
    Conquering Cognitive Decline & Making Alzheimer's Optional with Dale Bredesen

    enJune 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Empowering Brain Health: 7 Tools to Prevent Alzheimer's and DementiaDiscover 7 lifestyle tools to improve brain health, potentially prevent Alzheimer's and dementia, and learn about early warning signs, metabolic flexibility, nutrition, detox, sleep, exercise, and emerging therapies like psychedelics.

      Learning from this episode of the Resetter podcast is that Alzheimer's and dementia are not inevitable, and there are seven lifestyle tools that can help improve brain health and potentially prevent these conditions. Doctor Dale Bredesen, a pioneer in brain health research, discussed early warning signs of cognitive decline and the importance of addressing issues like metabolic flexibility, nutrition, detox, sleep, exercise, and even emerging therapies like psychedelics. By focusing on these areas, we can empower ourselves to take control of our health and make Alzheimer's and dementia optional. Additionally, Doctor Mindy Pelz announced the launch of her Reset Academy, an exclusive community designed to support individuals in their health and fasting journeys. This conversation offers valuable insights for anyone seeking to optimize their brain health and live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

    • Understanding Alzheimer's Early StagesPrevent Alzheimer's disease by taking preventative measures during pre-symptomatic and subjective cognitive impairment stages. Listen to early warning signs and take action to reduce the number of people dying from Alzheimer's disease.

      Alzheimer's disease is not just a disease for the elderly, but rather it starts decades before the diagnosis. It's important to understand that we can prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease if we start early. The first stage of Alzheimer's is the pre-symptomatic stage, where changes can be detected through tests like spinal fluid or PET scans, but people may not notice any symptoms. In this stage, it's crucial to take preventative measures. The second stage is subjective cognitive impairment, where people may notice changes in their memory or cognitive abilities but still test within normal ranges. It's essential to listen to these concerns and not dismiss them as normal aging. The most common symptom of cognitive decline is memory loss, specifically the inability to remember new information. We should take these early warning signs seriously and take action to prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease. If we all get on active prevention or early treatment, we can significantly reduce the number of people who will die from Alzheimer's disease, which currently stands at around 45 million in the US.

    • Addressing early signs of subjective cognitive impairmentIdentifying inflammation and energy deficiency as causes of cognitive decline and addressing them can improve brain health and potentially prevent or delay the onset of more serious conditions.

      Subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), a condition that lasts about 10 years, can be addressed and improved if identified early. This condition, which can lead to memory loss and other cognitive issues, is caused by a network insufficiency in the brain due to inflammation and energy deficiency. Inflammation can stem from various sources such as poor diet, leaky gut, herpes simplex, tick borne illnesses, and exposure to mycotoxins. Energy deficiency, on the other hand, can be due to vascular disease, poor cerebral blood flow, and low oxygenation levels. Identifying and addressing these underlying causes can help improve cognitive function and potentially prevent the development of more serious conditions like Alzheimer's disease. For instance, a woman who had been doing well with SCI but started experiencing cognitive decline was found to have severe sleep apnea, which was causing her oxygen levels to drop and her brain to work less efficiently. Once she started using a CPAP machine to improve her oxygenation, her cognitive function began to improve. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize identifying and addressing the root causes of cognitive decline, focusing on inflammation and energy deficiency, to improve brain health and potentially prevent or delay the onset of more serious conditions.

    • Metabolic health and Alzheimer's disease connectionMaintaining metabolic flexibility and optimizing metabolic health can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Insulin resistance and decreased energy production due to fructose intake may contribute to Alzheimer's risk. Exogenous ketones may help regain insulin sensitivity and ketone production for those experiencing cognitive decline.

      Metabolic health plays a crucial role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. A study by Professor Rick Johnson from the University of Colorado, of which I am a co-author, reveals that fructose can negatively impact your system, leading to insulin resistance and decreased energy production. This discovery aligns with the changes observed in Alzheimer's disease, suggesting a correlation. Maintaining metabolic flexibility, which allows the body to use both glucose and ketones for energy, is essential. However, for those experiencing cognitive decline, regaining insulin sensitivity and the ability to produce and use ketones may require exogenous ketones as a starting point. While metabolic health is a foundational place to start, it's essential to remember that everyone's situation is unique, and other factors like sleep apnea, leaky gut, or hormonal imbalances may also contribute to Alzheimer's risk. As estrogen levels decline, women become more insulin resistant, and paying attention to brain health is crucial. Overall, optimizing metabolic health is an essential step in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

    • Stay Proactive: Addressing Early Signs of Cognitive DeclineAddress subtle signs of cognitive decline, focus on 7 basics for brain health, and prioritize early intervention to potentially prevent Alzheimer's.

