
    Everything Under the Sun: The 225th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    en-usMay 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Making the Most of Time: Health, Environment, and PoliticsFocus on what's important: health, environment, and politics. Make every moment count through nutritious food, staying informed, and engaging in meaningful discussions.

      Key takeaway from this episode of the Dark Horse podcast is that time is a valuable resource, and we need to make the most of it. The world is changing rapidly at every level, from personal to global, and we can't possibly cover it all. The hosts, Dr. Brett Weinstein and Dr. Heather Heying, acknowledged that they would have to focus on certain themes and leave others aside. One of the main themes they discussed was the importance of taking care of our health and the environment. They introduced their first sponsor, Maui Nui Venison, a company that produces nutrient-dense venison in a socially and environmentally responsible way. The deer are hunted using forward-looking infrared technology and donate meat to Hawaiian communities in need. The venison is not only delicious but also the most nutrient-dense and protein-dense red meat available. Another theme was the importance of addressing social and political issues. They mentioned President Biden's recent comments on Ozempic, a weight loss drug, and Slovakia's political situation. They encouraged listeners to join them on Locals for a Q&A session and to ask any questions they might have about the episode. Overall, the episode emphasized the need to focus on what's important and make the most of the time we have. Whether it's through eating nutritious food, staying informed about current events, or engaging in meaningful discussions, every moment counts.

    • Affordable Hearing Solutions from MDHearing vs. Precious Metals Investment from American Hartford GoldMDHearing offers affordable hearing aids with powerful features, while American Hartford Gold helps secure wealth through precious metals investment

      MDHearing is revolutionizing the hearing aid industry by providing high-quality, effective, and affordable hearing solutions for people who might not otherwise be able to access them. With prices starting at a fraction of what typical hearing aids cost, MDHearing's hearing aids have helped over 1.5 million people regain audio clarity and capacity. Their newest Neo XS hearing aids offer powerful, energy-efficient, and tiny devices that cost significantly less than clinic hearing aids, without the need for a prescription. These aids come with settings for various environments and offer impressive battery life, making all the hearing functionality of expensive hearing aids accessible to everyone. MDHearing's mission, funded by an ENT surgeon, aims to make hearing aids affordable for everyone, and their risk-free trial and money-back guarantee add to the confidence in their products. American Hartford Gold, on the other hand, offers a solution for securing your wealth during uncertain economic times by diversifying with precious metals. With one simple phone call, you can protect your savings and retirement accounts with physical gold and silver, delivered right to your door or inside your IRA or 401k. American Hartford Gold is the highest-rated precious metals dealer in the country, with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and thousands of satisfied clients. They currently offer up to $5,000 of free silver on your first qualifying order.

    • Questions raised over Slovak prime minister's assassination attemptThe motives behind the Slovak prime minister's assassination attempt are unclear, but some speculate it could be linked to government policies, including Slovakia's intention to leave the WHO and resist their recommendations, as well as investigations into corruption and vaccine harms.

      The motives behind the assassination attempt on the Slovak prime minister, while not definitively known, have raised questions about potential objections to government policies. The gunman, who is reportedly 71 years old, made vague statements about his reasons for the attack, but the timing of the incident, just days after Slovakia announced its intention to leave the World Health Organization and resist their recommendations, has led some to speculate about a possible connection. However, the prime minister's party was also investigating corruption and vaccine harms, and he had been critical of the elite coalition and the war in Ukraine. The assassination attempt's cryptic nature and the gunman's immediate apprehension have added to the intrigue, leaving many to ponder the true motivations behind the attack.

    • Political assassination silences opposition in SlovakiaThe assassination of a prominent, critical politician underscores the danger of silencing opposition through violence and the importance of open dialogue, reasoned debate, and protection of political dissent.

      The assassination of a well-spoken, left-of-center politician in Slovakia, who has been in power multiple times and is critical of certain policies such as Ukraine-Russia war, COVID controls, vax mandates, and pandemic preparedness, is a despicable act aimed at silencing opposition. The politician's record and eloquence make it harder for the elite coalition to dismiss him as extreme or crazy, unlike some far-right politicians who are often demonized with ease. The incident highlights the danger of political assassinations, where the motive for eliminating an opposing figure is often greater than the risk of getting caught. Additionally, it underscores the problematic nature of labeling political positions as 'right' or 'left,' as it oversimplifies complex beliefs and can lead to divisive, reactive thinking. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of open dialogue, reasoned debate, and the protection of political dissent.

