
    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming Adversity and Shifting IdentitiesDespite challenging upbringings and identity struggles, we have the power to adapt, shift our identities, and achieve success

      No matter the challenges we face in life, we have the power to shift our identities and overcome adversity. Anthony Trucks, a CEO, former NFL athlete, and international speaker, shares his inspiring story of growing up in foster care and being adopted into an all-white family, facing abuse and identity struggles. Despite these hardships, Anthony learned to adapt and shift his identity, which led him to become a successful entrepreneur, speaker, and author. His method for identity shift involves recognizing external factors that shape our identities and creating an ideal persona. Through his experiences, Anthony teaches us that, even in the most difficult circumstances, we have the ability to redefine ourselves and elevate our lives.

    • Feeling disconnected and powerless in childhood can hinder personal growthSupportive environments and self-belief are essential for overcoming challenges and discovering strengths

      Feeling like you don't matter or having your opportunities limited can significantly impact your development and self-confidence. The speaker shared their personal experience of growing up in foster care, where their biological mother had control over their decisions and prevented them from participating in activities like football. This left them feeling like a "leaf in the wind," disconnected and less than others. However, when they were adopted and their new family gave them the freedom to try new things, they were able to discover their strengths and passions, even if they didn't excel right away. The mental aspect of believing in oneself and having a strong sense of self-rooted in what one is doing is crucial in overcoming challenges and catching up to peers. The speaker's story underscores the importance of having supportive environments and the power of self-belief in shaping one's journey towards personal growth and success.

    • Believing in yourself and embracing the transformation to become the person you aspire to beBelieving in yourself and internalizing the identity of a successful person can lead to growth and success. Stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new experiences can help you transform into that person.

      Believing in yourself and identifying with the person you want to be is a powerful catalyst for success. It's not just about acquiring skills, but also internalizing the identity of that successful person. This transformation can be challenging, especially when you don't see yourself in that role initially. But with conscious effort and consistent action, you can overcome feelings of incongruence and eventually become the person you aspire to be. This process often involves stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things, even if you feel out of character at first. Remember, the return on the investment of time and effort is not just a new skill set, but also a deep sense of ownership and identification as that person. So, whether it's football, boxing, or any other pursuit, stay committed to the journey and embrace the transformation that comes with it.

    • Understanding the Influence of Identity on Our ReactionsRecognizing and managing different aspects of our identity can lead to better outcomes in life. Being aware of our true identity can help us navigate social situations and understand how others perceive us.

      Our identities, shaped by our experiences and beliefs, influence how we react to situations and perceived threats. This was exemplified in the speaker's experience with football, where his aggression came from his determination to protect what he believed was rightfully his. However, it's essential to learn how to channel and express different parts of our identity appropriately. The speaker emphasized that we all have various personas, and understanding and controlling them can lead to better outcomes in life. Identity is who we are when we're not consciously thinking about it, and being aware of this can help us navigate social situations and understand how others perceive us. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of their true identity, and it's the version others see that often impacts our success or lack thereof.

    • Understanding and shaping identity for growthReflect on experiences and influences, seek feedback, and make deliberate choices to align with desired identity for effective use of resources and personal/professional growth.

      Our identity, the way we show up in the world, is shaped by our experiences and the influences around us, often without our conscious awareness. This identity impacts how we handle relationships, health, business, and more. Understanding and intentionally shaping this identity can lead to greater alignment and progress in life. The Shift Method is a tool to help individuals and organizations gain clarity on their identity and make improvements. By engaging in self-reflection and seeking feedback from others, we can better understand how we are perceived and make deliberate choices to align with our desired identity. This process can lead to more effective use of time, energy, and resources, and ultimately, greater personal and professional growth.

    • Understanding and Cultivating Our Identity: Beliefs, Mindset, Habits, and FinancesRecognize the levers that influence our beliefs, thoughts, actions, and finances to become the person we aspire to be. Use tools like Yahoo Finance to manage and monitor investments for financial growth.

