
    Jocko Podcast 24: Canadian Sniper-Jody Mitic, “Unflinching” Interview & Book Review

    enMay 25, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of perseverance and resilienceStay calm, focused, and trust in your abilities during adversity. Determination and staying true to oneself are key to overcoming challenges.

      Learning from this episode of the Jocko Podcast with Jody Mitnick is the importance of perseverance and resilience, as exemplified by Jody's experiences as a Canadian Army soldier, sniper, and author. The poem "The Young British Soldier" by Rudyard Kipling sets the tone for the discussion, emphasizing the importance of staying calm and focused in the face of adversity, and trusting in one's abilities as a soldier. Jody shares how he was born with a strong desire to serve in the military, despite his mother's initial resistance. He also talks about the influence of his uncle Jim, who encouraged and supported his military aspirations. Throughout his career, Jody faced numerous challenges, including serving in Afghanistan and competing in The Amazing Race. Yet, he remained unconquerable and unflinching, demonstrating the power of determination and the importance of staying true to oneself.

    • Childhood encounter with a soldier shapes future aspirationsEarly experiences with respected figures and unique opportunities can significantly impact an individual's career choices

      Early experiences and influences, such as encounters with respected figures like a uniformed soldier named Jim, can shape an individual's future aspirations and career choices. Jim, who lived near the speaker during his childhood in Victoria, left a lasting impression on him due to his military background and free train rides. This experience sparked the speaker's interest in the military, leading him to join the militia despite his disdain for school. The militia system in Canada during the 1990s allowed for reservists to be called up to active duty, creating a sense of honor and duty among the reservists. The speaker's desire to serve with a regular regiment led him to compete with his peers for the opportunity to deploy with them. Overall, the influence of Jim's military presence during his childhood and the unique Canadian militia system played a significant role in shaping the speaker's career path.

    • Embracing change as a catalyst for personal growthTransformative experiences like drastic haircuts can spark personal growth and self-discovery. Military discipline and routine build essential skills for effective leadership.

      Transformative experiences, such as getting a drastic haircut, can serve as catalysts for personal growth and self-discovery. This was evident in the speaker's experience during boot camp, where shaving his head helped him embrace his new identity as a soldier and motivated him to face challenges head-on. More recently, shaving his beard and getting a military-style haircut ignited his determination to train for a bodybuilding show. The speaker also highlighted the importance of discipline and routine in the military, which he initially perceived as excessive but later recognized as essential skills for effective leadership. Overall, this discussion underscores the power of embracing change and adopting new habits to unlock personal potential and achieve goals.

    • The importance of discipline and following ordersDiscipline and following orders, even when unclear, are essential for success. They help individuals function effectively in a team and ultimately achieve their goals.

      Discipline and following orders, even when it's difficult or unclear why, are crucial skills for success, whether in the military or in civilian life. During basic training, the speaker learned to prioritize self-discipline over instinct and to obey orders, which made him a better sniper. He emphasizes that there's a purpose behind the seemingly mundane tasks, such as standing at attention or following the cover and move drill. These skills help individuals function effectively as part of a team and to ultimately achieve their goals. The speaker also highlights the importance of understanding one's role and duty and the value of learning from experience. While advice from others can be helpful, some lessons must be learned through personal effort and practice.

    • Implementing email cc practice boosts productivityMilitary training fosters discipline, self-direction, and a new appreciation for learning. Adapting ancient texts' principles to modern life enhances growth.

      Effective communication and collaboration are essential for productivity and success, whether in a military or civilian work environment. The speaker shared how implementing a simple email cc practice led to a significant improvement in productivity within his team. He also reflected on how his military training helped him develop discipline, self-direction, and a newfound appreciation for learning. The speaker emphasized that the principles outlined in ancient texts like "The Art of War" can still be applied to modern life, business, and relationships. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of adapting and applying valuable lessons from various contexts to enhance personal and professional growth.

    • Jody's Unconventional Path to Becoming a SoldierStaying true to oneself and persevering through adversity are crucial for achieving goals, even if the journey is filled with unexpected challenges and setbacks.

      Even with a strong drive to succeed and a desire to serve, Jody's journey to becoming a soldier was filled with challenges and unexpected twists. Despite his initial success in the reserves and earning a high-paying factory job, he found it soul-crushing and longed for more. After transitioning to active duty, he faced politics within his unit and was demoted, leading to a difficult adjustment. Ultimately, he was sent to battle school, but not without encountering setbacks, including an arrest. These experiences underscore the importance of staying true to oneself and persevering through adversity.

