
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring personal growth through various topics and themesListeners can gain insights and encouragement from the We Are Some More Podcast's discussions on emotional eating, body magic, veganism, and more, as hosts reflect on their own growth and share personal experiences.

      The We Are Some More Podcast offers a wide range of topics related to personal growth and self-improvement, and listeners can benefit from scrolling back through the back catalog to find episodes that resonate with their current needs. The hosts discuss various themes, such as emotional eating, body magic, and veganism, and their conversations are edited multiple times, allowing the hosts to reflect on their own growth and learnings. The hosts also share their personal experiences and habits, like eating healthier and wearing leopard print as a symbol of support for each other. While the hosts aim to avoid swearing on the podcast, they acknowledge the power of language and how it can express emotions effectively. Overall, the We Are Some More Podcast provides valuable insights and encouragement for those seeking to improve themselves and their lives.

    • Focusing on present moment and celebrating small winsInstead of waiting for a specific goal or achievement to be happy, focus on the things that bring joy in the present and shift your mindset to 'I'm happiest when'.

      We often put unnecessary pressure on ourselves with "shoulds" and unrealistic expectations, which can lead to self-criticism and the delay of happiness. These expectations can stem from comparing ourselves to others or societal norms. It's essential to recognize that everyone's journey is unique, and focusing on the present moment and celebrating small wins can bring more joy and contentment. Instead of waiting for a specific goal or achievement to be happy, try shifting your mindset to "I'm happiest when" and focus on the things that bring you joy in the present. Remember, life is unpredictable, and it's crucial to enjoy the journey and find happiness along the way.

    • Weight loss doesn't guarantee a perfect lifeRecognize unrealistic expectations, embrace change, and prioritize self-love over external appearances.

      Weight loss does not equate to a fixed or perfect life. Expectations, especially unrealistic ones, can lead to disappointment. The speaker shares her personal experience of equating thinness with happiness, but realizing that other issues in life still needed to be addressed. She emphasizes the importance of having a mindset that is open to change and self-acceptance. Society and media can also contribute to unrealistic expectations, leading to feelings of inadequacy and the desire to conform. It's crucial to recognize whose voice we're listening to and to question the sources of these expectations. The speaker's experience of being criticized for her appearance on social media is a reminder of the scrutiny and pressure that exists in today's society. Ultimately, true happiness and fulfillment come from within, and it's essential to focus on personal growth and self-love rather than external appearances.

    • Finding happiness from withinBe true to yourself, surround yourself with love, focus on positivity, and let go of negativity for true happiness

      True happiness and self-love come from within, not from external appearances or the validation of others. The speaker shares her personal journey of trying to uphold an external image through fake hair, tan, and nails, but realizing that this wasn't making her happiest. She emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and surrounding oneself with people who love and accept us for who we are, whether we're glamorous or in our pajamas. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of focusing on the positive and letting go of negativity, especially during challenging times. She encourages consultants and anyone listening to remember that they don't have to be perfect and to focus on the things that bring them joy and happiness deep down.

    • Authenticity and vulnerability build strong consultant-client relationshipsBeing relatable and human, sharing imperfections, open-mindedness, learning from mistakes, and authentic support are crucial for successful weight loss journeys for consultants and clients

      Authenticity and vulnerability are key to building strong relationships between consultants and clients in weight loss journeys. Anna, a consultant, emphasizes the importance of being relatable and human, sharing her own experiences and imperfections. She encourages an open-minded approach to expectations and support, acknowledging that consultants are also on their own weight loss journeys. Anna also emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes, rather than getting angry or beating oneself up over them. Instead, she suggests asking why something happened and putting steps in place to prevent it from happening again. Overall, Anna's message is that authenticity, learning, and support are essential components of successful weight loss journeys for both consultants and clients.

    • Focus on progress, forgive yourself, and learn from experiencesInstead of dwelling on past mistakes, focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes, forgive yourself, and learn from experiences to prevent them from happening again. Avoid external pressures and set personal goals.

