
    Q&A with Tim Elmore: The Hidden Power of Gen Z

    en-usDecember 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Lessons in trusting your team from Craig Groeschel and Dr. Tim ElmoreEffective leadership requires trusting your team and giving them autonomy, while also providing initial guidance and supervision. Understanding and valuing the diversity of team members can create a competitive advantage.

      Effective leadership involves both micromanaging and trusting your team. Craig Groeschel shares his experience of allowing a friend's daughter to move in with him for a summer, who later became a speaker in his place when the regular speaker was unable to speak. This experience taught Craig the importance of trusting his team and giving them autonomy. However, he also emphasizes the need for initial guidance and supervision. Additionally, Craig interviews Dr. Tim Elmore, the founder and CEO of Growing Leaders, who shares his experience of becoming a leader at a young age. Tim's book "A New Kind of Diversity" emphasizes the importance of understanding and valuing the different generations on your team to create a competitive advantage. In conclusion, effective leadership involves finding the right balance between micromanaging and trusting your team, as well as understanding and valuing the diversity of your team members. Craig and Tim's experiences and insights provide valuable lessons for anyone looking to become a better leader.

    • Empowering others to grow instead of holding on to controlLeaders should be 'guide dogs' instead of 'guard dogs', focusing on empowering and supporting team members to navigate challenges in the complex leadership landscape.

      Effective leadership involves stepping aside and empowering others to grow, rather than holding on to control. Dr. Elmore shared his experience of realizing this during a speaking engagement, and emphasized the importance of being a "guide dog" instead of a "guard dog" in today's complex leadership landscape. He believes that leaders need to be more vulnerable and transparent, and take the initiative to partner and lead their teams through challenges. Despite the increased complications of leadership in the post-pandemic world, Dr. Elmore encourages leaders to step up instead of stepping back, and offers his perspective on how to approach the current issues facing organizations. He acknowledges the difficulty of diagnosing the root causes and finding the right solutions, but suggests focusing on empowering and supporting team members as a potential solution.

    • Understanding Generational Differences for Effective LeadershipEffective leadership involves providing context, clear applications, and instilling belief during uncertain times. Understanding generational differences can lead to more effective communication, collaboration, and overall success in the workplace.

      Effective leadership involves providing context, clear applications, and instilling belief during uncertain times. Context helps provide perspective and understanding, applications offer clear, actionable steps, and belief instills confidence and motivation. Additionally, as the workplace becomes increasingly diverse with different generations, it's essential to understand the unique characteristics and experiences of each generation to effectively collaborate and build strong teams. The generations, including the Builders, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z, each have distinct traits shaped by historical events and societal trends. Understanding these differences can lead to more effective communication, collaboration, and overall success in the workplace.

    • Lead with empathy to understand Gen ZEmpathize with Gen Z's unique experiences and create a supportive work environment to help them thrive

      To effectively work with and understand the Gen Z population, it's crucial to lead with empathy. This generation, which has grown up with a high sense of agency due to easy access to information and technology, also faces significant anxiety. The constant influx of information through smartphones and social media contributes to feelings of overwhelm. It's essential for employers and leaders to create a supportive work environment where employees can bring their whole selves to work, acknowledging that everyone faces unique challenges. Gen Z has experienced a complex and rapidly changing world, with exposure to various forms of violence, sexual pressures, and financial instability. By showing empathy and understanding, we can help this generation navigate their unique experiences and thrive in the workplace.

    • Maximizing Potential of Intergenerational TeamsOlder generations should share timely and timeless truths with younger generations to create a mutually beneficial and magical working relationship.

      The generational divide between older and younger generations, particularly Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z, is shifting from entitlement to empowerment. Gen Z, in particular, demonstrates a strong work ethic, a willingness to learn, and a willingness to save. They also possess an intuition about the future that older generations lack. Older generations, on the other hand, have valuable experience and the ability to clarify and summarize learned knowledge. To maximize the potential of intergenerational teams, older generations should focus on sharing timely truths, which young people can use to make an immediate impact, while also sharing timeless truths, which come from experience. This interplay of timely and timeless truths can lead to a mutually beneficial and magical working relationship. To effectively share these truths, older generations should avoid coming across as outdated or dismissive, and instead, find ways to make their knowledge relevant and valuable to younger team members.

    • Listen and learn from younger team membersGive young team members a chance to contribute, build trust, and collaborate across generations to unlock full potential

      It's crucial to listen and understand the perspectives of younger team members, even if their ideas may initially be met with resistance or dismissal. The story of Tony, who was fired for presenting a potentially profitable idea to his executives, serves as a reminder of the importance of giving young team members a chance to contribute and build a bridge rather than a wall between generations. For those looking to lead up and share their ideas with more experienced colleagues, it's essential to learn their love language and add value to their work. Additionally, expressing loyalty and earning the right to share ideas can help build trust and open the door for productive collaboration. As we navigate the ever-changing business landscape, it's essential to remember that every generation has valuable insights to offer. By listening and learning from each other, we can create a more inclusive and innovative work environment. In the words of Tim, "We need to build a bridge rather than a wall, and not just stay in an echo chamber." So let us strive to listen, learn, and collaborate across generations to unlock the full potential of our teams and organizations.