    • The shooting of WHO Director-General Tedros raises concerns about conspiracies and the WHO Pandemic AccordsThe shooting of WHO Director-General Tedros and ongoing negotiations for the Pandemic Accords fuel suspicions of conspiracies and potential interference with democratic processes, highlighting the importance of transparency and individual rights.

      The question of conspiracy surrounding the shooting of Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), is valid due to the inherent nature of conspiracies to obscure evidence and paint a false picture. The lack of evidence could mean it doesn't exist or has been concealed. The WHO Pandemic Accords, a topic of controversy, add to the intrigue, as countries negotiate the terms and some, like the UK, express skepticism. In Tedros's defense of the accords, he claimed there is no threat to sovereignty because countries will decide the accord's contents. However, this is not how it works in the US, and the consent of the governed is crucial for this rationale to hold. The timing of Tedros's shooting and the ongoing negotiations raise concerns about representation and potential interference with the democratic process. PolitiFact, a fact-checking organization, reached out to the speaker regarding the pandemic accord and free speech rights, highlighting the potential for a broader attack on freedom of speech. Overall, the shooting of Tedros and the ongoing negotiations add to the complexity of the situation and underscore the importance of transparency and the protection of individual rights.

    • Solar storms and their impacts on EarthSolar storms, caused by sunspot clusters, emit electromagnetic radiation and plasma, disrupting communication systems and posing risks to astronauts and satellites. Impacts felt within minutes and days, with sun's constant rotation affecting likelihood and severity.

      Solar storms, caused by sunspot clusters and their resulting flares, can pose significant hazards to Earth. These storms emit electromagnetic radiation and plasma, which can disrupt communication systems and pose risks to astronauts and satellites. The size and location of sunspots on the sun determine the likelihood and impact of these storms on Earth. The first effects, such as communication disruptions, occur within minutes, while the second, more nebulous effects, which involve plasma, take days to reach Earth. The sun is constantly rotating, and these sunspot clusters emerge, rotate, and disappear, with some surviving to reemerge. The sun's activity can have profound impacts on our technology and infrastructure, making it essential to monitor and understand solar storms.

    • Auroras appearing in unexpected places due to weakening Earth's magnetic fieldRecent aurora sightings in Puerto Rico and other unexpected locations suggest Earth's magnetic field is weakening, potentially leading to more frequent and intense solar storms.

      As the Earth's magnetic field weakens, solar storms are likely to have greater impacts on the planet, including reaching farther towards the equator. This was suggested by recent observations of auroras in unexpected locations, such as Puerto Rico. However, it's important to note that predictions and probabilities in this field are uncertain, and there's ongoing debate about the credibility of claims that auroras are reaching farther for the same level of incoming intensity. Additionally, the human experience of auroras can be influenced by factors like light pollution and the ability to capture their dynamism in photographs. Ultimately, while it's impossible to control for every variable, scientists can look to historical data to assess trends and make informed predictions.

    • Auroras and the Weakening Earth Magnetic FieldThe weakening Earth magnetic field increases the risk of solar storms causing major grid collapses and communication system failures, estimated to occur 1 in 8 decades. Mitigation measures include hardening the grid and safely storing spent nuclear fuel.

      The Aurora phenomena have reached extraordinary levels in recent times, and this could be due to the weakening magnetic field of the Earth, which is accelerating. While the decreasing magnetic field contributes to the beautiful displays we see in the sky, it also poses a significant risk to the earthly electrical grid. The potential consequences of a major solar storm hitting the grid could result in failures of communication and satellite systems, including GPS, and even major grid collapses. The risk is estimated to be 1 in 8 every decade. Moreover, the sun could also pose other risks that we cannot control, such as Carrington events. However, there are measures we can take to mitigate these risks, such as hardening the grid and safely storing spent nuclear fuel. These actions could be implemented at a relatively low cost compared to the potential consequences.

    • Neglecting real dangers from solar activitySolar activity poses a real and imminent threat to our electrical grid and infrastructure, requiring international cooperation to mitigate before catastrophic consequences.

