
    Side Effects of Being a Reformed Racist (with Daniel Collins)

    enFebruary 09, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Joy and Connection in Unexpected PlacesMeet unexpected friends, find joy in experiences, and use your platform to fight for justice and equality.

      Life is about more than just personal struggles or diagnoses. It's about connecting with loved ones, finding joy in experiences, and fighting for equality and justice for others. Daniel Collins' story, shared on the Small Doses podcast, serves as a powerful reminder of this. Daniel, a former professional baseball player turned prison inmate, shares how he met his friend Rashaun in prison while teaching him about the stock market. Their unlikely friendship led Daniel to become an advocate for Rashaun's release and use his platform to raise awareness about the injustices in the prison system. This experience transformed Daniel from a conservative, capitalist-minded individual to an advocate for change. Through Daniel's story, we are reminded that life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and it's essential to use our experiences to make a positive impact on the world.

    • Realizing Justice System DisparitiesEncountering a fellow inmate with different charges led the speaker to recognize the unfairness and disparities within the criminal justice system, altering their perspective and fostering a call for change.

      The criminal justice system can be unfairly disparate, and personal experiences within it can open one's eyes to systemic issues. The speaker, who had numerous felony charges, met Rashan, who had one charge, in prison. Both were from the same judicial circuit and area, and their experiences led the speaker to realize the disparities in sentencing. While in prison, the speaker continued learning and met Rashan, who was also in a low-custody work area. They bonded over the Wall Street Journal and started talking. Despite their different backgrounds and circumstances, their encounter highlighted the need for a fairer justice system. The speaker's perspective changed, recognizing their own privilege and the potential consequences if they had Rashan's charges. The system's disparities can have profound impacts, shaping individuals' perspectives and fostering a call for change.

    • Friendship with Rashan led to perspective changeEngaging in open dialogue and learning from others can lead to significant perspective changes, even if their perspectives initially challenge our own.

      Personal experiences and encounters with individuals who challenge our beliefs can lead to significant transformations in our perspectives. The speaker shares how his friendship with a man named Rashan in prison, who was quiet and always reading, helped him challenge his anti-Black Lives Matter views rooted in ignorance. Through their conversations and Rashan's introduction to the 13th amendment, the speaker's understanding of systemic racism and social inequality deepened. This experience taught him that underestimating someone based on their quiet demeanor or outward appearance can be a mistake. It's important to engage in open dialogue and be willing to learn from others, even if their perspectives initially challenge our own.

    • Racism goes beyond individual prejudicesAll white people have been exposed to racist ideology and must actively work to unlearn it and become anti-racist.

      Racism is not just about individual prejudices, but rather a deeply ingrained system that affects people's lives in institutional ways. Many white people may not realize they're part of this system because they don't experience it as a personal attack on their morality. However, the speaker argues that supporting such a system, even unintentionally, can perpetuate harm against people of color. The speaker's personal journey involved recognizing the historical roots of racism and the ways it continues to manifest in modern society, leading them to the conclusion that all white people have been exposed to racist ideology and must actively work to unlearn it and become anti-racist.

    • The deep-rooted nature of racismRacism can be unconsciously inherited and requires ongoing effort to understand and challenge.

      Racism is deeply ingrained and can be passed down through generations, even if one is not consciously aware of it. The speaker shares their personal experience of being in prison and being exposed to white supremacist beliefs, which they initially found disturbing but later realized were deeply ingrained in them. They discuss how these beliefs were not consciously taught to them but were instead a part of their upbringing and cultural background. The speaker is still working to understand and challenge these beliefs, recognizing that it is a lifelong process. They also mention the book "My Grandmother's Hands" by Resmaa Menakem, which they have recently started reading and which has helped them understand the biological and generational nature of racism.

    • Personal growth and understanding systemic racismEmbrace the challenging journey of re-learning and unlearning to understand and combat systemic racism, despite potential losses of relationships or perceived moral attacks.

      Personal growth and understanding of systemic racism requires a willingness to learn and challenge previously held beliefs. The speaker shares their experience of undergoing a significant shift in perspective, leading to the loss of friendships and family due to perceived moral attacks. They emphasize that this transformation was not an attack on their morality, but rather a lack of education and exposure to diverse perspectives. The speaker also highlights the importance of acknowledging the different conversations white people have around and without black people, and the need to question deeply ingrained beliefs and biases. The process of re-learning and unlearning is a challenging but necessary journey towards understanding and combating systemic racism.

    • The power of belief and supportBelief and support from others can help individuals stay focused on a better future, even in the most challenging circumstances.

      The power of belief and unwavering support can significantly impact someone's life, even in the most challenging circumstances. The speaker shares his experience of meeting Rishan in prison, a man who stood out for his discipline, respect, and faith in others. Despite the speaker's involvement in the criminal underworld, Rishan's belief in him helped him stay focused on a better future. Rishan's story is a stark contrast to the speaker's, as he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for being an accomplice to a botched robbery where nothing was taken. Rishan's sister turned state witness, leading to his lengthy sentence. The speaker's story highlights the importance of having someone believe in you, especially during difficult times, and Rishan's unwavering faith in the speaker played a crucial role in their connection.

