
    200: What Is Self Love? (with Humble The Poet)

    enJanuary 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected bonds formed during extreme experiencesExtreme experiences can bring together competitive individuals, fostering vulnerability, deeper connections, and personal growth.

      Extreme experiences, such as participating in an ice bath retreat, can create unexpected opportunities for vulnerability and deeper connections between individuals. These experiences can bring together seemingly competitive and self-sufficient individuals, allowing them to form bonds and gain new insights. The retreat in question, led by Wim Hof, brought together a diverse group of men, who initially appeared to be hyper-competitive, but ultimately proved to be self-aware and open to vulnerability. The shared experience of pushing past comfort zones, through activities like freezing temperatures and extreme challenges, created an environment where deeper connections could be made. These connections were not limited to the retreat itself, but also extended to the participants' personal lives, leading to greater healing and understanding.

    • Sharing vulnerability leads to personal growthVulnerability can lead to personal growth and resilience, even during challenging times. Writing about experiences and putting in effort to receive love can help individuals understand the importance of self-love and being open to receiving love from others.

      Vulnerability and connecting with others can lead to personal growth and resilience, even during challenging times. This was exemplified in a unique experience where individuals, including the speaker, came together to learn and grow, feeding off each other's energy and vulnerability. For the speaker, this experience led her to write a book, "How to be Loved," which explores the idea that in order to feel love, one must be love and put in the effort to receive it. This concept was particularly relevant for her after a breakup, which inspired her to write the book and ultimately helped her understand the importance of self-love and being in a place to receive love from others.

    • Accepting Love WithinTo experience love, open yourself up and accept it, rather than trying to earn or acquire it externally. Practice self-compassion and focus on personal growth to create conditions for love to flourish.

      Love is an internal experience that requires us to open ourselves up to it, rather than something we earn or acquire externally. If someone is struggling to receive love, they may have difficulty accepting compliments or feeling comfortable with praise. This inability to accept love can manifest in various ways, such as feeling uncomfortable during moments of celebration or trying to rush through such moments. This may stem from a deep-rooted belief that love must be earned or that we're not deserving of it. To truly experience love, it's essential to work on opening ourselves up and accepting the love that comes our way. This may involve being alone, reflecting on past experiences, and practicing self-compassion. By focusing on our own growth and healing, we can create the conditions for love to flourish within us.

    • Our ego hinders our ability to receive loveFocus on building self-compassion and self-acceptance to approach relationships with an open heart and stronger self-worth, as love is bigger than our ego.

      Our ability to receive love is often hindered by our ego. Ego can manifest as a belief in our own superiority or worthlessness, both of which create barriers to authentic connection. Love, on the other hand, is vast and not limited by worthiness or enoughness. However, in the practical world, rejection can feel devastating, especially when it touches on our deepest fears of not being enough. It's important to remember that rejection is not a reflection of our worth as a person, but rather a specific response to a particular situation or interaction. To embody the idea that love is bigger than our ego, we can focus on building self-compassion and practicing self-acceptance, allowing us to approach relationships with an open heart and a stronger sense of self-worth.

    • Understanding self-perception's impact on loveSelf-perception influences our relationships, rejection isn't a reflection of worth, imperfections don't disqualify us from love, and focusing on true needs and wants is essential for authentic love.

      Our relationships, including romantic ones, are heavily influenced by our self-perception and our ability to receive love. Rejection is a natural part of life, and it's essential to remember that it's not a reflection of our worth or perfection. We all have imperfections, and they don't disqualify us from love. It's important to recognize that we barely understand ourselves and that it's impossible to fully understand others. Rejections we receive are often based on the other person's preferences and needs, not ours. Furthermore, our desire for external validation, which was crucial for survival in smaller communities, doesn't apply in modern society where we can't please everyone. Instead, we should focus on understanding our true needs and wants, rather than societal expectations or lists of desired qualities. Ultimately, learning to accept ourselves and our imperfections is the key to receiving and giving authentic love.

    • Become self-aware to attract self-aware individualsFocus on self-awareness to attract like-minded individuals. Develop depth and value within, and market yourself authentically to educate others on true importance.

      Self-awareness and self-love are crucial in attracting and connecting with self-aware individuals. We often seek validation and love from others, but many of us have internalized the incorrect notion that we need to earn it. This can lead us to be attracted to people we have to win over, rather than those who make us feel good about ourselves. In a consumeristic society, we are constantly told we're not enough, which can further perpetuate this broken idea. To attract self-aware individuals, it's essential to become one ourselves. Self-awareness is developed through dealing with rejection, pain, and processing these experiences. By marketing our depth and value, we can become the best marketers of depth and help educate others on what's truly important. Ultimately, it's more effective to focus on becoming the person we want to attract rather than trying to convince someone to value us for our deeper qualities.

