
    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Community and Word-of-Mouth MarketingBuilding a strong community and authentic recommendations can significantly impact the success of creative projects and businesses.

      Community and word-of-mouth marketing play a crucial role in the success of creative projects and businesses. The speaker emphasized the importance of fans sharing their excitement about upcoming projects, such as his book, with others. He also highlighted the impact of trusted recommendations, noting that people are more likely to try new things based on the suggestions of those they trust. This concept was illustrated through the speaker's own experiences, including the growth of his live show, Smart Bunny in Black, and the anticipated release of his book, Small Doses. The speaker's message underscores the power of building a strong community and the importance of authentic recommendations in driving success.

    • Maintaining Professionalism in Challenging SituationsRegardless of industry or environment, respecting others and creating boundaries are crucial for maintaining professionalism. Reporting unprofessional conduct may be necessary, and as a black professional, it's essential to stay true to oneself while handling challenges.

      Professionalism is essential in all aspects of life, regardless of the industry or environment. It's crucial to respect and consider others, even when faced with unprofessional behavior from others. Creating boundaries and maintaining a professional demeanor are essential when dealing with challenging situations. In the workplace, reporting unprofessional conduct to HR or superiors may be necessary to protect oneself. It's unfortunate that such situations can arise, but it's essential to remember that as a black professional, one carries the weight of being part of a political movement, and it's crucial to handle professional challenges while staying true to oneself.

    • Addressing Unprofessional FriendsBe aware of friends' behavior at work and address unprofessional actions directly to protect your reputation and maintain a positive work environment.

      Professionalism can sometimes be misused as a cover for passive aggression. In the conversation, the speaker discussed an instance where they accidentally bumped into LeVar Burton and felt they weren't professional. However, they acknowledged it was an exaggeration. The real issue was a friend they recommended for a job acting unprofessionally and negatively affecting the speaker's reputation. To address this, the speaker suggested having a direct conversation with the friend about their behavior and how it impacts both of them. They also advised being aware of how friends may behave differently as employees and nipping any negative behavior in the bud. The speaker warned that when things go wrong, people may question the speaker's judgment in hiring their friend, so they should be prepared to own their recommendation. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of addressing issues directly and professionally to maintain a positive work environment.

    • Masking Professionalism with Passive AggressionPassive aggression, disguised as politeness, decreases efficiency and creates a culture of misunderstandings. Open and direct communication is key.

      Passive aggression has become a pervasive issue in many workplaces, particularly among white women, who use it as a mask for professionalism. This trend decreases efficiency and creates a culture where addressing issues directly is considered unprofessional. Passive aggression takes many forms, such as cc'ing unnecessary people, asking questions with known answers, or using subtle jabs. These tactics can be just as harmful as confrontational behavior, but because they are cloaked in politeness, they can be harder to recognize and address. This culture can make it difficult for people to communicate effectively and can lead to frustration and misunderstandings. It's important for individuals and organizations to recognize the negative impact of passive aggression and strive for open and direct communication instead.

    • Navigating Workplace Challenges as a Black ProfessionalBlack professionals often face added pressure to conform to cultural expectations and suppress emotions, leading to feelings of exhaustion and frustration. Inclusive workplaces that acknowledge and address these issues are crucial for authenticity and productivity.

      Being a black professional in a white office can be an exhausting experience due to the added pressure of having to conform to cultural expectations and suppress emotions to avoid discomfort or stereotypes. This extra burden of creating a work persona to fit in can lead to feelings of frustration, annoyance, and exhaustion. The speaker shares personal experiences of being misunderstood or judged based on their race, and the need to constantly prove amiability. This phenomenon, rooted in systemic racism, can make workplaces feel unsafe and unwelcoming for black employees. It's crucial for companies to foster inclusive cultures that acknowledge and address these issues, allowing employees to bring their authentic selves to work.

    • Navigating racial identity in the workplaceBlack employees face emotional burden of conforming to white cultural norms to fit in, but authenticity and self-care are crucial for mental health

      Navigating race in the workplace is a complex and challenging experience. Amanda's story highlights the emotional burden of having to create a persona to fit in and feel safe, while also maintaining the integrity of her identity. This balancing act can lead to feelings of frustration and exhaustion, as black employees are often expected to conform to white cultural norms to be considered professional. Amanda's experience also underscores the importance of self-care and evolving into a new work environment while staying true to oneself. However, the reality is that even when black employees adapt, they may still face discrimination and be let go from their jobs. It's crucial to understand the emotional toll of these experiences and the importance of authenticity in the workplace.

    • Navigating challenging coworkers and maintaining professionalismMaintain professionalism, accountability, and recognize when to distance from toxic individuals. Trust is essential, but sometimes people may not show they're receiving advice or knowledge. Share knowledge, especially with underrepresented groups, and prioritize mental and emotional well-being.

