
    Top 3 Essential Oils For Female Hormone Regulation - With Gavin Poulton

    enDecember 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Essential oils for hormonal supportEssential oils can align with the fasting cycle and support hormonal needs for both genders, enhancing production and overall health.

      Essential oils, which are the lifeblood of plants, can be used to support hormonal needs for both men and women. In this podcast episode, Gavin Polten, the founder of Restore Hope Oils, shares how he helped Doctor Mindy create essential oils that align with the fasting cycle and the needs of the three sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone for women, and testosterone for men. These essential oils, now available on their websites, can be used to enhance hormonal production and support overall health and wellness. The Resetter podcast and the Reset Academy offer valuable resources and a supportive community for those looking to incorporate fasting and essential oils into their lifestyle.

    • Connecting with nature's healing power through essential oilsEssential oils offer health benefits through absorption, mood enhancement through smell, and a strong synergy with humans. Join Dr. Mindy's Reset Academy for essential oil treatment plans.

      Essential oils, as the lifeblood of plants, offer a direct connection to nature's healing power. They can be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream, providing various health benefits such as anti-inflammatory effects, parasympathetic activation, and wound repair. Moreover, the fastest way to improve mood is through smell, making essential oils an effective tool for emotional well-being. As we're made up of similar elements, essential oils and humans share a strong synergy. Dr. Mindy's Reset Academy, where she guides members towards health goals, includes essential oils in her treatment plans due to their proven effectiveness. If you're interested in unlocking your full potential and embracing a fasting lifestyle, consider joining Dr. Mindy's community at doctormindypels.com/resetacademy.

    • Essential oils connect to the brain's mood and memory areasEssential oils, particularly citrus types, can help reduce stress and anxiety through the olfactory nerve's connection to the limbic system, lasting up to 72 hours depending on the oil's notes and evaporation rates.

      Essential oils can provide an immediate connection to the limbic system, specifically the hippocampus, which is linked to mood and memory. This is particularly significant for those experiencing mental challenges such as stress, anxiety, or even early signs of Alzheimer's disease, as they may have difficulty accessing these areas of the brain directly. The olfactory nerve, which is responsible for our sense of smell, plays a crucial role in this process. Essential oils, specifically citrus oils, have been shown to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiousness through various studies. However, it's important to remember that essential oils do not provide long-term nutrients and should not be considered a magic pill or a substitute for proper self-care and healing. Furthermore, the effectiveness of essential oils depends on their notes - top, middle, and base notes - and their respective evaporation rates. Top notes, such as citrus oils, evaporate quickly and provide benefits for around 3 to 5 hours. Middle notes last longer, around 5 to 8 hours, and base notes can have an effect for up to 72 hours. Understanding the notes and their respective longevity can help individuals optimize their use of essential oils for maximum benefit.

    • Using Essential Oils for Hormonal BalanceEssential oils can support hormonal balance when used with care and intention, blended with carrier oils, and timed to different phases of the menstrual cycle.

      Essential oils should be used with care and intention, and they can be timed to align with different hormonal needs. The way oils are blended with top notes and base notes creates a continual benefit, but they can be overdone and may be too concentrated for direct application. Using a carrier oil helps with absorption and prevents irritation. Essential oils work at a subconscious level, and even if you don't smell them, they're still providing benefits. In the context of women's health, essential oils can be timed to different phases of the menstrual cycle to support hormonal balance. The process of creating essential oil blends for specific hormonal needs requires careful consideration and consideration of the individual's hormonal needs.

    • Essential oils in 'I am strong' blend support hormonal balanceThe 'I am strong' essential oil blend, with grapefruit as its main component, promotes estrogen production and reduces cortisol levels, contributing to hormonal balance and wellbeing.

