
    How to Get Your First Customers with Gustaf Alströmer | Startup School

    en-usJanuary 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace discomfort and actively recruit customersEarly stage startups need manual sales efforts to attract customers, collaborating with them to build a good product.

      During the early stages of a startup, founders need to actively recruit customers by doing things that don't scale, such as manual sales efforts. This mindset is crucial because a good product is not built in isolation, but rather in collaboration with customers. Paul Graham's essay "Do Things That Don't Scale" is a valuable resource for understanding this concept. Airbnb, a successful Y Combinator company, is an example of this approach in action. Many founders incorrectly believe that a good product will automatically attract customers, but the truth is that startups don't take off on their own. Founders must manually recruit customers and cannot rely solely on code or technology to do so. The startup curve illustrates this process, starting with a launch, followed by a period of dwindling energy and potential struggle, known as the "trough of sorrow." Embracing the discomfort of sales and actively working to recruit customers is essential for startup success.

    • Founders and Sales: Two Sides of the Same CoinFounders must learn sales to understand customers, gain control of their startup's destiny, and build a strong customer base.

      Founders play a crucial role in the success or failure of their startups, particularly during the early stages. They must be willing to learn and adapt, especially when it comes to sales. Sales and understanding the customer are two sides of the same coin, and founders cannot effectively sell a product unless they know their customers intimately. Moreover, learning sales gives founders full control of their startup's destiny and can be an infectious passion for solving customer problems. The Brex founders, Pedro and Enrique, provide an excellent example of this, as they recruited their first customers directly during YC and onboarded them with a simple, useful product, despite not having a full-blown website or mobile app yet. This approach allowed them to gain valuable feedback and build a strong customer base. In summary, founders must be willing to learn sales and engage directly with customers to increase their chances of success.

    • Effective Sales Emails: Clear, Concise, and Pain-Point FocusedWrite short, clear, jargon-free sales emails, describe impressive team backgrounds, provide social proof, include a call-to-action, and have a simple website for product info.

      Writing an effective sales email involves being clear, concise, and addressing the customer's pain points. Brex's beta invitation email, while long, was successful in securing spots for ten beta users by clearly communicating the value proposition of a corporate credit card for technology startups without requiring a personal guarantee and having zero annual fees. However, for maximum impact, sales emails should be short, around six to eight sentences, written in plain language without jargon or HTML formatting. Founders should also describe their team's impressive backgrounds and include social proof to build trust and authority. Lastly, include a call-to-action and provide easy access to product information on a simple, straightforward website.

    • Effective sales outreach strategiesUse visuals, clear CTAs, and streamline sales funnel. Prioritize easy customers and use a CRM system.

      Effective sales outreach involves creating engaging emails or messages with clear calls-to-action, utilizing visuals to capture attention, and focusing on a streamlined sales funnel for onboarding new customers. When it comes to email outreach, using attention-grabbing visuals like videos or GIFs can help capture the recipient's interest. However, these visuals should be brief and get to the point quickly, as recipients are often familiar with the problem but short on time. Including a call-to-action, such as a request for a call or meeting, is also essential. The sales funnel is a simple concept, but the language used by salespeople can be confusing. To simplify, the process begins with creating a list of potential customers and reaching out to them via email or LinkedIn. After receiving a response, scheduling and running a demo or meeting is the next step. Discussing pricing and closing the sale follows, and finally, onboarding the new customer is crucial for retention and long-term revenue. When starting out, it's important to prioritize reaching out to your easiest customers and not aiming for the most challenging ones. Additionally, keeping track of customer information using a simple CRM system can help streamline the sales process and make future outreach more effective.

    • Focus on easiest sales opportunities for startupsPrioritize potential customers with high likelihood to close, leverage network, sell to startups, target early adopters, and let go of slow movers to streamline sales process

      Focusing on the easiest sales opportunities is crucial for startups with limited resources. This means prioritizing potential customers who are most likely to close and having a large pipeline. Additionally, selling to people in your network, startups, and early adopters can make the sales process simpler. It's important to remember that most people are not early adopters and may not even respond to outreach efforts. Therefore, sending a large number of emails is necessary to reach those who are interested. Selling to startups is particularly advantageous due to their short decision-making lines and lack of bureaucracy. Furthermore, don't be afraid to let go of customers who are not moving quickly through the sales process. Overall, prioritizing the easiest sales opportunities and utilizing your network, selling to startups, and targeting early adopters can streamline the sales process for startups.

    • Reach early adopters and charge them for your productFocus on early adopters for quick revenue, offer guarantees or month-to-month payments, and optimize sales funnel for more conversions

      Focusing on reaching early adopters and charging customers for your product are crucial elements for a successful business. Reaching out to individuals who are not early adopters will likely require more time and effort to convert, and offering free trials or unpaid pilots may not provide the necessary revenue for your company. Instead, consider implementing a money-back guarantee or the option to pay on a month-to-month basis. Additionally, understanding the drop-off percentages in your sales funnel is essential for reaching your goals. By tracking conversions and identifying areas for improvement, you can optimize your sales process and increase the number of signed customers.

    • Tracking sales conversion rates is vital for a startup's successCRM systems help automate tracking and provide valuable sales insights, but founders must remember realistic conversion rates and work backwards from their sales funnel to succeed.

      Tracking sales conversion rates is crucial for a startup's success in sales. Many founders underestimate the importance of this data and may draw incorrect conclusions based on insufficient outreach or data. A CRM system can help automate the tracking of conversion rates and provide valuable insights into what is working and what needs improvement in the sales process. Additionally, it's important to remember that closing five customers from ten leads is not realistic, and a lot more outreach is required to reach accurate conversion rate percentages. Unfortunately, many founders neglect to work backwards from their sales funnel and fail to succeed in sales as a result. Lenny Rashitsky from Airbnb wrote an excellent blog post about how Y Combinator and other non-YC B2B startups developed their sales go-to-market strategies, which includes real data from real companies. In the second example given, it was found that sending too few emails led to insufficient data and an incorrect conclusion that sales were not working. Therefore, it's essential to send enough emails to reach accurate conversion rate percentages and avoid drawing incorrect conclusions.

    • Product-led growth: Letting the product drive customer acquisitionFocus on product-led growth to acquire customers, use tools for effective outreach, and understand customer pain points during demos.

      When starting a business, focusing on product-led growth is key. This means the product itself should drive customer acquisition, rather than relying on a large sales team or marketing efforts. Founders should conduct demos and ask questions to understand customer pain points. Effective outreach and qualifying customers during the initial call are crucial. Tools like Apollo.io, Close.com, Pipedrive, and Hunter.io can be helpful for sales and lead generation. While there are other ways to grow a startup, such as SEO, referrals, or advertising, it's essential to understand that strategies at the beginning of a company's journey may not be the same as at scale. Mistakes include not doing enough outreach and outsourcing sales. The book "Founding Sales" and Lenny's Newsletter are recommended resources.

    • Starting a business: Focus on personal networks and direct sales for early growthLimited resources? Focus on personal networks, product-led growth, or virality referrals for early business growth. Direct engagement with users provides valuable insights and helps establish a strong foundation for growth.

      While Google SEM and SEO can be effective marketing channels, they may not be the most efficient ways to reach customers, especially in the early stages of a business. If resources are limited, focusing on personal networks, product-led growth, or virality referrals could be more cost-effective and productive. These methods allow for direct engagement with users and the ability to learn from their feedback. While online marketing can be effective at scale, it may not be the best starting point due to the difficulty of directly engaging with customers through digital channels. Instead, building relationships through personal networks and direct sales can provide valuable insights and help establish a strong foundation for growth.

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