      It's important to focus on progress rather than dwelling on past mistakes or setbacks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of forgiving oneself and learning from experiences to prevent them from happening again. Additionally, the idea of having external pressures, such as specific weight goals or dress sizes, can be detrimental and should be reconsidered. Instead, individuals should focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes and setting personal goals. The speaker also encourages writing down thoughts and examining their origins to gain perspective and challenge unhelpful beliefs. Ultimately, the goal is to recognize that everyone's journey is unique and to approach weight loss or maintenance with self-compassion and a growth mindset.

    • Embracing individuality and feelings over sizesFocus on how clothes make us feel and embrace individuality, rather than fixating on sizes or labels. Everyone's body is unique and comparing ourselves to others can be misleading. Appreciate your body parts and focus on the experiences and feelings they bring.

      Focusing on how clothes make us feel and embracing individuality, rather than fixating on sizes, is key to body positivity. The speaker shared her personal experience of cutting out clothing labels and evaluating outfits based on how they make her feel, rather than the number on the tag. She emphasized that everyone's body is unique, and comparing ourselves to others can be misleading. The speaker also mentioned her observation of how different people look at the same age on online dating apps, further highlighting the importance of embracing individuality and body diversity. Additionally, she shared an inspiring story about her father, who, despite being a double amputee, appreciated his remaining body parts and urged us to do the same. Overall, the discussion encourages us to focus on the feelings and experiences that come with our bodies, rather than societal expectations or numbers on a scale or tag.

    • Childhood experiences and emotional baggage can sabotage weight loss journeyReflect on emotional causes of self-sabotaging behaviors and address underlying issues for successful weight loss and healthy lifestyle

      Our past experiences and emotional baggage can unconsciously sabotage our weight loss journey. In the TED talk discussed, a woman's difficult childhood led her to use her weight as a protective shield, and as she began to lose weight, she felt unprepared for the attention she received. This resonated with the speaker, who encouraged listeners to reflect on their own self-sabotaging behaviors and consider whether they might be rooted in deeper emotional issues. The speaker emphasized the importance of addressing these underlying causes to truly succeed in weight loss and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, the conversation touched on the emotional significance of letting go of old clothing and other material possessions associated with past weight or emotional struggles. By acknowledging and processing these emotions, we can move forward and fully commit to our weight loss goals.

    • The emotional significance of our belongingsLetting go of emotionally charged items can help us move forward and acknowledge past emotions, while unexpected finds can serve as reminders of loved ones and interconnectedness.

      Our belongings, including clothes and other items, can hold deep emotional significance and serve as reminders of past experiences, memories, and even unresolved emotions. These attachments can sometimes hinder personal growth and moving forward, such as in the context of weight loss or major life transitions like moving homes. The speaker in this conversation discovered that her clothes, particularly those with strong memories attached, were masking her acceptance of the past and her grief over the loss of her father. The process of letting go of these items, whether through memory bears or simply throwing them out, can be a crucial part of moving forward and acknowledging the emotions tied to them. Additionally, unexpected experiences, like finding a white feather in the fridge, can serve as signs or reminders of the presence of loved ones and the interconnectedness of all aspects of our lives.

    • Finding comfort in unexpected waysCherish meaningful connections, be kind to yourself, and stay open to new experiences to find comfort and happiness in difficult times.

      Finding comfort in the smallest things can bring peace and happiness in difficult times. The speaker shared an unexpected encounter with a white feather, which reminded her of her late father. She also found comfort in the familiar smell of her father's belongings and the memories associated with them. These experiences highlight the importance of cherishing meaningful connections to loved ones, even if they come in unexpected ways. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of being kind to oneself and turning negative thoughts into positive ones. She encouraged listeners to identify and scrutinize their "shoulds" and expectations, and consider whether they are realistic and necessary. By changing our mindset and focusing on the present, we can find joy in the small moments and overcome limiting beliefs. Furthermore, the speaker shared a practical tip about using molasses to help with iron deficiency. This discovery came from a chance encounter with an elderly woman in a shop. This experience underscores the value of being open to new experiences and learning from unexpected sources. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of finding comfort in meaningful connections, being kind to oneself, and being open to new experiences.

