
    67: "Company Commander": Important Lessons Directly from WW2

    enMarch 21, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • The eternal warrior spirit in soldiersSoldiers are real people filled with fear and uncertainty, but they march on out of love and duty, mourn deeply when they lose a comrade, and carry on with unwavering determination.

      War is a grueling and fearful experience filled with the unknown, but soldiers, regardless of time or place, march on out of love for each other and a duty to protect. The men and women who serve are not glorified heroes, but real people filled with fear and uncertainty. They face the enemy with raw instinct and unyielding will, and when they lose a comrade, they mourn deeply. The world may continue on, but it is the warriors who truly honor the fallen and carry on with unwavering determination. In Charles McDonald's book "Company Commander," we see this eternal warrior spirit in the stories of unremarkable soldiers who, despite their fears and hardships, won wars.

    • Leading soldiers in war requires trust and fortitudeDespite initial doubts, authentic leadership in war relies on trust and personal growth to effectively lead soldiers through challenging circumstances.

      Authentic leadership in the face of war requires both physical and mental fortitude. The author, a former captain in the war, shares his experience of joining a company of combat veterans who had been fighting for over three months. He felt inadequate and questioned his ability to lead these hardened soldiers into battle. However, he soon realized that his doubts were normal and that the men, despite their combat experience, placed their faith in him as their commander. The author's personal story highlights the importance of trust and the challenges of stepping into a leadership role in the midst of war. The horrors and fears of war, which initially seemed overwhelming, eventually became a part of the author's identity as a veteran. The men of companies I and G, the lead scouts, riflemen, machine gunners, messengers, and mortarmen, were the true heroes of the war. The author's role was to lead them, even if he was still learning the ropes. This personal account reminds us that leadership in war is not easy, but it is a necessary and essential role.

    • Staying Calm in a Crisis: A Captain's LessonDuring crises or combat, leaders must stay calm and professional to maintain their team's confidence and ensure their safety.

      During times of crisis or combat, staying calm and maintaining a businesslike demeanor is crucial for a leader. The author, a young captain, learns this lesson during his first encounter with enemy fire. He follows the lead of his lieutenant and maintains the positions of his men, even when they come under mortar fire. The senior enlisted man, Sergeant Savage, offers reassurance and tries to keep the captain's spirits up. The captain's fear is palpable, but he hides it from his men to keep their confidence. The group ends up in a defensive position for several days, and the captain's task is to maintain the security of the position. Despite the hardships, the captain finds pride in being a part of the infantry and being able to protect his men. This experience reinforces the importance of staying calm and professional in the face of danger.

    • Soldiers' Morale and Courage in Harsh ConditionsSoldiers showed remarkable morale and courage in harsh conditions, but some struggled and required individual support. Unpredictable enemy attacks caused fear and stress, yet soldiers smiled and joked, showcasing resilience and the human spirit's endurance.

      Despite the harsh conditions and constant threat of danger, the soldiers in the platoon maintained their morale and courage. However, not all soldiers were the same, and some struggled to cope with the situation, requiring individual attention and support. The unpredictable nature of the enemy attacks and the inability to control their outcomes caused a deep sense of fear and stress among the soldiers. The experience of visiting the soldiers in their foxholes left the narrator feeling envious of their fortitude and admiring their ability to smile and joke despite their hardships. The soldiers' determination and resilience in the face of adversity served as a reminder of the human spirit's ability to endure even in the most challenging circumstances.

    • Leading under pressure: Captain Savage's challengeDuring intense situations, effective communication and coordination are crucial for a leader to maintain control and keep their team focused and motivated.

      Captain McDonald and his team are under constant attack and threat, and their leader, Savage, is faced with the challenge of maintaining control and leading effectively during these intense situations. McDonald's sleep is disrupted frequently, and each time he tries to rest, the team faces an attack. The description of the aerial support, the P-47 planes, offers a moment of admiration and relief amidst the chaos. However, the fear and anxiety are palpable when the team comes under a major attack, and Savage must try to keep his composure and rally his team to defend against the enemy. Despite the challenges, Savage remains focused and determined, attempting to communicate with other units and coordinate a response. The intensity of the attack and the fear of failure weigh heavily on him, but he pushes himself to act as a strong leader.

    • Designating enemy positions for friendly fireSoldiers in pillboxes called out specific enemy positions for friendly artillery and mortar strikes, repelled initial attacks, and spent days enduring enemy fire until relieved by another company. Heavy artillery was crucial in preventing enemy overrun.

      During battles, the soldiers in the pillbox would go into defensive positions and designate specific areas for friendly artillery and mortars to bomb. These areas were named for the enemy's attacking positions, such as "concentration 221." When the enemy attacked, the soldiers would repel the initial attack and then call in heavy artillery, such as 155 millimeter shells, to halt the enemy's advance. The soldiers would spend days in the pillbox, enduring continuous attacks, until they were relieved by another company. The use of heavy artillery was crucial in repelling the enemy and preventing them from overrunning the pillbox. However, it was important to use the term "say again" instead of "repeat" when calling for artillery to avoid confusion. After spending nine days in the pillbox, the soldiers were finally relieved and returned to their normal duties.

    • Unexpected events and lack of resources impact morale and mission effectiveness during wartimeMisunderstandings, limited resources, and poor communication can lead to fear, paranoia, and decreased effectiveness in soldiers, contributing to major battles in history

      During wartime, even in the heat of battle, unexpected events and lack of resources can significantly impact morale and mission effectiveness. In this account, a misunderstanding between soldiers led to the accidental killing of a squad leader, causing fear and paranoia among the troops. Despite this setback, they were soon ordered to attack, with limited resources and poor communication. The soldiers were thrust into a defensive position in a densely wooded area, facing the enemy with no backup or support. The conditions were far from ideal, with only one map for the entire company and no place to properly prepare for the attack. These challenges not only affected the soldiers' confidence but also contributed to the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge, a famous and pivotal moment in World War II history.

    • Author and men under heavy fire during battle, conserving ammunitionIn the face of overwhelming enemy attack, remaining calm and coordinating defenses can help hold ground and save lives

      The author found himself in a dire situation during a battle, with his company's position being overrun by the Germans. The situation was chaotic, with retreating soldiers from a supporting battalion passing by and leaving ammunition behind. The author and his men were under heavy fire and were forced to conserve ammunition by calling for artillery and mortar support in small concentrations. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the author managed to remain calm and continued to coordinate defenses. The small arms fire reached a deafening crescendo as wave after wave of German infantry stormed their position. The few rounds of artillery they managed to bring down caused screams of pain from the attackers, but they continued to come. The author called for litter squads and begged for more artillery support, trying to hold their ground. The situation was as bad as it gets for the company, but the author's calmness and determination helped them hold on.

    • A fierce battle with insufficient resources and supportInadequate resources and support can lead to heavy losses against a determined enemy, emphasizing the importance of being well-equipped and reinforced.

      During a fierce battle, a company of soldiers faced relentless enemy attacks, with artillery and tanks advancing. The soldiers held on, but their ammunition was running low and they were left without support. Despite their bravery, they were outnumbered and outgunned, and the arrival of enemy tanks sealed their fate. The soldiers held on as long as they could, but ultimately, they were unable to prevent the enemy from overrunning their position. The cost was high, with many soldiers killed and wounded, and the experience left a deep impact on those who survived. The battle highlighted the importance of adequate resources and support in the face of a determined enemy, and the devastating consequences of being outmatched in firepower.

    • A company commander named Long leads his men through a chaotic battleIn the face of overwhelming enemy firepower, a calm and determined leader can help rally troops and organize a new defensive line.

      During a battle, a company commander named Long and his men were under heavy fire from enemy tanks and artillery. Despite having medium tanks at their disposal, the tankers were unwilling to engage due to the enemy's superior firepower. Long became frustrated and tried to rally his infantry to hold their position, but many were out of ammunition and leaving the field. In desperation, Long called for backup from other platoons, but ultimately had to give the order for his own platoon to retreat. Despite the emotional turmoil and feelings of defeat, Long remained calm and tried to organize a new defensive line. This account illustrates the chaos and desperation of war, as well as the importance of morale and leadership in times of crisis.

    • The speaker's company was overpowered and he had to retreatDespite the speaker's best efforts, his company was defeated in battle, leaving him feeling responsible and shaping his future leadership style.

      Despite the speaker's best efforts to hold the line during a battle, the German forces overpowered them, resulting in the loss of their position and the retreat of the speaker's company. The speaker felt personally responsible for the failure and was prepared to face the consequences, including the loss of his rank. The speaker and his remaining men found refuge with another company and reported the situation to their new commander. The battle was a turning point for the speaker, who felt the weight of responsibility for his men's lives and the outcome of the battle. The experience left a lasting impact on him, shaping his leadership style and perspective on warfare.

    • Soldier's Desperate Retreat in BattleIn the heat of battle, soldiers face overwhelming odds and must make split-second decisions to survive, even when orders conflict with their instincts.

      The soldier in this passage is describing the chaos and desperation of being overrun by the enemy in battle. He and his platoon have been pushed back and are now trying to retreat. They're outgunned and outmaneuvered, and they're in a state of panic. The soldier is left alone to take cover in a foxhole, watching as his comrades try to hold off the Germans with whatever weapons they have left. The situation is dire, and they're all fighting for their lives. Despite the fear and uncertainty, the soldier remains determined to survive and continues to follow orders, even if he disagrees with them. The passage paints a vivid picture of the intense and terrifying experience of being in the midst of a military assault.

    • Despite initial losses, soldiers held out and turned the tide in the Battle of the BulgeSoldiers' resilience and bravery in the face of adversity underscore the importance of perseverance and teamwork in military conflict. Despite heavy losses, they held out longer than expected, turning the tide and receiving decorations for their heroism.

      Despite the heavy losses and initial defeat in the Battle of the Bulge, the soldiers continued to fight and eventually turned the tide. Mac, the protagonist, was relieved to learn that the German attack was larger than anticipated and that his men had held out longer than expected. He was reunited with his senior enlisted guy, Savage, and learned that they had both survived. Although they had lost approximately 80 men initially, the list of missing in action narrowed down to 24. The battalion was awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation, and several men, including Mac and Lieutenant Goffingun, received decorations such as the Bronze Star and Silver Star. Remarkably, two soldiers, Private First Class Cowan and Private First Class Lopez, were posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for their heroic actions during the defense. The soldiers' resilience and bravery in the face of adversity underscore the importance of perseverance and teamwork in military conflict.

    • A soldier's unpredictable war experienceWar is unpredictable and can result in loss of life, even for inexperienced soldiers. Important lessons learned include the importance of leadership, staying in a safe position, and the harsh realities of war.

      War is unpredictable and can result in loss of life for even the most inexperienced soldiers. The passage describes a soldier's experience during an attack, where he encounters fear, loss, and the harsh realities of war. Despite his lack of experience, he is thrust into a dangerous situation and must make quick decisions to ensure the safety of his men. The passage also highlights the importance of leadership and the potential consequences of taking unnecessary risks. The soldier learns the hard way that staying too far forward can lead to getting killed or ending up in a firefight where communication and movement become difficult. Ultimately, the soldier and his men must make their way back to safety, leaving behind a fallen comrade and facing the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

    • Friendly fire incident between K and I CompaniesClear communication and situational awareness are crucial to prevent friendly fire incidents in chaotic battle situations. Soldiers also face mental and emotional challenges, including guilt, fear, and concern for their comrades' safety.

      During a firefight, friendly forces can accidentally engage each other due to the chaos and confusion of battle. In the given account, K Company mistakenly opened fire on I Company, causing a dangerous situation where both sides were to unknowingly shoot at each other. This highlights the importance of clear communication and situational awareness in the heat of battle to prevent friendly fire incidents. Additionally, soldiers often face difficult decisions and feelings of guilt or fear, especially when they are injured and their unit is in danger. McDonald, the commander in the text, felt a sense of responsibility and fear for his men, even after being extracted from the front lines due to his injury. Despite his relief from the physical pain, he continued to worry about the welfare of his company and the upcoming attacks. This shows the mental and emotional toll of war on soldiers, as they constantly face the possibility of injury or death for their comrades.

    • Understanding Perspective in BattleEmpathy, adaptability, and awareness are crucial in the heat of battle. Remembering the depth of soldiers' experiences and adapting to new tactics can make all the difference.

      Importance of understanding the perspective of those we encounter, especially in high-stress situations like combat. The author shares an experience of encountering the aftermath of a battle, where the men mourned the loss of their sergeant, who was an essential figure in their small war. This incident highlights how deeply these soldiers were invested in their war and their comrades, and how their world revolved around it. As we interact with people, it's crucial to remember this perspective and avoid trivializing their experiences. Moreover, the author describes the evolution of combat situations, with the Germans employing new tactics, such as using anti-aircraft weapons against ground troops. This underscores the importance of adaptability and quick learning in the face of new challenges. The author also mentions the tragic incident of a sergeant being run over by a tank destroyer, highlighting the need for awareness and communication when working with heavy machinery. Overall, this passage emphasizes the importance of empathy, adaptability, and awareness in the heat of battle. It's a reminder that every person's experience is unique, and that understanding their perspective can make all the difference.

    • Leadership and Communication in Times of CrisisEffective communication and quick thinking by a brave leader saved his team during a crisis situation, emphasizing the importance of leadership and communication in critical moments.

      During wartime, communication and coordination are crucial for survival. In the discussed situation, Lieutenant Whitman and his team were surrounded by enemy forces and desperately called for help. However, they were informed that no assistance would be sent. Faced with this challenge, Whitman made the brave decision to direct artillery fire towards their location from a safer spot, ultimately saving his team. This incident highlights the importance of leadership, quick thinking, and the power of effective communication during times of crisis. Additionally, it emphasizes the value of having a leader who puts his troops before himself and gives credit where it's due.

    • Adapting military tactics based on new informationEffective commanders reassess and adjust tactics to maximize chances of victory, even in the heat of battle.

      Effective military strategy involves weighing the risks and benefits of different tactics, even in the heat of battle. In the excerpt, a commander is deciding whether to launch a frontal assault or a flanking maneuver against an unseen enemy. He initially chooses to cover their front with artillery and send two platoons forward, but the enemy repels their advances. The commander then decides to put down artillery fire and attempt a flanking maneuver instead. This decision ultimately leads to their victory. The incident illustrates the importance of adaptability and the ability to reassess and adjust tactics based on new information. Additionally, the passage highlights the intense emotions and high stakes involved in warfare. The soldiers' reactions to the liberation of Czechoslovakia from Nazi occupation show the profound impact of their actions on the local population.

    • The bittersweet taste of victoryVictory in war brings joy, freedom, and a deep appreciation for life, but also a reminder of the cost and sacrifices made.

      The experience of victory in war brings an overwhelming sense of freedom and joy, but also a deep appreciation for the value of life and the cost of war. The author, a company commander during World War II, recounts the moment he and his men discovered that the war was over and the joyous celebration that ensued with the local Czech people. He reflects on the significance of their national anthem being sung publicly for the first time in six years and the sense of unity and shared experience it brought. The author also acknowledges the sacrifice of those who did not make it to this moment of victory and the impact of war on innocent lives. Ultimately, the experience of victory is bittersweet, filled with relief, joy, and a deep sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures of life.

    • Stories of bravery and resilience during WW2Despite the unimaginable hardships of war, individuals found the strength to push forward and inspire us with their resilience.

      The stories of individuals during World War 2, no matter where they served or what they experienced, are unique yet remarkably similar. These men and women faced unimaginable hardships, including the constant threat of death, and still found the strength to push forward. Many sacrificed their youth, health, and even their lives for the freedom of others. Though only a small percentage of their stories have been recorded, each one contributes to the overall tale of human nature and our capacity to overcome adversity. We may not all face war, but we can learn from these heroes and apply their resilience to our own challenges. Remember, the next time you're struggling to get out of bed or face a tough day, think of the soldiers who woke up to the sound of gunfire and mortar explosions. They persevered, and so can we.

    • Supporting creators through simple actionsShopping via affiliate links or using recommended supplements are easy ways to support favorite content creators, enhancing their revenue and providing benefits like improved focus and performance.

      Supporting your favorite content creators, such as podcasts or YouTube channels, requires minimal effort through simple actions like shopping via affiliate links or using recommended supplements. This comparison was made to the role of a small reinforcement in a larger situation, like the effect of adding sodium to a fish tank. The use of Amazon affiliate links was emphasized as an easy way to provide support, while the mention of a stimulant-free pre-workout supplement was recommended for those interested in fitness and performance enhancements. The pre-workout supplement, Total Strength and Performance, was described as providing a calm but effective boost, with studies showing a 6% improvement over a 4-week period. Overall, these small actions can make a significant impact in supporting creators and enhancing personal performance.

    • Pre-workout supplements impact workout performance and recoveryUsing pre-workout supplements and krill oil can enhance workout performance, promote recovery, and boost overall wellness.

      Pre-workout supplements can have a significant impact on workout performance and recovery, as shown in scientific studies using double-blind placebo tests. The speaker personally attests to the effectiveness and taste of the specific pre-workout supplement he uses, which he finds helps him perform better during intense workouts like jiu-jitsu. The supplement's earthy taste may take some getting used to, but it becomes part of the routine and enhances the workout experience. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of krill oil for joint health and mobility, especially during prolonged periods of sitting or after intense workouts. Overall, incorporating both pre-workout supplements and krill oil into a fitness routine can lead to improved performance, recovery, and overall wellness.

    • Krill oil for joint health and overall wellnessKrill oil supports joint health and injury recovery, as well as overall wellness. Listen to podcasts for more information and check out jockostore.com for merchandise.

      Krill oil, as mentioned by the speaker, provides a sense of warmth and support for the body, particularly for joint health. The speaker shared his personal experience of using krill oil for injuries and continuing to use it for overall wellness. Krill oil is considered effective for both injury recovery and prevention of nagging issues. The speaker also emphasized the availability of krill oil and other supplements on various podcast platforms and YouTube for those interested in learning more. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the importance of listening to podcasts, whether in full or through excerpts, to be more engaged in the conversation. Lastly, the speaker mentioned the availability of merchandise at jockostore.com for those interested.

    • Jocko's Store: High-quality Items and Psychological WarfareJocko's store offers various items and emphasizes good designs. Upcoming releases include a travel mug and a new album, 'Psychological Warfare,' for self-support and overcoming weaknesses.

      Jocko's Jocko Store offers a variety of high-quality items, including rash guards, shirts, patches, hoodies, and more. Jocko emphasizes the importance of recognizing and producing good designs, even if it's a challenge for him. He also mentioned the upcoming release of a travel mug and a new album on iTunes called "Psychological Warfare," which is meant to help individuals overcome moments of weakness and stay on track with their goals. Jocko believes that listening to these tracks will guarantee getting past those weak moments, making it a 100% chance of success. He encourages using the wake-up early track as an alarm and supports the idea of psychological warfare as a means of self-support. Currently, they are receiving requests for a second installment of "Psychological Warfare" to cover additional weaknesses.

    • Discussing the harms of smoking and skepticism towards Jocco white teaSmoking is harmful due to carcinogens and other harmful substances, while the benefits of Jocco white tea might be exaggerated.

      Smoking, despite the presence of nicotine which has some benefits, is generally harmful due to the presence of carcinogens and other harmful substances. The speakers also mentioned that they live in a community where smoking is less common, and when they travel to other places where smoking is more prevalent, they are reminded of the smell and the negative effects it has. Another topic discussed was the use of Jocco white tea, which some claim can provide benefits, but the speakers were skeptical and suggested that the benefits might be exaggerated. The conversation also touched on the idea that people might be working harder and more efficiently due to the improving economy, but this was presented as an observation rather than a fact.

    • Revolutionizing firefighting with Jocko white teaJocko white tea, a unique beverage, enhances firefighting efficiency, motivates firefighters, and provides an energy boost for quick repairs and improvements.

      Jocko white tea, a unique and powerful tool, has revolutionized firefighting by making it more efficient and motivating. This tea, which is three times wetter than water, helps extinguish fires faster and instills a sense of urgency and productivity among firefighters. The unexpected side effect is an immediate boost in energy and focus, leading to quick repairs and improvements. The poem "Jhaka White Tee" encapsulates the essence of this tea and its transformative effects. The story of a boy who learns to do pull-ups, as told in the upcoming book "The Way of the Warrior Kid," shares similar themes of determination, discipline, and the power of hard work to overcome challenges. These lessons apply to everyone, regardless of age, and can be found in both the kid's book and the discipline equals freedom field manual. Preorder these books to unlock valuable insights and practical techniques for personal growth and success.

    • Applying Military Principles to Business and LifeLearn from military leadership principles to improve alignment, solve complex issues, and lead teams effectively in business and personal life. Contact Echalon Front for consulting services or attend their annual Muster event for practical solutions.

      The principles learned in combat, as outlined in the book "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, can be applied to business and personal life to improve leadership and alignment. Echelon Front, the company founded by the authors, offers consulting services to help implement these principles. To learn more or to engage Jocko as a speaker, contact info@echalonfront.com directly. The annual Muster event in New York City provides practical tactics and strategies for leading teams and solving real-world problems, rather than being a feel-good seminar. The overlap between attendees' questions and the principles covered makes the event particularly effective in providing solutions to complex issues. The four principles - cover and move, prioritize and execute, decentralized command, and simplify - must be applied together to effectively address challenges.

    • Learning complex tools takes practice and understandingEffectively using complex tools requires learning their intricacies and practicing application in various situations.

      When dealing with complex problems, such as implementing decentralized command, it's essential to keep things simple and prioritize. The speaker emphasizes that there are multiple issues to address and that it's necessary to learn the intricacies of the tools provided to effectively use them. The comparison to teaching someone to take pictures illustrates this concept. The tools, or principles, are introduced, but it takes practice and understanding to fully utilize them in various situations. The speaker encourages attending the muster for further instruction and offers multiple platforms for connection. Lastly, the speaker expresses gratitude for those who protect our freedoms and encourages making the most of the freedom we have.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Amy is a Life Purpose Coach, iTunes #1 Podcaster, Podcast Mentor, Speaker, Mastermind Host and Property Investor. Through coaching and workshops, Amy works with businesses to Focus on WHY to create people-centred environments, by improving productivity and employee engagement by focusing on fulfilment, values and purpose.

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    If you would like Amy to help you on your podcast hosting or to focus on your WHY then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall

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    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence. 

    The Return of Huesing - #1 Best Selling Author of “Echo in Ramadi”

    The Return of Huesing - #1 Best Selling Author of “Echo in Ramadi”
    Retired Marine Major, and #1 Best Selling author of Echo in Ramadi reached out to me to touch base with the #YearOfTheVet family, and fill us in on what he’s been up to since the last conversation between us!

    Echo in Ramadi, describes Scott’s account during the winter of 2006 through the spring of 2007, where two-hundred-fifty Marines from Echo Company, Second Battalion, Fourth Marines fought daily in the dangerous, dense city streets of Ramadi, Iraq during the Multi-National Forces Surge ordered by President George W. Bush. The Marines' mission: to kill or capture anti-Iraqi forces. Their experience: like being in Hell.

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    Scott Huesing - Author of Echo in Ramadi | Echo Company, 2d Battalion, 4th Marines

    Scott Huesing - Author of Echo in Ramadi | Echo Company, 2d Battalion, 4th Marines
    "In war, destruction is everywhere. It eats everything around you. Sometimes it eats at you." —Major Scott Huesing, Echo Company Commander

    From the winter of 2006 through the spring of 2007, two-hundred-fifty Marines from Echo Company, Second Battalion, Fourth Marines fought daily in the dangerous, dense city streets of Ramadi, Iraq during the Multi-National Forces Surge ordered by President George W. Bush. The Marines' mission: to kill or capture anti-Iraqi forces. Their experience: like being in Hell.

    During his career spanning ten deployments, he operated in over 60 countries worldwide. Throughout his numerous deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Horn of Africa he planned, led, and conducted hundreds of combat missions under some of the most austere and challenging conditions.

    Scott is a published author since 2005. Echo in Ramadi is a snapshot in time that changed the face of operations on the battlefield; a captivating story of Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines during the Second Battle of Ramadi in support of the Multi-National Forces (MNF) Surge Strategy in 2006. His true-life account provides keen insights into what may be an unfamiliar world to readers, but very familiar to those, like Scott, who lived it and endured this historic fight.

    Echo in Ramadi is a firsthand account of the U.S. Marines as they fought in the deadliest city of Iraq. He conducted over 75 interviews with his Marines, soldiers and Gold Star families to honor their sacrifices both on and off the battlefield. His story shares not only the firefights and friction but also the tragic aftermath of war and healing of those that continue to battle with the effects of Post Traumatic Stress.

