
    UFYB 204: Elevating the Coaching Conversation by Embracing Complexity in Your Marketing

    enSeptember 23, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Elevate coaching conversations with historical, social, and cultural understandingEffective coaching requires acknowledging complexities and diverse backgrounds, empowering non-hierarchical relationships, and choosing a coach with a systemic analysis of the world.

      Effective coaching requires acknowledging the complexities of the world and individuals' experiences. The "Outside the White Box" podcast, hosted by Harvard Law School grad and feminist coach Katrina Arceo and marketing coach Simone Sowell, encourages coaches to elevate the coaching conversation by understanding history, social systems, and diverse cultural backgrounds. This approach empowers coaches to make room for shared empowerment and non-hierarchical coaching relationships, ultimately making them more effective. This podcast is relevant to anyone interested in coaching or thought work, regardless of whether they're a coach or a client. It's essential to choose a coach with a systemic analysis of the world and an understanding of various intellectual frameworks to ensure the best possible coaching experience.

    • Elevating the Coaching ConversationTwo Ivy League educated life coaches discuss the importance of addressing socialization's impact on self-confidence and thought processes, and Simone teaches marketing skills to coaches.

      The coaching industry has limitations in reaching and helping individuals due to biases and blind spots. This was discussed in the first episode of the "Outside the White Box" podcast, where hosts Simone Sull and Cara Lowenthal, both Ivy League educated life coaches, aimed to elevate the coaching conversation. They shared their backgrounds, with Cara being a former lawyer and academic, and Simone a former tarot reader and epidemiologist. They emphasized the importance of addressing socialization's impact on self-confidence and thought processes, and Simone teaching life coaches marketing skills. They acknowledged their own humility and the importance of staying grounded, even when recognized in public. The podcast aims to provide deeper insights into coaching without being too academic. Listeners can subscribe on various platforms, text their email to receive notifications, or visit the website to sign up.

    • Exploring the origins and intellectual backgrounds of coaching practicesContinuously deepen understanding of coaching tools and practices, acknowledge historical and cultural contexts, and engage in meaningful conversations to enrich coaching practice.

      As coaches, we can continuously strive to deepen our understanding of the origins and intellectual backgrounds of the tools and practices we use. Cara and Simone, two coaches with diverse backgrounds, believe that this exploration can lead to more informed and effective coaching. They also emphasized the importance of acknowledging the historical and cultural contexts of coaching practices, and the need to avoid whitewashing or erasing the lineages of these ideas. By engaging in more meaty conversations on these topics, coaches can enrich their own practice and contribute to the growth and evolution of the coaching industry.

    • Exploring the Intellectual Roots of CoachingCoaches hold a great responsibility to understand clients' emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being beyond their immediate goals or circumstances, enriching the practice and attracting a broader audience.

      Coaching, as a relatively young discipline, carries a significant moral and ethical responsibility that isn't always explicitly taught in coaching schools. Coaches care about these ideas, but the wider context of coaching's intellectual roots and its connection to philosophy, psychology, and other intellectual traditions can enrich the practice. This context is essential for marketing coaching effectively and attracting a broader audience. Coaches hold a great responsibility to understand their clients' entire lives, not just their immediate goals or circumstances, and should consider their emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. By acknowledging and exploring these connections, coaches can serve their clients more holistically and effectively.

    • Marketing for coaching goes beyond problem-solutionCoaches should acknowledge clients' complexity and offer marketing that reflects the full range of reasons for buying coaching services

      Marketing in the coaching space should not be simplified or reduced to a problem-solution pair, as humans are more complex than that. Instead, coaches should trust their clients' intelligence and complexity, and offer marketing that reflects the full range of reasons why people buy. Traditional marketing approaches that promise a perfect solution to a problem can be a disservice to clients and the coaching industry. Instead, coaches can sell offers by acknowledging that life will always have ups and downs, but their offer can help clients navigate those complexities. By recognizing and respecting the complexity of clients' desires and motivations, coaches can build trust and authentic connections, leading to more effective and sustainable coaching relationships.

