
    Cynt Marshall on Being the First Black Female CEO in the NBA

    en-usAugust 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing Influence and Leadership from a Young AgeEmbrace your influence, lead with purpose, and help the next leader rise, breaking barriers and ensuring a diverse pipeline

      The importance of representation and developing the next generation of leaders. Cynt Marshall, the first black female NBA CEO in history, shares her journey of recognizing her influence and leadership abilities from a young age. She emphasizes the significance of breaking barriers and ensuring a pipeline of diverse leaders to follow. As she rose through the ranks at AT&T and became the CEO of the Dallas Mavericks, she never forgot the importance of representation and striving for greatness. This resonates with the need for leaders, regardless of their background, to not only excel in their roles but also pave the way for the next generation. Cynt's book, "You've Been Chosen: Thriving Through the Unexpected," offers valuable insights and lessons from her experiences. Embrace your influence, lead with purpose, and remember to help the next leader rise.

    • Developing Future LeadersFocus on developing and empowering others, regardless of background or demographic, to ensure a strong pipeline for future leaders and create a more diverse and inclusive leadership landscape.

      Being the first in a leadership role comes with unique responsibilities. While focusing on doing a great job is essential, it's equally important to ensure that the pipeline for future leaders is filled. This means developing and empowering others, regardless of their background or demographic. It's crucial to remember that being a leader is about serving and leading first, rather than focusing solely on personal achievements. When hiring, it's essential to look for competence and the right fit for the job, regardless of race, gender, or other factors. This approach not only benefits the individual but also helps to create a more diverse and inclusive leadership landscape.

    • Listening, Learning, and Loving: The 3 L's of Effective LeadershipEffective leadership involves selecting competent individuals, deeply engaging with your team, and demonstrating empathy through listening, learning, and loving.

      Effective leadership requires a diverse team with competent and qualified individuals, but it must start with selecting individuals based on their qualifications first. The speaker, who spent 35 years at AT&T, emphasized the importance of learning the business and serving the team. He also shared his "3 L's of Leadership": listen to your team, learn from them, and love them. By deeply engaging with your team, you can gain their trust and understand their perspectives, leading to a more successful and inclusive organization. The speaker's personal experience of climbing a telephone pole to better understand his team's work demonstrates his commitment to empathy and servant leadership.

    • Meeting with every employee to understand their backgrounds and dreamsEffective leaders listen, learn, and show genuine care for individuals to build strong, productive teams

      Effective leadership involves learning, loving, and listening to individuals. When Mark Cuban became the CEO of the Dallas Mavericks, he made it a priority to meet with every employee, not just the leaders, and listen to their life stories. This helped him understand their backgrounds, cultures, and dreams, allowing him to connect with them as people, not just employees. By showing genuine interest and care, Cuban created a loyal and engaged team. This approach not only benefits the employees but also leads to better results for the organization. In essence, by loving, learning from, and listening to people, leaders can build strong and productive teams.

    • Effective leaders listen closely and create a safe space for authenticityEffective leaders listen actively, build trust through vulnerability, and uncover hidden issues to strengthen team dynamics.

      Effective leaders listen closely to their team members and look for what's not being said. They create a safe space for authenticity and vulnerability, allowing team members to share their stories and underlying motivations. This approach builds trust and strengthens the team dynamic. The speaker shared a personal example of how she used active listening and empathy to uncover hidden issues that were impacting one of her team members' performance. This approach not only improved team dynamics but also demonstrated the leader's genuine care and commitment to her team. The speaker's background, shaped by her mother's determination and her own experiences growing up, played a significant role in shaping her leadership style. She emphasized the importance of intuition, prayer, and active listening in developing strong leadership skills.

    • The power of education and community support in overcoming adversityGrowing up in poverty and experiencing violence, the speaker's mother prioritized education and her own determination propelled her to excel academically. Community support from teachers and school administrators also played a crucial role in recognizing her potential and helping her achieve success.

