
    Amy Morin: Build Mental Strength to Overcome Any Obstacle | E276

    enMarch 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Building mental strength for life's challengesMental strength improves mental health, prevents problems, and helps cope with difficulties. It's a lifelong process of learning and building resilience.

      Mental strength is crucial for navigating life's challenges, and it's never too late to build it. Amy Murrin, a psychotherapist, bestselling author, and speaker, shares her experience of overcoming grief and becoming a top thought leader in the mental health space. She emphasizes that mental strength can improve mental health and prevent problems, but it doesn't guarantee a problem-free life. Instead, it's about learning to cope and keep building mental strength even when facing difficulties. Amy also discusses how she discovered her passion for mental health early on and pursued a career as a therapist. Overall, this conversation offers valuable insights into the importance of mental strength and strategies for building it.

    • Turning adversity into opportunityMentally strong people keep moving forward during hardships and find ways to help themselves and others

      Even in the face of immense personal loss and grief, it's possible to turn adversity into opportunity. The speaker, a therapist, experienced a traumatic decade in her twenties marked by the sudden deaths of her mother and husband, as well as other losses. Despite feeling uncertain about how to help others while dealing with her own grief, she returned to work and eventually found solace in writing about mental strength. Her article, "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do," gained widespread attention and led to a book deal and other opportunities. Through her experiences, she learned that even in the darkest moments, it's essential to keep moving forward and find ways to help oneself and others.

    • From personal struggles to thought leadershipPersonal struggles can lead to opportunities for growth and impact. Freelance writing was a stepping stone for a former therapist to become a recognized thought leader in the mental health space.

      Personal struggles and experiences can lead to significant opportunities for growth and impact. The speaker shared her journey from writing a viral article for $15, which led to a book deal, TED talk with 23 million views, and books in multiple languages. She initially kept her past struggles private but later shared them, which gave her more credibility and a larger platform to reach and help people. For entrepreneurs, this reminds us that our past struggles can make us better equipped to help those facing similar challenges. The speaker, a former therapist, used her freelance writing as a stepping stone into thought leadership and became a recognized thought leader in the mental health space. So, don't underestimate the value of your experiences, even if they were difficult or painful, as they can lead to opportunities to make a positive impact on others.

    • Sharing unique perspectives and experiences to add valueTo stand out in your field, identify your conviction and unique perspective on a topic, share your story, and have an opinion, even if it's controversial.

      To become a thought leader and create original content, it's essential to add value by sharing unique perspectives and experiences, even if the topic is not new. Mental strength and mental health are related but distinct concepts. Mental strength is about the choices we make daily to improve our mental well-being and resilience, even in the face of challenges like anxiety or depression. It's not a guarantee of perfect mental health, but it can help prevent and mitigate various mental health issues. The key to standing out in your field is identifying your conviction and unique perspective on a specific topic, which makes you an expert. Sharing your story and having an opinion, even if it's controversial, can lead to attracting your target audience. The example of the speaker's article on mental strength illustrates this point, as it coined a term that resonated with people and led to a significant increase in interest and engagement.

    • Embrace mental health conversations and seek help when neededAcknowledge emotions but don't get stuck in them, take control of behaviors to make positive changes, embrace vulnerability and ask for help, and invest in mental and financial health.

      It's essential to acknowledge and process emotions, but not get stuck in them. According to the speaker, who has helped many people through mental health struggles, dwelling on self-pity and helplessness can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy of stagnation. Instead, she emphasizes the importance of taking control of emotions and behaviors to make positive changes in life. The speaker also shared stories of people who found relief and new perspectives through her work, realizing that mental strength involves vulnerability, asking for help, and acknowledging pain. She encourages everyone to embrace the conversation around mental health and seek help when needed. Additionally, she highlighted the importance of investing time and resources wisely, including investing in one's mental health and financial future.

    • Investors and Entrepreneurs Find Powerful Solutions with Yahoo Finance and ShopifyYahoo Finance offers investment tools for investors, while Shopify simplifies online selling for entrepreneurs. Gratitude and self-compassion promote personal growth.

      Both Yahoo Finance and Shopify offer powerful solutions for investors and entrepreneurs, respectively. Yahoo Finance provides a comprehensive platform for managing investments, offering stock analysis, independent research, customizable charts, and access to financial statements. It's a valuable tool for both seasoned investors and beginners. On the other hand, Shopify simplifies the process of setting up an online store, enabling entrepreneurs to sell digital products, physical goods, or services, and scale their business with ease. Shopify's user-friendly platform, AI tools, and award-winning support make it an ideal choice for businesses at any stage. Moreover, practicing gratitude and self-compassion are essential tools for personal growth. Gratitude can help retrain the brain to focus on positive aspects of life, leading to better health, sleep quality, and relationships. Self-compassion involves treating oneself with kindness and understanding, which can improve overall well-being and productivity. Remembering to speak to oneself as kindly as one would to a friend is a simple yet effective strategy for fostering self-compassion.

    • Choosing our mindset for growthEmpower ourselves to see potential for positive outcomes by reframing negative thoughts and recognizing the power of our attitudes

      We have more control over our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors than we often give ourselves credit for. Instead of blaming external factors for ruining our day or making us feel bad, we can choose to reframe our mindset and view these situations as opportunities for growth. By changing our language and arguing the opposite perspective when faced with negative thoughts, we can empower ourselves to see the potential for positive outcomes. Additionally, recognizing the power of our attitudes and focusing on what we can control can help us navigate challenges with resilience and mental strength. As the saying goes, "You won't hear a mentally strong person complaining over lost luggage or traffic jams. Instead, they focus on what they can control in their lives. They recognize that sometimes the only thing they control is their attitude."

    • Focusing on the good and practicing acceptanceExcessive negativity can be harmful. Understand anxiety and manage it through mindfulness and cognitive restructuring. Be aware of thought patterns and focus on the positive for better mental health.

      While it's natural to complain and feel negative emotions, doing so excessively can give those feelings more power in our lives than necessary. Instead, focusing on the good and practicing acceptance can help improve our mood and perspective. Anxiety is a normal response to danger, but in today's world, we often experience false alarms. Understanding this and learning to manage our anxiety through techniques like mindfulness and cognitive restructuring can help us live more peacefully and productively. Overall, being aware of our thought patterns and making conscious choices to focus on the positive can lead to better mental health and well-being.

    • Recognizing Real vs. False Anxiety AlarmsAssessing true vs. false anxiety alarms helps manage responses and find healthy ways to cope. Focus on managing problems for true alarms and finding calm for false ones.

      Understanding the difference between real and false anxiety alarms can help manage our responses to various situations. When we feel anxious, it's essential to assess whether the situation warrants action or if it's a false alarm. For true alarms, focus on managing the problem, while for false alarms, finding healthy ways to cope with the anxiety can be beneficial. Additionally, our memories can be subjective and should be evaluated for factual accuracy and alternative perspectives. By recognizing the difference between real and false alarms and understanding the complexities of our memories, we can better navigate our emotions and respond effectively to life's challenges.

    • Our memories are not always reliableBe aware of the limitations of our memories and the potential biases that shape our narratives. Reframe stories to focus on the positive and seek help when needed.

      Our brains have a tendency to focus on certain aspects of our experiences, shaping the narratives we tell ourselves. These narratives can be influenced by our emotions and can sometimes be inaccurate. For instance, when dealing with past relationships or traumatic experiences, our brains may romanticize or dwell on the negative aspects. However, it's important to remember that our memories are not always reliable, and we can choose to reframe our stories to focus on the positive. This can be achieved through writing down the facts and good memories associated with an experience, or seeking help from a therapist. Additionally, research shows that eyewitness testimony, which is often based on emotional experiences, can be unreliable and prone to inaccuracies. Therefore, it's crucial to be aware of the limitations of our memories and the potential biases that shape our narratives. By recognizing the power of our brains as narrators and actively working to reframe our stories, we can lead more balanced and accurate lives.

    • Learning from the PastRecognize the past as a learning opportunity, challenge faulty beliefs, find healing through traditions, and celebrate personal growth.

      It's essential to acknowledge and learn from the past, rather than dwelling on negative experiences and ignoring the positive ones. Healthy individuals treat the past as a learning opportunity, recognizing that difficult times can shape and change us. It's important to remember that our beliefs about ourselves may not always be accurate, and seeking evidence to the contrary can help challenge faulty beliefs. Furthermore, reliving past experiences, especially in honor of loved ones, can provide healing and help us process grief. For instance, continuing traditions that celebrate a late loved one's adventurous spirit can serve as a way to honor their memory and keep their legacy alive. Similarly, recognizing and celebrating personal growth after challenging experiences can help us appreciate the lessons we've learned and the ways in which we've evolved. Overall, acknowledging the past, learning from it, and finding ways to honor and celebrate the memories it holds can contribute to a more positive and growth-oriented perspective on life.

    • Transforming difficult momentsEven in tough times, we can create meaning and growth. Focus on our own journey, learn from others, and remember everyone's unique.

      Even in the face of difficult circumstances or negative experiences, we have the power to transform them into productive and meaningful moments. Whether it's honoring a loved one's memory by creating annual adventures or turning a difficult day into an opportunity for growth, our mindset and attitude play a crucial role in shaping our experiences. Comparing ourselves to others and feeling jealous can be detrimental to our mental health, so it's essential to remember that everyone is on their unique journey and we can learn from each other instead of viewing others as competitors. By focusing on our own definition of success and being open to learning from others, we can create a mindset of abundance and expansion, rather than feeling stuck or threatened.

    • Focus on the present and actions, not entitlement or outcomesEmbrace the present, focus on actions, and let go of entitlement and unrealistic expectations for outcomes

      It's important to remember that life isn't fair and we can't keep score of what we put in versus what we get out. Instead, focus on the present and the actions we can take to make a positive impact. Entitlement can be a dangerous mindset, and it's essential to recognize that hard work doesn't always lead to success. Mentoring others and sharing knowledge can help us appreciate how far we've come and remind us of the challenges we've overcome. Regarding expectations, it's crucial to understand that we can't control the outcome of our actions, but we can control the effort we put in. Focusing on the present and the actions we can take today is a healthier and more productive approach to life.

    • The Power of Personal Agency and SolitudeRecognize personal agency, align actions with core values, find balance in solitude and social interaction, and prioritize self-awareness and resilience.

      Recognizing our ability to make choices and take agency over our lives is essential for personal growth. This includes choosing to act in alignment with our core values, even when faced with challenges, and making time for solitude to better understand ourselves. Solitude is not synonymous with loneliness, but rather an opportunity for self-reflection and decision-making. However, striking a balance between alone time and social interaction is crucial. This discussion emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, resilience, and intentional living.

    • Prioritize face-to-face interactions for deeper relationshipsFocus on providing unique value and insights, engage authentically, and gradually challenge yourself to step out of comfort zone for building loyal following as a niche expert.

      While social media can provide some level of connection, it's essential to prioritize face-to-face interactions for deeper, more meaningful relationships. Being vulnerable and building a support network of people you can trust and rely on is crucial for combating loneliness. For those who find putting themselves out there challenging, especially in entrepreneurship, it's important to start small and find accommodations that work for you. This might mean starting with small speaking engagements or writing articles instead of videos. The key is to experiment and gradually challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone while remaining mindful of your limits. As a niche thought leader, my advice for dominating in your field is to focus on providing unique value and insights, consistently delivering high-quality content, and engaging with your audience authentically. By doing so, you'll build a loyal following and establish yourself as a go-to expert in your niche.

    • Sharing your message is important and worthwhileDon't let fear of criticism or lack of immediate success prevent you from creating and sharing your content. Experiment with different platforms and stay true to your values to help former selves and others.

      Producing content and sharing your message with the world, regardless of the size of your audience, is important and worthwhile. Fear of criticism or lack of immediate success should not prevent you from continuing to create and put yourself out there. Experimenting with different platforms and finding what works best for you is also essential. Amy Morin, a mental strength expert, shared her experiences with writing articles, podcasting, and speaking to live audiences, emphasizing the importance of challenging yourself and staying true to your values. By doing so, you can help your former self and others who may be going through similar struggles. Remember, your best customers are often your former selves. Amy's article on mentally strong people not doing certain things was inspired by her own experiences with loss. To learn more about Amy and her work, visit her website at amymorrenlcsw.com.

    • The Power of Sharing Personal ExperiencesSharing personal experiences can lead to valuable lessons, self-compassion, and learning from others. Practice kindness towards oneself and view jealousy as inspiration.

      Sharing personal experiences and hard-won lessons can be more valuable than academic knowledge. Amy, a therapist who wrote an article for $15 that went viral, discovered this firsthand. She received millions of readers, a book deal, but most importantly, she understood the power of sharing real-life lessons. Amy offered some practical tools for mental strength. When feeling self-critical, ask yourself what you would say to a friend. Be kinder to yourself than to others. Regarding jealousy, remember that others are not competitors but sources of inspiration. Focus on learning from them instead. In summary, sharing experiences, practicing self-compassion, and learning from others are essential for personal growth and success.

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    YAPClassic: Dean Graziosi, How Underdogs Can Turn Disadvantages into Advantages

    YAPClassic: Dean Graziosi, How Underdogs Can Turn Disadvantages into Advantages
    Dean Graziosi watched his hardworking parents struggle financially. Driven to break the cycle and create a secure, prosperous future, he turned to entrepreneurship. He started a firewood business in high school, fixed wrecked cars, and ran a tow truck company, among other ventures. By 25, he had amassed millions of dollars in real estate. By 30, he had retired his parents. In this episode, Dean shares his journey, the power of the underdog mindset, and strategies for turning adversity into success. Dean Graziosi is a renowned entrepreneur, real estate investor, and bestselling author known for his expertise in personal development. He has started or played a major role in over 14 successful companies, including the Mastermind.com platform. In this episode, Hala and Dean will discuss: - Dean's journey from humble roots to millionaire by his mid-20s - Using financial struggles as a drive to succeed - Resourcefulness over having resources - What is the Underdog Advantage? - How to adopt an underdog mindset  - Desperation as a powerful tool for persuasion - Maintaining enthusiasm and authenticity in sales - The biggest misconception in business - Why you need confidence to make sales - Overcoming the fear of failure and impostor syndrome - And other topics… Dean Graziosi is a multiple New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and educator. He has started or played a major role in over 14 successful companies, including the Mastermind.com platform. His books include Millionaire Success Habits and The Underdog Advantage. Dean’s philanthropic contributions include donating over 8,000,000 meals to Feeding America to help feed families in need, building multiple schools in Africa with the help of Village Impact, and donating $500,000 to help liberate children from human trafficking and sexual exploitation through Operation Underground Railroad. Connect with Dean: Dean’s Website: https://www.deangraziosi.com/  Dean’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deangraziosiinc/  Dean’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/deangraziosi  Dean’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deangraziosi/  Dean’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deangraziosi Dean’s Podcast, Own Your Future: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/own-your-future-with-dean-graziosi/id1085301578  Resources Mentioned:  YAP Episode #294 with Dean: https://youngandprofiting.com/dean-graziosi-its-never-been-easier-to-turn-your-passion-into-entrepreneurial-success-e294/  Dean’s Books:  The Underdog Advantage: Rewrite Your Future by Turning Your Disadvantages into Your Superpowers: https://www.amazon.com/Underdog-Advantage-Rewrite-Disadvantages-Superpowers/dp/0578568462  Millionaire Success Habits: The Gateway to Wealth & Prosperity: https://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Success-Habits-Gateway-Prosperity/dp/1401975763  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify  Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting  Facet - For a limited time Facet will waive $250 enrollment fee for new annual members! Visit facet.com/profiting for details. Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP  Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING    More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Dean Graziosi: It’s Never Been Easier to Turn Your Passion into Entrepreneurial Success | E294

    Dean Graziosi: It’s Never Been Easier to Turn Your Passion into Entrepreneurial Success | E294
    Nearly 30 years ago, Dean Graziosi had to build physical products, ship DVDs, and spend over $200k just to sell a $37 course. Today, he could sell the same course for a fraction of the money and time using the power of AI. In this episode, Dean shares insights on the evolving entrepreneurial landscape, leveraging new technologies, and monetizing personal knowledge.    Dean Graziosi is a renowned entrepreneur, real estate investor, and bestselling author known for his expertise in personal development. He has started or played a major role in over 14 successful companies, including the Mastermind.com platform.   In this episode, Hala and Dean will discuss: - Why the American Dream needs a generational reboot - How to stay resourceful as an entrepreneur - Why work-life integration trumps work-life balance - The best and worst businesses to start right now - His formula for freeing up time to build your dream business - Transforming life experiences into business opportunities - How to gain a competitive edge using AI - Maximizing business potential with niche markets - The importance of confidence and persistence - Practical tips for automating and delegating tasks - The significance of having a big purpose in business - How to model proven practices for faster success - And other topics… Dean Graziosi is a renowned entrepreneur, real estate investor, bestselling author, and motivational speaker. With over 25 years of experience, he’s on a mission to provide self-education for those seeking transformation and fulfillment outside the traditional education path. He co-hosts numerous training events with Tony Robbins, including the highly anticipated virtual live event, The Game Has Changed. He has played a pivotal role in the success of over 14 companies, including the Mastermind.com platform. Dean is also a dedicated philanthropist, supporting various charitable causes worldwide. Connect With Dean: Dean’s Website: https://www.deangraziosi.com/  Dean’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deangraziosiinc/  Dean’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/deangraziosi  Dean’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deangraziosi/  Dean’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deangraziosi Dean’s Podcast, Own Your Future: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/own-your-future-with-dean-graziosi/id1085301578  Resources Mentioned: The Game Has Changed: http://deanandtonylive.com/hala  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Facet - For a limited time Facet will waive $250 enrollment fee for new annual members! Visit facet.com/profiting for details. Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    YAPClassic: Marshall Goldsmith, What I’ve Learned From 40 Years of Coaching the World’s Most Successful Business Executives

    YAPClassic: Marshall Goldsmith, What I’ve Learned From 40 Years of Coaching the World’s Most Successful Business Executives
    During COVID, Marshall Goldsmith spent several hours every weekend listening to successful people speak about their lives. From these sessions, he learned that even the highest achievers need help finding fulfillment. So, he wrote The Earned Life to address this need, drawing inspiration from Buddhism and his experience as an executive coach. In this episode, Marshall shares practical advice and exercises to help overachievers find personal fulfillment and live without regret. Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the leading expert on leadership and coaching for behavioral change. He is also the author of several bestsellers, including Triggers and The Earned Life. In this episode, Hala and Marshall will discuss: - Marshall’s childhood and early years  - Marshall’s interpretation of Buddhism - How he uses his Buddhist philosophies in coaching  - The benefits and drawbacks of delayed gratification  - Impermanence and the ‘every breath’ paradigm  - Letting go of past successes - The definition of an earned life  - How regret and fulfillment are polar opposites  - Avoiding the big regrets - Why people don't live their own lives  - The three demands of living an earned life - And other topics…  Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is recognized as the leading expert on leadership and coaching for behavioral change. He has been named one of the top ten business thinkers in the world and the top-rated executive coach at the Thinkers50 ceremony in London since 2011. Marshall is the author of several Wall Street Journal and New York Times #1 bestsellers, including Triggers and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, which is also the winner of the Harold Longman Award as Best Business Book of the Year. His newest book, The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment, was released in May 2022.  Connect with Marshall: Marshall’s Website: https://marshallgoldsmith.com/ Marshall’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marshallgoldsmith/ Marshall’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachgoldsmith/ Marshall’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/coachgoldsmith Marshall’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marshall.Goldsmith.Library Marshall’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvlM6xRUC_ErV_q1FgUgiA Resources Mentioned:  Marshall’s Book, The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment: https://www.amazon.com/Earned-Life-Regret-Choose-Fulfillment/dp/0593237277   YAP Episode 42, Become a Better Leader with Dr. Marshall Goldsmith: https://youngandprofiting.com/42-become-a-better-leader-with-dr-marshall-goldsmith/  Marshall’s New Yorker Profile, “The Better Boss”: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2002/04/22/the-better-boss  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.    Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING Rakuten - Start all your shopping at rakuten.com or get the Rakuten app to start saving today!   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Shruti Joshi: Get Good With Money, Achieve Financial Zen With Personalized Financial Planning | E293

