
    Bonus: How to Make & Keep Resolutions

    enDecember 28, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing mind and emotions for successful resolutionsFocus on realistic goals and self-compassion to overcome resistance and make lasting change

      To make and keep resolutions, it's essential to understand the importance of managing your mind and emotions, and practicing self-compassion. The host of Unfucked Your Brain, a podcast that teaches listeners how to rewire their brains to achieve their goals, shares her personal experience of prioritizing flexibility and freedom over structure. She emphasizes that everyone has different priorities, and for those feeling stuck in a life that isn't working, the freedom found on the other side is worth the effort. However, change can be scary, and our brains naturally resist it. The host suggests focusing on two tools to help make and keep resolutions: setting realistic and achievable goals, and practicing self-compassion. By understanding that change is a process, and it's okay to make mistakes, we can learn to manage our minds and emotions, take control of our thought process, and overcome the roadblocks that keep us from making change.

    • Constraints create opportunities and simplify decision-makingLimiting choices or goals leads to informed decisions and effective focus, ultimately increasing productivity and improving overall life

      Constraints are essential for making goals happen and achieving freedom. Contrary to popular belief, constraints actually create opportunities and simplify decision-making. When faced with too many options, humans experience choice overload and decision fatigue, making it difficult to make a choice or accomplish any goal. This phenomenon can be observed in various aspects of life, including buying jam in a supermarket or setting New Year's resolutions. By limiting the number of choices or goals, we can make more informed decisions and focus our efforts effectively. Consequently, understanding and embracing constraints can lead to increased productivity and overall improvement in our lives.

    • Limit daily decisions to conserve mental energyFocus on one new decision a day to implement for better decision making and goal achievement

      Overloading yourself with too many resolutions or tasks can lead to decision fatigue, which can negatively impact your ability to make rational decisions. When faced with numerous decisions, your decision-making ability weakens, leading to irrational choices. To avoid this, successful people often limit their daily decisions to conserve mental energy for important decisions. Therefore, instead of making multiple resolutions, consider focusing on one new decision a day to implement, making it easier to maintain and reducing the overall decision load. By simplifying your choices, you can make better decisions and achieve your goals more effectively.

    • Limit your resolutions to avoid decision fatigueMake one or two clear resolutions, plan ahead, and commit to them to reduce decision fatigue and increase chances of success.

      Making too many resolutions or choices can lead to decision fatigue, making it harder to stick to your goals. To avoid this, it's recommended to make a very limited number of resolutions, ideally just one or two, and focus all your energy on implementing them. By planning ahead and making decisions in advance, you can reduce decision fatigue and increase your chances of success. This means getting specific about your resolution, such as the number of times a week, the days, and the time of day, and committing to it by making it concrete in your schedule. The more decisions you make ahead of time, the easier it will be to follow through and avoid the phenomenon of putting off your resolution indefinitely.

    • Practicing constraint in setting resolutionsChoosing one goal instead of multiple can lead to self-love, acceptance, and a sense of pride and achievement, rather than self-criticism and a long list of things to change.

      Practicing constraint in setting resolutions can lead to greater self-love and acceptance. Constantly striving for self-improvement based on societal pressures can lead to self-criticism and a long list of things to change, perpetuating a cycle of undervaluing oneself. By choosing only one goal, resolutions shift from a self-critical mindset to a focus on accomplishment and strategic goal setting. Practicing constraint requires confronting reality and committing to making one thing happen, rather than being overwhelmed by trying to change multiple things at once. This approach can lead to a sense of pride and achievement, rather than a cycle of self-criticism and self-defeat. In essence, constraint in resolution setting is about getting real and learning what you truly want, rather than hiding in the confusion of trying to fix everything at once.

    • Break free from perfectionism with constraint and massive actionEmbrace constraint and take massive action towards a single goal to eliminate confusion, negotiation, and self-pity, creating mental freedom and achieving remarkable results

      To break free from the cycle of perfectionism, self-criticism, and failure, one must embrace constraint and massive action towards a single goal. Massive action means taking action until the goal is met, regardless of effort or personal feelings. This approach eliminates confusion, negotiation, and self-pity, creating mental freedom. Despite the inevitable failures and strategy changes, the commitment to massive action relieves pressure and allows for continuous progress. The feeling of accomplishment from pushing through challenges is far more rewarding than the temporary satisfaction of giving up or settling for less. By focusing on constraint and massive action, one can achieve remarkable results and experience true personal growth.

    • Set achievable goals for personal growthPick one ambitious goal, plan it out, take massive action, join a community or take a course, approach with a growth mindset, and be consistent.

      Setting meaningful and achievable goals is essential for personal growth and self-improvement. Instead of making vague New Year's resolutions that often fail, it's important to pick one ambitious goal, plan it out, and take massive action towards achieving it. By doing so, you can become the person you want to be, learn new skills, and experience real satisfaction and self-regard. To help you set and keep your goals, consider joining a community or taking a course that provides guidance and support. Most importantly, approach goal-setting with a growth mindset, focusing on the process rather than the outcome, and be willing to learn and adapt along the way. Don't let the fear of failure or the guilt of abandoning past resolutions hold you back. Make 2021 the year you actually change your life by setting achievable goals and taking consistent action towards them.

    • Join The Clutch for life transformationText your email to 347-934-8861 for easy access to The Clutch's mobile site and start your life transformation journey

      The Clutch is a community that aims to help individuals transform their lives, and joining can be as simple as texting your email address to 347-934-8861 to receive a link to their mobile site. The text will provide more information about the organization, and the speaker expresses confidence that it will make a positive impact. The convenience of joining through text message is a notable feature, making it accessible to a wider audience. The speaker's enthusiasm and belief in the power of The Clutch to bring about change is evident, and they invite the listener to join them in this journey.

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    Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/345

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    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/344

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    Order your copy today! Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head - and How to Get It Out: https://www.takebackyourbrainbook.com

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    Plus, don’t miss out on our special book club opportunities—buy three copies and join live book club sessions with me in June! Let’s embrace this feminist mindset revolution together. Happy release day, everyone!

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    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    ree Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY


    When you ask the right questions, you get the answers you need.

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