      Our identity is multifaceted and shows up in various aspects of our life, including health, wealth, and relationships. To understand and cultivate our identity, it's essential to recognize the levers that influence our beliefs, thoughts, actions, mindset, habits, and ego. By understanding these levers, we can architect the actions that allow us to become the person we aspire to be. Additionally, managing our finances effectively is an essential aspect of our identity. Instead of letting our money hustle for us, we should invest it to keep up with inflation and make it work for us. A tool like Yahoo Finance can help us manage and monitor our investments in one place, making it easier to make informed decisions and build wealth.

    • Exploring Financial News and Starting a Business with Yahoo Finance and ShopifyYahoo Finance offers financial news and analysis tools for investors, while Shopify simplifies the process of starting a business with user-friendly platform and AI support. Personal growth can be achieved through overcoming challenges and learning from them, as shared by the speaker in this conversation.

      Whether you're an experienced investor or just starting out, Yahoo Finance provides essential tools and resources for financial news and analysis. Meanwhile, Shopify offers a user-friendly platform for selling products, digital or physical, and provides support throughout the process. For those looking to start a business, Shopify's easy setup and AI tools like Shopify Magic can help turn online window shoppers into loyal customers. As for personal growth, the speaker in this conversation shares his experience of overcoming a career-ending injury by taking ownership of his problems and navigating through them, which he later refined into a structured process for others. Overall, both Yahoo Finance and Shopify can be valuable resources for personal and professional growth.

    • Define the identity of the person you want to beExamine beliefs, mindset, habits, and handling difficult situations to cultivate desired identity, not a one-time exercise but continuous process

      Identity plays a crucial role in achieving success. It's not just about acquiring knowledge or skills; it's about who we are as individuals and how we navigate challenges. We all have moments of procrastination or making excuses, but the person who has the goal we desire wouldn't do that. Therefore, it's essential to define the identity of the person we want to be, and then put that identity into action. This means examining our beliefs, mindset, habits, and how we handle difficult situations. It's not a one-time exercise but a continuous process of refinement. Remember, knowledge is important, but it's who we are with what we know that truly matters. So, take the time to think about the identity you want to cultivate and make it a reality in your daily life.

    • Creating a disciplined system for personal growthFocusing, persisting, and building accountability in a strategic plan leads to personal growth and tangible results

      Developing a disciplined system is key to transforming your identity and achieving your goals. This process involves creating a strategic plan, building accountability, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Without a plan, it's easy to get derailed by emotions and distractions. Accountability helps keep you on track during tough times, and doing things that are out of character for the person you want to be can help you grow and evolve. The process may feel challenging at first, but with consistency, it will become second nature and lead to significant personal growth and tangible results. The speaker uses the analogy of getting lost in the flow of a coffee shop session to illustrate the transformative power of a disciplined system. By focusing and persisting, even in the face of obstacles, you can create the life you desire.

    • Overcoming Ego Obstacles for Growth and SuccessAcknowledge and accept weaknesses instead of defending them to promote growth and success.

      Growing and success often require stepping out of our comfort zones, but our ego can be both a tool and an obstacle in this process. The ego protects our current identity, and while it can help us succeed, it can also prevent us from recognizing areas for improvement and growth. To overcome the ego's obstacles, it's important to acknowledge and accept our weaknesses, rather than denying or defending them. Practical tips include recognizing the moments when our ego becomes defensive and using self-awareness to separate our identity from our actions. For example, if someone points out a flaw or mistake, instead of getting defensive, we can acknowledge it and commit to improving. By recognizing and managing our ego, we can create the green lights for success in our lives.

    • Understanding Criticism and Embracing GrowthWhen criticized, recognize it's often an opportunity for growth. Listen, acknowledge truth, and give self-permission to improve for deeper relationships and personal growth. Identify, plan, and sustain changes through an identity shift process.

