
    Do A LOT LESS Stuff... DO THE WORK #573

    enJune 30, 2019
    What did the speaker discover about commitments this year?
    How did minimizing possessions benefit the speaker?
    Why are time-forgiving crops important in gardening?
    What activities did the speaker prioritize in their life?
    How can we evaluate optional activities in our lives?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the value of doing lessMinimizing commitments and possessions leads to reduced mental and scheduling overload, allowing focus on essential aspects of life.

      Doing less can lead to significant improvements in your life. This year, the speaker discovered the value of minimizing commitments and possessions. By letting go of excess projects, hobbies, and material items, they were able to reduce mental and scheduling overload. This minimalist approach not only helped them avoid burnout but also allowed them to focus on essential aspects of their life, such as work, family, and self-care. The absence of certain possessions even eliminated the pressure to engage in related activities. The speaker now prioritizes only work and exercise, emphasizing the importance of simplicity and reducing the number of things they pressure themselves to do.

    • Evaluate Optional Activities for Stress ReductionConsider letting go of high-maintenance activities for stress relief and focus on long-term, low-maintenance options to improve overall quality of life.

      It's essential to evaluate the optional activities in our lives and consider their impact on our stress levels and overall quality of life. The speaker shares how they have learned to let go of activities that add unnecessary stress, such as gardening with high-maintenance crops. By focusing on long-term, low-maintenance activities, we can reduce our overall workload and breathe easier. It's crucial to ask ourselves if the fun we get from an activity is worth the potential decrease in quality of life. By being intentional about our choices, we can prioritize our time and energy towards what truly matters to us.

    • Choosing time-forgiving crops for a balanced gardening lifestyleFocusing on crops that don't require constant attention saves time and resources, while still allowing for the optional enjoyment of gardening. Recognizing the importance of personal priorities and letting go of self-imposed pressures leads to a more balanced and stress-free gardening experience.

      Prioritizing time-forgiving crops and easing up on self-imposed pressures in gardening can lead to a more balanced and stress-free lifestyle. The speaker emphasizes the importance of growing crops that don't require constant attention and aren't crucial to their overall well-being. By focusing on these crops, the individual can save time and resources while still enjoying the optional aspects of gardening. This approach allows for a more flexible and adaptable gardening experience, which is especially important for those with busy schedules or limited resources. The speaker also mentions the importance of recognizing that the success or failure of a crop doesn't define their self-worth and encourages others to assess their personal priorities and find ways to participate in gardening that fit their unique circumstances. Additionally, the speaker shares their experience of reevaluating their commitment to YouTube, using it as an example of how letting go of unnecessary pressures can lead to a more enjoyable experience.

    • Finding balance between work and hobbiesThe speaker learned to prioritize and focus on areas of his business that yield the greatest return, while allowing himself the freedom to enjoy hobbies without added stress. He recognized the importance of balancing work and life, and learned to let go of pressure to do it all.

      The speaker has learned to prioritize and focus on areas of his business that yield the greatest return, while allowing himself the freedom to enjoy hobbies without the added stress. He has come to accept that some aspects of his business, like his YouTube channel, may slow down during certain seasons, and he is at peace with that. He has also recognized the importance of prioritizing other areas of his life, such as homeschooling his children, and has learned to let go of the pressure to do it all. The speaker's journey towards this realization was a difficult one, but he now feels a sense of freedom and peace that he had not experienced since his corporate days. He has learned that it is important to find a balance between work and hobbies, and to not put undue pressure on himself to do it all.

    • Reducing unnecessary stressorsConsider eliminating 90% of commitments for greater focus and enjoyment of essential tasks, be kind to oneself and appreciate the present moment.

      It's important to evaluate the things we're doing and the pressure we're putting on ourselves, and consider drastically reducing the less important tasks to focus on the most essential ones. The speaker shares his personal experience of learning to let go of unnecessary stressors and focusing on the top priorities, which has allowed him to fully enjoy and excel in those areas. He encourages listeners to assess their own commitments and eliminate the non-essential, suggesting that they might not even miss the 90% of things they let go. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being kind to oneself and appreciating the present moment, rather than putting undue pressure on oneself. He plans to take a break from recording his podcast for a few days and will return after the 4th of July.

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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


    Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur, and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer.






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    If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot and share it to Instagram and tag us @robynclarkcoaching and I'll share your comments and takeaways on my stories!




    Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeowan

    Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

    Lessons from Madame Chic: 20 Stylish Secrets I Learned While Living in Paris by Jennifer L. Scott


    Podcast: Millennial Minimalists 

    Instagram: @millennialminimalists

    Facebook: @millennialminimalists

    Website: mastersimplicity.com

    Closet Kit: mastersimplicity.com/closetkit

    Email: millennialminimalists@gmail.com



    Want to work 1:1 with Robyn? Now accepting for 2022. Book your free consultation call here: https://calendly.com/robynclarkcoaching/grow-scale-your-jewelry-business?month=2021-12

    This episode is brought to you by the Jewelry Business Academy, where we empower and support you to build and scale your jewelry business with ease and simplicity. You can learn more by visiting us on Instagram, or by sending us an email hello@jewelrybusinessacademy.co






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