
    UFYB 127: How to Know What You Want

    enApril 02, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying Your True DesiresReflect on your authentic desires to live a fulfilling life that aligns with your values and brings you joy.

      It's essential to identify what you truly want in life beyond societal expectations and obligations. Our brains often get fixated on external circumstances, but it's crucial to remember that life continues, and we have the power to shape our experiences. Many people struggle with this question, as they've spent so much time living up to others' expectations or societal norms that they've lost touch with their desires. Thought work teaches us that our thoughts are optional, but it's equally important to recognize that our wants and needs are unique to us. To clarify what you genuinely desire, consider reflecting on both the big and small picture questions in your life. This may involve reevaluating your career goals, relationships, or even daily choices. By focusing on your authentic desires, you can live a more fulfilling life that aligns with your values and brings you joy.

    • Understanding the difference between genuine desire and external pressuresRecognize true motivations to make intentional decisions about what we keep wanting in our lives

      Wanting something goes beyond just thinking about it for the sake of feeling differently. Our motivations can be driven by physical pleasure or a set of desired feelings, and we may believe we need certain circumstances to experience these feelings. Women, in particular, may be socialized to act out of obligation or guilt, making it harder to distinguish between genuine desire and external pressures. It's essential to understand the difference between wanting something because we believe it will make us feel good and wanting it for its inherent value. By recognizing our true motivations, we can make more intentional decisions about what we keep wanting in our lives.

    • Understanding Motivations Behind ActionsRecognizing underlying thoughts and emotions can help make more intentional and fulfilling decisions

      Our actions are often driven by our thoughts and desires to change how we feel or influence how others feel. Understanding the motivations behind our actions can help us determine what we truly want. If we find ourselves doing something out of guilt, obligation, insecurity, or shame, it's essential to consider what we would do if we were free from those emotions. For instance, if we went to medical school because we thought we should, but we never had a genuine desire to do so, then perhaps it's time to reevaluate our choices and pursue what truly aligns with our passions and goals. By recognizing the underlying thoughts and emotions driving our actions, we can make more intentional and fulfilling decisions.

    • Understanding the Role of Thoughts in MotivationsDifferentiate between organic and externally influenced thoughts to make authentic choices and live intentionally.

      Our motivations and desires are shaped by our thoughts and external pressures. If we imagine a world without these influences, we might not have pursued certain paths. However, just because a thought exists doesn't mean it's a good enough reason to act on it. It's essential to differentiate between thoughts that are organically ours and those influenced by external pressures or negative emotions. To determine if we genuinely want to do something, we should ask ourselves if we would still do it if we felt good about ourselves regardless of others' opinions. Ultimately, understanding the role of thoughts in our motivations can help us make authentic choices and live more intentionally.

    • Understanding the Role of Thought Work in Suppressing Women's DesiresWomen are socialized to doubt their desires, but our bodies hold the key to knowing what we truly want. Use discernment and trust your body compass to pursue desires that align with your dreams and values.

      Women are socialized to question their desires and use thought work against themselves, leading to a belief that their desires don't matter. This programming can manifest organically, making it seem like thought work is being used to change desires rather than acknowledging their validity. However, our bodies hold the key to knowing what we truly want, and it's essential to use discernment and our prefrontal cortex to decide which desires align with our dreams and visions for our lives. The mystery lies in why certain thoughts resonate with us more than others, but trusting our body compass is the path to discovering and pursuing what we genuinely desire. It's crucial not to let the belief that we don't know what we want deter us, as this can be a dangerous lie. Instead, we should recognize that our desires are valid thoughts that produce feelings we believe, and use our discernment to act on them in a way that aligns with our long-term goals and values.

    • Discovering Our Authentic Wants and NeedsLearn to listen to inner voice, clear limiting thoughts, practice self-acceptance, and give permission to pursue what truly makes us happy.

      We often lie to ourselves about what we truly want in life, suppressing our desires due to fear, self-judgment, or societal pressure. To discover our authentic wants and needs, we must learn to listen to our inner voice, clear out limiting thoughts, and practice self-acceptance. By asking ourselves what we would do if we knew we could succeed, or if no one else would judge us, we can uncover our true desires and take small steps towards fulfilling them each day. Remember, it's okay to start small and work our way up. The key is to be honest with ourselves and give ourselves permission to pursue what truly makes us happy.

    • Stop living others' expectations, start living authenticallyJoin The Clutch to connect with like-minded people and gain support in living an authentic life

      It's essential to stop wasting time trying to live a life based on others' expectations and instead focus on being true to yourself. As the speaker emphasizes, life is unpredictable, and it's crucial to know who you want to be and what you want to create. The Clutch, a feminist coaching community, can help individuals apply these concepts to their lives and learn new tools to change their perspective even more. It's a place to connect with like-minded people and gain support in implementing thought work. Don't waste any more time pretending you don't know who you are or what you want. Believe in yourself and join The Clutch to start living an authentic life. Visit www.unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/theclutch or text your email address to 347-934-8861 to learn more.

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    Things become exciting and fun. 

    This is worth a listen even if you don’t have your own business and especially if you do!

    Resources mentioned:-

    The book, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

    Carmen is the owner of Red Platypus Creative, a Content strategist and public relations consultant helping businesses stand out with effective marketing strategies. Carmen hosts her very own Podcast, The Committed Creative.

     You can find Carmen here

    Website -  www.redplatypuscreative.com

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmenallanpetale


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