
    UFYB 161: Anticipatory Stress (Insomnia, Public Speaking, etc.)

    enNovember 26, 2020
    What does the text say about emotional responses?
    How can individuals manage their negative emotions?
    What is The Clutch community offering?
    How should we approach insomnia according to the text?
    What role does acceptance play in managing anxiety?

    Podcast Summary

    • Balance emotional responses to current eventsAvoid constant outrage or fear, focus on self-care and making a difference in meaningful ways.

      It's important to recognize that our emotional responses to current events are not a measure of our compassion or awareness. While it's natural to feel invested in the world around us, constantly being in a state of outrage or fear can hinder our ability to contribute positively and creatively. It's crucial to find a balance between staying informed and engaged, and taking care of our emotional well-being. We should avoid falling into the trap of believing that our value as individuals is determined by our emotional reactions to current events. Instead, let's focus on using our energy and resources to make a difference in meaningful ways, rather than getting bogged down in negative emotions. Remember, it's okay to prioritize self-care and maintain a sense of optimism and resilience, even in uncertain times.

    • Our emotions are shaped by thoughts and beliefs, not eventsRecognize that emotions result from our thoughts and beliefs, not external events, and avoid using emotional outrage as a way to prove virtue or awareness.

      Our emotional responses to events are not determined by the events themselves, but rather by our thoughts and beliefs. The speaker shares her personal experience of being emotionally devastated during a political event despite having similar circumstances in the past. She cautions against using emotional outrage as a way to prove one's virtue or awareness, as it can be counterproductive and ego-driven. The speaker also notes the diversity of reactions to current events among people of different backgrounds and experiences. Ultimately, she believes that circumstances do not cause our feelings, and that there will always be positive and negative emotions in life, regardless of political outcomes. The speaker finds it fascinating that some people are suffering due to the closeness of political votes and the perceived illogical values of their fellow citizens. Overall, the speaker encourages us to be aware of the role of our thoughts in shaping our emotions and to avoid getting too attached to our emotional reactions as a way of proving our values or virtue.

    • Understanding the subjectivity of thoughtsOur thoughts shape our reality, but they're not objective truth. Recognizing and managing our biases through thought work is essential.

      Our thoughts are not objective reality, but rather our individual interpretations of neutral circumstances. The speaker shares her personal experience of grappling with cognitive dissonance in the context of social justice and political structures. She emphasizes that people's thoughts are shaped by their cognitive biases, and that these biases are not changed by external circumstances. Instead, our thoughts create our reality, and the suffering often comes from the gap between our expectations and reality. The speaker encourages understanding that others' thoughts are their own, and that managing our minds through thought work is crucial to recognizing and challenging our biases.

    • Accept reality to reduce sufferingAccepting the present moment can help reduce suffering from anxiety and stress, allowing us to find effective solutions and improve overall well-being.

      Our anxiety and stress about future challenges, whether they're large or small, can cause significant suffering in our daily lives. Using the example of insomnia, we often focus on wanting to change our current situation, such as wanting to sleep through the night without interruption. However, the first step to overcoming insomnia or other sources of anticipatory stress is to accept reality as it is. By stopping the resistance and acceptance of the present moment, we create a foundation for positive change. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, including public speaking or difficult conversations, where we often desire a different outcome than what is currently happening. By embracing the present, we open ourselves up to finding effective solutions and reducing overall suffering.

    • Accept reality and choose meaningAccepting reality and choosing positive meaning for challenging situations can reduce stress and improve experiences.

      Our thoughts and beliefs significantly impact our experiences, especially during challenging situations like insomnia or public speaking. Instead of wasting energy on wishing for different circumstances or dwelling on negative thoughts, we should first accept the reality of the situation. Then, we can choose the meaning we assign to it and the story we tell ourselves. Our brains have the power to create our reality based on our beliefs, so it's essential to be mindful of the narratives we tell ourselves. By practicing positive self-talk and reframing our thoughts, we can reduce stress and improve our overall experience. Acceptance and mindful storytelling are powerful tools to help us navigate life's challenges.

    • Accepting insomnia as normal can help cope with itFocusing on positive thoughts and accepting insomnia as normal can improve sleep and reduce negative effects.

      When dealing with insomnia, it's not just about the lack of sleep, but rather our thoughts and reactions to it that can make a significant difference. When we first fall in love, we may stay up all night feeling amazing and energized, not stressed by the lack of sleep. Similarly, when dealing with insomnia, instead of stressing about it and making it worse, we can accept it as a normal part of life and practice positive thoughts to help us cope. Preparation, such as practicing these thoughts beforehand, can also make a big difference. It's important to remember that our thoughts have a powerful impact on our experience of insomnia and our overall well-being. By focusing on positive thoughts and accepting the situation, we can improve our sleep and reduce the negative effects of insomnia.

    • Managing Anticipatory Stress: Accept and DecideAccept emotions and decide on purpose what meaning we give to situations to manage anticipatory stress and improve well-being through thought work.

      We can manage anticipatory stress by practicing our thoughts ahead of time. When we face issues like insomnia or public speaking, instead of resisting the emotions, we should accept them and decide on purpose what meaning we want to give to the situation. By practicing this new thought, we can move it to our unconscious mind, making it a default thought. This process, called thought work, allows us to work our way up a thought ladder, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. It's essential to follow the steps carefully, starting with accepting the emotion and moving on to practicing the new thought ahead of time. Skipping steps or trying to jump directly to positive thoughts may not be effective. By understanding and applying these principles, we can significantly reduce the intensity of our anticipatory stress and improve our overall well-being.

    • Acceptance is the key to managing anxietyLearn tools to manage negative emotions and reduce anxiety by joining The Clutch for expert coaching and daily support

      Acceptance is the key to overcoming anxiety and managing negative emotions. The speaker encourages listeners to apply this concept to their own lives, whether it's related to elections, sleep, or other sources of stress. She invites listeners to join her community, The Clutch, where they can learn tools to deal with anxiety, fear, and other emotions, and receive daily expert coaching. The goal is to help individuals learn how to manage their negative emotions and reduce anxiety, ultimately leading to a life where anxiety is rare and manageable. To get started, listeners can text their email address to 3479-3488 61 to receive more information and a link to join The Clutch.

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    Can’t see the video on your podcast platform? Watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/zfbLtQRj4sE



    0:00 Surrender and mental health

    0:16 What is surrender?

    0:50 Why surrender matters

    1:31 How to surrender

    3:22 More tips for surrendering



    Website: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth/

    Access exclusive content on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jeremygodwin



    📚 Read my latest book, Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/

    📚 Explore my recent book, Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/


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