      When we feel attacked or criticized, it's essential to understand that it's often not a personal attack but a reflection of areas for growth in our lives. Instead of reacting defensively, we can listen to the feedback, acknowledge any truth in it, and give ourselves permission to improve. This process can lead to deeper relationships and personal growth. The speaker also discussed the concept of an identity shift, which involves three stages: seeing, shifting, and sustaining. In the first stage, we identify the areas that are holding us back. In the second stage, we create a plan to address those areas and make the desired changes. In the third stage, we establish a discipline system to maintain our progress and stay focused on our goals. By following this process, we can become the person we aspire to be and achieve the things we desire.

    • Embracing challenges, staying focused, and surrounding yourself with a healthy environment are key to personal growth.To achieve personal growth, embrace challenges, stay focused on goals, and surround yourself with positive influences and supportive relationships.

      Making significant shifts in life, such as developing new habits or identities, can be challenging at first but eventually becomes second nature. This transformation results in effortless effort and greater returns. However, the environment plays a crucial role in this process. Surrounding oneself with positive influences and supportive relationships can significantly accelerate the shift and make it easier to maintain. Conversely, a negative environment can hinder progress. We are designed for connection, and trying to make changes in isolation can be ineffective. So, to summarize, embracing challenges, staying focused on your goals, and surrounding yourself with a healthy environment are essential for successful personal growth.

    • Surrounding yourself with the right people and environment impacts personal growthSurround yourself with individuals whose expectations align with your goals, read 'Identity Shift' for insights on identity shift, use Indeed for hiring, focus on character, attitude, and reliability.

      Surrounding yourself with the right people and environment can significantly impact your personal growth and expectations. Being around individuals who think and flow at a higher level can elevate your consciousness and expose you to new insights and information. However, it's essential to be around people whose expectations align with your goals, not just those who have similar wealth or status. The book "Identity Shift" by the speaker aims to help readers understand the concept of identity and take actionable steps to make a shift. The book not only explains the concept but also provides a method to apply it, ensuring readers retain the information and can make a tangible change. Additionally, the speaker shared his experience with hiring, emphasizing the importance of looking beyond job descriptions and focusing on character, attitude, and reliability. He also recommended using Indeed as a powerful hiring platform to streamline the process.

    • Find joy and peace in everyday experiencesFinding joy and peace leads to a more profitable and successful life. Use Indeed for effective hiring and upgrade for free with a $75 credit. Emphasize forgiveness for a fulfilling life.

      Finding peace and joy in the journey of life can lead to greater success and profitability. According to the Talent Nest 2019 report, Indeed is an effective tool for businesses looking to hire, delivering four times more hires than all other job sites combined. To upgrade a job post on Indeed, businesses can receive a $75 sponsored job credit, which is currently being offered for free. The speaker, a successful entrepreneur, emphasized the importance of finding joy in everyday experiences and seeking peace, rather than focusing solely on the destination. He shared that by giving out positivity and peace, the world reflects it back, leading to a more profitable and successful life. Additionally, he touched upon the importance of forgiveness in living a fulfilling life. Overall, the message is to enjoy the journey and find peace in the everyday experiences to lead a more profitable and successful life.

    • Understanding People's Needs and ExperiencesForgiveness is about recognizing people's needs and experiences, releasing emotional burden, and promoting healing and growth.

      Forgiveness is about recognizing that people often act out of their own needs and experiences, rather than with the intention to harm others. The speaker shares how they came to this understanding after reflecting on past hurts and realizing that most people were simply living for themselves. Instead of carrying anger and resentment, the speaker encourages compassion and understanding, recognizing that people often lack the necessary tools or experiences to be their best selves. Forgiveness, in this sense, is not about excusing harmful behavior, but rather about releasing the emotional burden of anger and allowing both parties to move forward. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of considering the impact of holding onto resentment on oneself and on relationships. By focusing on logic and empathy, the speaker found a way to forgive and move past past hurts.

