
    Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #72: Anticipating SEO Problems Before They Happen

    enFebruary 22, 2022

    About this Episode

    In this episode, we talk about anticipating SEO problems before they happen.

    00:00:44 - Maintain Documentation of Hosting Locations
    00:03:17 - Plan Workflows of New Content, Site Updates, and Changes
    00:05:53 - Redesign Your Website Every Two Years for SEO Purposes
    00:09:48 - Plan for Rankings to Drop with a New Site Launch
    00:12:42 - Plan to Test Page Speed with New Add-Ons and Plug-Ins

    For more on the tools and tips in this episode, please visit:

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    For more on the tools and tips in this episode, please visit:

    Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #72: Anticipating SEO Problems Before They Happen

    Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #72: Anticipating SEO Problems Before They Happen

    In this episode, we talk about anticipating SEO problems before they happen.

    00:00:44 - Maintain Documentation of Hosting Locations
    00:03:17 - Plan Workflows of New Content, Site Updates, and Changes
    00:05:53 - Redesign Your Website Every Two Years for SEO Purposes
    00:09:48 - Plan for Rankings to Drop with a New Site Launch
    00:12:42 - Plan to Test Page Speed with New Add-Ons and Plug-Ins

    For more on the tools and tips in this episode, please visit:

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    00:03:15 - Get Your Most Important Keywords Into Your Website Top Nav.

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    00:09:09 - Think of All the Places You Control and Make Sure Your Full, Correct URL Is Included.

    00:12:24 - Understand Your Google My Business Ranking and Complete Your Profile.

    For more on the tools and tips in this episode, please visit: https://www.dodgeballseo.com/

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    For more on the tools and tips in this episode, please visit: