
    Podcast Summary

    • Jeff Bezos' focus on long-term and customer obsessionJeff Bezos prioritized long-term growth and customer value, making bold investments despite short-term risks, leading to Amazon's success.

      Learning from Jeff Bezos' annual shareholder letters is his relentless focus on the long-term and customer obsession. From Amazon's early days, Bezos emphasized the importance of creating value for customers through the use of technology, even in established markets. He made bold investment decisions, knowing that some would not pay off, but believing that the long-term benefits would outweigh the risks. Bezos' philosophy is summarized in his statement that "our goal is to move quickly to solidify and extend our current position while we begin to pursue the online commerce opportunities in other areas." He repeated this focus on the long-term throughout the letters, emphasizing that Amazon would make decisions based on market leadership considerations rather than short-term profitability or Wall Street reactions. This customer-obsessed, long-term approach has been a key factor in Amazon's success.

    • Amazon's commitment to cost-consciousness, growth, and customersAmazon's success is rooted in its cost-conscious culture, focus on customers, and bold, unconventional decisions, as emphasized by Jeff Bezos in his 1997 shareholder letter.

      Amazon's success is rooted in its unwavering commitment to maintaining a cost-conscious culture, focusing on customers, and making bold, unconventional decisions. Jeff Bezos, in his 1997 shareholder letter, emphasized the importance of continually reinforcing a cost-conscious culture and prioritizing growth, all while obsessing over customers. He acknowledged that it would not be easy to work at Amazon but believed that the challenges were worth it to build something important. Looking forward, Bezos recognized the vast amount of learning still to be done in online commerce and the numerous challenges ahead, but remained optimistic and vigilant. The principles Bezos established in the late 1990s have guided Amazon for over two decades, giving the company a significant advantage by providing a clear set of principles to make decisions and weather the ever-changing business landscape.

    • Focusing on customers and long-term investmentJeff Bezos emphasized the importance of putting customers first, maintaining a customer-centric business, and making long-term investments to take advantage of growth opportunities in the online shopping market.

      Learning from Jeff Bezos' shareholder letters is his relentless focus on putting customers first and maintaining a customer-centric business. He believed that human nature is such that customers' love for a company can be fleeting, and that maintaining a focus on innovation and customer experience is essential to keeping them loyal. Bezos also emphasized the importance of long-term investment and the potential for significant growth in the online shopping market, even when the current experience was far from perfect. He encouraged patience and a focus on improving underlying technology to take advantage of unconstrained opportunities. Despite setbacks and market downturns, Bezos remained committed to his vision and urged investors to join him in looking towards the future.

    • Amazon's Long-Term Vision and StrategyAmazon continues to innovate and invest in technology, focusing on long-term growth and customer experience. Despite short-term losses, Bezos emphasizes the importance of bold risks and repetition of philosophies.

      Amazon, despite its current lower stock price, is in a stronger position today than ever before due to its continuous innovation and investment in technology. Jeff Bezos, the company's founder, has always believed in taking bold risks and making significant investments, even if they result in losses in the short term. He has consistently emphasized the importance of focusing on the long-term growth and customer experience, which has paid off with Amazon's dominance in the e-commerce industry. The company's ability to leverage technology for real-time personalization and cost reduction is a significant advantage over physical retailers. Bezos also emphasizes the importance of repetition in communicating his philosophies to shareholders, as not everyone may be reading his letters for the first time. The Amazon flywheel, which focuses on cost improvement to lower prices and drive growth, is a key aspect of the company's success. While the stock market may fluctuate in the short term, Amazon remains committed to its long-term vision and strategy.

    • Amazon's focus on the customerAmazon's customer-first approach, lowering prices, and eliminating errors leads to increased customer satisfaction, productivity, and sustained free cash flow.

      Amazon's success comes from its relentless focus on the customer and their experience. This focus on convenience and eliminating errors has led to increased customer satisfaction and productivity. Additionally, Amazon's commitment to lowering prices while maintaining a high-quality customer experience is a unique business model that may seem paradoxical but has proven effective. In the 2002 shareholder letter, Bezos shares how they tested their prices against physical bookstores, discovering they could offer the same books for lower prices. This customer-first approach, combined with their ability to lower costs as they grow, allows Amazon to generate meaningful sustained free cash flow and continue to prioritize long-term shareholder value.

    • Amazon's dedication to thorough investigation and long-term planningBy personally verifying information and making informed decisions, companies can build trust, improve offerings, and create better experiences for their customers.

      Both Amazon and a successful investor, Daniel Ludwig, demonstrate the importance of direct action and long-term thinking. Amazon, in an effort to ensure accurate pricing and product availability, physically checked the prices of 100 bestseller books against competitors. This dedication to thorough investigation and long-term planning resulted in cost savings and improved customer experience. Similarly, Daniel Ludwig's story illustrates the value of personally verifying information and making informed decisions, rather than relying solely on others. In business, long-term thinking is a requirement and an outcome of true ownership. This mindset is reflected in Amazon's decision to allow customer reviews, despite initial resistance, as it ultimately benefits both the customer and the company. By taking the time to understand the details and making informed decisions, companies can build trust, improve their offerings, and create better experiences for their customers.

    • Balancing data and judgment in decision-makingAmazon's success relies on a balance between data analysis and judgment in decision-making. Long-term strategies, like reducing costs and passing savings to customers, require judgment, while data can guide decisions in quantifiable areas. Effective leaders must navigate both to succeed.

      Effective decision-making at Amazon involves a balance between data analysis and judgment. While data can guide decisions in quantifiable areas, important decisions in complex situations require judgment. Amazon's long-term focus on reducing costs and passing savings to customers through price reductions is an example of a decision that cannot be made solely based on data. This strategy, which creates a virtuous cycle of lower prices leading to increased volumes and cost savings, has been a key part of Amazon's success for decades. However, making decisions in a complex adaptive system like a business requires careful consideration and the ability to adapt to new information. As Bezos notes, excessive focus on operating decisions at the expense of strategic, unstructured decisions can lead organizations to pursue inappropriate courses of action, even if done more efficiently. Therefore, effective leaders must be able to navigate both data-driven and judgment-based decisions to succeed in the long term.

    • The importance of unstructured decision-making in businessJeff Bezos used historical insights and took bold risks, balancing quantitative analysis and unstructured decision-making, contributing to Amazon's success

      While rigorous and quantitative analysis are important, excessive focus on them may cause organizations to overlook the value of unstructured decision-making. Jeff Bezos, for instance, looked to historical biographies and autobiographies for insights, recognizing that the world of starting a new company is a complex adaptive system that doesn't always behave as expected. Additionally, Bezos took bold risks, such as inviting third parties to sell on Amazon's own retail real estate, despite concerns about potential cannibalization. He understood that there was no way to predict the outcome in advance and that market research might not be helpful. Instead, he encouraged leaving the upside unlimited while limiting the downside. This holistic approach, combining both quantitative analysis and unstructured decision-making, has been a key factor in Amazon's success.

    • Embracing Complexity and UnpredictabilityJeff Bezos' business model thrives on taking bold decisions, starting with the customer, and combining a strong quantitative and analytical culture with the ability to embrace complex environments and unpredictable outcomes to launch and grow successful businesses like Amazon Retail, AWS, and Prime.

      Jeff Bezos' business model thrives on embracing complex environments with unpredictable outcomes, which most people find scary. This approach allowed Amazon to launch and grow massive businesses like Amazon Retail, AWS, and Prime, despite the significant risks involved. Bezos believes in making bold decisions, starting with the customer, and combining a strong quantitative and analytical culture with this approach. He also emphasizes the importance of planting seeds for new businesses, but only if they meet a high bar for generating strong returns on capital and offering meaningful differentiation for customers. An example of a business opportunity that failed this test was opening physical stores in 2006, while Amazon Go, which meets all the tests, is a successful implementation of this strategy.

    • Amazon's Success from Nurturing Small BusinessesAmazon identifies and supports small businesses with big potential, like Fulfillment by Amazon and AWS, and their innovative culture, long-term goals, and co-evolution of humans and tools contribute to their success.

      Amazon's success comes from its ability to identify and nurture high potential businesses, even if they don't start out large. This is evident in their Fulfillment by Amazon service and their Amazon Web Services (AWS) business. AWS, in particular, is a significant business focused on developers, targeting broad needs and leveraging Amazon's expertise from scaling Amazon.com. Jeff Bezos believes that Amazon's culture, which supports small businesses with big potential, is a competitive advantage. Furthermore, Amazon's approach to innovation, as demonstrated by the Kindle, involves setting ambitious goals, understanding the limitations of existing products, and adding new capabilities. Bezos also believes that humans and tools co-evolve, and the tools we use can change us, leading to new ways of collaborating and learning. This perspective is particularly relevant today, as digital tools have shifted us towards information snacking and shorter attention spans. However, reading, as a form of focused, one-sided conversation, remains an invaluable source of deep knowledge and understanding.

    • Long-term focus and customer obsession lead to successInvesting in long-term projects and maintaining a customer-obsessed approach can lead to greater business success, as demonstrated by Jeff Bezos' philosophy and Amazon's success.

      Investing in long-term projects and maintaining a customer-obsessed approach can lead to greater success in business, as opposed to seeking instant gratification. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, emphasizes this philosophy, as seen in his responses to economic downturns and his commitment to delivering solutions that meet customer needs for extended periods. Furthermore, engaging in activities like reading books, listening to podcasts, and focusing on a subject for an extended time can be seen as a form of meditation and can contribute to developing longer attention spans. By staying focused on the long term and continuously developing new skills, businesses can remain competitive and adapt to changing customer needs.

    • Customer experience is priority, even if it means sacrificing short-term gainsAmazon prioritizes customer experience, continuously improves, eliminates waste, focuses on controllable inputs, invents on behalf of customers, and starts with the customer to innovate.

      Amazon's success is rooted in its unwavering commitment to prioritizing the customer experience, even if it means sacrificing short-term gains for long-term benefits. Jeff Bezos emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement, eliminating waste, and focusing on controllable inputs to maximize financial outputs. He encourages inventing on behalf of customers and not being afraid to repeat proven strategies. Amazon's approach to technology as services allows for reduced side effects and the ability to evolve at their own pace. By starting with the customer and working backwards, Amazon continues to innovate and solve complex problems with no textbook solutions.

    • Amazon's Customer-Centric Approach to InventionAmazon prioritizes customer experience, eliminates gatekeepers, and empowers individuals to experiment and innovate, leading to successful inventions like Kindle Sync, Amazon Web Services, and Fulfillment by Amazon.

      At Amazon, technology and invention are deeply integrated into every aspect of their business, not relegated to a separate R&D department. They strive to eliminate gatekeepers and empower individuals to experiment and innovate, creating platforms that benefit all parties involved. Amazon's focus is on impressing customers rather than competing with others, leading to a proactive approach to improving services and inventing new features. This customer-centric philosophy has proven successful and has led to innovations like Kindle Sync, Amazon Web Services, and Fulfillment by Amazon. By prioritizing the customer experience, Amazon has created a culture that fosters invention and continuous improvement.

    • Customer delight leads to business growthLong-term thinking, customer focus, experimentation, and continuous improvement are essential for business success. Amazon's growth is rooted in delighting customers, iterating, and investing in new ventures like Prime and AWS.

      Long-term thinking and customer focus are essential for business success. Jeff Bezos emphasized that delighting customers earns trust and leads to more business, aligning the interests of customers and shareholders. Amazon's experiments and iterations have been a core part of their growth, with over 1,900 experiments run in 2013 alone. Despite the risks and failures, Amazon continues to invest in new ventures, such as Prime and AWS, which have become significant contributors to their success. In Bezos' words, finding a business that customers love, can grow large, has strong returns on capital, and is durable in time is like finding a life partner. The Amazon flywheel is an excellent example of how different parts of the business feed energy into each other, with sellers joining Fulfillment by Amazon leading to increased Prime membership value and vice versa. Ultimately, maintaining a customer-focused approach and continuously experimenting are crucial for business growth and success.

    • AWS's Value Proposition for Large EnterprisesAWS's adoption by large enterprises is driven by its ability to help deliver technology projects faster, not just cost savings. AWS's success is due to Amazon's customer-obsessed culture, long-term thinking, and operational excellence.

      AWS, despite being initially adopted by startups for its speed and agility, is now being embraced by large enterprises for the same reasons. The primary value proposition for these companies is not just cost savings, but the ability to deliver business-enabling technology projects faster. AWS's growth is driven by the fact that IT departments recognize that adopting AWS allows them to get more done. Jeff Bezos views AWS as a dream business offering with a massive, unconstrained market size. The success of AWS and Amazon retail can be attributed to their distinctive organizational cultures, which prioritize customer obsession, eagerness to invent, patience to think long term, and operational excellence. These cultures, which are enduring and stable, can be a source of advantage or disadvantage depending on how well they fit an organization. As Bezos famously said, "To invent, you have to experiment."

    • Maintaining a Day 1 Mindset for Business GrowthEmbrace long-tail distribution of returns, experiment, accept failures, and stay customer-obsessed to avoid 'day 2' stasis and decline.

      Organizations, especially large ones, need to embrace the long-tail distribution of returns and be bold in their decision-making to invent and grow. Jeff Bezos, in his letters to Amazon shareholders, emphasizes the importance of experimentation and being willing to take risks, even if it means dealing with a string of failed experiments. He contrasts this with the conventional wisdom that often leads to "fast following" rather than true invention. Bezos also highlights the difference between Amazon and other technology companies, with Amazon focusing on customer obsession and being an "invention machine," while many others are competitor focused. To avoid falling into the trap of "day 2," which is stasis followed by decline, organizations must stay customer-obsessed, adopt external trends quickly, and make decisions with a skeptical view of proxies. In essence, it's crucial for businesses to maintain a day 1 mindset, which includes experimenting, accepting failures, and doubling down on customer delight.

    • Focus on outcomes, not proxiesTo build a customer-obsessed culture and maintain innovation, focus on outcomes instead of managing proxies like processes or market research. Escalate true misalignments, make high velocity decisions, and maintain high standards to stay ahead of customer expectations.

      In order to create a customer-obsessed culture and maintain a high level of innovation, it's crucial to avoid managing proxies and instead focus on the actual outcomes. Proxies, such as processes or market research, can easily become the focus instead of the desired results. This can lead to misinterpretation of data and missed opportunities for improvement. Additionally, high velocity decision making is essential for maintaining the energy and dynamism of a day 1 company, even as it grows larger and more complex. To optimize for speed, it's important to recognize and escalate true misalignments within teams and to have a culture of "disagree and commit," where different opinions are acknowledged and a decision is made despite disagreements. Ultimately, high standards are key to staying ahead of ever-rising customer expectations and can be taught and spread throughout an organization.

    • Recognizing the need to expand standards across domainsLearning from Jeff Bezos, recognize that high standards can vary and expand your knowledge through books, podcasts, and consistent practice to become a well-rounded and effective person.

      Having high standards is crucial for personal and professional growth, but it's essential to recognize that these standards can vary across different domains. Jeff Bezos, for instance, had high standards for customer care and hiring when he started Amazon, but he lacked them in operational processes. This realization kept him humble and open to learning. One effective way to expand your standards and knowledge is by consuming books and podcasts, which expose you to brilliant minds and new ideas. These resources can help you incrementally improve your standards and skills over time, making you a more well-rounded and effective person. Additionally, mastering a new skill, such as doing a perfect freestanding handstand, requires consistent effort and dedication, much like improving your standards. So, be open to learning, practice daily, and never stop striving for self-improvement.

    • Effective communication of project scope and builder's mentalityCommunicating realistic project scopes and embracing a builder's mentality with iteration, invention, and even failure leads to better products, increased recruitment and retention, and a proactive approach to crucial work.

      Forming realistic beliefs about project scope and communicating them effectively is crucial for achieving high standards in business. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, emphasizes the importance of this culture and the benefits it brings, such as better products and services, increased recruitment and retention, and a proactive approach to the invisible, crucial work that goes on behind the scenes. Bezos also advocates for a builder's mentality, which includes embracing iteration, invention, and even failure. He encourages companies to wander and invent on behalf of customers, as some of the biggest discoveries and opportunities are nonlinear and not easily found through efficiency alone. In Bezos' words, "You need both wandering and efficiency; both exploration and iteration." Additionally, he believes that as a company grows, the size of failed experiments should also grow, as this is necessary for inventing at a scale that can move the needle.

    • Learn from experts and successful entrepreneurs through podcastsPodcasts offer valuable insights, new strategies, industry trends, and inspiration for entrepreneurs, making them an essential resource for personal and professional growth.

      Consistent listening to podcasts can provide valuable insights and support for entrepreneurs over a long period. Podcasts offer a wealth of knowledge from various experts and successful business owners, which can help entrepreneurs learn new strategies, stay updated on industry trends, and gain inspiration. Additionally, the convenience of listening to podcasts makes it an efficient way to learn on the go. For entrepreneurs, dedicating just 10 to 15 minutes each day to listen to new podcasts can significantly contribute to their personal and professional growth. Overall, podcasts serve as an essential resource for entrepreneurs seeking to expand their knowledge and stay competitive in their industry.

    Recent Episodes from Founders

    #354 Sam Walton: The Inside Story of America's Richest Man

    #354 Sam Walton: The Inside Story of America's Richest Man

    What I learned from reading Sam Walton: The Inside Story of America's Richest Man by Vance Trimble. 


    Founders Notes gives you the superpower to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand. You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

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    (2:30) Sam Walton built his business on a very simple idea: Buy cheap. Sell low. Every day. With a smile.

    (2:30) People confuse a simple idea with an ordinary person. Sam Walton was no ordinary person.

    (4:30) Traits Sam Walton had his entire life: A sense of duty. Extreme discipline. Unbelievable levels of endurance.

    (5:30) His dad taught him the secret to life was work, work, work.

    (5:30) Sam felt the world was something he could conquer.

    (6:30) The Great Depression was a big leveler of people. Sam chose to rise above it. He was determined to be a success.

    (11:30) You can make a lot of different mistakes and still recover if you run an efficient operation. Or you can be brilliant and still go out of business if you’re too inefficient. — Sam Walton: Made In America by Sam Walton. (Founders #234)

    (15:30) He was crazy about satisfying customers.

    (17:30) The lawyer saw Sam clenching and unclenching his fists, staring at his hands. Sam straightened up. “No,” he said. “I’m not whipped. I found Newport, and I found the store. I can find another good town and another store. Just wait and see!”

    (21:30) Sometimes hardship can enlighten and inspire. This was the case for Sam Walton as he put in hours and hours of driving Ozark mountain roads in the winter of 1950. But that same boredom and frustration triggered ideas that eventually brought him billions of dollars. (This is when he learns to fly small planes. Walmart never happens otherwise)

    (33:30) At the start we were so amateurish and so far behind K Mart just ignored us. They let us stay out here, while we developed and learned our business. They gave us a 10 year period to grow.

    (37:30) And so how dedicated was Sam to keeping costs low? Walmart is called that in part because fewer letters means cheaper signs on the outside of a store.

    (42:30) Sam Walton is tough, loves a good fight, and protects his territory.

    (43:30) His tactics later prompted them to describe Sam as a modern-day combination of Vince Lombardi (insisting on solid execution of the basics) and General George S. Patton. (A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.)

    (43:30) Hardly a day has passed without Sam reminding an employee: "Remember Wal-Mart's Golden Rule: Number one, the customer Is always right; number two, if the customer isn't right, refer to rule number one.”

    (46:30) The early days of Wal-Mart were like the early days of Disneyland: "You asked the question, What was your process like?' I kind of laugh because process is an organized way of doing things. I have to remind you, during the 'Walt Period' of designing Disneyland, we didn't have processes. We just did the work. Processes came later. All of these things had never been done before. Walt had gathered up all these people who had never designed a theme park, a Disneyland.

    So we're in the same boat at one time, and we figure out what to do and how to do it on the fly as we go along with it and not even discuss plans, timing, or anything.

    We just worked and Walt just walked around and had suggestions. — Disney's Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World by Richard Snow. (Founders #347)

    (1:04:30) Sam Walton said he took more ideas from Sol Price than any other person. —Sol Price: Retail Revolutionary by Robert Price. (Founders #304)

    (1:07:30) Nothing in the world is cheaper than a good idea without any action behind it.

    (1:07:30)  Sam Walton: Made In America  (Founders #234)


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #353 How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty

    #353 How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty

    What I learned from reading How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty. 


    Build relationships with other founders, investors, and executives at a Founders Event


    "Learning from history is a form of leverage." — Charlie Munger. 

    Founders Notes gives you the superpower to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand. You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

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    You can also ask SAGE (the Founders Notes AI assistant) any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (2:00) My father was a self-made man who had known extreme poverty in his youth and had a practically limitless capacity for hard work.

    (6:00) I acted as my own geologist, legal advisor, drilling superintendent, explosives expert, roughneck and roustabout.

    (8:00) Michael Jordan: The Life by Roland Lazenby. (Founders #212) 

    (12:00) Control as much of your business as possible. You don’t want to have to worry about what is going on in the other guy’s shop.

    (20:00) Optimism is a moral duty. Pessimism aborts opportunity.

    (21:00) I studied the lives of great men and women. And I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm and hard work.

    (22:00) 98 percent of our attention was devoted to the task at hand. We are believers in Carlyle's Prescription, that the job a man is to do is the job at hand and not see what lies dimly in the distance. — Charlie Munger

    (27:00) Entrepreneurs want to create their own security.

    (34:00) Example is the best means to instruct or inspire others.

    (37:00) Long orders, which require much time to prepare, to read and to understand are the enemies of speed. Napoleon could issue orders of few sentences which clearly expressed his intentions and required little time to issue and to understand.

    (38:00) A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers From Warren Buffett by Warren Buffett and Peter Bevelin. (Founders #202) 

    (41:00) Two principles he repeats:

    Be where the work is happening.

    Get rid of bureaucracy.

    (43:00) Years ago, businessmen automatically kept administrative overhead to an absolute minimum. The present day trend is in exactly the opposite direction. The modern business mania is to build greater and ever greater paper shuffling empires.

    (44:00) Les Schwab Pride In Performance: Keep It Going!by Les Schwab (Founders #330) 

    (46:00) The primary function of management is to obtain results through people.

    (50:00) the truly great leader views reverses, calmly and coolly. He is fully aware that they are bound to occur occasionally and he refuses to be unnerved by them.

    (51:00) There is always something wrong everywhere.

    (51:00) Don't interrupt the compounding. It’s all about the long term. You should keep a fortress of cash, reinvest in your business, and use debt sparingly. Doing so will help you survive to reap the long-term benefits of your business.

    (54:00) You’ll go much farther if you stop trying to look and act and think like everyone else.

    (55:00) The line that divides majority opinion from mass hysteria is often so fine as to be virtually invisible.


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

    Be like Gareth. Buy a book: All the books featured on Founders Podcast

    #352 J. Paul Getty: The Richest Private Citizen in America

    #352 J. Paul Getty: The Richest Private Citizen in America

    What I learned from reading As I See it: The Autobiography of J. Paul Getty by J. Paul Getty. 


    Build relationships with other founders, investors, and executives at a Founders Event


    "Learning from history is a form of leverage." — Charlie Munger. 

    Founders Notes gives you the superpower to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand. You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

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    You can also ask SAGE (the Founders Notes AI assistant) any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (2:00) Vice President Nelson Rockefeller did me the honor of saying that my entrepreneurial success in the oil business put me on a par with his grandfather, John D. Rockefeller Sr. My comment was that comparing me to John D. Sr. was like comparing a sparrow to an eagle. My words were not inspired by modesty, but by facts.

    (8:00) On his dad sending him to military school: The strict, regimented environment was good for me.

    (20:00) Entrepreneurs are people whose mind and energies are constantly being used at peak capacity.

    (28:00) Advice for fellow entrepreneurs: Don’t be like William Randolph Hearst. Reinvest in your business. Keep a fortress of cash. Use debt sparingly.

    (30:00) The great entrepreneurs I know have these traits:

    -Devoted their minds and energy to building productive enterprises (over the long term)

    -They concentrated on expanding

    -They concentrated on making their companies more efficient 

    -They reinvest heavily in to their business (which can help efficiency and expansion )

    -Always personally involved in their business

    -They know their business down to the ground

    -They have an innate capacity to think on a large scale

    (34:00) Five wives can't all be wrong. As one of them told me after our divorce: "You're a great friend, Paul—but as a husband, you're impossible.”

    (36:00) My business interests created problems [in my marriages]. I was drilling several wells and it was by no means uncommon for me to stay on the sites overnight or even for two days or more.

    (38:00) A hatred of failure has always been part of my nature and one of the more pronounced motivating forces in my life.  Once I have committed myself to any undertaking, a powerful inner drive cuts in and I become intent on seeing it through to a satisfactory conclusion.

    (38:00) My own nature is such that I am able to concentrate on whatever is before me and am not easily distracted from it.

    (42:00) There are times when certain cards sit unclaimed in the common pile, when certain properties become available that will never be available again. A good businessman feels these moments like a fall in the barometric pressure. A great businessman is dumb enough to act on them even when he cannot afford to. — The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King by Rich Cohen. (Founders #255)

    (47:00) [On transforming his company for the Saudi Arabia deal] The list of things to be done was awesome, but those things were done.

    (53:00) Churchill to his son: Your idle and lazy life is very offensive to me. You appear to be leading a perfectly useless existence.

    (54:00) My father's influence and example where the principle forces that formed my nature and character.


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

    Be like Gareth. Buy a book: All the books featured on Founders Podcast

    #351 The Founder of Rolex: Hans Wilsdorf

    #351 The Founder of Rolex: Hans Wilsdorf

    What I learned from reading about Hans Wilsdorf and the founding of Rolex.


    Build relationships at the Founders Conference on July 29th-July 31st in Scotts Valley, California


    "Learning from history is a form of leverage." — Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the superpower to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

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    You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (0:01) At the age of twelve I was an orphan.

    (1:00) My uncles made me become self-reliant very early in life. Looking back, I believe that it is to this, that much of my success is due.

    (9:00) The idea of wearing a watch on one's wrist was thought to be contrary to the conception of masculinity.

    (10:00) Prior to World War 1 wristwatches for men did not exist.

    (11:00) Business is problems. The best companies are just effective problem solving machines.

    (12:00) My personal opinion is that pocket watches will almost completely disappear and that wrist watches will replace them definitively! I am not mistaken in this opinion and you will see that I am right." —Hans Wilsdorf, 1914

    (14:00) The highest order bit is belief: I had very early realized the manifold possibilities of the wristlet watch and, feeling sure that they would materialize in time, I resolutely went on my way. Rolex was thus able to get several years ahead of other watch manufacturers who persisted in clinging to the pocket watch as their chief product.

    (16:00) Clearly, the companies for whom the economics of twenty-four-hour news would have made the most sense were the Big Three broadcasters. They already had most of what was needed— studios, bureaus, reporters, anchors almost everything but a belief in cable.   —  Ted Turner's Autobiography (Founders #327)

    (20:00) Business Breakdowns #65 Rolex: Timeless Excellence

    (27:00)   Rolex was effectively the first watch brand to have real marketing dollars put behind a watch. Rolex did this in a concentrated way and they've continued to do it in a way that is simply just unmatched by others in their industry.

    (28:00) It's tempting during recession to cut back on consumer advertising. At the start of each of the last three recessions, the growth of spending on such advertising had slowed by an average of 27 percent. But consumer studies of those recessions had showed that companies that didn't cut their ads had, in the recovery, captured the most market share. So we didn't cut our ad budget. In fact, we raised it to gain brand recognition, which continued advertising sustains. — Four Seasons: The Story of a Business Philosophy by Isadore Sharp. (Founders #184)

    (32:00) Social proof is a form of leverage. — Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charlie Munger. (Founders #329)

    (34:00) What really matters is Hans understood the opportunity better than anybody else, and invested heavily in developing the technology to bring his ideas to fruition.

    (35:00) On keeping the main thing the main thing for decades: In developing and extending my business, I have always had certain aims in mind, a course from which I never deviated.

    (41:00) Rolex wanted to only be associated with the best. They ran an ad with the headline: Men who guide the destinies of the world, where Rolex watches.

    (43:00) Opportunity creates more opportunites. The Oyster unlocked the opportunity for the Perpetual.

    (44:00) The easier you make something for the customer, the larger the market gets: “My vision was to create the first fully packaged computer. We were no longer aiming for the handful of hobbyists who liked to assemble their own computers, who knew how to buy transformers and keyboards. For every one of them there were a thousand people who would want the machine to be ready to run.” — Steve Jobs

    (48:00) More sources:

    Rolex Jubilee: Vade Mecum by Hans Wilsdorf

    Rolex Magazine: The Hans Wilsdorf Years

    Hodinkee: Inside the Manufacture. Going Where Few Have Gone Before -- Inside All Four Rolex Manufacturing Facilities 

    Vintage Watchstraps Blog: Hans Wilsdorf and Rolex

    Business Breakdowns #65 Rolex: Timeless Excellence

    Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands by Jean Noel Kapferer and Vincent Bastien 


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

    Be like Gareth. Buy a book: All the books featured on Founders Podcast

    #350 How To Sell Like Steve Jobs

    #350 How To Sell Like Steve Jobs

    What I learned from reading The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience by Carmine Gallo 


    Come build relationships at the Founders Conference on July 29th-July 31st in Scotts Valley, California


    Learning from history is a form of leverage. —Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the super power to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

    Get access to Founders Notes here


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    (1:00) You've got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology—not the other way around.  —Steve Jobs in 1997

    (6:00) Why should I care = What does this do for me?

    (6:00) The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century of Wall Street Scandals by Frank Partnoy.  (Founders #348)

    (7:00) Easy to understand, easy to spread.

    (8:00) An American Saga: Juan Trippe and His Pan Am Empire by Robert Daley 

    (8:00) The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King by Rich Cohen. (Founders #255)

    (9:00)  love how crystal clear this value proposition is. Instead of 3 days driving on dangerous road, it’s 1.5 hours by air. That’s a 48x improvement in time savings. This allows the company to work so much faster. The best B2B companies save businesses time.

    (10:00) Great Advertising Founders Episodes:

    Albert Lasker (Founders #206)

    Claude Hopkins (Founders #170 and #207)

    David Ogilvy (Founders #82, 89, 169, 189, 306, 343) 

    (12:00) Advertising which promises no benefit to the consumer does not sell, yet the majority of campaigns contain no promise whatever. (That is the most important sentence in this book. Read it again.) — Ogilvy on Advertising 

    (13:00) Repeat, repeat, repeat. Human nature has a flaw. We forget that we forget.

    (19:00) Start with the problem. Do not start talking about your product before you describe the problem your product solves.

    (23:00) The Invisible Billionaire: Daniel Ludwig by Jerry Shields. (Founders #292)

    (27:00) Being so well known has advantages of scale—what you might call an informational advantage.

    Psychologists use the term social proof. We are all influenced-subconsciously and, to some extent, consciously-by what we see others do and approve.

    Therefore, if everybody's buying something, we think it's better.

    We don't like to be the one guy who's out of step.

    The social proof phenomenon, which comes right out of psychology, gives huge advantages to scale.

    —  the NEW Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charlie Munger (Founders #329)

    (29:00) Marketing is theatre.

    (32:00) Belief is irresistible. — Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight.  (Founders #186)

    (35:00) I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we’re tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. And, humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing, about a third of the way down the list. It was not too proud a showing for the crown of creation. So, that didn’t look so good. But, then somebody at Scientific American had the insight to test the efficiency of locomotion for a man on a bicycle. And, a man on a bicycle, a human on a bicycle, blew the condor away, completely off the top of the charts.

    And that’s what a computer is to me. What a computer is to me is it’s the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with, it’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.


    If you want me to speak at your company go here


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

    Be like Gareth. Buy a book: All the books featured on Founders Podcast

    #349 How Steve Jobs Kept Things Simple

    #349 How Steve Jobs Kept Things Simple

    What I learned from reading Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success by Ken Segall. 


    Come build relationships at the Founders Conference on July 29th-July 31st in Scotts Valley, California 


    Learning from history is a form of leverage. —Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the super power to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

    Get access to Founders Notes here


    (1:30) Steve wanted Apple to make a product that was simply amazing and amazingly simple.

    (3:00) If you don’t zero in on your bureaucracy every so often, you will naturally build in layers. You never set out to add bureaucracy. You just get it. Period. Without even knowing it. So you always have to be looking to eliminate it.  — Sam Walton: Made In America by Sam Walton. (Founders #234)

    (5:00) Steve was always easy to understand. He would either approve a demo, or he would request to see something different next time. Whenever Steve reviewed a demo, he would say, often with highly detailed specificity, what he wanted to happen next.  — Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs by Ken Kocienda. (Founders #281)

    (7:00) Watch this video. Andy Miller tells GREAT Steve Jobs stories

    (10:00) Many are familiar with the re-emergence of Apple. They may not be as familiar with the fact that it has few, if any parallels.
    When did a founder ever return to the company from which he had been rudely rejected to engineer a turnaround as complete and spectacular as Apple's? While turnarounds are difficult in any circumstances they are doubly difficult in a technology company. It is not too much of a stretch to say that Steve founded Apple not once but twice. And the second time he was alone. 

    —  Return to the Little Kingdom: Steve Jobs and the Creation of Appleby Michael Moritz.

    (15:00) If the ultimate decision maker is involved every step of the way the quality of the work increases.

    (20:00) "You asked the question, What was your process like?' I kind of laugh because process is an organized way of doing things. I have to remind you, during the 'Walt Period' of designing Disneyland, we didn't have processes. We just did the work. Processes came later. All of these things had never been done before. Walt had gathered up all these people who had never designed a theme park, a Disneyland. So we're in the same boat at one time, and we figure out what to do and how to do it on the fly as we go along with it and not even discuss plans, timing, or anything. We just worked and Walt just walked around and had suggestions." — Disney's Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World by Richard Snow. (Founders #347)

    (23:00) The further you get away from 1 the more complexity you invite in.

    (25:00) Your goal: A single idea expressed clearly.

    (26:00) Jony Ive: Steve was the most focused person I’ve met in my life

    (28:00) Editing your thinking is an act of service.


    Learning from history is a form of leverage. —Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the super power to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

    Get access to Founders Notes here


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

    Be like Gareth. Buy a book: All the books featured on Founders Podcast

    Michael Jordan In His Own Words

    Michael Jordan In His Own Words

    What I learned from reading Driven From Within by Michael Jordan and Mark Vancil. 


    Relationships run the world: Build relationships at Founders events


    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can read, reread, and search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

    Get access to Founders Notes here


    Episode Outline: 

    Players who practice hard when no one is paying attention play well when everyone is watching.

    It's hard, but it's fair. I live by those words. 

    To this day, I don't enjoy working. I enjoy playing, and figuring out how to connect playing with business. To me, that's my niche. People talk about my work ethic as a player, but they don't understand. What appeared to be hard work to others was simply playing for me.

    You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared. 

    Look around, just about any person or entity achieving at a high level has the same focus. The morning after Tiger Woods rallied to beat Phil Mickelson at the Ford Championship in 2005, he was in the gym by 6:30 to work out. No lights. No cameras. No glitz or glamour. Uncompromised. 

    I knew going against the grain was just part of the process.

    The mind will play tricks on you. The mind was telling you that you couldn't go any further. The mind was telling you how much it hurt. The mind was telling you these things to keep you from reaching your goal. But you have to see past that, turn it all off if you are going to get where you want to be.

    I would wake up in the morning thinking: How am I going to attack today?

    I’m not so dominant that I can’t listen to creative ideas coming from other people. Successful people listen. Those who don’t listen, don’t survive long.

    In all honesty, I don't know what's ahead. If you ask me what I'm going to do in five years, I can't tell you. This moment? Now that's a different story. I know what I'm doing moment to moment, but I have no idea what's ahead. I'm so connected to this moment that I don't make assumptions about what might come next, because I don't want to lose touch with the present. Once you make assumptions about something that might happen, or might not happen, you start limiting the potential outcomes. 


    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can read, reread, and search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

    Get access to Founders Notes here


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

    Be like Gareth. Buy a book: All the books featured on Founders Podcast

    en-usMay 12, 2024

    #348 The Financial Genius Behind A Century of Wall Street Scandals: Ivar Kreuger

    #348 The Financial Genius Behind A Century of Wall Street Scandals: Ivar Kreuger

    What I learned from reading The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century of Wall Street Scandals by Frank Partnoy. 


    Relationships run the world: Build relationships at Founders events


    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can read, reread, and search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

    Get access to Founders Notes here


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    Episode Outline: 

    1. Ivar was charismatic. His charisma was not natural. Ivar spent hours every day just preparing to talk. He practiced his lines for hours like great actors do.

    2. Ivar’s first pitch was simple, easy to understand, and legitimate: By investing in Swedish Match, Americans could earn profits from a monopoly abroad.

    3. Joseph Duveen noticed that Europe had plenty of art and America had plenty of money, and his entire astonishing career was the product of that simple observation. — The Days of Duveen by S.N. Behrman.  (Founders #339 Joseph Duveen: Robber Baron Art Dealer)

    4. Ivar studied Rockefeller and Carnegie: Ivar's plan was to limit competition and increase profits by securing a monopoly on match sales throughout the world, mimicking the nineteenth century oil, sugar, and steel trusts.

    5. When investors were manic, they would purchase just about anything. But during the panic that inevitably followed mania, the opposite was true. No one would buy.

    6. The problem isn’t getting rich. The problem is staying sane. — Charlie Munger

    7. Ivar understood human psychology. If something is limited and hard to get to that increases desire. This works for both products (like a Ferrari) and people (celebrities). Ivar was becoming a business celebrity.

    8.  I’ve never believed in risking what my family and friends have and need in order to pursue what they don't have and don't need. — The Essays of Warren Buffett by Warren Buffett and Lawrence Cunningham. (Founders #227)

    9. Great ideas are simple ideas: Ivar hooked Durant with his simple, brilliant idea: government loans in exchange for match monopolies.

    10. Ivar wrote to his parents, "I cannot believe that I am intended to spend my life making money for second-rate people. I shall bring American methods back home. Wait and see - I shall do great things. I'm bursting with ideas. I am only wondering which to carry out first."

    11. Ivar’s network of companies was far too complex for anyone to understand: It was like a corporate family tree from hell, and it extended into obscurity.

    12. “Victory in our industry is spelled survival.”   —Steve Jobs

    13. Ivar's financial statements were sloppy and incomplete. Yet investors nevertheless clamored to buy his securities.

    14. As more cash flowed in the questions went away. This is why Ponzi like schemes can last so long. People don’t want to believe. They don’t want the cash to stop.

    15. A Man for All Markets: From Las Vegas to Wall Street, How I Beat the Dealer and the Market by Ed Thorp. (Founders #222)

    16.  A summary of Charlie Munger on incentives:

    1. We all underestimate the power of incentives.
    2. Never, ever think about anything else before the power of incentives.
    3. The most important rule: get the incentives right.

    17. This is nuts! Fake phones and hired actors!

    Next to the desk was a table with three telephones. The middle phone was a dummy, a non-working phone that Ivar could cause to ring by stepping on a button under the desk. That button was a way to speed the exit of talkative visitors who were staying too long. Ivar also used the middle phone to impress his supporters. When Percy Rockefeller visited Ivar pretended to receive calls from various European government officials, including Mussolini and Stalin. That evening, Ivar threw a lavish party and introduced Rockefeller to numerous "ambassadors" from various countries, who actually were movie extras he had hired for the night.


    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders at Founders Notes


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #347 How Walt Disney Built His Greatest Creation: Disneyland

    #347 How Walt Disney Built His Greatest Creation: Disneyland

    What I learned from reading Disney's Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World by Richard Snow. 


    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can read, reread, and search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (8:00) When in 1955 we heard that Disney had opened an amusement park under his own name, it appeared certain that we could not look forward to anything new from Mr. Disney.

    We were quite wrong.

    He had, instead, created his masterpiece.

    (13:00) This may be the greatest product launch of all time: He had run eight months of his television program. He hadn't named his new show Walt Disney Presents or The Wonderful World of Walt Disney.

    It was called simply Disneyland, and every weekly episode was an advertisement for the still unborn park.

    (15:00) Disneyland is the extension of the powerful personality of one man.

    (15:00) The creation of Disneyland was Walt Disney’s personal taste in physical form.

    (24:00) How strange that the boss would just drop it. Walt doesn’t give up. So he must have something else in mind.

    (26:00) Their mediocrity is my opportunity. It is an opportunity because there is so much room for improvement.

    (36:00) Roy Disney never lost his calm understanding that the company's prosperity rested not on the rock of conventional business practices, but on the churning, extravagant, perfectionist imagination of his younger brother.

    (41:00) Walt Disney’s decision to not relinquish his TV rights to United Artists was made in 1936. This decision paid dividends 20 years later. Hold on. Technology -- developed by other people -- constantly benefited Disney's business. Many such cases in the history of entrepreneurship.

    (43:00) Walt Disney did not look around. He looked in. He looked in to his personal taste and built a business that was authentic to himself.

    (54:00) "You asked the question, What was your process like?' I kind of laugh because process is an organized way of doing things. I have to remind you, during the 'Walt Period' of designing Disneyland, we didn't have processes.

    We just did the work. Processes came later. All of these things had never been done before.

    Walt had gathered up all these people who had never designed a theme park, a Disneyland.

    So we're in the same boat at one time, and we figure out what to do and how to do it on the fly as we go along with it and not even discuss plans, timing, or anything.

    We just worked and Walt just walked around and had suggestions."


    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders at Founders Notes


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    Anna Anderson: Community, Grief and Giving Back

    Today’s guest is Anna Anderson, founder of Kindred – a co-working and events space in West London, beloved by founders and creatives alike.

    Anna Anderson spent her career in social work before founding Kindred in 2019 to help forge human connection between founders. Her goal with Kindred is to create a space that feels inclusive and provides fellow founders and small businesses with the community they need to thrive.

    In this conversation, we discuss all things community from how communities have evolved over time to what is needed in a post-pandemic world, how Kindred survived the pandemic and Anna also opens up about her childhood, religion and losing her sister tragically as well as how she sought joy following that grave loss. This is the post I mention in the episode from father Chris Anderson after Zoe's passing.

    Anna believes very much in the power of community and is optimistic about our ability as founders to shape the future for the better and it’s this level of optimism and heart that we need right now.

    So, please enjoy my conversation with Anna Anderson.

    Kindred website / Instagram / Anna on LinkedIn

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    (01:42) Introduction
    (03:47) How I started my podcast & online business
    (06:06) Why do you do what you do?
    (11:35) The maturity you gain from entrepreneurship
    (15:29) The importance of timing in startups
    (18:45) What venture capitalists are looking for now
    (21:15) How to execute on your ideas
    (25:40) Fundamentals of great founders
    (28:00) The world is run by C students
    (31:45) Using tactical stress for personal growth
    (33:00) Doing what’s right for you
    (39:25) Environment design & becoming who you want
    (43:50) The problems for big corporate companies
    (47:30) The importance of culture in startups
    (51:29) How to create a great culture
    (56:45) Considerations of cofounder relationships 
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    Cat Noone on Inclusive Design, Grief and Purpose

    Cat Noone on Inclusive Design, Grief and Purpose

    Today’s guest is designer, founder and CEO,  Cat Noone.

    Cat grew up with her grandparents in Brooklyn, New York. She started her career in web design and then worked in special education before founding the Iris app which was a modern-day emergency alert – and going on to co-found and be Chief Designer Officer at Liberio, an eBook publishing tool. 

    Cat is now co-founder and CEO of Stark – which provides a beautifully designed suite of tools for designers and developers to ensure their software products are more accessible and compliant for all.

    In today’s episode, Cat and I discuss the difficult childhood she had and how it shaped her a person as well the career path she has followed, making technology as accessible as possible to all. At the core of Cat’s mission is something close to her heart - this idea that no one should be excluded. No one should be left behind. 

    It’s a truly heartfelt conversation and I am so grateful to Cat for opening up like this. As I say in the interview, I really believe that in being vulnerable as founders, we help others and I think that sums Cat up. She wants to channel her energy for good. And she does exactly like that.

    I really enjoyed our conversation and feel I learned a lot from it. And I think you will too. 

    You’re listening to the Danielle Newnham Podcast where I interview tech founders and to learn the inspiring, human stories behind the game-changing tech we use every day.


    Cat Twitter / Instagram / Stark / Substack Newsletter

    Danielle Twitter / Instagram / Newsletter



    Dhiraj Mukherjee on The Early Days of Shazam

    Dhiraj Mukherjee on The Early Days of Shazam

    In today’s episode, I speak to Dhiraj Mukherjee, co-founder of Shazam – the music recognition app which was started in London in 1999, and acquired by Apple in 2018 for a reported $400 million.

    The story of Shazam is one of pure innovation, foresight, and a twenty plus year friendship. In 1999, Chris Barton dreamed of a seemingly impossible solution to ambient music recognition and created the team — including friend Dhiraj Mukherjee, classmate Philip Inghelbrecht, and engineer Avery Wang — to make it a reality. Shazam has now been downloaded over 1 billion times and sees more than twenty million Shazams a day. 

    I first met Dhiraj and Chris eight years ago when I interviewed the founders for my first book. Their story is so compelling that I wanted to bring them on to the podcast, as individuals, and learn more about each element of the business. So today, I am talking to Dhiraj about his background in India and traveling around the world as a child, meeting and starting a business with Chris Barton, the operational side of building Shazam in the early days from funding to how they physically got the music library together at a time when there were no smartphones, and also his role now as an investor and what he looks for in a founder. 

    Shazam is the ultimate startup story - one of grit, foresight, perseverance and friendship – and I think you’re going to really enjoy it. 


    Let us know what you think of this episode and please rate, review and share - it means the world to me and helps others to find it too.


    Danielle on Twitter @daniellenewnham and  Instagram: @daniellenewnham

    Dhiraj on Twitter / website / Shazam


    This episode was hosted by me - Danielle Newnham, a recovering founder, author and writer who has been interviewing tech founders and innovators for ten years - and produced by Jolin Cheng. 

    Series 1 of this podcast is sponsored by Sensate – the device which can help to reduce stress and anxiety in less than ten minutes a day. To get an exclusive $25 off your first purchase, simply head to Sensate and insert my discount code POD.


    Stocking supermarkets, building as a solo founder, and creating joy, with Ellie Webb

    Stocking supermarkets, building as a solo founder, and creating joy, with Ellie Webb

    Ideas often come from experiencing frustration first hand. That's exactly what happened to Ellie. While giving up alcohol for a month, she got fed up with the lack of options available in lieu of her traditional G&T. That, coupled with career frustration, that she couldn't get a job building a consumer facing brand, led her to create her own. She launched Caleño- a non-alcoholic drinks brand,  to bring more joy to those choosing to go alcohol free. 

    Today, Caleño has both d2c and traditional retail channels: including Sainsburys, Waitrose and M&S and restaurant chains

    In this episode she shares: 

    • How she ended up being in the right mindset for entrepreneurship
    • A pivotal trip to Columbia and how it shaped the brand
    • The surprise opportunity to launch in their first supermarket
    • Lessons learned as a solo founder
    • And the time you really don’t want to hear your product is “on fire”


    • https://calenodrinks.com/