
    Navigating Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy with Karen Martel

    enAugust 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Unique Experience of Hormone Replacement TherapyLearn about the differences between HRT and bioidenticals, and how individual sex hormones can be used to alleviate unique perimenopause and menopause symptoms through various delivery methods.

      Learning from this episode of the Resetter podcast is that everyone's experience with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and bioidenticals during perimenopause and menopause is unique. Karen Martell, a hormone and perimenopause specialist, shares her clinical experience and unique approach to help listeners understand if and how they might benefit from using exogenous hormones. The conversation covers the differences between HRT and bioidenticals, as well as the various ways to introduce these hormones into the body through creams, pills, tablets, and shots. Listeners will gain valuable insights into the role of individual sex hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, and how they can be used to alleviate symptoms during these transitional years. The episode encourages listeners to educate themselves on the topic and make informed decisions based on their own unique hormonal needs.

    • HRT vs BHRT: Differences in CompositionHRT uses synthetic hormones, while BHRT employs bioidentical hormones that mimic human hormones, potentially reducing risks and side effects

      The difference between HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy) lies in their composition. HRT, which originated in the 1950s, includes synthetic hormones derived from horse urine or lab-made chemicals. In contrast, BHRT, gaining popularity in the late 1990s, uses bioidentical hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced by the human body. The Women's Health Initiative study in 2002 raised concerns about HRT's safety due to increased risks of heart attack, stroke, uterine cancer, and breast cancer. However, the misconception arose from the study's focus on synthetic hormones rather than bioidentical ones. The passion behind bioidenticals stems from their closer resemblance to human hormones, potentially reducing side effects and risks.

    • Analyzing research studies: Don't be misled by sensationalized statementsCritically examine research details to avoid misconceptions and make informed decisions about health treatments

      It's crucial to critically analyze research studies and not be swayed by sensationalized statements or media portrayals. The example given was the Women's Health Initiative study on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and estrogen's connection to breast cancer. The study, which found an increased risk of breast cancer in the arm using synthetic progestin, led to an 80% decrease in HRT usage among women, despite the arm using natural estrogen showing a 30% reduction in breast cancer cases. This misconception still persists today, leading many women to unnecessarily suffer from menopause symptoms. The importance of examining the study's details, such as participant demographics and methodology, cannot be overstated. Additionally, the development and popularity of bioidentical hormones, which have the same chemical structure as naturally occurring hormones, have provided an alternative solution for women seeking relief from menopause symptoms.

    • Understanding the role of progesterone and hormone delivery methods during menopauseProgesterone is vital for counterbalancing estrogen during menopause, but the delivery method and type of hormones used matter. Progesterone creams may not be absorbed well, and oral estrogen can convert into inflammatory estrone. Monitoring SHBG levels is essential for effective hormone therapy.

      During menopause, progesterone plays a crucial role in counterbalancing the effects of estrogen. However, when it comes to hormone therapy, the method of delivery and type of hormones used can significantly impact their effectiveness. For instance, progesterone creams may not be absorbed well by everyone, and finding the right delivery form is essential. Additionally, estrogen comes in different forms, such as estrone, estradiol, and estriol, each with distinct properties. Estrone, the more inflammatory form, can convert into estradiol and estriol, and it's the one linked to breast cancer. When taking hormones orally, a large portion gets converted into estrone, which is not the primary hormone we want. Progesterone, on the other hand, is essential for breast, uterine, bone, and brain health, and taking enough of it orally can help maintain these benefits. Lastly, when taking estrogen orally, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels rise, which can bind up testosterone, estrogen, and dihydrotestosterone, making them less effective. Therefore, monitoring SHBG levels is crucial when considering hormone therapy.

    • Finding the Right Balance in Hormone Therapy for WomenWork with a healthcare practitioner to find a customized approach to hormone therapy, considering individual needs and the impact of progesterone and estrogen on each other and SHBG levels. Explore various hormone replacement methods to determine the best fit for your body.

      When it comes to hormone replacement therapy for women, it's essential to work with a healthcare practitioner to find a customized approach that suits your individual needs. The use of hormones like progesterone and estrogen requires careful consideration, as they can impact each other and your body's SHBG levels. Progesterone is beneficial, but too much of it can suppress estrogen, which is needed to upregulate progesterone receptors. The right balance is crucial to feeling the benefits of hormone therapy. Additionally, hormone replacement methods, such as creams, pills, injections, suppositories, and pellet therapy, all have their advantages and disadvantages. It's essential to explore these options with a healthcare professional to determine the best fit for your body. Remember, every woman's body is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't apply to hormone therapy.

    • Supporting Hormones During PerimenopauseDuring perimenopause, mimic menstrual cycle hormonal fluctuations with bioidenticals to alleviate symptoms. PowerSync 60, a 60-day fitness program, offers customized meal plans and workouts for hormonal needs.

      During perimenopause, it's important for women to support their naturally occurring hormones with bioidenticals. Dr. Mindy recommends mimicking the hormonal fluctuations of a menstrual cycle, even if one is no longer present, to help alleviate symptoms. She's teamed up with Tony Horton to create PowerSync 60, a revolutionary 60-day fitness program for both men and women that includes customized meal plans and workouts tailored to hormonal needs. For those without a cycle, Dr. Mindy suggests starting on day 1 of the month as the beginning of a "faux cycle." It's crucial to address hormonal imbalances before losing a period, as symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes, and weight gain can significantly impact quality of life. PowerSync 60 offers a solution to support women during this critical time.

    • Understanding Menopause: More Than Just the End of PeriodsMenopause involves hormonal fluctuations leading to symptoms, impacting various aspects of life. Hormone replacement therapy can alleviate symptoms, reduce chronic disease risk, and improve overall health. Individual needs and circumstances should guide decision-making.

      Menopause is a complex transition that goes beyond the cessation of menstruation. The perimenopausal years can bring significant hormonal fluctuations and symptoms, which can impact various aspects of a woman's life. While some women may be able to manage these changes naturally, others may require hormone replacement therapy to alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer's, and osteoporosis. Research shows that hormone replacement therapy can significantly reduce the risk of all-cause mortality and improve cognitive function. The decision to use hormone replacement therapy should be based on an individual's unique needs and circumstances, taking into account the potential benefits and risks. It's important for women to be informed about their options and to consult with healthcare professionals to make the best choice for their overall health and well-being.

    • Assessing Hormonal Imbalances in WomenLow hormone levels can lead to chronic fatigue, low energy, and decreased sex drive. Estradiol levels below 50 require further investigation, while progesterone symptoms guide assessment. Testosterone is crucial in determining hormonal imbalances.

      Hormonal balance is crucial for women's overall health and wellbeing. Low testosterone, for instance, can lead to chronic fatigue, low energy, and decreased sex drive. In the case of a woman in her 50s experiencing irregular cycles and low hormone levels, healthcare professionals would first assess her estradiol levels. If they're below 50, further investigation is necessary. Progesterone, on the other hand, doesn't show up well in blood work and is often evaluated based on symptoms. Testosterone, being the only hormone tested both free and total in blood work, is an essential factor in determining hormonal imbalances. While various methods of hormone replacement therapy exist, it's crucial to consider each woman's unique situation and symptoms to determine the most effective approach.

    • Impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Women VariesUnderstanding individual responses, lifestyle factors, and genetic profiles is crucial to optimize Hormone Replacement Therapy for each woman's unique situation. Topical progesterone and various forms of estrogen therapy may have different effects based on sensitivity and method of administration.

      Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can significantly impact women differently based on individual sensitivities and methods of administration. Progesterone, for instance, can provide antianxiety and sleep benefits, but some women may experience unwanted metabolites leading to sensitivity and depression. Topical progesterone can be a better option for these women. Estrogen therapy, available in various forms like creams, patches, and suppositories, can also have varying effects. Some women may react negatively to patches due to the glue, while others find them effective. HRT is a complex and personal journey, and what works for one woman may not work for another. It's essential to understand individual responses, lifestyle factors, and genetic profiles to optimize HRT for each unique situation. Some women may also benefit from testosterone and DHEA supplementation. Ultimately, the goal is to find the right balance and method of HRT that best suits an individual's needs and sensitivities.

