaker into a resilient and determined individual.

    • Sharing experiences of failures and setbacks in military trainingEveryone faces challenges and setbacks, even elite soldiers. Honesty about our mistakes and learning from them can help us improve and grow.

      No one, not even the most elite soldiers, are immune to failure and setbacks. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of being a SEAL and facing physical challenges during his training and deployments. He openly admits to having failed to climb a double length caving ladder during pre-deployment training and having to give up his gear to a junior seal. Despite these setbacks, he emphasizes that he never let his team or country down in the heat of battle. He encourages being honest about our challenges and failures, as everyone experiences them, and emphasizes the importance of continuing to improve and get better. The speaker also shares that he used to brief his teams on his own mistakes to help them learn from them during their training. This conversation highlights the importance of resilience and the value of learning from our mistakes.

    • Encountering innocence in warWar is a complex web of emotions, actions, and consequences, revealing unexpected humanity and moral dilemmas.

      Even in the most intense and chaotic situations, there are moments of unexpected humanity that can challenge our beliefs and values. Jocko's story of encountering two young girls with suicide vests illustrates this idea. He was prepared to take their lives to protect his team, but the realization of their young age and innocence left him with a deep sense of hatred towards the Taliban and a new understanding of the horrors of war. This experience changed him, revealing the complexities and moral dilemmas that come with the use of violence in warfare. Ultimately, Jocko's story serves as a reminder that war is not black and white, but a complex web of emotions, actions, and consequences.

    • War's Impact on Individuals: Hatred and RealityWar exposes individuals to hatred and challenges their beliefs, leading some to question their actions and values, and inspiring others to promote compassion and support civilians affected by conflict.

      War can have a profound impact on individuals, changing their perspectives and challenging their beliefs. The speaker shares an experience from his second mission in combat, where he was faced with the potential threat of young girls wearing backpacks, similar to one that contained an IED earlier. This encounter left him feeling the realities of hatred and evil, leading him to question his own actions and values. Later, he experienced a near-death experience during a dive training exercise, which further tested his will to live. These events contributed to his realization that humans are not capable of handling hatred and that civilians are often caught in the crossfire of wars, leading him to start Stronghold Rescue and Relief to help protect and support them. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences showed him the destructive power of hatred and the importance of compassion and action.

    • Unnoticed diving equipment issues can have severe consequencesUnchecked diving equipment problems can lead to hypoxia, shallow water blackouts, and even death, highlighting the importance of thorough pre-dive checks.

      Even with proper pre-dive checks, unnoticed issues with diving equipment can lead to severe consequences, such as hypoxia and shallow water blackouts. During a dive, the symptoms may not be noticeable, but upon resurfacing, the effects can be devastating. In this specific incident, the diver passed out underwater and was saved by his dive buddy, but unfortunately, he drowned and suffered other injuries. This experience led the diver to reevaluate his life and career, ultimately deciding to leave the Navy and seek out ways to use his military skills for humanitarian purposes. He was inspired by the ethical dilemmas he faced during his deployment in Thailand, where he was aware of the ethnic cleansing in Burma but unable to intervene. This event served as a turning point in his life, leading him to discover the Free Burma Rangers and eventually start his own organization to make a positive impact on the world.

    • A desire to help conflict zone refugees drives the speaker's missionThe speaker's firsthand experience at a refugee camp sparked his determination to create an organization that hires former military personnel to protect and aid those in need, despite encountering challenges and ethical dilemmas.

      The speaker was driven by a desire to help people in conflict zones, particularly in Burma. He wanted to create an organization that could hire former military personnel to protect and aid those without resources or protection. During his first trip to the Thailand-Burma border, he encountered a refugee camp and witnessed the harsh realities of the situation. He was unknowingly transporting rice stolen from the Karen people for the Burma Army, highlighting the oppressive nature of the group in control. Despite the challenges, the speaker was determined to continue his efforts to make a difference. His initial journey lasted only a week or two, but it solidified his commitment to the cause.

    • A soldier's unconventional travel planSoldier took a risky leave to travel abroad, ended up in Iraq during conflict, highlighting adventurous spirit and potential dangers.

      During his military service, the speaker made an unconventional decision to use his saved leave to travel outside the country, ending up in Iraq during a time of conflict. He did this by carefully timing his leave and hoping he wouldn't be called back during that time. This risky move put him in harm's way, as he was technically still on active duty during one day of his trip and was present during explosions. This experience highlights the speaker's adventurous spirit and willingness to take risks, but also the potential dangers and uncertainties that come with such decisions. It's important to note that this strategy is not recommended for active duty military personnel.

