
    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing spiritual and business priorities in church leadershipEffective church leadership requires a combination of spiritual and business acumen, leading to a thriving organization that prioritizes helping people change lives and financial management.

      Effective leadership in a church context requires a combination of spiritual and business acumen. Craig Groeschel, the host of the podcast, emphasizes the importance of this perspective, as he and his team have brought business experience into their church leadership roles. They view their church as a "spiritual business," requiring intentionality, financial management, and a focus on helping people change lives. This approach has led to recognition for their organization as the number one best place to work among small to midsize organizations by Glassdoor. Gerry Hurley, a guest on the podcast and a longtime friend and colleague of Craig's, brings valuable business leadership experience to their team, making their church an exemplary organization that thrives by balancing spiritual and business priorities.

    • Emphasizing a clear mission and values for a strong cultureLeaders must have a clear mission and values, consistently reinforce them, and hire team members who align to build a strong and thriving organizational culture.

      Creating a strong and thriving organizational culture requires intentionality, consistency, and the right team. Jerry, as a leader, emphasizes the importance of having a clear mission and set of values that everyone can get behind and embrace. Consistently repeating and reinforcing these values is crucial to driving them deep into the organization. The hiring process and onboarding are key opportunities to ensure new team members align with the values. By building a common language and set of tools, and being consistent over time, organizations can create a culture where every team member feels engaged and excited to contribute.

    • Values shape an organization's cultureLeadership should consistently reinforce values through practices, align them with desired culture, and understand that change takes time and effort.

      Values play a crucial role in shaping an organization's culture. They should be consistently reinforced through hiring practices, onboarding processes, and team interactions. Values are not just words, they should be lived out and should cost something. If a value doesn't challenge you or cost you anything, it may not be a true value. Changing an organization's culture takes time, energy, and effort. It's important for leadership to understand what they want the culture to look like and align it with their values. It may not be possible for everyone on the team to make the cultural shift. However, with intentional effort and consistency, values can become the foundation of a healthy and cohesive team culture.

    • Leaders play a crucial role in shaping company cultureLeaders must be willing to change their own behaviors and address unhealthy mindsets to effectively lead teams in improving company culture

      Improving a company culture is a long-term process that involves addressing unhealthy mindsets and detoxing bad behaviors. It starts with the leaders, who must be willing to buy in and change their own behaviors before they can effectively lead their teams. Culture is constantly evolving, and it's essential to recognize that every day brings an opportunity to make it better or let it drift in the wrong direction. If a culture has gone bad under a specific leader, the first step is to help that leader see the disconnect. But if they can't or won't change, it may be necessary to replace them. Changing a team's mindset is a challenging process, and some team members may not be receptive. However, turning some team members is not necessarily a bad thing and is a part of the process. Overall, improving a company culture requires consistent effort, energy, and a willingness to address issues as they arise.

    • Assessing a candidate's values for a long-term fitInvesting time and resources into understanding and hiring individuals who embody the organization's values leads to a stronger, more cohesive team.

      Having a clearly defined organizational culture is crucial for recognizing and hiring individuals who fit well within the team. The first step in the hiring process focuses on assessing a candidate's competency, which is essential for the role. However, the remaining 90% of the process revolves around aligning the candidate's values with the organization's values. This alignment ensures a long-term fit and commitment to the team. Competency is relatively easy to determine, but understanding and assessing values requires a thoughtful interview process. By asking the right questions and evaluating a candidate's responses, interviewers can make informed decisions about potential hires. Overall, investing time and resources into understanding and hiring individuals who embody the organization's values leads to a stronger, more cohesive team.

    • Identify commonalities among top performing employeesFocus on both effectiveness and heart values, such as work ethic, resilience, and trust, to build a strong team and culture

      To determine the attributes necessary for success in an organization, one should look to their top performing employees and identify the commonalities among them. These attributes may include work ethic, resilience, sense of humor, integrity, humility, teachability, and flexibility. By focusing on both effectiveness and heart values, organizations can build a strong team and culture. Trust, which is crucial for a healthy team dynamic, is a choice that should be given rather than earned. It's important to exhibit trust towards team members and expect the same in return, as this can lead to increased speed and productivity. This approach was effective for the speaker's organization over 20 years ago, and it still holds true today.

    • Building trust during disagreementsLeaders who model open communication and value feedback create a safe environment for team growth and better outcomes.

      Trust is essential for any productive relationship or collaboration, and it's important to extend it even during disagreements. Trust allows us to have open and honest conversations, which can lead to growth and improvement. Leaders who model a high-feedback culture and are receptive to constructive criticism create an environment where team members feel safe to share their thoughts and ideas, ultimately leading to better outcomes. Trust and open communication are interconnected, and both are crucial for building a successful team or organization. Additionally, having team members with diverse perspectives can lead to innovative solutions and better decision-making. So, as a leader, aim to build trust, encourage open communication, and create an environment where feedback is valued and incorporated.

    • Creating a culture of open feedback and continuous improvementLeaders should seek feedback, provide anonymous mechanisms, respond positively, act on feedback, build trust, focus on values, empower team, hire right people, and consistently put in effort for progress.