    • Recognizing and upgrading our identityFormer NFL player Anthony Trucks encourages recognizing past experiences, focusing on daily improvements, and using ego as a tool for success.

      Our identity shapes our experiences and can be deliberately shifted to improve our lives. Anthony Trucks, a former NFL player, shared his journey of transforming his identity from a foster child with a troubled past to a successful athlete. He emphasized the importance of recognizing our experiences and taking action to upgrade ourselves, starting with clarity and focusing on one daily improvement. Additionally, Anthony highlighted the role of ego in our success, encouraging us to reflect on it and use it as a tool rather than an obstacle. To learn more about self-discovery and personal growth, check out episode 41 of Young and Profiting Podcast featuring Mark Metrie.

    • Embrace challenges and learn from themShift perspective to see difficulties as opportunities for growth, engage with the podcast community, and appreciate the hard work of those behind the scenes.

      Difficult times are a natural part of life and can serve as opportunities for growth instead of sources of frustration. As the speaker mentioned, "a bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul." It's important to remember that everyone experiences ups and downs, and it's essential to shift perspective and use those challenges to learn and grow rather than dwelling on negativity. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of preparation and understanding guests' backgrounds to create insightful and engaging interviews. The podcast "Young and Profiting" values listener feedback and encourages them to leave reviews on Apple Podcasts as a way to support the show. Furthermore, the speaker acknowledged and appreciated the hard work of her assistant producer and lead researcher, Greta, and encouraged listeners to engage with the podcast by sharing it on social media and connecting with the host, Hala Taha, on LinkedIn. Overall, the message conveyed is to embrace challenges, learn from them, and engage with the podcast community.

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    How I Use LinkedIn and Pipedrive to Drive Sales for My $5M Company
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    YAPClassic: Dean Graziosi, How Underdogs Can Turn Disadvantages into Advantages
    Dean Graziosi watched his hardworking parents struggle financially. Driven to break the cycle and create a secure, prosperous future, he turned to entrepreneurship. He started a firewood business in high school, fixed wrecked cars, and ran a tow truck company, among other ventures. By 25, he had amassed millions of dollars in real estate. By 30, he had retired his parents. In this episode, Dean shares his journey, the power of the underdog mindset, and strategies for turning adversity into success. Dean Graziosi is a renowned entrepreneur, real estate investor, and bestselling author known for his expertise in personal development. He has started or played a major role in over 14 successful companies, including the Mastermind.com platform. In this episode, Hala and Dean will discuss: - Dean's journey from humble roots to millionaire by his mid-20s - Using financial struggles as a drive to succeed - Resourcefulness over having resources - What is the Underdog Advantage? - How to adopt an underdog mindset  - Desperation as a powerful tool for persuasion - Maintaining enthusiasm and authenticity in sales - The biggest misconception in business - Why you need confidence to make sales - Overcoming the fear of failure and impostor syndrome - And other topics… Dean Graziosi is a multiple New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and educator. He has started or played a major role in over 14 successful companies, including the Mastermind.com platform. His books include Millionaire Success Habits and The Underdog Advantage. Dean’s philanthropic contributions include donating over 8,000,000 meals to Feeding America to help feed families in need, building multiple schools in Africa with the help of Village Impact, and donating $500,000 to help liberate children from human trafficking and sexual exploitation through Operation Underground Railroad. Connect with Dean: Dean’s Website: https://www.deangraziosi.com/  Dean’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deangraziosiinc/  Dean’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/deangraziosi  Dean’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deangraziosi/  Dean’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deangraziosi Dean’s Podcast, Own Your Future: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/own-your-future-with-dean-graziosi/id1085301578  Resources Mentioned:  YAP Episode #294 with Dean: https://youngandprofiting.com/dean-graziosi-its-never-been-easier-to-turn-your-passion-into-entrepreneurial-success-e294/  Dean’s Books:  The Underdog Advantage: Rewrite Your Future by Turning Your Disadvantages into Your Superpowers: https://www.amazon.com/Underdog-Advantage-Rewrite-Disadvantages-Superpowers/dp/0578568462  Millionaire Success Habits: The Gateway to Wealth & Prosperity: https://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Success-Habits-Gateway-Prosperity/dp/1401975763  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify  Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting  Facet - For a limited time Facet will waive $250 enrollment fee for new annual members! Visit facet.com/profiting for details. Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP  Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING    More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Dean Graziosi: It’s Never Been Easier to Turn Your Passion into Entrepreneurial Success | E294

