
    online classes

    Explore " online classes" with insightful episodes like "107. Plantekurs og Mikrosteg", "AQHLearn: The story of the best deal in town", "Shannon Boyer, Producing Stellar Online Courses", "I Just Taught My First Masterclass - Here’s What Happened" and "महिलाओं के लिए मिसाल बनी एक अनुभवी शिक्षिका एवं स्कूल प्रिंसिपल । सुनिए Deepa Chakravorty की कहानी" from podcasts like ""Plantepodden", "Tack Box Talk", "Your Spectacular Life", "The Re:DEFINE Podcast" and "Workmob"" and more!

    Episodes (41)

    107. Plantekurs og Mikrosteg

    107. Plantekurs og Mikrosteg

    Er du klar til å forvandle dine inneplanter til vinterens grønne paradis? Velkommen til vårt eksklusive plantekurs, hvor vi gir deg nøkkelen til å trives sammen med plantene gjennom den kalde årstiden.

    Vinteren kan også være en tid for blomstring og liv i hjemmet ditt. I dette kurset tar vi deg med inn i en verden av inneplanter og gir deg kunnskapen du trenger for å velge de riktige plantene som vil skinne i vintermørket. Vi utforsker hvorfor det riktige valget er så viktig og hvordan du kan sørge for at dine planter trives i vinterkulden.
    Gjør vinteren grønnere med oss – fordi ditt hjem fortjener å blomstre, uansett årstid!

    Shannon Boyer, Producing Stellar Online Courses

    Shannon Boyer, Producing Stellar Online Courses
    Shannon Boyer is an award-winning educator with more than twenty years of experience designing courses and curriculum. She helps online course creators produce stellar content that ensures more students achieve amazing transformations and write raving reviews using her Your Best Course program. Shannon’s been working with her knowledge of curriculum design to help entrepreneurs showcase their experience to achieve amazing outcomes for their clients and students. For more information, visit shannonlboyer.com.

    I Just Taught My First Masterclass - Here’s What Happened

    I Just Taught My First Masterclass - Here’s What Happened

    Going into the launch of my first masterclass, I was a bag of mixed emotions.  Excitement and fear, enthusiasm and doubt.

    Now that the class is done, I’m no less a bag of mixed emotions — except this time, all positive.

    Did it go perfectly?  Far from it.  And besides, there’s no such thing right?  It went the way it was meant to and I couldn’t be any happier about that.

    From a numbers standpoint, the registration was more than I had ever hoped for, especially given that I did no paid traffic.  All 60 registrants were generated through organic traffic and content (mostly Facebook lives) I was publishing.

    This was fantastic validation of a process I only theorized.

    The thing I’m most excited about is that now I have this class under my belt, all other classes and everything else I’ll be rolling out this year are that much more possible!

    The completion of this masterclass opens me up to a whole new world of possibilities, a world I cannot wait to to explore.

    If you missed the Influencer Masterclass, don’t worry!  You have until midnight Saturday night to access the replay.  Just register at the link below and you’ll get an email with instructions on where to watch the recorded classes


    🔗Join our Facebook community

    महिलाओं के लिए मिसाल बनी एक अनुभवी शिक्षिका एवं स्कूल प्रिंसिपल । सुनिए Deepa Chakravorty की कहानी

    महिलाओं के लिए मिसाल बनी एक अनुभवी शिक्षिका एवं स्कूल प्रिंसिपल । सुनिए Deepa Chakravorty की कहानी

