
    Jeffree Star Gets SHADY, JoJo Siwa Turns BAD & MrBeast Caught SCAMMING?

    enMarch 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected food item hype and Trish's upcoming contentUnexpected popularity of food items can lead to consumer frenzy. Trish shares her excitement about upcoming content, including a video on Cheesy Puffs and personalized messages for her Patreon producers.

      The popularity of certain food items can unexpectedly skyrocket, leading to a frenzy among consumers. Trish discovered this when she came across Cheesy Puffs, a snack she initially thought was insignificant, but later found out had millions of views on social media. This phenomenon was compared to the hype surrounding the Popeyes chicken sandwich. Trish also shared her excitement about upcoming content on her Patreon, including a Little Caesar's Cheesy Puffs video and handwritten notes for producers. Despite running out of Hot Topic cards, she planned to write personalized messages to her producers instead. The episode was sponsored by Shopify, encouraging listeners to start and grow their businesses with the platform.

    • Discussing gaming experiences and consentRespect personal boundaries, communicate openly, and seek consent in all situations, whether in gaming or in real life.

      Communication and consent are key. Trish discussed her gaming experience with Cali and how she saved Trish multiple times in Fortnite. Trish also mentioned the recent controversy involving Minecraft content creators, George and the Minecraft Boys, and a situation where a girl claimed inappropriate behavior. Trish emphasized the importance of respecting personal boundaries and seeking consent in all situations. She shared her own experience of Moses asking for her permission to kiss her on their first date. Trish encouraged men to be more aware of the vibes they're getting and to ask for consent before making a move. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of respect, communication, and consent in all aspects of life.

    • Interactions with underage fans require respect and age-appropriate behaviorPublic figures should respect fans' experiences and ensure age-appropriate interactions to set a positive example and avoid allegations of abuse or inappropriate behavior.

      Influencers and public figures should be mindful of their interactions with fans, particularly those who are underage. The age gap may not seem significant when both parties are older, but it can be problematic when one person is freshly eighteen. Respectful behavior is essential, and crossing boundaries can lead to allegations of abuse or inappropriate behavior. It's crucial to remember that consent is necessary in all relationships, and public figures should set a good example for their fans. The experiences of fans, especially those who are young, should be respected, and interactions should be appropriate and age-appropriate. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that everyone's experiences are unique, and what may be acceptable in one situation may not be in another. Ultimately, it's important to treat others with respect and dignity, regardless of age or fame.

    • Heated debate over Minecraft content creators and 'biter' termOnline communities can take trivial matters seriously, causing intense reactions and potential harm. Believe and support victims, be aware of sensitive issues, and consider the long-term consequences of online actions.

      Social media can lead to intense fan reactions and online drama, as seen in the recent controversy surrounding Minecraft content creators. Biters, a term used for individuals who bite other players in the game, sparked a heated debate, with some fans becoming extremely defensive or even suicidal over the issue. The incident highlights how serious online communities can take even seemingly trivial matters, and the potential harm it can cause to individuals involved. Moreover, the discussion also touched upon the progress society has made in believing and supporting victims, especially in contrast to how things might have been handled in the past. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of listening to and believing those who come forward with allegations, and the need for greater awareness and education on sensitive issues. Lastly, the conversation touched upon the idea that canceled individuals often return to the public eye, and the importance of being cautious about what we say and do online, as our words and actions can have long-lasting consequences.

    • Trish's Exciting Collaboration with Talk-Free Beauty CreationsSocial media influencer Trish collaborated with Beauty Creations, appreciating their product's effectiveness and professional team, while her followers gained curiosity about the brand and its main ingredient, talc.

      Trish, a social media influencer, was excited to collaborate with the beauty brand, Beauty Creations, due to their product's unique selling point - it's "talk free." Trish was impressed by the brand's approach and the results she experienced from using the product, which left her under-eyes looking bright and refreshed without any flashback. She also shared how she came across Beauty Creations through a podcast mention and appreciated their team's professionalism during their collaboration. Trish encouraged her followers to support the brand on their social media channels and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work with them. She also shared her curiosity about the product's main ingredient, talc, and acknowledged its potential benefits for brightening the skin. Overall, Trish's enthusiasm for the collaboration and the product's effectiveness underscored the significance of a talk-free, effective, and influential partnership in the beauty industry.

