
    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

    en-usMay 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Significant solar storm ongoing, expected to last for daysSolar storms are caused by the sun's 11-year cycle and can pose a danger to Earth with both immediate and long-term effects, but there seems to be a lack of response from those who can mitigate the risk.

      We are currently experiencing a significant solar storm, which is ongoing and expected to last for a few more days. This solar storm is a result of the sun's 11-year cycle, during which sunspots create flares that can lead to coronal mass ejections. These ejections can pose a danger to Earth if they are directed towards us, and can cause both immediate effects at the speed of light and longer-term effects that take days to arrive. Ben Davidson, a leading expert on space weather, is closely monitoring the situation and keeping track of the changes in real time. Despite the potential danger, there seems to be a lack of response from those with the capacity to make us safer. This conversation is important because it sheds light on the importance of being informed about space weather and the potential hazards it poses to our highly technological planet.

    • Intense Solar Storms Cause Global DisruptionsIntense solar storms, including multiple flares and coronal mass ejections, have disrupted global networks and systems, reaching the second highest level of solar storm condition. The weakening Earth magnetosphere could lead to global EMP effects or localized disruptions.

      We are currently experiencing a series of intense solar storms, which began on May 8th and 9th, 2023. These storms, caused by sunspots directly facing the Earth, have unleashed several strong solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Six of these waves have targeted our planet, with the first two combining to cause significant electromagnetic disruption. We have already reached the second highest level of solar storm condition, known as level 4 out of 5, and there is a possibility we may hit a level 5 event in the next day or two. This could result in global EMP effects, potentially sending us back to the stone age, or less severe, localized and regional disruptions of various networks and systems. The Earth's magnetic field, or magnetosphere, is currently weakening and is the only thing preventing a global EMP event. However, this weakening is part of a cyclical magnetic pole shift that is happening on our planet. While it is unlikely, there is a small chance that this solar storm could be the "solar kill shot" scenario. This is just the latest example of how the sun is causing increased geomagnetic and electromagnetic disturbances to our planet, a trend that has been occurring for the past several years, but most notably in the last year.

    • Solar storms pose a significant threat to our electrical and electronic infrastructureA major solar storm could result in extended power outages and catastrophic consequences due to vulnerable transformers and a weaker Earth magnetic field.

      Solar storms are a more significant threat to our highly electrical and electronic world than many people realize. The Carrington event of 1859, which caused disruptions to telegraph networks, serves as a warning of the potential damage that could be caused by an EMP-like event in today's interconnected and dependent world. Transformers, which are essential for electrical power distribution, are vulnerable to such events and cannot be easily sourced or replaced quickly. Despite this risk, there is a lack of effort to harden these transformers against solar storms. A major solar storm could result in extended power outages, exacerbating the damage caused by the storm itself. The Earth's magnetic field, which offers some protection, is also weaker now than it was during the last significant solar storm in 2003. The consequences of a major solar storm could be catastrophic, making it crucial for individuals, organizations, and governments to take steps to mitigate this risk.

    • The risk and consequences of a solar storm on the American power gridA solar storm could lead to widespread power outages, food and water shortages, nuclear reactor meltdowns, and even threaten human extinction, yet investing in grid protection is not prioritized due to the relatively small cost compared to other projects.

      The vulnerability of the American power grid and the potential catastrophic consequences of a solar storm are significant, yet despite the relatively small cost to harden the grid compared to other large-scale projects, it has not been prioritized for decades. The consequences of a solar storm could lead to widespread power outages, food and water shortages, and potential nuclear reactor meltdowns, which could result in the death of millions and even threaten the extinction of humanity. The cost to fully protect the grid and all related infrastructure is substantial, but the potential consequences make it an essential investment. The risk of a solar storm is not a game of Russian roulette, and it's not a matter of if, but when it will happen. The consequences could be devastating, and it's in everyone's best interest to take action to protect our civilization.