    • Turning adversity into opportunityEven in the face of despair, we have the power to maintain a positive attitude and turn challenges into opportunities for growth.

      No matter what mistakes we make or challenges we face, we have the power to turn things around and make the best of the situation. The speaker's experience of being caught up in a drug bust and facing potential expulsion from the military, despite having no involvement, could have been a defining moment of despair. However, he chose to maintain a positive attitude, keep his head high, and focus on being the best version of himself upon returning to the military training. This mindset not only helped him get through the difficult time but also prepared him for future challenges, including deployment to Kosovo. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that no situation is hopeless, and we can always choose our attitude and response to overcome adversity. Additionally, the speaker's encounter with Russian soldiers in Kosovo highlights the importance of resilience and determination in the face of adversity, as these soldiers endured harsh conditions and continued to train despite the challenges.

    • Unexpected discovery at Pristina AirportRussian forces guarded potentially dangerous weapons and aircraft, causing confusion for NATO forces. A sniper's role goes beyond accurate shooting, requiring a unique mindset, patience, and putting the mission first.

      During the NATO intervention in Kosovo, an unexpected discovery was made at the Pristina Airport. Russian forces had set up a perimeter around a bunker guarding potentially dangerous weapons and aircraft. This revelation caused confusion and unease among the NATO forces. On a different note, Jody discussed the true nature of a sniper, emphasizing that it's not just about shooting accurately. A sniper requires a unique mindset, patience, and the ability to put the mission first, even if it means denying personal needs or comfort. The sniper course also focuses on self-discipline and stalking, which can be challenging and require immense patience.

    • Looking for candidates with patience and adaptability in sniper schoolSuccess in specialized military roles requires patience and adaptability. Be prepared for unexpected challenges and remain adaptable.

      Patience and adaptability are crucial qualities for success in specialized military roles, such as sniping. During sniper school, the speaker looked for candidates who would take the extra time to study their routes and maps, demonstrating the ability to think ahead and plan carefully. This mindset was essential because Canada had a limited number of snipers, and the best candidates had to come to the military with the necessary skills. The speaker also shared an anecdote about a sniper who was offered a chance to deploy as a driver instead, despite his training as a hunter. The driver role was dangerous and monotonous, but the speaker, who was a warrior at heart, chose to go to Afghanistan and face the new challenge. The vehicles they used were not armored, and one of his friends was tragically killed by a landmine, highlighting the inherent risks of even seemingly support roles. Through these experiences, the speaker emphasized the importance of being prepared for anything and remaining adaptable in the face of unexpected circumstances.

    • Embracing Challenges and Acknowledging ConsequencesFacing adversity head-on, acknowledging consequences, and understanding survivor's guilt are crucial for personal growth and resilience.

      Facing adversity head-on, no matter how difficult or unpleasant, is crucial for personal growth and resilience. The speaker shares a personal experience of witnessing a friend's trauma and the importance of acknowledging the harsh realities of life instead of trying to avoid them. This concept applies not only to military service but also to various professional and personal challenges. Ignoring or denying the severity of a situation can lead to psychological wounds that may be more debilitating than physical injuries. It's essential to remember that our actions, especially as leaders, can significantly impact others' lives, and it's crucial to confront the consequences of those actions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding survivor's guilt and the psychological impact it can have on individuals. In summary, embracing the challenges we face and acknowledging their consequences is a vital aspect of personal growth and resilience.

    • Accept, Embrace, and Move ForwardIt's important to acknowledge past losses and hardships, but not dwell on them. Focus on moving forward and making a positive impact.

      It's essential to acknowledge and process difficult experiences, but not dwell on them. Life, especially in challenging professions, brings losses and hardships. It's crucial to accept that some things are beyond our control and focus on moving forward. By embracing the past, looking it in the eye, and then letting go, we can honor our past experiences and make a positive impact on ourselves and those around us. Instead of getting stuck in negative thoughts or regrets, we should strive to make the most of our opportunities and live an awesome life every day. As Jocko Willink emphasizes, we can't change the world, but we can change ourselves and the lives of those around us. So, wake up each day with a decision to make it a good one, even when faced with setbacks or challenges.

    • Readjusting to civilian life after deploymentIt's normal to feel different or struggle to adjust after a deployment. Seek support, don't feel ashamed, and remember that the world is better with you in it. Change and growth are a natural part of life.

