
    How to dive into your fears (w/ Jill Heinerth)

    en-usMay 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Depths: A Cave Diver's JourneyThrough courage, curiosity, and determination, we can expand our understanding of the world and overcome personal challenges, just like cave diver Jill Heinerth.

      The extraordinary achievements and courage of Jill Heinerth, a cave diver and underwater explorer who has made numerous scientific discoveries by pushing the limits in extreme environments. Despite the danger and fear involved, Jill's work has expanded our understanding of freshwater ecosystems and what's possible. Her experiences highlight the importance of curiosity, determination, and facing fears in both personal and professional pursuits. As Jill shared in her TED talk, we may not all be exploring underwater caves, but we can apply the same mindset to our own lives to discover new things and overcome challenges.

    • Overcoming fears and taking risks for personal growthEmbrace fears and learn from risks for personal growth and a better connection to the world

      Overcoming fear and taking calculated risks are essential for personal growth and making a positive impact on the world, as illustrated by the extreme sport of cave diving. Cave diving presents unique challenges, such as operating in complete darkness, dealing with limited visibility due to silt, and being self-reliant in case of emergencies. Despite the risks and losses, cave divers find a deep connection to the natural world and understand their role in protecting it. These lessons can be applied to everyday life, as everyone faces fears and uncertainty in the face of change. Instead of running away from these challenges, embracing them and learning from them can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of our interconnectedness with the world.

    • Embrace the unknown with preparation and a curious mindsetPreparation and a curious mindset can help alleviate fear and ensure safety when diving into new experiences or challenges, but unexpected crises can still arise, so having a plan to handle them is crucial.

      Stepping into the unknown with a curious and prepared mindset can lead to important discoveries for both individuals and humanity. Diving metaphorically into the "darkness" of new experiences or challenges can be daunting, but having a plan and being aware of potential risks can help alleviate fear and allow for full presence in the experience. It's also beneficial to dive with those who share the same apprehensions, as they can provide a sense of understanding and support. However, even with preparation and a dive buddy, unexpected crises can still arise. Therefore, having a plan in place to handle such situations can ensure safety and progress in the face of adversity.

    • Managing emotions during high-stress situationsCompartmentalizing emotions can help make rational decisions and increase chances of survival during high-stress situations

      During high-stress situations, such as cave diving, it's crucial to manage emotions effectively to increase the chances of survival. The speaker shared an experience where they had to go deeper into the cave to ensure their partner's safety after losing contact. They had to put their emotions aside and focus on the task at hand to make rational decisions and conserve resources. The speaker learned this skill from past experiences, like fighting off a burglar, and practiced compartmentalizing emotions to enhance their likelihood of success. This mindset helped them spend an extra 73 minutes searching for their partner and ultimately ensuring both their safety.

    • Managing emotions during high-stress situationsDeep breathing and mental setting aside can help focus during stress, but emotions should be invited back later for processing and healing

      Managing emotions, especially during high-stress situations, is crucial for survival. By taking deep breaths and mentally setting aside overwhelming emotions, individuals can focus on the present and make necessary decisions. However, it's essential to invite emotions back in later to process and heal. This technique is not about suppressing emotions permanently but rather learning to switch them on and off when needed. After experiencing a traumatic event, it's important to unpack and address emotions through various means, such as creative pursuits, talking about the experience, or seeking support from others. The speaker shared her personal experiences of dealing with emotions during a near-death cave diving incident and how she processed them later through writing, photography, and sharing her story with her community. Ultimately, acknowledging and learning from both positive and negative experiences is essential for growth and survival.

    • Valuable wisdom from experienceBe open-minded and adaptable, know when to abort, and discover useful tools like Claritin D for adventure safety and comfort.

      Wisdom gained through experience is invaluable, especially when making decisions and assessing risks. Jill Heinerth, an experienced explorer, emphasizes the importance of being open-minded and adaptable, especially when dealing with the unknown. She also highlights the significance of knowing when to abort a project to ensure safety. Additionally, she shares her personal experience of discovering the benefits of Claritin D for managing allergies, which allowed her to breathe easily and live life without symptoms. Lastly, she expresses her appreciation for the support of brands like Claritin and Brooks Running, which have helped her overcome various challenges throughout her adventures.

    • Exploring iceberg underwater worldsDivers navigate icy crevasses, balancing discovery with survival, relying on skill, experience, and luck.

      Exploring the depths of an iceberg is an otherworldly experience full of beauty and danger. The icebergs, towering over 200 feet high, hide intricate underwater worlds filled with various organisms. Swimming through the icy crevasses, divers encounter intense cold water and darkness, making decisions about when to turn back crucial for survival. With thousands of dives under their belts, experienced divers rely on intuition and past experiences to navigate these unpredictable environments, balancing the risk of missing a discovery with the danger of not making it back at all. The expedition's success depends on making the right choices, a combination of skill, experience, and a bit of luck.

    • Maintaining humor and positive attitude in challenging environmentsStaying lighthearted and resilient in unfamiliar and stressful situations can improve morale and help overcome obstacles, including sexism in male-dominated fields.

      Even in the most challenging and unfamiliar environments, like being inside an iceberg cave or trapped in Antarctic ice, maintaining a sense of humor and not taking oneself too seriously can help relieve stress and improve morale. Additionally, in male-dominated fields like commercial diving, experiencing sexism and dealing with sexist remarks can be painful, but recognizing that these comments are not about the individual and focusing on personal growth can help overcome these obstacles. Ultimately, both the physical and emotional challenges faced in diving require resilience, adaptability, and a positive attitude.

    • Finding joy and connection in challenging timesEven in adversity, maintaining a positive attitude and finding ways to connect with others can boost morale and motivation.

      Even in the face of adversity and seemingly insurmountable challenges, maintaining a positive attitude and finding ways to have fun and connect with others can make all the difference. This was exemplified by Ernest Shackleton, who, when his boat was stuck in the ice, encouraged his men to play soccer and keep morale high. Jill Highnerth, the guest on the podcast "How to be a Better Human," shared a similar experience with her team when their boat was trapped in ice during a cave diving expedition. Instead of letting the situation get them down, they reenacted a Super Bowl game and had a great time. This not only boosted their spirits but also helped them stay focused and motivated to find a solution to their predicament. So, no matter what challenges you may be facing, remember to find joy in the moment and keep moving forward.

    • Streamline your business communication and workflows with SlackSlack helps teams save time by bringing all communication, tools, and information together, offering features like instant huddles, workflow automation, and call integration. Businesses can focus on growth and innovation by automating routine tasks and eliminating the need for scheduling cumbersome calendar invites.

      Slack is an essential tool for growing businesses, helping teams work more efficiently and effectively by bringing all communication, tools, and information together in one place. Slack's features, such as instant huddles and workflow automation, help streamline workflows and save valuable time. Instead of scheduling cumbersome calendar invites for calls, teams can start a call instantly in Slack. Additionally, workflow builder allows businesses to automate routine tasks without requiring any coding skills. By using Slack, businesses can focus on growth and innovation, rather than being bogged down by administrative tasks. To get started, visit Slack's website and begin your journey towards a more productive and streamlined business.

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