    • Critical protocols for handling nuclear fuel rods during power outages or emergenciesDuring power outages or emergencies, it's crucial to remove cool fuel for dry storage and actively cool the rest to prevent nuclear fuel damage and potential catastrophic consequences. The weakening magnetic field adds urgency to this issue as it increases the vulnerability of nuclear fuel and could lead to a magnetic pole shift.

      During power outages or emergencies, critical protocols need to be in place for handling nuclear fuel rods, particularly those in spent fuel pools. These protocols include removing cool fuel for dry storage and actively cooling the rest. The magnetic field's weakening state adds urgency to this issue, as it increases the vulnerability of nuclear fuel and could lead to a magnetic pole shift. Recent discoveries suggest that such a shift is long overdue, and scientists have observed various anomalies in the Earth's atmosphere in response to solar activity. The consequences of neglecting these issues could be catastrophic.

    • Geomagnetic disturbances on the rise due to magnetic pole shiftThe magnetic field is weakening at an alarming rate, potentially leaving us vulnerable to solar radiation and the consequences could be catastrophic.

      We are currently experiencing an unprecedented increase in geomagnetic disturbances, including record-breaking auroras, due to the accelerating magnetic pole shift or geomagnetic excursion. This phenomenon, which occurs every 6000 years, is weakening Earth's magnetic field and leaving us more vulnerable to solar activity. The magnetic field has been weakening since the 1800s, but the rate of loss has accelerated in recent years. Scientists estimate that we could be losing 5% of the magnetic field every 5 years or even every 2 years. This could lead to a critical tipping point where the Earth's magnetic field changes 100 times faster than it is now, leaving us without protection from solar radiation. The consequences of this could be catastrophic, throwing us back to the stone age. Despite the potential for a significant solar event this weekend, the bigger concern is the long-term trend of magnetic field weakening and the impending loss of protection.

    • Magnetic pole shifts and their impacts on climate and weatherMagnetic pole shifts weaken Earth's magnetic field, allowing more solar radiation and leading to climate changes. Similar shifts occur on other planets and can cause various effects including loss of atmospheres, reversals of weather patterns, and increased seismic activity.

      The Earth's magnetic field and the position of its magnetic poles are interconnected, and both undergo regular changes. These changes have significant impacts on the planet's climate and weather patterns. For instance, when the magnetic poles shift, the magnetic field weakens, allowing more solar radiation to reach the Earth's surface, which can lead to climate changes. This phenomenon is not unique to Earth; other planets in our solar system, such as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn, also experience similar changes. These shifts can cause various effects, such as the loss of atmospheres, reversals of weather patterns, and increased seismic activity. The exact cause and periodicity of these pole shifts are still not fully understood, but it is believed that they might be linked to the planets' magnetic fields and their positions relative to the sun.

    • Solar System experiencing unusual occurrences possibly due to galactic dust cloudThe solar system is experiencing unusual phenomena, including faster winds and changing magnetic fields, which could be linked to a galactic dust cloud. These fluctuations occur approximately every 5-7 days and could impact Earth every 5000-7000 years.

      There are unusual occurrences happening across the solar system, including faster winds on Venus and Earth, changing magnetic fields, and an increase in dust. These phenomena could be related to the solar system moving through a cloud of dust from the galaxy. The magnetic fields of rotating spheres in an electric field create ripples, or waves, which have a periodicity of approximately 5 to 7 days at Earth's distance. These waves cause fluctuations in magnetic fields, exposing planets to different magnetic polarities. This phenomenon has been observed not only in the solar system but also in several galaxies, including the Milky Way. The combination of the thickness and speed of the galactic current sheet suggests that it should impact Earth cyclically, every 5000 to 7000 years, approximately every 6000 years. This could help explain the observed changes in the solar system.