    • Sharing Valuable Experiences and Emphasizing SafetyThe speaker values self-improvement and cherishes experiences with loved ones, particularly during travels. She recommends Harrah's as a safe and affordable hotel option and emphasizes the importance of safety precautions while traveling.

      The speaker values self-improvement and cherishes the experiences and support she has received from her loved ones, particularly during award shows and travels. She recommends Harrah's as a safe and affordable hotel option, sharing her positive experiences and contrasting it with stories of safety concerns at other hotels like the Rio. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being cautious when traveling and sharing one's location on social media. She shares some personal anecdotes about unexpected incidents, such as a missing door jammer and hotel break-ins, and how she took extra precautions to ensure safety. Overall, the speaker values safety, self-improvement, and cherishes the memories made with loved ones.

    • Unexpected encounters and experiencesUnexpected meetings and events can lead to memorable moments and unexpected connections, enhancing the value of community and fan bases.

      Unexpected experiences and opportunities can lead to memorable moments and unexpected connections. The speakers in this conversation shared stories about unexpectedly meeting Trisha Paytas in Vegas, winning an award for best costume at a Joseph sing-along, and the potential for future collaborations and experiences in Scotland. These moments were made special by the unexpected nature of the events and the unique experiences they provided. Additionally, the power of community and fan bases was highlighted as a source of excitement and support during these experiences.

    • Expressing excitement for a theater role and meeting Donnie AspenThe speaker's passion for theater led her to express excitement about potentially working with Donnie Aspen in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. She cherishes her interactions with him and values her collection of photos with him.

      The speaker expresses her strong desire to be cast in a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, specifically as Missus Potiphar. She shares her excitement about potentially working with Donnie Aspen, who is also in the production. The conversation between them led to an unexpected revelation that she was pregnant at the time of their meeting. Despite feeling awkward about asking for a photo, she values her interactions with Donnie and cherishes her collection of photos with him. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of lighting in creating a good impression and expresses gratitude for the help of her friend, Oscar, in enhancing her appearance. Overall, the speaker's passion for theater and her enthusiasm for the opportunity to work with Donnie shine through in the conversation.

    • Experiences with faceting photos, Donny Osmond, and Ruth Chris Steak HouseInteracting with admired figures and enjoying special experiences can lead to personal growth and success in creative pursuits.

      The speaker's experiences with faceting photos, interacting with Donny Osmond and his team, and dining at Ruth Chris Steak House have significantly contributed to her success on Patreon and her overall happiness. The speaker's love for editing photos led to great thumbnails for her content, and her interactions with Donny Osmond and his team solidified her admiration for him. Additionally, her positive experience at Ruth Chris Steak House, despite initial nerves due to past experiences, made her feel special and reinforced her belief in treating everyone well, regardless of their status. Overall, these experiences have brought her joy and success in her creative endeavors.

    • Adventurous spirit and unique experiencesThe speaker values adventures and finds joy in unique experiences, rather than relying on material possessions or excessive consumption.

      The speaker values experiences over material possessions and prefers to explore new places without the influence of alcohol. During a conversation about a past trip to Vegas, she shared her disappointment over not getting a picture with a celebrity friend and her successful quest to obtain an axolotl despite the challenges. She also expressed her enjoyment of Vegas for its various forms of entertainment, particularly the aquarium, and her preference for a quieter, more family-friendly experience. The speaker's stories illustrate her adventurous spirit and her ability to find joy in unique experiences, rather than relying on material possessions or excessive consumption.

    • Unexpected encounters in VegasEmbrace new experiences, find authenticity in sharing stories, and be open to the unpredictability of life

      The speaker had an unexpected and surreal experience at a convention in Las Vegas, where they encountered fans and a permanent Home Depot store. The experience was filled with surprises, from meeting famous personalities to discovering a new perspective on old memories. The speaker also reflected on the importance of authenticity and openness in sharing personal stories, even if they may be uncomfortable or dramatic. The title of their content, although initially perceived as aggressive, was seen as fitting due to the speaker's honesty and the satirical nature of their work. Overall, the experience in Vegas was a reminder of the unpredictability and excitement of life, and the importance of embracing new opportunities and experiences.

