
    Podcast Summary

    • Investing in effective leadership and personal growthEffective leaders invest resources thoughtfully, transforming leadership and life through practical application of scripture and identification of cognitive biases.

      Effective leaders invest their resources - time, money, and energy - rather than just spending them. The best leaders, as discussed in the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, think differently and make a significant impact. Bob Saymore, a listener and reader, praised the book "Winning the War in Your Mind" for its practical application of scripture to daily life, and for helping identify and reframe cognitive biases. This book, according to Bob, is a personal game changer. In this episode, we delve deeper into a unique way of thinking, and how it can transform leadership and life. If you haven't already, consider making an investment in yourself or someone else by getting a copy of "Winning the War in Your Mind."

    • Leaders view resources as investments, not expendituresEffective leaders strategically allocate resources, treating them as valuable investments for future success

      Effective leaders don't view resources as something to be spent, but rather as investments. Our minds, like our resources, have the capacity to grow and change. Leaders think differently about resources, viewing them as sources of support to accomplish goals. These resources include people, money, time, energy, and influence, among others. A leader's goal is to direct these resources strategically, a process known as resource allocation. By investing resources wisely today, leaders can achieve greater success in the future. Neuroscience shows that the more we think a thought, the easier it becomes to repeat, so by focusing on strategic thinking and resource allocation, leaders can create new neural pathways and shape their leadership style.

    • Investing in people, time, and talent for exponential returnsShift from spending to investing for better outcomes, empower others by investing in their development and potential, ask better questions to make a lasting impact.

      Effective leadership is about investing, not spending. Instead of focusing on how to allocate resources in a transactional way, leaders should aim for exponential returns by investing in people, time, and talent. This mindset shift empowers others and leads to better outcomes. Here are three questions to help you adopt this perspective: 1. How do I best invest my time? 2. How can I invest in the development of my team members? 3. How can I create a culture that values and invests in potential? By embracing the role of a spiritual or talent investor, you'll be empowered to ask better questions and make a lasting impact on your organization.

    • Investing time wisely for highest returnBe selective and strategic with time investment to develop valuable people, leading to exponential returns

      Investing time is not just about spending it, but carefully managing and directing it towards activities that bring the highest return. Time is a valuable asset, and being selective and strategic about how we invest it can lead to better energy management and development of valuable people. As a leader, it's important to recognize that we have the power to choose how we invest our time and energy, and that investing in the right people can lead to exponential returns. Remember, we don't find great leaders, we develop them. So, consider who you should be investing your time and energy in, and watch as your organization thrives.

    • Investing in people and areas of expertise leads to great returnsLeaders who understand their strengths and invest in them can achieve success and spiritual growth, creating jobs, profits, and positive change.

      Investing time and resources in people and areas of expertise can lead to the greatest returns, both practically and spiritually. The speaker emphasizes that as a leader, understanding where one's knowledge and gifts flow freely is crucial for success. Whether it's in business, leadership, or any other field, multiplying resources and being faithful to your mission or ministry can result in significant rewards. The speaker also highlights the spiritual aspect of this concept, referencing scripture and the idea that God rewards and applauds those who are faithful and add value to others. It's important to remember that expecting a return is not selfish or greedy, but rather a way to create jobs, profits, and positive change in people's lives.

    • Invest in your thoughts and mindset for effective leadershipTo become a world-class leader, change your thinking, view leadership as an investment, and invest in yourself to show up confidently and authentically.

      Effective leadership is not just about actions or transactions, but also about investing in your thoughts and mindset. The best leaders don't make trades, they make investments, expecting an exponential return. To become a world-class leader, you must change your thinking, as your life and leadership are always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts. It's crucial to view leadership as an investment, not a trade. Remember, the way we think determines how we lead. So, invest in yourself, show up with confidence, and be authentic. People would rather follow a real leader than one who's always right. Additionally, share this knowledge with your team by using the leader guide from life.church/leadershippodcast. Let's continue growing together in our leadership community.

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    Strategies for Building Great Leaders | Rob Hoskins

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/strategies-for-building-great-leaders-rob-hoskins/ 

    Using Adversity to Your Advantage | Will Guidara

    Using Adversity to Your Advantage | Will Guidara

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/using-adversity-to-your-advantage-will-guidara/ 

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    Leading a Billion-Dollar Sales Team | Stephanie Chung

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/leading-a-billion-dollar-sales-team-stephanie-chung/ 

    Cultivating Drive as a Leader | Dr. Josh Axe

    Cultivating Drive as a Leader | Dr. Josh Axe

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/cultivating-drive-as-a-leader-dr-josh-axe/ 

    Leading With Agility: How to Correct Quickly

    Leading With Agility: How to Correct Quickly

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/leading-with-agility-how-to-correct-quickly/ 

