
    How the Ketogenic Diet Affects Your Hemoglobin Levels - With Dr. Boz

    enJuly 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Healing the Mental and Physical Aspects of the Brain with Doctor BozDoctor Boz shares her expertise on using dietary strategies like the ketogenic diet, fasting, and autophagy to improve metabolic health. Join the Reset Academy for resources and community support to customize your fasting lifestyle and achieve health goals.

      For optimal long-term health outcomes, it's crucial to focus on healing both the mental and physical aspects of the brain. Doctor Boz, a medical doctor and YouTube personality, shares her experiences of using dietary strategies like the ketogenic diet, fasting, and autophagy to improve her patients' metabolic health. By joining the Reset Academy, individuals can access exclusive resources and community support to help them customize their fasting lifestyle and achieve their health goals. The conversation between Doctor Mindy and Doctor Boz delves into the importance of understanding measurements like blood sugar, ketones, and autophagy, and answering listener questions through a live YouTube event. Overall, this podcast episode emphasizes the power of self-belief and the potential of natural healing methods in transforming lives.

    • From hog farmer's daughter to problem solver doctorDr. Mindy Pelz uses YouTube to share her medical knowledge and connect with her audience, fulfilling her mission as a problem solver and community member.

      Dr. Mindy Pelz, a hog farmer's daughter turned internal medicine physician, uses her YouTube channel as a means to introduce herself and fulfill her mission of being a problem solver and community member. Growing up in a small town with a strong sense of responsibility, she became an internist to provide complex answers to medical questions and help those in need. Despite the challenges and long hours of becoming a physician, she found her passion in the intricacy and analytics of medicine. After having a baby, she transitioned to outpatient care to maintain a better work-life balance. Her YouTube channel is not a money generator but a tool to share her knowledge and connect with her audience.

    • Prioritizing prescription matching over addressing root causesHealthcare system incentivizes doctors to write prescriptions, neglecting mental and spiritual health and personalized care

      The healthcare system can prioritize prescription matching over addressing the root causes of patients' health issues, leading to a broken system where doctors are incentivized to write prescriptions rather than focusing on healing the brain and spirit first. This approach not only neglects the importance of mental and spiritual health but also results in a game of matching patients to prescriptions, rather than providing personalized care. This issue was further exacerbated by pay-for-performance programs that incentivized doctors to prescribe specific medications for certain diagnoses, regardless of the patient's individual needs. Ultimately, this approach not only fails to address the root causes of health issues but also undermines the doctor-patient relationship and the importance of personalized care.

    • Impact of Lower Hemoglobin A1C on Chronic Diseases and LongevityLowering hemoglobin A1C levels through diet and lifestyle changes can improve chronic diseases and potentially extend life, reducing the need for medications.

      Focusing on lowering hemoglobin A1C levels, a measure of average blood sugar levels over the past three months, could significantly impact chronic diseases and potentially extend life. The speaker shared his personal mission to help patients reduce their prescriptions and improve their health through a ketogenic diet and lifestyle changes before turning to medications. He emphasized the importance of understanding hemoglobin A1C as a predictor of various health issues, including heart attacks, strokes, and hip fractures. By getting this number below 5.5, individuals can experience substantial improvements in their health and longevity. The speaker's passion for this topic inspired him to dedicate his speaking season to educating medical students about the significance of hemoglobin A1C.

    • High blood sugar damages hemoglobin, impairing oxygen transportHigh blood sugar damages hemoglobin, reducing its ability to transport oxygen effectively, leading to fatigue, pain, and impaired healing.

      High blood sugar levels can damage hemoglobin in red blood cells, preventing them from effectively carrying oxygen to different parts of the body. This can lead to various health issues, including fatigue, pain, and impaired wound healing. The red blood cells' permeability to glucose allows it to enter and bind to hemoglobin, rendering it useless for oxygen transport. These damaged red blood cells last only a portion of their normal lifespan, further reducing the overall oxygen delivery capacity. Understanding this relationship between blood sugar and hemoglobin is crucial as it impacts various body functions, including the immune system and brain energy production.

    • High blood sugar damages proteins and cellsHigh hemoglobin A1C levels indicate damage from high blood sugar, which can negatively impact various body functions and contribute to chronic diseases. Aim for a level below 4.5 for optimal health.