    • Adapting to Unexpected SituationsStay flexible and positive in unexpected situations, as encounters with unusual individuals and unexpected events can lead to inspiring experiences and new opportunities

      The importance of being adaptable and open-minded was emphasized during a conversation about past podcast episodes and experiences in Las Vegas. The speakers shared stories about unexpected situations, such as the SAG strike preventing them from discussing certain topics, or encounters with unusual individuals while walking the Vegas strip with a young child. They also highlighted the inspiring qualities of individuals like Donnie, who never refuse requests for photos or interactions, encouraging them to be more outgoing and engaging. Overall, the conversation underscored the value of staying flexible and positive in unexpected situations.

    • Unexpected fan encounters and gambling revelationsUnexpected fan encounters can feel intrusive and unwanted, while gambling can lead to financial difficulties and unexpected debts.

      Celebrity encounters can be both exciting and uncomfortable, especially when fans want more than just a picture. The speaker shared an experience where a fan recorded a video while taking a photo without the speaker's knowledge. Although the speaker generally enjoys interacting with fans, unexpected encounters can feel intrusive and unwanted. The conversation also touched on the topic of gambling, with the revelation that Bruno Mars allegedly owes a large sum to MGM for gambling. The speaker expressed astonishment at the amount and shared insights on how addictive gambling can be, leading to financial difficulties. Overall, the conversation highlighted the dual nature of fan interactions and the potential risks of gambling.

    • Bruno Mars' $50 million debt despite net worthBruno Mars, worth $90M, still owes $50M due to gambling, questioning financial responsibility and impact on relationships

      Despite Bruno Mars having an estimated net worth of $90 million, he still hasn't paid off a $50 million debt. His love for poker and gambling could be contributing factors to this debt. Gambling, whether it's poker or lotteries, can be addictive and lead individuals to accumulate debt. While some people find excitement in being in debt, others find it anxiety-inducing. Mars' relationship status and marriage plans are unknown, but it's interesting to ponder if having such immense wealth affects one's decision to marry or not. Regardless, the thought of having that kind of money raises questions about financial responsibility, personal choices, and the potential impact on relationships.

    • Celebrity Relationships: Beyond the HeadlinesPrivacy clauses in prenups limit public understanding of celebrity relationships, and it's crucial to avoid jumping to conclusions and respect everyone's privacy.

      The public discourse surrounding celebrity relationships often lacks a complete understanding of the situation due to the privacy clauses in prenups and the limited perspectives shared in the media. For instance, the ongoing controversy between Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez has seen fans and commentators making assumptions based on Ariana's album and Bo Burnham's comments. However, Dalton's sister's statement suggests that there might be another side to the story. The privacy clause in their prenup prevents Dalton from speaking publicly about the matter. Ariana has also asked fans to avoid bullying anyone involved. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that these are complex situations, and it's crucial to avoid jumping to conclusions and respect everyone's privacy.

    • Celebrity Relationships and Decision-MakingCelebrity relationships can be complex, with admiration, wealth, fame, and opportunities influencing decisions. Mistakes are inevitable, but forgiveness and growth are possible.

      Relationships and decision-making can be complicated, even for seemingly perfect individuals. The discussion revolves around the topic of celebrity relationships, specifically those of Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr., and Ariana Grande. The speaker expresses admiration for Adele's sweetness and talent but acknowledges her past relationship missteps. The Kardashians' reputation and influence make it challenging for women to compete for men's affections, who are often drawn to their wealth, fame, and opportunities. Men, like women, may be unfaithful or pursue greener pastures, leading to heartbreak and controversy. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that forgiveness and growth are possible, even in high-profile relationships.

    • Celebrities and Complex RelationshipsCelebrities may not be ideal romantic partners due to potential narcissism and pursuit of opportunities. Men often avoid blame, while women face more scrutiny. Long-term commitment after having a child can benefit both partners.

      Relationships can be complex and unpredictable, with various factors influencing their dynamics. The speaker believes that celebrities may not be the best romantic partners due to their potential narcissism and pursuit of opportunities. The speaker also emphasizes that men often avoid blame in relationship issues, and women face more scrutiny. Additionally, the speaker suggests staying together for at least a few years after having a child to support their partner's recovery and well-being. The speaker acknowledges that some people go on reality TV shows to seek fame and opportunities, and it's not entirely unfair for them to do so. Overall, the speaker encourages understanding the complexities of relationships and being supportive to one another.

    • Reality TV production teams control contestant imageReality TV teams manipulate footage and editing to shape contestant images, affecting their public perception. Contestants with controversial pasts or poor performance may face removal.

