
    Hot Sex with STIs w/ Dr. Ina Park

    enApril 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Sex in Summer: Tips and ToolsEnhance summer sex with Promescent products, explore with a magic wand, discuss STIs openly, prioritize pleasure, and practice safe sex.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration when it comes to sex. To enhance the experience, consider using products from Promescent, such as their delay spray for men and warming arousal gel for women. The magic wand, a cult-favorite sex toy, is another game-changer for achieving powerful orgasms. STIs, including herpes, can be managed and discussed openly without shame or stigma, as shared by expert Ina Park. Prioritizing pleasure, minimizing regret, and practicing safe sex are key to having fulfilling and enjoyable sexual experiences. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more from Ina in Emily's upcoming live virtual podcast.

    • Expert Reduces STIs Stigma with Humor and StorytellingDr. Ina Park's book 'Strange Bedfellows' aims to reduce STIs stigma by increasing conversation and providing accurate knowledge, inspiring fascination and wonder instead of fear.

      Dr. Ina Park, an expert in the field of sexual health and STIs, wrote her book "Strange Bedfellows" to reduce the stigma surrounding STIs by increasing conversation and using humor and storytelling. She shares her personal experiences, including her work as a peer educator and her interest in HPV research. The book was inspired by her desire to change the fear-based mentality towards STIs and encourage fascination and wonder instead. Unfortunately, the timing was not ideal as her son was hit by a car around the same time, but he is now fine. Overall, Dr. Park's intention for the book is to provide accurate and essential knowledge about STIs to help individuals enjoy their sex lives more. Tune in to the live podcast experience at loopedlive.com for more insights from Dr. Park and the opportunity to ask your questions.

    • Reducing Stigma Around STIsNormalizing discussions about STIs reduces fear and encourages open communication, education, and prevention. HPV, the most common STI, is likened to the common cold of the genitals.

      Stigmas surrounding sexually transmitted infections (STIs), particularly herpes, create unnecessary fear and rejection. This fear perpetuates the stigma, making it difficult for people to openly discuss and address their health concerns. The speaker shared a personal story about her son's comfortability in asking about STIs during his hospital stay, which inspired her to write a book aimed at normalizing discussions about STIs. HPV, the most common STI, is likened to the common cold of the genitals, as it's a normal consequence of being sexually active. While it's important to be aware of the risks associated with HPV, such as cervical, anal, and throat cancer, it's crucial to reduce the stigma and normalize discussions about STIs to encourage open communication, education, and prevention.

    • HPV: A Common Sexually Transmitted Infection with Cancer RisksHPV is common, but persistent infections can lead to precancerous cells and rare cancers. Vaccination before age 45 can prevent infection. HPV can be transmitted through oral sex, and precautions like barriers during sex can help prevent spread.

      HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, is a common sexually transmitted infection that can affect various parts of the body, including the cervix, anus, and throat. While most people clear the infection on their own within two years, some may develop persistent infections that can lead to precancerous cells and, in rare cases, cancer. HPV is unavoidable, but getting vaccinated before the age of 45 can prevent infection. HPV can be transmitted through oral sex, and while the risk of HIV transmission is lower, other STIs like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes, and HPV itself can be contracted through oral sex. Persistent HPV infections with types 16 and 18, which are considered "bad actors," can lead to precancerous cells and, if left untreated, cancer. Celebrities like Michael Douglas and Marsha Cross have spoken openly about their experiences with HPV-related cancers, particularly anal cancer, which can carry a taboo but is important to discuss. It's essential to be aware of the risks and take precautions, such as using barriers during sex, to help prevent the spread of HPV and other STIs.

    • Oral sex and STIs: HSV-1 and HSV-2While oral sex can reduce HIV transmission risk, it's still possible to contract STIs like HSV-1 and HSV-2. Most people with HSV-1 only have one outbreak, but HSV-2 can cause recurrent genital herpes outbreaks. Exposure to germs during childhood might help build a stronger immune system and reduce future infection risk.