      High levels of glucose in the blood, as indicated by a high hemoglobin A1C level, can lead to glycation, or the damaging of proteins and cells in the body. This process can negatively impact various body functions, including the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen, the function of white blood cells, and the health of mitochondria. Over time, this can contribute to chronic diseases such as tennis elbow, dementia, Alzheimer's, and menopause symptoms. The ideal hemoglobin A1C level is below 4.5, and those with levels above this should aim to bring their levels down to improve overall health and potentially prevent or slow down the aging process. Regular monitoring and adjustments to diet and lifestyle are key to maintaining optimal hemoglobin A1C levels.

    • Empowering individuals with point-of-care testingPoint-of-care testing, like Omega Quant's omega-3 and omega-6 fat test, allows individuals to access health information directly and make lifestyle changes without relying on doctors or insurance companies, promoting self-care and long-term health improvement.

      Access to certain health tests, like Hemoglobin A1c, has historically required going through doctors and insurance companies, potentially leading to financial consequences. However, innovation in point-of-care testing, such as Omega Quant's omega-3 and omega-6 fat test, empowers individuals to take charge of their health information and make lifestyle changes without relying solely on doctors or insurance companies. This shift towards self-responsibility and education is essential for long-term health improvement. The Hemoglobin A1c test, which measures average blood sugar levels over several months, can significantly impact insurance premiums if the results are high. On the other hand, the Omega Quant test provides valuable information about dietary fat intake, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their health without involving doctors or insurance companies. This transfer of responsibility from healthcare professionals to individuals is a crucial aspect of promoting self-care and inspiring a healthier lifestyle.

    • Exploring the Role of Longer Fasts in Hormonal Health and WellbeingLonger fasts can improve hormonal health and overall wellbeing for individuals. Everyone's journey to better health is unique, and exploring different fasting lengths and methods can lead to transformative results. Dr. Mindy's 60-day fitness program, PowerSync 60, offers customized meal plans and fasting components for various demographics.

      The role of a physician extends beyond just prescribing medication or following a specific diet. Instead, it's about empowering individuals to tap into their body's natural healing abilities. Dr. Mindy shares her belief that longer fasts, especially for women, can significantly improve hormonal health and overall wellbeing. She emphasizes that everyone's journey to better health is unique and encourages individuals to explore different fasting lengths and methods. In her collaboration with Tony Horton, they created PowerSync 60, a revolutionary 60-day fitness program that caters to various demographics and includes customized meal plans and fasting components. By joining this community, individuals can embark on this transformative journey with Dr. Mindy and her followers. As for the question about red blood cells and fasting, the body naturally replenishes them every 3 months. A 36-hour fast may lead to the elimination of older, damaged cells and the production of new, healthier ones.

    • Lowering blood sugars for brain healthLimiting carbs to 20g/day triggers ketosis, improving metabolic health and overall well-being

      Lowering average blood sugars is crucial for healing the brain and reversing medical problems. This can be achieved by limiting total carbs to less than 20 grams per day. By doing so, individuals can experience a wave of ketones, which improves metabolic health and overall well-being. It's important to note that adults were not designed to eat multiple meals a day, and focusing on metabolism and following a high-fat, low-carb diet can lead to long-term health improvements. The Doctor Baugh ratio, developed to stimulate metabolism in cancer patients, is a valuable tool for monitoring the progress of this diet.

    • Measuring the ratio of glucose to ketones for insulin insightsTo optimize health, measure the glucose-to-ketone ratio (Doctor Bob's ratio) for insights into insulin levels. Aim for a ratio below 100 for weight loss, or 40 for metabolic health in autoimmune cases. Fasting boosts ketone production to reach these targets.

      Understanding both glucose and ketone levels is crucial for determining insulin levels and optimizing health. Insulin is a key regulator of both glucose and ketones, but its volatility makes it difficult to measure effectively in point-of-care settings. By measuring the ratio of glucose to ketones, known as Doctor Bob's ratio, individuals can gain valuable insights into their insulin levels and adjust their diets accordingly. For weight loss, aiming for a Doctor Bob's ratio below 100 is recommended, while for improving metabolic health in the context of autoimmune disorders, a ratio of 40 (or a Glucose Ketone Index of 1 to 2) is ideal. Fasting is an effective way to increase ketone production and achieve these optimal ratios.

    • The ketogenic diet: An effective anti-inflammatory approach to optimize healthThe ketogenic diet, a high-fat, low-carb diet, can reduce inflammation and improve metabolic function. It's particularly beneficial for individuals with seizure disorders or brain cancer, and includes foods like fatty meats, organ meats, small fish, and insects. To ensure optimal health benefits, maintain a specific ketone to glucose ratio.

      The ketogenic diet, which is a high-fat, low-carb diet, can be an effective anti-inflammatory approach to optimize health. This diet has been shown to be particularly beneficial for individuals with seizure disorders or brain cancer, as maintaining a specific ketone level is crucial for their health. The diet includes foods like fatty meats, organ meats, small fish, and even insects, which are high in protein and healthy fats. When following this diet, it's essential to maintain a specific ratio of ketones to glucose in the body, known as the doctor's ratio, to ensure the body is in a state of autophagy, a process that helps remove waste and damaged cells. This diet can be challenging to follow, but the potential health benefits, including reduced inflammation and improved metabolic function, make it worth considering for those looking to optimize their health.

    • Long-term perspective needed for managing autoimmune conditionsMaintain a consistent lifestyle, focus on metabolic approaches, and leave author reviews to increase awareness and access to valuable information.

      Managing autoimmune conditions requires a long-term perspective. Dr. Will Cole explained that these conditions can take years to develop before being diagnosed, and even after diagnosis, it's essential to maintain a consistent lifestyle to manage symptoms. He advised against becoming overly obsessed with calculations and instead encouraged a "tortoise" approach to finding a sustainable rhythm for your life. Dr. Cole's book, Keto Continuum, is designed to help people teach their doctors about metabolism and the importance of a ketogenic diet in managing autoimmune conditions. He emphasized the importance of leaving reviews for authors like himself to increase awareness and access to valuable information. Additionally, Dr. Cole discussed the need to focus on metabolic approaches to maintaining a strong immune system during the pandemic.

    • The correlation between high hemoglobin A1c levels and severe COVID-19 casesHigh glucose levels lead to cytokine buildup, weakening the body's response to infections. Managing glucose and inducing a ketogenic state can help bring down cytokines and improve outcomes during a crisis.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, the correlation between high hemoglobin A1c levels and severe cases was significant. This is due to the fact that high levels of glucose in the body cause cytokines to get stuck, leading to cellular stress and the activation of white blood cells. The peak response from the body to an infection depends on the baseline level of cytokines, and when this level is chronically high, the body's response to infections can be weakened. To reverse this, fasting and inducing a ketogenic state can help bring down cytokine levels. Additionally, research shows that cells in a state of autophagy can stop viral replication by depleting the virus of iron, which also depletes the cell and acts as a "kamikaze" for the virus. In summary, managing glucose levels and inducing a ketogenic state are crucial factors in predicting and improving outcomes during a crisis, such as a cytokine storm or a viral infection.

    • Insulin resistance and vitamin D deficiency linked to cytokine storm riskHealthy lifestyle choices, including gratitude practice during fasting, can improve insulin resistance and vitamin D levels, reducing cytokine storm risk.

      Insulin resistance and a lack of vitamin D are associated with a higher risk of experiencing a cytokine storm. These conditions can be improved through healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating right and practicing gratitude during fasting. Fasting, in turn, can help quiet the mind and provide spiritual benefits beyond just health improvements. Doctor Mindy's teachings have been instrumental in helping patients make these connections and collaborating with her is a valuable experience. A consistent gratitude practice during fasting can also enhance the experience and make it easier to reach the desired fasting duration. Fasting is not just a health tool, but a spiritual one as well.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep236

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To help raise money for nonprofits that support, protect, and provide opportunities to women around the world, go to https://drmindypelz.com/glag/

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep233

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep232

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep231

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep230

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

    Related Episodes

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    Episode 67- Is Fasting Safe for Women?

    Some influencers claim women shouldn't fast, or that it is not safe. If this were true, wouldn't we have died out as a species? There are a few things to consider hormonally when women start a fasting or time-restricted eating protocol.

    In this podcast I discuss:

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    My website: https://www.fasttoheal.info/

    FREE Hormone Healing Starting Guides

    Master your eating window with Mealtime Mastery!

    Enroll in Finding Nutritional PEACE

    Learn more about my mini course, Fat Burning Unlocked to start transitioning from a sugar burner to a fat burner: 

    Need help with carb recommendations? Take my FREE QUIZ!

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    3. Scroll down to find the subhead titled “Ratings & Reviews.”
    4. Under one of the highlighted reviews, select “Write a Review.” 

    Episode 95- Keto Q&A, Protein Shakes and Bars, and Fueling Your Exercise with Chris Irvin

    Episode 95- Keto Q&A, Protein Shakes and Bars, and Fueling Your Exercise with Chris Irvin

    Chris Irvin is a health researcher, writer, and educator focusing on the impact of low carb and ketogenic diets relating to health and human performance. He is the creator of the brand Ketologist and the author of Keto Answers. A wonderful wealth of knowledge, Chris is a positive voice in light of how to use the ketogenic state to best suite your bodies needs and healing. 

