
    Side Effects of Reading with LeVar Burton - Part 2

    enMay 22, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of expertise and knowledge in entertainment and automotive industriesRespecting elders and knowing when to back down from arguments (LeVar Burton) and deep automotive knowledge from professional parts people (O'Reilly Auto Parts) are crucial elements in both entertainment and automotive industries.

      Both entertainment and automotive industries value expertise and knowledge. LeVar Burton continues to captivate audiences with his live comedy game show, Smart Bunny and Black, while O'Reilly Auto Parts provides professional assistance for automotive needs. Burton shared a story about his encounter with the late Dick Gregory, emphasizing the importance of respecting elders and knowing when to back down from arguments. Meanwhile, O'Reilly Auto Parts prides itself on its professional parts people, who possess deep automotive knowledge. Whether it's enjoying live comedy shows or fixing cars, expertise and knowledge are essential elements that make these experiences worthwhile. So, plan ahead and get your tickets for Smart Bunny and Black's You Know the Vibonix 101 tour, and trust the professional parts people at O'Reilly Auto Parts for your automotive needs.

    • From acting success to personal struggles and backLaVar Burton's early acting success led him to seek solace in substances, but he found stability through his mother's support and went on to create iconic projects. Unexpectedly, his character in a web series attended a table read for a film inspired by his own experiences.

      LaVar Burton's early acting success was overwhelming and led him to seek solace in substances, causing him to lose sight of himself. However, he eventually found stability through his mother's support and went on to create iconic projects like "Reading Rainbow" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation." An unexpected connection emerged when Burton's character in his web series, "get your life," attended a table read for a film inspired by his own experiences with him as a guide on a Nile tour. This anecdote underscores the surreal nature of Burton's life and the profound impact his early success had on his career.

    • Star Trek's groundbreaking representationStar Trek's progressive casting and representation in the 1980s and beyond resonated deeply with audiences, inspiring future generations and continuing to push boundaries in media.

      Groundbreaking representation in media, as demonstrated by the Star Trek franchise, can have a profound impact on audiences. LeVar Burton, an actor and director, shared his experience of unexpectedly joining the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation during its inception. At the time, it was the first iteration of the franchise post-the original series and faced initial skepticism due to the loyalty of fans to the original cast. However, the show's progressive representation, including a black woman in a command role and an interracial kiss on television, resonated deeply with audiences, particularly for those growing up in the 1960s and 1970s when such representation was rare. Burton's involvement was significant to him because of Gene Roddenberry's involvement, as he believed it ensured the show's potential for quality. Today, Star Trek continues to push boundaries with new iterations like Discovery, which has also received critical acclaim.

    • Effective leadership in production requires someone to take chargeStrong leadership skills are essential for directing a production. Reading and a solid vocabulary enhance communication and understanding.

      Directing a production, whether it's a speech or a television show, requires strong leadership skills. Mark, as a director, emphasized that getting a large team to work together towards a common goal necessitates someone taking charge. He likened this to the principle that "power abhors a vacuum," meaning that if no one is leading, someone will step up to fill the role. Additionally, Mark highlighted the importance of having a solid vocabulary and the value of reading, which he believes is crucial for effective communication and understanding the world around us. An anecdote shared by Mark about a man mispronouncing a word despite having the context correct illustrates the importance of taking the time to learn the correct pronunciation and meaning of words. Mark expressed concern about the current trend of disconnecting children from reading as a valuable pastime, as he grew up in a household where his mother's love for reading set an example for him. To encourage children to read more, Mark suggested finding out what they are passionate about and using that interest to make reading a more enjoyable experience.

    • The power of reading and storytelling for communities and childrenReading and storytelling foster personal growth, artistic abilities, and cultural preservation. Libraries and hip hop music are valuable resources for accessing knowledge and black voices.

      The importance of reading and storytelling, particularly for children and communities, cannot be overstated. Passion for reading is often driven by personal experiences and seeing others engage with books. Libraries are valuable resources that provide access to knowledge and stories. The African American narrative in hip hop music is a continuation of the literary tradition, emphasizing the importance of black voices telling their own stories. Reading can enhance one's artistic abilities, such as rapping, and is a vital aspect of preserving and celebrating cultural heritage. The legacy of slavery may have suppressed the value of literacy for some communities, but recognizing and addressing this historical context can help promote the importance of reading and storytelling for future generations.