    • Importance of Communication in Personal CommitmentsStay accountable, respect commitments, use appropriate language, and keep communication open for growth and learning in personal and professional relationships

      Communication is key, especially when it comes to personal commitments. Claire shared her concerns about attending events despite promises made. Lorna discussed her progress after a long period, emphasizing the importance of staying consistent. The hosts also touched upon appropriate language usage in social media interactions. They encouraged listeners to keep in touch and shared their contact information. Through these conversations, they highlighted the importance of accountability, respect, and open communication in various aspects of life. Remember, every day brings new learning opportunities, so stay engaged and keep the lines of communication open.

    Recent Episodes from Slimming World Podcast

    229: Taking Healthy Habits Home

    229: Taking Healthy Habits Home
    Slimming World’s Woman of the Year 2023, teacher Kelly Barker, shares how she’s passing on the good habits she learnt during her journey to her family and the children at her school.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Slimming World Podcast
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    228: Let's Talk Men's Health

    228: Let's Talk Men's Health
    Anna and Clare meet Aaron Walker, Slimming World’s Man of the Year 2023 to swap stories about how losing weight has helped to improve his health – and to discover the barriers he’s overcome on his slimming journey.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Slimming World Podcast
    enJune 10, 2024

    227: Grow Your Own Free Food

    227: Grow Your Own Free Food
    There are few things more satisfying than growing your own – apart from, perhaps, enjoying the fruits of your labour! Our hosts give gardening a go, with the help of Slimming World member Hilary Sard, who has a Free Food-filled allotment!

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan.
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    226: Letting Go of Yesterday

    226: Letting Go of Yesterday
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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    225: One Blip Doesn't Mean You've Blown It

    225: One Blip Doesn't Mean You've Blown It
    Anna and Clare meet James Stubbs, professor of appetite and energy balance at the University of Leeds, to find out how a flexible mindset can help with long-term weight loss.
    Read more about the latest Slimming World research here: https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/overcoming-setbacks/

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    224: Keep On Running!

    224: Keep On Running!
    If you’ve ever thought about lacing up your trainers but don’t know how to take that first step, this is it! Packed with inspiration from Slimming World’s 2024 London Marathon team, we hear how our runners have learnt to embrace the benefits of activity. 

    Plus, Anna and Clare have a little announcement to make about Slimming World sponsoring this year's Race For Life events!

    Interested in signing up to a Race For Life event? Find out more here! https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/race-for-life/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions.
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    223: Why Food Is Your Friend

    223: Why Food Is Your Friend
    Slimming World’s Mr Sleek 2024, Mark Marsden, joins Anna and Clare to share how he changed his mindset around food, his confidence and his life for the better – so he can enjoy the food he loves (like burgers and chips!) and lose weight.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    222: Diabetes: What You Need To Know

    222: Diabetes: What You Need To Know
    Slimming World and Diabetes UK have joined forces... and both can help if you have type 1, type 2 or prediabetes. Anna and Clare chat to two special guests – Slimming World dietitian Carolyn Pallister and Stephanie Kudzin, nutritionist at Diabetes UK – to find out how.
    For specialist information and advice on all aspects of living with diabetes, call the Diabetes UK helpline on 0345 123 2399. To find out your risk of type 2 diabetes, visit

    If you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World and the support we offer people living with diabetes, head to slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Read about how Food Optimising can help you manage type 2 diabetes here: slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/slimming-world-and-diabetes-uk-partnership/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions. Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    221: Fitness...With Benefits

    221: Fitness...With Benefits
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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

    220: Fire-up Your Motivation

    220: Fire-up Your Motivation
    If your good intentions at New Year are starting to wane, how do you get back your motivation to keep going? 