    Tune in to this week's episode to learn: 

    [2:30]- The launch of my online reversing insulin resistance course, Finding Nutritonal PEACE on OCT 3, and getting on the WAITLIST for a special discount code when registration opens! 

    [4:25]- I am hosting three FREE master classes for you to learn more about Finding Nutritional PEACE! Register for 3 Little Known Secrets to Effortlessly Manage Your Weight and Bloodsugar here. 

    [6:56]- Personalized protocols are already being created and shared with those who have requested them! More information on this service here.  

    [9:58]- Chris Irvin’s story and what led him to keto

    [18:34]- Transitioning into a low carb lifestyle and understanding keto to meet your exercise goals

    [31:20]- There is not just one version of the keto diet

    [32:55]- Net carbs vs. total carbs

    [37:04]- Do I need to stay keto forever? 

    [40:50]- Ways to increase your protein intake through protein shakes and bars

    [51:45]- When to consume additional protein sources to best balance blood sugar

    [56:37]- What Chris does with BioCoach and combating metabolic disease through a blood glucose monitor

    [1:06:05] How the capabilities to measure fasting insulin are changing


    Chris’s Instagram: theketologist 

    Chris’s Podcast: Keto Answers by Perfect Keto

    Chris’s Newsletter: The Thinking Health Newsletter

    BioCoach Products: BioCoach 

    Follow me on:

    Instagram: @shana.hussin.rdn

    Facebook: Fast To Heal With Shana Hussin

    Website: https://www.fasttoheal.info/


    GET ON THE WAITLIST for my 6-week course, Finding Nutritional PEACE to reverse insulin resistance starting Oct 3!

    ENROLL in my FREE Masterclass, 3 Little Known Secrets to Effortlessly Manage Your Weight and Blood Sugar

    ENROLL IN FAST TRACK, my new monthly membership program for onging learning, support, and accountability.

    GRAB YOUR COPY of the Fast To Heal Recipe book with 85 low-carb, whole food recipes that are simple to prepare!

    GET YOUR FREE STARTING GUIDES that will set you well on your way toward a low-carb lifestyle of timed eating!

    SCHEDULE A PERSONALIZED SESSION if you are stuck in a rut, or suffer from a stubborn case of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, or metabolic illness.

    JUMPSTART your fasting and low-carb protocol by enrolling in my 10-Day Hormone Healing Jumpstart!

    ENROLL in Metabolic Makeover, my STARTER COURSE to find your fasting method, implement therapeutic carb restriction, and learn how to bust through weight and health stalls

    Episode 93- HOT TOPIC! How do I Give Up My Coffee With __ ?

    Episode 93- HOT TOPIC! How do I Give Up My Coffee With __ ?

    Many of my clients and followers are willing to make necessary lifestyle changes to reverse their insulin resistance, except when it comes to their coffee! So many struggle to give up creamers, sweeteners and alternative sweeteners, or protein sources added to coffee, and make the switch to black coffee instead. In this week's episode I discuss the importance of knowing your goals, and how adjusting when and how you consume coffee can help you accomplish them!

    This week we discuss: 

    • (2:05) Get on the waitlist for the LIVE LAUNCH of my 6-week Finding Nutritional PEACE course starting Oct 3 to reverse your insulin resistanace
    • (11:13) I am starting 4-week personalized protocols that will offer fasting and therapeutic carb recommendations tailored to YOU
    • (15:00) What a clean fast is
    • (15:45) Although bulletproof coffee does not invoke an insulin response, it may hinder your body from burning body fat
    • (22:07) What about coffee with creamer or natural sweetener? 
    • (24:03) Coffee with artificial and alternative (monk fruit, stevia, etc.) sweeteners
    • (28:50) Drink your coffee with the first meal of your day to control your insulin response if adding any macronutrients
    • (29:45) Collagen, or any sort of protein source, in your coffee does evoke an insulin response
    • (31:30) The importance of staying well hydrated while consuming caffeine
    • (34:28) Why adding plain electrolytes to your coffee is quite beneficial

    Link to the plain electrolytes I use: 

    LMNT Electrolyte Mix

    Redmond Real Salt Electrolyte Mix

    Follow me on:

    Instagram: @shana.hussin.rdn

    Facebook: Fast To Heal With Shana Hussin

    Website: https://www.fasttoheal.info/


    GET ON THE WAITLIST for my 6-week course, Finding Nutritional PEACE to reverse insulin resistance starting Oct 3!