    Shruti Joshi: Get Good With Money, Achieve Financial Zen With Personalized Financial Planning | E293
    Shruti Joshi launched her company just before the COVID-19 pandemic, only to see it crumble. This setback, however, provided a window for her to take on a consulting role at Facet, where her entrepreneurial experiences set her up for success. Before long, she became the company’s COO and later, President. In this episode, Shruti discusses Facet’s mission to democratize financial wellness for millions of Americans and shares strategies for holistic financial planning. Shruti Joshi is the President and COO of Facet, a fintech company disrupting the financial wellness industry. She has been recognized as Wealth Solutions Report’s AAPI Innovator of the Year and one of the top women industry leaders of 2024. In this episode, Hala and Shruti will discuss: - Shruti’s background and early career - Her transition from investor to COO at Facet  - Limitations within the financial planning industry - Why entrepreneurs need professional financial advice - The holistic approach to financial planning - The results of Hala’s financial wellness quiz - How Facet is disrupting financial planning - The role of AI in financial planning - Actionable steps for financial wellness - The importance of fiduciaries for conflict-free advice - The subscription model vs. traditional financial planning fees - Why Certified Financial Planners are the industry gold standard  - And other topics…  Shruti Joshi is the President and COO of Facet, a leading fintech company revolutionizing financial planning with a subscription-based model. Before joining Facet, she founded a peer-to-peer recommendation service and held key roles at Verizon and Altman Solon. She is passionate about democratizing financial planning and making it accessible to everyone. Shruti has been recognized as Wealth Solutions Report’s AAPI Innovator of the Year and one of the top women industry leaders of 2024. A true globetrotter, Shruti has visited over 75 countries and is deeply interested in the psychology of wellness. Connect With Shruti: Shruti’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shruti-joshi-282369a/  Shruti’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/shruti_jo  Resources Mentioned: Facet Website: https://facet.com/   Financial Wellness Test: https://facet.com/profiting  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING Rakuten - Start all your shopping at rakuten.com or get the Rakuten app to start saving today! More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    YAPClassic: Alex Hormozi, How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No

    YAPClassic: Alex Hormozi, How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No
    One of Alex Hormozi’s portfolio companies was underperforming, and he saw a clear solution—raise prices by 50%. Despite the CEO's resistance, which took nine calls to overcome, they implemented the price increase. The result? The business tripled its profit within three months. Alex knew the key to maximum profitability was delivering maximum value, a lesson he learned from his own mistakes. In this YAPClassic episode, Alex breaks down his value equation and shares strategies for creating irresistible offers. Alex Hormozi is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and co-founder of Acquisition.com, a portfolio company overseeing multiple businesses. He is the bestselling author of $100M Offers, where he shares strategies for creating irresistible business proposals. In this episode, Hala and Alex will discuss: - Providing high value without cutting prices - Alex’s ‘value equation’ for crafting irresistible offers - The four key drivers of value in business - How to identify profitable markets - Strategies to scale your business rapidly - Focusing on high-return activities for maximum impact - Leveraging high-impact opportunities with minimal effort - Eliminating your side hustles to scale your main business - Techniques to attract and retain loyal customers - And other topics… Alex Hormozi is a first-generation Iranian-American entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. In 2013, he started his first brick-and-mortar business. Then, he transitioned from gym ownership to founding GymLaunch, a fitness business consultancy, which expanded to over 4,000 locations within four years. Alongside his wife, Leila, Alex bootstrapped three additional companies, which generated $120 million in sales. Then, the Hormozis founded Acquisition.com through which they manage a portfolio of bootstrapped companies. Alex is the bestselling author of $100M Offers, where he shares strategies for creating irresistible business proposals. He is also the host of The Game podcast.  Connect with Alex: Alex’s Website: https://www.acquisition.com/bio-alex Alex’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexanderhormozi/ Alex’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlexHormozi Alex’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hormozi/ Alex’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ahormozi Resources Mentioned: Alex’s Book, $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No: https://www.amazon.com/100M-Offers-People-Stupid-Saying/dp/1737475715 YAPClassic: Robert Greene on Decoding the Laws of Human Nature: https://youngandprofiting.com/yapclassic-decoding-the-laws-of-human-nature-with-robert-greene/   LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course. Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting. Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

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    #361 BITESIZE | How to Rewrite Your Own Life Story | John McAvoy

    CAUTION: This episode contains themes of an adult nature.

    Is there a change you’d like to make in your life? Something you’re desperate to overcome, but can’t see how? Or a goal you’re scared to aim for, because it feels too far off?

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 210 of the podcast with endurance athlete and author, the inspirational John McAvoy.


    John was born into a notorious crime family and served 10 years in prison for armed robbery.


    Since then, he has achieved incredible self-transformation and, in this clip, John shares why we all have the power to rewrite our own life story.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/210

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Fear in the Time of Coronavirus