    This week Anna and Clare meet the newly crowned Miss Slinky 2024 - Leanne Hemming! We find out how she lost over 7 stone with Slimming World and how she's managing to keep the weight off with healthy new habits.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    Audra is a triple Certified Trauma Informed Master Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Breathworker specializing in Eating Psychology, Love, Sex, & Relationships.

    Loving Your Relationship With Food

    Loving Your Relationship With Food
    Natalie is joined this week by Kiki Athanas. Kiki is the founder of Mind, Body, Beauty which allows her to help women overcome the negative mindsets they have surrounding food and diets. The two women talk about diet culture, restricting your food choices, how to set boundaries between yourself and your headspace around food, and how to ignore or combat the way the people around you talk about the food you are consuming and how you should be eating. Whether it be codependency, Capitalism, or misogyny; we have been fed a lot of harmful information about the food we eat and how we should feel about the act of nourishing our bodies. It is time to start seeing eating as an act of self-love and not a service to the people around you or the society you live in.

    Follow us at @menivetoleratedpod on Instagram and https://www.patreon.com/menivetoleratedpod on Patreon for bonus content! All ways to support the show, including our merchandise, can be found at https://linktr.ee/menivetoleratedpod.

    Find Kiki:
    Website: https://www.kikiathanas.com/apply-to-work-with-kiki
    Instagram: @kiki_athanas

    Listening to the Voice of Reason: Special Interview with Jumika Robinson | Podcast Ep #399

    Listening to the Voice of Reason: Special Interview with Jumika Robinson | Podcast Ep #399

    Get JoLynn's super quick cheat sheet for making weight loss easy and fun. Download here: www.EasyFunWeightLoss.com

    Listen in now for a special interview with motivational speaker Jumika Robinson. Jumika understands the transformational power of self-reflection and changing your mindset in order to effect positive change in the world. It all starts with you.

    NOTE: This is a special episode of The JoLynn Braley Show and while the interview is not focused on weight loss, the fact of the matter still stands that you must change your mindset if you are serious about losing weight for good.

    Click the link below for extra notes to accompany this free weight loss podcast episode:


    Listening to the Voice of Reason: Special Interview with Jumika Robinson | Podcast Ep #399

    Originally published June 11, 2020

    © 2020-Present JoLynn Braley International LLC

    “For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better”

    “For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better”

    It’s time to LEVEL UP! You are the controller of your life. You are creating the life you are living. I’m so passionate about helping people take back the control of their life and avoid just going through the motions. As corny as it sounds, we really only do live once. Take some of the tips from this episode and apply them into your life NOW. There is no sense in “waiting for the perfect time”. The longer you wait, the less time you have to be FEELING your best!

    30 Days to a Different Direction 30 Day Coaching Package is available now! Come join me for 30 days and wait until you SEE how much can change for you!

    Apply for coaching at:


    I’m so proud of you for being so dedicated to living your best life. When you learn how to take control of your vibration, it’s amazing how much more you will attract into your life!

    PS... Don't forget to come hang out with me on Social Media! I'm diggin' Facebook at the moment 😋



    Catch you on the next episode!!

    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️

    Exuding Calm Assertive Energy

    Exuding Calm Assertive Energy

    When Cesar Millan rehabilitates dogs, he also spends time training the owners on handling the dogs with what he calls “calm-assertive energy.”  More often than not, the dog's misbehavior is a reaction to what the unskilled owner is or isn't doing so focusing on the dog would be akin to treating the symptoms, not the problem.

    When we look at extra weight as the problem and not the symptom, we are making the same mistake.  It's this mistake that leads to thinking diets will solve the problem.

    In this episode, I discuss how in order to achieve lasting weight loss, we need to build skills like exuding calm assertive energy and claiming your space with dogs.

    To register for the upcoming workshop, Building Resilience, taking place on September 1, 2021, from 5:00-7:00pm PDT, go to moxie-club.com/harness

    Free Resources: