
    (Rewind): 3 Texts You Can Send to Get Their Attention INSTANTLY

    enApril 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Stand out on dating apps with commonality, challenge, or humorComment on relatable pics for commonality, send engaging messages for challenge, and use light-hearted humor to make a great first impression on dating apps, all while maintaining confidence.

      When trying to make a first impression on a dating app, it's important to stand out by showing commonality, creating a sense of challenge, or using humor. Matthew Hussey, from the 'Love Life' podcast, shares three specific messages for each approach. For commonality, comment on a non-serious picture they've posted, showing that you've noticed something relatable about them. For creating a sense of challenge, send a message that requires a response, engaging them in a playful back-and-forth. Lastly, for using humor, craft a light-hearted and funny message to make them smile. But remember, confidence is key. Stay tuned until the end of the episode to learn the mindset for confidence that will give you the courage to send these messages and make a move. It's not just about knowing what to do, but also having the right mindset to do it.

    • Using humor and playfulness in initial messages on dating appsCustomized, light-hearted messages that show genuine interest and a sense of humor can increase chances of making a connection on dating apps

      Using humor and showing a sense of playfulness in your initial messages on dating apps can increase your chances of making a connection. The first message, "no idea if we'd get along, but your Jurassic Park t-shirt is a step in the right direction," is a challenge message that shows you've noticed something you like about the person but are unsure if there's mutual interest. The second message, "just looking at your profile makes me want pasta," is a light-hearted message that shows you have a sense of humor and can be playful. These messages can be customized based on specific details in the person's profile, making it clear that you've taken the time to show genuine interest. By using humor and playfulness, you can create a positive and engaging first impression, potentially leading to a successful match.

    • Lead with your intentions, not your egoFocusing on intentions over ego allows for overcoming fear of rejection and taking risks for meaningful connections

      When trying to make a move in social situations, whether it's on a dating app or in real life, it's important to be guided by your intentions rather than your ego. Our ego can hold us back from taking risks due to the fear of rejection, which can threaten the identity we've built up for ourselves. However, focusing too much on our ego can also prevent us from taking risks that could lead to new experiences and potential growth. By leading with our intentions, we can overcome our fear of rejection and take bold steps towards building meaningful connections with others. Remember, the key is to focus on what you genuinely want and desire, rather than worrying about how others perceive you.

    • The importance of true love over egoFocus on genuine connections and prioritize true love over ego to overcome fear of rejection and find meaningful relationships.

      The pursuit of true love is more important than protecting one's ego. The speaker shares their deep desire for a meaningful connection with someone who truly sees and accepts them for who they are. They emphasize that the person who doesn't accept or want them is not important to their pure intention of finding genuine love. The speaker encourages others to focus on moving early dating situations forward and finding the person who genuinely wants them, rather than getting caught up in rejections or unfulfilling situationships. By prioritizing the intention of finding true love, one can overcome the fear of rejection and focus on what truly matters. The Momentum Texts program offers practical tools to help individuals navigate early dating and move towards meaningful connections.

    Recent Episodes from Love Life with Matthew Hussey

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    Why does this happen? Why do we conveniently keep getting attracted to the least convenient people?

    It can be deeply frustrating, especially when there might be someone who does like us but who we just don’t want.

    In this episode, I explain two fundamental reasons why this keeps happening. 

    At the end of this video, I give you a practical “mind trick” you can do on yourself to change this...

    Learn the 2 mistakes that keep you from meeting the right person...


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    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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    250: “How Soon Can I Ask for Exclusivity?”
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    In today’s podcast, you’ll learn how to balance emotional intuition with practical strategy . . . plus avoid emotional manipulators and love bombers in the process. You’ll also learn how important connection is (and when feeling it in the early days of dating can lead you down the wrong path, especially when chemistry is valued over compatibility). This episode will give you tools and mindsets to navigate the early days of dating with confidence!

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

    (Matt Monday): How to Heal From a Narcissistic Relationship

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    No matter what your story is, you don’t have to carry this baggage forever. After listening to Cara’s story, you might start to look at your life, your history, and your future differently.

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

    (Rewind): Don’t Avoid Difficult Conversations In Relationships. Do THIS…

    (Rewind): Don’t Avoid Difficult Conversations In Relationships. Do THIS…
    Sometimes we avoid speaking up about what we really want with a person because we're afraid we will "make waves" in the relationship.

    We come from a place of fear and anxiety. "What if me telling him I want something to be different makes him walk away altogether?" we think to ourselves.

    So we ignore the conversation and silently suffer.

    But then nothing gets better. We just put off the conversation for another day while time keeps moving on.
    If this is you, this episode is for you.

    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

    (Matt Monday): Long Distance Relationship? AVOID This Mistake

    (Matt Monday): Long Distance Relationship? AVOID This Mistake
    Have you ever wondered how you can move on from someone you never dated? Perhaps you’ve been pining for them for months (or even years) . . . hoping they’ll finally notice you and see your value. 
    This great question is one of 7 I answer in today’s new episode, based on the comments you left me last week. I also dig into topics like:
    • What’s the best way to start a long-distance relationship?
    • What’s your dating advice for people over 40?
    • Why did they change their mind about being ready for a relationship?
    Don’t miss these, and once you’re done, be sure to send an email to podcast@matthewhussey.com with a question you’d like me to answer next time!