      Reality TV production teams have significant control over how contestants are portrayed through editing. Contestants who go on the shows primarily for fame may face harsh consequences if they don't perform well, while those in genuine relationships may be overlooked. Instances of allegations or controversial pasts can lead to contestants being completely removed from the show. An example given was a 90 Day Fiancé contestant named Jeffree, who was convicted of domestic violence before appearing on the show and was later removed due to poor background checks. The production team's ability to manipulate footage and editing can significantly impact a contestant's public image.

    • From humble beginnings to a strong bond: A personal story of relationship growthPersonal relationships and businesses can start rough but with effort, they can evolve into something beautiful. Admiration for successful individuals like Alex Cooper and her lucrative podcast deals.

      Relationships, much like businesses, can have rough starts but with time and effort, they can grow and become something beautiful. The speaker in this conversation shared her personal story of how she and her partner's relationship evolved from humble beginnings to a strong and loving bond. They celebrated their milestones, from their first DM exchange to their engagement and marriage, and looked back at their journey with fondness. Another interesting topic that came up in the conversation was the business deals of popular podcast hosts. The speaker mentioned Alex Cooper's potential 9-figure deal, which is a significant amount in the podcasting industry. The speaker also shared her thoughts on RuPaul's appearance on Cooper's podcast and the high prices that podcast hosts command for their services. The speaker expressed her admiration for Cooper's success and her ability to secure such lucrative deals. Overall, the conversation touched upon the themes of relationships and business success, offering insights into the personal and professional growth of individuals.

    • The Dark Side of Celebrity Fandom: Thrilling Arguments Turn DangerousCelebrity fandom on Twitter can lead to intense arguments and even dangerous situations, as shown when a Dua Lipa and Nicki Minaj stan are involved in a heated online debate, resulting in one fan flying across the country to confront the other, leading to police involvement.

      The world of celebrity fandom can get intense and even dangerous, as shown in the recent Dua Lipa and Nicki Minaj stan Twitter debacle. A fan named Kenzo, who was a Dua Lipa stan, and Jasmine, a Nicki Minaj stan, engaged in a heated online argument. Things escalated when Jasmine allegedly leaked Kenzo's address, leading to a Barb (Nicki Minaj fan) flying from California to Arizona and showing up at his house. The incident resulted in the involvement of the police, but no arrests were made. The incident highlights the dark side of stan culture, where fans can become overly invested and even threatening towards each other. This experience made Kenzo stop trolling on Twitter, and the speaker shares her own experience of being a Swifty and the exhaustion of engaging in online feuds. Ultimately, the speaker concludes that Twitter's wild nature and the inability to change people's minds make it an exhausting platform to engage in celebrity fandom.

    • Online supporters can make a big differenceDealing with online hate can be tough, but having supporters defend and stand up for you can be uplifting. Maintain a healthy perspective and value the connections and support from your online community.

      Being the target of online hate and negativity can be disheartening, but having supporters who defend and stand up for you can make all the difference. The speaker shares her experience of dealing with constant harassment on Twitter and how it felt when people started fighting back on her behalf. She appreciates the dedication of these individuals and finds it uplifting to have a community that defends her. The speaker also acknowledges the potential dangers of online interactions and the importance of maintaining a healthy perspective. Additionally, she discusses the complexity of online fan communities and the potential for conflict among fans of the same person. Despite the challenges, the speaker values the connections and support she has received from her online community.

    • TikTok Ban: Political Implications and Free Speech DebateThe TikTok ban in the US raises concerns about political motivations, privacy, and free speech, highlighting the need for informed engagement in tech-related policy issues.

      The TikTok ban issue in the US is a complex matter with significant political implications. The speaker expresses concern about the speed at which the bill has progressed through Congress, raising questions about potential motivations and the impact on other issues. The conversation touches on the role of social media platforms in politics, the debate around privacy and data collection, and the potential consequences for free speech. The speaker also shares their personal experiences and perspectives on the topic, highlighting the broader implications for individuals and society. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of staying informed and engaged in political issues, particularly those related to technology and privacy.

    • Unexpected PR package from PeacockSpeaker received an unexpected PR package from Peacock containing various items, but no invitation or further information about potential opportunities

      The speaker received an unexpectedly large PR package from Peacock, which included items like a sweatshirt, sleep mask, instant camera, passport holder, and travel bag. She was initially confused and thought it might be a sign of being recruited for a role on the platform. The experience reminded her of the way reality show contestants are given specific items for trips. Despite her initial excitement, she did not receive an invitation or any further information about potential opportunities with Peacock. Overall, the speaker found the experience strange but intriguing.