      We are focusing too much on perceived threats, such as climate change, while neglecting real and imminent dangers, like the potential for solar activity to disrupt our electrical grid and cause widespread destruction. The consequences of such an event would be catastrophic, affecting every system that relies on electricity and electronics. This risk is not only a problem for one nation, but for all of humanity, making it an issue that requires international cooperation. The sun's behavior is a natural abiotic force that does not care about human actions, and our response to it is crucial. We need to recognize the threat and take action to mitigate it before it's too late. This is not about creating fear, but about focusing on the right things and understanding that our ability to address these risks is greater and cheaper than we think. The sun's activity is a fact of life, and it's time to get serious about preparing for it.

    • Understanding the Complexities of NatureNature consists mainly of abiotic elements, but we must respect its power. Climate change, caused by human actions, transforms nature into a biotic force, requiring adaptation and mitigation.

      Nature, while it may seem threatening, is primarily composed of abiotic elements that don't have the ability to harm us intentionally. However, it's important to stay vigilant and respect the power of natural phenomena, such as tsunamis, storms, and climate change. Climate change, specifically anthropogenic carbon emissions, transforms the abiotic nature into a biotic force, posing significant risks and challenges. It's crucial to understand this shift and acknowledge the role of human actions in shaping the natural world. Additionally, complex systems, whether biological or not, function differently. While biological systems have objectives and adapt to their environments, non-living complex systems, like the sun and solar system, simply exist and function as they are. As we navigate the complexities of our world, it's essential to recognize these distinctions and respond accordingly. In the case of climate change, we must acknowledge the role of human actions, adapt to the changing environment, and work together to mitigate the risks.

    • Sunspot cycle and Jupiter's influenceThe sun's 11-year cycle is likely influenced by Jupiter's gravitational and electromagnetic interactions, with potential implications for solar storms and Earth's infrastructure.

      The 11-year sunspot cycle is a phenomenon in solar activity, and while its cause is not definitively known, the leading hypothesis is that the gravitational or electromagnetic interactions between Jupiter and the Sun may play a role. The solar system's interaction with the galaxy, which also exhibits oscillating electromagnetic properties, may also have profound implications. The sun and Earth's interaction through gravity is not sufficient to explain the complex electromagnetic effects observed. The sun's solar storms, caused by sunspot clusters, can have significant impacts on Earth, such as disrupting power grids and communication systems. These events, which can be predicted to some extent, highlight the need to prepare for potential disruptions and vulnerabilities in our technological infrastructure. The sun's activity is a reminder of the profound forces at play in the universe, which we can only observe and attempt to understand.

    • Solar storms and their potential impact on the worldBe informed about solar storms and their potential impact on individuals and society, as they pose significant threats and cannot be prevented alone.

      While the prediction of the world ending on a specific date in 2024 turned out to be a coincidence, it serves as a reminder of the real and significant threats posed by solar storms and the importance of being informed and prepared. The author chose the date based on the 11-year sunspot cycle and the narrative he wanted to convey, but no day is guaranteed to be free from solar storms. The knowledge of these threats and their potential impact on individuals and society as a whole is crucial, as individuals cannot protect the grid or prevent the threat on their own, but their awareness can push governments and institutions to take necessary actions. The author emphasizes that both anthropogenic climate change and natural solar activity are significant threats to humanity and should be given equal attention.

    • Natural Phenomena and Earth's InteractionsRecognize and address existential threats beyond climate change, focus on fact-based understanding, and take collective action to protect the planet and promote better health.

      There are natural phenomena occurring in our sky, such as the Aurora and the solar eclipse, which have recently captured the world's attention and sparked curiosity about the interaction between the sun and the Earth. These events, along with scientific discoveries about the Earth's magnetic field and its potential impact on human health, highlight the importance of recognizing and addressing the existential threats we face beyond anthropogenic climate change. This doesn't mean we need to give up our freedoms or live in fear, but rather, we should focus on taking collective action to mitigate risks and protect our planet in meaningful ways. It's time to shift our focus from fear-mongering to fact-based understanding and collaboration. Additionally, simple actions like limiting outdoor blue spectrum light at night and appreciating the night sky can contribute to better health and a deeper connection to the universe.

    • The loss of the night sky and modern focus on small aspects of life vs. ancient wisdom and the universe's vastnessMaintain a balanced perspective, combining ancient wisdom with modern knowledge, and remaining skeptical and critical in the face of new discoveries and trends.

