
    Reclaiming Health Through Peptides with Nathalie Niddam

    enJune 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the potential benefits of peptides for health and agingPeptides offer various health benefits, but understanding their forms and usage can be complex. Seek expert advice and optimize absorption for best results.

      Peptides are a potential tool for improving health and slowing down aging, and they can be used for various purposes such as anti-aging, burning fat, and regulating hormones. However, understanding peptides and how to use them effectively can be complex, which is why it's important to seek guidance from experts like Natalie Needham, an epigenetic coach and biohacker nutritionist. Peptides come in different forms, including orals, creams, and shots, and it's essential to know the differences and how to use them properly. Additionally, certain factors can make it difficult for the body to receive peptides effectively, so it's crucial to be aware of these and take steps to optimize their absorption. Overall, peeping this conversation can provide valuable insights for those looking to explore the potential benefits of peptides for their health. And if you're interested in fasting and taking control of your health, consider joining Doctor Middiepells' Reset Academy for support and guidance on your journey.

    • Understanding Peptide Therapy: Boosting the Body's Natural Healing AbilitiesPeptide therapy is a form of treatment using small proteins, or peptides, to stimulate natural healing and functions in the body. It's gaining popularity in functional and regenerative medicine, but not all peptides are approved for human use. Approach with caution.

      Peptide therapy is a form of treatment that involves introducing small proteins, or peptides, into the body to help stimulate the body's natural abilities to heal and perform various functions. Peptides are naturally occurring in the body but can also be synthesized in a lab for therapeutic use. While not yet mainstream, peptide therapy is gaining popularity in functional and regenerative medicine due to its ability to help the body perform tasks it may not be able to do on its own. The body does produce peptides, but production decreases as we age, leading some to supplement with exogenous peptides. It's important to note that not all peptides are approved for human use, and their use should be approached with caution. The body makes peptides, but as we age, it produces fewer of them, leading some to supplement with exogenous peptides. Peptide therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution and should be approached with care. It's a form of biohacking that involves introducing small proteins, or peptides, into the body to help stimulate natural healing and functions. Peptides are naturally occurring in the body but can also be synthesized in a lab for therapeutic use. While not yet mainstream, they are gaining popularity in functional and regenerative medicine due to their ability to help the body perform tasks it may not be able to do on its own. However, not all peptides are approved for human use, and their use should be approached with caution.

    • Unlocking the potential of bioregulator peptidesBioregulator peptides are natural substances that promote cellular renewal and can be obtained through organ meats or supplements. They're essential for various organs and can help unlock our untapped potential, counteracting normal aging processes.

      Our bodies naturally produce short peptides called bioregulators, which act as epigenetic switches to upregulate protein production for cellular renewal in specific tissues. As we age, we produce fewer of these peptides. We can obtain them through eating organ meats or taking supplements. However, it's unlikely we can consume all the necessary organs and tissues to get a therapeutic effect. Desiccated organ supplements offer a more convenient solution, providing a higher concentration of bioregulator peptides than eating the organs alone. Bioregulator peptides are essential for various organs, including the pancreas, liver, stomach, and many others. While we may not have a deficiency of these peptides, Professor Cavinson's theory suggests that we all have an untapped potential, and using bioregulator peptides can help unlock that potential and counteract normal wear and tear on our bodies.

    • Discovering the Power of Peptides for Anti-AgingPeptides are natural signals that can help maintain health and potentially lower biological age, but they're just one piece of the puzzle in overall health and anti-aging. Always consult with healthcare professionals before use.

      Peptides are a new discovery in the field of anti-aging and longevity, acting as signals to the body to rejuvenate specific organs, such as the pancreas, liver, or stomach. This can help individuals maintain their health and potentially lower their biological age, making them look and feel younger than their chronological age. Peptides were originally used by bodybuilders as a biohacking tool due to their ability to control the body's outcomes. However, the increasing stressors in modern life, including physical, emotional, and chemical stressors, have led more people to explore peptide use. It's important to note that while peptides are powerful, they are just one piece of the puzzle in maintaining health and slowing down the aging process. Other lifestyle factors, such as stress management, proper nutrition, and regular exercise, are also crucial. Additionally, everyone's biohacking journey is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to understanding peptide use for anti-aging. It's essential to do thorough research and consult with healthcare professionals before incorporating peptides into your health regimen.