    Dean Graziosi: It’s Never Been Easier to Turn Your Passion into Entrepreneurial Success | E294
    Nearly 30 years ago, Dean Graziosi had to build physical products, ship DVDs, and spend over $200k just to sell a $37 course. Today, he could sell the same course for a fraction of the money and time using the power of AI. In this episode, Dean shares insights on the evolving entrepreneurial landscape, leveraging new technologies, and monetizing personal knowledge.    Dean Graziosi is a renowned entrepreneur, real estate investor, and bestselling author known for his expertise in personal development. He has started or played a major role in over 14 successful companies, including the Mastermind.com platform.   In this episode, Hala and Dean will discuss: - Why the American Dream needs a generational reboot - How to stay resourceful as an entrepreneur - Why work-life integration trumps work-life balance - The best and worst businesses to start right now - His formula for freeing up time to build your dream business - Transforming life experiences into business opportunities - How to gain a competitive edge using AI - Maximizing business potential with niche markets - The importance of confidence and persistence - Practical tips for automating and delegating tasks - The significance of having a big purpose in business - How to model proven practices for faster success - And other topics… Dean Graziosi is a renowned entrepreneur, real estate investor, bestselling author, and motivational speaker. With over 25 years of experience, he’s on a mission to provide self-education for those seeking transformation and fulfillment outside the traditional education path. He co-hosts numerous training events with Tony Robbins, including the highly anticipated virtual live event, The Game Has Changed. He has played a pivotal role in the success of over 14 companies, including the Mastermind.com platform. Dean is also a dedicated philanthropist, supporting various charitable causes worldwide. Connect With Dean: Dean’s Website: https://www.deangraziosi.com/  Dean’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deangraziosiinc/  Dean’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/deangraziosi  Dean’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deangraziosi/  Dean’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deangraziosi Dean’s Podcast, Own Your Future: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/own-your-future-with-dean-graziosi/id1085301578  Resources Mentioned: The Game Has Changed: http://deanandtonylive.com/hala  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Facet - For a limited time Facet will waive $250 enrollment fee for new annual members! Visit facet.com/profiting for details. Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    YAPClassic: Marshall Goldsmith, What I’ve Learned From 40 Years of Coaching the World’s Most Successful Business Executives