      It's essential not to ignore potential early signs of cognitive decline, even if they seem minor, as they could potentially develop into more serious conditions like Alzheimer's. The difference between normal aging and early signs of Alzheimer's can be subtle, and it's crucial to stay proactive. Neurologists suggest that people should not be passive and should address any concerns, no matter how small, as early intervention can make a significant difference. The 7 basics for optimizing brain health include diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, brain training, detox, and targeted supplements. Focusing on these foundational elements can help improve brain function, energy levels, and overall well-being. Small changes, such as optimizing your diet with a plant-rich, mildly ketogenic diet, can lead to noticeable improvements. Early signs of cognitive decline can manifest as memory loss, but they can also present as non-memory issues, such as difficulty planning, recognizing faces, or carrying out tasks. These non-amnestic presentations can occur in your forties and should not be overlooked. By focusing on early prevention and addressing potential risk factors, we can make dementia a rare condition. The current generation is the last to fear Alzheimer's, and future generations may not have to worry about it at all. So, get evaluated, take action, and prioritize your brain health to make a difference in your life and the lives of future generations.

    • Revolutionary 60-day fitness program for hormonal balance and improved metabolic flexibilityDoctor Mindy's PowerSync 60 program, with a free bonus meal plan and fasting, addresses hormonal imbalances and enhances brain function through metabolic flexibility.

      Doctor Mindy, in collaboration with Tony Horton, has created a revolutionary 60-day fitness program called PowerSync 60, designed for both men and women. This program, which includes a free bonus meal plan and fasting, was developed with hormonal considerations in mind. Doctor Mindy emphasizes the importance of addressing hormonal imbalances and improving metabolic flexibility to enhance brain function and overall health. She shares her personal experience of how detoxing and metabolic switching significantly improved her own menopausal symptoms. Additionally, Doctor Mindy highlights the benefits of exercise with oxygen therapy (EWAT) and the use of resolvins for inflammation reduction. The key to achieving optimal health lies in identifying the root causes of health issues and addressing them through a combination of lifestyle changes and targeted interventions.

    • Hormonal imbalances and oral microbiome can impact cognitive functionMaintaining a healthy oral microbiome through testing and good hygiene, addressing infected root canals and high mercury levels, and managing hormonal imbalances can help improve cognitive function and alleviate brain fog.

      Hormonal imbalances, such as those caused by aging or conditions like hypothyroidism or menopause, can lead to cognitive decline. However, these issues are not the only factors at play. Other insults to the brain, like those from the oral microbiome, can also contribute. These bacteria, viruses, and fungi can enter the brain and cause inflammation and damage. Preventative measures, such as getting an oral DNA test and practicing good oral hygiene, can help keep the oral microbiome in check. Additionally, addressing any infected root canals or high mercury levels in the mouth can also be beneficial. COVID-19 and long COVID have also been identified as causes of brain fog and cognitive decline due to the presence of ACE 2 receptors in the brain. Addressing these various factors can help improve cognitive function and alleviate brain fog.

    • COVID-19 Survivors and Alzheimer's Risk: Prevention is KeyCOVID-19 survivors face an increased risk for Alzheimer's. Prevent it by focusing on inflammation, oral microbiome, gut health, toxins, stress, sleep, and exercise. Minimize mold exposure, prioritize deep sleep, especially for women.

      COVID-19 survivors are at an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease. This is due to various factors, including inflammation, autoimmune activation, and the presence of spike proteins or viral fragments in the body. Prevention is key, and it includes addressing the 7 basics: inflammation, oral microbiome, gut health, toxins, stress, sleep, and exercise. One specific area of concern is toxic environments, particularly those with high levels of mold. To minimize exposure, get an IRMES or HERTS score to assess mold levels in your home. Other tips include getting outside more and wearing wearables to monitor heart rate variability and sleep quality. Sleep is crucial, especially for menopausal women, and aiming for deep and REM sleep can help improve overall brain health.

    • Optimize Your Sleep for Brain HealthAim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep, prioritize good sleep hygiene, consider supplements, and adopt a healthy lifestyle for optimal brain health.