    • Addressing imbalances for healthy agingThymosin alpha 1 and bioregulators, peptides that help bring the body into balance, can enhance the effectiveness of conventional therapies and potentially reduce the need for medications in some cases. They support various bodily functions, including detoxification and lipid metabolism.

      When it comes to anti-aging or healthy aging, addressing imbalances in the body, particularly inflammation and immune function, can be beneficial. Thymosin alpha 1, an immune peptide, is an example of a compound that can help bring the immune system into balance. Bioregulators, another type of peptide, work by normalizing various bodily functions and can be used in conjunction with conventional therapies to enhance their effectiveness. These peptides don't act as medications but rather help bring the body back into balance. The safety profile of these peptides is impressive, and research suggests they can improve outcomes when used with medications. For instance, in a study on COPD patients, those who received both medication and a lung bioregulator had better results than those who only took medication. This approach could potentially reduce the need for medications in some cases. Additionally, bioregulators can support various bodily functions, such as detoxification and lipid metabolism. Overall, these peptides offer a promising approach to promoting health and counteracting aging by addressing imbalances in the body.

    • Healing the gut with BPC 157: A versatile peptideBPC 157, a naturally occurring gut peptide, can be used in various forms to heal gut damage and aid in musculoskeletal injuries. Join Doctor Mindy's 60-day fitness program for gut health improvement using code ps60pels.

      BPC 157, a naturally occurring peptide in the gut, can help heal a damaged gut lining and is also effective for musculoskeletal injuries. It's typically administered through subcutaneous injection, but it can also be used topically, orally, and intranasally. When it comes to peptides, understanding which one to use for specific symptoms and how to introduce it into the body is crucial. Most peptides require subcutaneous injection due to their protein structure, but BPC 157 is an exception as it originates in the gut and can be used in various forms. For those interested in improving their health and healing their gut, Doctor Mindy has teamed up with Tony Horton to create PowerSync 60, a revolutionary 60-day fitness program for both men and women, which includes a free bonus meal plan and customized eating plans. Join Doctor Mindy and Tony on this journey by visiting doctormindy.org and using the code ps60pels.

    • Caution with BPC 157 and peptides, prioritize quality sourcesExercise caution with BPC 157 and other peptides, prioritize quality sources, and work with a practitioner for responsible self-experimentation. Epitalon, a bioregulator, reduced mortality in older adults over a 12-year period.

      While BPC 157 is known for its numerous health benefits, including brain protection and nervous system balance, it's essential to be cautious due to potential adverse effects for a small percentage of people. Self-experimentation with peptides should be approached responsibly, with careful journaling and working with a practitioner. Additionally, the quality of supplement sources matters, and cheaper options may not be better. Epitalon, one of the bioregulators, was shown in a study to significantly reduce mortality in older adults over a 12-year period. Overall, when considering peptides and bioregulators, be aware of potential risks and benefits, and prioritize quality sources.

    • Boost health and longevity with peptides and bioregulatorsPeptides and bioregulators from pineal and thymus glands can enhance health and longevity, best taken as supplements from age 40, complementing a healthy lifestyle. Properly breaking a fast can also maximize their benefits.

      Certain peptides and bioregulators, specifically those related to the pineal and thymus glands, can significantly improve health and longevity by restoring their functions. These supplements can be taken orally starting around age 40 as a nutritional supplement, and used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. It's important to remember that these supplements are not a replacement for our own innate healing abilities, but rather adjuncts to help slow down the aging process. Another key point is the importance of considering how to properly break a fast, as the body may be more receptive to nutrients and supplements after a period of cleansing. These discoveries offer exciting possibilities for extending healthy lifespans and optimizing overall well-being.