      Creating a culture of open feedback and continuous improvement is crucial for any organization's success. Leaders should actively seek feedback from their team members and provide mechanisms for them to give feedback anonymously. It's essential to respond positively and act on the feedback received. This not only encourages more feedback but also builds trust and a stronger team. Even if an organization is not in a great place currently, through good leadership, anything is possible. Leaders should focus on building a value-driven culture, empowering their team, and hiring the right people. Understanding one's goals and values and taking small steps towards them every day can help an organization progress and eventually reach its desired state. Remember, it didn't happen overnight, and consistent effort is key. For more insights, check out episodes 5, 6, 16, 17, 19, and 20 of the podcast.

    • Hiring the right team for mission successEffectively leading a team requires hiring passionate, selfless individuals with the right values and motivations, fostering a culture that drives people towards a meaningful mission, and ultimately creating a productive and special workplace.

      Building a successful and healthy team takes time, effort, and making the right hiring decisions. It involves facing challenges, making difficult decisions, and experiencing pain, but the culture created by a passionate and selfless team can help correct issues. Hiring the right people with the right values and motivations is crucial for a leader to effectively lead and achieve their mission. The byproduct of having a driven team focused on a meaningful mission is a great workplace culture where people are excited to come to work. As Craig said, "I never wake up thinking, I just want our people to be happy. I want them to be driven, passionate, and selfless about something bigger than themselves." Focusing on hiring the right people and the team's mission will ultimately lead to a special and productive team.

    • Leading authentically and empowering teamsEffective leadership involves being genuine, solving problems, and empowering team members. Hire well, be yourself, and work together to achieve great results.

      Effective leadership involves being genuine, solving problems, and empowering team members. Craig Groeschel emphasizes the importance of hiring well, empowering people, and working together to achieve great things. He encourages listeners to be themselves and lead authentically, as people prefer a real leader over a perfect one. Craig and his team are committed to providing valuable content in each episode of their podcast, "Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast." They invite listeners to engage by writing reviews, sharing on social media, and inviting others to join their leadership journey. For more resources and information, listeners can visit life.church/leadershippodcast and sign up for monthly updates. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast to help spread the word about great leadership.

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    Strategies for Building Great Leaders | Rob Hoskins

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/strategies-for-building-great-leaders-rob-hoskins/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/using-adversity-to-your-advantage-will-guidara/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/leading-a-billion-dollar-sales-team-stephanie-chung/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/cultivating-drive-as-a-leader-dr-josh-axe/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/tools-for-building-self-worth-jamie-kern-lima/ 

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    Steven Furtick on Breaking Mental Barriers, Working Out, and Embracing Your Strengths

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/steven-furtick-on-breaking-mental-barriers-working-out-and-embracing-your-strengths/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/3-habits-of-consistent-leaders-think-ahead-preview/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/solving-problems-you-didnt-create-dr-jon-chasteen/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/8-habits-of-great-decision-makers-part-2/

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    If this sounds like the thoughts you have when you read or hear about gaining freedom in your business, keep reading!

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    In this episode, we talk about the process of proper delegation in your practice and life to help you get the freedom you’re craving. Tune in to get my top gems on how to stop wearing all the hats starting today! 

    What you’ll learn from this episode: 

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    • The mindset blocks holding you back from scaling your practice to gain freedom.

    • What you need to do to be a better delegator, not a doer.

    • The best step to take so you can stop with the boomerang effect (don’t know what the Boomerang Effect is? Then you need to listen).

    • The top 3 tips to gain freedom in your practice immediately!


    Want additional support? 

    Join me for my free, live training Million Dollar Practice where we talk about what it takes to scale your practice for growth, sustainability and profit with the next level in mind. Use this link to register: https://savvyclover.com/million-dollar-practice

    Be part of Private Practice CEO™ - the CEO school for Private Practice Owners. It’s time to Own Your CEO Status to scale your practice for growth, sustainability and profit. Apply to join our next cohort and get access to 4 retreats! Click here to learn more: https://savvyclover.com/private-practice-ceo

    Follow me on Instagram to be empowered to own your CEO status. Get answers to your questions about what it takes to scale your practice for growth, sustainability and profit. 

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    PPP 244 | (Video) How Do You Deal With Endings?

    PPP 244 | (Video) How Do You Deal With Endings?

    How do you deal with endings? This was a week of endings for me. We moved my dad into assisted living. He's excited about the change. For anyone who has had to go through this with an unwilling parent, I can only imagine how much more trying that is.

    But endings are not easy, right? He moved out of the house he built. He lived in it for over 50 years. It's the home we grew up in, soon to be refurbished and lived in by someone we've never met. They'll never know the memories that were made in that home.

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    Let Me Hear From You!

    What do you think about these ideas on endings? How do you try to end well? Let's connect on LinkedIn and discuss! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Also, what have you been learning lately? What are you reading? Please e-mail me (show [AT] PeopleAndProjectsPodcast [DOT] com) or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). I look forward to hearing from you!

    Please give us feedback about The People and Projects Podcast! Take our Listener Survey at https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/ListenerSurvey. Thank you!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 3:06

    Download episode 244

    FUNKORAMA by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

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    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessfromthenorthwest/

    Wanna do business together? Need a new roof? Have a deal? Partner with me, and let's make it happen! shoot me an email: Live@autographconstruction.com