      Sleep is crucial for both brain health and overall wellbeing. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night, including an hour and a half of REM sleep and an hour of deep slow wave sleep. Prioritize good sleep hygiene, such as creating a dark and quiet environment, avoiding blue light before bed, and practicing relaxation techniques. Additionally, consider supplements like melatonin and appropriate hormone replacement therapy to support sleep and brain health. The importance of sleep cannot be overstated, especially for women in their forties and fifties, who are experiencing increased rates of cognitive decline. Adopting an active prevention approach, including a healthy lifestyle and appropriate supplementation, can help mitigate these risks. It's important to remember that our bodies are evolving to cope with the modern world, and women are disproportionately affected by the physical, emotional, and chemical stressors that interfere with our natural healing state. Incorporating gentle exercise, such as walks, hikes, and yoga, can help support brain health as we age.

    • Exercise for brain health: oxygen therapy, muscle training, and cognitive challengesRegular exercise with oxygen therapy, muscle training, and cognitive challenges can improve brain health through vascular, oxygenation, muscular, insulin sensitivity, and BDNF production benefits.

      Maintaining brain health involves a multi-faceted approach, including regular exercise with oxygen therapy for its vascular, oxygenation, and muscular benefits, as well as muscle training for insulin sensitivity. Engaging in activities like tennis, ping pong, or dancing that combine physical activity and cognitive challenges can also be beneficial. Additionally, using restriction bands during workouts can increase the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and ketones, which support brain health. It's important to remember that there is no single "silver bullet" solution for brain health, and a holistic approach that includes regular exercise, good sleep, and a healthy diet is key.

    • Exploring potential solutions for Alzheimer's beyond magic pillsFocus on healthy lifestyle, consider psychedelics under medical supervision, and investigate underlying causes for neurodegeneration, while researching potential therapies like stem cells, intranasal trophic factors, and BHRT.

      There is currently no magic pill for Alzheimer's disease or other neurodegenerative disorders, and the focus should be on implementing a healthy lifestyle to potentially slow down the progression. The discussion touched upon the potential benefits of psychedelics like psilocybin and MDMA, specifically their ability to promote neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. However, it's important to note that these substances should be used carefully and under proper medical supervision, as they may not be suitable for everyone. The long-term goal is to identify and address the underlying causes of neurodegeneration, such as infections, hormonal imbalances, and gut issues. Once these drivers are eliminated, therapies like stem cells, intranasal trophic factors, and BHRT can be explored to help restore lost synapses. Lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, and addressing underlying health issues, are crucial first steps. The research on psychedelics for neurodegenerative disorders is still in its infancy, and more studies are needed to fully understand their potential benefits and risks.

    • The Power of Human Connection for Brain HealthGood relationships promote overall health and happiness, lowering the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia. Balance technology use with activities that build new brain connections, and address memory issues by identifying maintenance or consolidation needs.

      Our brain functions in two modes: one where we build and maintain new connections, and another where we conserve resources to fight threats. The importance of human connection and community cannot be overstated in promoting overall health and happiness. The longest study on happiness shows that good relationships lead to better outcomes. Moreover, social networks and interactions lower the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia. However, a sedentary lifestyle, depression, and excessive use of phones and social media can negatively impact brain health. It's crucial to be aware of these factors and find a balance between using technology positively and focusing on activities that stimulate new brain connections. Additionally, people experiencing memory issues should determine whether the problem lies in maintenance or consolidation, as different approaches may be necessary. Ultimately, engaging in activities we love and focusing our attention can help us maintain a healthy, functioning brain.

    • Recognize and utilize your unique abilities for personal growth and positive impactDr. Dale Bredesen emphasizes the importance of self-love practices and recognizing one's 'superpowers' for personal growth and making a positive impact on the world. Prioritize cognitive health through regular screenings and disease prevention measures.

      Self-love and engagement are crucial for personal growth and making a positive impact on the world. Dr. Dale Bredesen, a renowned expert in Alzheimer's research, emphasized the importance of recognizing and utilizing one's unique abilities or "superpowers." He also highlighted the significance of self-love practices, such as daily reflection and self-awareness, which can help individuals own their strengths and make a difference. Additionally, Dr. Bredesen encouraged everyone to prioritize their cognitive health by getting regular cognitive screenings and taking precautions to prevent neurodegenerative diseases. To learn more about Dr. Bredesen's work and resources for cognitive health, visit mycognoscopy.com or connect with him on social media.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Brain Fitness: Reversing Cognitive Decline And Improving Brain Function with Dr. Majid Fotuhi

    Brain Fitness: Reversing Cognitive Decline And Improving Brain Function with Dr. Majid Fotuhi

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Essentia, Cozy Earth, and AirDoctor.