    YAPClassic: Marshall Goldsmith, What I’ve Learned From 40 Years of Coaching the World’s Most Successful Business Executives
    During COVID, Marshall Goldsmith spent several hours every weekend listening to successful people speak about their lives. From these sessions, he learned that even the highest achievers need help finding fulfillment. So, he wrote The Earned Life to address this need, drawing inspiration from Buddhism and his experience as an executive coach. In this episode, Marshall shares practical advice and exercises to help overachievers find personal fulfillment and live without regret. Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the leading expert on leadership and coaching for behavioral change. He is also the author of several bestsellers, including Triggers and The Earned Life. In this episode, Hala and Marshall will discuss: - Marshall’s childhood and early years  - Marshall’s interpretation of Buddhism - How he uses his Buddhist philosophies in coaching  - The benefits and drawbacks of delayed gratification  - Impermanence and the ‘every breath’ paradigm  - Letting go of past successes - The definition of an earned life  - How regret and fulfillment are polar opposites  - Avoiding the big regrets - Why people don't live their own lives  - The three demands of living an earned life - And other topics…  Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is recognized as the leading expert on leadership and coaching for behavioral change. He has been named one of the top ten business thinkers in the world and the top-rated executive coach at the Thinkers50 ceremony in London since 2011. Marshall is the author of several Wall Street Journal and New York Times #1 bestsellers, including Triggers and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, which is also the winner of the Harold Longman Award as Best Business Book of the Year. His newest book, The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment, was released in May 2022.  Connect with Marshall: Marshall’s Website: https://marshallgoldsmith.com/ Marshall’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marshallgoldsmith/ Marshall’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachgoldsmith/ Marshall’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/coachgoldsmith Marshall’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marshall.Goldsmith.Library Marshall’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvlM6xRUC_ErV_q1FgUgiA Resources Mentioned:  Marshall’s Book, The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment: https://www.amazon.com/Earned-Life-Regret-Choose-Fulfillment/dp/0593237277   YAP Episode 42, Become a Better Leader with Dr. Marshall Goldsmith: https://youngandprofiting.com/42-become-a-better-leader-with-dr-marshall-goldsmith/  Marshall’s New Yorker Profile, “The Better Boss”: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2002/04/22/the-better-boss  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.    Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING Rakuten - Start all your shopping at rakuten.com or get the Rakuten app to start saving today!   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Shruti Joshi: Get Good With Money, Achieve Financial Zen With Personalized Financial Planning | E293

    Shruti Joshi: Get Good With Money, Achieve Financial Zen With Personalized Financial Planning | E293
    Shruti Joshi launched her company just before the COVID-19 pandemic, only to see it crumble. This setback, however, provided a window for her to take on a consulting role at Facet, where her entrepreneurial experiences set her up for success. Before long, she became the company’s COO and later, President. In this episode, Shruti discusses Facet’s mission to democratize financial wellness for millions of Americans and shares strategies for holistic financial planning. Shruti Joshi is the President and COO of Facet, a fintech company disrupting the financial wellness industry. She has been recognized as Wealth Solutions Report’s AAPI Innovator of the Year and one of the top women industry leaders of 2024. In this episode, Hala and Shruti will discuss: - Shruti’s background and early career - Her transition from investor to COO at Facet  - Limitations within the financial planning industry - Why entrepreneurs need professional financial advice - The holistic approach to financial planning - The results of Hala’s financial wellness quiz - How Facet is disrupting financial planning - The role of AI in financial planning - Actionable steps for financial wellness - The importance of fiduciaries for conflict-free advice - The subscription model vs. traditional financial planning fees - Why Certified Financial Planners are the industry gold standard  - And other topics…  Shruti Joshi is the President and COO of Facet, a leading fintech company revolutionizing financial planning with a subscription-based model. Before joining Facet, she founded a peer-to-peer recommendation service and held key roles at Verizon and Altman Solon. She is passionate about democratizing financial planning and making it accessible to everyone. Shruti has been recognized as Wealth Solutions Report’s AAPI Innovator of the Year and one of the top women industry leaders of 2024. A true globetrotter, Shruti has visited over 75 countries and is deeply interested in the psychology of wellness. Connect With Shruti: Shruti’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shruti-joshi-282369a/  Shruti’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/shruti_jo  Resources Mentioned: Facet Website: https://facet.com/   Financial Wellness Test: https://facet.com/profiting  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING Rakuten - Start all your shopping at rakuten.com or get the Rakuten app to start saving today! More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    YAPClassic: Alex Hormozi, How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No