      While oral sex may be safer than other sexual activities for preventing HIV transmission, it's still possible to contract other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as herpes simplex virus (HSV), through oral sex. HSV-2 is the strain that typically causes recurrent genital herpes outbreaks, while HSV-1, which causes cold sores, can be passed to a partner's genitals if the person giving oral sex has a cold sore. The good news is that most people who contract HSV-1 only experience one outbreak and then don't have recurring issues. However, if someone has no antibodies to any herpes simplex virus and gets exposed to HSV-2, they may experience a severe outbreak with a lot of pain. Some research suggests that being exposed to germs when young can help build a stronger immune system and reduce the risk of infections later in life. So while it's important to practice safe sex and protect against STIs, it's also worth considering the potential benefits of being exposed to a diverse range of germs during childhood.

    • Delicious and nutritious bread options from Hero BreadHero Bread offers tasty alternatives for those looking to maintain health goals, with exceptional texture and options for various dishes. The conversation around STDs should be normalized, and living with herpes is possible with proper care and precautions.

      Hero Bread offers delicious and nutritious options for various dishes, from sandwiches to pastries, without compromising health goals. The texture is exceptional, and it's perfect for those looking to reduce carb intake. Additionally, the conversation around sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and living with herpes should be normalized, as it's possible to have a healthy and enjoyable sex life despite having an STD. Outbreaks become less frequent over time, and medications and therapeutic vaccines are being developed to help reduce the number of outbreaks and shedding. By being open about one's status and taking proper precautions, the risk of transmission is significantly reduced.

    • HSV-2 doesn't make you highly contagiousAwareness and management of HSV-2 can significantly reduce transmission risk, most people with HSV-2 have few symptoms and aren't contagious often, and open communication about sexual health is essential.

      While having Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) increases the likelihood of transmission, the risk is significantly lower for those who are aware of their status and are managing their condition through medication or safe practices. Most people with HSV-2 experience no or few symptoms, and many of them are not contagious most of the time due to asymptomatic shedding. The misconception that those with HSV-2 are highly contagious is not accurate, and the risk is actually higher for those who are unaware of their status. It's important to remember that barriers like condoms are not foolproof against HSV-2 transmission, especially for areas not covered by them, such as the genital areas around the anus or the vulva. Therefore, open communication and mutual disclosure about sexual health status are crucial in reducing the risk of transmission.

    • Communication is crucial when dealing with STIsDiscuss STI status with partners, use barriers during sex for active outbreaks, and prioritize accurate testing and open communication.

      Communication is key when dealing with sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Discussing your status with your partner before engaging in sexual activity can help alleviate fears and misconceptions. Some people may not see STIs as a big deal, while others may require more reassurance. Regarding warts, caused by HPV 6 and 11, those types of HPV do not cause cancer. If one has an active outbreak, using barriers during sex can help prevent transmission. The Bachelor's practice of screening potential bachelorettes for HSV 2 using an inaccurate test is worth noting, as accurate testing and open communication are essential for addressing STIs.

    • Herpes test results can be unreliable, leading to false positivesBe aware of potential inaccuracies in herpes tests and consider getting a confirmation test if you receive a positive result. Practice safe shaving habits to reduce STIs risk.

      The accuracy of herpes tests can be questionable, leading to false positives and unnecessary rejection from reality shows or potential romantic partners. These tests, particularly blood tests, are not always reliable, and individuals should consider getting a confirmation test if they receive a positive result. Additionally, the trend of pubic hair removal, such as Brazilian waxing, can create micro traumas to the skin, potentially increasing the risk of STIs like herpes and HPV. It's essential to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions, such as shaving in the morning to allow skin time to heal before intimate contact.

    • Sexual Networks and STIsSafe sex practices and regular testing in a sexual network can reduce the risk of STIs, despite the number of partners. Using harsh hygiene products, having multiple partners, or a history of antibiotic use can increase the risk for individuals with vaginas.