    • Peptides like BPC 157 and thymosin alpha 1 aid early healing and weak immune systemsPeptides BPC 157 and thymosin alpha 1 boost energy and hope for early healing and weak immune systems, while balancing immune system and growth hormone secretagogues promote anti-aging.

      Certain peptides, specifically BPC 157 and thymosin alpha 1, can help individuals in the early stages of healing or those with weakened immune systems to move towards better health. These peptides can provide enough improvement to give individuals the energy and hope to make further positive changes. The discussion also touched upon the importance of balancing the immune system and the use of growth hormone secretagogues as a safer alternative to exogenous growth hormone supplementation for anti-aging purposes. Overall, these peptides can serve as valuable tools in the journey towards better health and improved quality of life.

    • Understanding the Importance of IGF-1 and Peptides for Optimal HealthTo maximize the benefits of peptides like BPC 157 and growth hormone secretagogues, it's crucial to consider IGF-1 levels, proper dosage, cycling, and detoxification.

      While peptides like BPC 157 and growth hormone secretagogues can offer numerous benefits such as improved sleep, faster recovery, better skin, and cognitive enhancements, it's crucial to approach their use with caution. Knowing your IGF-1 levels and finding the right dosage and cycling on and off are essential. Additionally, upregulating growth hormone receptors with BPC 157 can enhance the effects of growth hormone secretagogues. However, toxicity plays a significant role in the effectiveness of peptides. High toxic loads can prevent the body from properly utilizing these compounds, making detoxification a necessary step for optimal results. Ultimately, a foundational lifestyle that includes reducing toxins and ensuring proper nutrition is essential for maximizing the benefits of peptides and other supplements.

    • Exploring the World of Peptides: A Holistic ApproachAdopt a healthy lifestyle first, find a knowledgeable practitioner or self-educate, understand the concept of pulsing inputs, and optimize benefits for females through hormonal pulsing.

      To effectively explore the world of peptides, a holistic approach is essential. This includes adopting a healthy lifestyle first, and then considering peptides as a potential supplement. Finding a knowledgeable practitioner or self-educating through resources like books, podcasts, and communities can help in this journey. The body responds best to pulses of inputs, not constant consumption, and this concept applies to both lifestyle and peptide use. The female body, in particular, benefits from hormonal pulsing. However, our healthcare system often fails to teach us about lifestyle or the importance of pulsing medications. By focusing on both lifestyle and peptides, we can optimize their benefits and improve overall health.

    • Approaching Peptides with Awareness and UnderstandingStart with resources, consider dose and lifestyle before using peptides, and approach them with respect due to ongoing research.

      Peptides, though powerful and native to the body, require careful consideration and respect due to the ongoing research and potential learning curve. Dose and lifestyle are crucial factors to consider before using peptides. Natalie Nidham emphasizes this importance through her personal experience with oxytocin and her advocacy for using these substances responsibly. Additionally, she suggests starting with resources like her website or the Mighty Networks community for those interested in learning more about peptides and their potential benefits. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of approaching peptides with awareness and understanding, rather than jumping into their use without proper knowledge.

    • Practice self-love and continuous learningRecognize the importance of self-care and curiosity for personal growth and overall well-being. Stay curious, ask questions, and expand your knowledge to improve your life.

      Self-love and continuous learning are essential practices for personal growth and overall well-being. The theme of the year is self-love, and it's crucial to recognize the importance of taking care of oneself, even as educators and helpers to others. A self-love practice can include various activities, such as exercising, relaxing, or engaging in curiosity-driven learning. Natalie Nidham, a biohacking expert, emphasizes the importance of curiosity as her superpower and a key to longevity. By staying curious and asking questions, we can learn new things and expand our knowledge continuously. To connect with Natalie and explore more about biohacking and self-love practices, visit her website at natnidham.com or find her on Instagram @natalieknidham. Remember, taking care of oneself and being curious are essential steps towards a fulfilling and healthy life.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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