    • Magnetic reversals and larger-scale shifts in our galaxyThe solar system's magnetic reversals are linked to a larger-scale magnetic shift occurring throughout the galaxy, possibly sustained by external energy injections from stars every 6000 years

      The magnetic reversals occurring in our solar system are connected to a larger-scale magnetic shift happening throughout the galaxy. This magnetic shift is associated with an electric sheet sweeping outward radially, picking up dust, neutral atoms, and charged particles. However, the physics of this electric sheet suggest it shouldn't be sustained throughout the galaxy without external energy injections. These injections could come from super flare or nova-like events from stars, which occur on a 6000-year cycle. The sun, specifically, is capable of producing super flares with energies up to 1000 times greater than a typical flare every 6000 years. While some doubt the implications of these findings for Earth's biosphere, the evidence suggests that these magnetic shifts and associated events are a recurring phenomenon in our galaxy.

    • New discoveries challenge long-held beliefs about micronovasRecent research suggests micronovas, which produce nova-level isotopes, exist and could explain heavy elements on Earth. We're experiencing conditions for a micronova in our sun, solving astrophysical problems.

      New discoveries in astrophysics have challenged the long-held belief that micronovas, which produce nova-level isotopes found on Earth, do not exist. Doug Vogt's research on fission tracks, micro tektites, and fossils suggests that only a nova-level event, such as a magnetic kick or material dump onto a star, can explain their presence. Recently, scientists have discovered dozens of micro nova events, and we are currently experiencing two conditions that could cause a micronova in our sun. These discoveries not only help explain the presence of heavy elements on Earth but also solve the electromagnetic buoyancy problem in galactic astrophysics. Despite the potential implications, more research is needed to fully understand the significance of these findings and their potential connections to ancient civilizations' fears of solar events.

    • Sun's nova-like events create Earth's isotopes and reduce electromagnetic field every 12,000 yearsNew research suggests our sun undergoes nova-like events every 12,000 years, creating Earth's isotopes and reducing its electromagnetic field, potentially leading to mass extinctions every 6,000 years

      New scientific evidence suggests our sun goes through nova-like events every 12,000 years, and these events could be responsible for creating certain isotopes found on Earth. This theory, which solves several open questions in geology and astrophysics, also implies that the Earth experiences a reduction in its electromagnetic field every 6,000 years, which could lead to mass extinctions. Despite the potential dire consequences, the theory assumes simple physical facts and explains various observations, making it a powerful hypothesis. The universe seems to be setting us up for these events, which have occurred throughout history and will continue to shape our planet. While the implications are daunting, life has persisted through similar events in the past, and we are likely to survive this one as well.

    • Cyclical Magnetic Events Impact Earth's Climate and HistoryUnderstanding the cyclical nature of magnetic events and their potential consequences for Earth's climate and history is crucial for humanity's preparedness. Radiocarbon dating has limitations, and alternative methods are needed to understand deeper Earth history.

      Our planet experiences cyclical magnetic events, known as solar maximums and solar minimums, which have significant impacts on the Earth's climate, ozone layer, and cause volcanic upticks. These events have led to extinctions of species throughout history. As we currently face another solar minimum, it's crucial for humanity to recognize this as a real threat and work together to prepare. The consequences of these magnetic storms can be severe, potentially leading to widespread power outages and chaos. Moreover, scientists have discovered that they have underestimated the age of various geological formations and fossils, which challenges many long-held beliefs about the Earth's history. Radiocarbon dating, a commonly used method for determining the age of ancient samples, only goes back about a thousand years, limiting its usefulness for understanding the deeper history of our planet. While radiocarbon dating is not always inaccurate, it is essential to recognize its limitations and consider alternative methods for understanding the Earth's past. Overall, it's crucial to acknowledge the cyclical nature of these magnetic events and the potential consequences they pose to our planet, and to continue exploring new methods for understanding the Earth's history.

    • Impact of natural phenomena on dating techniques and historical understandingNatural phenomena like solar flares can impact carbon production, potentially affecting our understanding of historical events and fossil ages. It's important to approach each area of study with a critical and open-minded perspective, recognizing the limitations and assumptions within different scientific fields.

      The accuracy and reliability of certain dating techniques, particularly carbon dating, have been called into question due to natural phenomena like solar flares that can significantly impact carbon production. This could potentially impact our understanding of historical events and the ages of fossils. Another intriguing topic discussed was the mystery surrounding the mammoths and what they were eating during the glacial cycles when they were found frozen in the ice. Despite the challenges in understanding the earth's history, it's important to remember that different scientific fields may have their own limitations and assumptions, and it's crucial to approach each area of study with a critical and open-minded perspective. The astrophysical model of the earth's crust and mantle shift may be elegant and predictive, but it's essential not to fuse it with the biological part as they may both be right but based on different assumptions. Additionally, the process of determining how long ago species diverged is a complex and uncertain business, but there have been attempts to use pollen analysis to understand past environments and potential changes in vegetation.

    • The Earth's climate and ecosystems can endure extreme conditions and recoverDespite the absence of sedimentation layers in the Amazon rainforest, no signs of transitioning into grassland were found. Many species possess glacial contingency programs, enabling survival during harsh climates. Earth's ecosystems are resilient and adaptable to dramatic climate changes.

      The Earth's climate and ecosystems have the capacity to endure extreme conditions and recover after long periods of hostility. This was highlighted in a study about the Amazon rainforest, which showed no signs of transitioning into grassland despite the absence of sedimentation layers. The study's findings support the idea that many species possess glacial contingency programs, enabling them to survive and thrive even during the harshest climatic conditions. This belief was encouraged by the speaker's mentor, who also believed in the possibility of long-term evolutionary processes. Although the speaker had initially focused on the Milankovitch cycles causing glaciation, the idea of the Earth's crust shifting significantly could also lead to the discovery of species with the ability to endure long dormant periods. While the exact nature and frequency of these shifts remain uncertain, the evidence from ice cores suggests that the poles maintain a relatively stable position. However, there are magnetic anomalies, such as the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon's Triangle, which may be related to previous pole positions. These findings underscore the resilience and adaptability of Earth's ecosystems in the face of dramatic climate changes.

    • Crustal shifts: A possible explanation for geological phenomenaCrustal shifts, potentially caused by solar activity and magnetic pole reversals, could explain various geological events such as mammoth extinction and mega tsunamis.

      The discussion revolves around the possibility of crustal shifts as an explanation for various geological phenomena, such as the extinction of mammoths and the occurrence of mega tsunamis. The speakers suggest that these shifts could be caused by a combination of factors, including solar activity and magnetic pole reversals. They also mention the coincidence of pre-scientific predictions of new poll positions, evidence of mega tsunamis, and Einstein's theories about crustal shifts. The conversation also touches upon the current solar storm and its potential impact on Earth. Overall, the speakers propose that crustal shifts could be a significant geological event that shapes our planet.

    • Preparing for Solar Storms: Short-term and Long-term StrategiesFocus on essentials in short term, learn skills and preserve knowledge for long term, protect electrical objects, and have a plan for various scenarios

      Preparing for potential solar storms and power outages involves both short-term and long-term strategies. In the short term, focus on essentials like food, water, warmth, and protection. For the long term, consider learning skills such as hunting, farming, and toolmaking, as well as preserving books for knowledge. Electrical objects may be temporarily protected in Faraday cages or plastic containers, but larger-scale solar storms could still cause damage. Solar panels are particularly vulnerable and may catch fire in such events. Ultimately, individual preparation includes having a plan for various scenarios and the necessary resources to survive.

    • Focusing on essential electrical components in old-school vehiclesPrioritize basic needs like food, water, and shelter before attempting to preserve a vehicle. Consider underground structures for effective protection from various threats.

      When it comes to preparing for various disaster scenarios, prioritization is key. For those with an intermediate vehicle that still has some electronics but is primarily old-school, focusing on essential electrical components such as alternators and starting mechanisms can help ensure its functionality. However, before attempting to preserve a vehicle, prioritizing basic needs like food, water, and shelter is crucial. A Faraday cage may not be sufficient to protect a vehicle from powerful electromagnetic pulses, and underground structures like root cellars or bunkers could be more effective for survival. The evidence from historical underground dwellings shows their effectiveness in surviving various threats for extended periods. Ultimately, understanding which scenarios are most survivable and focusing on what increases odds in those situations is essential for effective disaster preparation.

    • Understanding Solar Storms and Their Impact on CivilizationStay informed and prepared for solar storms by educating yourself, finding resources, and mitigating technological risks.

      We should be aware of the potential hazards of solar storms and their impact on civilization, and take steps to prepare and reduce our self-inflicted vulnerabilities. The discussion highlighted the historical pattern of severe catastrophes not following each other closely, and encouraged a hopeful perspective. However, the focus should also be on mitigating the risks posed by technology. The speakers emphasized the importance of education and preparation, and encouraged listeners to find resources such as Ben Davidson's YouTube channel "Suspicious0bservers" and Twitter handle "@sunweatherman". They also recommended Davidson's books for various levels of understanding on the topic. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being informed and proactive in the face of potential threats.

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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    WHO’s Your Daddy (DarkHorse Livestream 197): https://rumble.com/v3pr3ao-bret-and-heather-197th-darkhorse-podcast-livestream.html

    Meryl Nass on the defeat of the WHO’s Treaty: https://x.com/nassmeryl/status/1795151440182218878

    WIAA main site, links to heat sheets and final scores for both Yakima & Tacoma meets: https://www.wiaa.com/tournament-xtr/

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    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ohalo Genetics: https://ohalo.com

    Discussion with Ohalo CEO on The All-In podcast: https://x.com/noorsinghrai/status/1793006932862587370.

    Wood et al 2009. The frequency of polyploid speciation in vascular plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 106(33): 13875-13879. https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.0811575106

    Otto et al 2007. Climatic variation and the distribution of an amphibian polyploid complex. Journal of Animal Ecology, 76(6): 1053-1061. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01300.x

    Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan: https://youtu.be/g197xdRZsW0?si=DMKHwvPdbnlFt3hJ

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    Moink: Delicious grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and wild caught Alaskan salmon. Visit www.moinkbox.com/darkhorse to get a year’s worth of bacon free when you sign up.


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    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Why President Fico was a special problem for the powers that be: https://twitter.com/april_harding/status/1790817554493010143

    Ben Davidson on the Sun and on DarkHorse: https://rumble.com/v4ucpc6-apocalypse-when-ben-davidson-on-darkhorse-live.html

    Ozempic—don’t be fooled: https://twitter.com/HeatherEHeying/status/1738959829321036212

    Chao et al 2023. Semaglutide for the treatment of obesity. Trends in cardiovascular medicine, 33(3): 159-166.


    The Times of London: Weight loss jab cuts heart disease deaths by 20%: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-weight-loss-jabs-prescription-drugs-ozempic-7dbsvkblg

    31st European Conference on Obesity: https://eco2024.org

    Abstracts from Conference: https://karger.com/ofa/issue/17/Suppl.%201

    Biden speaks: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1790713878248038478

    Support the Show.

    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 15, 2024

    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

    Live at 12:30 PT, May 10th. Bret and Ben discuss potential impacts of the sun on humanity in the coming days.

    Find Ben Davidson on X: @SunWeatherMan (https://twitter.com/SunWeatherMan)


    Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 10, 2024

    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 224th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss animal behavior: the implications of an orangutan using a medicinal plant to treat a wound, and the one-off videos that we’ve all seen—of cats preventing toddlers from falling, of a beluga whale retrieving a woman’s phone. What does this say about the minds of these other organisms, and about us? Also: dog domestication, from wolves, but not from foxes. And: the New York Times publishes more insipid garbage about vaccine injury, Bret returns to the question of what safety means, and The Nation turns its back on its muckraking roots.


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    Momentous: high-quality, science-backed, rigorously tested supplements. Go to livemomentous.com and use code DARKHORSE for 15% off.

    Seed: Start a new healthy habit today with Seed probiotics. Use code 25DarkHorse at https://seed.com/darkhorse to get 25% off your first month of Seed's DS-01® Daily Synbiotic.

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Laumer et al 2024. Active self-treatment of a facial wound with a biologically active plant by a male Sumatran orangutan. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.8932. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-58988-7

    County Highway: https://www.countyhighway.com

    Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html

    Chris Martenson on the NYT: https://twitter.com/chrismartenson/status/1787602191114526836

    Benn et al 2023. Randomized clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines: Do adenovirus-vector vaccines have beneficial non-specific effects?. Iscience, 26(5): https://portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk/en/publications/randomized-clinical-trials-of-covid-19-vaccines-do-adenovirus-vec

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    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 223rd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss science and religion, materialism and other ways of understanding our world. Can analysis and quantification explain everything? Can narrative, intuition, and creativity? All are or should be part of the scientific process; science is incomplete with only one mode. We also discuss models, how they fail, how difficult they are to assess, and what one recent climate model has to say about the role of air pollution in Earth’s temperature. Enlightenment values require that we use our freedom to inquire about all things that we are curious about. Also: happy Beltane!


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    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Third Man Syndrome and Shackleton: https://twitter.com/brianroemmele/status/1785827941718614291

    Clearer skies may be accelerating global warming: https://www.science.org/content/article/clearer-skies-may-be-accelerating-global-warming
    Hodnebrog et al 2024. Recent reductions in aerosol emissions have increased Earth’s energy imbalance. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1):166: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01324-8

    Nature editorial: What happens when climate change and the mental-health crisis collide? https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00993-x

    Animation about mental health and climate change: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/grantham/publications/all-publications/the-impact-of-climate-change-on-mental-health-and-emotional-wellbeing-current-evidence-and-implications-for-policy-and-practice.php

    Growing up is hard to do (do not pay others to do your thinking for you): https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/growing-up-is-hard-to-do

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    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    Dr. Kat Lindley is the President of the Global Health Project. Bret Talks to her about the state of the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty.

    Find Dr. Lindley on X: @KLVeritas (https://twitter.com/KLVeritas)



    PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including SuperFood Golden Milk and beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.

    Sole: Carefully designed, personally moldable footbeds for healthy feet. Go to https://yoursole.com/darkhorse to receive 20% off their new Jasper Chukkas.


    Please subscribe to this channel for more long form content like this, and subscribe to the clips channel @DarkHorse Podcast Clips for short clips of all our podcasts. 

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 222nd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss evolution, and how we know that it is true. We discuss the different kinds of beliefs that people have—beliefs that attempt to reconcile with reality, vs beliefs that reconcile with social standing and comfort. If your beliefs put you on the outs with your friends, do you change your beliefs, or your friends? Are you willing to give up the cocktail party for reality? We also discuss research published in 2000 and funded by Fauci’s NIAID, which demonstrated that it was possible to make chimeric coronaviruses, swapping the spike protein from one to a different species entirely. Finally: sex-biased gene expression, in which genes are expressed differently in the two sexes, in anatomical systems as varied as brain, kidneys, and liver.

    Our sponsors:

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    Sundays: Dog food so tasty and healthy, even husbands swear by it. Go to www.sundaysfordogs.com/DARKHORSE to receive 35% off your first order.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Kennedy 2023. The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bio-Weapons Arms Race: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510773981/the-wuhan-cover-up/

    Kuo et al 2000. Retargeting of coronavirus by substitution of the spike glycoprotein ectodomain: crossing the host cell species barrier. Journal of virology, 74(3):1393-1406: https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/jvi.74.3.1393-1406.2000

    Rodríguez-Montes et al 2023. Sex-biased gene expression across mammalian organ development and evolution. Science 382(6670), p.eadf1046: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf1046

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