    • Comparing an Irish film to a Hallmark movieWhile visuals and cozy feel are important, emotional depth is crucial for a movie to fully deliver on its potential.

      During a conversation about movies and accents, the group discussed their thoughts on a recent Irish film they had watched. While they appreciated the pretty visuals and cozy feel, they felt the movie lacked emotional depth and failed to fully deliver on its potential. They compared it to a Hallmark movie and discussed their favorite holiday films featuring Lindsay Lohan. Despite some initial hesitance, they agreed that Lindsay's recent work had been enjoyable and cozy, making for a pleasant viewing experience. Overall, the group emphasized the importance of emotional connection and depth in movies, even if they are meant to be light and cozy.

    • Exploring Possible Podcast Guests with Rachel Zegler and Kyle McLaughlinThe speaker expresses excitement about interviewing Rachel Zegler and is open to having Kyle McLaughlin as a guest, while also mentioning potential interviews with Hassan and Kate Middleton, and their admiration for Alan Cumming. They also clarify the meaning behind the flag being at half mast.

      The speaker is a huge fan of Rachel Zegler and is eager to have her as a guest on their podcast. They have interacted with her on social media and have been impressed with her talent since her early days. Despite their initial hesitation about inviting Kyle McLaughlin, they are open to the idea and believe listeners will be pleasantly surprised by him. The speaker also expresses excitement about other potential guests, including Hassan and Kate Middleton, and shares their admiration for Alan Cumming. Additionally, they clarify the significance of the flag being at half mast and express their belief that Kate Middleton is still alive.

    • Discussing security and representation during travelSpeakers emphasized the importance of security, particularly when traveling, and shared their experiences and concerns. They also discussed the significance of diverse representation in fashion events and media.

      Security is important, especially when it comes to personal safety and protecting valuable possessions. The speakers in this conversation expressed their desire for increased security, particularly when traveling to new places. They also discussed the representation of diverse identities in various contexts, including fashion events and media. The conversation touched on personal experiences, favorite places, and the allure of different cultures. Despite the occasional challenges and concerns, there was a sense of excitement and adventure in their plans and discussions.

    • Respecting privacy during meet and greetsInvading artists' privacy with hidden devices can lead to safety concerns and added paranoia, emphasizing the importance of respecting personal space and boundaries.

      Respecting confidences and boundaries is crucial in maintaining trust and strong relationships. During a recent tour, Tana Mongeau shared an incident where someone gave her a gift containing an AirTag, a GPS tracker, without her knowledge. This invasion of privacy led to increased security measures for the artists, including checking all gifts for hidden devices. Tana also emphasized the importance of defending those she loves and trusts, no matter what. While the incident caused some inconvenience and added paranoia, it underscores the need for respecting personal space and privacy. Fans' actions, whether well-intended or not, can significantly impact artists' lives and safety.

    • Technology and safety concerns for public figuresTechnology can be misused to pose safety risks for public figures, as shown by the incident of stalkers planting AirTags on Tana Mongeau and Bella Thorne. Prioritizing safety and respect in both online and offline interactions is crucial.

      The use of technology, such as GPS trackers, can pose significant safety concerns for public figures, especially when they have large and passionate fan bases. The speaker shared her experience of attending a concert where two young girls, Tana Mongeau and Bella Thorne, had AirTags planted on them by stalkers. This incident highlights the ease with which technology can be misused and the potential risks it poses to individuals, particularly those in the public eye. The speaker also discussed the issue of heckling and disrespectful fan behavior during live performances, which can negatively impact the artist's experience and ability to connect with their audience. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of prioritizing safety and respect in both online and offline interactions.

    • Experiencing harassment in unexpected placesWomen face constant harassment, even in safe environments, highlighting the need for increased awareness and respect for personal boundaries.

      Women face unwanted advances and harassment, even in seemingly safe environments. The speaker and her mother encountered such an experience during their hotel stay, leaving them feeling uncomfortable and on edge. This incident highlighted the reality of constant harassment that women face, especially when men are not present to protect them. The speaker expressed her frustration and fear, emphasizing the need for increased awareness and respect for women's personal boundaries. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of past crushes and the feeling of missing out on opportunities, a relatable experience for many listeners. Overall, the discussion shed light on the realities of being a woman in today's world and the importance of addressing and challenging unwanted advances.