      The number of sexual partners does not necessarily increase the risk of STIs if the partners are in a network where everyone is practicing safe sex and getting regular testing. However, having partners who have other partners at the same time significantly raises the risk. Additionally, for individuals with vaginas, certain factors such as using harsh hygiene products, having multiple sexual partners, or having a history of antibiotic use can increase the risk of bacterial vaginosis and urinary tract infections. It's important to note that having an STI does not mean that one partner cheated or that there is something inherently wrong with either partner. Instead, open communication, safe sex practices, and regular testing are key to reducing the risk of STIs.

    • Understanding vaginal health and its variabilityMaintain vaginal health by avoiding irritants, practicing good hygiene, and being aware of personal vulnerabilities. New treatments like Lactin V offer more targeted solutions for infections.

      Vaginal health varies greatly from person to person. Some vaginas are highly resilient and can handle various factors without issue, while others are more sensitive and susceptible to infections or imbalances. Factors such as semen exposure, douching, and new sexual partners can disrupt the vaginal microbiome and lead to issues like bacterial vaginosis (BV) or urinary tract infections. Currently, treatments for these conditions often involve antibiotics, which can have side effects. However, a promising new medication called Lactin V, based on lactobacillus bacteria, is showing promise in clinical trials as a more targeted and effective solution. While there is no guaranteed way to make a vagina more resilient, avoiding irritants like harsh chemicals and practicing good hygiene can help maintain vaginal health. Additionally, being aware of personal vulnerabilities and taking preventative measures, such as using protection or probiotics, can help minimize disruptions and maintain optimal vaginal health.

    • Effective communication is vital for sexual healthEarly detection and treatment of UTIs and BV, addressing changes promptly, taking antiviral medication for genital herpes, and open communication can maintain a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

      Effective communication is crucial when it comes to sexual health concerns. Early detection and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bacterial vaginosis (BV) can prevent them from becoming more severe. For UTIs, increasing fluid intake can help prevent a full-blown infection. For BV, addressing any changes in odor or discharge promptly is important. When it comes to genital herpes, taking antiviral medication like Valtrex before having condomless sex can reduce the risk of transmission. It's essential to approach conversations about sexual health concerns with care and compassion, focusing on the well-being of both partners. In the case of genital herpes, disclosing a diagnosis and discussing medication options can help reduce anxiety and ensure safe and consensual sexual activity. Similarly, if someone has a cold sore, they should communicate their concerns to their partner and avoid oral sex until the sore has healed. Overall, open and honest communication is key to maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Communicating Health Concerns During SexBe open about potential health concerns during sex, especially cold sores, and consider waiting a week or getting tested for antibodies. Approach conversations positively and considerate partners for optimal pleasure and minimal regret.

      Having open and honest communication with your sexual partner about potential health concerns is crucial. In the discussion, the speakers emphasized the importance of being upfront about having a cold sore, as there's a risk of transmitting the virus during oral sex. They suggested waiting a week or getting tested for antibodies as solutions. Additionally, the speakers emphasized the importance of having a positive and non-awkward approach to such conversations. They also touched upon the idea that having sex with kind and considerate people can help minimize regret and maximize pleasure. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of open communication and considering the emotional and physical well-being of yourself and your partner.

    • Discussing boundaries and preferences during sex for mutual satisfactionEffective communication is essential for satisfying sexual experiences. Discuss boundaries, preferences, and explore new experiences while prioritizing safety through education and safe practices.

      Effective communication is key to having satisfying and enjoyable sexual experiences. Ida Osiejewski emphasized the importance of discussing boundaries and preferences with your partner during the act to ensure both parties are getting what they want. She also encouraged individuals to have an open mind and explore different sexual experiences, but to prioritize safety by being informed about STIs and practicing safe sex. Ida's book, "Strange Bedfellows," provides valuable insights and education on sexual health and normalizes the discussion of STIs. She encourages people to view sex as a normal and wonderful part of life, and to approach it with kindness and understanding towards oneself and others. To find more of Ida's insights, follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and her website, inaparkinapark.net.