    • Volunteers in Iraq found themselves in combat despite their primary goal to provide medical supportDespite their best intentions, volunteers providing medical support in a war zone were forced into combat, highlighting the unpredictability and danger of such missions.

      During a military mission in Iraq to provide medical support for Iraqi troops, the situation quickly turned chaotic and the volunteers found themselves in the midst of combat. Despite their primary goal to provide medical support, they ended up engaging in combat due to their close proximity to the front lines. The volunteers' selection of a rear position was inaccurate, and they received mortars and car bombs immediately. The volunteers attempted to provide medical support for the Iraqi troops assaulting Karbala, but the situation was so intense that they couldn't avoid combat. During the battle, they came across Iraqi soldiers who seemed unconcerned about the ISIS threat, and the volunteers had to run for cover when their BMP was suddenly driven off, leaving them exposed. The volunteers' mission was to support the Iraqi army in clearing ISIS out of a village, and they found themselves in a minefield, which resulted in the destruction of their vehicles. The volunteers had to leave the safety of their armored vehicles and run across open ground towards the front line to assist an Iraqi medic, putting themselves in danger. The mission took place on the last day of the speaker's service in the US Navy.

    • Working with the Iraqi army during combatChaotic situations and lack of coordination in decentralized command structures can put soldiers in danger during combat.

      Working with the Iraqi army during combat presented a significantly different experience compared to working with American military units. The lack of a clear chain of command and understanding of procedures led to chaotic situations where unexpected events were the norm. For instance, during an operation, a Humvee hit an anti-vehicle mine, and moments later, a car bomb exploded, putting the soldiers in danger. Despite the risks, they continued to move forward to help treat the wounded, only to find themselves mixed in with the Iraqi army and engaged in room-to-room clearing of buildings with little to no coordination or training. The experience underscores the challenges of working with decentralized command structures and the importance of a shared understanding and mutual trust within military units.

    • Navigating the Chaos of War ZonesIn war zones, soldiers must adapt to the lack of standardization, rely on instincts, and face hidden threats, leading to emotional challenges for medical support personnel.

      War zones present a stark contrast between highly coordinated military operations and chaotic situations where soldiers must rely on their instincts and adapt to the lack of standardization and command and control. The speaker's experience in Iraq involved working with Iraqi soldiers with minimal training, leading to a sense of every man for himself and constant uncertainty. The situation was further complicated by hidden threats, such as ISIS fighters disguised as civilians. Despite the danger and chaos, the speaker and his team had to take charge and lead the assault into the city to survive. The unpredictability and emotional challenges of providing medical support in a war zone left the speaker with feelings of doubt, confusion, anger, and sadness.

    • A harrowing account of ISIS atrocitiesDespite extreme challenges, brotherly bond and purpose fueled relief efforts during ISIS occupation

      The speaker's experience in Iraq after ISIS occupation was a horrific nightmare filled with trauma, injuries, and atrocities. He recounted a particularly harrowing encounter with a woman who had been repeatedly raped, tortured, and mutilated by ISIS fighters. The situation was so dire that it surpassed the horrors depicted in movies like Saw. The speaker's brother, who had no military background, joined the humanitarian relief efforts as an ambulance driver and proved to be a valuable asset. Despite the challenges and unconventional team dynamics, the mission was crucial in providing aid and relief to those affected by the ISIS occupation. The speaker's sense of purpose and commitment to the cause kept him driven to return to the field.

    • Iraqi army's bravery during Mosul assaultThe Iraqi army's resilience and bravery during the Mosul assault contrasted previous experiences, demonstrating the effectiveness of training and selection efforts.

      The Iraqi army demonstrated immense courage and sacrifice during the assault on Mosul, despite facing heavy casualties and significant challenges. While there were issues with tactics and proficiency, the willingness to fight was evident, marking a stark contrast to previous experiences in Afghanistan. The Iraqi army's determination, even when facing devastating losses, showcased the effectiveness of the training and selection efforts made by America. The assault on Mosul was a significant display of resilience and bravery from the Iraqi military.

    • Iraqi soldiers' courage and resilience during combatSoldiers in Iraq showed bravery and determination, helping civilians amidst danger, focusing on mission and adapting mindset.