    It’s never too early to start protecting your brain, and with more than 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer's—projected to rise to nearly 13 million by 2050—this is something we should all contemplate more often.

    On today’s episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m excited to talk to Dr. Majid Fotuhi about the top actions we can take to prevent cognitive decline and optimize brain function.

    Dr. Majid Fotuhi is a neurologist with expertise in the fields of memory, concussion, and successful aging. Through his 30 years of teaching, clinical work, and neuroscience research at Harvard Medical School and Johns Hopkins, Dr. Fotuhi has developed a multidisciplinary program for helping people of all ages improve their memory and attention. His innovative Brain Fitness Program addresses lifestyle factors and cognitive stimulation, and he has published the successful results of this program in several scientific journals and three books, including Boost Your Brain: The New Art and Science Behind Enhanced Brain Performance. Dr. Fotuhi received his doctorate degree in neuroscience from Johns Hopkins University in 1992 and his Medical Degree from Harvard Medical School in 1997. He serves as an adjunct professor at George Washington University.

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Essentia, Cozy Earth, and AirDoctor.

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    Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • The evolution of Dr. Fotuhi’s understanding of memory and brain health (7:34 / 5:41)
    • Why Dr. Fotuhi started his own brain center (14:10 / 12:17)
    • Incredible science to slow and prevent memory loss (19:07 / 17:14)
    • The myth of diagnosis (23:03 / 21:10)
    • Four ways to support the brain (30:03 / 26:10) 
    • The connection between belly size and brain size (31:36 / 27:43)
    • Common culprits of poor brain function (36:29 / 32:36
    • Reactions of Dr. Fotuhi’s colleagues to his work (47:07 / 43:14)
    • Lifestyle practices for a healthy brain (54:17 / 50:24)
    • Modifiable risk factors for brain dysfunction (1:00:14 / 56:24)

    Learn more at Drfotuhi.com and try the Brain Portfolio/Brain Fitness Calculator.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    How To Reverse Memory Loss With Diet And Lifestyle

    How To Reverse Memory Loss With Diet And Lifestyle

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health and BiOptimizers.

    Scientists now call Alzheimer’s disease “Type 3 diabetes.” What’s the link between Alzheimer’s and diabetes? Well, new research shows insulin resistance, or what I call diabesity (from eating too many carbs and sugar and not enough fat), is one of the major factors that starts the brain-damage cascade that robs the memory of millions of people.

    In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I discuss the link between insulin resistance and memory loss and the top strategies I use with my patients to reverse or prevent dementia. 

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health and BiOptimizers.

    Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com.

    Tackle an overlooked root cause of stress with Magnesium Breakthrough. Visit MagBreakthrough.com/Hyman and use code HYMAN10 to save 10%.

    Here are more details from the episode (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • The prevalence of Alzheimer’s and dementia (3:11 / 1:28)
    • The link between Alzheimer’s, pre-diabetes, and diabetes (4:27 / 2:44)
    • Cognitive loss reversal (8:35 / 6:52)
    • How to eat to support the brain (11:18 / 9:36)
    • Causes of Alzheimer’s (11:45 / 10:02)
    • A patient case study (13:44 / 12:01)
    • Strategies to reverse memory loss (19:01 / 17:18)

    Mentioned in this episode

    Dr. Hyman’s Free Sleep Master Class

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Episode 128: The priceless gift of mental sharpness and how to keep it intact

    Episode 128: The priceless gift of mental sharpness and how to keep it intact

    Guess what, it's not written in stone that most of us will all have dementia when we age. In fact, this condition can be largely prevented and even reversed to a point in advanced stages, by changing our lifestyle. In this episode brimming with tips from Dr. Dale Bredesen's book, 'The first survivors of Alzheimers', I will share his wisdom and his research about preventing cognitive decline by optimising our habits in such a way that your brain will be able to detox correctly, and our health will improve at many levels.

    Preventing cognitive issues starts in our youth - it is not a one-day process and it lasts a lifetime of good habits! So, if you are looking for a worthy goal in 2023, maybe this is the right time for you to take care of your amazing brain with a new focus: be clean!