    • Failure of legal representation leads to disparate outcomesUnequal legal representation can result in harsher sentences for less culpable individuals, highlighting the importance of fair representation and equal application of the law.

      The justice system can fail to provide equal representation and fair plea offers, leading to disparate outcomes for similarly situated individuals. In the case discussed, two brothers, Rishon and Jermaine, were involved in an incident where Rishon was sleeping in the car when the police arrived. Though Rishon was the youngest and least culpable, he was given a harsher sentence than his brother due to the failure of their attorney to convey a more favorable plea offer. This failure was later acknowledged in Jermaine's appeal, but when Rishon attempted the same argument, he was denied. The system's bias against self-representation and the stigma of filing multiple motions further complicated Rishon's case. This case underscores the importance of fair representation and equal application of the law, regardless of individual circumstances.

    • Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice SystemTwo different court systems exist based on wealth and privilege, leading to racial disparities in sentencing.

      Racial disparities exist deeply within the criminal justice system, as shown in the case of Reshaun Clark and Chase Leitinger in Martin County, Florida. Both individuals had the same charge, record, and point system, yet received vastly different sentences. This disparity cannot be justified, regardless of circumstances. The reality is that there are two different court systems: one for those with more resources and privilege, and another for those without. This systemic issue, as highlighted by Bryan Stevenson, is rooted in wealth rather than culpability. Currently, efforts are being made to help Reshaun through a GoFundMe campaign and the hiring of an attorney for a post-conviction investigation.

    • The criminal justice system's unfairness leads to disparate outcomesThe criminal justice system's reliance on background checks and lack of resources for those re-entering society can hinder their ability to reintegrate, emphasizing the importance of education, passion, and resilience.

      The criminal justice system can be unfair and unjust, leading to disparate outcomes for similar cases. Rashan and his brother had the same evidence, but one received relief while the other did not. Rashan's refusal to work on a DOT squad, which he saw as modern-day slave labor, led to his incarceration. Daniel's conversation with Rashan introduced him to the concept of convict leasing and the 13th amendment, which he came to see as the evolution of slavery to mass incarceration. Daniel's own experience of re-entering society after prison highlighted the challenges faced by those without family, housing, or resources. The criminal justice system's reliance on background checks made it difficult for Daniel to find employment. Despite these challenges, Daniel emphasized the importance of education, passion, and resilience in navigating the complexities of the system.

    • Daniel's prison experience changed his perspective on race and powerDaniel encourages objective reasoning about race and power, recognizes harm caused by emotional reactions, and observes reversed power dynamics in prison leading to peace and unity

      Daniel's experience in prison and his subsequent activism has brought him a new perspective on race and power dynamics. He recognizes the harm caused by emotional reactions to racial language and encourages objective reasoning. Daniel also shares his observation that in the prison system, power dynamics are reversed, and white prisoners form alliances due to their lack of power. He believes that understanding these dynamics can lead to peace and unity. Despite the backlash he has faced, Daniel remains at peace and hopes others will join him in objective conversations about race and power.

    • Deep connections challenge societal norms and lead to personal growthDeep relationships prioritize humanity over material wealth and can lead to new perspectives and personal growth

      The quality of relationships and the ability to tap into emotions like love and understanding is more important than the quantity of intellectual conversations. These deep connections can awaken something within us that challenges the societal norms and leads to personal growth. As Dick Gregory said, "once you see it, you can never unsee it." This perspective can lead to a new lens through which we view the world, prioritizing humanity over material wealth. It's important to have meaningful conversations and allow space for growth, recognizing that it's not owed to us.

    • Learning from Black Creators and AuthorsEmbrace personal growth, educate yourself, confront racist beliefs, seek help for addiction, and support Rishan Clark's cause.

      Personal growth and education are individual responsibilities. The speaker shares how they have learned from black creators and authors but emphasizes it's not their responsibility to teach. They take the initiative to educate themselves, expressing gratitude for those who provide opportunities for growth. The speaker also acknowledges the impact of confronting racist beliefs when faced with black people, leading to newfound understanding. Additionally, they discuss their personal struggles with addiction and how seeking help and inner peace are crucial for overcoming it. Lastly, they encourage supporting Rishan Clark's cause through his GoFundMe page and JPay, emphasizing the importance of conversation and connection.

    • Silencing messages of love and positivity in prisonPrisons can silence inmates who spread messages of love, positivity, and humanity through social media, even if they don't ask for money or criticize the system. Education and speaking out are crucial to bring change.

      The prison system can silence inmates who attempt to spread messages of love, positivity, and humanity through social media, even if they do not solicit money or criticize the system. This was the experience of a man who was initially allowed to post videos as long as he did not ask for money, but was later put in confinement after an attorney posted a video on his behalf. The man, who had gained support and traction for his messages, was seen as a threat and was feared for retaliation. Despite the challenges, he urged people to engage with and learn about systemic racism and injustice through books and documentaries. He also emphasized the importance of staying the course and speaking out, as one never knows where it may lead. The man's story highlights the harsh realities of the prison system and the lengths it goes to silence those who challenge the status quo. It is crucial for individuals to educate themselves on these issues and use their voices to bring about change.

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