
    How to Have More Joy, Pleasure, and Fun This Summer

    enJuly 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Summer experiences shaping young mindsSummer camps and schools offer unique opportunities for growth during formative years, catering to various interests and preferences.

      Summer experiences, such as summer camp or summer school, can have a profound impact on individuals, especially during their formative years. While some may enjoy the traditional outdoor and athletic activities of summer camp, others may find intellectual and social growth through programs like summer school. The speaker shares her personal experience of disliking traditional summer camp due to her introverted nature and preference for cleanliness. However, she discovered the joy of summer school at a young age through the Center for Talented Youth (CTY), which provided her with a taste of college life and a community of like-minded, intelligent peers. This experience shaped her perspective on summer programs and instilled a love for learning and independence. Now, she is excited to offer a new feminist summer school program through The Clutch, which aims to provide similar opportunities for intellectual and social growth for participants.

    • Join Clutch for 'Feminist Summer School' by July 31stJoin Clutch by July 31st to access 'Feminist Summer School' for a fun, joyful, and pleasurable experience with challenges, community, and body-oriented practices. Only available to new members.

      This August, Clutch is offering special bonus trainings focused on fun, joy, and pleasure from a feminist perspective. These are things that can be challenging for us to access due to societal conditioning and our own human brains. By joining the Clutch by July 31st, you can participate in "Feminist Summer School," which includes fun challenges, a supportive community, and even recess with body-oriented practices. This opportunity is only available to new members who join by the deadline, and by doing so, you'll gain access to the recordings for future reference. Hurry up and text your email address to +1347 934-8861 or visit unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/summer to join the Clutch and attend "Feminist Summer School" for a more enjoyable, relaxed, and pleasurable summer experience that can be carried throughout the year.

    • A transformative summer experience for the mind and soulEngage in meaningful discussions, expand knowledge, and make lasting connections at the Feminist Summer School, a unique blend of intellectual exploration and summer camp fun.

      The Feminist Summer School is an opportunity for individuals to immerse themselves in an intellectually stimulating and fun-filled environment. This event is not just about learning, but also about personal growth and transformation. The speaker's own experiences with summer schools have been formative, and they believe that the Feminist Summer School will have a similar impact on all who attend. By participating, attendees can expect to engage in meaningful discussions, expand their knowledge, and make lasting connections. This event is a chance to have the best of both worlds - the carefree feeling of summer camp, and the brain-expanding benefits of intellectual exploration. So, come join the community of like-minded individuals and prepare for a summer experience that will challenge and inspire you.

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    Want to support this work? Pick up some tangible self-care at http://myjoyisvaluable.com

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    Want to support this work? Pick up some tangible self-care at http://myjoyisvaluable.com

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    Follow her on Instagram at https://Instagram.com/nerissastreet for her latest events.

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