      Courage and resilience were evident among Iraqi soldiers during combat operations, particularly in their determination to keep moving forward despite the danger. This was particularly noticeable during an encounter with tank assaults and civilian refugees during the battle for Mosul. The soldiers' focus was on the mission, and their mindset was different from what it might have been during previous years. Another important observation was the presence of civilians, known as nazahin, who were fleeing the fighting and seeking safety. The situation was chaotic, with bullets and rockets flying everywhere, making it a dangerous scenario for both the soldiers and civilians. The speaker, who had a background in basketball, recalled his coach's advice, "discretion is the better part of valor," which came in handy as they decided to help the civilians reach safety instead of charging into the field blindly. Overall, the encounter highlighted the bravery and compassion of the Iraqi soldiers and the complexities of combat situations.

    • Running towards danger to save livesCourage involves calculated decisions to protect others and minimize risk. Teamwork and communication are crucial in dangerous situations. Humor and finding moments of relief can help cope with chaos.

      Courage doesn't just mean putting yourself in danger, but also making calculated decisions to protect others and minimize risk. The author, in this harrowing account, demonstrates this by describing his decision to run towards danger to save lives, despite the personal risk. He also shows the importance of teamwork and communication in such situations. The situation escalates, and the team is pinned down, leading the author to take action and fight back against their attackers. Despite the danger, the team manages to keep their sense of humor and find moments of relief in the chaos. In the end, they face a massive wave of civilians fleeing the city, highlighting the devastating impact of war on innocent people.

    • Staying calm and focused during high-pressure situationsEffective task prioritization and delegation can save lives in high-pressure situations. Stay calm, focus, and work together to prioritize and execute tasks efficiently.

      Prioritizing and executing tasks effectively can save lives in high-pressure situations. During a firefight, David and his team were pinned down with wounded civilians and team members. Amidst the chaos, David remained calm and focused, delegating tasks to his team to help the trapped members and prioritize the most urgent needs. This allowed them to save lives and eventually receive reinforcements. However, the experience left David reflecting on the importance of being able to act quickly and decisively, even if it meant putting oneself in harm's way. The team's ability to work together and prioritize tasks ultimately led to their survival.

    • Volunteers face emotional challenges during dangerous rescue missionWar is unpredictable and can emotionally challenge volunteers, despite their bravery and selflessness.

      War is unpredictable and can be emotionally challenging for even the most seasoned individuals. In this particular incident, a team of volunteers, including medics, found themselves in a dangerous situation when they went to help a father and daughter who were shot by ISIS snipers. The team was trapped in their Humvee and under effective fire, with civilians being used as bait to keep them from escaping. The father and daughter were rescued, but the experience left a deep impact on the team, especially on one member who was unable to hold back his emotions. This incident highlights the bravery and selflessness of volunteers in war zones, but also the emotional toll that such experiences can take. It's important for individuals to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the realities of war, as even the most routine missions can quickly turn into life-threatening situations.

    • Understanding the Reality of WarWar requires mental preparation and courage, emotional breakdowns hinder effectiveness, soldiers are appreciated for their sacrifices, and chaos calls for focus and resilience.

      War is not a game or an adventure, but a life-threatening situation that requires constant mental preparation and courage. The story of the soldier who risked his life to save his comrades in Mosul highlights the courage of someone who fully understands the cost of his actions. The speaker in the discussion initially underestimated the situation, but the sight of a wounded child made him realize the importance of being mentally prepared. War is not a time for emotional breakdowns, but for staying focused and helping those in need. The Iraqi people's gratitude for the soldiers' efforts shows that they understood the sacrifices being made on their behalf. The speaker's experience in Ramadi also reinforces the idea that the civilians wanted the soldiers there to protect them from insurgents and terrorists. The constant mayhem and chaos of war can be overwhelming, but it's crucial to stay mentally prepared and focused to make a difference.

    • From grand adventure to harsh realityWar's brutal nature can change soldiers' perspectives, turning idealistic views into a sobering understanding of the potential for personal harm.

      War is a harsh and brutal reality that can shatter the illusion of it being a grand adventure. The speaker, who had previously viewed war as a chance to prove his manliness and courage, underwent a significant mental shift during his deployment to Mosul. There, he faced nonstop violence and witnessed the mass death and carnage that he had not experienced before. This led him to realize that he could be the one to die or get wounded, and the constant threat of danger made it impossible to escape or go home. The speaker's attitude towards war changed from believing that it wouldn't happen to him to recognizing that he could be the one to be affected. This realization brought a newfound sense of uncertainty and intensity to his experience of combat.