    • Open to new possibilities in relationshipsRecognize that happiness may not be found where initially expected, and be open to new experiences and people who uplift and encourage personal growth.

      Sometimes we hold unrealistic expectations in relationships, projecting idealized versions of what we want or who we think we should be with. These projections can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction. A story shared involved a woman who tried for a prince but found herself ready for a frog instead. This experience illustrates the importance of being open to new possibilities and recognizing that happiness may not be found in the places we initially expect. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that everyone, including ourselves and those we look up to, have moments of doubt and insecurity. It's essential to surround ourselves with people who uplift and validate us, providing the confidence and encouragement we need to continue on our unique paths. In essence, the journey of life is an adventure filled with new experiences and growth, and it's essential to stay open to the possibilities and the people who help us discover the true versions of ourselves.

    • The allure of unhealthy relationshipsPeople may be attracted to unhealthy relationships due to past experiences, but it's essential to consider how those attractions align with our long-term goals.

      People are often drawn to what's familiar, even if it's unhealthy for them. This can manifest in romantic relationships, where individuals may be repeatedly attracted to those who are indifferent or uninterested, despite the negative consequences. This behavior can stem from past experiences, such as feeling the need to earn love from parents or primary caregivers. While physical attraction is normal and understandable, it's essential to consider how that attraction makes us feel and whether it aligns with our long-term goals. The allure of "cool" or indifferent individuals might be rooted in past experiences, but it's important to remember that not everyone who fits that description will treat us poorly. Ultimately, it's crucial to examine our patterns and consider whether we're truly valuing the deep, meaningful qualities we claim to want in a partner.

    • Focusing on external factors for relationships isn't sustainableInstead of relying on initial attraction or external validation, focus on internal growth and understanding what truly matters for deep connections and fulfilling relationships.

      Focusing solely on external factors like attractiveness or social media validation for building relationships is not a sustainable model. While initial attraction is important, it fades over time and true connection comes from within. It's essential to give people a chance, even if they don't initially meet all of our preferences or expectations. Attractiveness is subjective and varies from person to person. Instead of focusing on external factors, we should focus on understanding what truly matters to us and what we want in a relationship. This internal work is crucial for building deep connections and fulfilling relationships. Additionally, we should avoid disqualifying potential partners based on social media algorithms or external factors, as we may be missing out on valuable connections. Ultimately, it's important to remember that relationships are about growing and learning together, and true connection comes from within.

    • Recognizing the role of external factors in safety and worthSelf-awareness, inner peace, and acknowledging external influences are crucial for true safety and security, not just self-reliance or being self-made.

      Safety, whether it's physical or financial, is not solely determined by self-reliance or being self-made. People's worth and value cannot be reduced to this simplistic view. Everyone has had help in some form throughout their lives, and it's essential to recognize that. The pursuit of self-sufficiency can lead to unhealthy attachment styles and an unattainable need for autonomy. It's crucial to focus on self-awareness and finding inner peace, as well as acknowledging the role of external factors and influences in shaping our lives. Ultimately, true safety and security come from within and are not dependent on external circumstances or achievements.

    • The dangers of relying on external validation in relationshipsRecognize the importance of internal validation, focus on shared value, and respect diverse experiences to foster healthy relationships.

      External validation, even from friends, can lead to an unhealthy belief in being the "lucky one" in a relationship, causing fear of losing the partner and potentially leading to self-sacrifice. At an event focused on female empowerment, the speaker was praised for being with her fiancé, leading someone to assume he was the source of value in their relationship. This person's initial comment, though not intended to be harmful, triggered a chain reaction of thoughts that made the speaker feel they had to hold onto their partner tightly. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of recognizing and challenging such external validation and focusing on the shared value and love within the relationship. Moreover, the speaker's former partner, who made their relationship easy and synergistic, showed that a deep friendship can continue even after a breakup. The speaker's editor's dismissive attitude towards their relationship experience, believing they couldn't write about love without having children, added another layer to the speaker's journey, emphasizing the importance of understanding and respecting different experiences and perspectives. In essence, the speaker's story underscores the importance of internal validation, recognizing the shared value in a relationship, and respecting diverse experiences in understanding and expressing love.