    सुनिए दीपा चक्रवर्ती के जीवन की प्रेरक कहानी। दीपा चक्रवर्ती एक शिक्षाविद् हैं जो पिछले नौ वर्षों से विटी इंटरनेशनल स्कूल में काम कर रही हैं। ये वर्तमान में स्कूल के कैम्ब्रिज सेक्शन की प्रिंसिपल हैं। शिक्षिका बनने से लेकर प्रिंसिपल बनने तक दीपा ने अपना सफर कड़ी मेहनत करते हुए पार किया है। दीपा ने अध्यापन में पच्चीस साल के व्यापक अनुभव के दौरान काफी कुछ सीखा और सिखाया। आपको बतादें मध्य प्रदेश में जन्म लेने वाली दीपा चक्रवर्ती के पिता की ट्रांस्फ़ेरेबल जॉब होने के कारण इनकी स्कूली शिक्षा अलग-अलग स्कूली से पूरी हुई। अध्यापन पेशे ने इन्हें हमेशा ही अपनी ओर आकर्षित किया था। ऐसे में इन्होंने अपनी स्नातक की पढ़ाई के दौरान एक स्कूल ज्वाइन किया और वहां बतौर टीचर पढ़ाना शुरू किया। साथ ही इंग्लिश लिटरेचर में पोस्ट-ग्रेजुएशन भी की। आपको बतादें शादी के बाद भी इन्होंने अपनी पढ़ाई जारी रखी और बीएड किया, उसके बाद एमफिल किया और शिक्षण क्षेत्र में अपने सफर को जारी रखा। वर्तमान में ये विटी इंटरनेशनल स्कूल में कार्यरत हैं और स्कूल के कैम्ब्रिज सेक्शन में बतौर प्रिंसिपल अपनी सेवाएं दे रही हैं। पूरी कहानी पढ़ें https://stories.workmob.com/deepa-chakravorty-education-academia 

    वर्कमोब द्वारा #मेरीकहानी कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से एक नयी पहल शुरू की गयी है जिसके ज़रिये हर कोई छोटे बड़े बिज़नेस ओनर्स अपनी प्रेरक कहानियों को यहाँ सभी के साथ साझा कर सकते है। क्योंकि हर शख्स की कहानी में है वो बात जो जीवन को बदलकर एक नयी दिशा दिखाएगी, और ज़िन्दगी में ले आएगी आशा की एक नयी चमकती किरण। #बनाओअपनीपहचान #प्रेरककहानियाँ #दीपाचक्रवर्ती #शिक्षाविद् #विटीइंटरनेशनल #स्कूल #शिक्षिका #प्रिंसिपल #जॉब #पढ़ाई 

    जानिए वर्कमोब के बारे में: 

    जुड़िये वर्कमोब पर अपनी कहानी साझा करने और प्रेरणादायक कहानियाँ देखने के लिए। ये एक ऐसा मंच है जहां आप पेशेवरों, लघु व्यापारियों, उद्यमियों और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं की वीडियो कहानियां देख सकते हैं और दूसरों को प्रेरित करने के लिए अपनी व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक कहानी सभी के साथ साझा कर सकते हैं। आपकी कहानी में लोगों को आशा देने, प्रेरणा देने और दूसरों का जीवन बदलने में मदद करने की एक अद्भुत क्षमता है। यह 100% मुफ़्त है। इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें और देखें प्रेरक कहानियां https://stories.workmob.com/ 

    हमारे ऐप्प को डाउनलोड करें: 

    Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.workmob 

    iOS: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/workmob/id901802570

    8 सालों से शिक्षण पेशे में कार्यरत । एक ईमानदार और अनुशासित शिक्षिका । सुनिए Lata Joshi की कहानी

    8 सालों से शिक्षण पेशे में कार्यरत । एक ईमानदार और अनुशासित शिक्षिका । सुनिए Lata Joshi की कहानी

    सुनिए लता जोशी के जीवन की प्रेरक कहानी। लता जोशी पेशे से एक शिक्षिका है और पिछले 3 वर्षों से राजसमंद स्थित आलोक स्कूल में अपनी सेवाएं दे रही है। प्री-प्राइमरी क्लासेज को पढ़ाती है। इंदौर शहर में एक मध्यमवर्गीय परिवार में जन्मी और पली-बढ़ी लता ने अपनी पढ़ाई इंदौर के देवी अहिल्या विश्वविद्यालय से ग्रेजुएशन पूरी की। 2013 में इन्होंने बीएड की डिग्री ली। बीएड करने के बाद इन्होंने राजसमंद के कई अलग-अलग स्कूलों में पढ़ाया। इस पेशे में काम करते करते इन्हें आठ साल पुरे हो चुके है। इस पेशे से ये पूरी तरह संतुष्ट है और युवाओं को भी ये शिक्षण पेशे में प्रवेश करने का सुझाव देती है। पूरी कहानी पढ़ें: https://stories.workmob.com/lata-joshi-education-academia 