      The loss of the night sky and increased focus on the narrow and tiny aspects of life may contribute to a diminished sense of the dynamic universe and our place in it. Meanwhile, the popularity of Ozempic and similar drugs, despite their complexities and potential risks, highlights the importance of critical thinking and skepticism, especially when it comes to health and medical treatments. The Times of London's report of a 20% reduction in heart disease deaths with semaglutide is promising, but it's crucial to examine the actual research and consider the broader context before accepting such claims. The ancients may have had a better sense of the universe's vastness, but modern advancements like the Hubble and Webb Telescopes offer valuable insights and perspectives. Ultimately, it's essential to maintain a balanced perspective, combining ancient wisdom with modern knowledge, and remaining skeptical and critical in the face of new discoveries and trends.

    • New diabetes drug shows promise in treating heart diseaseA new diabetes drug, semaglutide, shows potential in treating heart disease and other chronic conditions, but its scarcity and potential marketing tactics raise concerns

      A new class of drugs, specifically semaglutide, which was originally developed for diabetes, is showing promising results in treating heart disease and potentially other chronic conditions beyond weight loss and diabetes. The drug, manufactured by Novo Nordisk, could be used in conjunction with existing treatments like statins and blood pressure medication. However, the scarcity of the drug and the excitement surrounding its potential uses have raised concerns about its accessibility and potential marketing tactics. The Times of London reported that a majority of participants in a recent study were already taking statins, which could suggest a mechanism for making health-negative substances appear health-positive. The drug's effects on weight loss have contributed to its recent surge in popularity and stock price increase, but its true impact on health remains to be seen as the research is not yet published. The European Congress on Obesity, where the study was presented, has ended, and the abstracts from the conference total 509 pages. Further investigation is needed to understand the full implications of these findings.

    • Studying the Effects of Semaglutide on Obesity through Multiple Analyses of the SELECT TrialSemaglutide, a long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonist, leads to decreased appetite, increased feelings of fullness, and reduced cravings for food through its effects on the brain, pancreas, and stomach. Multiple analyses of the SELECT trial provide valuable insights into its weight loss efficacy and safety profiles.

      Dean Field and his team conducted multiple analyses on the same large-scale clinical trial called the SELECT trial, which investigated the effectiveness and safety of semaglutide for weight loss over a period of 208 weeks. The studies focused on different aspects of the trial's data, including the overall impact on weight loss, safety profiles, and the relationship between weight change and cardiovascular benefits. These analyses were hypothesis-driven and registered in advance, providing valuable insights into the effects of semaglutide on obesity. Semaglutide is a long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonist that acts on the brain, pancreas, and stomach to decrease appetite and slow gastric emptying. Its structural modifications allow for slower degradation and longer half-life, making it effective for once-weekly dosing without compromising its weight loss efficacy. The drug's impact on the brain, pancreas, and stomach can lead to decreased appetite, increased feelings of fullness, and reduced cravings for food. While we have a good understanding of its effects on the pancreas, the mechanisms of action in the brain and stomach are still being explored.

    • Exploring the role of GLP-1 in appetite and weight lossResearch suggests GLP-1 reduces appetite, slows gastric emptying, and increases insulin production for weight loss, but mechanisms are not fully understood. Ongoing trials use semaglutide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist, for long-term weight loss, but results may be influenced by statin use.

      Researchers are exploring the role of GLP-1 in appetite suppression and weight loss. While there is some empirical evidence that GLP-1 reduces appetite, slows gastric emptying, and increases insulin production, the exact mechanisms are not fully understood. Some hypotheses suggest that GLP-1 receptors in the gut may be triggered by certain foods to create a feeling of fullness, making it difficult for drugs to mimic this effect. The ongoing research in this area includes a large-scale trial using semaglutide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist, which has shown promising results in long-term weight loss. However, it's important to note that participants in this trial were also taking statins, which could influence the results. Overall, while there is progress in understanding the role of GLP-1 in weight management, more research is needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms and potential applications.

    • Standard of care recommendations given to all patients regardless of groupDespite the lack of clarity in the abstract's punctuation, it's important to note that all patients received standard of care recommendations, including healthy lifestyle counseling, regardless of whether they were in the control or treatment group. The absence of explicit mention of statins in the study raises questions about their role.

