
    I studied persuasion for 100 hours. Here’s what I learnt.

    enSeptember 05, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Persuasive techniques for sales successSalespeople who use persuasive strategies close deals more frequently, example given of a salesperson who implemented a persuasive strategy and sold a project at full price, listen to D2C Pod podcast episode 318 for more information, insights from social science professor Vanessa Bonds to be sure in upcoming episode.

      Persuasive abilities play a significant role in sales success. While all salespeople sell the same product and at the same price, some are more persuasive and make more sales. This difference is not a fluke, but rather the result of science and strategies. According to the speaker, some salespeople use persuasive techniques to influence customers' decisions and close deals more frequently. One example given was a salesperson who struggled to sell his consultancy project at full price, but after implementing a persuasive strategy, he was able to sell it at the desired price. To learn more about persuasive techniques and how to use them effectively, the speaker recommends listening to the D2C Pod podcast, specifically episode 318 featuring the CMO of Feastables. Additionally, the speaker will share tips and insights from social science professor Vanessa Bonds on persuasive behavior in the upcoming episode.

    • Using unconventional tactics to influence buyers' decisionsMentioning unrealistic prices or building trust through seemingly insignificant actions can significantly impact negotiations, making them smoother.

      Using unconventional tactics, such as mentioning an unrealistic price or establishing trust through seemingly insignificant actions, can significantly influence buyers' decisions and make negotiations smoother. Robert Cialdini, a renowned psychologist, discovered this through various observations and experiences. For instance, during a proposal meeting, Cialdini jokingly mentioned a $1,000,000 price before revealing the actual $75,000 fee, which anchored the buyers to the higher price and made the actual fee seem reasonable. Another salesperson he observed left his sales collateral in the car, allowing buyers to invite him in and out of their homes freely, thus building trust. These examples demonstrate the power of anchoring and the importance of trust in persuasion, but it's essential to remember that more research and evidence are needed to validate these findings.

    • The way messages are framed can impact their persuasivenessPersonalization, social proof, and metaphor use can all influence message persuasiveness. Craft messages carefully for maximum impact.

      The way messages are framed can significantly impact their persuasiveness. This was demonstrated in a study at Ohio State University, where changing one word from speaking to a group to speaking directly to an individual led to a more persuasive response. This effect of personalization has also been observed in door-to-door sales and online persuasion techniques. For instance, social proof plays a major role in persuading people to take action, but focusing on an individual rather than a group can make the message more resonant. Similarly, the choice of metaphor in a news article can influence the preferred solution to a problem, as shown in a study from Stanford University. These findings highlight the importance of carefully crafting messages to maximize their persuasive power, whether it's in person or online.

    • HubSpot's new Service Hub: Scaling support, anticipating needs, and remembering namesHubSpot's Service Hub uses AI-powered tools to improve customer service, but subtle persuasion techniques are also key to winning customers over

      Providing excellent customer service and keeping customers happy can be a challenge, but HubSpot's new Service Hub offers a solution. This platform brings together service and success with features like an AI-powered help desk, chatbot, and customer success workspace. These tools help scale support, anticipate customer needs, and even remember their names, leading to better service and happier customers. However, persuading others, including customers, isn't always about being assertive or raising our voices. According to Professor Vanessa Bonds, studying social influence, our intuition that assertiveness equals persuasiveness is not always accurate. In fact, research shows that being too assertive can lead to psychological reactance, making customers less likely to listen. Instead, subtle suggestions and language may be more effective in persuading others to change their behaviors or make decisions. So, while providing great customer service is crucial, remember that persuading customers requires a more nuanced approach. To learn more about HubSpot's Service Hub and the power of subtle persuasion, visit visithubspot.com/service.

    • The power of subtlety in influencing othersBeing subtle and suggestive is more effective in changing behavior than being assertive and confrontational. Authenticity and vulnerability can strengthen arguments.

      Being subtle and suggestive, rather than assertive and confrontational, is more effective in influencing others and changing behavior. This contradicts the common belief that being more assertive makes one more persuasive. The study Vanessa mentioned highlights this, showing that subtle messages are more impactful, especially in the long run. This is due to the psychological reaction of reactance, where people don't like being told what to do. Instead, focusing on providing helpful suggestions and avoiding confrontation can lead to greater influence. Additionally, expressing doubts or past uncertainty about an argument can actually strengthen it, as it shows authenticity and vulnerability. This approach can lead to more meaningful and lasting change.