    • Media scrutiny of celebrities' personal livesMedia often creates sensational narratives about celebrities' personal lives, which can be unfair and based on rumors and speculation, causing unnecessary criticism and harm.

      The media and public often unfairly scrutinize the personal lives of celebrities, particularly women, and create sensational narratives that may not be based on facts. This was evident in the discussion about a female rapper and her relationship with Drake, where rumors and speculation led to unnecessary criticism and ridicule. The rapper's presence at a party where she was not invited caused further controversy, leading to questions about her actions and motivations. Despite the old nature of the rumors and the lack of evidence, the narrative persisted, and the rapper seemed to be struggling to fight back. The incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and avoiding jumping to conclusions based on gossip and rumors. It also underscores the need for greater empathy and understanding towards celebrities, who are human beings with complex lives and emotions.

    • Finding Comfort in Authentic ConnectionsEmbrace individuality and find comfort in genuine friendships, even when past experiences and perceived perfection of others may intimidate or overwhelm.

      The speaker values her friendships deeply but sometimes feels intimidated and overwhelmed by her past experiences and the perceived perfection of others. She finds comfort in her quirky and unique friends, who help her feel less alone in her own weirdness. The speaker also expresses excitement for shared experiences and discoveries, such as their plans to search for aliens together. Despite her insecurities, she cherishes her friendships and the connections she makes with others. The speaker's past experiences have shaped her into who she is today, and she continues to seek out new adventures and friendships. The conversation between the speaker and her friend highlights the importance of embracing one's individuality and finding comfort in authentic connections.

    • Societal pressure to conform to thinness and quick weight loss methodsEmbrace self-acceptance and focus on sustainable weight loss through healthy eating and exercise, rather than quick fixes.

      There is pressure to conform to societal ideals of thinness, and this obsession with quick weight loss through methods like Ozempic can have negative consequences. The speaker shares experiences of feeling uncomfortable eating around thin people and feeling compelled to lose weight herself, but also expresses concerns about the potential health risks and lack of sustainability of extreme weight loss methods. She encourages a balanced approach to weight loss, focusing on exercise and healthy eating rather than quick fixes. Additionally, she shares anecdotes about the negative experiences of others using Ozempic, highlighting the importance of taking care of oneself when using such methods. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and a healthy approach to weight loss.

    • The Risks of Extreme Dieting and the Inspiration of Balanced HealthExtreme dieting can harm health, focusing on balance is key. Older athletes inspire healthy lifestyles. Amazon's new reality show with Mr. Beast offers creators a big opportunity.

      Extreme dieting and pushing one's body beyond its limits, as seen in a personal story shared about not being able to digest food properly, can lead to negative health consequences. Instead, focusing on a balanced approach to health and fitness, as inspired by older, athletic individuals, can be a more sustainable and inspiring route. Additionally, the announcement of Mr. Beast's new reality show with Amazon, featuring a $5,000,000 prize and 1000 contestants, marks a significant milestone in the YouTube community, potentially offering creators a new platform for success.

    • Mr. Beast's Feastables chocolate sells out, causing price hikesMr. Beast's Feastables chocolate sold out quickly, leading to inflated resale prices and international purchases. Allegations of a fan being ghosted by Mr. Beast also emerged, but could not be verified.

      The demand for Mr. Beast's Feastables chocolate was so high that it sold out almost everywhere, causing fans to buy it from other countries and resell it at inflated prices. Another interesting point from the conversation was the discussion about Mr. Beast's alleged ghosting of a Reddit user who claimed they were promised a prize for appearing in one of his videos. Despite efforts to verify the story, the user could not be reached for comment. Overall, the conversation highlighted the popularity and influence of Mr. Beast, as well as the challenges of managing high demand for popular products.

    • Following through on promises is crucial for trust and integrityMaking public promises requires following through to maintain trust and integrity, as seen when individuals adopting dogs through MrBeast's partnership didn't receive the promised free dog food despite reaching out for help.

      While MrBeast's charitable efforts, such as adopting out 100 dogs and providing free pet insurance, are commendable, it's essential to follow through on promises made to those involved. The individuals who adopted dogs through MrBeast's partnership claimed they never received the promised free dog food, and despite reaching out to the adoption agency and MrBeast's team, they received no response. This lack of communication and follow-through leaves a questionable impression, especially considering the significant resources MrBeast has at his disposal. It's crucial to remember that when making public promises, following through is essential to maintain trust and integrity.