    • Managing Younger Generations in the WorkforceUnderstand Gen Z and younger millennials' expectations for autonomy and communication. Balance trust and guidance. Value their fresh perspective and entrepreneurial spirit. Avoid stereotypes.

      When it comes to managing younger generations in the workforce, particularly Gen Z and younger millennials, it's important to understand their unique expectations and needs. They may come in asking for more autonomy and money than older leaders might be used to, but it's crucial to manage them with a balance of trust and guidance. Younger employees also value having a voice and being heard, but they need to earn that depth of voice through responsibility and results. The qualities that excite leaders about this new generation include their hacker mindset, entrepreneurial spirit, and fresh perspective. Stereotyping and mental shortcuts are not helpful, and it's essential to avoid them when working with younger employees. Overall, embracing the unique qualities and expectations of younger generations can lead to a more innovative and productive workforce.

    • Communicating with Generational DifferencesUnderstanding communication styles and norms of different generations is vital for effective team leadership. Use personality tools and adapt to individual preferences to bridge the gap and build stronger relationships.

      Effective communication and understanding generational differences are crucial for leading a diverse team. As Tim mentioned, reading before leading means understanding who you're leading before giving directions. Communication styles and norms vary among generations, and it's essential to adapt to each team member's preferences. Using personality type studies and other tools can help bridge the gap and show value to individuals. Generational diversity is as significant as ethnic, gender, or income diversity, and it requires effort to connect and work together effectively. By acknowledging and respecting these differences, teams can build stronger relationships and achieve better results.

    • Effective Communication and Active Listening Across Generations and CulturesEmpathy, active listening, and understanding context are crucial for building connections and bridging gaps across generations and cultures. Seek out strengths instead of assumptions or generalizations.

      Effective communication and active listening are essential for building connections and understanding across generations and cultures. Craig Groeschel emphasized the importance of being heard as a way to feel loved and valued, and listening with an open mind can help bridge gaps and build strong relationships. He also highlighted the need to understand the context behind people's words, behaviors, and attitudes to better lead and work together. Groeschel encouraged listeners to be optimistic about different generations and to seek out their strengths, rather than making assumptions or generalizations. He also recommended taking a free assessment called "watch this" to gain more insights on this topic. Overall, the importance of empathy, active listening, and understanding context was a recurring theme in the discussion.

    • Assessing generational differences for effective leadership and communicationUnderstand different generations through the GQ assessment, prioritize long-term growth, and keep commitments to foster effective leadership and communication.

      Understanding the generational differences among various age groups is crucial for effective leadership and communication. The GQ assessment available at newdiversitybook.com can help individuals assess their ability to connect with different generations, including Gen Z, Millennials, Gen Xers, and Boomers. Dr. Tim Elmore, a renowned speaker and author, emphasizes the importance of long-term thinking and growth for leaders. If given the opportunity to ask a respected leader one question, Dr. Elmore would ask, "How do you keep growing?" His biggest leadership pet peeve is when people fail to follow through on their commitments. Bethany, a daughter who lived with the speaker's family, shared that she appreciated her father's ability to bring fun and unconditional love and acceptance into their home.

    • Supporting children's independenceEncourage children to build their own compasses for life, allowing them to tear down parents' metaphorical fences and grow into independent adults. Embrace paradoxes in leadership and read John Maxwell's '8 Paradoxes of Great Leadership' for guidance.

      As parents, we must allow our children to tear down our metaphorical fences and build their own as they grow older. This process is essential for them to become independent adults. John Maxwell emphasizes the importance of this transition and encourages parents to support their children in building their own compasses for life. He also recommends his book "8 Paradoxes of Great Leadership" for those struggling to lead effectively, as it explores the importance of embracing paradoxes such as confidence and humility in leadership. Maxwell is excited about speaking at the Live to Lead event on October 7th, where he will discuss the topic of connecting different generations in the workplace. His latest book, "A New Diversity," aims to help create a culture where all generations can work together effectively.

    • The Impact of Leadership DevelopmentInvesting in individuals' leadership skills can significantly improve an organization and is encouraged for all.

      Investing in the leadership development of individuals can have a profound impact. Elmo's contributions to this organization's staff have made a significant difference, and the hosts encourage their audience to share this valuable content. They promise to continue providing helpful resources, which can be found in the leader guide on their website. Elmo's event is wished well, and the hosts express their enjoyment of working with him. Lastly, they encourage their community to go out and be strong leaders, as everyone benefits when leaders improve.

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