
    Side Effects of Being an LA Transplant (with Adrienne Houghton)

    enFebruary 26, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Challenges and Valuing ConnectionsAppreciate unique challenges in life, cherish connections, and respect others despite misunderstandings

      No matter what form of media you prefer, whether it's audiobooks or live events, cherishing your favorite content is important. Adrienne, a guest on the Small Doses Poetry For Everyday Use podcast, shared her experience of embracing her new last name, Houghton, and the challenges that come with it. She also emphasized the importance of respecting and appreciating others, even when there may be misunderstandings or misconceptions. Adrienne and Amanda, despite what others may say, have a strong bond and respect each other's minds. This episode serves as a reminder to value the connections we have and to embrace the unique challenges that come with life. Additionally, don't forget to check out Smart Funny in Black in LA and Boston, and be sure to listen to Adrienne's book on Audible for an extra dose of inspiration.

    • Overcoming Resistance to New Experiences in a New PlaceEmbrace change and new experiences, even if initially resistant. Learn to appreciate differences and find joy in them, such as trying new foods or exploring new cultures.

      Moving from a place like New York to a new environment like Los Angeles can come with unique challenges and prejudices. The speaker shares her experience of initially being resistant to new experiences and stereotypes in LA, but over time, she learned to embrace the differences and even find joy in them. For instance, she was once adamantly against eating sushi but now enjoys it at Nobu in Malibu. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of understanding that everyone brings their own biases and experiences to new places, and that it's essential to be open-minded and adaptable to new situations. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of embracing change and the unique experiences that come with moving to a new place.

    • Living in LA during 9/11: Uncertainty and DeterminationThe 9/11 attacks disrupted the speaker's plans to join the MTV TRL tour, but living in LA during this time also revealed the determination of artists to pursue their dreams amidst uncertainty and tragedy.

      The Archstone Studio City complex in Los Angeles was home to many up-and-coming artists during a pivotal time, including Janae, Eminem, Raven Symone, and Disney kids. The speaker, who was part of a touring group, was the only one without a driver's license and had to walk to Hollywood and Highland to experience the glamour of the stars. However, their plans to join the MTV TRL tour were disrupted by the 9/11 attacks, causing them to stay in LA instead. Their first-hand account reveals the devastating aftermath of the attacks, with the city smelling of formaldehyde due to the cleanup efforts. The speaker's initial visit to LA was cut short, but they later returned to record with the Cheetah Girls. The experience of living in LA during this time was marked by uncertainty and tragedy, but also by the determination of artists to pursue their dreams despite the challenges.

    • Living and thriving in LA's fast-paced entertainment industryAmbition, focus, and resilience are crucial for success in the competitive entertainment industry, as shown by the speaker's experiences living and working in LA and New York.

      The speaker's ambitious and driven mindset, honed during her time in Los Angeles, allowed her to thrive in the fast-paced entertainment industry. She recalls her early experiences of living and working in LA, sharing how she lived across the street from Disney's The Grove and juggled multiple auditions in a single day. Her hustle and determination, which she compared to the constant noise and energy of New York City, set her apart and helped her succeed. Even when she moved to New York for a chance at a different opportunity, her work ethic remained unwavering. The speaker's story highlights the importance of ambition, focus, and resilience in achieving one's goals, particularly in the competitive world of entertainment.

    • Adjusting to life in LA: Lack of close connectionsBuilding a community of close friends and family is crucial for feeling at home, even in a new city where making friends may be easier but less lasting.

      For the speaker, the biggest adjustment when moving to Los Angeles from New York was the lack of close family and friends. She felt that while it was easier to make friends in LA, they tended to fade away over time. In contrast, New York friends were harder to come by but were lifelong companions. To combat the feeling of loneliness, the speaker brought her close New York friends to LA and was able to build a community there. Another challenge was the sprawling nature of LA and the unreliable traffic, which made it difficult to navigate and get around. Despite these challenges, the speaker ultimately found that building a community of close friends and family in LA was key to feeling at home.

    • How the cost of living impacts decisions and experiencesThe environment and cost of living in a specific area can significantly influence one's choices and experiences, from home improvements to lifestyle priorities

      The cost of living and lifestyle in certain areas, like Bel Air in Los Angeles, can significantly impact one's decisions and experiences. The speaker shared how the high cost of adding a pool to her Bel Air home prevented her from getting one, and how the prevalent health-conscious lifestyle in LA led her to prioritize outdoor activities over indoor ones. Additionally, she discussed how moving to LA at a younger age could have potentially led her astray due to societal pressures to fit in with the "it" crowd. Overall, the discussion highlights how the environment and cost of living in a particular area can shape one's choices and experiences.

