

    Explore "mombiz" with insightful episodes like "Daily Podcast: 'Sausage shaped with cracks in the surface'", "Change the World--- Right From Your Home!", "Tools to Explode Your Network", "Capitalizing on Network Marketing" and "We're All in This Thing Together" from podcasts like ""Defining Audacity Radio Show & Podcast", "Ally Loprete", "Ally Loprete", "Ally Loprete" and "Ally Loprete"" and more!

    Episodes (22)

    Change the World--- Right From Your Home!

    Change the World--- Right From Your Home!
    Parent-preneurship: All for Sport!
    Now you've done it.
    You've set a powerful trend in motion and now the world wants to see you cross that finish line. There is no turning back progress. The " big bang" forces at work have changed the way the world sees us as parents and entrepreneurs.

    YOU are their Reality Star.
    Onlookers LOVE to follow you. They are rooting for you to earn an income without sacrificing precious family time and are dedicated to watching HOW you make it all work despite all that you might have working against you.

    The world loves a good success story!
    If there is one thing that sells-- it's the "rags to riches" narrative... much more than the story of the easy path paved with an inheritance. The more pitfalls, the more interesting the episode. If you are challenged by road blocks, lack of funds or a broken spirit... you likely have more cheerleaders in your corner than you realize! This could only mean one thing--- your stumbling blocks are VALUABLE and you can use them to win over the world.

    Take Advantage of the Trends that are in your favor!
    Mom Entrepreneurs are the new smart, savvy and SEXY. No matter what angle you are viewing it, the world is supporting YOU in your desire to work independently, break through glass ceilings and work around your family WITHOUT GUILT OR SHAME... more than in any other decade!

    Give your Audience what they want!
    On Today's Show
    Join us today to learn how successful moms (just like YOU!) are creating ventures from their dining room tables, garages, and in between play-dates. We'll introduce you to Holly Hurd, mom business leader and creator of VentureMom.com, where hundreds of successful moms in business have been profiled. Holly will be joining us today to share how to come up with a successful business idea as well as how to effectively execute it.

    Tools to Explode Your Network

    Tools to Explode Your Network
    An Entire Hour Dedicated to the Network Marketers!

    We've covered Network Marketing in the past, but our focus was

    to help you to determine IF network marketing was the right

    career path for you. We talked about how to select the RIGHT

    opportunity, how to ask the tough questions and how to reveal

    those red flags that will help you avoid buying into an opportunity

    that seems too good to be true. All of those episodes can be

    found in our ON DEMAND LIBRARY ON iHEART, or in our SHOW

    TODAY is all about supporting the Network Marketers that are

    already knee deep in the trenches.
    You are already invested, loaded and locked in.

    You have set your goals, promoted your website, asked friends

    and family to host a few parties, set up booths at events, and you

    are still not where you want to be. In fact, your income still might

    be less than your investment. It. Just. Doesn't. Add. Up.
    You are doing EVERYTHING your up-line has advised, memorized

    all their key sales phrases, and even practiced defending your

    own network marketing business to every skeptic, critic and

    cynic....(but there sure does seem to be an awful lot of them...)
    How do you continue to move forward when you are up against

    SO MUCH?

    You may really BELIEVE in the products you sell, but convincing

    others is much harder than you thought. Not to mention your

    bank account looks nothing like what was promised when you

    first made the commitment to your brand new business in a box.

    I've seen this countless times. Moms who have every intention of

    building a business at home and they dream of earning a little

    extra income to contribute to household expenses ...BUT...

    somehow the harder they try, the more business debt they incur

    -- on top of a broken spirit. =(
    The good news is that it isn't your fault (and there is still hope!)

    It also DOES NOT mean that you aren't cut out for network

    marketing or that investing in your business was a bad idea. Cut

    yourself some slack.

    The truth is that many network marketing companies have been

    providing opportunities for stay-at-home moms and dads to

    generate a decent income around their family -- for decades. The

    difference between those top earners and you? Just a few extra

    tools in their toolbox.

    Capitalizing on Network Marketing

    Capitalizing on Network Marketing
    Is a career in network marketing right for you?
    For many moms and dads who wish to become self-employed and replace their corporate paycheck with one of equal or greater value, a "business in a box" can be a terrific solution.

    However, network marketing is not right for everyone.