      It's important to understand that returning from a deployment or facing adversity can be challenging, and it's normal to feel different or struggle to readjust. The speaker shares his experience of feeling like he was a different person after his tour in Afghanistan and how he wished he had known that it takes time for soldiers to adjust back to civilian life. He also emphasizes the importance of seeking support and not feeling ashamed for not being the same person before the deployment. The speaker encourages reaching out for help and reminding oneself that the world is better with them in it. Additionally, he shares a story of a friend who had a heart attack, emphasizing the importance of living life to the fullest and not taking things for granted. Overall, the message is to be patient with oneself during difficult times and to remember that change and growth are a natural part of life.

    • Returning home from deployment to unexpected life changesMilitary service can end unexpectedly, emphasizing the importance of balancing work and family life and maintaining relationships.

      The speaker's experience of coming home from deployment to find significant life changes had a profound impact on him, challenging his usual compartmentalized way of thinking about work and family. During this deployment, he had bought a house and his girlfriend had moved in, discussing marriage and starting a family. Upon returning home, he was shocked to find that she had left him, despite his desire to postpone the wedding. This experience, along with the loss of comrades and the 9/11 attacks during his sniper course, led him to reevaluate his priorities and consider the importance of balancing work and family life. The speaker's military career had always been his top priority, but he recognized that it wouldn't last forever and that the people who supported him during his service were crucial. This realization led him to reflect on the importance of maintaining connections and relationships, both in and out of the military.

    • Maintaining momentum and aggression during assaultsDuring military operations, prioritizing momentum and aggression can lead to mission success, even if it means risking casualties.

      During the Canadian-led NATO operation, Operation Medusa in Afghanistan, the emphasis was on maintaining momentum and aggression during an assault, despite potential casualties. Contrary to an order to stop and attend to casualties before reassessing the situation, the soldiers were encouraged to push forward and secure the target. This approach was to ensure the success of the mission, even in the face of heavy fighting and friendly fire incidents. The importance of maintaining aggression and momentum was a crucial mindset for the soldiers to have during the assault.

    • Unexpected events in warWar is unpredictable and intense, requiring soldiers to stay calm, communicate effectively, and work together to overcome unexpected challenges and adversity.

      War is unpredictable and chaotic, and even the most experienced soldiers can be caught off guard. The account shared in the text describes a fierce gunfight between Taliban forces and Canadian soldiers in Ramadi. Despite their preparation and training, the soldiers found themselves in a difficult situation where they were unable to provide cover from their sniper positions when their comrades were under attack. The unexpected death of a fellow soldier, Warrant Officer Rick Nolan, was a shock to all involved, serving as a reminder of the harsh realities of war. The text also highlights the importance of communication and teamwork in such situations, as well as the emotional toll that combat takes on soldiers. Overall, the text underscores the unpredictability and intensity of war, and the importance of staying calm and focused in the face of adversity.

    • Regretting not wearing body armor during a missionEven experienced military personnel can face unexpected danger and regret not wearing essential protective gear like body armor. Prioritize safety over looking cool to minimize risks.

      Even experienced military personnel, who have undergone rigorous training and follow established rules, can still encounter unexpected danger and face the consequences of not having essential protective gear like body armor. The speaker shared a personal experience where he and his team, despite their expertise and following unconventional rules to blend in, regretted not wearing body armor during a mission. He emphasized that the unpredictability of combat means that no amount of training or preparation can guarantee safety, and the importance of prioritizing safety over looking cool. He also highlighted the potential risks of IEDs and the importance of wearing body armor even when not anticipating direct engagement. The loss of a highly trained and experienced warrant officer early in a mission served as a reminder that combat doesn't discriminate based on rank or experience, and the bullet that hits is the one with your name on it.

    • Staying focused during emotionally taxing situationsIn the military, soldiers must detach from emotions and focus on their duties, even during challenging and emotionally taxing situations. Emotional detachment allows soldiers to complete their mission and carry on with their job.

      In the heat of battle, soldiers must detach from their emotions and focus on their duties, even during the most challenging and emotionally taxing situations. The author shares his experience of collecting casualties, including friends and comrades, and how he had to suppress his emotions to help his team and complete their mission. Despite the disappointment of not achieving their objective that day, the author emphasizes the importance of staying focused and carrying on with the job. As the author states, "You cannot you've got when you feel the emotion starting to override your logic and your ability to do your duty, that's what you have to do. You have to go, okay. I gotta detach from those emotions, and I gotta do my job now." This is a common theme in the military, where soldiers are trained to expect and prepare for the harsh realities of war, including the loss of life and the emotional toll it takes.