      Navigating professional relationships can be challenging, especially when dealing with difficult coworkers. It's essential to maintain professionalism and accountability, but it's also important to recognize when it's necessary to lower expectations and distance oneself from toxic individuals. Trust is a crucial aspect of professionalism, and when it's broken, it can make working relationships uncomfortable and unenjoyable. However, it's important to remember that sometimes people may not show that they're receiving advice or knowledge, but it may still be making an impact. Sharing knowledge, especially with younger women and people of color, can be rewarding, even if it's not always immediately apparent that it's being received. Overall, it's essential to stay true to oneself and prioritize mental and emotional well-being in the workplace.

    • Offering information and choices instead of imposing wisdomEmpower younger individuals by sharing knowledge and providing options, rather than imposing ideas, to foster growth and independence.

      When trying to help or mentor younger individuals, it's important to be mindful of their desire for independence and not come off as imposing one's wisdom or ideals. Instead, offering information and choices can lead to a more receptive response. Additionally, recognizing the value of shared experiences and building supportive communities can help bridge the gap between generations and foster growth. It's essential to remember that everyone has unique strengths and the opportunity to make a difference, even if it doesn't always feel immediate. Ultimately, the goal is to empower and uplift each other, recognizing that we all have something valuable to offer.

    • Creating personable relationships in professional settingsBlack professionals and businesses should foster personable relationships without compromising professionalism to widen access to opportunities and create more welcoming spaces for diverse perspectives.

      Creating a culture of personability is essential for Black professionals and businesses, especially in a country where equality is still not fully achieved. However, it's important to ensure that this personability does not cross the line into informality, which can hinder the ability to navigate and excel in non-Black spaces. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing familiarity that goes beyond personable levels, as it can negatively impact productivity and hinder progress towards creating more inclusive work environments. The speaker encourages Black professionals and business owners to find ways to foster personable relationships without compromising professionalism, as this can help widen access to opportunities and create more welcoming spaces for diverse perspectives.

    • Understanding Your Responsibility in the WorkplaceFamiliarize yourself with workplace rules and culture, balance emotions and facts, and take initiative to learn the ins and outs of your role for success.

      As a leader or professional, the space you create and the culture you build are crucial, but they can be easily dismantled or obliterated. It's essential to understand that you have significant responsibility for the workflow, mood, and overall functioning of your team or business. Emotions and intuition play a significant role in business, and finding a balance between facts, statistics, and your innate understanding is key to success. It's important to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations specific to your professional space by obtaining an employee handbook or seeking advice from experienced coworkers. Taking the initiative to learn the ins and outs of your workplace can give you a competitive edge and help you navigate the unique challenges of your role. Remember, no one cares about your job as much as you do, so it's up to you to be proactive and informed. While being professional can sometimes feel restrictive, it's important to remember that the structure and guidelines in place are designed to help you and your team succeed.

    • Upholding work with ethics and awarenessBe professional by doing your job with excellence and integrity, evaluating its value, and avoiding jobs where suppression is required.

      Professionalism goes beyond just showing up to work and staying quiet. It's about upholding the work you do with ethics and awareness, and not letting personal issues or external distractions affect your performance. Being a professional also means getting paid for your skills and expertise. It's important to evaluate the value of your job and whether you can go home feeling good about the work you've done. Avoid jobs where being professional means suppressing your thoughts and questions, as this is a misrepresentation of what it means to be professional. Remember, being professional is about doing what you do with excellence and integrity. Additionally, there's an opportunity to make some extra money through fantasy sports apps like Prize Picks. By selecting 2 or more players, picking more or less on their projections, and placing your entry, you can win up to 100 times your money. Prize Picks is currently offering a first deposit match of up to $100. Use the code "get100" when you download the app and make your first deposit to take advantage of this offer. With Prize Picks, you can pick more or pick less, and it's that easy.

    Recent Episodes from Small Doses with Amanda Seales

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    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please be sure to subscribe and leave a review. 

    A written transcript of this podcast episode is available upon request.  To request a copy, please send us an email.

    Lis’ contact information:

    Website: www.liscashin.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lis-cashin

    Twitter: @liscashin

    TEDx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOLRGBohTd4

    This is ME book:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1913479781/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=this+is+me+lis+cashin&qid=1608120159&s=digital-text&sr=1-2-catcorr

    Lindsay’s contact information:

    To book a discovery call: https://calendly.com/lindsaylapaquette/discovery-call

    E-mail: lindsay@collaborative-solutions.ca

    Website: https://lindsaylapaquette.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsaylapaquette/

    Previous podcast episodes:  https://lindsaylapaquette.com/podcast

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