      No matter the circumstances, education and the support of community can help individuals overcome adversity and achieve success. The speaker grew up in poverty and experienced violence, but her mother's emphasis on education and her own determination propelled her to excel academically. Even during difficult times, such as when her parents divorced and her house was ransacked, the speaker's mother remained focused on providing a stable environment for her children to learn. The community, including teachers and school administrators, also played a crucial role in supporting the speaker and recognizing her potential. Despite the challenges she faced, the speaker went on to graduate at the top of her school district and receive multiple scholarships to attend college. This story highlights the power of perseverance, faith, and the support of others in overcoming adversity.

    • The power of community and connectionHumility, collaboration, and community are essential for achieving goals. Learning from a strong mother figure and leading a basketball team, the speaker emphasizes the importance of values like character, respect, authenticity, fairness, teamwork, and safety.

      No matter how strong and capable we may be, we cannot do it all alone. We need the support and help of others to succeed. This was a lesson the speaker learned from her own experiences, growing up with a strong and faith-filled mother who taught her the importance of community and connection. This theme was further emphasized when she joined the Dallas Mavericks, where she was brought in by Mark Cuban to transform the culture of the team. Despite not knowing much about the business of basketball, she was able to lead and instill values in the organization, with the help and guidance of her colleagues. The values she established, which spelled out the acronym CRAFTS (Character, Respect, Authenticity, Fairness, Teamwork, and Safety), became the foundation for the team's success. Ultimately, the speaker's journey highlights the importance of humility, collaboration, and the power of community in achieving our goals.

    • Cast a clear vision, create the right culture, and choose the right peopleEffective leadership involves setting a clear vision, fostering a positive culture, and selecting the right team members to implement systems that align with that vision

      Effective leadership involves casting a clear vision, creating the right culture, and choosing the right people to implement systems that align with that vision, regardless of the industry or organization. Mark Cuban saw potential in Cynthia Marshall as a leader, and her proven track record of culture transformation allowed her to succeed as the first black female CEO of an NBA team, despite the added pressure and historical significance. This approach applies universally, and it's essential for organizations to prioritize values and ensure they operate not just on the walls but in the halls as well. When leaders focus on these elements, they can change the direction of their teams and organizations towards their desired vision.

    • Leaders called out for mistake, responded authenticallyCreating a work environment where team members feel comfortable to call out their leaders, and leaders respond authentically, builds trust and effective teams.

      Effective leadership involves authenticity, transparency, and trust. The CEO in this discussion shared an experience where his team called him out for getting ahead of schedule on a project and not being able to check off a compensation item yet. Instead of getting defensive, he acknowledged his mistake and worked with the team to find a solution. This incident highlights the importance of creating a work environment where team members feel comfortable enough to call out their leaders when necessary. The CEO also emphasized the need for leaders to be authentic in their beliefs and actions, and to create an inclusive workplace where people of all backgrounds and beliefs can thrive. He believes that authenticity and transparency are essential for building trust and effective teams.

    • Leading through personal challengesDespite personal obstacles, stay focused on your purpose, take action, seek guidance, and believe in yourself to make a difference.

      No matter what personal challenges we face, as leaders, we have a greater purpose to fulfill. We have been chosen for our roles, and it's essential to rise above our circumstances and continue leading. Faith is crucial, but it must be accompanied by action. We must address our challenges and keep moving forward. It's not always easy, but remembering our larger purpose can help us stay focused and motivated. Additionally, seeking guidance and inspiration from successful leaders who have overcome their own obstacles can provide valuable insights and encouragement. Ultimately, believing in ourselves and our unique abilities can help us make a real difference in our organizations and communities.

    • Surround yourself with positivity for growthInvest in personal growth, pray for support, and surround yourself with positivity to become a worthy and effective leader.

      Surrounding yourself with the right people and resources can help you grow into a worthy and effective leader. Craig Groeschel encourages listeners to check out his leadership podcast and resources available at life.church/leadershippodcast. He also emphasizes the importance of prayer and community support in personal growth. In the podcast, they prayed for a leader named Scents and her husband, Kenny, asking for healing, empowerment, and blessings. Groeschel emphasizes that everyone benefits when a leader continues to improve. So, invest in yourself, surround yourself with positivity, and never stop growing.

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