
    UFYB 174: Greatest Hits Vol 3. Radical Self-Love & Self-Care

    enFebruary 25, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Self-Love and Self-CareSelf-love and self-care involve questioning societal norms, addressing thoughts shaping feelings and behaviors towards oneself, and prioritizing personal well-being for growth.

      Self-love and self-care are essential practices for personal growth, but they are often misunderstood and misused. According to the podcast "Unfucked Your Brain," self-love and self-care are not about overindulgence or escaping from life's challenges. Instead, they are about understanding and addressing the thoughts that shape our feelings and behaviors towards ourselves. This perspective is rooted in feminist thought work, which encourages individuals to question societal norms and prioritize their own well-being. By revisiting impactful episodes, listeners can gain new insights and apply these practices to different areas of their lives, leading to deeper understanding and growth.

    • Reclaiming Ownership of Our BodiesWomen should view their bodies as their home and subject of their own experiences, not just objects for others' approval. The speaker offers a free webinar with body image hacks and deeper exploration.

      Women need to reclaim ownership and shift their relationship with their bodies from objects for others' approval to considering them as their home and subject of their own experiences. This goes beyond just physical grooming and extends to the deeper questions of why we have bodies, how we treat them, and how we talk to ourselves about them. The speaker is passionate about this topic and is offering a free webinar on March 11th, 1 PM EST, where she will share her top 3 body image hacks and provide an opportunity to work more in-depth on this topic outside of her exclusive program. The webinar will also cover the history of body image, its relationship to American culture, white supremacy, and slavery, as well as the impact of social media on body satisfaction.

    • Embrace radical self-love and practice exquisite self-careRadically love yourself, reject societal messages, prioritize well-being, and foster deeper self-connection

      Radical self-love and exquisite self-care are essential for building a positive relationship with ourselves, particularly in a society that often values putting others before ourselves, especially for individuals with marginalized identities. Radical self-love means advocating for complete change in how we view ourselves, recognizing our inherent worth, and rejecting societal messages that diminish our value. Self-care is an exquisite practice that prioritizes our well-being and nurtures our physical, emotional, and mental health. Together, these concepts can help us challenge societal norms, build self-esteem, and foster a deeper connection with ourselves. To learn more about these concepts and how to practice them, join the upcoming webinar and register by texting "body image" to 1-347-997-1784 or visiting unfuckyourbrain.com/body-image. Don't miss out on this opportunity to change your relationship with your body and yourself.

    • Challenging societal hierarchies through self-loveSelf-love challenges societal belief systems and empowers individuals to make change, leading to a more equitable society. Loving ourselves unconditionally attracts genuine love and respect from others.

      Self-love is a powerful and political act, especially for those who face marginalization and discrimination. The way we view ourselves and our worth is deeply interconnected with our social context and the hierarchies it upholds. When we practice radical self-love, we challenge these belief systems and become more empowered to make change. This extends beyond personal relationships – it's the foundation for creating a more equitable society. The speaker emphasizes that self-love and structural change are interconnected, and it's those who love themselves unconditionally who will lead the way in making a difference. Additionally, our self-perception influences the relationships we accept and the love we accept from others. By deeply loving ourselves, we can attract and accept love that truly values and respects us.

    • Radical Self-Love Makes Us Unavailable for Unhealthy RelationshipsWhen we practice self-love, we only accept relationships and situations that align with our self-worth, challenging inequality and promoting healthy relationships.

      When we practice radical self-love, we become unavailable for relationships or situations that don't align with the love and respect we give ourselves. It's like being offered old French fries instead of adding to a beautifully cooked meal. We only accept love that matches the way we love ourselves. In the same way, when we internalize messages of unworthiness, we become complicit in maintaining the status quo. But when we free ourselves from self-hatred and believe in our right to exist and be loved, we become a threat to inequality. The challenge is to cultivate radical self-love, which empowers us to demand and receive the respect and equality we deserve.

    • Practicing exquisite self-care for self-loveTreat yourself with tenderness, care, and reverence, engage fully, identify hindering thoughts, and build a strong foundation for self-love and well-being

      Practicing self-love and care starts with treating ourselves with the same level of tenderness, care, and reverence that we would give to someone we deeply love. This concept, known as "exquisite self-care," encourages us to be gentle with ourselves in our thoughts, actions, and self-talk. It's not about perfection or indulgence but rather about being fully engaged and thoughtful in our relationship with ourselves. By asking ourselves if we are taking exquisite care of ourselves, we can identify any thoughts or beliefs that hinder us from loving ourselves radically and work to change them. Exquisite self-care is an essential step towards building a strong foundation of self-love and reducing the likelihood of accepting less than ideal treatment from others. It's important to remember that self-care is not a distraction from community solidarity work or an indulgence, but rather a crucial component of personal growth and well-being.

    • Exquisite self-care as a revolutionary act of self-loveSelf-care is a radical and essential act for personal and societal change, providing emotional resources and mental freedom to challenge oppressive ideologies and institutions.

      Exquisite self-care is a radical and subversive act of self-love that is essential for personal and societal change. The speaker, who has worked in various fields related to social change, emphasizes that individuals play a crucial role in bringing about change. Self-care is a revolutionary act against societal norms that devalue individuals and their bodies. It provides emotional resources and mental freedom to challenge oppressive ideologies and institutions. By practicing self-care, we can identify and challenge internalized thoughts that prevent us from loving ourselves fully. Thought work, self-coaching, and self-development are not frivolous or optional but imperative for personal growth and societal transformation.

    • Learn to improve body image and challenge societal conditioningAttend a free webinar and sign up for a six-week program to learn tools for transforming your relationship with your body and challenging societal conditioning.

      Transforming your relationship with your body and challenging societal conditioning starts with your own mind. It's a radical and transformative process that can change both your life and the world. The speaker, who has previously only offered body image work through a paid membership, is now making it available to everyone with a free webinar and a six-week program called "Unfuck Your Body Image." In the webinar, attendees will learn three tools for improving body image and will have the opportunity to sign up for the program. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this work, as body image and acceptance were difficult areas of her own thought work to overcome. She encourages listeners to attend the webinar, as it offers free wisdom and the opportunity to make significant progress in this area.

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/346

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    Get full show notes, transcript, and links to Lily's work here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/bonus-lily-womble

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

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    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/344

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    In this episode, I'm talking about how my year went, my ups and downs and what I'm going to strive for next year. Setting meaningful goals is huge, and I talk about mine and how you can set your own. I want to hear from you so DM me your goals!

    Connect with Savage Babe:
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    Non-profit Charities that Savage Babe is donating proceeds towards:
    Best Friends Animal Society:

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    Inspiring Body Acceptance and Raising a Daughter with Cystic Fibrosis: Sylvia Nasser

    Inspiring Body Acceptance and Raising a Daughter with Cystic Fibrosis: Sylvia Nasser

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    If you liked this episode please send it to your friends and/or share it on your insta story and tag: @jonicaldwelllerner 

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    Connect with "Spirit Mama" Joni:



    These are two of this week's incredible guests:

    @hollanhawaii  -

    Get Hollan's Book:

    "Good Food Gratitude" at www.hollanhawaii.com

    @funnygal83  Check out Natasha's upcoming workshop:

    "Fatties with Dead Daddies" (space is limited)

    If you have a question for these beautiful souls or just want to let them know how much their voice meant to you, DM them on their insta!