
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Leadership Thought PatternsExploring thoughts and mental shifts can enhance leadership abilities by overcoming personal challenges and leading teams to new heights

      Great leaders are not only defined by their actions, but also by their thought processes. The best leaders think in a way that sets them apart, and understanding these thought patterns can significantly enhance one's leadership abilities. Craig Groeschel, in his podcast and book "Winning the War in Your Mind," shares insights into how leaders can change their thinking to improve their leadership. The book, which has received rave reviews from early readers, offers practical tools to help create a systematic way of thinking and cultivate the right culture. By focusing on the importance of mental shifts, leaders can not only overcome personal challenges but also take their teams to new heights. So, if you're looking to enhance your leadership skills, consider exploring the power of your thoughts and how they influence your actions.

    • Exploring the Mindsets of Effective LeadersFocus on empowerment, investment, possibilities, and inspiration for positive leadership, instead of control, spending, problems, and motivation.

      Effective leadership is all about influence, and everyone has the ability to influence others in their personal and professional lives. Over the next few Thursdays, we'll be discussing how the best leaders think, focusing on empowerment, investment, possibilities, and inspiration instead of control, spending, problems, and motivation. These ideas complement and expand on the concepts in the book "Winning the War in Your Mind." Ultimately, the direction of your leadership is determined by your strongest thoughts, so it's crucial to focus on positive and empowering mindsets. Subscribe to our podcast or YouTube channel to learn more and access bonus content.

    • Questioning our beliefs and assumptions as leadersLearn from leaders ahead in organizational development and leadership mindset to challenge our current thinking and grow as leaders.

      The way we think as leaders plays a crucial role in our leadership effectiveness. Mark Twain may not have said it, but the quote, "What gets us in trouble isn't what we know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so," highlights the importance of questioning our beliefs and assumptions. Instead of focusing solely on what other leaders do, we should strive to understand how they think. To do this, seek out leaders who are significantly ahead of us in terms of organizational development and leadership mindset. By being around such individuals, we can experience the "gift of disorientation," which exposes us to new ideas and concepts that challenge our current thinking and help us grow as leaders.

    • Learn from those ahead of usSeek out individuals with new perspectives to challenge beliefs, pay attention to areas of disagreement, and be open to acknowledging mistakes for continuous growth.

      To expand our thinking and grow as leaders, we should seek out individuals who are several steps ahead of us and challenge our perspectives. This may cause discomfort as we encounter new ideas that contradict our current beliefs, but it's essential for learning and development. Pay attention to the areas where we most strongly disagree, as these are often the places where we have the most to learn. Additionally, being open to acknowledging our mistakes and wrong assumptions is crucial for growth. Reflecting on instances where we've been wrong and changed our thinking can provide valuable insights and lead to significant advancements in our leadership abilities.

    • Leadership is about trust, influence, and empowering othersEffective leadership involves shifting mindset towards empowerment, investment, possibilities, and inspiration to foster growth and inspire success.

      Effective leadership is not about titles, position, or doing more work. Instead, it's about trust, influence, and empowering others. Controlling leaders can limit growth, while leaders who trust and invest in their team members foster possibilities and inspire success. Our thoughts shape our leadership style, so it's essential to shift our mindset towards empowerment, investment, possibilities, and inspiration. By doing so, we can lead our teams in a more positive and productive direction. Remember, your life and leadership are always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts. If you're not satisfied with where you're heading, change the way you think. The power of our thoughts is immense, and by focusing on empowerment, investment, possibilities, and inspiration, we can become better leaders and help our teams reach their full potential.

    • Thinking positively, honorably, and authentically as leadersReflect on current thoughts, read 'Winning the War in Your Mind', join a 4-week series, prioritize authenticity, leave reviews, invite others, and create a positive impact on self and teams.

      The thoughts we hold as leaders significantly shape the direction of our lives and organizations. It's essential to reflect on whether we are satisfied with our current thoughts and the trajectory they're leading us towards. To help leaders think healthily and effectively, the speaker encourages listeners to read his book, "Winning the War in Your Mind," and join a 4-week series on the topic. He also emphasizes the importance of leaving reviews, inviting others to the community, and being authentic as leaders. Ultimately, people would rather follow a genuine leader than one who is always right. So, let's prioritize thinking positively, honorably, and authentically to create a positive impact on ourselves and our teams.

    Recent Episodes from Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

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    Strategies for Building Great Leaders | Rob Hoskins

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/strategies-for-building-great-leaders-rob-hoskins/ 

    Using Adversity to Your Advantage | Will Guidara

    Using Adversity to Your Advantage | Will Guidara

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/using-adversity-to-your-advantage-will-guidara/ 

    Leading a Billion-Dollar Sales Team | Stephanie Chung

    Leading a Billion-Dollar Sales Team | Stephanie Chung

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/leading-a-billion-dollar-sales-team-stephanie-chung/ 

    Cultivating Drive as a Leader | Dr. Josh Axe

    Cultivating Drive as a Leader | Dr. Josh Axe

    The best leaders know there’s a time to encourage and a time to challenge themselves and their team. Dr. Josh Axe shares practical tools and phrases for encouraging and challenging—and shares his top health and lifestyle adjustments you can make today. 

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/cultivating-drive-as-a-leader-dr-josh-axe/ 

    Leading With Agility: How to Correct Quickly

    Leading With Agility: How to Correct Quickly

    You know "what got you here won’t get you there." With the near-constant rate of change in our world today, if you aren’t adapting your leadership approach, you’re likely getting left behind. Today, Craig shares three keys to staying agile in leadership.

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/leading-with-agility-how-to-correct-quickly/ 

    Tools for Building Self-Worth | Jamie Kern Lima

    Tools for Building Self-Worth | Jamie Kern Lima

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/tools-for-building-self-worth-jamie-kern-lima/ 

    Steven Furtick on Breaking Mental Barriers, Working Out, and Embracing Your Strengths

    Steven Furtick on Breaking Mental Barriers, Working Out, and Embracing Your Strengths

    We all have limiting beliefs. Whether it’s “I’m not a person who works out” or “I’m not a leader,” our thoughts and beliefs can hold us back. In this episode, Steven Furtick shares how we can change our thought patterns to break those limiting beliefs. 

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/steven-furtick-on-breaking-mental-barriers-working-out-and-embracing-your-strengths/ 

    3 Habits of Consistent Leaders | Think Ahead Preview

    3 Habits of Consistent Leaders | Think Ahead Preview

    One factor can have the biggest impact on the trajectory of your leadership, and it’s not your genetics, appearance, or intelligence. It’s your ability to be consistent. Today, I’m sharing three keys to consistency from my new book, Think Ahead. 

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/3-habits-of-consistent-leaders-think-ahead-preview/ 

    Solving Problems You Didn’t Create | Dr. Jon Chasteen

    Solving Problems You Didn’t Create | Dr. Jon Chasteen

    If you’ve ever inherited a struggling project, team, or organization, you know how hard it can be to fix something you didn’t break. Today’s episode with Dr. Jon Chasteen will give you practical leadership tools for rebuilding what’s been broken.

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/solving-problems-you-didnt-create-dr-jon-chasteen/ 

    8 Habits of Great Decision Makers, Part 2

    8 Habits of Great Decision Makers, Part 2

    The future of your leadership will be determined by the quality of your decisions. In part two, Craig outlines the final three factors of great decision makers. If you want to strengthen your decision making, apply these factors.

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/8-habits-of-great-decision-makers-part-2/

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    👉👉 Connect with me here: 

    Website: https://www.pivot-me.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AprilGarciaPivotMe

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theAprilGarcia/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaprilgarcia

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