    • Clear communication and follow-through are essentialEffective communication and careful handling of promises and packages prevent misunderstandings and potential harm

      Communication and follow-through are crucial, especially when dealing with public promises. In the discussed situation, a social media post promising to send dog food to individuals in need led to confusion and concerns when the food didn't arrive. The situation became more complicated when a vial of human blood was mistakenly included in a package meant for dog food, adding to the confusion and potential risks. While the intentions might have been good, the lack of clear communication and follow-through created uncertainty and potential harm. Additionally, the inclusion of unrelated items in packages, such as blood and dog food, can lead to misunderstandings and mishaps. Overall, effective communication and careful handling of promises and packages are essential to avoid misunderstandings and potential harm.

    • Casual Conversation on Influencers and Kate MiddletonThe speaker shares their nonchalant attitude towards influencers' problematic behavior while admiring some, and speculates about Kate Middleton's potential pregnancy based on her public appearance.

      The speaker expresses a nonchalant attitude towards various topics, including the actions of an unnamed person and the rise of certain influencers, while also expressing admiration for some of these influencers despite their problematic behavior. The speaker also shares their observation of Kate Middleton being seen at a farm shop with Prince William and their personal belief that she might be pregnant based on the available information. The conversation also touches upon the speaker's past experiences and their current perspective on influencer culture and friendships with controversial figures. Overall, the speaker's tone is casual and unfiltered, reflecting their thoughts on various topics in a candid and sometimes humorous way.

    • The Mysterious Identity of Sarah Rose Komondeli MarchionesDiscussion centered around Sarah Rose's past relationship with Prince William and the grainy quality of her public appearances, leading to speculation and theories. Some found the constant discussion tiring, while others suggested she take control of her narrative. Jojo Siwa's upcoming rebrand was also a topic of anticipation.

      The discussion revolved around the realness and authenticity of a public figure named Sarah Rose Komondeli Marchiones of Chamondeli, with a focus on her past relationship with Prince William and the mysterious nature of her public appearances. The speakers expressed confusion about her identity and the grainy quality of the available photos and videos of her, leading to speculation and theories. They also compared her situation to that of other celebrities who have undergone public transformations. Despite the intrigue, some found the constant discussion tiring and suggested that Sarah Rose should take control of her narrative by being more open and transparent with her fans. Additionally, the conversation touched on Jojo Siwa's upcoming rebrand and the anticipation surrounding her new era. Overall, the speakers expressed a mix of fascination and skepticism towards the public figures and their evolving personas.

    • Artists evolving identities and pushing boundariesArtists, especially those with kid-friendly images, face pressure to evolve and explore mature themes, but it's important to consider age appropriateness of content and not let hype overshadow the substance of the art.

      Artists, especially those who have built their careers on a kid-friendly image, often face pressure to reinvent themselves and push boundaries as they grow older. Jojo, for instance, has been open about her desire to explore more mature themes in her music and image, despite her earlier success as a pop star. Colleen's podcast, which may not be suitable for children, serves as a reminder to listeners to exercise caution and consider the age appropriateness of content. The hype and excitement surrounding these transitions can sometimes overshadow the substance of the art itself, but ultimately, artists have the freedom to evolve and express themselves in new ways. Whether it's Jojo's potential bad girl era or Miley's shocking transformation from Hannah Montana, the entertainment industry continues to be shaped by the evolving identities of its stars.

    • Jojo Siwa's Rebranding Sparks Controversy Among FansJojo Siwa's new 'bad girl' image sparks controversy among fans, with some finding it amusing and others concerned about her past and future. Fans discuss the impact of shows like Dance Moms and the importance of allowing individuals to make their own choices and learn from experiences.

      Jojo Siwa's rebranding to a "bad girl" image has sparked controversy, but her fans believe she's capable of handling it and growing from her experiences. Some fans find her new image amusing, while others are concerned about her past and the potential impact on her future. There are comparisons to other child stars who have faced similar awakenings and controversies in their careers. Despite some reservations, many fans support Jojo and see her new image as a natural part of growing up in the public eye. However, some fans also express concern about the influence of shows like Dance Moms and the impact they can have on children, especially when it comes to body image and treatment by adults. Overall, Jojo's rebranding is a reminder of the complexities and challenges of growing up in the public eye, and the importance of allowing individuals to make their own choices and learn from their experiences.