      Essential oils in blends like "I am strong" can support hormonal balance by promoting estrogen production and reducing cortisol levels. The blend's main component, grapefruit, is rich in d-limonene, which is beneficial for cellular health and detox, and can stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more estrogen. Additionally, the blend's ratio and dilution in carrier oils help ensure the body receives the optimal volume of these beneficial essential oils. By supporting estrogen production and reducing cortisol, essential oil blends like "I am strong" can contribute to overall hormonal balance and wellbeing.

    • Essential oils for emotional and physical benefitsCoriander relieves stress, pink pepper stimulates and calms, black pepper, clove, cinnamon, and ginger address physical and emotional challenges, synergistically improving mood and wellbeing, particularly for women due to hormonal influence.

      Essential oils, like the blend discussed which includes coriander, pink pepper, black pepper, clove, cinnamon, and ginger, can have significant emotional and physical benefits. Coriander acts as a stress reliever and blend enhancer, pink pepper is stimulating from an olfactory standpoint and calming internally, while black pepper, clove, cinnamon, and ginger are specific to glucose and help break through emotional barriers and uplift. These oils work synergistically, just like a dream team, to address both physical and emotional challenges. Hormones, particularly estrogen, play a crucial role in our moods and emotions, making these essential oils even more valuable for women. While they are typically used topically, theoretically, they could be consumed internally, but it's recommended to consult a practitioner first.

    • Essential oils for menstrual cycle supportI Am Strong and I Am Restored oils have distinct benefits during different menstrual cycle stages. I Am Strong boosts energy and relaxation during non-ovulation, while I Am Restored promotes relaxation and stimulates the mind during ovulation. Both oils support digestion and liver health.

      Essential oils like I am strong and I am restored, derived from spice oils, have potential health benefits during different stages of the menstrual cycle. I am strong, with its high limonene content, is a favorite for energy and relaxation during non-ovulation days. I am restored, on the other hand, is used during ovulation when estrogen and testosterone levels peak. Its main ingredients, orange and rosemary, work together to promote relaxation and stimulate the mind, respectively. Both oils have digestive and liver-supporting properties, making them a great addition to a holistic health routine. The unique chemical compositions of these oils, despite their similarities, create distinct effects, highlighting the importance of understanding the subtle differences.

    • Supporting the body during menstruationDuring menstruation, it's vital to support the pituitary gland and liver for effective hormone breakdown. I Am Restored essential oil blend, with detoxifying, tonic, and antioxidant properties, can aid in this process and help eliminate toxins like phthalates that negatively impact hormonal balance.

      During the first phase of a woman's menstrual cycle, it's crucial to support the pituitary gland and ensure the body can effectively break down hormones, especially in the ovulation window. I Am Restored essential oil blend, with its focus on gut and liver health, can be applied topically to aid in this process. The oils in I Am Restored, such as rosemary, ginger, and peppermint, have detoxifying, tonic, and antioxidant properties, making them beneficial for liver health. Additionally, it's important to note that exposure to toxins like phthalates, commonly found in synthetic fragrances and air fresheners, can negatively impact testosterone levels. Using I Am Restored topically can help detoxify these toxins and maintain hormonal balance.

    • Doctor Mindy's new oil, I Am Restored, supports testosterone production and detoxificationDoctor Mindy's new oil, I Am Restored, helps create an optimal environment for hormonal balance through its main component, cineole, found in rosemary. It's not a testosterone supplement but a tool for the body.

      Doctor Mindy's new oil, I Am Restored, is designed to create an environment in the body that supports testosterone production and detoxification. The oil's citrus minty scent and cleansing properties come from the main component, cineole, found in rosemary. This oil is not a testosterone supplement, but rather a tool to help the body create the optimal environment for hormonal balance. Doctor Mindy has also teamed up with Tony Horton to create PowerSync 60, a revolutionary 60-day fitness program for both men and women, which includes a customized meal plan and fasting. For those interested, use the code "ps60pels" on doctormindy.org to get a 20% discount and lifetime access. Additionally, Doctor Mindy plans to carry I Am Restored with her to give as a gift to Uber drivers instead of strong colognes or air fresheners.