    • The daily reality of war creates intense bonds among soldiersIn the face of daily life-threatening dangers, soldiers develop strong bonds due to shared duty and the need to finish the job.

      War is a daily gamble with life and death, and the acceptance of this reality can lead to a strong bond among soldiers. The speaker, a veteran, shares his experience in Ramadi, where every day presented a potential threat of IEDs, machine gun fire, or enemy snipers. Despite the inherent danger, soldiers knew that someone in their group was likely to be killed or wounded each day. This constant exposure to death and injury created an intense and extreme environment, where the possibility of leaving was often outweighed by the sense of duty and the need to finish the job. The speaker also mentions the author Sebastian Junger, who wrote about his own experiences as a war reporter and the contrast between his ability to leave and the soldiers' lack of that option. This acceptance of the daily risks and the resulting camaraderie among soldiers is a profound and humbling aspect of war.

    • The impact of intense experiences on mental and physical healthIntense experiences can lead to physical and mental breakdown, questioning the purpose and impact of actions, and the importance of self-reflection and helping others.

      Constant stress and lack of rest can lead to physical and mental breakdown, even for those who are mentally prepared and driven by the desire to help. The speaker's experience in intense urban combat during wartime left him questioning the purpose of his actions and the impact of his efforts, as well as the toll it took on his body and mind. He emphasized the importance of self-reflection and asking whether one's actions are effective, worthwhile, and worth the risk of life. The speaker's perspective shifted from seeking adventure to a focus on helping others, and he encouraged the audience to consider the long-term impact and value of their actions. The speaker's encounter with a doctor who felt overwhelmed by the number of people he couldn't save prompted him to remind the doctor that helping just one person can make a difference.

    • Making a difference, one person at a timeFocusing on helping one person can create a positive impact and ripple effect, even in the context of war

      Helping just one person can make a significant difference. Whether you're a first responder, a soldier, or an ordinary person, focusing on making a positive impact on someone's life can be rewarding. The world may seem full of suffering, and it's impossible to help everyone, but helping even a few people can create a ripple effect. In the context of war, it's essential to understand that we cannot end all wars, but we can purchase a limited amount of freedom for a limited number of people for a limited time. This ongoing effort requires continuous action, and each person has a role to play. Even in the face of danger, it's essential to stay focused on the mission and help those around us. In the end, life goes on, and we must sustain our efforts to maintain peace and security.

    • Courage and selflessness in a dangerous situationIn the face of adversity, staying true to beliefs and standing with others can save lives and lead to meaningful work

      Courage and selflessness are essential in the face of adversity. The passage tells the story of a soldier named Justin, who, along with his team, found themselves in a dangerous situation during a war in Iraq. Despite the fear and uncertainty, they chose to stand with the Iraqi soldiers, even if it meant risking their own lives. David, the leader of the team, reminded them that they were not there to win the war for Iraq, but to stand with them. He urged them to remember that the Iraqis did not want to die either and that their tactics were different. The team was not abandoned as they thought, and they decided to stay and give their lives for the liberation of the city and the people they had come to consider their own. This moment of courage and selflessness ultimately saved their lives. The experience taught Justin the importance of answering the question of why he was there and staying true to his beliefs, which led him to his current work with Stronghold Rescue and Relief.

    • Actions reveal true characterOur actions show our beliefs and commitment to help others, especially during critical moments.

      Our actions reveal who we truly are and what we believe in. The speaker learned this valuable lesson during a dangerous mission, where he was forced to make a life-or-death decision. He realized that it doesn't matter where we come from or what we claim to be; what truly matters is whether we stand by our principles and help those in need, especially when no one else will. The speaker's passion to help others stems from his childhood experiences in disadvantaged neighborhoods and his parents' instillation of the desire to serve. After making a stand during a critical moment in Iraq, the speaker left a lasting impact on the local army by demonstrating that they could count on his support, both in word and deed.

    • The importance of care and empathy in building strong relationships and effective communicationEmpathy and care are vital for strong relationships and effective communication, especially during challenging situations. Staying resilient and focused on the mission, even in the face of adversity, is essential for success.

      Caring and empathy are essential in building strong relationships and effective communication, especially in challenging situations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing care and support, whether in a military context or in everyday life. They also share their personal experience of the impact of sickness and exhaustion on their will to continue their mission, highlighting the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. The anecdote about the false report of Shaheen's death and his eventual recovery underscores the importance of staying resilient and focused on the mission, even in the face of adversity. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of empathy, teamwork, and perseverance in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

    • Interconnectedness of Body, Mind, and SpiritRecognize the importance of taking a break to recharge and heal, especially during times of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. Introverts may need more alone time to recover than extroverts.

      The health and wellbeing of an individual - body, mind, and spirit - are interconnected, and neglecting any one part can lead to a breaking point. The speaker in this text was pushed to the brink due to physical and mental exhaustion and emotional trauma, but even in the midst of such hardship, they recognized the importance of taking a break to recharge and heal. The concept of introversion and extroversion also played a role, as the speaker, an introvert, needed time alone to recover, while their colleague, David, a extrovert, could keep going despite the challenges. The text also highlighted the surreal nature of the situation, with cultural practices and the harsh desert environment adding to the speaker's sense of being removed from their normal reality.

    • Volunteering in war-torn areas: Dangerous and HeartbreakingVolunteering in war-zones can be life-threatening, but witnessing the devastating impact of conflict on innocent civilians leaves a deep and lasting impression.

      Humanitarian work in war-torn areas can be incredibly dangerous and eye-opening. The speaker, who was volunteering in Iraq to help with food distributions, encountered multiple life-threatening situations, including a shootout with an ISIS fighter. Despite the risks, he felt it was important to help those in need rather than living safely back home. The experience left a deep impact on him, as he witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of ISIS on innocent civilians, including the loss of loved ones. The man who approached them shared a heart-wrenching story of his family being killed by ISIS, emphasizing that the extremist group does not represent true Islam. The speaker was left feeling helpless but determined to continue bearing witness to the suffering and bearing witness to the truth.

    • Deadliest Day in the Battle of Mosul: Massacre of CiviliansThe Battle of Mosul resulted in the massacre of hundreds of unarmed civilians on June 1st, leaving a profound impact on soldiers and underscoring the brutal nature of war

      The Battle of Mosul, during which June 1st was the deadliest day, was marked by a massive massacre of civilians, including women, children, and infants. The level of death and carnage was not fully understood until the next morning when soldiers came across the scene and discovered hundreds of bodies in the streets. The victims were unarmed civilians, and the scene was filled with piles of bodies where people had tried to get to safety but were shot and fell down, creating a wall of bodies. The experience left a profound impact on the soldiers, highlighting the brutal nature of war and the senseless loss of innocent lives.

    • Witnessing the horrors of ISIS massacreThe ISIS massacre was a shocking and surreal experience for the speaker, contrasting the recruitment propaganda's allure. The aftermath revealed the human capacity for evil and the importance of staying composed in adversity.

      The speaker witnessed a massacre during the Islamic State (ISIS) conflict, an experience that was surreal and shocking as it was something he had only seen in history books. The realization of the horrific situation unfolding before him was a stark contrast to the recruitment propaganda ISIS was disseminating, attracting sadistic and evil individuals to join their cause. The aftermath of the massacre was a scene of exhaustion and despair, with the speakers trying to come to terms with the magnitude of the loss of life. The calm and disciplined response of the speakers, despite the emotional turmoil, highlights the resilience and stoicism required of warriors in the face of death and destruction. The event served as a grim reminder of the human capacity for evil and the importance of remaining composed and focused in the face of adversity.

    • Making tough decisions in warWar is unforgiving, and decisions to save some lives may mean letting others perish. Quick thinking, teamwork, and the will to survive are crucial.

      War is a brutal and unforgiving experience where making the decision to save some lives can mean letting others perish. The author recounts the heart-wrenching moment when he had to let children die as they were beyond help, and later, he had to make the difficult decision to leave an old man behind to save his own life. The experience left him feeling a mix of emotions, including sorrow and no guilt, as he understood the harsh realities of war. The author also shares the harrowing experience of being shot and having to cross open ground under fire to save his comrades. The story highlights the importance of quick thinking, teamwork, and the will to survive in the face of adversity.

    • Importance of staying calm and focused during combatMaintaining composure in dangerous situations can save lives and prevent being run over by tanks.

      Even in the midst of intense combat and danger, the importance of staying focused and calm under pressure can make a significant difference. This was evident during an event where the speaker was shot and rescued by a French journalist, Bernard Gounier, who had learned to drive a Humvee from a previous encounter. The incident was captured on video and later uploaded on YouTube. Despite the danger and chaos, the speaker managed to maintain his composure and keep moving, saving himself from being run over by a tank. Another important aspect highlighted was the unexpected presence of war correspondents documenting the atrocities, which resulted in the recording of the speaker's rescue and other events. The speaker's experience shows the importance of staying focused and calm in the face of danger, and the potential impact of unintended witnesses to events.

    • 8 words: Courageous French journalist saves wounded soldiersAmid chaos, a courageous civilian's act of kindness stands out, showcasing the importance of resilience and human spirit in overcoming adversity.

      Even in the midst of chaos and danger, acts of kindness and bravery can stand out. A French journalist named Bernard Guinier, who was just observing, showed incredible courage by driving a Humvee under fire to rescue wounded soldiers, including the speaker, after they were shot. The speaker was impressed by this civilian's actions and admired his determination. Later, the speaker found himself in a hospital filled with wounded soldiers, listening to their screams for help throughout the night. When a man from Kurdish intelligence came to interrogate him due to his appearance, the speaker was able to prove his identity and was not mistaken for an ISIS fighter. This experience highlighted the importance of courage, resilience, and the human spirit in the face of adversity.

    • Finding Healing Through Sharing and Helping OthersDespite PTSD, the author found solace through sharing experiences, receiving compassionate listening, and engaging in humanitarian work.

      Despite experiencing harrowing events and suffering from PTSD, the author was able to find solace and healing through sharing his story and helping others. During an interrogation in Iraq, an intel officer showed compassion and listened to the author's account, marking a turning point in his recovery. Back home, the author's strong relationship with his parents and eventual work in humanitarian aid provided further comfort and purpose. Though the process of decompression and coping with past traumas continued, the author found meaning and resilience through connecting with others and making a positive impact.

    • Effects of Military Service on Mental and Physical HealthMilitary service can lead to profound mental and physical health challenges, including addiction, burnout, and operator syndrome, requiring attention and support.

      Serving in a combat zone can have profound and lasting effects on a person's mental and physical health. The speaker shares his personal struggle with repeated deployments, witnessing the suffering of others, and dealing with addiction as a way to cope with stress. He describes experiencing burnout and being consumed by addiction, particularly to food, during his time in the military. The speaker's Instagram post reflects his own journey to confront these issues and regain his health and well-being. Operator syndrome, a term used to describe the various physical and mental challenges faced by military personnel, encompasses issues like sleep disturbances, hormone dysfunction, chronic pain, substance abuse, depression, and family dysfunction. The speaker's experience underscores the importance of addressing these challenges and seeking help when needed.

    • Burnout from Operator Syndrome and Chronic StressRecognizing addiction as the root cause and seeking help can lead to healing from burnout caused by operator syndrome and chronic stress.

      Operator syndrome and chronic stress can lead to catastrophic burnout, even for those who haven't experienced combat. This burnout can be caused by a perfect storm of factors, including personal struggles, work pressures, and physical injuries. For the speaker, this culminated in a breakdown in early 2020, marked by addiction, organizational struggles, and weight gain. The turning point came when he recognized addiction as the root cause and sought help, ultimately leading to a month-long stay at a hotel by the ocean to reflect and begin the healing process.

    • Recognizing the severity of addictionRealizing destructive behavior matches that of a heroin addict can lead to acknowledging addiction and seeking help through the 12-step program

      Hitting rock bottom and acknowledging the severity of one's situation is a crucial step in overcoming addiction. The speaker shares his experience of realizing he was an addict after losing control despite making progress. He made this realization by comparing his destructive behavior to that of a heroin addict and recognizing the harm it was causing to himself and others. This mental shift led him to research and eventually adopt the 12-step program, starting with admitting his problem, which he found to be a powerful first step in gaining control over his addiction.

    • Envisioning a life free from addictionTo overcome food addiction, identify negative impacts, commit to abstinence, accept no cheat days, focus on natural foods, and address internal issues.

      Overcoming addiction, in this case, food addiction, requires introspection and total abstinence. Russell Brand's book uses a series of questions to help individuals envision a life free from addiction and realize the negative impacts it has. The process involves identifying what the addiction is taking away and what life could look like without it. Once an individual decides to commit to abstinence, they must make peace with their addiction and accept that there are no cheat days or moderation. Physical reactions to the addictive substance can serve as reminders of the harm it causes. The speaker in this discussion has been able to give up bread, sugar, and sweets for the past two years by focusing on natural foods and recognizing the negative effects of the addictive substances. Additionally, addressing internal issues such as anger and a sense of not deserving more can be part of the healing process.

    • Dealing with the emotional aftermath of traumaTrauma can lead to intense emotions like anger, bitterness, and shame. Prioritize mental health through practices like stoic philosophy, meditation, and self-reflection to process these feelings and give yourself time to heal.

      Going through a traumatic experience can leave a profound impact on an individual's mental and emotional wellbeing. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of dealing with anger, bitterness, and shame after failing to meet his personal goals and facing the aftermath of war. He describes how these feelings accumulated and led to difficulty sleeping and processing negative emotions. The solution he found was to focus on his mind and mental health through practices like stoic philosophy, meditation, and self-reflection. He also emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and accepting these feelings as normal reactions to trauma and giving oneself time to process them. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of prioritizing mental health and self-care in the aftermath of trauma.

    • Healing from Trauma Takes TimeTrauma healing involves physical and mental methods, takes significant time, and should avoid extreme approaches.

      Experiencing trauma and dealing with its aftermath is a normal part of being human, especially for those who have witnessed the horrors of war. It's important to understand that these feelings are valid and will take time to process. The physical transformation from traumatic experiences can take a significant amount of time, often around a year or more, and may involve various methods of healing, both physical and mental. Extreme approaches, such as dry fasting, should be avoided as they are not sustainable or healthy ways to cope. Stronghold Rescue is an organization founded by a veteran to provide free humanitarian and rescue services to people in conflict zones. The focus is on enabling local communities to build their own capacity, rather than relying on well-intentioned but disorganized groups of volunteers. This approach, known as "charity with dignity," allows for a more effective and sustainable impact.

    • Empowering local communities for effective aidEmpowering local communities to lead relief efforts creates lasting impacts, fosters respect, and ensures efficient aid delivery.

      Effective and sustainable humanitarian aid requires a respectful and dignified approach. By empowering local communities, particularly refugees, to lead relief and rescue efforts, we can create lasting impacts. This approach not only ensures that aid is delivered efficiently but also avoids the humiliation and insult of relying on foreigners for basic needs. The military's "buy with and through" strategy is an excellent model for this approach. It is important to remember that those in need have experienced unimaginable loss and trauma. By working alongside them, sharing their culture, and treating them with respect, we can make a meaningful difference and foster a sense of community and solidarity. This approach not only benefits the recipients of aid but also the aid workers, as it creates a more fulfilling and impactful experience.

    • Empowering communities to help themselves during crisesStronghold Rescue equips communities with skills, tools, and supplies to effectively respond to emergencies and become self-sufficient

      Stronghold Rescue empowers local communities to help themselves during crises through training, communication tools, and supplies. The organization's approach is to teach people how to fish and provide them with the fishing pole, ensuring they are self-sufficient when emergencies strike. The team's work in Burma is a testament to this, as villagers effectively responded to an attack, saving lives and evacuating their people using the skills and resources Stronghold provided. The organization relies on small, consistent donations from thousands of supporters, encouraging people to give back in their own way and support other causes as well. The team's impact extends beyond their presence, as they leave communities prepared to face crises and take control of their own destiny.

    • Individuals making a difference during humanitarian crisesDuring humanitarian crises, individuals can save lives by providing essential training and resources to civilians and soldiers on the ground, including medical care and military skills.

      During a humanitarian crisis, individuals can make a significant impact by providing essential training and resources to civilians and soldiers on the ground. In Kyiv and Odessa, Ukraine, an individual helped civilians defend themselves against the advancing Russians by setting up medical training centers and providing them with basic military skills. In Odessa, they established a full TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) school and trained trainers to teach military personnel. They also brought in crucial medical supplies, including Skedco litters, which were later used on the battlefield. Two team members remained behind and made the difficult decision to retreat when their position was about to be overrun, saving lives. The situation in Burma involves the government, the ethnic Burmans, trying to control the entire country and seeing themselves as superior to other ethnic groups. While not always resulting in complete destruction, resistance is met with massacres, rape, and murder. The individual's team continues to focus on providing medical support in Burma, with local personnel and advanced resources.