    वर्कमोब द्वारा #मेरीकहानी कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से एक नयी पहल शुरू की गयी है जिसके ज़रिये हर कोई छोटे बड़े बिज़नेस ओनर्स अपनी प्रेरक कहानियों को यहाँ सभी के साथ साझा कर सकते है। क्योंकि हर शख्स की कहानी में है वो बात जो जीवन को बदलकर एक नयी दिशा दिखाएगी, और ज़िन्दगी में ले आएगी आशा की एक नयी चमकती किरण। #बनाओअपनीपहचान #प्रेरककहानियाँ #लताजोशी #आलोकस्कूल #देवीअहिल्याविश्वविद्यालय #बीएड 

    जानिए वर्कमोब के बारे में: जुड़िये वर्कमोब पर अपनी कहानी साझा करने और प्रेरणादायक कहानियाँ देखने के लिए। ये एक ऐसा मंच है जहां आप पेशेवरों, लघु व्यापारियों, उद्यमियों और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं की वीडियो कहानियां देख सकते हैं और दूसरों को प्रेरित करने के लिए अपनी व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक कहानी सभी के साथ साझा कर सकते हैं। आपकी कहानी में लोगों को आशा देने, प्रेरणा देने और दूसरों का जीवन बदलने में मदद करने की एक अद्भुत क्षमता है। यह 100% मुफ़्त है। इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें और देखें प्रेरक कहानियां https://stories.workmob.com/ 

    हमारे ऐप्प को डाउनलोड करें: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.workmob iOS: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/workmob/id901802570 

    How Do Real Estate Agents Generate Leads

    How Do Real Estate Agents Generate Leads

    Careers in Real Estate explores the many areas in the real estate industry to participate in and whether it is the right career for you.  I delve deep into the dozens of niche’s and specialty areas that many people never new existed.  I also bring listeners up to date with the most relevant real estate market news and trends to be sure that new real estate professionals clearly understand how and why we work in our industry.  Each episode is time sensitive to the market at that moment in time.

    4: Thanksgiving Special

    4: Thanksgiving Special

    Luis, Red, Rogelio, and Zeke talk about the most juicy topics this week!

    Time stamps:

    • 00:00:00 - Intro
    • 00:00:47 - Ludwig's migration to YouTube
    • 00:03:00 - YouTube thumbs down button
    • 00:07:15 - Companies (small to big)
    • 00:12:00 - Thanksgiving
    • 00:19:23 - Times for Thanksgiving
    • 00:24:08 - Relatives coming over
    • 00:29:13 - Black Friday
    • 00:34:00 - Secret Santa
    • 00:38:26 - White Elephant
    • 00:44:19 - Secret Santa stories
    • 00:46:21 - Gifts as a kid vs as an adult
    • 00:47:23 - Boxers vs boxer briefs
    • 00:54:25 - Winter clothing
    • 00:56:07 - Sleeping in class
    • 00:58:00 - Rogelio on Hearthstone
    • 01:01:14 - Red and sign language
    • 01:03:51 - Zeke and his class
    • 01:04:59 - Luis and his Java professor
    • 01:08:17 - Zoom classes
    • 01:09:42 - COVID and its effects
    • 01:15:13 - Outro