      The methods section of a research paper by Ryan et al. on semaglutide for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease mentions that patients were given standard of care recommendations, including healthy lifestyle counseling without specific weight loss instruction, regardless of whether they were in the control or treatment group. However, the punctuation in the abstract is unclear and could be misinterpreted as implying that only the placebo group received these recommendations. The importance of this takeaway lies in the fact that the medical establishment heavily promotes statins for cardiovascular disease prevention, and the absence of explicit mention of statins in the abstract or the methods of this or related papers raises questions about their role in the study. The lack of clarity in the abstract's punctuation and the inconsistent use of terminology around standard of care recommendations add to the confusion. Overall, it's crucial to approach research findings with a critical eye and to read beyond the abstract to gain a clear understanding of the study's methods and implications.

    • Studies on semaglutide and MACE have inconsistent reporting and potential confounding factorsSome studies suggest semaglutide reduces MACE, but inconsistent reporting and potential confounding factors cast doubt on their validity

      The relationship between semaglutide use and reduction in major adverse coronary events (MACE) may not be as clear-cut as some studies suggest. The studies in question involve the same patient population, but the methods and reporting vary significantly. One paper claims to find a reduction in MACE with semaglutide use, but it fails to mention any additional lifestyle or weight loss counseling given to patients. Another paper from the same study reports that patients received standard recommendations for lifestyle counseling, but not specifically for weight loss. A third paper reports nothing about lifestyle counseling at all. The inconsistencies in reporting, combined with the fact that most patients were on statins, raise concerns about potential distortions in the results. The possibility exists that statins could be neutralizing the effects of semaglutide or that there could be a differential in the number of patients on statins between the treatment and control groups. Without more information, it's difficult to determine the validity of the studies' findings. The lack of transparency in reporting methods and potential confounding factors casts doubt on the studies' conclusions.

    • Weight loss and heart attacks: Different for semaglutide usersStudy showed conflicting results on weight loss and heart attacks for semaglutide users. Those who lost more than 5% of body weight on placebo had a higher risk, while semaglutide users saw a lower risk. However, study design was questionable and reporting overlooked limitations and potential biases.

      The relationship between weight loss and major adverse coronary events was different for those on semaglutide compared to placebo. Among placebo recipients, those who lost more than 5% of their body weight had a higher risk of heart attacks compared to those who gained weight or lost less than 5%. However, the study design was questionable as the same trial was described multiple times with similar but not identical details. Additionally, the conference was sponsored by one of the drug's manufacturers, Novo Nordisk, which could potentially influence the coverage of the study. The reporting on the study seemed to overlook the limitations and potential biases, and instead, presented a sensationalized argument for widespread use of the drug as a preventative measure. This raises concerns about the quality of science journalism and the potential for conflicts of interest in reporting on pharmaceutical research.

    • Cargo Cult Conferences: Pseudoscience in the Pharmaceutical IndustryThe pharmaceutical industry uses extravagant conferences to bypass scientific rigor, generate headlines, and fast-track drugs into the market, often at the expense of proper scientific evidence.

      The pharmaceutical industry is using tactics like the Cargo Cult Conference to create a false impression of scientific discoveries and influence news coverage. These conferences, which are often expensive and extravagant, are designed to bypass scientific rigor and generate headlines based on pseudoscience. The goal is to push new drugs into the market and into people's medicine cabinets as quickly as possible. This is a concern because the journals have already been captured by the industry, and now the trials, conferences, and funding are being compromised as well. The result is a cycle of influence where journalists reflect well on scientists who don't deserve it, and scientists bring journalists into their research to make their way in the world. It's all just theater meant to fast-track drugs into your medicine cabinet and your mind. The public should be cautious and not accept new drugs based on seemingly headline-worthy science without proper scientific evidence.

    • Challenges in making weight loss medications widely available and former President Biden's unexpected desire to debate President Trump againThe NHS struggles to provide weight loss treatments to all eligible patients, while former President Biden aims to debate President Trump again, with rules carefully crafted to maintain a two-person race.

      There are significant challenges in making weight loss medications widely available, as highlighted by a Times of London article discussing the current inability of the NHS to provide these treatments to all eligible patients. Meanwhile, former President Biden has unexpectedly expressed a desire to debate President Trump again, despite concerns about his competence in such a setting. The rules of this potential debate have been carefully crafted, with RFK Jr. explicitly excluded, as both campaigns aim to create the impression of a two-person race and keep potential challengers out. The implications of these developments for public health and political discourse remain to be seen.

    • Biden's Interview Raises Debate ConcernsThe recent Biden interview highlighted his struggle to deliver a cohesive message and raised concerns about his debate performance. The Democratic Party may be positioning for a two-man race with a potential replacement candidate.

      The recent Biden interview raised questions about his ability to handle a debate due to his struggle to deliver a compelling and cohesive message. The interview was edited in a modern, sentence-by-sentence style, which could indicate the difficulty in obtaining a single, uninterrupted take from Biden. This raises concerns about how he will perform in debates and whether the Democratic Party is attempting to structure the race as a two-man contest, potentially with a replacement candidate such as Newsom. The editing style also highlights the challenges the party faces in managing the debate process and replacing a candidate without going through formal structures. Ultimately, the interview underscores the importance of clear and concise communication, particularly in high-stakes political situations.

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    Find Phil on X: @phillyharper (https://twitter.com/phillyharper)
    Find Phil on Substack: https://philharper.substack.com/

    Cartoon mentioned at minute 56: https://imgix.bustle.com/lovelace/uploads/1055/dba34200-2841-0133-775b-0aecee5a8273.jpg?w=760&h=508&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress&q=50&dpr=2


    PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including SuperFood Golden Milk and beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.


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    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usJune 01, 2024

    Who Wins & WHO Loses? The 227th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Who Wins & WHO Loses? The 227th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 227th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss the failure of the WHOs Pandemic Preparedness Treaty—what it means, what the world did right, and what Goliath may have learned from the experience against a scrappy band of emergent Davids. Also: who cheats in high school sports, who does not, and what the Washington State Track and Field meet in Yakima demonstrated about athleticism, sportsmanship, and honor, with special mention of Braelyn Baker. Finally: thoughts about dreams.


    Our sponsors:

    Seed: Start a new healthy habit today with Seed probiotics. Use code 25DarkHorse at https://seed.com/darkhorse to get 25% off your first month of Seed's DS-01® Daily Synbiotic.

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    Sundays: Dog food so tasty and healthy, even husbands swear by it. Go to www.sundaysfordogs.com/DARKHORSE to receive 35% off your first order.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    WHO’s Your Daddy (DarkHorse Livestream 197): https://rumble.com/v3pr3ao-bret-and-heather-197th-darkhorse-podcast-livestream.html

    Meryl Nass on the defeat of the WHO’s Treaty: https://x.com/nassmeryl/status/1795151440182218878

    WIAA main site, links to heat sheets and final scores for both Yakima & Tacoma meets: https://www.wiaa.com/tournament-xtr/

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 28, 2024

    Science Friction: The 226th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Science Friction: The 226th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 226th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss a new breakthrough in plant genetics: polyploid potatoes and corn from Ohalo Genetics, which are claimed to double the harvest from individual plants. Beginning with a discussion of naturally occurring polyploidy in other species, including frogs, we analyze the discussion of Ohalo’s new products with an evolutionary lens. Is it possible that biotechnology can evade trade-offs, or is this utopian thinking in the corporate world? Why do so many mistakes of modernity come in the form of people accustomed to complicated systems, applying their knowledge to complex systems? Finally: does Terrence Howard (recently on Joe Rogan) have a predictive model, or is he just blowing smoke?


    Our sponsors:

    MUD\WTR: is a great coffee alternative with mushrooms, herbs (and cacao!) with 1/7 the caffeine as coffee. Visit www.mudwtr.com/darkhorse and use DARKHORSE at check out for $20 off, and a free frother!

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.

    Moink: Delicious grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and wild caught Alaskan salmon. Visit www.moinkbox.com/darkhorse to get a year’s worth of bacon free when you sign up.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ohalo Genetics: https://ohalo.com

    Discussion with Ohalo CEO on The All-In podcast: https://x.com/noorsinghrai/status/1793006932862587370.

    Wood et al 2009. The frequency of polyploid speciation in vascular plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 106(33): 13875-13879. https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.0811575106

    Otto et al 2007. Climatic variation and the distribution of an amphibian polyploid complex. Journal of Animal Ecology, 76(6): 1053-1061. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01300.x

    Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan: https://youtu.be/g197xdRZsW0?si=DMKHwvPdbnlFt3hJ

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 22, 2024

    Russelling with God | Russell Brand on DarkHorse

    Russelling with God | Russell Brand on DarkHorse

    Bret talks to Russell Brand in the wake of his Baptism.

    Find Russell on X: @rustyrockets (https://x.com/rustyrockets)
    Find Russell on Rumble: https://rumble.com/russellbrand


    Moink: Delicious grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and wild caught Alaskan salmon. Visit www.moinkbox.com/darkhorse to get a year’s worth of bacon free when you sign up.


    Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

    Support the Show.

    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 20, 2024

    Everything Under the Sun: The 225th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Everything Under the Sun: The 225th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 225th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss assassination attempts, the sun, pharmaceuticals, and the American presidency. Assassination: Robert Fico, the president of Slovakia, was shot several days after announcing that his country would reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty. The sun: last weekend’s dramatic aurora were the visible manifestation of the strongest solar storm in 19 years; how should we be thinking about mitigating the risks to our electrical grid, and to our society, from future storms that will surely come? Also: how do risks from biotic vs abiotic forces differ? Pharma: Semaglutide (aka Ozempic) helps protects against heart disease! Or…not. We dive into the research that supposedly produced this result, complete with conflicts of interest between Novo Nordisk and the conference in Italy where the work was presented. Biden: invites Trump to debate, with conditions.


    Our sponsors:

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    MDHearing: To get our $397 when you buy a PAIR offer plus free charging case, head to shopmdhearing.com/DARKHORSE and use code DARKHORSE.

    American Hartford Gold: Get up to $5,000 of free silver on your first qualifying order. Call 866-828-1117 or text “DARKHORSE” to 998899.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Why President Fico was a special problem for the powers that be: https://twitter.com/april_harding/status/1790817554493010143

    Ben Davidson on the Sun and on DarkHorse: https://rumble.com/v4ucpc6-apocalypse-when-ben-davidson-on-darkhorse-live.html

    Ozempic—don’t be fooled: https://twitter.com/HeatherEHeying/status/1738959829321036212

    Chao et al 2023. Semaglutide for the treatment of obesity. Trends in cardiovascular medicine, 33(3): 159-166.


    The Times of London: Weight loss jab cuts heart disease deaths by 20%: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-weight-loss-jabs-prescription-drugs-ozempic-7dbsvkblg

    31st European Conference on Obesity: https://eco2024.org

    Abstracts from Conference: https://karger.com/ofa/issue/17/Suppl.%201

    Biden speaks: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1790713878248038478

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 15, 2024

    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

    Apocalypse When? Ben Davidson on DarkHorse

    Live at 12:30 PT, May 10th. Bret and Ben discuss potential impacts of the sun on humanity in the coming days.

    Find Ben Davidson on X: @SunWeatherMan (https://twitter.com/SunWeatherMan)


    Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

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    DarkHorse Podcast
    en-usMay 10, 2024

    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Anecdote in Science: The 224th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 224th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss animal behavior: the implications of an orangutan using a medicinal plant to treat a wound, and the one-off videos that we’ve all seen—of cats preventing toddlers from falling, of a beluga whale retrieving a woman’s phone. What does this say about the minds of these other organisms, and about us? Also: dog domestication, from wolves, but not from foxes. And: the New York Times publishes more insipid garbage about vaccine injury, Bret returns to the question of what safety means, and The Nation turns its back on its muckraking roots.


    Our sponsors:

    Momentous: high-quality, science-backed, rigorously tested supplements. Go to livemomentous.com and use code DARKHORSE for 15% off.

    Seed: Start a new healthy habit today with Seed probiotics. Use code 25DarkHorse at https://seed.com/darkhorse to get 25% off your first month of Seed's DS-01® Daily Synbiotic.

