
    124: How to Feel Secure Again After Your Trust Has Been Destroyed

    enJuly 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming trust issues in relationshipsBe willing to invest time, energy, and love in new relationships, but also accept the risk of potential loss to build trust

      Trust issues in relationships can stem from past experiences of betrayal and hurt, leading to a fear of being vulnerable and investing in new situations. To deal with these trust issues, it's important to be willing to give some time, energy, and love in the beginning of a relationship, but also to be prepared to potentially lose that investment if the relationship doesn't work out. This mindset allows us to give wholeheartedly and build trust, while also accepting the risk that comes with any relationship. By making peace with the possibility of loss, we can approach new relationships with a more open and trusting mindset.

    • Approaching Relationships with TrustApproach relationships with a mindset of peace, respect, and commitment, rather than fear or comfort. Use trust as a tool to enhance the connection, not define it by fear or jealousy.

      Trust is an essential component of any relationship, and it should not be based on comfort or fear, but rather on personal standards and the desire to make the relationship more beautiful. When investing time and energy into a relationship, it's important to approach it with a mindset of peace and preparedness, rather than worrying about potential hurt or betrayal. Trust should not be contingent on feeling comfortable, but rather on a personal standard of respect and commitment. Additionally, trust can be used as a tool to enhance the relationship, rather than allowing fear or jealousy to define it. By focusing on the positive aspects of the relationship and trusting your partner, you can create a stronger and more beautiful connection. Trusting in this way allows you to define the relationship by the love and respect you have for each other, rather than by your fears or doubts.

    • Building Trust in RelationshipsTrust is crucial for strong relationships. Focus on building trust and communication, rather than monitoring or controlling. Trust your partner's intentions and show compassion towards their needs. Trust is a two-way street, and logical boundaries should be based on mutual respect.

      Trust is essential in relationships. Trusting your partner and letting go of your fears and insecurities can lead to stronger, healthier relationships. Monitoring or controlling your partner's actions out of mistrust is futile and can actually damage the trust. Instead, focus on building a foundation of trust and communication. Trusting that your partner has your best interests at heart allows you to let go and be confident in their actions. It's important to remember that trust is a two-way street, and it's essential to show compassion and understanding towards your partner's needs and desires. Additionally, be mindful of letting your fears and insecurities define your boundaries. Instead, set logical and reasonable boundaries based on mutual respect and understanding. Trusting your partner and allowing them the freedom to live their lives while maintaining open communication can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying relationship.

    • Building Stronger Relationships Through Open Communication and Personal GrowthFocus on open communication and personal growth to build stronger, more resilient relationships. Address discomfort with honesty and remember that no relationship is perfect. Trust is built on the belief that we'll be able to handle challenges and find new opportunities, rather than expecting perfection.

      Relationships require open and honest communication, not rigid rules that stifle growth and trust. The speaker emphasizes that it's essential to identify the root of our discomfort and address it with our partners. It's also important to remember that no relationship is perfect, and trust should be built on the belief that we'll be able to handle challenges and move forward, rather than expecting a partner to never hurt us. By focusing on open communication and personal growth, we can build stronger, more resilient relationships. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that our reactions to our partners' actions reveal a lot about the health of our relationship. A loving and compassionate response from our partner can help heal our fears, while an agitated or dismissive response can erode trust and damage the relationship. Ultimately, trust is not about expecting perfection, but about believing in our ability to cope and find new opportunities, even in the face of adversity.

    • Building inner strength and resilience instead of relying on false certaintyFocus on personal growth to build trust and handle challenges, rather than expecting others to always be reliable

      While it's important to give trust to those who have shown they are reliable, it's essential to understand that no relationship is foolproof. Instead of relying on the false certainty that nothing will ever go wrong, focus on building inner strength and resilience. Trust can come from knowing that you have the ability to handle any challenges that come your way. If you do encounter a breach of trust, remember that the loss will be greater on the other person's side because you'll be walking away as the most loving and capable person the relationship ever had. Additionally, consider joining the 30-day confidence challenge starting on July 21st. This free challenge, led by thousands of people, aims to help you identify and improve key areas of your confidence. By gaining momentum in your confidence over 30 days, you'll be setting yourself up for long-term growth.

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    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

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    If you would like to get some advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@kastmedia.com with “Office Hours” in the subject line! 


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