    • Pressure to fit in and maintain a public image can lead to misalignment with true selfSuccess can lead individuals to reevaluate priorities and focus on personal needs for authentic alignment

      Success can lead individuals to reevaluate their priorities and adjust their public image to align with their true selves. The speaker shares how they once felt pressured to maintain a busy social life and high public profile to fit in with the industry, but eventually recognized that their work and personal sanity were more important. They felt that their public image didn't accurately represent their achievements and value, and that the contrast between the natural beauty of LA and the superficiality of the entertainment industry contributed to this misalignment. Ultimately, they learned to focus on their work and prioritize their personal needs, recognizing that true success comes from within.

    • Two Different Approaches to Creativity and Success: New York vs. Los AngelesNew York offers a challenging environment with a strong focus on hard work, while Los Angeles provides more space, resources, and opportunities for collaboration in the entertainment industry. The choice between the two depends on individual priorities and goals.

      New York and Los Angeles represent different approaches to creativity and success. New York, with its focus on hard work, can leave artists feeling unrecognized and undervalued. In contrast, Los Angeles offers the potential for more space, resources, and opportunities for collaboration, making it an attractive destination for those seeking to make a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. The speaker's personal experience of feeling stifled in New York and finding new beginnings in Los Angeles illustrates this idea. Ultimately, the choice between the two cities depends on an individual's priorities and goals. For some, the grind of New York may be worth it for the sense of accomplishment that comes from working hard and overcoming challenges. For others, the allure of Los Angeles and its promise of greater opportunities and resources may be more appealing.

    • Personal growth through open spacesMoving to a quieter environment can provide necessary space for self-reflection and personal growth, leading to increased productivity and overall well-being.

      The speaker values open spaces and quiet environments for personal growth and productivity, having felt overwhelmed by the constant hustle and bustle of New York City. The speaker's experience of loneliness in Los Angeles was different, feeling more like solitude and providing the space for self-reflection and progress. The speaker also appreciates the weather and diverse vibe in Los Angeles, which contributes to their overall enjoyment and productivity in the city. Ultimately, the speaker believes that moving to Los Angeles at a certain point in their life was necessary for their personal growth, having previously thrived in the claustrophobic environment of New York City.

    • Exploring California's Diverse VibesFrom beaches and mountains to deserts and cities, California offers a wide range of experiences for every kind of traveler.

      California offers a diverse range of experiences and vibes, from the beach and snow to desert and city life. Whether you're looking for a club vibe, a New York hip hop scene, or a peaceful retreat in nature, California has it all. Some notable recommendations include the beach vibes of Santa Monica and Malibu, the snowy mountains of Big Bear, the desert hippie vibes of Joshua Tree, the wine tasting in Santa Barbara, and the hustle and bustle of Downtown LA. Road trips are a great way to explore these various vibes, and each destination offers its unique experiences and attractions. So, no matter what kind of adventure you're seeking, California is sure to deliver.

    • Embracing new experiences can lead to growth and creativityLetting go of past experiences and embracing new opportunities can lead to unexpected joys and discoveries

      Trying to relive past experiences or recreate old memories in new places may not yield the same joy and can lead to disappointment. Instead, embracing new opportunities and communities can lead to growth and creativity. This was exemplified in the speaker's experience moving from New York to Los Angeles after a freezing winter forced her to leave her apartment. Initially, she tried to recreate her old life in LA, but was met with disappointment and rejection. However, she eventually discovered a community of creators in LA that allowed her to thrive and pursue her passions. It was a valuable lesson in letting go of the past and embracing new experiences.

    • Making your dreams come true in LA requires self-relianceIn LA, stay focused on goals, be persistent, and collaborate with others to thrive, while avoiding posers.

      Moving to Los Angeles with the mindset of relying on others to make your dreams come true is a recipe for disappointment. Instead, it's essential to be proactive and manage your own career. The unique creative culture in LA arises from the fact that many people have moved there with the sole intention of pursuing their artistic passions, leading to a community of individuals who are dedicated to creating and elevating content. However, this mindset can also result in a sense of isolation and even depression when one is not consistently producing. It's crucial to remember that everyone in LA is likely in a similar situation, and building a network and collaborating with others can lead to opportunities and growth. But beware of those who falsely claim titles and expertise, as the industry is filled with posers. Ultimately, the key to thriving in LA is to stay focused on your goals, be persistent, and continually create and put yourself out there.

    • Living Authentically: Vegan vs. Plant-BasedThe speaker values a plant-based lifestyle but recognizes the distinction between veganism and plant-based diets. They emphasize the importance of personal growth, convenience, and intentional choices in maintaining their lifestyle.