    • Limiting beliefs about life milestonesSelflessness and growth come from various experiences, not just milestones. Everyone's journey is unique, and healthy relationships thrive within clear boundaries.

      Society's emphasis on certain life milestones as the only path to selflessness and growth can be limiting and exclusionary. The idea that one doesn't truly know or grow until they've experienced certain life events, such as having children or getting married, can make individuals feel less than if they haven't reached those milestones. This perspective can lead to dangerous competition and the forfeiting of personal boundaries in relationships. Instead, it's essential to recognize that selflessness and growth can come from various experiences and that everyone's journey is unique. Healthy relationships thrive within clear boundaries, and individuals should not compromise their values or sense of self to win someone's affections.

    • Stand up for yourself and honor your needsTo build a strong relationship with oneself, know and articulate boundaries, communicate them assertively, and believe in one's worthiness. Embrace vulnerability and deepen your connection to who you are.

      Self-love requires having boundaries with teeth – the courage and conviction to stand up for oneself and honor one's own needs. This is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and overall well-being. Often, we prioritize being likable over self-love, leading to resentment and a lack of peace. Building a strong relationship with oneself involves knowing and articulating boundaries, communicating them assertively, and believing in one's worthiness. To develop this relationship, we must divorce the concept of worthiness and embrace vulnerability, as we do with our closest friends. By being vulnerable with ourselves and honoring our boundaries, we deepen our connection to who we are and live more authentic, fulfilling lives.

    • The influence of past experiences on self-perceptionRecognize and challenge negative voices from past, prioritize self-respect, communicate clearly in relationships, and focus on self-needs and values for self-love

      Our past experiences and the voices of others can influence how we perceive ourselves and our worth. The speaker shares how feeling different and being made to feel ugly growing up made him value attractive women as a way to make up for his past. He learned that self-love and understanding who we are requires vulnerability and introspection, such as through prayer and journaling. Additionally, respecting ourselves and prioritizing self-respect over self-esteem are crucial for self-love. In the context of relationships, clear communication and avoiding mixed signals can lead to healthier and more fulfilling connections. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and challenging the negative voices from our past and focusing on our own needs and values.

    • The shift in gender roles causing discomfort in relationshipsMen's struggle to adapt to women's success leads to misunderstandings and potential relationship issues. Women should hold their ground and not compromise their goals, while seeking partners who accept and appreciate their success.

      The transition to a world where women are earning more money and pursuing their ambitions is leading to discomfort and misunderstandings in relationships, particularly for men who find themselves intimidated by their partners' success. This phenomenon is a result of societal changes and the shifting roles of men and women in relationships. Some men are struggling to adapt to this new reality and may be looking for partners who fit more traditional gender roles. However, it's important for women to hold their ground and not compromise their own goals and ambitions for the sake of their relationships. Self-aware men who can accept and appreciate their partners' success do exist, but they may be in the minority. The divorce rate being high serves as a reminder that specificity and authenticity in relationships are important, even if it means the pool of potential partners may shrink. Ultimately, it's essential for individuals to be clear about their unique requirements in a partner and not be afraid to pursue them.

    • Quality over quantity in relationshipsEmbrace self-love, personal growth, and set boundaries for successful relationships. Focus on quality over quantity to increase chances of forming healthy, fulfilling connections.

      Focusing on quality relationships rather than quantity is crucial for successful women. This means making it easier for potential partners to approach and connect, but harder to keep if they don't align with personal values. Self-love and personal growth are essential before entering a relationship, and setting boundaries should be underpinned by a strong sense of self-worth. Practicing self-love involves embracing the idea that enoughness and worthiness are not prerequisites for love, and exploring a world where these factors are not considered. By doing the necessary work alone, individuals can increase their chances of forming healthy, fulfilling relationships.

    • Focus on self-reliance and finding support from othersPrioritize self-respect, honor commitments, focus on personal growth, abandon external validation, build resilience, recognize others' opinions matter less, invest in self-care

      We should view ourselves as complete individuals, like pillars, and focus on finding another pillar to support each other, rather than relying on others to make us feel complete. It's important to abandon the notion that external validation can fill internal voids. Instead, prioritize self-respect over self-esteem by honoring commitments, setting intentions, and focusing on personal growth through challenging experiences. Building resilience and self-reliance are key to living a fulfilling life. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that others' opinions often don't matter as much as we think and to invest time in deepening our relationship with ourselves by engaging in activities we enjoy and practicing self-care.