    Tools for Building Self-Worth | Jamie Kern Lima

    Tools for Building Self-Worth | Jamie Kern Lima

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/tools-for-building-self-worth-jamie-kern-lima/ 

    Steven Furtick on Breaking Mental Barriers, Working Out, and Embracing Your Strengths

    Steven Furtick on Breaking Mental Barriers, Working Out, and Embracing Your Strengths

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/steven-furtick-on-breaking-mental-barriers-working-out-and-embracing-your-strengths/ 

    3 Habits of Consistent Leaders | Think Ahead Preview

    3 Habits of Consistent Leaders | Think Ahead Preview

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/3-habits-of-consistent-leaders-think-ahead-preview/ 

    Solving Problems You Didn’t Create | Dr. Jon Chasteen

    Solving Problems You Didn’t Create | Dr. Jon Chasteen

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/solving-problems-you-didnt-create-dr-jon-chasteen/ 

    8 Habits of Great Decision Makers, Part 2

    8 Habits of Great Decision Makers, Part 2

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/8-habits-of-great-decision-makers-part-2/

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    Leon Garber is a philosophical writer, contemplating and elucidating the deep recesses of man's soul. He is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor/Psychotherapist — specializing in Existential Psychotherapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Trauma Therapy — and manages a blog exploring issues of death, self-esteem, love, freedom, life-meaning, and mental health/mental illness, from both empirical and personal viewpoints.

    Alen D. Ulman is a content creator and life long auto-didact. Alen manages the page Ego Ends Now which is a growing community for expanding consciousness with vital information about science, medicine, self actualization, philosophy, psychology and methods to overcome identification with compulsive thought. The purpose of Ego Ends Now is to make sure to give everyone in it's community every tool available to add levity in their own lives, making it a very real possibility for them to create a life of their own design, and help impact the world and our global community positively.

    Find us on: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/seize_podcast

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    We are also everywhere podcasts are available! 

    Where you can follow Liz Dorval:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/lizissentient


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    #Dunning-KrugerEffect #IllusionofCompetence #NYC

    Mature Skin, Pre and Post Recovery Tips, Celebrity Mishaps and Warnings with Rachel Varga

    Mature Skin, Pre and Post Recovery Tips, Celebrity Mishaps and Warnings with Rachel Varga

    What are my top tips for pre and post mature skin rejuvenation? Who is a good candidate for skin rejuvenation and what are the signs that it might not be right for you? What are a few warnings I have about skin rejuvenation that I am observing online with celebrities and how you can avoid looking overdone or having issues?

    💎 JOIN SKINCAMP at https://rachelvarga.ca and register NOW! If you select the VIP option you can SAVE 15% on EVERYTHING with me for the ENTIRE SkinCamp season!!! Early birds will save $100 on their registration as well! Each seasonal SkinCamp begins and ends with each seasonal equinox to align with our seasonal rhythms so your skin routine can too!

    💎PRE-REGISTER for my upcoming Radiance teachings and live events at https://rachelvarga.ca/live

    💎 SHOP my top skin care products, exfoliants, peels, dermal rollers, supplements and more at https://rachelvarga.ca/store


    💎 Purchase your dermaroller, serums and learn the order of operations here! https://store.rachelvarga.ca/collections/dermarolling-starter-kit


    Watch this video to get you started with dermarolling while it is still FREE! https://youtu.be/4gEz7RpTcQM (If this link no longer works it is because it is no longer free!)


    Here are a few dermarolling tips to get you started:


    Stabilize the skin for 2 weeks with your 5 basics to stabilize your skin (Shop my skin care essentials here! https://store.rachelvarga.ca/collections/skin-care-essentials)


    If you would like to learn exactly which products could be more optimal for your specific skin needs be sure to book your One on One with me at https://rachelvarga.ca/get-started and join my next skincamp like Fall SkinCamp to access my tutorials and demos at https://fallskincamp.com


    💎 DOWNLOAD my FREE 9 Keys to Slowing Skin Aging at https://rachelvarga.ca/slowaging

    💎 BOOK A ONE ON ONE with Rachel Varga for customized skin and rejuvenation guidance and use code PODCAST15 for 15% off at https://rachelvarga.ca/get-started

    💎 SAVE on my top at-home and in-office biohacking tools like red light therapy, emf mitigation, air purifiers and SO MUCH MORE to help you age impossibly well at https://RachelVarga.ca/favorites

    💎 RESEARCH and additional insights into my peer reviewed and academically published articles can be found at https://rachelvarga.ca/research

    As a Double Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist since 2011 with over 20,000 rejuvenation treatments performed on thousands of patients. I offer guidance through education on skin, rejuvenation practices/treatments, and achieving overall wellness in the areas of spirit, mind, body and beauty.

    I would love to hear from YOU!

    Rachel Varga, BScN, RN, CANS

    Email: info@rachelvarga.ca

    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

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