
    Podcast Summary

    • Creating a 'happy feedback channel' for positivity and moraleSetting up a group to share positive feedback and kind words can boost morale and create a more positive work environment.

      Creating a "happy feedback channel" can significantly boost positivity and morale in both personal and professional settings. This idea was inspired by a client of Kate Cochrane's who had evolved the concept of collecting positive emails or messages into a group where team members could share nice things and express genuine appreciation for each other. This channel, which could be set up through a WhatsApp group or similar platform, can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation during challenging times. To implement this, consider creating a folder in your email inbox or a designated group where you and your team can share positive feedback and kind words. Remember, the goal is to foster genuine and heartfelt expressions, not insincere or fabricated ones. By regularly engaging in this practice, you'll be able to counteract negative emotions and foster a more positive and supportive environment.

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    What you’ll learn from this episode: 

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    Want additional support? 

    Join me for my free, live training Million Dollar Practice where we talk about what it takes to scale your practice for growth, sustainability and profit with the next level in mind. Use this link to register: https://savvyclover.com/million-dollar-practice

    Be part of Private Practice CEO™ - the CEO school for Private Practice Owners. It’s time to Own Your CEO Status to scale your practice for growth, sustainability and profit. Apply to join our next cohort and get access to 4 retreats! Click here to learn more: https://savvyclover.com/private-practice-ceo

    Follow me on Instagram to be empowered to own your CEO status. Get answers to your questions about what it takes to scale your practice for growth, sustainability and profit. 

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    PPP 244 | (Video) How Do You Deal With Endings?

    PPP 244 | (Video) How Do You Deal With Endings?

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    But endings are not easy, right? He moved out of the house he built. He lived in it for over 50 years. It's the home we grew up in, soon to be refurbished and lived in by someone we've never met. They'll never know the memories that were made in that home.

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    Let Me Hear From You!

    What do you think about these ideas on endings? How do you try to end well? Let's connect on LinkedIn and discuss! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Also, what have you been learning lately? What are you reading? Please e-mail me (show [AT] PeopleAndProjectsPodcast [DOT] com) or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). I look forward to hearing from you!

    Please give us feedback about The People and Projects Podcast! Take our Listener Survey at https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/ListenerSurvey. Thank you!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 3:06

    Download episode 244

    FUNKORAMA by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    #29 Zwei Hacks für bessere Kommunikation in schwierigen Situationen

    #29 Zwei Hacks für bessere Kommunikation in schwierigen Situationen
    Es liegt in der Natur der Sache, dass Menschen in Unternehmen auch mal anderer Meinung sind oder unterschiedliche Ziele verfolgen. Das führt oft dazu, dass Gespräche ausarten und ins Persönliche abgleiten. Dann werfen sich die Streithähne abwechselnd Argumente oder Beleidigungen an den Kopf. Das geht auch anders. Wenn Du frühzeitig die richtigen Techniken einsetzt, verlaufen die Gespräche wertschätzender und Du (und auch Dein Gegenüber) erreichst sicher Deine Ziele. Heute stelle ich dazu die Techniken „Die Waage“ und „Warum nicht weniger?“ vor.