    • Learning to value our own company and inner peaceRecognize societal pressures don't define worth, seek authentic peaceful relationships, and understand attachment styles for healthier connections

      We should value our time and learn to enjoy our own company, recognizing that our worth is not determined by external factors or societal pressures. We live in a society that often tries to convince us we're not enough, but the truth is, there is no "enoughness" when it comes to us. Healthy relationships bring peace, not excitement or pleasure, and true love doesn't require constant validation or drama. The media we consume often romanticizes unhealthy relationships, but it's important to recognize these portrayals for what they are and strive for authentic, peaceful connections instead. By understanding attachment styles and valuing inner peace, we can potentially pass up toxic relationships and find our true soulmates.

    • A strong relationship is built on self-awareness, communication, and compromisePrioritize self-awareness, communication, and compromise in relationships for a strong foundation. Learn from love role models and invest in genuine friendships for a richer life.

      Having a strong, healthy relationship doesn't necessarily mean grand romantic gestures or constant agreement. The speaker shares an example of a couple who have been married since 2003 and have never fought, but it's not because they're perfect or lack emotions. Instead, they prioritize self-awareness, communication, and compromise. They've set boundaries and have unique quirks, but their love and respect for each other are the foundation. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having love role models and encourages readers to learn from them. The book "How to be Loved" by Humble the Poet is recommended as a practical guide to both finding and loving oneself. The conversation also highlights the value of making genuine friendships and the unexpected ways they can enrich our lives.

    • Discovering the Power of Self-Love through Unconventional Love StoriesSelf-love is crucial and can be nurtured through unconventional means like dancing alone. Traditional notions of love are challenged with inspiring examples in this book.

      Learning from the discussion about the book is the importance of self-love and unconventional love stories. The book is divided into three sections: love for self, love for others, and is bookended with non-conventional love stories. One particular story that stood out was about a speaker expressing frustration to a woman who wasn't making time for him. In response, she shared that when she feels lonely, she dances to connect with herself and her body. This story highlights the power of self-love and discovering new ways to address feelings of loneliness and disconnection. The speaker was inspired by this story and realized that perhaps he should give the woman more space to practice self-love. The book challenges traditional notions of love and offers beautiful, though sometimes unconventional, examples of love in action.

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

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    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
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    Unconditional Love

    Unconditional Love

    "How can we love ourselves and others without condition, prejudice, judgment, expectations, and criticism?"

    It is one of the biggest questions that I have been thinking about lately.

    Often our love is based on conditions, not only towards others but also towards ourselves. We think, "If you do X, Y, Z, then I will love you and approve of you."

    But what if the person we expect something from doesn't do what we want? Do they deserve to be loved less?

    My client and I decided to take on an accountability game. We have to tell at least one person that we love them each day. I will go into details in today's episode and share with you our results, but frankly, it has been challenging and super fun for both of us.

    I know that some of you may be thinking, "Does it mean that I have to tolerate things I don't like? Does it mean I have to let people do whatever and still love them despite that?"

    Yes and no. Unconditional love doesn't mean we lower our standards or remove our boundaries. Unconditional love means we love someone no matter what, even when it has to be from a distance to honor ourselves and our healthy well-being.

    In today's episode, I will tell you the details about the accountability game with my client and how it is improving our interpersonal relationships. I'll also talk about what unconditional love is but mostly, how to apply it towards loving yourself first.

    At the end of the episode, I will share with you a simple tip on how to become more mindful of loving others and set the right intentions every morning before you approach the day.

    028: Self-Love:

    028: Self-Love:

    Episode Quotes:

    “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” ~ Oscar Wilde


    “There are two types of relationships, imperfect and toxic.”

    ~my wise brother


    “We are often told to love people unconditionally, but sometimes we need to get rid of people unconditionally.” ~unknown


    “You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run.”  The Gambler by Kenny Rogers 


    “Today I craved intimacy

    So, I sat down with myself

    And listened intently, 

    With fondness,

    To my heart.”

    Paper Heart by Boomie Bol  


    “I fell in love 

    with the way 

    I was quiet

    and how I was all alone

    because during that time

    my intuitions voice became louder

    and I was able to call myself home. 

    Black Sheep by Wattney Lander 


    Episode Resources:

    The Self-Love Experiment by Shannon Kaiser


    Instagram Links: 





    The Story of My Life

    The Story of My Life

    Episode 624 - This is a little bit of a long one but that's what happens when you get two guy obsessed with neurology, psychology and early childhood development. This is an interview with my friend John Howard who might be one of the best couples therapists in the world. I loved this episode and I can't wait for you to learn a ton from it! Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/robdialjr/