    • Acknowledging doubts can increase trustExpressing doubts and uncertainties can make us more persuasive and build trust with others

      Expressing doubts and uncertainties, rather than trying to come off as completely certain, can actually make us more persuasive and build trust with others. This concept was discussed in relation to getting vaccinated and trying to convince others to do the same. It was also shown through examples of salespeople and waiters. People are more likely to trust those who are similar to them, and mimicking someone's behavior can also increase liking and trust. Studies have shown that this can lead to better sales and increased helpfulness. So, next time you're trying to persuade someone or build trust, consider acknowledging your own doubts and uncertainties, rather than trying to come off as perfectly certain. This simple act can make a big difference.

    • The Power of Compliments in PersuasionCompliments can significantly influence our perceptions and behaviors, leading to increased tips, positive attitudes, and favorable feelings towards products or services.

      Compliments and positive reinforcement are powerful tools in persuasion. From a hair salon study showing a 37% increase in tips with a simple compliment, to Chinese college students developing positive attitudes towards a store with a flattering pre-printed message, to individuals feeling more favorable towards a computer after receiving flattering feedback, the power of compliments is clear. Even in seemingly insincere situations, compliments can influence our perceptions and behaviors. However, it's important to remember that we are not always making 100% rational decisions and can be easily persuaded by others for inconsequential reasons, like a compliment or a sunny day. Therefore, we should be aware of these tactics and feel comfortable saying no when we realize we're being manipulated. To learn more about the power of first impressions, listen to episode 29 of Nudge, "Why First Impressions Matter."

    • Understanding Persuasion PrinciplesLearning persuasion techniques can help maximize your influence and impact in various aspects of life, including marketing and business.

      Each of us has more influence than we realize, and understanding the principles of persuasion can help us harness that influence effectively. Vanessa Bond, an expert on persuasion, shared insights from her book "You Have More Influence Than You Think" on the show. These insights range from the power of distinctive logos in selling music gigs to the impact of green number plates on electric car sales. By signing up for the newsletter, listeners can receive weekly psychology tips, including such marketing and business insights, directly in their inbox. Connect with Phil Agnew on Twitter and LinkedIn for more insights and conversations. Remember, everyone has the power to influence, and understanding persuasion techniques can help maximize that impact.

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    About Gustavo Muñoz Castro 

    Gustavo Munoz Castro began his career at Microsoft as a Software Test Engineer and Senior Test Lead. After more than 9 years, he chose to make a career change as Co-Owner and Team Leader at Global Home Brokers. 

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    Connect with Gustavo


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    Jeff Tippett, known as “Mr. Persuasion,” is an international speaker, podcast host, writer, and expert in persuasive communication. Jeff is the founder of the public affairs and communications firm Targeted Persuasion, and author of the book Unleashing Your Superpower: Why Persuasive Communication Is the Only Force You Will Ever Need.

    In this episode, Jeff explains how persuasive communication played a vital role in adopting his daughter, breaks down his "Three C's" of communication, and discusses why persuasion is a powerful act for everyone involved.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    • How Jeff got an early start as an “entrepreneur.”
    • The reason adopting his daughter played a major role in shaping Jeff’s attitude toward persuasive communication.
    • What makes persuasion different from manipulation, and why Jeff sees the former as instilling a kind of leadership in people.
    • How persuasive communication allows you to do more with less and convince people without them even realizing at first.
    • Capture, Connect and Convince: Jeff’s “Three C's” for persuasive communication.
    • Why Jeff puts his faith in mom & pop businesses and grassroots organizations over their bigger counterparts.


    “Persuasion is seeing a better future, a better outcome for someone else and helping them to see it for themselves and bringing them along in this journey.”

    “I wanna say something that doesn’t give them everything, but gives them enough.”

    “I didn’t have to cause the emotion, I didn’t have to create it. I just had to connect with it and give them an outlet to change it.”

    “How do I reframe this in a way that speaks to what they care about, not what I care about?”

    “You’re already building your brand whether you realize it or not.”

    “There’s so much peace when all of our work aligns with who we are internally and what matters to us.”



    Guest Links:

    Jeff’s homepage - https://jefftippett.com/

    Targeted Persuasion - http://targetedpersuasion.com/

    Unleashing Your Superpower - https://www.amazon.com/dp/173353380X/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_zbKkDb473RRPB


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    For further information and show notes, visit the Podcast page at:


    Watch the best sales and marketing videos on YouTube:


    To enquire about Sales Training (either live at your premises or delivered by Skype) please contact Steven Mario Cavallo on LinkedIn