    • Navigating Hormone Replacement Therapy: A Personalized ApproachEvery woman's hormonal needs are unique, requiring individualized care and education for effective bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Seek knowledgeable healthcare practitioners, understand the complexities, and prioritize a personalized treatment plan considering overall health, diet, and detoxification needs.

      Every woman's hormonal needs are unique, and finding the right balance through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy requires individualized care and education. Bioidenticals, derived from natural sources, can help women experiencing menopause feel their best. However, it's crucial to understand the complexities of hormone therapy and the importance of working with knowledgeable healthcare practitioners. They will consider your overall health profile, diet, and detoxification needs to create a personalized treatment plan. Remember, menopausal metabolism and hormonal needs differ from those in our thirties. Additionally, reducing our toxic load by cleaning up our environment is essential, as xenoestrogens can interfere with our natural hormones. Educating yourself through reliable resources, such as podcasts, and seeking individualized care can help women navigate the complex world of hormone replacement therapy and find the support they need.

    • Addressing menopause holisticallyLifestyle factors play a significant role in managing menopause symptoms, and addressing them alongside HRT or bioidenticals can lead to a smoother transition.

      While HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) or bioidenticals can be helpful for managing menopause symptoms, they are not a magic solution. Lifestyle factors, such as stress management, detoxification, and self-care, are equally important. Women today face unique challenges with increased toxic load and stress levels, which can impact hormone production. Even those with seemingly perfect lifestyles can still experience hormonal loss. Therefore, it's crucial to address all foundational pieces, including lifestyle, to make this transition period as smooth as possible.

    • Impact of Hormonal Loss on Every OrganHormonal loss during menopause affects multiple organs, leading to various effects including changes in appetite and metabolism. It's crucial for women to understand the far-reaching consequences and engage in open conversations.

      Hormonal loss during menopause impacts every organ in the body, not just causing symptoms like hot flashes or vaginal dryness. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone have receptors on all organs, affecting functions from heart and gut health to immune system and brain protection. The loss of these hormones can lead to various effects, including changes in appetite and metabolism. It's essential for women to understand the far-reaching consequences of hormonal loss and engage in conversations about menopause to break the silence and learn together. The speaker, Karen Martell, emphasizes the importance of these discussions and encourages women to seek help and resources when needed. Her self-love practice includes being mindful of her self-talk and viewing challenges as learning opportunities. Karen can be found through her podcast, "The Other Side of Weight Loss," and her website, karenmartell.com.

    • Identifying potential hormonal issues for weight loss and healthTake a hormone quiz to understand hormonal imbalances, explore coaching and therapy for guidance, and unlock greater power to improve overall health.

      Understanding hormonal imbalances, particularly in women in their thirties and forties, is crucial for weight loss and overall health. A hormone quiz is a great starting point to identify potential hormonal issues. For those seeking more guidance, group or private coaching, as well as bioidentical hormone therapy from a team of doctors, are available options. By addressing hormonal imbalances, we can unlock greater power to improve our health. So, consider taking the hormone quiz and exploring these resources if you suspect hormonal issues may be hindering your wellbeing.

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    To help raise money for nonprofits that support, protect, and provide opportunities to women around the world, go to https://drmindypelz.com/glag/

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    DISCLAIMER NOTE:  This podcast is for informational purposes only.  All information, content, and material is to inform our listeners about what we have learned or experienced.  It is in no way intended to serve as medical advice, medical consultation, medical diagnosis, and/or substitute treatment from a qualified physician or healthcare provider.  The listener assumes full liability for their medical care.  All persons and businesses associated with this podcast, any platforms on which it is shared, or otherwise associated with the podcast or any of its creators and contributors, expressly disclaim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result information provided in this podcast.

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