    Now is your chance to ask those tough questions.
    ▪ How can you tell if it's a good opportunity?
    ▪ What should you sell?
    ▪ What are the challenges you might encounter?
    ▪ How long will it take for you to see a return on your investment?
    ▪ What are the costs and the fine print?
    ▪ What commitment do you need to make to become a TOP EARNER?

    Learn to create wealth that matches your passions, your ambitions and... YOUR DREAMS.
    If you are considering a career in network marketing, this show is going to help you explore if it is the right opportunity for you, the drawbacks of working within the confines of a ready-made business, the unfortunate stigmas that go along with network marketing due to some bad apples in the industry who were not operating in integrity and how YOU CAN EARN MONEY EFFECTIVELY BY BEING UBER PREPARED and OVER AWARE.


    On Today's show...
    We are opening up the phone lines and dedicating the entire hour to YOU. Network Marketers, now is your chance to get the answers to those TOUGH QUESTIONS that you have been asking all along.

    If you are in Direct Sales, Network Marketing or any other "business in a box" and you are looking to become a TOP EARNER fast... you won't want to miss this opportunity to get free coaching on the air!

    As an added bonus on today's show...
    WHAT MAKES PARENTS HAVE AN ADVANTAGE IN BUSINESS? Tune in to find out why moms and dads have a greater chance at success than they once did before children came into the picture.

    Got a question about NETWORK MARKETING?
    Call TOLL FREE: 1-800-449-8686


    If you are unavailable during the live show, you may FILL OUT THIS FORM to have your question read and addressed on the air.

    We will try to get to all your questions tomorrow! However, if we have an abundance of engagement, we will very likely revisit this topic again so that we can meet the demands of your challenges.

    We're All in This Thing Together

    We're All in This Thing Together
    In my absence, my amazing co-host and producer, Kelly St. Clair will be taking over the show on Friday with a not-to-be-missed guest. I'll be back the following week. Be good! xo, Ally We're All in This Thing Together In the year 2000, my husband and I were blindsided by a home invasion. This shocking event would change us as the people we once were. Or should I say…. thought we were! We were instantly transformed into irrational human beings. It distorted our view of the world around us. How would we be altered because of this? Would we be able to stay sane in an insane world? My beliefs before this home invasion were that everything was going to be story–book perfection. I had already had my life systematically planned out, complete with an organized time-line. You see, as a little girl, like so many other little girls, I always dreamed of marrying my prince charming and living happily ever after. I even designed the wedding in my head with exact precision. Right down to the last hand-sewn pearl on my dress. My perfect husband and I would get married and have 2.4 beautiful children. Twins, plus point four. When they were born, my husband would help with the care-giving of these little bundles of joy equally. Fifty-Fifty. And life would be……… Wait. Stop. That was my fantasy world. In reality, it is much different. Society has us believing that the mother should be the predominant care giver and have principal responsibility for the well-being of the child, while the husband hunts and gathers to bring home the pay dirt. My guest this week will dispel these beliefs and help us understand that there is a better way. Kristin Maschka will reveal her 4 Remodeling Tools to get the lives we want. In addition, we will be discussing ways for parents to allocate responsibilities equally and share in the contributions of the family’s financial security. You do not want to miss a minute of this revolutionary show that is sure to start a movement of a new way of parenthood AND parenting. READ MORE ABOUT KRISTIN NOW ---> Kristin will also be giving away a signed copy of her book to 2 very lucky winners! This is Not How I Thought It Would Be Remodeling Motherhood To get The Lives We Want Today

    Working with your Spouse

    Working with your Spouse
    Business just got personal. A good old fashioned Mom and Pop business is a neat idea in theory but how does it really work out? You want to start a home-based business, and you'd like to work with a partner. How about your life partner? You've managed everything else together - your house, your kids, your vacations... why not share the same career? When you're confronted constantly by someone who knows you so well, you're going to have an extraordinary opportunity to work on your flaws and develop as a person. When it does work, it can be glorious. So, how can you make it work? Plan no-business weekends. Go on actual dates. Make rules. Sounds like the same rules we talk about for any parent who is self- employed, doesn't it? This week I'll be bringing on a friend who has made it work. Adrienne Kallweit, owner of SeekingSitters has been working with her husband for 7 years and will be sharing her story with us!