    YAPClassic: Alex Hormozi, How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No
    One of Alex Hormozi’s portfolio companies was underperforming, and he saw a clear solution—raise prices by 50%. Despite the CEO's resistance, which took nine calls to overcome, they implemented the price increase. The result? The business tripled its profit within three months. Alex knew the key to maximum profitability was delivering maximum value, a lesson he learned from his own mistakes. In this YAPClassic episode, Alex breaks down his value equation and shares strategies for creating irresistible offers. Alex Hormozi is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and co-founder of Acquisition.com, a portfolio company overseeing multiple businesses. He is the bestselling author of $100M Offers, where he shares strategies for creating irresistible business proposals. In this episode, Hala and Alex will discuss: - Providing high value without cutting prices - Alex’s ‘value equation’ for crafting irresistible offers - The four key drivers of value in business - How to identify profitable markets - Strategies to scale your business rapidly - Focusing on high-return activities for maximum impact - Leveraging high-impact opportunities with minimal effort - Eliminating your side hustles to scale your main business - Techniques to attract and retain loyal customers - And other topics… Alex Hormozi is a first-generation Iranian-American entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. In 2013, he started his first brick-and-mortar business. Then, he transitioned from gym ownership to founding GymLaunch, a fitness business consultancy, which expanded to over 4,000 locations within four years. Alongside his wife, Leila, Alex bootstrapped three additional companies, which generated $120 million in sales. Then, the Hormozis founded Acquisition.com through which they manage a portfolio of bootstrapped companies. Alex is the bestselling author of $100M Offers, where he shares strategies for creating irresistible business proposals. He is also the host of The Game podcast.  Connect with Alex: Alex’s Website: https://www.acquisition.com/bio-alex Alex’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexanderhormozi/ Alex’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlexHormozi Alex’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hormozi/ Alex’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ahormozi Resources Mentioned: Alex’s Book, $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No: https://www.amazon.com/100M-Offers-People-Stupid-Saying/dp/1737475715 YAPClassic: Robert Greene on Decoding the Laws of Human Nature: https://youngandprofiting.com/yapclassic-decoding-the-laws-of-human-nature-with-robert-greene/   LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course. Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting. Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Julie Solomon: How To Make Money On Instagram In 2024, Even With A Small Audience | E292

    Julie Solomon: How To Make Money On Instagram In 2024, Even With A  Small Audience | E292
    Despite her introversion, Julie Solomon thrives on Instagram. She has successfully monetized her influence and built a reputation as one of the top thought leaders in influence marketing. In this episode, Julie shares her best strategies for growing your brand and monetizing your influence online. She also touches on masterminds and the Instagram algorithm. Julie Solomon is an influencer, branding expert, and coach passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow their audience. She is the host of The Influencer Podcast and the author of Get What You Want. In this episode, Hala and Julie will discuss: - Julie’s approach to balancing privacy and influence - Succeeding as an introverted influencer - Essential Instagram content to create right now - Why you must focus on value-based content - Proven strategies for building authority online - Overcoming fear in content creation - Monetizing a small following - Why every entrepreneur needs a mastermind - DM automation for driving sales - Effective methods for boosting engagement on Instagram - How to make your brand messaging magnetic - Maximizing Instagram Stories for conversion - And other topics…  Julie Solomon is a visibility, brand strategy, and brand deal coach, helping entrepreneurs and creators elevate their visibility and impact. She is the host of the top-rated The Influencer Podcast, providing real-time coaching and business growth insights to millions of listeners worldwide. She is also the author of the bestselling book, Get What You Want. She has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. She has also been named among the top 100 leaders in influence marketing by Influence Co.  Connect With Julie: Julie’s Website: https://juliesolomon.net/  Julie’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-solomon-375127133  Julie’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/JulsSolomon  Julie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julssolomon/  Julie’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JulsSolomon/  Julie’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/juliesolomontv  Julie’s Podcast, The Influencer Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-influencer-podcast/id1229401800?mt=2  Resources Mentioned: The Revenue Growth Lab: https://juliesolomon.net/profiting   LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting. Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!    More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

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    ▶Music: øneheart - this feeling

    ►FAIR-USE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER* Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

    ** I do not own the right to this content. They have been repurposed in compliance with fair usage with the goal of educating and inspiring others. If any owners would like me to remove this I have no problem with that.

    ►For any concerns or inquiry, please contact us at:Theassbreakingmotivation@gmail.com

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