
    Podcast Summary

    • The Evolving Role of Business in SocietyCEOs are recognizing their impact on society and are increasingly prioritizing positive societal impact, but a balanced approach is necessary to avoid unsustainable focus on social responsibility

      The business landscape is shifting, with more and more CEOs recognizing the impact their companies have on society. Alan Murray, a lifelong journalist and CEO of Fortune, shares his observations on this trend, which he explores in his recent book "Tomorrow's Capitalist." Murray started his journalistic career at the Wall Street Journal in 1983, a time when the notion of corporate social responsibility was not a priority for most Fortune 500 CEOs. However, he notes that this mindset is changing, with business leaders increasingly acknowledging their role in creating positive societal impact. Murray expresses concern that if this trend goes too far in the opposite direction, the focus on social responsibility could become unsustainable. He believes that a balanced approach, represented by the color purple in the political spectrum, is the way forward. Overall, Murray's conversation with Gary Vaynerchuk highlights the evolving role of business in society and the importance of finding a sustainable balance between profit and purpose.

    • Humanizing Business: Prioritizing Empathy and Emotional IntelligenceIn today's business world, prioritizing human connections and emotional intelligence can lead to stronger relationships, increased brand loyalty, and ultimately, a more successful business. The belief that 'nice guys finish last' can hinder this trend, but being kind and considerate is essential for building authentic and meaningful business relationships.

      Businesses are shifting from being focused on physical assets and financial capital to intangible assets like intellectual property, brand value, and human connections. This humanization of business is not a politicization, but rather a call for businesses and individuals to prioritize being better people in the 21st century where machines are taking care of themselves. One specific challenge that arises from this shift is the belief that "nice guys finish last." Many businesspeople may not even realize that this belief is holding them back from leading with empathy and emotional intelligence. This notion needs to be addressed as it goes against the trend of prioritizing human connections in business. Instead, being kind and considerate can lead to stronger relationships, increased brand loyalty, and ultimately, a more successful business.

    • CEOs prioritizing empathy and emotional intelligenceBusiness leaders are shifting towards empathy and emotional intelligence, leading to increased transparency, vulnerability, and a more human approach to management, but finding the balance between competition and empathy and navigating economic downturns presents challenges.

      The business landscape is undergoing a significant shift towards prioritizing empathy and emotional intelligence in leadership. This was evident in a recent conversation with a seasoned business journalist who noted an increase in the use of the word "empathy" among CEOs during a wellness in the workplace discussion. This change is not just semantic, but a reflection of a new way of thinking among business leaders. The benefits of this shift are numerous, including increased transparency, vulnerability, and a more human approach to management. However, there are also challenges, such as finding the balance between competition and empathy, and navigating economic downturns that may test a superpower's ability to adapt. As someone who has built a company with a focus on empathy and emotional intelligence, I am excited about this trend and the potential for a more compassionate business world. However, I also recognize that there will be challenges, and it will be important for organizations to find their way through these changes while staying true to their values.

    • Companies investing in climate and DEI as business imperativesCompanies are making significant investments in climate and DEI to meet customer demands, stay competitive, and secure future in the market. Economically viable now or not, these investments are crucial for long-term success.

      Climate and diversity, equity, and inclusion have evolved from being nice-to-have initiatives to business imperatives. Companies are making significant investments in these areas not just because it's the right thing to do, but also to meet their customers' demands and stay competitive. The conversation with Soren Skou from Maersk about investing in hydrogen power using wind power in the North Sea, and GM's commitment to only making electric cars by 2035, are examples of this trend. These investments may not be economically viable now, but companies are making them to secure their future in the market. Similarly, the competition for talent in the diversity and equity space is intense and is expected to continue even during a recession. Companies that prioritize these areas will not only be socially responsible but also have a competitive edge.

    • CEOs concerned about talent shortage amidst recessionCEOs prioritize talent acquisition and retention, focusing on improving work environments and employee experiences to attract and retain top talent, despite economic uncertainty and alternative income sources.

      The competition for talent is intense, and the economic uncertainty caused by the ongoing recession only amplifies this issue. CEOs are concerned about the talent shortage despite the impending recession, as more people are turning to alternative income sources and the internet provides them with numerous opportunities. At the same time, companies are focusing on improving their work environments and employee experiences to attract and retain top talent. The gap between the ambition of executives in the ivory tower and the execution in the trenches is growing, and it remains to be seen how quickly these conversations will translate into tangible actions. While this doesn't mean that greed or corruption are no longer issues, the focus on talent acquisition and retention has become a top priority for many organizations.

    • Corporate leaders recognizing social impact and long-term sustainabilityMore corporate leaders are prioritizing social impact and long-term sustainability, driven by consumer centricity and common sense, not politics. Walmart is an example of a company shifting towards becoming a regenerative business.

      Despite the pressure from shareholders for short-term gains, an increasing number of corporate leaders are recognizing the importance of their social impact and long-term sustainability. This shift is not driven by politics but by common sense and consumer centricity. An example of this is Walmart, traditionally seen as a red company, now striving to become the first regenerative company and challenging suppliers to reduce carbon emissions. This change in mindset goes beyond politics and is a response to the growing awareness that human feelings and needs are crucial to the success of a business. It's not just about paying better wages or reducing carbon emissions, but about creating a company that truly makes a positive impact on society and the environment.

    • Business values tested during tough economic timesDespite economic challenges, staying true to stakeholder capitalism and environmental commitments can lead to long-term business success

      During tough economic times, cash becomes a business's lifeline. While businesses may prioritize ideological values such as stakeholder capitalism and environmental commitments, these values may be put to the test when resources become scarce. The speaker shares his personal experience during the pandemic, where he was surprised to see an increase in stakeholder capitalism practices instead of a decrease. He also emphasizes the importance of holding onto these values during tough times as a way to differentiate and stay competitive. The speaker also believes that the next few years could be significant growth periods for businesses that have committed to people and the environment for the long term. In essence, the economic climate can challenge a business's values, but staying true to them can lead to long-term success.

    • Business people as problem solvers in the political landscapeBusiness community can bridge the gap between left and right by finding solutions, not just being altruistic.

      Successful business people, who are problem solvers by nature, can play a significant role in bridging the gap between the polarized political landscape. The business world, which was once considered the right wing of the spectrum, now has an opportunity to step into the middle and help solve problems that the left and right are unable to address. The author, Alan Murray, believes that this role, often referred to as the "purple" role, could be crucial in the next 30 years. It's important to note that this isn't about being altruistic or following in the footsteps of Mother Teresa, but rather about using business acumen to find solutions. The business community has the potential to lead the way in problem-solving, and it's exciting to see how this will unfold. If you're interested in learning more, check out Alan Murray's book "Tomorrow's Capitalist: My Search for the Soul of Business," available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your local bookstore. All profits from the book go to support good journalism at Fortune.

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    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com

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    HBR On Leadership curates the best case studies and conversations with the world’s top business and management experts, to help you unlock the best in those around you. New episodes every week.

    · Listen to the original Cold Call episode: How Etsy Found Its Purpose and Crafted a Turnaround (2022)

    · Find more episodes of Cold Call

    · Discover 100 years of Harvard Business Review articles, case studies, podcasts, and more at HBR.org


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    Tune in to this episode to discover:

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    How to build a culture of psychological safety within teams and with customers by encouraging team members to use contribute their strengths


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    Follow Vicki Reyzelman: https://www.vickireyzelman.com

    ·      Article on practical innovation: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/practical-innovation-vicki-reyzelman/?trackingId=2WwGEp1RSwah%2BZ0xQT1jBg%3D%3D

    ·      Article on building a customer success culture: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/building-customer-success-culture-vicki-reyzelman/?trackingId=2WwGEp1RSwah%2BZ0xQT1jBg%3D%3D


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    #SpeakYourMindUnapologetically #Innovation #Trust #AI #Communication #Leadership #ProblemSolving

    313: Dr. Lisle & Nate: Why are people snobby? Why doesn't my spouse want to improve their health? Can you sleep train an infant? Single by choice but lonely

    313: Dr. Lisle & Nate: Why are people snobby? Why doesn't my spouse want to improve their health? Can you sleep train an infant?  Single by choice but lonely

    Evolutionary psychologist, Doug Lisle, PhD discusses the following questions: 

    1. I find snobbish behavior fascinating (sometimes irritating, sometimes amusing), but I don’t really understand the evolutionary basis of it. What are the basic motivations behind and effects of snobbish behavior? Is it insecurity and an attempt to hijack unearned or unwarranted status, a combination of personality traits, or something else?
    2. My husband is 56 yrs old obese,smokes all day and eats the SAD diet and does not exercise. He just got a colonoscopy he has diverticulosis,internal hemorrhoids and 3 polyps removed.We are waiting on pathology report.His cholesterol is high and is pre diabetic.I have been trying to motivate him to make some changes to his diet or lifestyle but I have failed.Now he even gets irritated with me taking about it. I’m whole-foods, plant-based and exercise daily.I’m really getting frustrated.What should I do?
    3. I am pregnant and in my readings on parenting, I came across the hotly contested topic of infant sleep. In short, the sleep training camp believes that babies need to be taught how to sleep independently, and that the “cry it out” method does not cause any harm. Their rhetoric is heavy on the idea that babies are manipulating their parents and if the parent doesn’t sleep train, then they are creating terrible habits and will be trapped by their child’s sleep. The anti-sleep training camp believes that babies naturally want to be close to their caregiver (like other carrying mammals) and that the “cry it out” method is cruel and does not work. They believe that sleep training ruins the secure attachment that babies need, and that babies who have responsive parents will develop into more independent and secure children. I think the cry-it-out method is biologically inappropriate, but I also don’t know if I believe that it has the capacity to cause long-term harm. I also think that disagreeable parents are more likely to sleep train. At the end of the day, it seems like it all comes down to personality, and the best my husband and I can do is hope that we get a baby as agreeable as the two of us. What are your thoughts on sleep from an evopsych perspective?
    4. Do you have any tips on how to pursue physical intimacy as a single, young woman if you are not finding a proper "pair bond" partner . Ive been single for about two years, so far haven't met anyone who would qualify as a proper boyfriend but have a strong craving for intimacy. I already follow your tip to delay sex to not get hurt but I still do not want to miss out on the cuddling, intimacy, attraction part. Do you have any tips on communication skills and how to spot qualities in a partner who might be able to provide that?


    Copyright Beat Your Genes Podcast

    Host: Nathan Gershfeld                              

    Interviewee: Doug Lisle, Ph.D.

    Podcast website:  www.BeatYourGenes.org

    True to Life seminars with Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk : www.TrueToLife.us

    For consults, visit www.EsteemDynamics.com

    Intro & outro song: City of Happy Ones · Ferenc Hegedus

    Ep 286 How To Achieve "Atomic Growth" In Your Business with Chris Richards

    Ep 286 How To Achieve "Atomic Growth" In Your Business with Chris Richards

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    Visit Chris at https://atomicgrowth.co.uk and get started on challenging and improving your mindset. You can also find him on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

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