    Parents Making Progress

    Parents Making Progress

    The new economy is different than anything else you have seen come before this moment in time. The playing field has become more level between large corporations and small mom & pop's... AND... the rewards are being claimed by all those who were courageous enough to take action.
    We are Entering into a New Realm of HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE

    There is no reason to talk yourself out of being the big money maker that you deserve to be. You already have VALUE built right into you as a PARENT! There are so many awesome products out there being created by mom and dad visionaries that my head is spinning out of control with excitement for all that remains possible. This is your time.
    Jump in and be a part of all that is epic!

    Tomorrow's opportunities are being created by people TODAY that you've most likely never heard of. No doubt, YOU may be one of them! All of our future leaders are currently living out the journey of real life experiences as they push forward with tenacity and persistence. Currently being actualized are the true tales of how these go-getters grew an empire from nothing--- working from their kitchen tables or from inside of their garage.

    On Today's show...

    Get busy getting rich! Our guest this week is Romy Taormina, co-founder of Psi Bands which are now selling in more than 10K US retail locations, including CVS, Target, Babies "R" Us, Whole Foods, REI, and more. Romy will be talking to us about the topic of getting -- and keeping -- your unique product on the retail shelf. She will also be sharing about her entrepreneurial journey before and after Shark Tank.

    Call TOLL FREE: 1-800-449-8686


    If you are unavailable during the live show, you may FILL OUT THIS FORM to have your question read and addressed on the air.
    About Our Guest
    Romy Taormina co-founder of Psi Bands 2008 Lisa Hancock 4x6 copy
    Meet Romy Taormina!

    Romy is Co-Founder/Nausea Relief Chief of Psi Health Solutions, Inc., the maker of Psi Bands. Psi Bands are FDA-cleared acupressure wristbands for the relief of nausea due to morning sickness, motion sickness, anesthesia, and chemotherapy. Romy suffered from terrible morning sickness during her pregnancies yet found nausea relief from wrist acupressure bands. Dissatisfied with existing products on the market, she helped to co-create Psi Bands, a product designed to help those with nausea find relief – in comfort and style. Romy has hit the stage with her product Psi Bands with national retail distribution at Rite Aid, CVS, REI, Whole Foods, Meijer, Target.com, Walgreens.com, etc., and international distribution in five continents. Romy also blogs on the topic of getting -- and keeping -- products on the shelf at retailtable.com.

    Congruency is Crucial

    Congruency is Crucial
    I believe in fakin' it 'til you make it, but the truth is, you have to be able to convince YOURSELF of where you are headed or you won't go anywhere.
    Check your Body Language

    You could have an uber powerful message, but if the delivery of your message is weak and tentative, this contradiction of yourself is sending mixed messages out into the universe.
    (no wonder your results are askew!)
    The way that you present your brand, your business, and yourself has everything to do with genuine QUALITY of your movement. In other words, your gestures, voice tonality, stance, and composure MUST vibrate authentically with WHAT YOU SHARE OF YOURSELF or you will not be effective.
    Reclaim your Power with Consistency

    Take a look at the most powerful leaders in your industry. What qualities do they have that you most resonate with? Make a mental note to emanate them... (and tune into the show today for a more in depth explanation about WHY these leadership qualities most speak to you...)

    The one thing our super star icons have in common? They are able to commit all of their resources, mental thoughts, and actions to work in harmony. No matter how they project their message...in an interview, in a written article, on the stage or on social media... you believe them completely. That is not an accident.
    Be Emphatic

    When your beliefs are 100% in alignment with your actions, you send clear signals to the brain that responds accordingly.
    No more indecisiveness. No more "should I or shouldn't I?" From now on, attitude is ABSOLUTE. Rid yourself once and for all of that flickering hesitation in your actions. By standing in accordance with your convictions, you have the ability to know EXACTLY how to produce your desired results.

    On Today's show...

    Guest expert Marlene Chism will be teaching us how to change the clarity in any situation and reclaim our power. This world renowned speaker and author of the book Stop Workplace Drama will show us how to increase our bottom line by decreasing the unnecessary drama in our lives.

    Sibling Rivalry

    Sibling Rivalry
    Parents, Don't Fuel it. Defuse it.

    Let’s face it – sibling spats are a part of life. In fact, sibling rivalry is not only inevitable, it’s a healthy way for kids to learn how to compromise and navigate relationships. But on the downside, the constant bickering can also wreak havoc on Mom’s nerves.