    • Self-care and relaxation during menstrual cycle's second power phaseUse essential oils like lavender and vetiver to engage parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and promoting calmness during menstrual cycle's second power phase.

      During the second power phase of a woman's menstrual cycle, when hormone levels dip, it's important to focus on self-care and relaxation. The use of essential oils like lavender and vetiver can help engage the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and promoting calmness. Vetiver, in particular, is known for its complex properties and ability to address chronic stress and nervous exhaustion, making it a valuable addition to the I Am Still oil blend. The simplicity of the affirmation and the calming effects of the essential oils work together to help women navigate this phase of their cycle and prepare for the shedding of the uterine lining.

    • Essential oils 'I am still' synergistically enhance each other's propertiesThese essential oils promote relaxation, reduce stress, and help manage hormonal imbalances caused by societal pressures, using a natural and effective solution.

      The essential oils "I am still" (vetiver and lavender) create a synergistic blend that enhances each other's properties, creating a more powerful effect than using them separately. This blend can help rebalance hormones, particularly for women dealing with hormonal imbalances caused by stress and modern societal pressures. The combination of vetiver's complexity and lavender's ability to enhance blends makes this a powerful tool for promoting relaxation and reducing stress, allowing individuals to better cope with the demands of daily life. Additionally, the oils "I am strong" and "I am restored" can be used in conjunction with the "I am still" blend to match the menstrual cycle, while "I am enough" can be used throughout the cycle to help manage emotions and feelings of inadequacy. Overall, these essential oils offer a natural and effective solution for managing stress and hormonal imbalances.

    • Affirmations for Women's HealthAffirmations like 'I am strong,' 'I am restored,' and 'I am enough' can help women address feelings of inadequacy and improve mental and physical health by reminding them of their strength, resilience, and worth. They can be applied to different body parts for inflammation relief and healing.

      Affirmations, such as "I am strong," "I am restored," "I am still," and "I am enough," hold significant value for women's mental and physical health. These affirmations address the core issue of many women, which is feeling like they're not enough. By using affirmations, women can remind themselves of their strength, resilience, and worth. The affirmations can be applied to various areas of the body, including the lymphatic system, ovaries, adrenals, sternum, and sacrum, to provide inflammation relief and promote healing. The discussion emphasized the importance of acknowledging and addressing the underlying feelings of inadequacy that women often experience, and the power of affirmations in helping women feel heard, understood, and empowered.

    • Using Essential Oils for Emotional and Spiritual Well-beingEssential oils can promote emotional and spiritual well-being by helping to calm the adrenals, connect with inner self, and cultivate desired emotions and vibrations. Gabby Bernstein encourages using them as a tool for self-care, mindfulness, and spiritual growth.

      Essential oils can be used not only for physical healing but also for emotional and spiritual well-being. Gabby Bernstein, a motivational speaker and author, shared her experience of using essential oils to calm the adrenals and connect with her inner self. She emphasized the importance of taking control of one's health and happiness from within, rather than constantly seeking it externally. Gabby also recommended taking a moment to reflect on the emotions and vibrations one wants to cultivate while using essential oils. She expressed her gratitude for the impact these oils have had on her life and shared her daily gratitude practice, which involves using essential oils as a reminder of the goodness in life. Gabby's essential oils are now available on her website, and an app is coming soon to guide users on how and when to use them. Overall, Gabby's message encourages us to use essential oils as a tool for self-care, mindfulness, and spiritual growth.

    • Expressing gratitude and appreciationAppreciate the opportunity to learn and connect, express gratitude, and engage in meaningful discussions to build stronger relationships

      The importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation. The speaker expresses their deep appreciation for the listener's presence and engagement in their health discussions. They value the opportunity to share their knowledge and insights with the audience. If you enjoyed the episode, the speaker encourages you to leave a review, share it with others, and share your biggest takeaway. By expressing gratitude and engaging in meaningful discussions, we can build stronger connections and learn from each other. So, take a moment to reflect on what you've learned and express your appreciation to those around you.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

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