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    (Rewind): Do You Feel You’re Giving Too Much in Relationships?

    (Rewind): Do You Feel You’re Giving Too Much in Relationships?

    What do you do when you’re a giving person but you feel like your kindness gets taken advantage of in relationships? Maybe you feel like you’re always the one trying and then your resentment builds up until one day you explode in anger. 

    In this video, I show you why we get trapped in the curse of people pleasing, how to set appropriate boundaries, and how to ask for what you need from someone you’re dating. 


    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    248: Are They Right for You? (Love Languages Explained)

    248: Are They Right for You? (Love Languages Explained)
    The concept of "love languages" has been incredibly popular in recent years. But is there really only 5 ways to give and receive love? And how useful is the idea of love languages when trying to find a compatible partner for a relationship?

    Join Matt, Stephen and Audrey for an explanation of the science around love languages, criticisms and challenges of the theory, and how you can apply them when dating. 

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    (Matt Monday): Why They ALWAYS Come Back + How to Reach Out After It Ends

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    "How can you tell the difference between love bombing and genuine interest?"

    This is just one question out of 10 that I answer in today's rapid-fire Q&A episode, which also includes answers to:
    •  "What Dating Advice Would You Give to Your 16-Year-Old Self?"
    •  "When Did You Last Cry?"
    •  "How Can I Get Over the Shame of Having Stayed Too Long in a Relationship?"
    •  "Is It Worth Reaching Back Out to an Ex Who May Have Changed?"
    ... and much more.

    It was super fun to read and answer all your questions. Be sure to leave me a comment with any questions you might have for part 2!
    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    (Rewind): 7 Surprising Signs They Like You...

    (Rewind): 7 Surprising Signs They Like You...
    If you’ve ever wondered, “do they actually like me?" then you don’t want to miss this episode…

    How do you know if someone genuinely has eyes for you, or if they're just like that with everyone they meet? 

    Taking the risk of putting yourself on the line could mean embarrassment, rejection, or make things super-awkward between you both later on.

    You need to know when you have the green light. You need to be sure when it’s ok to flirt and test the waters.

    In this clip then, I'll show you the 7 obvious signs someone REALLY likes you...

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    "Nice guys are sexier than 6 pack abs as long as you cultivate that sense of worthiness and confidence."- Connell Barrett

    "Having cash and a cool job is a nice bonus in the eyes of women, but it doesn't ignite connection and attraction."- Connell Barrett

    "Instead of focusing on what you think you lack, play to your strengths and boost your confidence."- Connell Barrett

    Featured in the episode
    Connell Barrett
    Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation
    Website: https://datingtransformation.com

    00:51 Introduction
    01:39 Unveiling Authentic Flirting: Debunking Myths
    05:04 Attracting Women: Beyond Lamborghinis and Cash
    06:41 Looks Don't Define You: Embrace Your Appeal
    09:52 Kindness Matters: Prioritizing What Women Truly Value
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    17:02 Embracing Body Diversity: Attraction Beyond Shapes
    20:35 The Charisma of Darren: Humor's Captivating Power
    24:05 Nice Guys Finish First: The Desirability of Kindness
    26:32 Nice Guys: Confidence and Sexiness Unleashed
    31:49 Approaching Confidently: Overcoming Creep Stereotypes
    33:01 Embracing Natural Connections: Genuine Interactions
    34:46 Outro

    48: Ready to Give Up on Dating? Watch This...

    48: Ready to Give Up on Dating? Watch This...

    I can’t tell you how many times a week someone online says to me: “Matthew, I’ve had enough. I’m just going to give up on dating altogether.”

    It may be because they are sick of getting their heart broken. It may be that they are exhausted from going on dates that don’t go anywhere, or online conversations that never even get to the point of a date in the first place.

    It could be the frustration of never meeting people they have true chemistry with, or when they finally do, discovering that they aren’t looking for a relationship.

    If you feel any of these things, I made this for you.

    If you feel you’re close to giving up on this area of your life, I have no righteous ground to take in telling you you’re wrong. I completely understand it. It is unbelievably frustrating, especially when you want nothing more than to just get on with sharing your life with that special person instead of more time passing without them in it. You’re not weak or crazy for feeling the way you do, so give yourself a break. But before you give up, just do me one favor – listen to this podcast today.


    If you're ready to do something truly special this year and transform your life over 3 magical days, join me for our first ever LIVE Virtual Retreat at MHVirtualRetreat.com


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    "It would be a beautiful world... Even just a little bit of movement in this area can have really dramatic impact on your own life and ideally, if it can have an impact on your relationships one on one, it can over time have impact on a more community level - and ideally on a more systems level." - Ashley Pallathra 

    We are so lucky to get to talk to Edward Brodkin and Ashley Pallathra - the leading experts on human connection and authors of Missing Each Other: How to Cultivate Meaningful Connections. Edward - or Ted as he goes by - is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry. He is the Founder and Director of the Adult Autism Spectrum Program at Penn Medicine. Ashley is a Clinical Researcher and Therapist. She is the author of several published research articles and a book chapter in the fields of autism research, social neuroscience and social-emotional functioning in youth.

    Today we talk about:

    • human connection … and why it’s so important… 
    • How to connect with someone you fundamentally disagree with… and navigating conflict.
    • We also talk about the four components of atunement… and how to practice these in your own lives for stronger connections 

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