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Laumer et al 2024. Active self-treatment of a facial wound with a biologically active plant by a male Sumatran orangutan. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.8932. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-58988-7

    County Highway: https://www.countyhighway.com

    Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html

    Chris Martenson on the NYT: https://twitter.com/chrismartenson/status/1787602191114526836

    Benn et al 2023. Randomized clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines: Do adenovirus-vector vaccines have beneficial non-specific effects?. Iscience, 26(5): https://portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk/en/publications/randomized-clinical-trials-of-covid-19-vaccines-do-adenovirus-vec

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    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Never Alone: The 223rd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 223rd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss science and religion, materialism and other ways of understanding our world. Can analysis and quantification explain everything? Can narrative, intuition, and creativity? All are or should be part of the scientific process; science is incomplete with only one mode. We also discuss models, how they fail, how difficult they are to assess, and what one recent climate model has to say about the role of air pollution in Earth’s temperature. Enlightenment values require that we use our freedom to inquire about all things that we are curious about. Also: happy Beltane!


    Our sponsors:

    MUD\WTR: is a great coffee alternative with mushrooms, herbs (and cacao!) with 1/7 the caffeine as coffee. Visit www.mudwtr.com/darkhorse and use DARKHORSE at check out for $20 off, and a free frother!

    ARMRA: Colostrum is our first food, and can help restore your health and resilience as an adult. Go to www.tryarmra.com/DARKHORSE to get 15% off your first order.

    Helix: Excellent, sleep-enhancing, American-made mattresses. Go to www.HelixSleep.com/DarkHorse to get up to 30% of all mattress orders AND 2 free pillows.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Third Man Syndrome and Shackleton: https://twitter.com/brianroemmele/status/1785827941718614291

    Clearer skies may be accelerating global warming: https://www.science.org/content/article/clearer-skies-may-be-accelerating-global-warming
    Hodnebrog et al 2024. Recent reductions in aerosol emissions have increased Earth’s energy imbalance. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1):166: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01324-8

    Nature editorial: What happens when climate change and the mental-health crisis collide? https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00993-x

    Animation about mental health and climate change: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/grantham/publications/all-publications/the-impact-of-climate-change-on-mental-health-and-emotional-wellbeing-current-evidence-and-implications-for-policy-and-practice.php

    Growing up is hard to do (do not pay others to do your thinking for you): https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/growing-up-is-hard-to-do

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    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    We're Beating the WHO – With Dr. Kat Lindley

    Dr. Kat Lindley is the President of the Global Health Project. Bret Talks to her about the state of the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty.

    Find Dr. Lindley on X: @KLVeritas (https://twitter.com/KLVeritas)



    PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including SuperFood Golden Milk and beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.

    Sole: Carefully designed, personally moldable footbeds for healthy feet. Go to https://yoursole.com/darkhorse to receive 20% off their new Jasper Chukkas.


    Please subscribe to this channel for more long form content like this, and subscribe to the clips channel @DarkHorse Podcast Clips for short clips of all our podcasts. 

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

    Support the Show.

    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    Why Darwin was Right: The 222nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

    In this 222nd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we talk about the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode, we discuss evolution, and how we know that it is true. We discuss the different kinds of beliefs that people have—beliefs that attempt to reconcile with reality, vs beliefs that reconcile with social standing and comfort. If your beliefs put you on the outs with your friends, do you change your beliefs, or your friends? Are you willing to give up the cocktail party for reality? We also discuss research published in 2000 and funded by Fauci’s NIAID, which demonstrated that it was possible to make chimeric coronaviruses, swapping the spike protein from one to a different species entirely. Finally: sex-biased gene expression, in which genes are expressed differently in the two sexes, in anatomical systems as varied as brain, kidneys, and liver.

    Our sponsors:

    Listening.com: Listen to academic papers, books, pdfs and more—on the go! Go to listening.com/DARKHORSE for a whole month free.

    Maui Nui Venison: healthiest wild red meat on the planet, from steaks to bone broth to jerky. Go to mauinuivenison.com/darkhorse to get 20% off your first order.

    Sundays: Dog food so tasty and healthy, even husbands swear by it. Go to www.sundaysfordogs.com/DARKHORSE to receive 35% off your first order.


    Join us on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Kennedy 2023. The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bio-Weapons Arms Race: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510773981/the-wuhan-cover-up/

    Kuo et al 2000. Retargeting of coronavirus by substitution of the spike glycoprotein ectodomain: crossing the host cell species barrier. Journal of virology, 74(3):1393-1406: https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/jvi.74.3.1393-1406.2000

    Rodríguez-Montes et al 2023. Sex-biased gene expression across mammalian organ development and evolution. Science 382(6670), p.eadf1046: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf1046

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