    Follow us at: https://twitter.com/Degen_Podcast
    Visit our website: https://www.degenerates.live

    feat. Ambi Parameswaran

    feat. Ambi Parameswaran

    On this episode, Cyrus is joined by the amazing Ambi Parameswaran, a man who wears too many hats. Ambi is a veteran ad man, an author, a podcaster, Founder of Brand-Building.com. He is also a brand strategist and brand coach, and is the co-host of the podcast 'The Last Brand Standing'. Cyrus talks to Ambi about why dandiya is not allowed even this year, the logic around COVID rules, swimming pools not being open yet either, Ambi having to teach over Zoom and why it's just not the same as in-person teaching, and lots more. They also talk about The Last Brand Standing podcast, what was the initial thought behind it, brands that have battled on the shores, co-hosting it with Anupam Gupta (Host of Paisa Vaisa podcast), some of the episodes they have covered on their podcast like - Jet Airways vs Indigo, TATA vs Maruti, Manyavar vs Raymond, and more. Ambi also talks about this age of social media, why brands get so scared of pushback and trolling on Twitter and other social media, Byju's cancelling it's ad campaign with Shahrukh Khan because of the ongoing Aryan Khan controversy, what the right way to handle this kind of hate could be for brands, and tons more.

    Thanks SLAY Coffee for sponsoring this episode.

    Use Code - MYSLAY to get 50% OFF on SLAY Coffee

    Ordering lInks-

    Zomato: https://bit.ly/SLAYxCyrus

    Instagram- https://bit.ly/SLAYOnInsta

    Follow Ambi on Twitter & LinkedIn: https://twitter.com/ambimgp and https://www.linkedin.com/in/aparameswaran

    Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmY4iMGgEa49b7-NH94p1BQ

    Also, subscribe to Cyrus' YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCHAb9jLYk0TwkWsCxom4q8A

    You can follow Antariksh on Instagram @antariksht: https://instagram.com/antariksht

    Do send in AMA questions for Cyrus by tweeting them to @cyrussaysin or e-mailing them at whatcyrussays@gmail.com

    Don't forget to follow Cyrus Broacha on Instagram @BoredBroacha (https://www.instagram.com/boredbroacha)

    In case you're late to the party and want to catch up on previous episodes of Cyrus Says you can do so at: www.ivmpodcasts.com/cyrussays

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcasts App on Android: https://ivm.today/android

    or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Gretchen Halpert, Visual Science Communication (2019)

    Gretchen Halpert, Visual Science Communication (2019)

    Scientific illustrator and science communicator, Gretchen Halpert, discusses how she entered the field of science illustration, shares a story about the time she demonstrated the value of drawing at a medical school, and tells us about the distance learning program she created for anyone interested in learning about scientific illustration. 



    Scientific Illustration Distance Program 

    Guild of Natural Science Illustrators


    Producer: Tania Marien

    Music: So Far So Close by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License; 

    SOLO ACOUSTIC GUITAR by Jason Shaw is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 United States License.

    View The Freelance Project Portfolio to learn more about Independent environmental education professionals and how they strengthen environmental literacy.

    * Talaterra is an affiliate of Bookshop.org. Commissions earned support The Freelance Project.

    Contact Us

    Getting Ready for ONLINE First Year Med School (2/2) | #MedSchool | Ep.14

    Getting Ready for ONLINE First Year Med School (2/2) | #MedSchool | Ep.14

    In part 2 of this episode, Gab talks about the pros and cons of distance learning, realizations, and practical advice. He also shares some philosophical insights he has gained throughout a year of medical school online.

    Gab Paragas is a Medical Student in the Philippines. Prior to medical school, he has had various experiences in the academe, clinical pharmacy, and public health. He is passionate in advocating for reforms in the country's healthcare system and transforming medical education to one that is community-change driven. He has previously taken on various leadership roles in professional societies, and also in the medical school he is currently in. He enjoys watching and analyzing movies; also watching and performing in some music acts.

    Adrian Teves is a young Filipino doctor. While in medical school, Adrian served as a peer mentor, helping freshmen and sophomores adjust smoothly to the rigors of med school life. Adrian is also a passionate mental health advocate, having suffered from anxiety. It is his objective to have a community that can freely talk about mental health without reservations. He devotes his leisure time reading, working out, or playing golf.

    Michael Sibulo is both a pharmacist and a physician. After struggling throughout his four-year stay in medical school, he started advocating the use of Anki, a spaced repetition software  for time-efficient active learning. Other interests include playing the piano, jogging, learning Mandarin, and promoting eye health.