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    Show Notes

    Safe Sex In The Swinger Lifestyle

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    2. STI Types & Timelines
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    STIs Types, Timelines, and Symptoms:

    • Chlamydia: 1-3 weeks, 50% Men & 70% women = no symptoms.
    • Genital Herpes: 4-7 days, most people don't have any symptoms when first infected.
    • Genital Warts: 2-3 months, most people with the virus don't develop obvious warts.
    • Gonorrhea: 10 days, 10% Men & 50% Women = no symptoms.
    • Pubic Lice & Scabies: 5 days - 5 weeks
    • Syphilis: 2-3 weeks, symptoms not obvious and may come and go.
    • Trichomoniasis: 4 weeks, 50% Men & Women = no symptoms.
    • HIV: 2-6 weeks, some get symptoms, some don’t.

    VIP Testing Services


    How soon can I take an HIV test?


    The Aids Institute


    CDC Fact Sheets











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    33. STIs, Sexual Shame & Healing Your Vagina Holistically with The Yoni Nutritionist, Adrienne Rommel

    33. STIs, Sexual Shame & Healing Your Vagina Holistically with The Yoni Nutritionist, Adrienne Rommel

    In this week's episode we're talking with The Yoni Nutritionist Adrienne Rommel about one of the most taboo topics out there, sexually transmitted illnesses, specifically HPV and Herpes (HSV-1 & HSV-2).

    WARNING: This is a real, raw and open conversation. If you have children around you may want to pop in some headphones or listen later. However, we believe ANYONE with a vagina needs to hear this episode!

    Adrienne Rommel is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Women’s Health Coach who helps women heal their vagina's naturally. She specifically works with women on managing and eliminating symptoms of common, chronic vaginal infections like yeast infections, candida overgrowth, bacterial vaginosis, HPV, herpes (HSV-1 & HSV-2), and UTI’s. 

    In this episode we talk about:
    - Adrienne's journey with her vaginal health
    - the shame and stigma around STIs
    - why genital herpes is such a "dirty" word but cold sores are generally viewed as acceptable (even though they're both the herpes virus)
    - diet and lifestyle changes you can make to help alleviate symptoms of HSV, HPV, BV, yeast infections and UTIs
    - why more needs to be done to support newly diagnosed people specifically around mental health

    Please know, if you've been diagnosed or experienced any of these things, support is available and we're here for you!

    Connect with Adrienne on Instagram @yoninutritionist
    Visit her website or check out her coaching programs.
    Join her FREE Private Herpes Nutrition & Support Facebook group where she offers guidance & where others share their experiences with herpes. 

    Connect with Leslie on Instagram @lesliedraffin
    Connect with the podcast @thelightwithinpodcast

    Email us if you have questions or you know someone who'd make a great guest on this show: thelightwithinpodcast@gmail.com

    The best way to support this podcast is by leaving a review & rating, downloading episodes & sharing them with someone you love! 

    Cyclical Microdosing: 10 weeks to reconnect with your cycle, womb & divine feminine within launches in May 2023. FIND OUT MORE HERE.

    Connect with Leslie on Instagram:
    Email: hello@lesliedraffin.com

    Having period problems? Grab my self-paced course Cycle Codes now, it's perfect for anyone looking for help starting their cyclical living journey. Learn how to have a better period by Spring! You can find out more HERE.



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    Episode 57 Sponsor & Giveaway Info

    • 15% off at http://getmaude.com with code SUNNY
    • 10% off your entire peepshowtoys.com order with code SUNNY.
    • Jimmyjane Love Pod Tre giveaway ($149 value) provided by Castle Megastore. Entrants must be over 18, US resident, no purchase necessary. Visit the giveaway page for details and to enter http://sunnymegatron.com/tre
    • 20% off your order at http://castlemegastore.com when you use code SUNNY at checkout (limited restrictions apply)
    • $10 off Ropecraft Austin, TX in October 2018 with code SUNNY

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    It's everyone's favorite day of the week! On this weeks #talkurshittuesday Atina Rose is joined by  Founder of High Vibes Consulting, healing and herpes advocate  Brenda! TUNE IN to hear everything from GETTING ENGAGED YOUNG, DATING OLDER MEN, DEALING WITH A HSV DIAGNOSIS & STEPPING INTO YOUR MOST AUTHENTIC SELF!?!

    To find out more about Brenda & HVC click here:

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