    • Marketing with depth and complexityCommunicate complex ideas simply without sacrificing depth or complexity, like Jesus did with parables.

      Clarity and simplicity are essential in marketing, but it doesn't mean dumbing down complex ideas. As a coach, we help people solve fundamental problems to create more intriguing ones. Marketing should be clear, logical, and comprehensible to the average person. However, it doesn't have to be simplistic or superficial. Expressing complex ideas simply is an art form. Jesus, considered one of history's greatest marketers, used parables to convey deep messages, inspiring people to believe in eternal life despite potential persecution. So, be disciplined in your curiosity to communicate your offerings effectively, without sacrificing depth or complexity.

    • Marketing intangible valuesPeople respond to marketing that connects with their deeper desires and values, conveyed with authenticity and conviction, rather than manipulative tactics.

      People are willing to pay for and believe in intangible things that provide greater purpose and meaning in their lives. This was evident in the success of Jesus' marketing, as people were willing to dedicate their lives to his teachings. Marketers can learn from this by understanding their audience's desires and conveying their message with conviction and authenticity, rather than using manipulative tactics. Additionally, it's important to remember that marketing won't appeal to everyone, and it's essential to stay true to your values and avoid bait and switch tactics. Instead, focus on connecting with those who resonate with your message and can benefit from your offerings.

    • Authentic and complex marketing conversationsEmbrace the complexity of the issues you're addressing to attract diverse clients who are genuinely interested in deeper engagement.

      Effective marketing involves having an authentic and complex conversation with potential clients. This means acknowledging the larger context and societal pressures that influence the problems you're trying to solve. By trusting your audience to be intelligent and curious, you can attract clients who are genuinely interested in delving deeper into the complexities of the issues you're addressing. While it may seem simpler to present a clear and straightforward message, doing so may limit your reach and prevent you from serving clients with diverse backgrounds and thought patterns. Instead, embrace the complexity of the issues you're tackling and trust that your audience is capable of engaging with it. This approach may require more risk and effort, but it can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful business relationship.

    • Authentic marketing as a coachBeing true to yourself in marketing attracts best-fit clients, deep belief in value of offer, clear communication, vulnerability, and admitting coaching limitations are key to success.

      Being authentic and honest in your marketing as a coach can lead to better client relationships and ultimately, more success. It's important to deeply believe in the value of your offer and communicate it clearly, even if it means losing some potential clients. People are more likely to resonate with your message if it speaks to their needs and aligns with your ideals and values. Don't be afraid to show vulnerability and admit that coaching can't solve all of life's problems, but rather helps individuals become more skilled at managing them. The pool of potential clients is vast, and being true to yourself will attract those who are the best fit for your coaching style. Communicating complex ideas clearly is a skill worth mastering, but don't oversimplify your message to the point of losing its depth. The human experience is complex, and coaching can help individuals navigate it more effectively.

    • Exploring the historical, political, sociological, and cultural contexts of coachingFeminist coaching offers a nuanced and inclusive approach by understanding the contexts that inform coaching practice, equipping coaches with tools to make a significant impact.

      Becoming an effective coach involves not only mastering transformative life coaching tools but also gaining a deep understanding of the historical, political, sociological, and cultural contexts that inform your coaching practice. This perspective, rooted in feminist coaching, can provide a more nuanced and inclusive approach to helping clients. To further explore this topic, consider joining the waitlist for the Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching. This unique certification offers a comprehensive education in social justice and critical analysis, equipping coaches with the necessary tools to make a significant impact. Don't miss out on this opportunity – sign up now to secure your spot. Additionally, for coaches seeking marketing guidance, consider joining Symone's email list for unconventional marketing insights.

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    “I wouldn’t get that deep connection that I was searching and yearning for.”

    “You can't just wait at the door and hope that deep and meaningful people are going to knock on the door.”

    “None of that is who I am, it is what I have done.”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    Remember to visit YourSuccessDNA.com to share your own stories about transitional relationships, ask questions, and suggest future podcast topics. Your voice matters, and we're here to listen.