    Fear in the Time of Coronavirus
    We haven’t generally done episodes related to current events, but these events are challenging to ignore. The coronavirus pandemic has already placed a heavy toll on society – over a hundred thousand people have already been sick, thousands are dead, businesses, schools, and recreational events have closed, and there's been substantial economic turmoil. Today we’re exploring how to cope with the natural fears that arise during challenging times, the difference between useful and harmful anxiety, and how we can grow the inner strengths we need to thrive when things get tough. New Sponsor: Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month!  Key Topics: 4:50: Rick’s approach to this moment. 6:00: Claiming your agency. 10:40: Useful anxiety vs. harmful anxiety. 13:45: What makes something uniquely scary. 18:15: Finding, sometimes not particularly useful, ways to express agency. 22:30: How to start determining which form of anxiety you’re experiencing. 25:00: Three ways to work with excessive negative rumination. 28:30: Tools for managing needless anxiety. 33:00: Recognizing privilege while working through survivor’s guilt.  36:30: Anger and the sadness underneath it. From Dr. Hanson: The Foundations of Well-Being brings together the lessons of a lifetime of practice into one year-long online program. Podcast listeners can use the code BEINGWELL25 at checkout for an additional 25% off! Please don't hesitate to apply for a scholarship if you're in need.  Hardwire lasting change into your mind and heart in just a few minutes a day  with Dr. Rick Hanson's new program: Just One Minute. Use the code BEINGWELL at checkout for 10% off the purchase price! Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Connect with the show: Follow us on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Subscribe on iTunes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    How to Reinvent Yourself (in 2023)

    How to Reinvent Yourself (in 2023)
    We’ve come to the end of another year, and it’s a good time to take stock and consider how we’d like to grow and change during our next trip around the sun. In this episode, Forrest and Dr. Rick focus on what supports us and what holds us back from reinventing ourselves and becoming all we wish to be. They talk about how they’d like to change over the next year, different approaches to new year’s resolutions, do a little digging around in Forrest’s psyche, and highlight a few practical things we can do to support our growth.  New Course From Rick! Learn the lessons of a lifetime in the new and improved Foundations of Wellbeing 2.0 program. This yearlong, online program teaches you how to grow the 12 key inner strengths that lead to lasting wellbeing during difficult times. Our New Year’s sale is going on now, and you can use the code BeingWell25 to get an additional 25% off the purchase price.Watch the Episode: Prefer watching video? You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:55: Different frameworks around goals and intentions 6:15: Forrest’s goal: more freedom, less constraint 8:50: Integrating the mundane and the profound 11:35: What supports us in changing? What constrains us? 13:35: Mentors, and other sources of encouragement 22:00: Reverting to old patterns when returning to old environments 28:00: Self-acceptance makes change possible 29:45: “Trim tabs” and other forms of psychological leverage 35:30: Diligence, effort, and consistency 37:50: Addressing deficits and reassuring yourself 40:30: Relaxing around inevitability 41:40: Embracing the joy of possibility and change 46:35: Recap Sponsors: Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Want to sleep better? Try the Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Mel Robbins On Why Confidence Is A Habit

    Mel Robbins On Why Confidence Is A Habit
    People ask me all day long for the secret ingredient to success and a comfortable way through personal transformation. My enduring answer: there is none. I believe in the individual potential for positive transformation. I’m also a self-help skeptic who greets most #lifehacks with profound hesitancy. There is a line between snake oil and efficacy—and that line is crossed more often than not. So if you struggle with self-confidence, making life changes, finding your purpose, or if the general vernacular that encircles self-improvement—words like motivation, inspiration, and passion—leave you more deflated than empowered, I feel you. Today’s guest, the queen of grounded, science-backed personal development is here today to help us sort things out. Meet the singular, multi-talented hyphenate Mel Robbins. A former lawyer turned CNN legal analyst, turned mega-bestselling author and talk show host, Mel is a powerhouse and one of the most widely booked public speakers in the world. Her work includes the global phenomenon The 5 Second Rule, four #1 bestselling audiobooks, the #1 podcast on Audible, and her videos have over a billion cumulative views, including her TEDx Talk  How to stop screwing yourself over—which has racked up over 27 million views alone. The official occasion for this conversation is Mel’s brand new book, The High Five Habit—a must-read primer on how to make believing in yourself a habit so that you operate more empowered and with greater confidence. However, this conversation is about so much more, packed with practical, life-altering, science and experience-based wisdom you (and myself included) need to hear. Nobody loves making a real difference in people’s lives more than Mel. Her energy is infectious. Her authenticity and earnestness is palpable. Everyone at the studio fell in love with her—and I know you will too. To read more click here. You can also watch listen to our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. My hope is that Mel’s message will do for you what it has for me—remind you to celebrate the small wins, cultivate that bias for action, and get out of your own damn way of creating the life of your dreams. Peace + Plants, Rich