    Anki was featured on Episode 6!

    You can reach us at:

    Email: thebetterpillpodcast@gmail.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebetterpillpodcast


    00:00 Introduction

    00:39 Episode introduction

    03:38 Pros of online learning

    09:15 Cons of online learning

    13:21 What happens if you lose internet connection in the middle of an exam

    18:18 Realizations

    21:55 Would you have done anything differently with how you approached first year med?

    40:45 Recap of parts 1 and 2

    48:17 Final message


    YouTube Mirror: https://youtu.be/lkBBMX2RfvY

    feat. Anya, Trivik & Kavya

    feat. Anya, Trivik & Kavya

    On this episode, Cyrus is joined by the youngest guests in the show's history and hosts of the new podcast 'News Kids On The Block' - Anya, Kavya and Trivik. They talk about about their new show, what it's about, Trivik's love for football and Liverpool, Anya learning dancing, Kavya being a big Taylor Swift fan and not having a phone yet, and tons more. They also talk about what it's like attending online classes in today's bizarre world, having a classmate who is the 'Jesus of swimming' who lost to Kavya in a race, how things have changed when it comes to bunking classes and cheating in tests, how they've never played on the Gameboy, and more. They episode often dissolves into hilarious banter between the three guests about Trivik's football obsession, so do tune in, don't miss out.

    Follow Ascend International School: https://instagram.com/ascendspeaks

    Also, subscribe to Cyrus' YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCHAb9jLYk0TwkWsCxom4q8A

    You can follow Antariksh on Instagram @antariksht: https://instagram.com/antariksht

    Do send in AMA questions for Cyrus by tweeting them to @cyrussaysin or e-mailing them at whatcyrussays@gmail.com

    Don't forget to follow Cyrus Broacha on Instagram @BoredBroacha (https://www.instagram.com/boredbroacha )

    In case you're late to the party and want to catch up on previous episodes of Cyrus Says you can do so at: www.ivmpodcasts.com/cyrussays

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcasts App on Android: https://ivm.today/android

    or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Episode 120: Pivoting Your Business: From Tour Guide to Interactive Cooking

    Episode 120: Pivoting Your Business: From Tour Guide to Interactive Cooking
    What a fun and educational episode with our new friend Jake from Deri Dari. As an American living in Germany for 22 years, running a boutique tour guide service, Jake was shuttered by COVID-19 (as were many businesses). So what did he do? Pivoted! Now he's CEO of Deri Dari, an online platform that features real chefs who are creating and selling interactive live cooking courses with ingredient delivery! He's connecting friends and families around the world and his chefs are top notch. Want to get involved and have some fun? Visit www.deridari.com Stay tuned for next week's episode where Bryan and I cook live with Deri Dari Chef Joshua!

    Using Remote and Online Learning to Transform Client's Lives

    Using Remote and Online Learning to Transform Client's Lives
    WIth Cori Myka, co-owner of Orca Swim School and creator of the Foundations of Change learning method. For over 20 years Cori has been taking adult non-swimmers from fearful beginning to realizing their wildest dreams. Her unique teaching is so highly regarded because it is based on training and healing the mind so you can learn physical steps. Taking swimming beyond the pool and into life. Based in Seattle, WA Cori has been training students and teachers locally and across the US as well as in the UK and Singapore. Learn more by visiting the show notes at www.legalwebsitewarrior.com/podcast

    Choosing yourself when the pressure is ON with Dali Rivera

    Choosing yourself when the pressure is ON with Dali Rivera

    Joanna gets interviewed by Dali Rivera from The Dali Talks show in this episode.

    We are incredibly grateful for this interview and the opportunity that Dali gave Joanna as a guest on her show. 


    In this episode you will learn about:

    • You’re not born with insecurities.
    • People are always going to judge you regardless of what you choose in life
    • Unlearning the stories that were created when you were growing up.
    • Showing up on 30 day challenges for yourself.
    • We speak energy before anything else. 