    • The Reality of War: Friendly Fire and BrotherhoodSoldiers value their military brotherhood and accept the risks of injury or death, but friendly fire incidents can have devastating consequences.

      Soldiers in combat, especially volunteers, do not want to be pitied for their service or their injuries. They have chosen this path and understand the risks involved, including the possibility of injury or death. The brotherhood formed in the military is something deeply desired and cherished, and soldiers would rather be there with their friends than anywhere else. Unfortunately, friendly fire incidents, such as the one described, can and do happen, causing injury and death to soldiers on both sides. These incidents are hard for civilians to understand, but they are a reality of war. The soldier in the conversation expresses his initial anger towards his teammate, but eventually comes to terms with the situation and focuses on keeping an eye on the enemy. The entire leadership of the company was wiped out due to injuries, leaving the company combat ineffective. This is a rare occurrence in modern warfare.

    • Friendly fire incident in Afghanistan leads to tragic consequencesMistakes in chaotic war environments can result in tragic consequences, but soldiers must adapt and respond to unforeseen circumstances.

      War is chaotic and mistakes can lead to tragic consequences. During a Canadian military operation in Afghanistan in 2002, a friendly fire incident occurred when an American F-16 mistakenly targeted Canadian soldiers, resulting in the death of one soldier and injuries to several others. The confusion and chaos of war, along with the heightened sense of fear and readiness to engage, can lead to small mistakes that compound into significant events. Despite the incident, the Canadian soldiers continued their missions and supported their allies. However, even the most experienced soldiers can fall victim to unexpected dangers, such as an improvised explosive device (IED), which can cause devastating injuries. The ability to adapt and respond to unforeseen circumstances is crucial in the unpredictable environment of war.

    • Quick thinking and basic skills save lives in combat situationsHaving a basic understanding of first aid and staying calm under pressure can be crucial in unpredictable combat situations. Teamwork and quick response are also essential for saving lives.

      Combat situations can be unpredictable and chaotic, and in such situations, quick thinking and basic life-saving skills can make a significant difference. The speaker shared an experience of being shot during a mission and how his comrades, despite not having formal medical training, managed to save his life using their knowledge of tourniquets. He also highlighted the importance of teamwork and the quick response of the reconnaissance platoon in getting him to safety and medical help. The speaker emphasized that even experienced operators can find themselves in unexpected situations and that having a basic understanding of first aid and staying calm under pressure can be crucial.

    • Soldiers downplay hardships for moraleSoldiers often deny or downplay dangers and losses to maintain focus and morale, using determination and positive thinking to cope with adversity.

      Despite the danger and hardships faced in combat, soldiers often downplay the severity of their situations to maintain morale and focus on their mission. Mikey, a soldier in a firefight, continued filming instead of joining the fight, and when asked about it, he played it off as just part of the job. Similarly, the speaker in this discussion downplayed the loss of his legs, focusing instead on how he would adapt and continue his role as a soldier. The idea of denial being the first step in grieving was also mentioned, as both soldiers found ways to cope with their irreversible situations by focusing on the positive aspects and their determination to continue their duties.

    • Military unprepared for soldier's unique rehab needsSoldiers recovering from severe injuries need specialized care and resources, and a supportive environment for effective rehabilitation.

      The military system, despite having medical personnel and resources, was not adequately prepared to handle the unique needs of a soldier recovering from severe injuries, such as those sustained in combat. The soldier in this discussion found himself in a German army hospital, dealing with the loss of his legs and uncertain about his future. He was used to the military's structured approach to learning new skills and decided to apply this mindset to his rehabilitation. However, he soon realized that the military system lacked the understanding and resources necessary to help him adjust to his new reality. The American system he encountered later, which had been dealing with a large number of wounded soldiers over several years, had more experience and resources to offer. The soldier's experience highlights the need for specialized care and resources for soldiers recovering from severe injuries, as well as the importance of a supportive and understanding environment during the rehabilitation process.

    • Importance of specialized care and supportive environment in military rehabilitationEffective military rehabilitation requires specialized care and a supportive environment, which can lead to faster and more productive recovery for soldiers.

      Specialized care and a supportive environment are crucial for effective rehabilitation, especially for military personnel with severe injuries. The speaker's experience of receiving subpar treatment in a civilian hospital highlighted the importance of being surrounded by people who understand the unique needs and mindset of soldiers. He advocated for sending physiotherapists to military hospitals to provide soldiers with the best possible care and rapid progress in their recovery. The speaker's encounter with a blind, legless marine undergoing intense rehabilitation at a military hospital served as a powerful motivation for him. If he had received similar treatment, he believed his recovery could have been faster and more effective. The military hospital's culture of high expectations and camaraderie among service members contributed to a more productive and inspiring rehabilitation experience.