      The speaker values living a plant-based lifestyle, but recognizes the distinction between being vegan and plant-based. Veganism goes beyond just diet for the speaker, it's a lifestyle choice that includes avoiding animal products in all areas of life. However, the convenience of having plant-based options readily available in various restaurants and settings makes it easier to maintain this lifestyle. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of personal growth and preparation, drawing inspiration from the quote "preparation meets opportunity." When it comes to starting a family, the speaker expresses a desire to instill certain values and experiences in their children, which they feel may be lacking in Los Angeles compared to their childhood in New York. Overall, the speaker's takeaways revolve around the importance of living authentically, making intentional choices, and striving for personal growth.

    • Longing for Children to Experience NYC CultureThe speaker values her NYC upbringing deeply and wishes her children to have similar experiences, despite potential challenges.

      The speaker values the experiences and cultural influences of growing up in New York City so deeply that she wishes her children could have similar experiences, despite the challenges. She acknowledges that her children will likely have different opportunities and experiences due to her success, but she yearns for them to understand and appreciate the struggles and culture she grew up with. The speaker shares stories of her own struggles, such as living in apartments and dealing with rats, and expresses a desire to give her children that option as well. Ultimately, she wants her children to have a rich and diverse upbringing that includes both privilege and struggle.

    • Lessons from a dirty New York neighborhoodFacing challenges and seeking positivity can help shape personal growth and identify goals

      Experiencing fear and adversity can help shape and focus an individual's perspective and goals. The speaker shares how growing up with cockroaches in a dirty neighborhood in New York made her appreciate cleanliness and the importance of sunlight in her living space. Her move to LA allowed her to find peace and clarity, which helped her identify her desires and become the person she wanted to be. The lack of sunlight in some apartments in LA was a surprise to her, but she prioritized it in her search for a home. Overall, the speaker's experiences taught her to value the importance of facing challenges and seeking out the things that bring positivity and light into her life.

    • Experiences shape our desire for changeEmbrace new experiences, let go of preconceived notions, and be open to change for personal growth.

      People's perceptions and experiences of different places can greatly influence their desire for change and personal growth. The speaker shares how his experience of living in an apartment in downtown Los Angeles represented his best life at a certain point, but as he grew and his needs changed, he yearned for more - a pool, laundry in his own house. A visit to Simon Cowell's house in Malibu served as a catalyst for him to take a leap and pursue a better life, despite initial fears and apprehensions. He encourages listeners who feel drawn to LA but are hesitant due to unfamiliarity or fear, to embrace new experiences and not let preconceived notions hold them back. The speaker also highlights how the sunshine and unique experiences LA offers, such as sushi, have enriched his life. Ultimately, he emphasizes the importance of being open to change and reconnecting with oneself in new environments.

    • Comparing the comfort of car traffic to NYC public transportationThe speaker cherishes shared musical experiences on the train but dislikes the lack of personal space and unpleasant encounters, finding joy in building a community in LA and pursuing their career, while maintaining a deep connection to NYC and considering it their home, and entertaining the idea of using a sperm bank for genetic traits.

      While traffic in a car may have its downsides, it pales in comparison to the crowded and uncomfortable experiences of public transportation in New York City. The speaker fondly remembers moments of shared musical experiences on the train, but also recalls the unpleasant encounters and lack of personal space. Despite this, they find joy in building a community of New Yorkers in Los Angeles and pursuing their career. Ultimately, they express a deep connection to the city and consider it their home, raising the question of whether they will ever leave or start a family there. The speaker also shares their amusement at the idea of using a sperm bank to ensure desirable genetic traits for their potential child.

    • A New Yorker's Inspiration: Creating Accessible FashionA New York native creates affordable jewelry lines inspired by local trends, making iconic styles accessible to all.

      New York City has had a significant impact on fashion and style, inspiring many trends that have become popular around the world. A person named X I X I, inspired by her experiences growing up in New York, started a jewelry line recreating the pieces she wore and loved, which were then being sold at high prices in department stores. She wanted to make these styles accessible to everyone, and so she created Faith and Familia and later Seoul New York, offering Cuban link chains, Figaro chains, and other pieces at shopxixi.com. The jewelry line is also featured on Fox's L'Areal every morning with X I X I and Adrienne. The conversation also touched upon the influence of various neighborhoods in New York City on fashion trends, such as Harlem, the Lower East Side, and Delancey Street. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of staying true to one's roots and passions, even when faced with opposition, and the power of creating and sharing something meaningful with others.

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