    • Historical issues in black educationThe education system in the US has a long history of neglect and exploitation towards black children, leading to a stigma around literacy and education in the black community

      The education system in the United States has historically failed to provide comparable education to citizens of color, particularly black children. This stems from a long history of neglect and exploitation, including the theft of the country from indigenous peoples and the enslavement and religious conversion of African people. The stigma around education and literacy in the black community is a result of this history, as being able to read and speak effectively can lead to being labeled as "acting white." The joy of discovering the younger generation of people of color who grew up on educational programs like Reading Rainbow has shown LeVar Burton the deep impact PBS had in the black community, but acknowledging and addressing the historical issues surrounding education and race is necessary for true progress.

    • The Power of Storytelling to Connect Us as Human BeingsStories inspire creativity by connecting us to the words of others and our imaginative selves. LeVar Burton emphasizes the importance of reading and interpreting stories to bring them to life.

      Stories have the power to connect us as human beings, just like music. LeVar Burton, an accomplished actor and podcast host, emphasizes the importance of continuing to tell stories and keeping them alive in our culture. He encourages writers to up their reading game to inspire their own creativity and connect with their imaginative selves. The root of inspiration comes from the Latin word "inspirare," meaning to breathe in, and it's through breathing in the words of others that we can connect with the divine spark of creativity. Burton also shares how he chooses the stories for his podcast, "LeVar Burton Kids: Skybrary," by interpreting the author's words and bringing characters to life through his own voice. Storytelling is a fundamental aspect of human connection, allowing us to discover commonalities and de-emphasize differences. At the end of the day, we are all a species designed to tell stories.

    • The Power of Storytelling through Movies and PodcastsMovies and podcasts are powerful storytelling mediums that engage our senses and connect us to our shared humanity. It takes courage to share personal stories and enter the literary realm.

      Storytelling through moving pictures and sound, as embodied in movies, is a profoundly effective tool for connecting with the human consciousness due to its ability to engage our senses. LaVardis Green, a guest on the podcast, emphasized the power of this medium, reminding us of our shared humanity. He also shared his unique personal story, including the origin of his name and his journey to becoming a writer. Writing a book, as Green discovered, is a challenging and lonely process. Despite the difficulties, he is entering the literary realm with his upcoming 320-page work, set to be released on October 22nd. This podcast episode serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling and the courage it takes to share our stories with the world.

    • Exploring the Magic of Literature and StorytellingLeVar Burton encourages Valen Magoulas to write a novel and discusses the joy of literature through audiobooks on his podcast, while emphasizing the importance of representation in stories.

      Valen Magoulas and LeVar Burton had an engaging conversation about the joy of literature and storytelling, particularly through audiobooks. Burton shared his love for his podcast, LeVar Burton Reads, which offers a condensed yet enjoyable way to experience stories for those who are short on time or prefer listening to reading. Magoulas expressed his desire to write a novel, and Burton encouraged him to follow his impulse. The conversation also touched on their shared love for the works of James Baldwin and the importance of representation in literature and media. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of storytelling and the various ways it can be enjoyed. So, whether you're a fan of reading, writing, or listening, there's a way for everyone to connect with the magic of literature. Be sure to check out LeVar Burton Reads and explore the works of James Baldwin for some inspiring and thought-provoking stories.

    • Black experiences as science fictionBlack experiences, filled with unique challenges and obstacles, can be seen as a form of science fiction. Octavia Butler's works authentically blend the Black experience with science fiction elements, highlighting the fantastical nature of marginalization and the importance of recognizing and exploring these experiences.

      The experiences of Black people can be seen as a form of science fiction due to the unique challenges and obstacles they face in society. During the conversation, the speaker shared personal experiences and mentioned several books that explore this theme, including "Giovanni's Room," "Things Fall Apart," "Spook Who Sat by the Door," and works by Octavia Butler. Octavia Butler, in particular, was highlighted for her ability to authentically blend the Black experience with science fiction elements. The speaker emphasized that Black people have often been marginalized and seen as "the other," and their lived experiences can be just as fantastical and imaginative as any science fiction story. The conversation ended with a promotion for Prize Picks, a fantasy sports app, but the underlying message remained that the unique experiences of Black people deserve recognition and exploration, just like any other form of science fiction.

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