    The foreword, written by Major General James Livingston (Medal of Honor Recipient), Vietnam Veteran and former Echo Company Commander, speaks volumes. Praise for Echo in Ramadi includes LtCol Oliver North, political commentator and host of War Stories on the Fox News Channel. Dale Dye, Actor, and decorated Vietnam Veteran. Best-selling authors Bing West, Jack Coughlin, Robin Hutton, Charles Sasser. Most important to Scott are the endorsements from his Marines and Chris Libby, Gold Star brother of Corporal Dustin J. Libby (KIA 6 December 2006). Echo in Ramadi was written to honor the sacrifices and spirit of his Marines and the families they supported - it is his tribute to them and honor to tell this great story. Readers will no doubt feel the pain, emotion, laughter, intensity, and friction that Scott describes in unvarnished detail.

    We discuss his career path from enlisted Marine to an officer as he led Echo Company through the bloody streets of Ramadi - and the qualities that ultimately shaped his leadership style and decisions to write about this historic battle.

    He shares his process of writing. Describing how putting pen to paper can serve as an outlet for others to heal - helping veterans cope with and share the unnatural acts they faced on the battlefield.

    Scott describes with humility how he learned from his examples of leadership over the span of his career - both good and bad. Listeners will also gain perspective on the importance of learning from the living warriors from the past battles and how to tap into those of the Greatest Generation while they are still alive. He shares his network skills and how to leverage tools and programs available to veteran artists, such as The Veterans Writer’s Project to help move forward with personal goals in writing, speaking, and life.

    Finally, Scott talks about his charity, Save the Brave, a certified 501(c)3 serving as the Executive Director. Connecting veterans through outreach bringing service members together to share camaraderie long after they leave the service and no longer wear the uniform. Providing outreach programs provided by Stoked on Fishing hosted by Fox West Sports.

    Along with his selfless work with Save the Brave, he is also the President of the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines Association, a non-profit that helps Veterans and active duty Marines and is the Vice President on the Board of the KD Poynter Legacy Foundation to provide funds and support to all Veterans. He is a sought-out public speaker and a member of Bravo 748, a military speaking consortium and a featured author with Patriot Authors Unsung online magazine.

    I had a great conversation with Scott, and from it—I can easily see why if anyone can show the world that heroes are real… he is the one to do it.

    Show Notes

     Pre-Marine Corps Huesing (08:39)

     I try to get Scott’s recipe for leadership (10:50)

     Filling voids (12:48)

     Scott’s decision to go to college (15:00)

     A calling to serve (15:57)

     Learning how to and how NOT to lead from the environment around you (19:49)

     Leading from the front: “It’s not just a bumper sticker” (21:32)

     Leading up to leading the Marines of Echo, in Ramadi…(23:12)

     Chemistry (25:08)

     Experiencing Ramadi over 75 times (28:42)

     Scott’s advice on writing your own story (36:00)

     The Veterans Writer’s Project; The Writers Guild of America (WGA) (38:22)

     Finding a way to maintain the high-tempo life outside the service (39:52)

     “It’s acceptable to struggle” (42:25)

     Scott talks about the process of starting a/his business after the service (44:56)

     Learning from Veteran Warriors: Lunch with PFC Jim Skinner (48:08)

     Save The Brave! (52:28)

     A sneak peek into book number two (55:15)

     Scott’s advice for those struggling to find themselves today (55:57)

     20-year Hindsight (59:05)

     The “Major” Legacy (1:00:00)

    Shout Outs:

    Save the Brave Foundation

    Nick Velez

    Ernesto “Ernie” Delgado

    Stoked on Fishing

    Fox Sports - West

    Shea McIntee

    Andrew Pereira

    PFC Jim Skinner

    The Veterans Writer’s Project; The Writers Guild of America (WGA)

    The Marines of Echo Company 2nd Bt, 4th Marines

    The Soldiers of Task Force 1-9 infantry

    The warriors of 77th armored Steel Tigers

    The Gold Star families that sacrificed their families to protect ours

    Major General James Livingston

    Colonel Oliver North

    Dale Dye

    Bing West

    Jack Coughlin

    Dustin Libbey (KIA)