
    Jocko Underground: Your Life Is Dragging Because Of The Undone Small Things.

    enOctober 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Neglecting small tasks can lead to clutter and disorganizationFollow through with tasks, no matter how small, to maintain order and efficiency, and improve overall productivity and reduce stress.

      Even small tasks left undone can accumulate over time and cause unnecessary clutter and disorganization. In the podcast, Jocko shares an experience of neglecting to assemble a shelving unit for his bottom locker at his gym, which resulted in wasted space and disorganization. He emphasizes the importance of following through with tasks, no matter how small, to maintain order and efficiency. This principle can be applied to various aspects of life, from keeping a tidy workspace to managing personal projects. By acknowledging and addressing these small tasks, we can improve our overall productivity and reduce stress.

    • Procrastinating on small tasks can lead to unnecessary stressPromptly completing small tasks reduces clutter and stress, leading to improved organization and productivity

      Even small tasks left undone can accumulate over time and cause unnecessary stress and inefficiency. The speaker in this conversation had been putting off a simple 20-minute task of building a bottom shelf for one of his lockers for three years. He knew it would save him time every day but didn't prioritize it. Finally, he found himself with a spare 18 minutes and completed the task. The result was a significant improvement in the organization of his lockers and a sense of relief and satisfaction every time he entered the gym. This experience highlights the importance of tackling small tasks promptly to avoid the buildup of clutter and the associated stress. It also shows that making small improvements can lead to noticeable and positive outcomes.

    • The cost of procrastinationRecognize the potential benefits of investing time and effort into tasks, no matter how small, and avoid the pitfalls of procrastination to make meaningful improvements in life.

      Procrastination, even over seemingly insignificant tasks, can lead to wasted time and missed opportunities for improvement. The speaker shared his personal experience of procrastinating on a task for three years due to the perceived inconvenience of investing just a few minutes a day. He also recalled an experience in Iraq where he saw the importance of making immediate improvements to one's surroundings. The speaker encourages us to recognize the potential benefits of investing time and effort into tasks or projects, no matter how small they may seem, and to avoid the pitfalls of procrastination. By doing so, we can make meaningful improvements to our lives and circumstances.

    • Small inconveniences can add up and cause stressAcknowledge and address small issues to free up mental and emotional energy, reducing overall stress

      We all face small inconveniences or challenges in our daily lives that may seem insignificant but can add up and cause unnecessary stress. The speaker used the analogy of a cabinet door with a faulty hinge to illustrate this concept. Just like how we might have to hold the door in place every time we open it, we encounter small annoyances regularly that require our attention but don't consume our thoughts throughout the day. However, over time, these minor inconveniences can add up and feel like a significant burden. The speaker suggested that acknowledging these small issues and finding ways to address them can free up mental and emotional energy in the long run. By letting go of the need to fix every small problem immediately, we can focus on the bigger picture and reduce overall stress.

    • Recognizing small improvements boosts productivityValuing small enhancements leads to a more balanced and efficient lifestyle, improving overall well-being

      Recognizing and appreciating small improvements in our daily lives can significantly impact our mental energy and productivity. The speaker shares an example of how fixing a small issue with a shelf saved him time and effort, allowing him to maintain momentum and focus on more important tasks. However, it's essential to be conscious of what we're willing to procrastinate about and prioritize tasks that impact our loved ones. By acknowledging and valuing these small enhancements, we can create a more balanced and efficient lifestyle. It's not about striving for perfection but rather appreciating the progress and the difference it makes in our overall well-being.

    • Addressing small tasks and excess stuffAddressing small tasks and letting go of excess stuff can lead to a more productive and peaceful life

      We all have tasks or objects that we put off dealing with, often because we feel they only benefit us and don't require immediate attention. However, just like a broken towel bar that continues to sit unused, these tasks or objects can create a sense of unease and clutter in our lives. The speaker uses the analogy of constantly jabbing someone to highlight the importance of addressing these tasks, even if they seem insignificant. Furthermore, the speaker touches on the topic of hoarding and how letting go of unnecessary items can bring a sense of relief and order. In essence, tackling these small tasks and letting go of excess stuff can lead to a more productive and peaceful life.

    • Jocko Underground: A new platform for stronger listener connectionsJocko Podcast is creating an independent platform, Jocko Underground, to strengthen listener connections, reduce sponsor dependence, and offer more benefits for $8.18/month.

      Jocko Podcast is moving towards creating an independent platform, Jocko Underground, to mitigate reliance on external platforms, provide more control and interaction, and offer better communication with listeners. This move aims to provide listeners with more direct connections and reduce dependence on sponsors. The website is currently being built, and it costs $8.18 a month to subscribe. For those who cannot afford it, assistance can be sought through email. This initiative is about strengthening the community of listeners and creating a stronger connection with them. It's an opportunity for listeners to support the podcast and gain more benefits in return.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    What You’ll Discover In This Episode: 

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    You can access the transcript for this podcast if you sign up for the monthly Cadence guide and accompanying newsletter, via https://growthsessions.co/cadence-podcast/