    • The power of coaching and mentorship for injured veteransLosing limbs in military service taught the speaker the importance of having a coach or mentor to help overcome personal limits and achieve success. Proper care and resources, tailored to unique needs, are crucial for injured veterans.

      Having faced the challenges of losing both legs in an IED explosion during military service, the speaker learned the importance of having a coach or mentor to help push beyond personal limits and achieve greater success. He also emphasized the need for appropriate care and resources tailored to the unique needs of injured veterans, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach. Despite initial setbacks and frustrations, the speaker's experiences led him to understand the value of perseverance, adaptability, and seeking out the right support systems.

    • The Military's Impact on Identity and PurposeThe military shapes identity and purpose, but lack of support during transition can lead to addiction and feelings of uncertainty.

      The military can shape a person's identity and purpose in life, but when that identity is lost due to retirement or injury, it can lead to feelings of uncertainty and even addiction. The speaker shares his personal experience of becoming addicted to OxyContin after his military career ended, as he struggled to answer the question of "what am I if not a soldier?" The military experience, with its physical representation in lockers and the potential for injury or death, creates a unique bond and sense of belonging. However, the lack of support for the psychological and emotional transition out of the military can leave veterans feeling lost and vulnerable, leading some to turn to substances as a coping mechanism. The speaker reflects on the importance of addressing this gap in support and finding new sources of purpose and identity after military service.

    • The Power and Deceit of AddictionAddiction can disguise itself as pleasure but lead to uncontrollable dependency and painful withdrawal. Acknowledging the problem and seeking help can lead to a fulfilling life beyond addiction.

      Addiction can be a powerful and deceitful force, making individuals believe they're in control when they're not. The speaker's story of his addiction to OxyContin illustrates this, as he describes the initial euphoria turning into a painful and uncontrollable dependency. He shares how the withdrawal process was even more agonizing than his experience of being wounded in Afghanistan. However, the speaker also emphasizes the importance of acknowledging one's addiction and taking steps to overcome it. His personal transformation after quitting OxyContin serves as a reminder that recovery is possible and that a fulfilling life awaits beyond addiction. The story of his friend, who witnessed the speaker's struggle and chose to avoid opioids, underscores the importance of making informed decisions and learning from others' experiences.

    • The bond between soldiers and medicsVeterans may feel a sense of loss after military service, similar to athletes retiring. Finding new connections and opportunities, like the speaker did with his wife, can help heal and provide a sense of belonging.

      After serving in the military and experiencing the intense camaraderie and competition, it's normal to feel a sense of loss when transitioning out. For many veterans, this feeling is comparable to what professional athletes experience when they retire. The speaker shares his personal story of finding love and connection with his wife, a medic, during his recovery from injuries. They bonded over their shared experiences and the challenges they faced. The speaker also highlights the importance of the medics, or "mommies," in taking care of soldiers and ensuring their well-being. Through this experience, the speaker learned that it's important to embrace new connections and opportunities, even when they come unexpectedly.

    • Embracing the Fullness of Life's ExperiencesValuing experiences and relationships, even with challenges, leads to personal growth and appreciation for life.

      The speaker, Jody Mitnick, values the experiences and relationships that have shaped his life, even if they came with challenges or hardships. He shares how stepping on a landmine during his military service led him to meet his wife and have two daughters, and how his time in Afghanistan, despite the loss of his feet, was some of the best times of his life. He emphasizes that living with regrets prevents progress, and he wouldn't change a thing about his past. Additionally, he expresses gratitude for the support and appreciation he receives from people for his service to the country. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the importance of embracing the fullness of life's experiences, even when they come with adversity.

    • Discovering new connections through social mediaSocial media platforms like Snapchat have evolved from casual communication to valuable tools for connection and self-expression. Embrace new experiences and learn from others.

      Social media platforms like Snapchat have evolved from casual, undercover communication to a legitimate networking tool. Jody Middick, a fan of the podcast, shared his personal experience of discovering new connections through Twitter and how podcasts helped him during challenging times. He also announced the launch of his own podcast, expressing his desire to entertain and learn from others as he continues to navigate through life. Despite the initial perception of Snapchat as a platform for sexting or sharing inappropriate content, it has transformed into a valuable tool for connection and self-expression. Jody's message encourages listeners to embrace new experiences and learn from each other, no matter how deep the challenges may seem.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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