    • Jeffree Star and Mikaela Jade's Brand Deal DynamicJeffree Star criticized Mikaela Jade for her multiple brand deals, but some see his stance as hypocritical due to his wealth. Mikaela intends to accept every opportunity this year, while the public remains fascinated by influencer drama.

      The discussion revolves around the dynamic between beauty influencers Jeffree Star and Mikaela Jade, with Jeffree criticizing Mikaela for her involvement in multiple brand deals. Star's critique is rooted in his "keeping it real" persona, but some argue that it's hypocritical given his wealth and ability to afford to turn down deals. Mikaela, in response, has expressed her intent to say yes to every opportunity this year. The conversation also touches upon the public's fascination with influencer drama and the influence of social media on shaping public perception. While opinions on the situation vary, it's clear that both influencers continue to generate buzz and maintain a significant following in the beauty community.

    • Social media rivalries in the beauty communityNavigating social media as a beauty creator involves handling criticism, maintaining authenticity, and understanding the blurred lines between sponsored content and authenticity.

      The beauty community on social media can be intense and unforgiving, with creators like Mikaela Cawthorne facing harsh criticism and adversity from figures like Jeffree Star. This rivalry, fueled by engagement and popularity, can be fierce and give rise to a consistent narrative for viewers. However, it can also be emotionally taxing for those involved, especially for young creators just starting out. Additionally, the line between authenticity and sponsored content can be blurred, with creators like Mikaela sometimes facing accusations of dishonesty. Ultimately, navigating this world requires a thick skin and a clear understanding of the nature of social media and the beauty industry.

    • The Importance of Transparency in Influencer MarketingBrands and followers expect influencers to disclose sponsored content, and non-disclosure can lead to negative consequences. Authenticity is crucial, and influencers like Jeffree Star and Pokimane are admired for their transparency.

      Transparency is crucial in influencer marketing, as brands and followers expect disclosure when it comes to sponsored content. The discussion also touched upon the controversial figure Belle Delphine and Mikaela's decision to participate in brand deals despite her "year of yes." The conversation showcased the dynamic between influencers, brands, and their audiences, highlighting the importance of authenticity and the potential consequences of non-disclosure. Additionally, the speakers shared their personal experiences with influencers and expressed their admiration for some, like Jeffree Star and Pokimane. Overall, the conversation emphasized the complex relationship between influencers, brands, and their followers, and the need for transparency and authenticity in this ever-evolving landscape.

    • Excited about potential 'Traitor' castingsThe speaker shares her excitement for the potential casting of Erika Jayne and Donnie Osmond on 'Traitor.' She also reflects on her past experiences with reality TV and expresses confusion about certain castings. Lastly, she encourages listeners to see Donnie Osmond's show at Harrah's Las Vegas.

      The speaker expresses her excitement for the potential casting of certain celebrities, such as Erika Jayne and Donnie Osmond, on the TV show "Traitor." She also shares her past experiences with reality TV, including encounters with Phaedra Parks and Erica Jayne. The speaker also expresses her confusion about the casting of a particular Bravo personality on "Traitor" and shares her thoughts on the show's format. She also mentions her love for Donnie Osmond and encourages listeners to check out his show at Harrah's Las Vegas. Overall, the speaker's conversation reveals her enthusiasm for reality TV and her thoughts on specific cast members.

    • Appreciation for Bible verses at In-N-Out BurgerThe group discussed the significance of Bible verses at In-N-Out Burger, expressing love for the restaurant and desire for fair wages, while emphasizing peace, success, and shared interests.

      The group discussed various Bible verses found on items from In-N-Out Burger, expressing their appreciation for the restaurant's openness and the biblical references. They also mentioned their love for the restaurant and their desire for workers to be paid well. The conversation included light-hearted moments and plans to reach out to celebrities, as well as more serious topics like the importance of supporting everyone and staying away from drugs. The group emphasized their desire for peace and success for all, and looked forward to future experiences, including attending the Trader Joe's Scotland season 3 and a potential film project. Overall, the conversation reflected a positive and supportive atmosphere, filled with laughter and shared interests.

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    Remember, you don't have to have it all figured out you just have to take the next right step. Stop waiting to go after your goals when you have it all figured out, be brave and bold, get scrappy, ask for help and start today!

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