    Dali Talks



    As a parent who went through bullying as a child and who had to advocate for her own child, I bring value to parents with the knowledge, tools, and resources that help parents learn how to teach their children to prevent and stop bullying as well as how to advocate effectively.

    I offer virtual and in-person workshops, virtual and in-person coaching and an online master class so that parents can have options on how to learn and when. The very unique part of my workshops is that parents will find them refreshingly interesting because I teach from a diversity lens. Stereotypes are a big topic in my workshops because they are a major factor in what and how children think of others as well as themselves. Oftentimes, stereotypes are used to tease, but because kids don't know facts, they use them to justify bullying others due to their differences.

    When I hold the in-person workshops, I usually include the parent AND the child. In order to make them fun, I incorporate games and a fun book that makes the workshops seem like a time of activities rather than a time of instruction.


    Ready to LEVEL UP your habits? Join my FREE 30 Day Challenge on Instagram. Text: CHALLENGE to (323) 524-9857 to receive a daily morning text to get you up and out of bed.




    On The Beat #RhythmicCyclingForAll

    On The Beat #RhythmicCyclingForAll

    Adrian Abraham speaks to Michael Thorner, co-founder of On The Beat #RhythmicCyclingForAll. His platform focuses on convenience and affordability while building a community that celebrates diversity on not just improving your personal fitness but also focusing on mental health and well-being. 

    He explains the benefits of rhythmic cycling, what we can expect from on the beat and what the fitness landscape in Singapore looks like right now.

    On the beat hashtag rhythmic cycling is offering a promo code - RideWithUS50 - use this to get a 7 day free trial and get 50% off for the first month.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Dr. Jo Boaler - Sharing the "Good" Math

    Dr. Jo Boaler - Sharing the "Good" Math

    Ronald Beghetto talks with Jo Boaler about how she believes we are at the tipping point in math education with a data science movement. She explains that the math system is perpetuated from content and curriculum developed in the 1800s that is still present in standards, testing, textbooks, and teaching methods of today. Boaler knows math is a creative vehicle for thinking about the world and problem solving, if we just change the way it is taught. Boaler’s 8 books and youcubed.org contain resources and lessons for teachers, parents and students to help them develop a mathematics mindset.

    You can learn more about Dr. Jo Boaler and Youcubed by following these links: https://ed.stanford.edu/faculty/joboaler


    You can also find her books here: https://www.youcubed.org/limitless-mind/



    Lanhee Chen: A Hypocrisy Pandemic

    Lanhee Chen: A Hypocrisy Pandemic

    California Governor Gavin Newsom has repeatedly called on Californians to come together and make sacrifices to fight COVID-19.

    The request would have been better received if, at the same time, Governor Newsom wasn’t off violating his own public health guidance by dining with a group of lobbyists at one of America’s most posh restaurants. Or, sending his kids to a Sacramento private school, in person, while many California schools remain closed for in-person learning and millions of students slog their way through online classes.

    The problem with Newsom’s hypocritical actions is that they undercut the very health care professionals and scientists whose advice he is asking Californians to follow. It makes those of us who live in California wonder who we can trust, and what guidance we should be listening to. At a time when we need leadership and clarity, Newsom has given us hypocrisy and confusion.

    California’s voters won’t soon forget his shortcomings.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Lanhee Chen: A Hypocrisy Pandemic

    Lanhee Chen: A Hypocrisy Pandemic

    California Governor Gavin Newsom has repeatedly called on Californians to come together and make sacrifices to fight COVID-19.

    The request would have been better received if, at the same time, Governor Newsom wasn’t off violating his own public health guidance by dining with a group of lobbyists at one of America’s most posh restaurants. Or, sending his kids to a Sacramento private school, in person, while many California schools remain closed for in-person learning and millions of students slog their way through online classes.

    The problem with Newsom’s hypocritical actions is that they undercut the very health care professionals and scientists whose advice he is asking Californians to follow. It makes those of us who live in California wonder who we can trust, and what guidance we should be listening to. At a time when we need leadership and clarity, Newsom has given us hypocrisy and confusion.

    California’s voters won’t soon forget his shortcomings.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.


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