    ENROLL IN FAST TRACK, my new monthly membership program for onging learning, support, and accountability.

    GRAB YOUR COPY of the Fast To Heal Recipe book with 85 low-carb, whole food recipes that are simple to prepare!

    GET YOUR FREE STARTING GUIDES that will set you well on your way toward a low-carb lifestyle of timed eating!

    SCHEDULE A PERSONALIZED SESSION if you are stuck in a rut, or suffer from a stubborn case of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, or metabolic illness.

    JUMPSTART your fasting and low-carb protocol by enrolling in my 10-Day Hormone Healing Jumpstart!

    ENROLL in Metabolic Makeover, my STARTER COURSE to find your fasting method, implement therapeutic carb restriction, and learn how to bust through weight and health stalls

    ENROLL in Finding Nutritional PEACE, my highest level online self-paced course to reverse insulin resistance and chronic illness

    Episode 78- HOT TOPIC! Meeting your WEIGHT LOSS Goals With Therapeutic Fasting and Timed Eating

    Episode 78- HOT TOPIC! Meeting your WEIGHT LOSS Goals With Therapeutic Fasting and Timed Eating
    Most people implement intermittent fasting and/or time-restricted eating for weight loss or to change body composition. They find so many additional benefits after metabollic health is restored.

    In this episode, I discuss which methods of fasting I recommend for WEIGHT LOSS:

    • Time-restricted eating (TRE) as a strategy for weight loss and maintenance
    • Therapeutic levels of fasting to REVERSE obesity and disease, and how often to implement (24, 36, 42, and 48 hour fasts)
    • Fasting for women vs. men
    • Fat loss vs. weight loss

    Follow me on:

    Instagram: @shana.hussin.rdn

    Facebook: Fast To Heal With Shana Hussin

    Website: https://www.fasttoheal.info/


    GET ON THE WAITLIST for my monthly membership, FAST TRACK, launching June 1!

    GRAB YOUR COPY of the Fast To Heal Recipe book with 85 low-carb, whole food recipes that are simple to prepare!

    GET YOUR FREE STARTING GUIDES that will set you well on your way toward a low-carb lifestyle of timed eating!

    SCHEDULE A PERSONALIZED SESSION if you are stuck in a rut, or suffer from a stubborn case of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, or metabolic illness.

    JUMPSTART your fasting and low-carb protocol by enrolling in my 10-Day Hormone Healing Jumpstart!

    Enroll in Finding Nutritional PEACE, and choose the option of LIVE group coaching, or online course content only with an optional personalized session.

    Episode 87- Thyroid Health, Weight Loss Plateau's, and Seed Cycling with Dr. Rebecca Warren

    Episode 87- Thyroid Health, Weight Loss Plateau's, and Seed Cycling with Dr. Rebecca Warren

    Dr. Rebecca Warren has spent the last 14 years not only reclaiming her own health after a thyroidectomy at age 19, but also coaching others across the US who have had their thyroid removed or have been diagnosed with a thyroid condition, achieve optimal health and go from victim to victor. In this episode we discuss:

    • Dr. Rebecca’s struggle with thyroid health and getting well after a thyroidectomy at age 19
    • Weight loss plateau’s as it relates to the thyroid and how to start improving thyroid health
    • Carb flexing with the menstrual cycle
    • Using seed cycling to support a healthy menstrual cycle
    • Why every woman needs to understand her menstrual cycle

    Learn More About Dr. Rebecca:

    Website: https://www.drswarren.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.rebeccawarren/

    Podcast: The Thyroidless Life

    Follow me on:

    Instagram: @shana.hussin.rdn

    Facebook: Fast To Heal With Shana Hussin

    Website: https://www.fasttoheal.info/


    ENROLL IN FAST TRACK, my new monthly membership program for onging learning, support, and accountability.

    GRAB YOUR COPY of the Fast To Heal Recipe book with 85 low-carb, whole food recipes that are simple to prepare!

    GET YOUR FREE STARTING GUIDES that will set you well on your way toward a low-carb lifestyle of timed eating!

    SCHEDULE A PERSONALIZED SESSION if you are stuck in a rut, or suffer from a stubborn case of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, or metabolic illness.

    JUMPSTART your fasting and low-carb protocol by enrolling in my 10-Day Hormone Healing Jumpstart!

    ENROLL in Metabolic Makeover, my STARTER COURSE to find your fasting method, implement therapeutic carb restriction, and learn how to bust through weight and health stalls

    ENROLL in Finding Nutritional PEACE, my highest level online self-paced course to reverse insulin resistance and chronic illness