    While even the occasional disagreement is normal, and even healthy, true sibling fighting is a highly emotional issue that can negatively impact family relationships, even into the adult years.
    So, why can’t our children just get along?

    “Moooommmmm, he hit me!”

    This may not be music to your ears, but the fact is that WE AS PARENTS are often to blame in unknowingly encouraging sibling fighting.
    Sibling Harmony is Attainable

    All is not lost. With a few tweaks to your parenting style, you can make a big difference in how your children get a long with one another.
    On Today's show...

    A favorite guest on the past, Amy McCready, of Positive Parenting Solutions, will share solutions that will help strengthen family bonds and teach children to manage relationships.

    Write to producer@thislittleparent.com with your personal challenge and we'll have our fantastic parenting expert address it LIVE ON THE SHOW.

    When Life Throws a Curveball

    When Life Throws a Curveball
    Time. Remember when it was expendable? If there is one challenge that we all share as parents and entrepreneurs its in managing our schedules: Daily tasks, keeping our children alive and well,  parenting to our best ability, attending to our home,  our small business, our own sanity...how do others cope?   One thing is certain, you don't need me to tell you that you need to have more control of the chaos... you already crave it with every fiber of your being. What you need is a solution. A step by step strategy that will allow you to stay present in your time with your children, keep confident and attentive when working with clients, retain confidence and conviction while growing your business, and earn the right to sleep peacefully at night.   I come across this challenge so often with my personal coaching clients that I thought it was time to address it on the show. There is good news here. First, you are not the only one who struggles to keep it all together- that should give you the plausibility to breath a sign of relief. Second, you are not crazy or incapable or hopeless. Third, there is a solution- and if you join me on the show you will walk away with the tools to create a much more manageable schedule for yourself, your family and your business. We have a terrific guest joining us, Tisha Marie Pelletier, the owner/founder of Simply Put Marketing, Details Event Management, The Mom-e Club and author of When The Universe Throws a Curve Ball – How a mom entrepreneur went from disappointment to living her passion.

    Soulful Sales (4 those who hate selling)

    Soulful Sales (4 those who hate selling)
    Do you CHOKE when it comes to SALES?

    Everybody obsesses to some extent or another about sales and having sales conversations, but I have seen far too many entrepreneurs with big visions BLOW IT with the wrong kind of selling tactic.

    Aggressiveness is NOT always ideal. However, apprehension can be the reason you are not seeing the cash-flow that you and your business are worth.

    No matter what you do, or how good you are at it, asking for the sale is a challenge for most people.

    You are a passionate entrepreneur who's been working hard non-stop, maybe for a year or two...maybe far longer. You want to make GOOD money doing what you love - you CRAVE to make a living using your natural gifts and talents. Or, perhaps you are hesitating on your new "at home" career because you simply can't get passed the "selling" aspect.


    The world NEEDS what you have to offer!

    Imagine closing more deals, making more money, and actually enjoying the sales process because you’ve transformed it into the AUTHENTIC and powerful experience it’s meant to be.
    This week, I will be introducing you to one of my favorite Entrepreneur Leaders for Women, Linda Albright. Linda helps women make good money with their divine gifts and talents. She has tripled her income each of the last few years, and is proof that we can make 6 figures without sacrificing our family values!
    What we will be discussing on the show TODAY:

    ~The 3 KEY ELEMENTS to turn more prospects into clients, so you work less while making more money

    ~The #1 TOOL to shift your sales conversations from “sales-y” to soulful (most entrepreneurs miss this one!)

    ~How to turn “I can’t afford it” into “I can’t wait to start!”

    ~The top 3 ways to connect with your potential client, naturally so you enjoy the conversation and effortlessly make a sale

    ~How to get CLEAR and CONFIDENT when talking about pricing.

    ~The Top 3 Mistakes that Kill the Sale & Cost You Clients – and How To Avoid Them!

    ~The Top 3 Mindset Mistakes That Crush Your Soul and Kill the Deal – and How to Avoid Them!

    We’ll go much deeper and dissect how to SOULFULLY sell your services, what to say to INCREASE your chances of making a sale, and how to handle that dreaded “I can’t afford it” line, and so much more.

    Open Coaching Day for MomPreneurs

    Open Coaching Day for MomPreneurs
    Choose to Live in a World of Progress and Forward Motion Want the life you are in. Easier said than done... or is it? Some people make it look so effortless. The truth is that it can become effortless once you have made a habit out of it. Ahhhh, yes. Creating a new habit is where you might be getting hung up. If getting a new perspective is all you need, that means its time to declutter your current perception of things. You must train yourself. Letting go of limited beliefs simply requires re-training and refining. All too often we become trapped by misconceptions that our destiny is determined by some acutely miserable incidents that life throws our way. ...unless you choose to believe that these "incidents" are disguised as something else. Blessings? Opportunities? Lessons? Use your creative force to thrive on these endeavors. We can't be afraid to trust that we possess a powerful spirit - the same spirit that helped us to create and nurture our children. We can use this empowered spirit to help us apply for a business loan, quit our day jobs to work for ourselves, or call up an intimidating client to close the deal. To deny this spirit would be almost as bad as settling for mediocrity. You don't want that for your children, so why accept that for yourself? Let go of limiting beliefs and you will achieve a better perspective in all you do. If you are truly ready to be in a better reality, you must be willing to see things differently than in the past. Negative illusions might be holding you back from knowing that it is a grand thing just to be alive. More than that, it could be preventing you from broadcasting a powerful message to the world that only you were meant to deliver. If you are truly ready to become a pioneer, than you must be willing to invest more into your creative core. Dare to stand before the Universe when it presents you with a challenge and ask, "Is that all ya got?" My guest this week is... you. I will be opening up the phone lines to address any challenges you may be facing in your business, your family or your personal life. If you would like to join us with a challenging question of your own, book your FREE COACHING SPOT NOW. producer@thislittleparent.com

    The 100th Show Reunion Episode

    The 100th Show Reunion Episode
    I love a good celebration. A pat on the back for a job well done is all I need to keep going on most days. Even through the most challenging times, I always know that my week shows will lift my spirits and bring me the clarity that I need to do my job to the best of my ability. Broadcasting to you is always the highlight of my week. Together we have set up a space filled with strength, compassion and unlimited possibilities. You are my rock. This episode we will celebrate 100 episodes of This Little Parent Stayed Home together. We've come a long way baby! The best way to celebrate it is to look back, reflect on our journey and get ready for 100 more. Want to know what I have planned for this week? Not a darn thing. I've been told by my darling producer, Kelly St. Clair, that I need to sit back, relax, and trust that the show will just "be there" for me as I have for everyone else. What fun! I am looking forward to being pleasantly surprised! It's going to be an EXCELLENT week!

    Launch a Home Biz w/ Little Capital

    Launch a Home Biz w/ Little Capital
    Whether you are just at the beginning stages of your new home career or you've had a decent amount of success growing your small business and are ready to catapult yourself to the next level, additional capital needs to be considered. Starting with a larger investment might enable you to grow your business more aggressively, but if you don't happen to have deep pockets you can find ways to fund your business through other areas of value. It's pretty simple really. You can't afford to hire a web designer? Spend a few days scouring the internet for free YouTube tutorials and teach yourself how to do it for nothing. What you lack in funding you can make up with time. The bottom line is you shouldn't let a great business idea fall by the wayside because you lack capital. If you have a stellar idea, a viable business plan and a whole lot of passion, there are always options for finding a way to launch your business. So tighten up those belts and get ready to ask the right questions about how to get the money you need to get going. How much do you need to have saved to be able to leave your corporate salary and begin working for yourself full time? How much should you invest in your business? How much of your return should you keep for yourself and how much should be invested back into the business? Do you need an investor? How does that work? How long should you wait for a return before changing your methods? How do you create a budget for your business? What are the basic start-up costs for a new home based business? (Licenses, trademark, website, patents, etc...) Known as the "Financial Mom" Pam Otten will be answering these questions and more.

    Create Desirable Results in Business

    Create Desirable Results in Business
    Make Strategic Planning Work. As busy moms with busy schedules we really don't have a choice but to orginize our time and efforts down to a science. If we don't stay 2 steps ahead of our day, we run the risk of falling way behind... as well as falling apart. So lets talk about strategy. Do you feel like you are pounding the pavement in your small business without seeing results? Are you simply trying to keep up with your long list of daily tasks only to fall short on accomplishing more than half of them each day? Do you find yourself spending too much precious time cleaning up messes and putting out fires and not enough time driving your business forward? Chances are you need to re-evalute your methods and rework your focus. Very often we are so caught up in working HARD we forget to work smart. Strategic Planning is a great tool for organizational alignment and goal setting. Experts tell us that in order to get ahead in business, we need to move beyond daily responsibilities and incorporate advancement into our daily routines. That sounds like a good idea in theory, but what about the stay-at-home parents who are already at their responsibility limit? Mompreneurs, this show is most definitely for you. In fact. the phone lines will be wide open on Friday for you to call in and ask your most challenging questions. Call in if you: ...need help organizing your daily task list. ...don't feel that you are getting enough support from your spouse, friends or other members of your family. ...have a terrific vision for a business, but need help executing it. ...are tired of working hard and not seeing enough results. ...need some help thinking strategically on reaching a specific goal - or several. ...can't seem to find the time during the day to get any work done (those pesky kids!!)

    Moms Supporting Other Moms

    Moms Supporting Other Moms
    Being a stay-at-home parent is a thankless job without pay, without bathroom breaks, and somehow it manages to deplete what little we have from our bank accounts. From the outside it must look like torture and yet the work-at-home parent revolution is still rising by tens of thousands each year. Why would parents choose to come home if they are so miserable? Because they are not. They may not have much sanity left, but they have chosen this path because it gives them freedom. The businesses that we build from our homes are not to fund extravagant lifestyles. They afford us the opportunity to be with our children, raise them, and play a significant role in their growth and development. This is no easy feat, but we have made this choice and we are willing to do what it takes to keep us at home where we feel we are most needed. If there is one thing I learned when I launched OurMilkMoney.com, it's the power we have in numbers, it's the influence we have over each other to create trends that work in our favor, and the community that thrives on a commonality: the love we have for our families. Why ask others to support us in our endeavors when we can support each other? Don't waste time trying to convince others that your choice to come home is noble or apologize for your disruptive children when on the phone with a client. Isn't it time that we stop trying to prove to the world that we are significant? It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Moms are breaking new ground even if we have to drive in the slow lane. Slow and steady always wins the race. There are enough of us setting the same intention that we can make a difference by working together. That is why I love organizations like Honor the Mom and Hula Frog. Both are organizations run by moms for moms. There is nothing like building upon our spirit of sisterhood. This week we'll be talking about how you can stay involved in the Mom community and how it will work to your advantage resulting in all the support you'll ever need to drive your own ambitions.

    The Art of Mastering The word "NO"

    The Art of Mastering The word "NO"
    Believe. Plan. Go. Meeting Jenn Lee was like hitting the jackpot. Everything she said about taking action and streamlining all efforts really resonated with me. I was introduced to Jenn shortly after being asked to host Spark & Hustle. Tory Johnson told me that Jenn would help me change the way I executed everything in my business, and she was right. With her sharp wit, no B.S. approach and practical takeaways, Jenn Lee's out-of-the-box strategies are game changing. If you are ready to stop making excuses, take back the control and get fast results that will earn you a profit that matches your hard work, you'll want to join us on this show.

    How to Make Passive Income Online

    How to Make Passive Income Online
    It's no wonder you are skeptical. In my last few months of working in Corporate America I spent my hours sneaking around on the internet, searching for any legitimate income opportunity that would allow me to come home. I had been fighting with my dear sweet husband about my intense desire to give up my stable salary for the freedom to stay home with our newborn son. Leaving our baby in a poorly run home-daycare was just downright painful, and I couldn't do it anymore. I was ready to make some sizable sacrifices to become the full-time caretaker, but without some kind of supplemental income, we couldn't justify the transition. For months, I searched for something stable that would support my desire to follow my heart home. The challenge is not a lack of at home career opportunities... it's finding the right one. Just run a simple google search on "how to make money from home" and you'll be bombarded with empty promises of investment opportunities that smell of something rotten. Before becoming parents, we might have been more willing to take these risks, make a few dumb decisions and lose the roof over our head. We'd tell ourselves we'd never make that mistake again and grow from the experience. But with kids in the picture? We no longer have that luxury. If there is one thing that I knew about myself as a new parent and the parents that I now work with, it is that Moms and Dads are determined to find a way to do what is best for their families. They are willing to take risks, work hard and even invest in something new, but how do they know when the opportunity is right? We are on "Business Opportunity Information Overload"... and we still don't know what is legit. As part of the mission of OurMilkMoney.com we strive to find the BEST independent career opportunities for you. We've done the research and we've asked all the tough questions... so you don't have to. We ALWAYS have your best interest at heart. If you are looking for a truly legitimate way to earn an unlimited income for your family online, an opportunity that is flexible and filled with potential, you will want to tune into tomorrow's show. I have invited my very good friend, Bridget Brady to share with us how she secured her financial future by creating a residual online income and how she is teaching others to do it as well. Bridget is known as the Internet Goddess, a true inspiration to men and women across the country. She will be joining us on tomorrow's show to share a very transparent approach to her program. She will also be offering a no cost informational Tele-seminar, exclusively created for Our Milk Money parents and This Little Parent listeners. We've got your back, and we will leave no stone unturned! You will not leave the tele-seminar without knowing: How much is the full investment (very reasonable with no hidden costs) How quickly you can expect to recoup your investment without risk How much you can expect to earn from the program How much work is required to achieve your desired results How others have created their success with this program How others have FAILED this program (That's right! This is not fool proof. You MUST be willing to do the minimal amount to see results....and we will lay everything out for you upfront so you can make an educated decision on whether or not this opportunity is right for you.)

    Professional Moms (and Poopy Diapers?!)

    Professional Moms (and Poopy Diapers?!)
    Thanksgiving is a great time for reflection. It's been said that living in gratitude is the best way to abundance. So, just for the sake of argument, if we were to give thanks for our family, our friends, the roof over our heads, the food we eat and our good health....would the laws of the universe give us more of the good stuff? If only it were that easy! Thinking positively is really only a small component of being able to manifest and create an abundant outcome. For me, it's the deep reflection of what I've already accomplished that transports me into the most potent mindset for manifesting. So much of what I am grateful for began 5...10...even 15 years ago. “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future....” - Steve Jobs Fifteen years ago I arrived in Los Angeles, bright and starry eyed. With my college degree in musical theatre in one hand and a pile of headshots and resumes in the other, I was ready and determined to become the hottest star that Hollywood had ever seen. Young, hot and single, I came to the Tinseltown along with millions of others who all looked every bit as hot as me and had the same dream. I was now in the most competitive industry in the world and although I had the chops to perform circles around the others, I learned quickly that getting hired was more about strategy and less about song and dance. Many actors learned this the hard way. They quickly saw the steep competition before them and the near impossibility of getting their talent discovered by the right people. So they quit. At 24 years old, I landed a job working at a company called Act Now! where I became a consultant for the seasoned actor in Hollywood. I spent my days auditioning actors for our pre-screened workshops, coached them how to nail the "cold reading" audition every time, and taught them how to build relationships with top-notch casting directors, agents and managers. My former boss and first business mentor, Kenna Dean, taught me my first lessons in the importance of business integrity, reverse sales strategy, and choosing our clients appropriately. Kenna was also the first "Mom-prenuer" I'd ever known, building a lucrative business model that served the most competitive industry on the planet and still managing to put her family first without apology. Join me tomorrow when I interview Kenna Dean about how she became a successful business leader and a liason between actors and entertainment professionals... all while changing diapers and rocking her baby.

    Connecting Bloggers and Brands

    Connecting Bloggers and Brands
    You know more about marketing and advertising trends than you realize. While you may be a business owner who is focused on getting your products and services exposure, you are also a consumer... and you know what floats your own boat. You also know what is annoying and what kinds of ads you are deliberately tuning out. You are your ideal client. Advertising changes every single day – what worked today may or may not work tomorrow. Before you get tripped up about changing your marketing approach or blow your entire advertising budget on gimmicks that are consistently ignored by online browsers, consider which marketing tactics work on you. A big trend in small business advertising is to go where your ideal demographic is hanging out and create some buzz through a clever and fun campaign. This doesn't have to be an expensive approach, but because you will be gaining a presence on different platforms it can take time to be effective in raising brand consciousness and awareness. Still, one of the hottest trends in creating out-of-the-box-buzz is getting reviewed by fellow mom bloggers. Enough noise about a brand can lead to that coveted spot on a store shelf. This week I will be chatting with my friend, Abby Fatica and her new business partner, Monica Mylet about their latest endeavor to help Mommy Bloggers and Mommy Inventors connect for better brand relationships. If you have been successful in building your social community, Trackersphere can help you leverage that influence and use it to elevate your bottom line. We'll be discussing the many new tools and resources that can help you bridge the gap in your business relationships whether you are a blogger, a brand or both.

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