    • Burma Conflict: More Than Just Military ActionBurma conflict involves cultural cleansing, millions of refugees flee to Thailand, Thai gov supports refugees, Stronghold Rescue helps those in need, nature can provide personal growth

      The ongoing conflict in Burma, particularly against the Karen people, involves more than just military action. It's a form of cultural cleansing, aimed at erasing languages and religions other than Buddhism. Millions of refugees have fled to neighboring Thailand, where the government has provided support and safe havens. Despite the challenges, many refugees choose to return to their homeland to continue their work and contribute to their communities. The Thai government's support includes setting aside land for refugees to establish their own settlements. The situation is complex, but the Thai government's efforts to help refugees are commendable. For those interested in making a difference, Stronghold Rescue is an organization providing resources and support for those seeking freedom and better health in Burma and beyond. The organization can be found on Instagram, Twitter, and its website, strongholdrescue.org. The peaceful atmosphere of nature and detachment from daily routines can also play a role in personal growth and perspective.

    • Finding a peaceful and open environment can help trigger reflection and personal growthPeaceful environments allow introverts to detach, reflect, heal, and gain new perspectives, inducing feelings of calmness and openness, and promoting personal growth

      Finding a peaceful and open environment, whether it's in nature or high up, can help individuals, especially introverts, detach from their routine and triggering thought patterns, allowing them to reflect, heal, and make peace with their unique situations. This change of perspective can have a physiological and psychological impact, inducing feelings of calmness and openness, and can be a powerful tool for personal growth. The broadening of one's horizon and opening up their field of view, whether literally or metaphorically, can help individuals feel less focused on their immediate concerns and more at ease, allowing them to gain a new perspective and approach their challenges with renewed energy and clarity.

    • Assess surroundings in high-stress situationsPausing to broaden your field of view and slow down breathing can help calm your response in stressful situations, leading to clearer decision-making. Finding a new mission or purpose can also help reduce anxiety and continue making a positive impact.

      In high-stress situations, taking a moment to step back and assess your surroundings can help calm your physiological response and lead to clearer decision-making. Efraim Mattis, a former military officer, shared his experiences of using this technique during combat deployments. He emphasized the importance of broadening your field of view and manually slowing down your breathing to help reduce anxiety and panic. Mattis also highlighted the importance of finding a new mission or purpose after leaving the military, as a way to continue making a positive impact on the world. If you're interested in supporting Efraim Mattis and his work, you can find more information on how to do so at jockofuel.com.

    • JockoFuel and OriginUSA: Ethical Well-being SolutionsJockoFuel offers health supplements at retailers and expanding, while OriginUSA ensures ethical labor practices for American-made clothing.

      JockoFuel and OriginUSA offer various products designed to enhance physical and mental well-being, with a commitment to ethical production. JockoFuel provides supplements for overall health, available at numerous retailers and expanding to new locations. OriginUSA offers American-made clothing, ensuring ethical labor practices and a cool, versatile wardrobe. Jocko's personal preference for the Original jeans notwithstanding, the brand is constantly improving its offerings. Whether you're looking for fitness supplements or ethical apparel, both JockoFuel and OriginUSA prioritize your health and well-being while upholding ethical standards.

    • Subscription service Shirt Locker offers unique designs and faces backlashShirt Locker's subscription model delivers unique designs, but faces objections. Quality products and services, like Jocostore and Primalbeef, are key to success.

      The subscription service, Shirt Locker, offers unique and diverse designs that resonate with some people, despite objections from others. The service, which delivers a new shirt every month, has faced some backlash, such as over the design "Everybody Must Get Stoned," which some find offensive. However, for every objection, there are fans who love the design. The quality of the products and services, from Jocostore to Primalbeef, was also emphasized, with the latter offering high-quality, farm-raised steak. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of taking risks and catering to diverse tastes, while maintaining quality and integrity.

    • Women Leaders at Event in PhoenixAttend event to learn leadership techniques, support charities for military, families, and those in need.

      The COO's of Jocko Fuel, Origin USA, Echelon Front, and the speaker's wife will be present at an event in Phoenix, Arizona. These women hold significant leadership positions in their respective companies. The speaker encourages everyone to visit extremeownership.com to learn valuable techniques for interaction, discipline, and leadership. He also mentions several charities, including America's Mighty Warriors, Mama Lee's charity, Heroes and Horses, and Stronghold Rescue, which help service members, their families, and people in need. The speaker expresses gratitude towards military personnel, first responders, and humanitarian organizations for their selfless service and encourages listeners to help others in their own way.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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